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Our lab and most others have not been able to close a carbon balance for fermentation by the thermophilic, cellulolytic anaerobe, Clostridium thermocellum. We undertook a detailed accounting of product formation in C. thermocellum ATCC 27405. Elemental analysis revealed that for both cellulose (Avicel) and cellobiose, >92% of the substrate carbon utilized could be accounted for in the pellet, supernatant and off-gas when including sampling. However, 11.1% of the original substrate carbon was found in the liquid phase and not in the form of commonly-measured fermentation products - ethanol, acetate, lactate, and formate. Further detailed analysis revealed all the products to be <720 da and have not usually been associated with C. thermocellum fermentation, including malate, pyruvate, uracil, soluble glucans, and extracellular free amino acids. By accounting for these products, 92.9% and 93.2% of the final product carbon was identified during growth on cellobiose and Avicel, respectively.  相似文献   

Cultures of Clostridium thermocellum ATCC-27405, maintained on cellulose and not adapted to grow on glucose utilize cellobiose preferentially over D-glucose, and are only able to initiate growth on D-glucose when the cellobiose has been exhausted from the growth medium. However, D-glucose is the carbon source preferentially utilized when cultures of this microorganism, previously adapted for growth on glucose, are transferred to a medium with equivalent concentrations of both sugars. One reason for the preferential utilization of glucose over that of cellobiose might be the competitive inhibition of cellobiose phosphorylase by intracellular glucose accumulation. When in the glucose-adapted cultures the pressure to grow on glucose as the sole carbon source is again released, both sugars can be simultaneously utilized.  相似文献   

The objective of this research was to understand how carbon loading influences hydrogen (H2) synthesis and metabolic flow patterns in the thermophilic, cellulolytic bacterium, Clostridium thermocellum. C. thermocellum was cultivated in batch cultures with high (5 g L−1) and low (1 g L−1) initial concentrations of α-cellulose at 60°C. The growth rate of C. thermocellum was 22% lower (0.15 h−1) in cultures with low-cellulose concentration compared with cultures with high-cellulose concentrations. Although substrate depletion coincided with the end of log-growth in low-cellulose cultures, the prime reason for growth arrest in high-cellulose cultures was not identified. Ethanol, acetate, and formate were the major soluble end-products with concomitant release of H2 and CO2 under both conditions. Lactate appeared during the late log phase in high-carbon cultures when pH dropped below 6.4 and became the major end-product in stationary phase. During the exponential phase of cell growth, significantly higher yields for H2 and acetate (1.90 ± 0.14 and 1.11 ± 0.04 mol/mol glucose equivalent, respectively) were obtained from low-cellulose cultures compared to those from high-cellulose cultures. The maximum specific rate of H2 production, 6.41 ± 0.13 mmol H2/g dry cell/h, obtained during the exponential phase from low-carbon cultures was about 37% higher than that obtained from high-carbon cultures.  相似文献   

Effect of various cultural parameters on cellulose degradation, glucose accumulation and ethanol production byClostridium thermocellum ATCC 27405 were investigated. Optimum pH values for glucose accumulation and ethanol production were determined as 7 and 10, respectively. Highest amount of ethanol (0.92 g/l) was obtained from the culture which contains 10 g urea/l with 34.5% decrease in glucose accumulation. Addition of 100 mM phosphate to the medium increased ethanol production while cellulose degradation and sugar accumulation decreased by 34 and 99%, respectively. Among minerals tested, Mg+2 was found to be the most important element which affects cellulose degradation. When the medium contained no Mg+2, residual cellulose concentration was 4.3 g cellulose/l. When the cultural parameters were optimised, glucose accumulation started at early days of fermentation and glucose concentration was 60% higher than that of the control at the 10th day of fermentation.  相似文献   

We have investigated hydrogen (H2) production by the cellulose-degrading anaerobic bacterium, Clostridium thermocellum. In the following experiments, batch-fermentations were carried out with cellobiose at three different substrate concentrations to observe the effects of carbon-limited or carbon-excess conditions on the carbon flow, H2-production, and synthesis of other fermentation end products, such as ethanol and organic acids. Rates of cell growth were unaffected by different substrate concentrations. H2, carbon dioxide (CO2), acetate, and ethanol were the main products of fermentation. Other significant end products detected were formate and lactate. In cultures where cell growth was severely limited due to low initial substrate concentrations, hydrogen yields of 1 mol H2/mol of glucose were obtained. In the cultures where growth ceased due to carbon depletion, lactate and formate represented a small fraction of the total end products produced, which consisted mainly of H2, CO2, acetate, and ethanol throughout growth. In cultures with high initial substrate concentrations, cellobiose consumption was incomplete and cell growth was limited by factors other than carbon availability. H2-production continued even in stationary phase and H2/CO2 ratios were consistently greater than 1 with a maximum of 1.2 at the stationary phase. A maximum specific H2 production rate of 14.6 mmol g dry cell−1 h−1 was observed. As cells entered stationary phase, extracellular pyruvate production was observed in high substrate concentration cultures and lactate became a major end product.  相似文献   

Summary Among twelve strains of Clostridium thermocellum isolated from faecal droppings of various herbivorous animals and birds, three of the strains, SS21, SS22 and SS19, produced 0.37, 0.33 and 0.32 g of ethanol per g of the substrate consumed and had ethanol to acetate ratios of 2.21, 2.45 and 1.72 respectively. These are the highest substrate conversion yields of ethanol amongst the wild strains of C. thermocellum reported so far. The optimum temperature and pH for growth and ethanol production were 60 °C and 7.5, respectively.  相似文献   

