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Shoots of apple (rootstock A2, Malus sylvestris (L.) Mill var. domestica Borkh.) were grown in vitro on agar media containing 4.4 μ M benzylaminopurine (BAP) during the whole of a 36-day culture period or during the first 6 days of the period. Development of lateral shoots and an appreciable increase in fresh weight were obtained only when BAP was present during the whole period. Treatment for 6 days only was not sufficient for shoot proliferation although the transferred shoot continued its growth on fresh medium without BAP. Uptake of the cytokinin was studied by adding [8–14C]-benzylaminopurine to the medium and then following the distribution of the isotope in the shoots during the 36-day culture period. There was a steady, almost linear, uptake of 14C during the whole period. Most of the activity accumulated in the lower part of the shoot. It is concluded that BAP, due to slow translocation, is active mainly in the basal parts of the shoot where it stimulates formation and growth of buds. Its action is dependent on continuous supply of new BAP from the medium, indicating metabolism of BAP in the tissue.  相似文献   

The uptake of 14C and movement of 14C-labelled assimilates in wheat plants inoculated with Ophiobolus graminis was examined following exposure of the second youngest leaf to 14CO2. Autoradiographs of plants with infected seminal roots showed that assimilates were not translocated past the sites of root infection but accumulated in the undamaged portions of infected root systems, in particular the developing crown roots. There was no evidence that assimilates accumulated in the vicinity of O. graminis lesions. The net assimilation of 14CO2 by wheat plants over a 5 h feeding period was not significantly affected by O. graminis infection. However, infection reduced the amount of 14C lost through respiration. Infection delayed the transfer of labelled assimilates from the fed leaf to the remainder of the plant but increased the proportion translocated to the roots. The latter effect was not apparent when infected plants were continuously irrigated during, and for 20 h following, the feeding period.  相似文献   

The upper shoot on decapitated rose branches ( Rosa hybrids cv. Marimba) grows faster than lower shoots on the same branch. Transport of radioactive assimilates to the upper shoot is higher than to the lower ones. Darkening of the uppermost shoot resulted in the reduction of growth and I4C-assimilate accumulation in the darkened shoot as well as the promotion of growth and 14C transport to the lower 2 shoots, thereby rendering dominance to the second shoot. Benzyladenine treatment to the uppermost shoot reversed the effect of darkening and restored the apical control of this shoot.  相似文献   

Movement of 14C-assimilates from young and mature leaves to young rose shoots (Rosa hybrida cv. Marimba) was examined in two developmental stages. In the first stage after bud breaking the young shoot, especially its tip, depends for its supply of assimilates mainly on the mature foliage. At this stage young leaves are powerful sinks and retain 97% of their own photosynthates. The translocated 3% move mainly to the roots. At a later stage, just after the appearance of the flower bud, most of the leaves on the shoot become a source. The upper leaves supply assimilates to the flower bud and to the upper part of the stem. The 14C-assimilates from the lower leaves move in two directions, the larger part being directed downward.  相似文献   

Photosynthetically fixed 14C was analyzed in various chemical fractions from leaves and stems of cottonwood (Populus deltoides Bartr. ex. Marsh.) during dormancy induction. Dormancy was induced by 8-h photoperiods and 20/14°C temperature regimes. Within 4 weeks under short days, terminal buds were set and leaf expansion and stem elongation had stopped. 14C2 was fed to a leaf at Leaf Plastochron Index 7 for 30 min. Either after this 30 min feeding period or after a 48-h translocation period the plants were sampled, freeze-dried, extracted and analyzed for14C. 14C-fixation decreased during dormancy induction from 60% to 17% of the 3.7 MBq 14C applied at 0 week and 8 weeks, respectively. Percentage distribution of 14C in chemical fractions of source leaves reflected leaf age and translocation inhibition. In rapidly growing plants, considerable 14C was incorporated into leaf protein while most of the soluble14C-sugars were either metabolized or translocated out of the leaf. After terminal bud set, the percentage of 14C in the protein and residue fractions decreased rapidly and that in the sugar fraction increased. Percent distribution in stems closely reflected changing metabolic pathways of carbon flow as influenced by dormancy induction. For example, the 14C in structural carbohydrates decreased in 5 weeks under short days from 65 to less than 10% of the 14C recovered in the chemical fractions, thus indicating cambium inhibition. At the same time the percentage of 14C in starch and sugar increased indicating storage. Short term (after 30 min) incorporation of 14C into the protein and starch fractions of leaves changed relatively little throughout the 8-week induction period. In contrast the turnover rates of these fractions (14C present after 48 h) increased considerably after active growth of the whole plant stopped.  相似文献   

