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The effects of the rib cage on thoracic spine loading are not well studied, but the rib cage may provide stability or share loads with the spine. Intervertebral disc pressure provides insight into spinal loading, but such measurements are lacking in the thoracic spine. Thus, our objective was to examine thoracic intradiscal pressures under applied pure moments, and to determine the effect of the rib cage on these pressures. Human cadaveric thoracic spine specimens were positioned upright in a testing machine, and Dynamic pure moments (0 to ±5 N·m) with a compressive follower load of 400 N were applied in axial rotation, flexion - extension, and lateral bending. Disc pressures were measured at T4-T5 and T8-T9 using needle-mounted pressure transducers, first with the rib cage intact, and again after the rib cage was removed. Changes in pressure vs. moment slopes with rib cage removal were examined. Pressure generally increased with applied moments, and pressure-moment slope increased with rib cage removal at T4-T5 for axial rotation, extension, and lateral bending, and at T8-T9 for axial rotation. The results suggest the intact rib cage carried about 62% and 56% of axial rotation moments about T4-T5 and T8-T9, respectively, as well as 42% of extension moment and 36–43% of lateral bending moment about T4-T5 only. The rib cage likely plays a larger role in supporting moments than compressive loads, and may also play a larger role in the upper thorax than the lower thorax.  相似文献   

Neither kinematic nor stiffness properties of the rib cage during thoracic spinal motion were investigated in previous studies, while being essential for the accurate validation of numerical models of the whole thorax. The aim of this in vitro study therefore was to quantify the kinematics and elastostatics of the human rib cage under defined boundary conditions. Eight fresh frozen human thoracic spine specimens (C7-L1, median age 55 years, ranging from 40 to 60 years) including entire rib cages were loaded quasi-statically in flexion/extension, lateral bending, and axial rotation using pure moments of 5 Nm. Relative motions of ribs, thoracic vertebrae, and sternal structures as well as strains on the ribs were measured using optical motion tracking of 150 reflective markers per specimen, while specimens were loaded displacement-controlled with a constant rate of 1°/s for 3.5 cycles. The third full cycle was used to determine relative angles and strains at full loading of the spine for all motion directions. Largest relative angles were found in the main loading directions with only small motions at the mid-thoracic levels. Highest strains of the intercostal spaces were detected in the anterior section of the lowest fourth of the rib cage, showing compressions and elongations of more than 10% in all spinal motion planes. Elastostatic rib deformation was generally less than 1%. Rib-sternum relative motions exhibited complex motion patterns, overall showing relative angles below 2°. The results indicate that rib cage structures are not macroscopically deformed during spinal motion, but exhibit characteristic reproducible kinematics patterns.  相似文献   

While a relatively broad thorax and strongly curved ribs are widely regarded as common features of living hominoids, few studies have quantitatively examined these traits by methods other than calculating the chest index. The present study aims to quantify variations in thoracic cage morphology for living anthropoids. The odd-numbered ribs (first to eleventh) were articulated with the corresponding vertebrae and the cranial and lateral views subsequently photographed. Rib profiles were digitized in both views and line-fitted by a Bézier curve to create a three-dimensional morphological data set. When thoracic cage width was scaled against body mass, Hylobates (and possibly Pongo) plotted above non-hominoid anthropoids at almost all rib levels, while Pan did not differ from non-hominoid anthropoids. The overall pattern of the normalized thoracic width differed between Hylobates and other hominoids. In Hylobates, an upward convex curve was seen between the first and seventh ribs while a more linear pattern was observed in Pan and Pongo. This result quantitatively confirmed that the barrel-shaped thoracic cage in Hylobates can be distinguished from the funnel-shaped form in other hominoids. Conversely, all hominoids shared two distinct features in the upper half-thorax: (1) a pronounced dorsal protrusion of the proximal part of the rib in accordance with ventral displacement of the thoracic spine and (2) a relatively medially projecting sternal end. Although these features are likely to provide some mechanical advantage in orthograde and/or suspensory positional behaviors, they were barely present in the suspensory Ateles. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to implement a follower load (FL) device within a robotic (universal force-moment sensor) testing system and utilize the system to explore the effect of FL on multi-segment cervical spine moment-rotation parameters and intradiscal pressure (IDP) at C45 and C56. Twelve fresh-frozen human cervical specimens (C3-C7) were biomechanically tested in a robotic testing system to a pure moment target of 2.0 Nm for flexion and extension (FE) with no compression and with 100 N of FL. Application of FL was accomplished by loading the specimens with bilateral cables passing through cable guides inserted into the vertebral bodies and attached to load controlled linear actuators. FL significantly increased neutral zone (NZ) stiffness and NZ width but resulted in no change in the range of motion (ROM) or elastic zone stiffness. C45 and C56 IDP measured in the neutral position were significantly increased with application of FL. The change in IDP with increasing flexion rotation was not significantly affected by the application of FL, whereas the change in IDP with increasing extension rotation was significantly reduced by the application of FL. Application of FL did not appear to affect the specimen’s quantity of motion (ROM) but did affect the quality (the shape of the curve). Regarding IDP, the effects of adding FL compression approximates the effect of the patient going from supine to a seated position (FL compression increased the IDP in the neutral position). The change in IDP with increasing flexion rotation was not affected by the application of FL, but the change in IDP with increasing extension rotation was, however, significantly reduced by the application of FL.  相似文献   

