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We hypothesized that in utero and lactational exposure of male rats to a mixture of more than 15 organochlorines, resembling that found in blubber from northern Quebec seals, alters reproductive development and function. Female rats were gavaged with either corn oil (controls) or the organochlorine mixture in increasing doses (low, medium, and high) for 5 wk before mating and through gestation. Developmental effects were monitored in the male offspring from Postnatal Day (PND) 2 until PND 90. The high-dose mixture reduced the number of pups per litter, percentage of live offspring, and pup weights (P < 0.05). Because only three rats from the high-dose treatment survived, data from this group beyond PND 2 were not included in the statistical analyses. As assessed by the time of preputial separation, puberty was delayed in the pups from treated dams (P < 0.05). Testes weights in the medium-dose group were greater than those in controls on PND 21 (P < 0.05). Ventral prostate weights were lower for the medium-dose group on PND 60 (P < 0.05). On PND 90, weights of the epididymis, ventral prostate, and seminal vesicle of the medium-dose rats were reduced compared to those of controls (P < 0.05). On PND 90, sperm motility parameters assessed by computer-assisted sperm analysis were altered in the low- and medium-dose groups (P < 0.05). Testicular and epididymal morphology was severely affected in rats exposed to the high dose of the mixture. Serum testosterone, LH, FSH, prolactin, and total thyroxine levels did not differ because of organochlorine treatment. Therefore, in utero and lactational exposure to an environmentally relevant organochlorine mixture adversely affects the reproductive system of male rats, perhaps via antiandrogenic effects during testis development, suggesting a possible reproductive health hazard for humans and other species.  相似文献   

Bisphenol A (BPA), a widely used environmental contaminant, may exert weak estrogenic, anti-androgenic and anti-thyroidic activities. BPA is suspected to possess aneugenic properties that may affect somatic cells and mammalian oocytes. Oocyte growth and maturation depend upon a complex bi-directional signaling between the oocyte and its companion somatic cells. Consequently, disturbances in oocyte maturation may originate either from direct effects of BPA at the level of the oocyte or from indirect influences at the follicular level, such as alterations in hormonal homeostasis. This study aimed to analyze the effects of chronic BPA exposure (3 nM to 30 microM) on follicle-enclosed growth and maturation of mouse oocytes in vitro. Oocytes were cultured and their spindle and chromosomes were stained by alpha-tubulin immunofluorescence and ethidium homodimer-2, respectively. Confocal microscopy was utilized for subsequent analysis. Only follicles that were exposed to 30 microM BPA during follicular development showed a slightly reduced granulosa cell proliferation and a lower total estrogen production, but they still developed and formed antral-like cavities. However, 18% of oocytes were unable to resume meiosis after stimulation of oocyte maturation, and 37% arrested after germinal vesicle breakdown, significantly different from controls (p<0.05). Only 45% of the oocytes extruded a first polar body (p < 0.05). 30 microM BPA led also to a significant increase in meiosis I-arrested oocytes with unaligned chromosomes and spindle aberrations. Oocytes that were able to progress beyond meiosis I, frequently arrested at an abnormal telophase I. Additionally, in many oocytes exposed to low chronic BPA that matured to meiosis II chromosomes failed to congress at the spindle equator. In conclusion, mouse follicle culture reveals non-linear dose-dependent effects of BPA on the meiotic spindle in mouse oocytes when exposure was chronic throughout oocyte growth and maturation.  相似文献   