Two Clostridium thermocellum strains were improved for ethanol tolerance, to 5% (v/v), by gradual adaptation and mutation. The best mutant gave an ethanol yield of 0.37 g/g substrate, with a growth yield 1.5 times more than its parent. Accumulation of acids and reducing sugars by the mutant strain with 5% (v/v) ethanol was lower than that of the parent strain with 1.5% (v/v) ethanol.  相似文献   

Clostridium thermocellum ferments cellulose, is a promising candidate for ethanol production from cellulosic biomass, and has been the focus of studies aimed at improving ethanol yield. Thermoanaerobacterium saccharolyticum ferments hemicellulose, but not cellulose, and has been engineered to produce ethanol at high yield and titer. Recent research has led to the identification of four genes in T. saccharolyticum involved in ethanol production: adhE, nfnA, nfnB and adhA. We introduced these genes into C. thermocellum and observed significant improvements to ethanol yield, titer, and productivity. The four genes alone, however, were insufficient to achieve in C. thermocellum the ethanol yields and titers observed in engineered T. saccharolyticum strains, even when combined with gene deletions targeting hydrogen production. This suggests that other parts of T. saccharolyticum metabolism may also be necessary to reproduce the high ethanol yield and titer phenotype in C. thermocellum.  相似文献   

The feasibility of producing ethanol in a continuous system from cellulose using Clostridirrrn thermocellum was investigated. This anaerobic and therniophilic bacterium was able to degrade cellulose directly into ethanol with acetic acid, hydrogen. and carbon dioxide as by-products of this fermentation. The fermentation was first carried out in a batch mode to study the effects of buffers, temperature, and agitation on microbial growth and ethanol production. From the compounds used to control pH. sodium bicarbonate had the most preferred effects on generation time and ethanol production. As expected, there was a positive relationship between temperature and growth rate. On the other hand, agitation did not benefit from ethanol production or microbial growth. The possibility of noncompetitive inhibition within such a system was deduced from the calculation of the kinetic constants K(m) and V(max). Continuous fermentations were carried out at 60 degrees C and pH 7.0 using 1.5 and 3% pure cellulose as a limiting substrate. The maximum ethanol concentration reached during the 1.5% cellulose fermentation was 0.3%. and 0.9% during the 3% cellulose fermentation. The yield of ethanol was about 0.3 grams per gram of consumed cellulose. The overall yield in both schemes was around 0.45 and 0.75 grams per gram of cellulose degraded. It was concluded that cellulose could be degraded continuously in a system with C. thermocellum for production of ethanol. While the continuous system like the batch method is feasible, it may not be promising as yet because of the slow generation time of this microorganism.  相似文献   



The twin problem of shortage in fossil fuel and increase in environmental pollution can be partly addressed by blending of ethanol with transport fuel. Increasing the ethanol production for this purpose without affecting the food security of the countries would require the use of cellulosic plant materials as substrate. Clostridium thermocellum is an anaerobic thermophilic bacterium with cellulolytic property and the ability to produce ethanol. But its application as biocatalyst for ethanol production is limited because pyruvate ferredoxin oxidoreductase, which diverts pyruvate to ethanol production pathway, has low affinity to the substrate. Therefore, the present study was undertaken to genetically modify C. thermocellum for enhancing its ethanol production capacity by transferring pyruvate carboxylase (pdc) and alcohol dehydrogenase (adh) genes of the homoethanol pathway from Zymomonas mobilis.


The pdc and adh genes from Z. mobilis were cloned in pNW33N, and transformed to Clostridium thermocellum DSM 1313 by electroporation to generate recombinant CTH-pdc, CTH-adh and CTH-pdc-adh strains that carried heterologous pdc, adh, and both genes, respectively. The plasmids were stably maintained in the recombinant strains. Though both pdc and adh were functional in C. thermocellum, the presence of adh severely limited the growth of the recombinant strains, irrespective of the presence or absence of the pdc gene. The recombinant CTH-pdc strain showed two-fold increase in pyruvate carboxylase activity and ethanol production when compared with the wild type strain.


Pyruvate decarboxylase gene of the homoethanol pathway from Z mobilis was functional in recombinant C. thermocellum strain and enhanced its ability to produced ethanol. Strain improvement and bioprocess optimizations may further increase the ethanol production from this recombinant strain.

Avicel serves as a model microcrystalline cellulose substrate for investigations of cellulolytic microbial performance and cellulase enzyme systems in submerged liquid cultures. Clostridium thermocellum is a thermophilic, anaerobic bacterium capable of degrading lignocellulose and fermenting it to ethanol and other products, suggesting the native growth environment is similar to that supported by solid substrate cultivation. Few studies have examined the effects of process parameters on the metabolism of thermophilic anaerobes in solid substrate cultivation, however. The effects of solid substrate cultivation (SSC) substrate moisture content (30%, 50% and 70% wet-basis) and cultivation duration (2, 4 and 8 days) on the metabolic activity of C. thermocellum 27405 on Avicel was studied. The 70% substrate moisture content SSC culture yielded total end-product concentrations that were comparable to submerged liquid cultures. The SSC cultivation conditions with the highest end-product formation on Avicel were the combination of 70% substrate moisture content and cultivation duration period of 4 days, producing approximately 100mM of total end-products. The ethanol and lactate concentrations were fairly constant and did not change significantly over time in SSC. Acetate production was more dependent on the cultivation conditions in SSC and was significant for both the 70% substrate moisture content SSC and liquid cultivation experiments, making up on average 56% and 86% of total end-products, respectively. Performance of C. thermocellum 27405 in SSC was more dependent on the kinetic properties rather than the thermodynamic properties of substrate moisture content. High substrate loadings in C. thermocellum cultivation affected product ratios, resulting in the higher observed acetate production. In addition, cessation of metabolism was observed prior to complete Avicel conversion; the mechanisms involved need further investigation.  相似文献   

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