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The barn owl, a nocturnal predator, derives its German name (“Schleiereule”, direct English translation “veil owl”) from the conspicuous ruff that covers the ear openings and gives the head a face-like appearance. The ruff is a specialization for the perception of sound. The densely-ramified reflector feathers forming the border of the ruff direct sound to the ear-openings. We studied the influence of the ruff on the behaviorally relevant sound-localization parameters interaural time difference (ITD) and interaural level difference (ILD). The directionality of the ear was much greater when the ruff was intact than when the reflector feathers were removed. With ruff intact, the distribution of ILDs was oblique and the maximum ITD occurred around 110° of azimuth. When all head feathers were removed, the steepest ILD gradient was much closer to the horizontal axis and ITD was maximal at 90°. Many effects were frequency specific. Thus, the ruff reflects some properties of the human pinna. However, by shifting the point where ITD becomes maximal beyond 90°, the ruff also introduces a break of the front–back symmetry of ITD.  相似文献   

Alzheimer’s patients suffer from circadian dysregulation. The aim of this study was to examine the evolution of balance control and gait at different times of the day (11:00, 14:00, 18:00) in order to identify whether Alzheimer’s patients were more likely to fall at certain periods of the day. Spatio-temporal parameters of centre of foot pressure displacements were measured with a force platform and spatio-temporal parameters of walking were evaluated with a gait analysis device. The results highlighted that balance control was worse in the evening and the afternoon than in the morning. Furthermore, the walking speed was faster and support duration, swing duration and cycle duration were shorter in the evening than in the morning and afternoon. The combined analysis of balance control and gait parameters revealed that balance control and walking are concomitantly altered in the evening which increases the fall risk in the evening, in comparison with the morning, for Alzheimer’s patients.  相似文献   

The Moon’s surface illuminated by the Sun acquires an electric charge due to photoelectron emission and interaction with the solar wind plasma. The influence of the solar wind on the nonmonotonic distribution of the electric potential near the Moon’s surface is studied in a wide range of the densities of emitted photoelectrons. It is found that, for any photoelectron density, the surface potential reaches its minimum value for a slow solar wind. Although the electron thermal velocity can exceed the solar wind velocity by several times, taking into account the directed flow velocity in the electron velocity distribution function substantially affects the value of the potential in the lunar regolith regions not enriched with hydrogen, for which the photoelectric work function under solar irradiation is significantly higher than for regions enriched with hydrogen.  相似文献   

The effect of nitrogen supply on the production of ‘hypericins’ (hypericin and pseudohypericin) in leaves of St. John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum L.) was examined with plants grown in sand culture and soil. In sand culture, 56-d growth of St. John’s wort plants with decreased nitrogen levels resulted in increased production of hypericins in leaves. A short-term low nitrogen stress in sand culture also resulted in increased production of leaf hypericins. While growth in a low nitrogen-containing soil resulted in elevated levels of hypericins, their production was decreased by supplementation of the soil with additional nitrogen. Increased production of hypericins in St. John’s wort leaves did not require the nitrogen supply to be decreased to levels that resulted in nitrogen deficiency symptoms. Moreover, alteration in the production of leaf hypericins occurring with changes in nitrogen supply did not alter the concentration ratio of pseudohypericin and hypericin. Increased production of leaf hypericins was not associated with any significant changes in the number of dark glands on the leaves and only a weak correlation was observed between leaf dark gland number and levels of leaf hypericins. These results are discussed in terms of the biochemistry of naphthodianthrone production by St. John’s wort plants and implications for growth environment effects during cultivated growth of this medicinal plant.  相似文献   

Trophic niche parameters and forage preferences of capybaraHydrochaeris hydrochaeris Linnaeus, 1766 were studied at three areas of east-central Argentina: Lower Delta Islands (LDI), only capybara present; Puerto Constanza (PC), capybara and cattle, and Villaguay (VI), capybara, cattle and sheep. Significant correlation was found in the annual botanical composition of capybara faeces at LDI and PC, but no correlation was found between faecal composition at these two areas and those at VI. The narrowest trophic niche corresponded to LDI, while the widest corresponded to VI, with significant differences in the values among the three areas. Capybara consumedCarex riparia, Cynodon dactylon andPanicum grumosum in LDI, andP. milioides in VI in proportion greater than availability. Three and eight food items were consumed less than availability in VI and PC, respectively. The greater the species number and density of livestock animals, the more generalist the behavior of capybara, possibly due to direct interaction in the use of grazing resources. Changes in availability of foraging species may influence the capybara’s preference patterns and the consumption of suboptimal feeding items may indicate a greater pressure on foraging resources in the areas where capybaras share their habitat with livestock.  相似文献   