Effects of a xenobiotic estrogen, bisphenol A (BPA), on reproductive functions were investigated using adult male rats. BPA was dissolved into sesame oil and injected s.c. every day (1 mg/rat) for 14 days. Animals were killed by decapitation after the final administration of BPA, and the trunk blood, pituitary, and testes were collected. Plasma concentrations of prolactin were dramatically increased and pituitary contents of prolactin were slightly increased in the BPA group compared to the control group. Plasma concentrations of testosterone were decreased and plasma concentrations of LH were increased in BPA-treated rats compared to control rats. Testicular contents of inhibin were decreased in BPA-treated rats compared to control rats, although plasma concentrations of inhibin were not changed after administration of BPA. The testicular response to hCG for progesterone and testosterone release was decreased in BPA-treated rats. Administration of BPA did not change the pituitary response to luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LH-RH) in castrated male rats treated with testosterone. Male sexual behavior also was not changed as a result of BPA treatment. These results suggest that BPA directly inhibits testicular functions and the increased level of plasma LH is probably due to a reduction in the negative feedback regulation by testosterone. The testis is probably a more sensitive site for BPA action than the hypothalamus-pituitary axis.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine whether in utero exposure to Bisphenol A (BPA) induced reproductive tract abnormalities in the adult male testis. Using the C57/Bl6 mouse, we examined sex‐organ weights, anogenital distance, and testis histopathology in adult males exposed in utero via oral gavage to sesame oil, 50 µg/kg BPA, 1000 µg/kg BPA, or 2 µg/kg diethylstilbestrol (DES) as a positive control from gestational days 10 to 16. No changes in sperm production or germ cell apoptosis were observed in adult testes after exposure to either chemical. Adult mRNA levels of genes associated with sexual maturation and differentiation, GATA4 and ID2, were significantly lower only in DES‐exposed testes. In summary, the data indicate no gross alterations in spermatogenesis after in utero exposure to BPA or DES. At the molecular level, in utero exposure to DES, but not BPA, leads to decreased mRNA expression of genes associated with Sertoli cell differentiation. Birth Defects Res (Part B) 92:526–533, 2011. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Bisphenol a exposure causes meiotic aneuploidy in the female mouse   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
BACKGROUND: There is increasing concern that exposure to man-made substances that mimic endogenous hormones may adversely affect mammalian reproduction. Although a variety of reproductive complications have been ascribed to compounds with androgenic or estrogenic properties, little attention has been directed at the potential consequences of such exposures to the genetic quality of the gamete. RESULTS: A sudden, spontaneous increase in meiotic disturbances, including aneuploidy, in studies of oocytes from control female mice in our laboratory coincided with the accidental exposure of our animals to an environmental source of bisphenol A (BPA). BPA is an estrogenic compound widely used in the production of polycarbonate plastics and epoxy resins. We identified damaged caging material as the source of the exposure, as we were able to recapitulate the meiotic abnormalities by intentionally damaging cages and water bottles. In subsequent studies of female mice, we administered daily oral doses of BPA to directly test the hypothesis that low levels of BPA disrupt female meiosis. Our results demonstrated that the meiotic effects were dose dependent and could be induced by environmentally relevant doses of BPA. CONCLUSIONS: Both the initial inadvertent exposure and subsequent experimental studies suggest that BPA is a potent meiotic aneugen. Specifically, in the female mouse, short-term, low-dose exposure during the final stages of oocyte growth is sufficient to elicit detectable meiotic effects. These results provide the first unequivocal link between mammalian meiotic aneuploidy and an accidental environmental exposure and suggest that the oocyte and its meiotic spindle will provide a sensitive assay system for the study of reproductive toxins.  相似文献   

Herein we report that subcutaneous injection of low doses of ovine prolactin (oPRL) induce yawning in young adult male rats. The most effective dose of oPRL in evoking yawning was 0.25 microgram/kg body weight (5.2 yawns/60 min at 1000 hr vs 0.3 in control animals). Doses of 0.025, 0.05, 2.5, 25, and 250 micrograms/kg were less effective. Interestingly, yawning in response to oPRL changes over the course of one circadian cycle with highest frequency at 1600 hr (11 yawns/80 min vs 2 yawns/80 min in animals injected with boiled oPRL). The onset of yawning in most oPRL-treated rats began approximately 40 min after oPRL injection, whereas with apomorphine the latency to the response was about 10 min. These results indicate that oPRL in addition to other hypophysial peptides such as ACTH and MSH can stimulate yawning. It is proposed that PRL after initial activation of the nigrostriatal dopamine system secondarily induces yawning by inhibition of this system via an autoreceptor-mediated negative feedback mechanism. This may explain the long latency to the response.  相似文献   