The patterns of growth, assimilation of 14CO2 and distribution of 14C-labelled assimilate were followed for 12 wk from sowing in individual plants of Lolium perenne grown in miniswards at either low (500 plants m-2) or high (5000 plants m-2) density. At the latter density, plants were characterised by a 50% reduction in RGR, by the production of fewer tillers, especially second- and third-order tillers, and by a reduction in mean tiller weight. All the green and senescing leaves of each tiller assimilated 14CO2 and the overall assimilatory capacity of a tiller was directly related to its dry weight. At both densities the plant consisted of a main shoot and established tillers with comparable assimilatory activities and a range of developing tillers that assimilated relatively small amounts of 14CO2. As each successive primary tiller developed it was supplied with assimilate from the main shoot and the degree of support was inversely proportional to the dry weight of the tiller. At both densities it was concluded that the first primary tiller could be regarded as an independent assimilatory unit when it reached a dry weight of about 25 mg even though some import of main shoot assimilate continued until the tiller was double this weight. The supply of assimilate to the root system was greatly reduced at both densities compared with previous observations on plants grown singly.  相似文献   

Whole bean plants, ev. Cockfield, grown in pots crowded or well-spaced (50 or 10 plants m2, respectively) were treated with 14CO2 at the pod-fill stage (25 modes) and the radioactivity in each leaf was determined after 30 min. With spaced plants the uptake was greatest in the mid-stem leaves and was proportional to leaf area. In contrast, 70% of the total assimilation took place in the upper six leaves of crowded plants and there was a steady decrease down the stem.
When 14CO2 was fed to single leaves of similar crowded plants the resultant distribution of labelled assimilates varied with the position of the treated leaf. After 6 h, 67% of the 14C fixed by a mid-stem leaf (node 13) was recovered from the beans, whereas 76% of that from an upper leaf (node 23) had accumulated along the stem. Due to the shading of mid-stem leaves at the higher planting densities, seed yield becomes increasingly dependent upon re-distribution of assimilates from stem to beans.  相似文献   

In seed crops of Lolium perenne, yield may be reduced by competition for a limited assimilate supply from sinks other than the ear. This study was undertaken to evaluate the priorities for allocation of assimilate within the crop from all photosynthetic sites on the main reproductive tiller after anthesis. Ear, stem and leaves were fed with 14CO2 on two occasions; the assimilatory efficiency of these sources and the magnitude and pattern of 14C-assimilate export from each was determined. The growth of each part of the main tiller and subtending tillers was also measured. Stem elongation apparently dominated the current assimilate resource and the ear did not become a net importer of assimilate until this process had ceased. Assimilate allocation to the tillers was high throughout. The nature of any competition between these sinks is discussed. When crop growth was contrasted with that in a previous year, environmental factors were implicated as determinants of priority for assimilate allocation to each sink. Sources of carbon for seed filling are also discussed as is the relevance of these findings to seed crop management.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the behaviour of different legumes against salinity and water stress, thus trying to discover simultaneous adaptations to both stresses. The nitrogen fixation, transpiration, predawn leaf water potential, and stomatal response of Medicago sativa L. (cvs. Tierra de Campos and Aragon), Trifolium repens L. (cv. Aberystwyth S-184) and T. brachycalycinum Katzn. et Morley (= T. subterraneum L. cv. Clare) were compared at three levels of stress (0.05, 0.3 and 0.5 MPa of either NaCl or polyethylene glycol 6000) in nutrient solution. The plants were stressed for three days and then returned to control nutrient solution. The changes in the parameters analyzed were dependent on the proportion of stress treatments and the nature of the species, always being greater in plants from PEG than from NaCl solutions. Transfer of lucerne and subclover plants from NaCl at 0.05 MPa to a non-saline medium resulted in an increase of nitrogen fixation above the level of the non-salinized control plants, especially significant in lucerne. Analysis of possible inorganic impurities in commercial PEG suggest that such type of impurities are not responsible for the toxic effects reported. Plant damage resulting from PEG treatment was apparently due to penetrations of PEG (as determined qualitatively by using the tetraiodinebismuthic acid technique) or low-molecular organic impurities into the plant. – The results are discussed as part of the adaptation of the different species to salinity and water stress. The best performance was given by "Tierra de Campos".  相似文献   

Abstract: Production of [14C]acetylcholine and 14CO2 was examined by using tissue prisms from neocortex, hippocampus, and striatum from rats aged approximately 5 months, 13 months, and 27 months. [14C]Acetylcholine synthesis in the striatum showed highly significant decreases with age for measurements in the presence of both 5 m m - and 31 m m -K+, contrasting with the lack of significant change in 14CO2 production in this region. The neocortex and hippocampus showed only small changes, especially when comparison was made between 13-month and senescent animals. Measurements of the release of [14C]acetylcholine and influence of atropine on this release confirmed the relative stability with age of the cholinergic system in the neocortex.  相似文献   

