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The parasympathetic control of goblet cell secretion and the membrane events accompanying accelerated mucus release were studied in large intestinal mucosal biopsies maintained in an organ culture system. The secretory response of individual goblet cells to 10(-6) M acetylcholine chloride with 3 x 10(-3) M eserine sulfate (a cholinesterase inhibitor) was assessed by light microscopy and autoradiography, by scanning and transmission electron microscopy, and by freeze-fracture. Goblet cells on the mucosal surface are unaffected by acetylcholine. In crypt goblet cells acetylcholine-eserine induces rapid fusion of apical mucous granule membranes with the luminal plasma membrane (detectable by 2 min), followed by sequential, tandem fission of the pentalaminar, fused areas of adjacent mucous granule membranes. These events first involve the most central apical mucous granules, are then propagated to include peripheral granules, and finally spread toward the most basal granules. By 60 min, most crypt cells are nearly depleted. The apical membrane, although greatly amplified by these events, remains intact, and intracellular mucous granules do not coalesce with each other. During rapid secretion membrane-limited tags of cytoplasm are observed attached to the cavitated apical cell surface. These long, thin extensions of redundant apical membrane are rapidly lost, apparently by being shed into the crypt lumen.  相似文献   

Summary We examined the glycoprotein composition of intestinal goblet cells in jejunal and colonic biopsies obtained from pigs on different diets. Paraffin sections were stained both chemically and with the following horseradishperoxidase conjugated lectins: Canavalia ensiformis (Con-A), Limulus polyphemus (LPA), Lotus tetragonolobus (LTA), Arachis hypogaea (PNA), Ricinus communis (RCA1), Glycine max (SBA) and Triticum vulgaris (WGA). Using chemical staining procedures, only small quantitative differences were noted between the two organs. With respect to lectin staining, the mucus of the jejunum was characterized by the absence of Con-A binding sites, and colonic mucus consistently exhibited an absence of SBA affinity. After dietary modifications, O-acetyl sialic acid reactivity was lowered in the jejunum but was enhanced in the colon. In the jejunum, the glycoproteins became neuraminidase susceptible, whereas the colon became characterized by the absence of neutral mucins. The affinity for the tested lectins after the different diets was variable, but the most striking effects were observed after the fibreless diet (milk alone). Our data suggest the existence of marked regional variations in goblet-cell mucus and indicate significant differences between the glycoprotein components of the jejunal and colonic mucosa. Furthermore, the biosynthesis of mucins in both regions was altered by even only short-term feeding modifications.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of the calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), including the possible participation of nitric oxide (NO), on mucin biosynthesis in the surface epithelium and remaining deep mucosa as well as the entire mucosa and compared the distribution of CGRP and NO synthase (NOS) using a combination of double immunofluorescence labeling and multiple dye filter. Pieces of tissue obtained from the corpus and antrum were incubated in a medium containing [(3)H]glucosamine and CGRP, with or without the NOS inhibitor. CGRP dose-dependently enhanced [(3)H]glucosamine incorporation into the corpus mucin but had no effect on antral mucin biosynthesis. The CGRP receptor antagonist, CGRP-(8-37), prevented the increase in (3)H-labeled corpus mucin. This stimulation of corpus mucin synthesis disappeared after removal of the surface mucus cell layer. CGRP activated the mucin biosynthesis in the surface mucus cells. In the full-thickness corpus mucosa, CGRP-induced activation was completely blocked by the NOS inhibitor. CGRP-immunoreactive fibers were intertwined within the surface mucus cell layer with type I NOS immunoreactivity. These results show that CGRP-stimulated mucin biosynthesis mediated by NO is limited to surface mucus cells of the rat gastric oxyntic mucosa.  相似文献   

In order to develop a method to quantify the mucus secretion, we observed the mucus epithelium of the rabbit colon under a video-enhanced differential interference contrast microscope. Upon stimulation with muscarinic agonists, secretory granules in individual goblet cells were found to undergo a rapid light intensity change. Simultaneously, the lumen was widened and filled with a cloudy material. In each cell, many of such responses were followed by formation of a large cavity which could be recovered after removal of the stimulant. We infer that the light intensity change of a granule arises from exocytosis. Direct counting of the frequency of these quantal responses would be very useful to monitor the secretory activity of single cell in real time at a high sensitivity.  相似文献   