We evaluated the effects of protein malnutrition on liver morphology and physiology in rats subjected to different malnutrition schemes. Pregnant rats were fed with a control diet or a low protein diet (LPD). Male offspring rats received a LPD during gestation, lactation, and until they were 60 days old (MM group), a late LPD that began after weaning (CM), or a LPD administrated only during the gestation-lactation period followed by a control diet (MC). On day 60, blood was collected and the liver was dissected out. We found a decrease in MM rats’ total body (p < 0.001) and liver (p < 0.05) weight. These and CM rats showed obvious liver dysfunction reflected by the increase in serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase (SGOT) (MM p < 0.001) and serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase (SGPT) (MM and CM p < 0.001) enzymes, and liver content of cholesterol (MM and CM p < 0.001) and triglycerides (MM p < 0.01; CM p < 0.001), in addition to what we saw by histology. Liver dysfunction was also shown by the increase in gamma glutamyl transferase (GGT) (MM, MC, and CM p < 0.001) and GST-pi1 (MM and CM p < 0.001, MC p < 0.05) expression levels. MC rats showed the lowest increment in GST-pi1 expression (MC vs. MM; p < 0.001, MC vs. CM; p < 0.01). ROS production (MM, CM, and MC: p < 0.001), lipid peroxidation (MM, CM, and MC p < 0.001), content of carbonyl groups in liver proteins (MM and CM p < 0.001, MC p < 0.01), and total antioxidant capacity (MM, CM, and MC p < 0.001) were increased in the liver of all groups of malnourished animals. However, MM rats showed the highest increment. We found higher TNF-α (MM and CM p < 0.001), and IL-6 (MM and CM p < 0.001) serum levels and TGF-β liver content (MM p < 0.01; CM p < 0.05), in MM and CM groups, while MC rats reverted the values to normal levels. Pro-survival signaling pathways mediated by tyrosine or serine/threonine kinases (pAKT) (MM and CM p < 0.001; MC p < 0.01) and extrasellular signal-regulated kinase (pERKs) (MM p < 0.01; CM p < 0.05) appeared to be activated in the liver of all groups of malnourished rats, suggesting the presence of cells resistant to apoptosis which would become cancerous. In conclusion, a LPD induced liver damage whose magnitude was related to the developmental stage at which malnutrition occurs and to its length.  相似文献   

In this paper, we tested the hypothesis that exposure to estrogens of different source and estrogenic potency at early puberty could affect the development of socio-sexual behavior in the male rat. Puberty is regarded as a second stage of the ontogenetic period, in the sexual maturation of mammals, particularly sensitive to gonadal hormone milieu. We treated animals orally, from postnatal day 23 to 30, with an environmentally compatible dose of bisphenol A (BPA, 40 microg/kg/day) and with a dosage of ethinylestradiol (EE, 0.4 microg/kg/day) comparable to the human oral contraceptives. Exposure to EE altered the temporal pattern of male sexual activity, reducing performance, in the adult animals; slight modifications, in the same direction, were observed with BPA. Short-term behavioral effects were observed in the treated animals, both with BPA and EE: the exploratory drive, directed to a stimulus object and to the environment, as well as to conspecifics, was reduced in the juveniles. Modifications in the circulating T levels were observed after treatments: T was reduced in the juveniles, both with BPA and EE. The decrement persisted in the adult animals but reached significance only in the BPA group. On the whole, effects of pubertal exposure on behavior are more marked with EE than BPA. This can be due to the much higher estrogenic potency of EE; the direction of the behavioral effects of BPA, compared with EE, is however indicative of an estrogenic mechanism.  相似文献   

To study possible genotoxic effects of occupational exposure to vanadium pentoxide, we determined DNA strand breaks (with alkaline comet assay), 8-hydroxy-2'deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG) and the frequency of sister chromatid exchange (SCE) in whole blood leukocytes or lymphocytes of 49 male workers employed in a vanadium factory in comparison to 12 non-exposed controls. In addition, vanadate has been tested in vitro to induce DNA strand breaks in whole blood cells, isolated lymphocytes and cultured human fibroblasts of healthy donors at concentrations comparable to the observed levels of vanadium in vivo. To investigate the impact of vanadate on the repair of damaged DNA, co-exposure to UV or bleomycin was used in fibroblasts, and DNA migration in the alkaline and neutral comet assay was determined. Although, exposed workers showed a significant vanadium uptake (serum: median 5.38microg/l, range 2.18-46.35microg/l) no increase in cytogenetic effects or oxidative DNA damage in leukocytes could be demonstrated. This was consistent with the observation that in vitro exposure of whole blood leukocytes and lymphocytes to vanadate caused no significant changes in DNA strand breaks below concentrations of 1microM (50microg/l). In contrast, vanadate clearly induced DNA fragmentation in cultured fibroblasts at relevant concentrations. Combined exposure of fibroblasts to vanadate/UV or vanadate/bleomycin resulted in non-repairable DNA double strand breaks (DSBs) as seen in the neutral comet assay. We conclude that exposure of human fibroblasts to vanadate effectively causes DNA strand breaks, and co-exposure of cells to other genotoxic agents may result in persistent DNA damage.  相似文献   