Using the 2002 All-Russian population census data, the parameters of differential fertility as a component of natural selection (Crow??s indices) have been calculated for women of seven age cohorts of the seven most numerous ethnic groups of the Republic of Dagestan. It has been shown that in the population of Dagestan in the second half of the 20th century the intensities of two types of selection tended to decrease, viz., intragroup selection relaxed in each ethnic group due to considerable reduction of interfamily variance in fertility and intergroup selection relaxed due to reduction of interethnic differences in fertility. A reduction of the average number of offspring (k) was observed in all ethnic groups, suggesting the spread of birth regulation practices (abortion and contraception). Nevertheless, all Muslim groups (aboriginal Dagestan ethnic groups and Azerbaijanis) are still characterized by an extended pattern of reproduction (2.7 < k < 3.3); in Russians k = 2.1. Interethnic differentials in natural reproduction rates, along with migration processes, account for the dynamics of the ethnic composition and gene-pool structure of the population of the Republic of Dagestan.  相似文献   

Humans tend to prefer walking patterns that minimize energetic cost, but must also maintain stability to avoid falling over. The relative importance of these two goals in determining the preferred gait pattern is not currently clear. We investigated the relationship between energetic cost and stability during downhill walking, a context in which gravitational energy will assist propulsion but may also reduce stability. We hypothesized that humans will not minimize energetic cost when walking downhill, but will instead prefer a gait pattern that increases stability. Simulations of a dynamic walking model were used to determine whether stable downhill gaits could be achieved using a simple control strategy. Experimentally, twelve healthy subjects walked downhill at 1.25 m/s (0, 0.05, 0.10, and 0.15 gradients). For each slope, subjects performed normal and relaxed trials, in which they were instructed to reduce muscle activity and allow gravity to maximally assist their gait. We quantified energetic cost, stride timing, and leg muscle activity. In our model simulations, increase in slope reduced the required actuation but also decreased stability. Experimental subjects behaved more like the model when using the relaxed rather than the normal walking strategy; the relaxed strategy decreased energetic cost at the steeper slopes but increased stride period variability, an indicator of instability. These results indicate that subjects do not take optimal advantage of the propulsion provided by gravity to decrease energetic cost, but instead prefer a more stable and more costly gait pattern.  相似文献   


Background and aims

For the last decade, there has been an increasing global interest in using biochar to mitigate climate change by storing carbon in soil. However, there is a lack of detailed knowledge on the impact of biochar on the crop productivity in different agricultural systems. The objective of this study was to quantify the effect of biochar soil amendment (BSA) on crop productivity and to analyze the dependence of responses on experimental conditions.


A weighted meta-analysis was conducted based on data from 103 studies published up to April, 2013. The effect of BSA on crop productivity was quantified by characterizing experimental conditions.


In the published experiments, with biochar amendment rates generally <30 t ha?1, BSA increased crop productivity by 11.0 % on average, while the responses varied with experimental conditions. Greater responses were found in pot experiments than in field, in acid than in neutral soils, in sandy textured than in loam and silt soils. Crop response in field experiments was greater for dry land crops (10.6 % on average) than for paddy rice (5.6 % on average). This result, associated with the higher response in acid and sandy textured soils, suggests both a liming and an aggregating/moistening effect of BSA.


The analysis suggests a promising role for BSA in improving crop productivity especially for dry land crops, and in acid, poor-structured soils though there was wide variation with soil, crop and biochar properties. Long-term field studies are needed to elucidate the persistence of BSA’s effect and the mechanisms for improving crop production in a wide range of agricultural conditions. At current prices and C-trading schemes, however, BSA would not be cost-effective unless persistent soil improvement and crop response can be demonstrated.  相似文献   



Recognising overweight and obesity is critical to prompting action, and consequently preventing and treating obesity. The present study examined the association between parental perceptions of child weight status and child’s diet.


Participants were members of the Gateshead Millennium Study. Parental perception of their child’s weight status was assessed using a questionnaire and compared against International Obesity Task Force cut-offs for childhood overweight and obesity when the children were aged 6–8 years old. Diet was assessed at age 6-8years old using the FAST (Food Assessment in Schools Tool) food diary method. The association between parental perception and dietary patterns as defined by Principal Components Analysis, was assessed using multivariate regression after adjustment for child’s gender, child’s weight status, maternal body mass index (BMI), maternal education and deprivation status.


Of the 361 parents who provided complete data on confounders and on their perception of their child’s weight status, 63 (17%) parents perceived their child as being of ‘normal’ weight or ‘overweight’ when they were actually ‘overweight’ or ‘obese’, respectively. After adjustment for confounders, parents who misperceived their child’s weight had children with a lower ‘healthy’ dietary pattern score compared to children whose parents correctly perceived their weight (β = -0.88; 95% CI: -1.7, -0.1; P-value = 0.028). This association was found despite higher consumption of reduced sugar carbonated drinks amongst children whose parents incorrectly perceived their weight status compared to children whose parents perceived their weight correctly (52.4% vs. 33.6%; P-value = 0.005).