Although epidermal growth factor (EGF) accelerates gastric mucin biosynthesis, information on whether its activation is limited to the specific mucus-producing cells is lacking. In this paper, we investigated the effects of EGF on mucin biosynthesis and the expression of its receptor in distinct layers of rat gastric mucosa, including the possible participation of nitric oxide (NO). EGF enhanced the incorporation of [3H]glucosamine and [14C]threonine into the mucin in the full-thickness tissues of the gastric mucosa. This stimulation disappeared on the removal treatment of the surface mucosal layer chiefly consisting of surface mucus cells. The EGF-induced increase in [3H]-labeled mucin in the full-thickness mucosa was not suppressed by either NG-nitro-L-arginine (10(-5) M) or 2-(4-carboxyphenyl)-4,4,5,5-tetramethylimidazoline-1-oxyl-3-oxide (10(-5) M). The EGF-receptor-mRNA expression was high in the surface mucosal layer but low in the deep and muscle layers of the stomach. These results suggest that EGF-induced stimulation of mucin biosynthesis is limited to the surface mucus cells of the rat gastric mucosa and is independent of the NO pathway.  相似文献   

Expression of apical cell surface proteins and glycoproteins was examined in polarized primary cultures of mouse uterine epithelial cells (UEC). Lectin-gold cytochemistry revealed that wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) bound specifically to the components of the apical glycocalyx as well as intracellular vesicles. Double labeling with the pH sensitive dye 3-(2,4-dinitroanilino)-3'amino-N-methyldipropylamine (DAMP) demonstrated the acidic nature of the WGA-staining intracellular vesicles. The enzymatic and chemical sensitivities of the WGA binding sites on the apical cell surface were monitored both by WGA-gold staining as well as by 125I-WGA binding assays. In thin sections, a large fraction of these sites were removed by pronase; however, application of a wide variety of proteases, glycosidases, or chemical treatments to the apical surface of intact UEC failed to reduce WGA binding. In no case did treatments designed to remove sialic acids reduce 125I-WGA binding more than 12%. In contrast, endo-beta-galactosidase as well as a combination of beta-galactosidase with beta-hexosaminidase succeeded in removing 28% and 77% of these sites, respectively. These studies suggested that the majority of the apically disposed WGA binding sites involved N-acetylglucosamine residues rather than sialic acids and included lactosaminoglycans. Many of the proteins detected at the apical cell surface by lactoperoxidase-catalyzed radioiodination were WGA-binding glycoproteins. A major class of these glycoproteins displayed Mr > 200 kDa by SDS-PAGE and was heavily labeled metabolically by 3H-glucosamine or by vectorial labeling at the apical cell surface with galactosyl transferase and UDP-3H-galactose. Analyses of the 3H-labeled oligosaccharides labeled by either procedure indicated that a large fraction of the apically disposed WGA-binding oligosaccharides consisted of neutral, O-linked mucin-type structures with median MW of approximately 1,500. Oligosaccharides in this fraction were partially (15%) sensitive to endo-beta-galactosidase digestion and bound to Datura stramonium agglutinin (68%), demonstrating the presence of lactosaminoglycan sequences. UEC were an extremely effective barrier to attachment or invasion by either a highly invasive melanoma cell line, B16-BL6, or implantation-competent mouse blastocysts. In contrast, neither uterine stromal cells nor a non-polarizing UEC cell line, RL95, prevented B16-BL6 attachment.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Crypts of Lieberkühn were isolated fromhuman colon, and differential interference contrast microscopydistinguished goblet and columnar cells. Activation with carbachol(CCh, 100 µM) or histamine (10 µM) released contents from gobletgranules. Stimulation with prostaglandinE2(PGE2, 5 µM) or adenosine (10 µM) did not release goblet granules but caused the apical margin ofcolumnar cells to recede. Goblet volume was lost during stimulationwith CCh or histamine (~160 fl/cell), but not withPGE2 or adenosine. Three-quartersof goblet cells were responsive to CCh but released only 30% of gobletvolume. Half-time for goblet volume release was 3.7 min.PGE2 stimulated a prolonged fluidsecretion that attained a rate of ~350 pl/min. Columnar cells lost~50% of apical volume during maximalPGE2 stimulation, with a half-timeof 3.3 min. In crypts from individuals with ulcerative colitis, goblet cells were hypersensitive to CCh for release of goblet volume. Theseresults support separate regulation for mucus secretions from gobletcells and from columnar cells, with control mechanisms restrictingtotal release of mucus stores.