Propamocarb (PM) is a pesticide that is widely used to protect cucumbers and other plants from downy mildew.Recently,some studies indicated that PM exposure had potential toxic effects in animals.In this study,adult male zebrafish were exposed to 100 and 1000 μg/l PM for 7 days to assess its effects on metabolism and the gut microbiota.We observed a significant decrease in triglyceride (TG) in the livers of zebrafish that were exposed to 1000 μg/l PM for 7 days.At the same time,some genes related to glycolysis and lipid metabolism in the livers of zebrafish,including hexokinase-1 (HK1),pyruvate kinase (PK),acyi-CoA oxidase (Aco),peroxisome proliferator activated receptor alpha (Ppar-α),apolipoprotein A-Ⅳ-like (Apo),Acetyl CoA carboxylase-1 (Acc1),diacylglycerol acyltransferase (Dgat),and fatty acid synthase (Fas),were also decreased significantly after PM exposure.Based on GC-MS metabolomics analysis,a total of 48 metabolites changed significantly in the 1000 μg/l PM treatment group in comparison with the control group.These altered metabolites were mainly associated with the glycolysis,amino acid metabolism,and lipid metabolism pathways.Interestingly,we further found that the 1000 μg/l PM treatment group also showed significant elevations in Proteobacteria,Bacteroidetes,and Firmicutes at the phylum level.Sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene in the V3-V4 region also showed a significant change in the abundance and diversity of the gut microbiota in the 1000 μg/l PM treatment group.Our results indicated that exposure to PM for a short time could induce hepatic metabolic disorders and gut microbiota dysbiosis in adult male zebrafish.  相似文献   

I P Gorlov  P M Borodin 《Genetika》1986,22(6):1019-1024
The effect of stress on the recombination frequencies at the 1st and 2nd chromosomes of male mice was shown earlier. The purpose of this work is the study of the stress effects on the behaviour of meiotic chromosomes. Male mice (A/He and DD/J inbred strains) were treated with acute immobilizing stress at different periods, prior to killing. It was shown that the stress significantly increases the frequency of X-Y and autosomal univalents in metaphase 1 and aneuploidy in metaphase 2. The most sensitive to the stress are the late interphase - early leptotene cells.  相似文献   

Pituitary-testicular axis abnormalities in immature male hypothyroid rats   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The pituitary-testicular disturbances which follow the onset of hypothyroidism were studied in immature male Wistar rats rendered hypothyroid by treatment with methimazole (MMI) given in drinking water, starting at 40 days of age. Half of the animals continued on MMI (MMI group) up to 140 days of age; the remaining rats were withdrawn MMI at 100 days and injected thereafter s.c. with 3 micrograms of T3 daily, during the last 40 days (MMI + T3 group). Ten rats were used as controls (C group). Hypothyroidism induced in immature animals significantly decreased serum T4, T3, LH, PRL, and testosterone levels, and also impaired the normal growth of body and sex accessory glands. T3 replacement therapy helped to normalize serum hormonal levels, but the body and sex accessory gland weights were not fully corrected. Hypothyroidism also reduced the [125I]LH/hCG binding sites of testicular homogenates. T3 replacement was not able to improve the binding; nonetheless, the hormone-receptor affinity constant remained unaltered among the groups. Leydig cell responsiveness to hCG stimulation in vitro (0-82 nM) showed impaired testosterone production in the MMI group (25% of that found in the C group) and also in the MMI + T3 group (80% of that found in the C group). These data demonstrate that induction of hypothyroidism in the immature male rat leads to alterations in serum LH, PRL and testosterone levels, and suggest that thyroid hormones have a modulating action on the testis as far as LH-mediated testosterone secretion is concerned.  相似文献   