The follower load (FL) combined with moments is commonly used to approximate flexed/extended posture of the lumbar spine in absence of muscles in biomechanical studies. There is a lack of consensus as to what magnitudes simulate better the physiological conditions. Considering the in-vivo measured values of the intradiscal pressure (IDP), intervertebral rotations (IVRs) and the disc loads, sensitivity of these spinal responses to different FL and flexion moment magnitudes was investigated using a 3D nonlinear finite element (FE) model of ligamentous lumbosacral spine. Optimal magnitudes of FL and moment that minimize deviation of the model predictions from in-vivo data were determined. Results revealed that the spinal parameters i.e. the IVRs, disc moment, and the increase in disc force and moment from neutral to flexed posture were more sensitive to moment magnitude than FL magnitude in case of flexion. The disc force and IDP were more sensitive to the FL magnitude than moment magnitude. The optimal ranges of FL and flexion moment magnitudes were 900–1100 N and 9.9–11.2 Nm, respectively. The FL magnitude had reverse effect on the IDP and disc force. Thus, magnitude for FL or flexion that minimizes the deviation of all the spinal parameters together from the in-vivo data can vary. To obtain reasonable compromise between the IDP and disc force, our findings recommend that FL of low magnitude must be combined with flexion moment of high intensity and vice versa.  相似文献   

Pulsatile tinnitus (PT), characterized as pulse-synchronous, is generally objective. Sigmoid sinus (SS) venous sound is widely suggested to be a possible sound source of PT. The dehiscence and thinness of SS cortical plate (CP) was commonly reported as PT pathology in previous studies, but lack quantitative or biomechanical analysis. In this study, it was aimed to quantify the relationship between venous sound and CP dehiscence/thinness using in vitro experiment. The in vitro models of SS and CP were established based on 3D-printing, with the developed pulsatile venous flow in the SS model. The generated sound signal and the vibration response at the dehiscent/thinned area were analyzed. The sound signal generated in the normal-sized dehiscence model was pulse-synchronous within 100-–400 Hz, which had similar acoustic characteristics as the clinical PT sounds. It was concluded that the pulsatile venous sound is produced at TS-SS junction in case of CP dehiscence. The CP, even a thinned one can effectively diminish the venous sound and sound-generating pulsatile vibration at TS-SS junction. The CP dehiscence would induce pulse-synchronous and high pressure venous sound, as well as pulse-synchronous vibration above 20 Hz, regardless of the dehiscence size. On the contrary, the CP thinness would not induce obvious venous sound or pulsatile vibration above 20 Hz.  相似文献   