Crypts of Lieberkühn were isolated from human colon, and differential interference contrast microscopy distinguished goblet and columnar cells. Activation with carbachol (CCh, 100 microM) or histamine (10 microM) released contents from goblet granules. Stimulation with prostaglandin E(2) (PGE(2), 5 microM) or adenosine (10 microM) did not release goblet granules but caused the apical margin of columnar cells to recede. Goblet volume was lost during stimulation with CCh or histamine ( approximately 160 fl/cell), but not with PGE(2) or adenosine. Three-quarters of goblet cells were responsive to CCh but released only 30% of goblet volume. Half-time for goblet volume release was 3.7 min. PGE(2) stimulated a prolonged fluid secretion that attained a rate of approximately 350 pl/min. Columnar cells lost approximately 50% of apical volume during maximal PGE(2) stimulation, with a half-time of 3.3 min. In crypts from individuals with ulcerative colitis, goblet cells were hypersensitive to CCh for release of goblet volume. These results support separate regulation for mucus secretions from goblet cells and from columnar cells, with control mechanisms restricting total release of mucus stores.  相似文献   

Mucus hypersecretion associated with airway inflammation is reduced by glucocorticoids. Two mechanisms of glucocorticoid-mediated inhibition of mucus production have been proposed, direct inhibition of mucus production by airway epithelial cells and indirectly through inhibition of proinflammatory mediators that stimulate mucus production. In this study, we examined the effect of dexamethasone (DEX) on mRNA expression and synthesis of MUC5AC by A549 human lung adenocarcinoma cells as well as Muc5ac and total high-molecular-weight (HMW) mucins by primary rat tracheal surface epithelial (RTSE) cells. Our results showed that in primary RTSE cells, DEX 1) dose dependently suppressed Muc5ac mRNA levels, but the levels of cellular Muc5ac protein and HMW mucins were unaffected; 2) did not affect constitutive or UTP-stimulated mucin secretion; 3) enhanced the translation of Muc5ac; and 4) increased the stability of intracellular Muc5ac protein by a mechanism other than the inhibition of the proteasomal degradation. In A549 cells, however, DEX suppressed both MUC5AC mRNA levels and MUC5AC protein secretion in a dose-dependent manner. We conclude that whereas DEX inhibits the levels of Muc5ac mRNA in primary RTSE cells, the levels of Muc5ac protein remain unchanged as a consequence of increases in both translation and protein stability. Interestingly, some of the effects of DEX were opposite in a cell line.  相似文献   

We previously reported that the infusion of certain soluble immune complexes stimulated mucus release from the rat small intestine in vivo. The present studies sought to evaluate the response of the intestine of normal and immunized rats to the infusion of antigen alone. One hour after the intraduodenal infusion of antigen, small intestinal washings were obtained and analyzed for the presence of 35S-labeled, high m.w. glycoprotein of goblet cell origin. The amount of goblet cell glycoprotein released was estimated from the radioactivity present in the void volume of a Sepharose 4B gel filtration column. The release of goblet cell mucus was enhanced by antigen stimulation in orally immunized animals. The discharge of goblet cell mucus was not increased after antigen infusion in animals immunized by the i.p. route despite the induction of high levels of serum antibody. The inability to demonstrate release of mucus after antigen challenge in systemically immunized rats suggests that the amount or the type(s) of antibody required at the mucosal surface is produced only after oral immunization.  相似文献   

Crypts of Lieberkühn were isolatedfrom human colon, and differential interference contrast microscopydistinguished goblet and columnar cells. Activation with carbachol(CCh, 100 µM) or histamine (10 µM) released contents from gobletgranules. Stimulation with prostaglandinE2(PGE2, 5 µM) or adenosine (10 µM) did not release goblet granules but caused the apical margin ofcolumnar cells to recede. Goblet volume was lost during stimulationwith CCh or histamine (~160 fl/cell), but not withPGE2 or adenosine. Three-quartersof goblet cells were responsive to CCh but released only 30% of gobletvolume. Half-time for goblet volume release was 3.7 min.PGE2 stimulated a prolonged fluidsecretion that attained a rate of ~350 pl/min. Columnar cells lost~50% of apical volume during maximalPGE2 stimulation, with a half-timeof 3.3 min. In crypts from individuals with ulcerative colitis, goblet cells were hypersensitive to CCh for release of goblet volume. Theseresults support separate regulation for mucus secretions from gobletcells and from columnar cells, with control mechanisms restrictingtotal release of mucus stores.