In conclusion, children whose parents did not correctly perceive their weight status scored lower on the ‘healthy’ dietary pattern. Further research is required to define parents’ diets based on their perception status and to examine if a child’s or parent’s diet mediates the association between parental perception and child weight.  相似文献   

The subjective impression of many patients using ‘swing through’ gait, in which the body is swung over the crutches with both feet clear of the ground, is that elbow crutches are less stable and more difficult to use than conventional underarm crutches (known as axillary crutches). A study was undertaken on ten normal subjects to see if objective measurements of speed and relative energy expenditure by means of heart rate monitoring via radio telemetry could confirm these impressions when both types of crutch were compared to normal walking. The results unexpectedly showed that heart rates were higher for axillary crutches, even though all subjects considered them easier to use than elbow crutches. The increase in heart rate using axillary crutches requires further study, but it was considered that it might in part be due to pressure on the thoracic cage. Because of this, Canadian crutches, which are a compromise between the two former types and do not bear on the thorax, were similarly monitored. Results from this third trial showed a marked decrease in heart rate with a marginal increase in speed over both axillary and elbow crutches. Because of this a recommendation is made for Canadian crutches to be used more frequently.  相似文献   

Long-term field-based monitoring is time and resource demanding. Consequently, there are few robust biodiversity databases that contain both a baseline and repeat measurements. On-line repositories represent a potential goldmine of conservation-relevant data, and are increasingly incentivized by funding agencies. However, there remains scarce information on their distribution and availability, limiting the possibility to exploit them to their full potential. Here we comprehensively searched and assessed open-access datasets where biodiversity has been monitored in the same site for at least 4 years, and where species and site locations were clearly reported. We located data on 75,669 field sites (9436 of which are in biodiversity hotspots), for a total of 28,723,226 records, monitoring a total of 15,046 different taxa. We found strong geographic and taxonomic biases. Monitoring sites were predominantly located in the Palearctic and Nearctic biogeographic realms and in the forest biome. Where fauna was monitored, the focus was mostly on amphibians and birds. Supporting open-access policies and developing strategies to fill the identified gaps will be crucial for improving our understanding of global biodiversity trends. Our results suggest, however, that we are on the right trajectory, with a vast storehouse of readily available (and often high quality) yet largely under-analysed biodiversity data now available online from a range of sources. We argue that such data can provide the required biodiversity baselines for national- or local-scale studies.  相似文献   

Plasma Physics Reports - Morozov’s stationary plasma thrusters (SPTs) operating with xenon have been successfully used for many years in space technology. At the same time, due to the high...  相似文献   

Persons with Parkinson’s disease (PD) have significant impairments in functional mobility, including the ability to initiate gait. Three-dimensional analysis of kinetic and kinematic outcomes has become one of the most powerful tools in evaluating abnormalities in gait initiation for persons with PD. Surprisingly however, the psychometric properties of spatial and temporal measures of gait initiation for persons with PD have not been established using force-platforms. The purposes of this study were to determine the reliability of kinetic and kinematic measures of gait initiation and to identify the minimal detectable change of these measures in persons with PD during On and Off medication conditions. Sixteen participants with idiopathic PD performed a series of 3 repeated trials of gait initiation by starting from a quiet stance position on 2 AMTI OR-6 force platforms, and walking forward across the floor following a signal from the investigators. Testing was performed first in the Off medication condition, after which participants took their medication and waited 60 min before repeating the gait initiation assessments. Relative test-retest reliability was good-to-excellent for most outcome measures (range 0.417–0.960). Bland-Altman analysis revealed no systematic variance in the majority of outcome measures when tested in distinct medication conditions (On vs. Off medication). Most outcome measures required low-to-moderate amounts of change (<50%) to indicate true change in individual participants. These results suggest that spatial and temporal measures of gait initiation using force-platforms are highly reliable and responsive to changes in performance for persons with PD, regardless of whether individuals are optimally medicated.  相似文献   

