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Rao LL  Zhou Y  Xu L  Liang ZY  Jiang T  Li S 《PloS one》2011,6(3):e14756
The dominant theories about risky decision-making assume that decision conflicts are solved by a compensatory process involving a trade-off of probability against payoff, but it is unclear whether these theories actually represent the events that occur when people make a risky decision. By contrasting a preferential choice with a judgment-based choice that required a compensatory process, we explored the mechanisms underlying risky decision-making. First, using parametric analyses, we identified the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex (dMPFC) as the specific region in charge of task-related conflict in risky decision-making tasks. We also showed that the dMPFC was activated less when judgment-based choices were being made, implying that the conflict experienced during a judgment-based choice was not as strong as the conflict that was experienced during the preferential choice. Our results provide neural evidence that preferential choice cannot be characterized solely as a compensatory process. Thus, questions were raised about whether existing compensatory theories could adequately describe individual risky decisions.  相似文献   

Is Self‐Grooming by Male Prairie Voles a Predictor of Mate Choice?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Self-grooming by mammals is a form of scent dissemination in which individuals anoint themselves with salivary, anogenital, and other body odours. Self-grooming has been proposed to be a sexually selected trait favoured in reproductive competition and sexual attraction. We tested the hypothesis that females would show a mating preference for males that self-groomed more than a reproductive competitor that groomed less. In mate-choice experiments in which females had a choice of two tethered males, non pair-bonded females did not choose males based on their frequency of self-grooming. In a second experiment in which pair-bonded females in postpartum oestrus had access to their current mate and two strange males, strange males groomed significantly more than pair-bonded mates, yet attained the fewest copulations. Non pair-bonded females and pair-bonded males and females groomed significantly less often than did non pair-bonded males. Self-grooming behaviour was consistent with the sexual attraction hypothesis, but the frequency of self-grooming did not increase a male's mating success. We conclude that the frequency and time spent self grooming are not good predictors of mating success.  相似文献   

Hybrid zones may be structured by environmentally independent selection against intrinsically unfit hybrids (tension zone models), or by environmentally dependent fitness differences among parental species and hybrids (ecological selection-gradient models). A 30-m slope in a mountain grassland harbors a hybrid zone of the clonal perennials, Prunella grandiflora and P. vulgaris (Lamiaceae), with P. grandiflora in the upper, P. vulgaris in the lower, and both parental species and P. grandiflora × P. vulgaris Hybrids in a narrow middle part. We found gradients for soil depth and water content, and vegetation height and biomass along the slope. A reciprocal transplant experiment yielded crossing reaction norms for vegetative reproduction. Parental species were locally adapted to their home sites, while the three taxa did not differ in vegetative reproduction in the Hybrid transplant site. Local adaptation for vegetative reproduction of P. grandiflora was mediated through higher survival and that of P. vulgaris through higher ramet number, indicating adaptation of their clonal growth strategies (phalanx vs. guerrilla) to the different habitats. Hybrid performance was intermediate between that of the parental species in all three sites, although Hybrids flowered more often than the parental species in the Hybrid site. Our results support ecological selection-gradient rather than tension zone models.  相似文献   



Descending kerbs during locomotion involves the regulation of appropriate foot placement before the kerb-edge and foot clearance over it. It also involves the modulation of gait output to ensure the body-mass is safely and smoothly lowered to the new level. Previous research has shown that vision is used in such adaptive gait tasks for feedforward planning, with vision from the lower visual field (lvf) used for online updating. The present study determined when lvf information is used to control/update locomotion when stepping from a kerb.

Methodology/Principal Findings

12 young adults stepped down a kerb during ongoing gait. Force sensitive resistors (attached to participants'' feet) interfaced with an high-speed PDLC ‘smart glass’ sheet, allowed the lvf to be unpredictably occluded at either heel-contact of the penultimate or final step before the kerb-edge up to contact with the lower level. Analysis focussed on determining changes in foot placement distance before the kerb-edge, clearance over it, and in kinematic measures of the step down. Lvf occlusion from the instant of final step contact had no significant effect on any dependant variable (p>0.09). Occlusion of the lvf from the instant of penultimate step contact had a significant effect on foot clearance and on several kinematic measures, with findings consistent with participants becoming uncertain regarding relative horizontal location of the kerb-edge.