The endocrine mechanisms that regulate prothoracic gland (PG) activity in early stages of final larval instar of the silkworm Bombyx mori were investigated using a newly developed long-term cultivation system of the gland. The PGs dissected from day-0 fifth instar larvae did not secrete detectable amounts of ecdysone for the first 24 h in culture but started secretion within the next 2 days. The amount of secreted ecdysone increased day by day. When day-0 PGs were co-cultivated with corpora allata, however, they remained inactive for at least 8 days. PGs dissected from 1-day younger larvae (day-3 fourth instar larvae) secreted ecdysone for the first 24 h but stopped secretion for the next 24 h, followed by recovery of ecdysone secretory activity. By contrast, PGs from day-1 fourth instar larvae remained active throughout a cultivation period without any sign of inactivation. However, when the same glands were exposed to a high titer of 20-hydroxyecdysone for the second 24h in culture, they gradually lost their activity. These results indicate that PGs of fourth instar larvae are inactivated by ecdysteroid through a negative feedback mechanism and that thus inactivated PGs spontaneously recover ecdysone secretory activity in the early fifth instar unless inhibited by juvenile hormone.  相似文献   

Schizophrenic patients who were receiving, or who had received chlorpromazine showed SCE levels similar to those in a normal control population. Of 8 normal individuals whose lymphocytes were exposed in vitro to chlorpromazine (0.05–2.00 μg/ml) for two cell cycles, 4 showed a significant increase in SCE, 3 showed no increase and 1 a decrease compared with untreated lymphocytes. Lymphocytes from a further 8 donors treated with 2.0 μg/ml chlorpromazine prior to mitogen stimulation (G0 lymphocytes) showed a similar SCE response. Only 3 of the 8 donors showed a significant increase in SCEs over the baseline level. When proliferating lymphocytes were exposed to chlorpromazine 38 h after culture initiation and prior to the addition of BrdUrd to the culture medium, metaphase chromosomes from only 3 of the 8 individuals studied showed increased levels of exchange. These results indicate that chlorpromazine can induce SCEs in vitro but that there is considerable variation in SCE response among individuals. Furthermore, our data emphasises the importance of using more than 1 or 2 donors when analysing SCE response in human chromosomes.  相似文献   

The influence of light quality on growth and development of in vitro grown Doritaenopsis hort. (Orchidaceae) plants was investigated. Growth parameters like leaf and root fresh/dry mass and leaf area were highest with plants grown under red plus blue light emitting diodes (LEDs). Leaf length was greater with the plants grown under red LED. Carbohydrate (starch, sucrose, glucose and fructose) and leaf pigment (chlorophylls and carotenoids) biosynthesis of the plants was significantly increased in plants grown under red plus blue LEDs compared to red or blue LED and fluorescent light treatments. This study suggests that the production of quality Doritaenopsis plants is possible by culturing the plants in vitro under a mixture of blue plus red light sources.  相似文献   

Quercus robur L. was micropropagated by axillary bud proliferation testing two different shoot culture systems: (i) on gelled medium in Microbox (plastic vessel with a strip for ventilation) and (ii) in liquid culture in PlantformTM bioreactor (a temporary immersion system). Two different conditions of temporary immersion were assessed: 12 min/8 h (Plantform 1) and 8 min/16 h (Plantform 2). The effect of the two culture systems was evaluated also during subsequent rooting phase, carried out on gelled medium. Finally, the influence of the different culture conditions on leaf structure was considered, taking also into consideration the micromorphological characters of young leaves from in-field-grown oaks. Nodal segments, excised from established in vitro shoots and cultured on modified Woody Plant Medium, showed a higher Relative Growth Rate in Plantform than in Microbox, but culture conditions provided in Plantform 1 favored shoot and leaf hyperhydricity. Shoots cultured in Microbox or Plantform 2 presented the same percentage of rooting after their transfer on gelled rooting medium. Leaves developed in the two different microenvironments had large stomata with elliptical shape, which indicates good functionality, and formed hairs, and epicuticolar waxes. These leaf features are considered to provide a good adaptability to ex vitro conditions.  相似文献   