Subchronic gestational stress leads to permanent modifications in the hippocampus-hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis of offspring probably due to the increase in circulating glucocorticoids known to affect prenatal programming. The aim of this study was to investigate whether cell turnover is affected in the hippocampus-hypothalamus-pituitary axis by subchronic prenatal stress and the intracellular mechanisms involved. Restraint stress was performed in pregnant rats during the last week of gestation (45 minutes; 3 times/day). Only male offspring were used for this study and were sacrificed at 6 months of age. In prenatally stressed adults a decrease in markers of cell death and proliferation was observed in the hippocampus, hypothalamus and pituitary. This was associated with an increase in insulin-like growth factor-I mRNA levels, phosphorylation of CREB and calpastatin levels and inhibition of calpain -2 and caspase -8 activation. Levels of the anti-apoptotic protein Bcl-2 were increased and levels of the pro-apoptotic factor p53 were reduced. In conclusion, prenatal restraint stress induces a long-term decrease in cell turnover in the hippocampus-hypothalamus-pituitary axis that might be at least partly mediated by an autocrine-paracrine IGF-I effect. These changes could condition the response of this axis to future physiological and pathophysiological situations.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of bisphenol A (BPA) on the neuroendocrine mechanism of control of the reproductive axis in adult male rats exposed to it during pre- and early postnatal periods. Wistar mated rats were treated with either 0.1% ethanol or BPA in their drinking water until their offspring were weaned at the age of 21 days. The estimated average dose of exposure to dams was approximately 2.5 mg/kg body weight per day of BPA. After 21 days, the pups were separated from the mother and sacrificed on 70 day of life. Gn-RH and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) release from hypothalamic fragments was measured. LH, FSH, and testosterone concentrations were determined, and histological and morphometrical studies of testis were performed. Gn-RH release decreased significantly, while GABA serum levels were markedly increased by treatment. LH serum levels showed no changes, and FSH and testosterone levels decreased significantly. Histological studies showed abnormalities in the tubular organization of the germinal epithelium. The cytoarchitecture of germinal cells was apparently normal, and a reduction of the nuclear area of Leydig cells but not their number was observed. Taken all together, these results provide evidence of the effect caused by BPA on the adult male reproductive axis when exposed during pre- and postnatal period. Moreover, our findings suggest a probable GABA involvement in its effect at the hypothalamic level.  相似文献   

The effects of neonatal exposure to different doses of diethylstilbestrol (DES) on the reproductive functions of male rats at adulthood were evaluated. Sprague-Dawley rats (5-8/group) received sc injections of 25 microl olive oil containing DES (Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis, MO) at a dose of 10 microg, 1 microg, 100 ng, 10 ng, or 1 ng per rat on alternate days from Postnatal Days 2-12. Control animals received olive oil only. All animals were allowed to develop until 83-91 days of age; however, when they were 70 to 80 days old, four male rats each from the 10 microg, 1 microg, 100 ng, and control groups were cohabited with untreated 60- to 70-day-old females (1:1) for 12 days. At the end of cohabitation, both mated and unmated male rats were weighed, and blood and tissue samples were collected and processed. Results revealed that although sperm motility patterns and sperm morphology were adversely affected in the 10- microg group, other reproductive parameters, including 1). daily sperm production (DSP)/testis; 2). absolute and relative weights of the testis, epididymis, and seminal vesicle; and 3). sperm numbers in both regions of the epididymis declined significantly in a dose-dependent manner in the 10- and 1- microg groups. Conversely, in the <1- microg groups, none of these parameters (except DSP/testis and weight of the epididymis in the 100-ng group, and sperm numbers in the epididymis of the 100- and 10-ng groups) was different from controls. Generally, plasma testosterone levels decreased in the 10- and 1- microg groups, FSH level increased in the 10-microg group, and prolactin and LH levels were unaltered. In the fertility study, although each male in the 1-microg, 100-ng, and control groups produced a copulatory plug and impregnated a female, none could do so in the 10-microg group. The mean number of pups per litter was reduced to eight in the 1-microg group, in contrast to 15 each in the 100-ng and control groups. In conclusion, exposure of neonatal male rats to DES altered sperm motility patterns, sperm fertility (as evident from the reduced number of pups in the 1-microg group), and sexual behavior (as evident from the absence of copulatory plugs in the 10-microg group) and reduced weights of reproductive organs, DSP/testis, and sperm numbers in the epididymis. Whether these alterations/reductions persist in older rats (6-8 mo of age) is under investigation.  相似文献   