Airway goblet cells secrete mucin onto mucosal surfaces under the regulation of an apical, phospholipase C/Gq-coupled P2Y2 receptor. We tested whether cortical actin filaments negatively regulate exocytosis in goblet cells by forming a barrier between secretory granules and plasma membrane docking sites as postulated for other secretory cells. Immunostaining of human lung tissues and SPOC1 cells (an epithelial, mucin-secreting cell line) revealed an apical distribution of - and -actin in ciliated and goblet cells. In goblet cells, actin appeared as a prominent subplasmalemmal sheet lying between granules and the apical membrane, and it disappeared from SPOC1 cells activated by purinergic agonist. Disruption of actin filaments with latrunculin A stimulated SPOC1 cell mucin secretion under basal and agonist-activated conditions, whereas stabilization with jasplakinolide or overexpression of - or -actin conjugated to yellow fluorescent protein (YFP) inhibited secretion. Myristoylated alanine-rich C kinase substrate, a PKC-activated actin-plasma membrane tethering protein, was phosphorylated after agonist stimulation, suggesting a translocation to the cytosol. Scinderin (or adseverin), a Ca2+-activated actin filament severing and capping protein was cloned from human airway and SPOC1 cells, and synthetic peptides corresponding to its actin-binding domains inhibited mucin secretion. We conclude that actin filaments negatively regulate mucin secretion basally in airway goblet cells and are dynamically remodeled in agonist-stimulated cells to promote exocytosis. lung; mucus; exocytosis  相似文献   

To study the mechanism of gel-forming mucin packaging within mucin granules, we generated human mucous/goblet cells stably expressing a recombinant MUC5AC domain fused to green fluorescent protein (GFP). The fusion protein, named SHGFP-MUC5AC/CK, accumulated in the granules together with native MUC5AC. Inhibition of protein synthesis or disorganization of the Golgi complex did not result in diminished intragranular SHGFP-MUC5AC/CK signals, consistent with long-term storage of the fusion protein. However, SHGFP-MUC5AC/CK was rapidly discharged from the granules upon incubation of the cells with ATP, an established mucin secretagogue. Several criteria indicated that SHGFP-MUC5AC/CK was not covalently linked to endogenous MUC5AC. Analysis of fluorescence recovery after photobleaching suggested that the intragranular SHGFP-MUC5AC/CK mobile fraction and mobility were significantly lower than in the endoplasmic reticulum lumen. Incubation of the cells with bafilomycin A1, a specific inhibitor of the vacuolar H+-ATPase, did not alter the fusion protein mobility, although it significantly increased (approximately 20%) the intragranular SHGFP-MUC5AC/CK mobile fraction. In addition, the granules in bafilomycin-incubated cells typically exhibited a heterogeneous intraluminal distribution of the fluorescent fusion protein. These results are consistent with a model of mucin granule intraluminal organization with two phases: a mobile phase in which secretory proteins diffuse as in the endoplasmic reticulum lumen but at a lower rate and an immobile phase or matrix in which proteins are immobilized by noncovalent pH-dependent interactions. An intraluminal acidic pH, maintained by the vacuolar H+-ATPase, is one of the critical factors for secretory protein binding to the immobile phase and also for its organization.  相似文献   