In a finite element (FE) analysis of the lumbar spine, different preload application methods that are used in biomechanical studies may yield diverging results. To investigate how the biomechanical behaviour of a spinal implant is affected by the method of applying the preload, hybrid-controlled FE analysis was used to evaluate the biomechanical behaviour of the lumbar spine under different preload application methods. The FE models of anterior lumbar interbody fusion (ALIF) and artificial disc replacement (ADR) were tested under three different loading conditions: a 150 N pressure preload (PP) and 150 and 400 N follower loads (FLs). This study analysed the resulting range of motion (ROM), facet contact force (FCF), inlay contact pressure (ICP) and stress distribution of adjacent discs. The FE results indicated that the ROM of both surgical constructs was related to the preload application method and magnitude; differences in the ROM were within 7% for the ALIF model and 32% for the ADR model. Following the application of the FL and after increasing the FL magnitude, the FCF of the ADR model gradually increased, reaching 45% at the implanted level in torsion. The maximum ICP gradually decreased by 34.1% in torsion and 28.4% in lateral bending. This study concluded that the preload magnitude and application method affect the biomechanical behaviour of the lumbar spine. For the ADR, remarkable alteration was observed while increasing the FL magnitude, particularly in the ROM, FCF and ICP. However, for the ALIF, PP and FL methods had no remarkable alteration in terms of ROM and adjacent disc stress.  相似文献   

Pollen of tomato cv. Supermarmande was collected from greenhouse-grown plants at various intervals throughout the year and arbitrarily classified as of high, medium or low respiratory activity on the basis of CO2 production during 8 h incubation in vitro at 30°C, a temperature that is considered to be moderately high for tomato fruit set. After an initial burst of respiration during the first stage of hydration at 30°C (>1 h), the respiration rate of pollen of all three categories declined, the decrease being greater in the lots with a low or medium respiratory activity than in the high category. During hydration (10 min after the start of incubation), the addition of succinate or reduced β-nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH) to the substrate increased the respiratory rate of slowly-respiring pollen more than that of fast-respiring pollen, but carbonyl cyanide 3-chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP) and adenosine 5′-diphosphate (ADP) had less effect. After 1–4 h incubation, the respiration rate of the slow- or medium-respiring pollen lots had decreased, but was stimulated by succinate or NADH, and to a lesser degree by ADP. By 7 h, the respiration rate of all pollen lots had declined and was stimulated less by substrate, ADP or CCCP. The oxidation of NADH by tomato pollen contrasts with the failure of other pollen species to utilize this substrate; moreover, a synergistic effect of NADH and succinate was consistently observed. We conclude that the decline in respiration during incubation for up to 4 h at 30°C may reflect a lack of respiratory substrate. After 7 h, however, the decreased response to substrate indicates a loss of mitochondrial integrity or an accumulation of metabolic inhibitors. It is concluded that at 30°C (a moderately high temperature for tomato pollen), the initially high rate of respiration leads to exhaustion of the endogenous respiratory substrates (particularly in pollen with low to medium respiratory activity), but subsequently to ageing and a loss of mitochondrial activity.  相似文献   

The ethanol is a widely consumed as sedative-hypnotic drug throughout the world. In this study, the effects of ethanol were investigated on carbonic anhydrase (CA) enzyme activities both in vitro in human erythrocyte and in vivo in Sprague-Dawley rat erythrocyte. For in vitro study, the human carbonic anhydrase-I (HCA-I) and -II (HCA-II) are purified by Sepharose 4B–L-tyrosine-sulphanilamide affinity chromatography. In vivo CA enzyme activity was determined colorimetrically by using CO2-hydration method of Wilbur and Anderson. Rat blood samples were taken from each rat before and after the ethanol administration at different times (1 h, 3 h, and 5 h). Rat erythrocyte CA activity was significantly inhibited by pharmacological dosage of the ethanol (2 mL.kg? 1) for up to 3 h (p < 0.001) following intraperitoneally administration. The ethanol showed in vitro inhibitory effects on HCA-I and HCA-II hydratase activity, determined by colorimetrically using the CO2-hydratase method. The inhibitor concentrations causing up to 50% inhibition (IC50) were 2.09 M for HCA-I (r2:0.9273) and 1.83 M for HCA-II (r2:9749). In conclusion, it was demonstrated that carbonic anhydrase enzyme in erythrocytes was significantly inhibited by the ethanol both in in vitro and in vivo.  相似文献   