The reproductive health risks related to exposure to persistent organic pollutants in the environment remain controversial. This debate is partly because most studies have investigated only one or two chemicals at a time, whereas populations are exposed to a large spectrum of persistent chemicals in their environment. Using the pig as a toxicological model, we hypothesized that exposing immature cumulus-oocyte complexes to an organochlorine mixture during in vitro maturation (IVM) would adversely affect oocyte maturation, fertilization, and subsequent embryo development. This organochlorine mixture mimics that which contaminates the Arctic marine food chain. Cumulus-oocyte complexes were cultured in IVM medium containing increasing concentrations of the organochlorine mixture, similar to that found in women of highly exposed populations. Organochlorines reduced the quality of cumulus expansion and the viability of cumulus cells in a dose-response manner. The proportion of apoptotic cumulus cells also increased due to organochlorine exposure. Half of the oocytes were fixed after insemination, and the remainders were cultured for 8 days. Concentrations of organochlorines did not affect the rates of oocyte degeneration, sperm penetration, and development to morula. However, incidence of incompletely matured oocytes increased and polyspermy rate decreased, both in a dose-response manner with increasing organochlorine concentrations. Blastocyst formation and number of cells per blastocyst declined with organochlorine concentration. Exposing porcine cumulus-oocyte complexes to an environmentally pertinent organochlorine mixture during IVM disturbs oocyte development, supporting recent concerns that such pollutants harm reproductive health in humans and other mammalian species.  相似文献   

Bisphenol A (BPA) is one of the highest volume chemicals produced worldwide. This compound is a building block of polycarbonate plastics often used for food and beverage storage, and BPA is also a component of epoxy resins that are used to line food and beverage containers. Studies have shown that BPA can leach from these and other products in contact with food and drink, and as a result, routine ingestion of BPA is presumed. This compound is also found in an enormous number of other products that we come into contact with daily, and therefore it is not surprising that it has been detected in the majority of individuals examined. BPA is a known endocrine disruptor. Although initially considered to be a weak environmental estrogen, more recent studies have demonstrated that BPA may be similar in potency to estradiol in stimulating some cellular responses. Moreover, emerging evidence suggests that BPA may influence multiple endocrine-related pathways. Studies in rodents have identified adverse effects of BPA at levels at or below the current acceptable daily intake level for this compound. The various reported adverse effects of BPA are reviewed, and potential mechanisms of BPA action are discussed. Much more investigation is needed to understand the potential adverse health effects of BPA exposure in humans and to understand the multiple pathways through which it may act. Although many questions remain to be answered, it is becoming increasingly apparent that exposure to BPA is ubiquitous and that the effects of this endocrine disruptor are complex and wide-ranging.  相似文献   

Glucocorticoids are essential for normal hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis activity; however, recent studies warn that exposure to excess endogenous or synthetic glucocorticoid during a specific period of prenatal development adversely affects HPA axis stability. We administered dexamethasone (DEX) to pregnant rats during the last week of gestation and investigated subsequent HPA axis regulation in adult male offspring in unrestrained and restraint-stressed conditions. With the use of real-time PCR and RIA, we examined the expression of regulatory genes in the hippocampus, hypothalamus, and pituitary, including corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH), arginine vasopressin (AVP), glucocorticoid receptors (GR), mineralcorticoid receptors (MR), and 11-beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase-1 (11beta-HSD-1), as well as the main HPA axis hormones, adrenal corticotropic hormone (ACTH) and corticosterone (CORT). Our results demonstrate that the DEX-exposed group exhibited an overall change in the pattern of gene expression and hormone levels in the unrestrained animals. These changes included an upregulation of CRH in the hypothalamus, a downregulation of MR with a concomitant upregulation of 11beta-HSD-1 in the hippocampus, and an increase in circulating levels of both ACTH and CORT relative to unrestrained control animals. Interestingly, both DEX-exposed and control rats exhibited an increase in pituitary GR mRNA levels following a 1-h recovery from restraint stress; however, the increased expression in DEX-exposed rats was significantly less and was associated with a slower return to baseline CORT compared with controls. In addition, circulating levels of ACTH and CORT as well as hypothalamic CRH and hippocampal 11beta-HSD-1 expression levels were significantly higher in the DEX-exposed group compared with controls following restraint stress. Taken together, these data demonstrate that late-gestation DEX exposure in rats is associated with persistent changes in both the modulation of HPA axis activity and the HPA axis-mediated response to stress.  相似文献   

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