Summary Mucus-producing cells were isolated from swine trachea mucosa by a method that included enzymatic digestion of the epithelial surface with Dispase, a neutral protease fromBacillus polymyxa, and differential attachment of the washed cells to culture flasks coated with collagen. Epithelial cells were the major cell type isolated by these procedures. Ciliated cells that did not attach to the flasks were removed by decantation, and fibroblasts were destroyed by the bacterial protease. The isolated cells synthesized respiratory mucins and the rate of secretion was increased about threefold when tracheas were exposed to sulfur dioxide. The cultured cells incorporated both [35S]O4 and [I-14C]N-acetylglucosamine into secreted mucin glycoproteins. The secretion of glycoprotein increased for about 3 d until the cells became confluent, and then a constant rate was observed for a period of at least 7 d. This increase in the output of mucin glycoprotein during the initial 3 d of culture was accompanied by a corresponding increase in the number of mucus-producing cells in the flasks. The results obtained in these and subsequent studies suggest that the rate of formation of mucus-producing cells may be a rate limiting step in the regulation of mucin glycoprotein synthesis in tracheal epithelium. The chemical, physical, and immunological properties of the glycoprotein secreted by isolated tracheal epithelial cells were very similar to the mucin glycoprotein purified from washes of swine trachea epithelium. The purified mucin glycoproteins showed complete cross-reaction with antibodies to trachea mucin glycoprotein. They were eluted near the void volume during gel filtration on Sepharose CL-6B columns. The glycoprotein isolated from culture media under the standard assay conditions had nearly the same carbohydrate composition as samples purified from washes of trachea epithelium. Reduced oligosaccharides released by β-elimination with dilute alkaline borohydride showed similar elution profiles during chromatography on Bio Gel P-6 colums. Taken collectively, these results suggest that the isolated epithelial cells secreted mucin glycoproteins that were very similar to those synthesized by the intact trachea epithelium under standard incubation conditions. This investigation was supported by United States Public Health Service Grant HL 20868 from the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute and AM 28187 from the National Institute of Arthritis, Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases.  相似文献   

Mucus-producing cells were isolated from swine trachea mucosa by a method that included enzymatic digestion of the epithelial surface with Dispase, a neutral protease from Bacillus polymyxa, and differential attachment of the washed cells to culture flasks coated with collagen. Epithelial cells were the major cell type isolated by these procedures. Ciliated cells that did not attach to the flasks were removed by decantation , and fibroblasts were destroyed by the bacterial protease. The isolated cells synthesized respiratory mucins and the rate of secretion was increased about threefold when tracheas were exposed to sulfur dioxide. The cultured cells incorporated both [35S]O4 and [I-14C]N-acetylglucosamine into secreted mucin glycoproteins. The secretion of glycoprotein increased for about 3 d until the cells became confluent, and then a constant rate was observed for a period of at least 7 d. This increase in the output of mucin glycoprotein during the initial 3 d of culture was accompanied by a corresponding increase in the number of mucus-producing cells in the flasks. The results obtained in these and subsequent studies suggest that the rate of formation of mucus-producing cells may be a rate limiting step in the regulation of mucin glycoprotein synthesis in tracheal epithelium. The chemical, physical, and immunological properties of the glycoprotein secreted by isolated tracheal epithelial cells were very similar to the mucin glycoprotein purified from washes of swine trachea epithelium. The purified mucin glycoproteins showed complete cross-reaction with antibodies to trachea mucin glycoprotein. They were eluted near the void volume during gel filtration of Sepharose CL-6B columns. The glycoprotein isolated from culture media under the standard assay conditions had nearly the same carbohydrate composition as samples purified from washes of trachea epithelium. Reduced oligosaccharides released by beta-elimination with dilute alkaline borohydride showed similar elution profiles during chromatography on Bio Gel P-6 columns. Taken collectively, these results suggest that the isolated epithelial cells secreted mucin glycoproteins that were very similar to those synthesized by the intact trachea epithelium under standard incubation conditions.  相似文献   

Mucoid enteropathy was induced experimentally by ligation of the cecum, and sterile filtrates were prepared from cecal contents of sick and control rabbits. Explants were prepared from the colons of normal rabbits and were maintained in a short-term organ culture system. Cecal filtrates from rabbits with experimental mucoid enteropathy when added to the culture medium, stimulated mucus secretion and discharge from goblet cells. This was exhibited by an increase in number of visible goblet cells, presence of mucus in crypt lumen and/or presence of a significant amount of mucus blanketing the surface epithelium. The results indicated that a mucus-stimulating substance, a goblet cell secretagogue, was produced in the cecum of affected rabbits.  相似文献   