Sphingolipids having a long-chain sphingoid base backbone are primarily located in the yeast’s plasma membrane. They are found in various types of foods, and although they are not essential food ingredients, they play an important role as bioactive molecules in preventing certain human diseases. Today, due to its high nutritional value, brewer’s yeast is increasingly being used in the food and pharmaceutical industry. The aim of this study was to evaluate the potential of S. uvarum, a by-product of the brewing industry, as an economically feasible source of sphingolipids. For that purpose, the growth phase dependence on sphingolipid production in S. uvarum as well as the effect of zeolite addition to the growth medium was investigated. The experiments were designed to explore the dependence of growth phase on sphingolipids metabolism, by comparing initial (starter) culture of brewer’s yeast (laboratory propagated, designated as zero yeast generation, serving here as control), and surplus brewer’s yeast (a residue produced after 5 successive beer fermentations), by-product of beer fermentation, with and without the addition of zeolite. HPLC analysis of individual molecular species of sphingoid bases obtained by acid hydrolysis of complex sphingolipids from S. uvarum yeast produced the following results: about 65% of total sphingoid bases represents C18 phytosphingosine, about 32% represents unknown long-chain base, and about 1.5–2% represents C18 DL-erythro-sphinganine. In the case of C18 phytosphingosine, production was about 11.5-fold higher during exponential phase compared with the other growth phases. For C18 DL-erythro-sphinganine, production was highest during the lag and acceleration phase of growth. In most cases, zeolite addition (1%) to the growth medium resulted in an increase up to 2.5-fold in the sphingoid bases level.  相似文献   



Phonological awareness, letter knowledge, oral language (including sentence recall) and rapid automatised naming are acknowledged within-child predictors of literacy development. Separate research has identified family factors including socio-economic status, parents’ level of education and family history. However, both approaches have left unexplained significant amounts of variance in literacy outcomes. This longitudinal study sought to improve prospective classification accuracy for young children at risk of literacy failure by adding two new family measures (parents’ phonological awareness and parents’ perceived self-efficacy), and then combining the within-child and family factors.


Pre-literacy skills were measured in 102 four year olds (46 girls and 56 boys) at the beginning of Preschool, and then at the beginning and end of Kindergarten, when rapid automatised naming was also measured. Family factors data were collected at the beginning of Preschool, and children’s literacy outcomes were measured at the end of Year 1 (age 6–7 years).


Children from high-risk backgrounds showed poorer literacy outcomes than low-risk students, though three family factors (school socio-economic status, parents’ phonological awareness, and family history) typically accounted for less Year 1 variance than the within-child factors. Combining these family factors with the end of Kindergarten within-child factors provided the most accurate classification (i.e., sensitivity = .85; specificity = .90; overall correct = .88).


Our approach would identify at-risk children for intervention before they began to fail. Moreover, it would be cost-effective because although few at-risk children would be missed, allocation of unnecessary educational resources would be minimised.  相似文献   

Russian Journal of Plant Physiology - De-etiolation of plant seedlings is controlled by a complex system of light and hormonal signaling. This process is accompanied by chloroplast development and...  相似文献   

Acknowledgement  Thanks are due to Drs. Paul Johnston (P.Johnston@ exeter.ac.uk) and E. William Beese (ebeese@t-online.de) for kindly providing dictionary definitions and for sharing their thoughts about the correct use of ‘data’.  相似文献   

Russian Journal of Plant Physiology - Increase in the level of mineral nutrition reduces the relative growth rate of the roots, which adversely affects the drought resistance of plants. This was...  相似文献   

The effects of industrial storage on the changes of the cell viability and the activities of intracellular alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH) in brewer’s yeast, and the corresponding capacity for the bioconversion of ethyl-3-oxobutanoate (EOB) to ethyl (S)-3-hydroxybutanoate ((S)-EHB), were investigated. The viability of fresh brewer’s yeast cells stored in industrial circulating cooling water at 1–2°C showed 4 and 15% drop after the storage of 7 and 15 days, respectively, after which cells died rapidly. The pretreatment of the stored brewer’s yeast cells by washing and screening significantly enhanced cell viability during industrial storage. The intracellular levels of ADH and G6PDH after permeabilization of these stored cells with cetyltrimetylammonium bromide (CTAB) were much higher, which showed only slight decrease within 2 weeks during the industrial storage. When the stored cells after the permeabilization treatment was used as the biocatalyst at 90–120 g/L, EOB was converted almost completely into enantiopure (S)-EHB with an enantiomeric excess (ee) more than 99% and a yield of over 96%, by fed-batch bioconversion of 560 mM EOB within 6 h. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is rapidly becoming one of the leading causes of disability and mortality in the elderly. As life-expectancy increases, an increasing number of people will rely on modern medicines to treat age-associated disorders. Among these medications, some might benefit, while others might exacerbate, the pathogenesis of AD. We screened 1,600 FDA approved drugs for β-amyloid (Aβ)-modifying activity and identified drugs that can potentially influence amyloid precursor protein processing. In this study, we focused on cardiovascular drugs and demonstrated that some hypertensive medication can differentially modulate Aβ, both in vitro and in vivo. Our study suggests that some commonly prescribed drugs might exert unintended effects and modulate AD and provides the basis for continuing investigation of the role of individual drugs on a case-by-case basis. This line of investigation will lead to the identification of common medications that are potentially beneficial or detrimental to AD as a reference for physicians to consider when prescribing the most appropriate drugs for their patients, particularly for treating chronic disorders among the growing geriatric population.  相似文献   

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