Rhynchophylline and isorhynchophylline are major tetracyclic oxindole alkaloid components of Uncaira species, which have been long used as medicinal plants. In this study we examined the protective effects of rhynchophylline and isorhynchophylline on in vitro ischemia-induced neuronal damage in the hippocampus and interaction of these alkaloids with neurotransmitter receptors in a receptor expression model of Xenopus oocytes. In vitro ischemia was induced by exposing the hippocampal slices to oxygen- and D-glucose-deprived medium over 8 min. The resultant neuronal damage was elucidated as deterioration of population spike (PS) amplitudes evoked trans-synaptically by electrical stimulation of Schaffer collaterals and recorded in the CA1 area. Rhynchophylline and isorhynchophylline, as well as the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) antagonist (+/-)-2-amino-5-phosphono-valeric acid (APV), the muscarinic M1 receptor antagonist pirenzepine, and the 5-HT2 receptor antagonist ketanserin, attenuated the in vitro ischemia-induced neuronal damage in a concentration-dependent manner. There was no difference in the extent of protection against the neuronal damage between rhynchophylline and isorhynchophylline treatment. In Xenopus oocytes expressing the rat brain receptors encoded by total RNA, both rhynchophylline and isorhynchophylline reduced muscarinic receptor- and 5-HT2 receptor-mediated current responses in a competitive manner. Together with our previous findings that rhynchophylline and isorhynchophylline have a non-competitive antagonistic effect on the NMDA-type ionotropic glutamate receptors, the present results suggest that these alkaloids exert their protective action against ischemia-induced neuronal damage by preventing NMDA, muscarinic M1, and 5-HT2 receptors-mediated neurotoxicity during ischemia.  相似文献   

This study investigates the impact of the Case-Based Learning (CBL) method for the topic of ‘B6, B9 and B12 Vitamins’ on students’ academic achievement in a biochemistry course for an associate degree level in health. To this end, a case study with the title ‘The Reasons for Depression: Do We Know What They Are?’ was developed and implemented. The study had a one-group pre-test and post-test research design. The ‘Vitamins’ Achievement Test’ (VAT) and a Structured Interview Form were used as data collection tools. First-year students of Medical Laboratory Techniques at the Ahmet Erdogan Vocational School of Health Services at Bulent Ecevit University (N = 34) who were aged between18 and 20 made up the study group. The VAT and the Structured Interview Form were analysed using content analysis and the paired-samples t-test was used for the VAT. The results indicated that the frequency of students’ responses in the ‘clear understanding’ category improved in the VAT post-test and it was concluded that there was a significant positive difference in the post-test scores of students. The results of the structured interview indicated that most of the students had positive opinions about the method, material and case study.  相似文献   

Context: Insulin is one of the most-known factors that influence the intensity of cell-bound glucose transport. However, in order to react to this hormone, a cell needs specific receptors present in its membrane. The aim of this work was to investigate the insulin receptor expression in B and T cells under incubation with pathological glucose concentrations, respond hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia.

Materials and Methods: Isolated B and T cells were cultivated in different concentrations of glucose (high, low and normal). The expression of insulin receptors was investigated using methods of immunocytochemistry and flow cytometry.

Results: Incubation for 24?h of lymphocytes in pathological glucose concentrations seems to only have a slight influence on the expression of insulin receptors. No insulin receptor expression has been found in lymphocytes T incubated in both pathological concentrations of glucose. Different concentrations of glucose in the incubation medium were found to only marginally influence expression of insulin receptors in lymphocytes B.

Conclusions: Pathological concentrations of glucose in medium cause a decrease in the percent of cells which show expression of insulin receptors in comparison with normal glucose concentration. Thus, it appears highly probable that the insulin receptors did not arise under pathological glucose concentration in these cells de novo, but in little percent lymphocytes have existed there earlier, before the incubation.  相似文献   

Context: Insulin is one of the most-known factors that influence the intensity of cell-bound glucose transport. However, in order to react to this hormone, a cell needs specific receptors present in its membrane. The aim of this work was to investigate the insulin receptor expression in B and T cells under incubation with pathological glucose concentrations, respond hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia. Materials and Methods: Isolated B and T cells were cultivated in different concentrations of glucose (high, low and normal). The expression of insulin receptors was investigated using methods of immunocytochemistry and flow cytometry. Results: Incubation for 24?h of lymphocytes in pathological glucose concentrations seems to only have a slight influence on the expression of insulin receptors. No insulin receptor expression has been found in lymphocytes T incubated in both pathological concentrations of glucose. Different concentrations of glucose in the incubation medium were found to only marginally influence expression of insulin receptors in lymphocytes B. Conclusions: Pathological concentrations of glucose in medium cause a decrease in the percent of cells which show expression of insulin receptors in comparison with normal glucose concentration. Thus, it appears highly probable that the insulin receptors did not arise under pathological glucose concentration in these cells de novo, but in little percent lymphocytes have existed there earlier, before the incubation.  相似文献   