The molecular organization of surface galactose residues in glycoproteins of the intact myelin sheath was investigated using the enzymatic membrane probe, galactose oxidase. Rat spinal cords treated under physiological conditions with this nonpermanent probe were labeled specifically in galactose residues by reduction with tritiated sodium borohydride. The enzymatically modified proteins from isolated myelin were analyzed electrophoretically and their specific radioactivities determined. Results indicated tritium label associated with a surprising variety of high molecular weight proteins. The most extensively labeled peak corresponded to the major myelin glycoprotein as indicated by the coincidence of tritium label with that of [14C]fucose used as an internal marker for the glycoproteins. The radioactivity associated with this protein was 1.1 to 2.7 times higher after treatment with galactose oxidase when compared to reduction in the absence of the enzyme and 1.4 to 4.8 times higher when oxidized and reduced after prior treatment with neuraminidase. The results suggest a complex heterogeneity of minor glycoproteins associated with isolated myelin. It is concluded that from this complexity of glycoproteins, a major glycoprotein is at least partially localized on the external surface of either the intact myelin sheath or the closely associated oligodendroglial plasma membrane. Such a localization of this glycoprotein and the probable localization of the other glycoproteins enhances their potential role in specific interactions in the process of mpyelination or myelin maintenance.  相似文献   

Site-directed spin labeling (SDSL), the site-specific incorporation of nitroxide spin-labels into a protein, has allowed us to investigate ligand-induced conformational changes in the ligand-binding domain of human estrogen receptor alpha (hERalpha-LBD). EPR (electron paramagnetic resonance) spectroscopy of the nitroxide probe attached to ER produces different spectra depending upon the identity of the bound ligand; these differences are indicative of changes in the type and degree of motional character of the spin-label induced by different ligand-induced conformations of labeled ER. Visual inspection of EPR spectra, construction of B versus C cross-correlation plots, and cross-comparison of spectral pairs using a relative squared difference (RSD) calculation allowed receptor-ligand complexes to be profiled according to their conformational character. Plotting B and C parameters allowed us to evaluate the liganded receptor according to the motional characteristics of the attached spin-label, and they were particularly illustrative for the receptor labeled at position 530, which had motion between the fast and intermediate regimes. RSD analysis allowed us to directly compare the similarity or difference between two different spectra, and these comparisons produced groupings that paralleled those seen in B versus C cross-correlation plots, again relating meaningfully with the pharmacological nature of the bound ligand. RSD analysis was also particularly useful for qualifying differences seen with the receptor labeled at position 417, which had motion between the intermediate and slow motional regimes. This work demonstrates that B and C formulas from EPR line shape theory are useful for qualitative analysis of spectra with differences subtler than those that are often analyzed by EPR spectroscopists. This work also provides evidence that the ER can exist in a range of conformations, with specific conformations resulting from preferential stabilization of ER by the bound ligand. Furthermore, it documents the complexity and uniqueness of the ligand-receptor structure, and highlights the fact that structural differences exist between the receptor bound with ligands of different pharmacological character that, nevertheless, produce similar crystal structures.  相似文献   

Several studies demonstrated that fermented milks may provide a large number of bioactive peptides into the gastrointestinal tract. We previously showed that beta-casomorphin-7, an opioid-like peptide produced from bovine β-casein, strongly stimulates intestinal mucin production in ex vivo and in vitro models, suggesting the potential benefit of milk bioactive peptides on intestinal protection. In the present study, we tested the hypothesis that the total peptide pool (TPP) from a fermented milk (yoghurt) may act on human intestinal mucus-producing cells (HT29-MTX) to induce mucin expression. Our aim was then to identify the peptide(s) carrying the biological activity and to study its impact in vivo on factors involved in gut protection after oral administration to rat pups (once a day, 9 consecutive days). TPP stimulated MUC2 and MUC4 gene expression as well as mucin secretion in HT29-MTX cells. Among the four peptide fractions that were separated by preparative reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography, only the C2 fraction was able to mimic the in vitro effect of TPP. Interestingly, the sequence [94-123] of β-casein, present only in C2 fraction, also regulated mucin production in HT29-MTX cells. Oral administration of this peptide to rat pups enhanced the number of goblet cells and Paneth cells along the small intestine. These effects were associated with a higher expression of intestinal mucins (Muc2 and Muc4) and of antibacterial factors (lysozyme, rdefa5). We conclude that the peptide β-CN(94-123) present in yoghurts may maintain or restore intestinal homeostasis and could play an important role in protection against damaging agents of the intestinal lumen.  相似文献   

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