Abstract: The production of 14CO2 and [14C]acetylcholine from [U-14C]glucose was determined in vitro using tissue prisms prepared from the dorsolateral striatum (a region developing extensive neuronal loss following ischemia) and the paramedian neocortex (an ischemia-resistant region) following 30 min of forebrain ischemia and recirculation up to 24 h. Measurements were determined under basal conditions (5 mMK+) and following K+ depolarization (31 mM K+). The production of 14CO2 by the dorsolateral striatum was significantly reduced following 30 min of ischemia for measurements in either 5 or 31 mM K+ but recovered toward preischemic control values during the first hour of recirculation. Further recirculation resulted in 14CO2 production again being reduced relative to control values but with larger differences (20–27% reductions) detectable under depolarized conditions at recirculation times up to 6 h. Samples from the paramedian neocortex showed no significant changes from control values at all time points examined. [14C]Acetylcholine synthesis, a marker of cholinergic terminals that is sensitive to changes in glucose metabolism in these structures, was again significantly reduced only in the dorsolateral striatum. However, even in this tissue, only small (nonstatistically significant) differences were seen during the first 6 h of recirculation, a finding suggesting that changes in glucose oxidation during this period were not uniform within all tissue components. The results of this study provide evidence that in a region susceptible to ischemic damage there were specific changes during early recirculation in the metabolic response to depolarization. This apparent inability to respond appropriately to an increased need for energy production could contribute to the further deterioration of cell function in vivo and ultimately to the death of some cells.  相似文献   

The relationship between benzyladenine and assimilate distributions in shoot tips of English Ivy (Hedera helix L.) was studied. Exogenous applications of benzyladenine resulted in small amounts of the hormone moving to the apical meristem. The large part of the recovered benzyladenine was found in the young leaves of the shoot tip. Benzyladenine increased the amount of 14C-labelled assimilates in the shoot tip, but the distribution pattern of those assimilates within the tip was like that of the untreated control.  相似文献   

Several differences in the translocation pattern of radioactive kinetin in plant petioles were determined. Radioactivity from kinetin-8-14C (Kn*) moved from donor agar blocks through petioles of bean and cocklebur but not of cotton. There was no difference in basipetal or acropetal movement of radioactivity from Kn* in cocklebnr petioles, but there was in bean petioles. In bean petioles this movement was preferentially basipetal, but it was influenced by the age of the petiole and by the presence of added indoleactic acid. The combination treatment accelerated the basipetal movement of radioactivity from Kn* in young bean petioles and not in old ones. All data is based on radioactivity translocated into receiver agar blocks which were assayed individually in a liquid scintillation spectrometer. The results show that plant species, direction of transport, age of tissue, and presence of IAA can all influence the translocation of Kn* in petioles.  相似文献   

The impact of a heterogeneous within‐crown light environment on carbon allocation was investigated on young walnut trees trained on two branches: one left in full sunlight, the other shaded until leaf fall resulting in 67% reduction in photosynthetically active radiation. In September, the two branches were separately labelled with 14CO2 and 13CO2, respectively, so that the photosynthates from each branch could be traced independently at the same time. Although some carbon movements could be detected within 5 d in both directions (including from the shaded branch to the sun branch), between‐branch carbon movements were very limited: approximately 1% of the diurnal net assimilation of a branch. At this time of the year branch autonomy was nearly total, leading to increased relative respiratory losses and a moderate growth deficit in the shaded branch. The ratio of growth to reserve storage rate was only slightly affected, indicating that reserves acted not as a mere buffer for excess C but as an active sink for assimilates. In winter, branch autonomy was more questionable, as significant amounts of carbon were imported into both branches, possibly representing up to 10% of total branch reserves. Further within‐plant carbon transfers occurred in spring, which totally abolished plant autonomy, as new shoots sprouted on each branch received significantly more C mobilized from tree‐wide reserves than from local, mother‐branch located reserves. This allowed great flexibility of tree response to environment changes at the yearly time scale. As phloem is considered not functional in winter, it is suggested that xylem is involved as the pathway for carbohydrate movements at this time of the year. This is in agreement with other results regarding sugar exchanges between the xylem vessels and the neighbouring reserve parenchyma tissues.  相似文献   

The metabolism of ['4C]-labelled glucose and acetate has been investigated during the early germination - before radicle emergence - of lettuce ( Lactuca sativa L., cv. Val d'Orge) embryos. Similar amounts of radioactivity from both substrates were evolved as C., or incorporated into organic acids, amino acids and proteins. A large part of the [14C]-glucose was also incorporated into sucrose and polysaecharides, and a small part into the glycerol moiety of lipids. Acetate was massively incorporated into lipids, and only slightly into neutral compounds. These results show that both glucose and acetate can be utilized as respiratory substrates during early germination of lettuce embryos. Various biosynthetic pathways leading to amino acids, proteins, polysaecharides and lipids are active during this period.  相似文献   

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