Recently, we have improved the cryopreservation procedures for human hepatocytes, leading to cells that can be cultured after thawing (“plateable” cryopreserved human hepatocytes). The ability to culture cryopreserved human hepatocytes allows application of the cells for prolonged incubations such as long-term (days) metabolism studies, enzyme induction studies, and cytotoxicity studies. We report here the application of the plateable cryopreserved human hepatocytes to evaluate the relationship between xenobiotic metabolism and toxicity. Two assays were developed: The Metabolism Comparative Cytotoxicity Assay (MCCA) and the Cytotoxic Metabolic Pathway Identification Assay (CMPIA). The MCCA was designed for the initial identification of the role of metabolism in cytotoxicity by comparing the cytotoxic potential of a toxicant in a metabolically competent (primary human hepatocytes) and a metabolically incompetent (Chinese hamster ovary (CHO)) cell type, as well as the evaluation of the role of P450 metabolism by comparing the cytotoxicity of the toxicant in question in human hepatocytes in the presence and absence of a nonspecific, irreversible P450 inhibitor, 1-aminobenzotriazole (ABT). The CMPIA was designed for the identification of the P450 isoforms involved in metabolic activation via the evaluation of the cytotoxicity of the toxicant in the presence and absence of isoform-selective P450 inhibitors. Results of a proof-of-concept study with the MCCA and CMPIA with a known hepatotoxicant, aflatoxin B1 (AFB1), are reported. AFB1 is known to require P450 metabolism for its toxicity. In the MCCA, AFB1 was found to have significantly higher cytotoxicity in human hepatocytes than CHO cells, therefore confirming its requirement for biotransformation to be toxic. ABT was found to effectively attenuate AFB1 cytotoxicity, confirming that P450 metabolism was involved in its metabolic activation. In the CMPIA, AFB1 cytotoxicity was found to be attenuated by ketoconazole and diethyldithiocarbamate, but not by furafylline, quinidine, and sulfaphenazole. Results with the isoform-selective inhibitors suggest that the isoforms inhibited by ketoconazole (mainly CYP3A4) and diethyldithiocarbamate (mainly CYP2A6, and CYP2E1), but not the isoforms inhibited by furafylline (mainly CYP1A2), sulfaphenazole (mainly CYP2C9) and quinidine (mainly CYP2D6) are involved in the metabolic activation of AFB1. This proof-of-concept study suggests that MCCA and CMPIA with cryopreserved human hepatocytes are potentially useful for the evaluation of the relationship between human xenobiotic metabolism and toxicity.  相似文献   

Epidermal stem cells (ESCs) are characterized as slow-cycling, multi-potent, and self-renewing cells that not only maintain somatic homeostasis but also participate in tissue regeneration and repair. To examine the feasibility of adenoviral vector-mediated keratinocyte growth factor (KGF) gene transfer into in vitro-expanded ESCs, ESCs were isolated from samples of human skin, cultured in vitro, and then transfected with recombinant adenovirus (Ad) carrying the human KGF gene (AdKGF) or green fluorescent protein gene (AdGFP). The effects of KGF gene transfer on cell proliferation, cell cycle arrest, cell surface antigen phenotype, and β-catenin expression were investigated. Compared to ESCs transfected with AdGFP, AdKGF-transfected ESCs grew well, maintained a high proliferative capacity in keratinocyte serum-free medium, and expressed high levels of β-catenin. AdKGF infection increased the number of ESCs in the G0/G1 phase and promoted ESCs entry into the G2/M phase, but had no effect on cell surface antigen phenotype (CD49f+/CD71). The results suggest that KGF gene transfer can stimulate ESCs to grow and undergo cell division, which can be applied to enhance cutaneous wound healing.  相似文献   

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