These findings suggest concurrent feedback of the lower limb, kerb-edge, and/or floor area immediately in front/below the kerb is not used when stepping from a kerb during ongoing gait. Instead heel-clearance and pre-landing-kinematic parameters are determined/planned using lvf information acquired in the penultimate step during the approach to the kerb-edge, with information related to foot placement before the kerb-edge being the most salient.  相似文献   



A crucial question for understanding sentence comprehension is the openness of syntactic and semantic processes for other sources of information. Using event-related potentials in a dual task paradigm, we had previously found that sentence processing takes into consideration task relevant sentence-external semantic but not syntactic information. In that study, internal and external information both varied within the same linguistic domain—either semantic or syntactic. Here we investigated whether across-domain sentence-external information would impact within-sentence processing.


In one condition, adjectives within visually presented sentences of the structure [Det]-[Noun]-[Adjective]-[Verb] were semantically correct or incorrect. Simultaneously with the noun, auditory adjectives were presented that morphosyntactically matched or mismatched the visual adjectives with respect to gender.


As expected, semantic violations within the sentence elicited N400 and P600 components in the ERP. However, these components were not modulated by syntactic matching of the sentence-external auditory adjective. In a second condition, syntactic within-sentence correctness-variations were combined with semantic matching variations between the auditory and the visual adjective. Here, syntactic within-sentence violations elicited a LAN and a P600 that did not interact with semantic matching of the auditory adjective. However, semantic mismatching of the latter elicited a frontocentral positivity, presumably related to an increase in discourse level complexity.


The current findings underscore the open versus algorithmic nature of semantic and syntactic processing, respectively, during sentence comprehension.  相似文献   

The Upper Volga region was an area of contacts of Finno-Ugric, Slavic, and Scandinavian speaking populations in the 8th–10th centuries AD. However, their role in the formation of the contemporary gene pool of the Russian population of the region is largely unknown. To answer this question, we studied four populations of Yaroslavl oblast (N = 132) by a wide panel of STR and SNP markers of the Y-chromosome. Two of the studied populations appear to be genetically similar: the indigenous Russian population of Yaroslavl oblast and population of Katskari are characterized by the same major haplogroup, R-M198 (xM458). Haplogroup R-M458 composes more than half of Sitskari’s gene pool. The major haplogroup in the gene pool of the population of the ancient town of Mologa is N-M178. Subtyping N-M178 by newest “genomeera” Y-SNP markers showed different pathways of entering this haplogroup into the gene pools of Yaroslavl Volga region populations. The majority of Russian populations have subvariant N3a3-CTS10760; the regular sample of Yaroslavl oblast is equally represented by subvariants N3a3-CTS10760 and N3a4-Z1936, while subvariant N3a4-Z1936 predominates in the gene pool of population of Mologa. This N3a4-Z1936 haplogroup is common among the population of the north of Eastern Europe and the Volga-Ural region. The obtained results indicate preservation of the Finno-Ugric component in the gene pool of population of Mologa and a contribution of Slavic colonization in the formation of the gene pool of the Yaroslavl Volga region populations and make it possible to hypothesize the genetic contribution of the “downstream” (Rostov- Suzdal) rather than “upstream” (Novgorod) Slavic migration wave.  相似文献   

The net movement of individuals from marine reserves (also known as no-take marine protected areas) to the remaining fishing grounds is known as spillover and is frequently used to promote reserves to fishers on the grounds that it will benefit fisheries. Here we consider how mismanaged a fishery must be before spillover from a reserve is able to provide a net benefit for a fishery. For our model fishery, density of the species being harvested becomes higher in the reserve than in the fished area but the reduction in the density and yield of the fished area was such that the net effect of the closure was negative, except when the fishery was mismanaged. The extent to which effort had to exceed traditional management targets before reserves led to a spillover benefit varied with rates of growth and movement of the model species. In general, for well-managed fisheries, the loss of yield from the use of reserves was less for species with greater movement and slower growth. The spillover benefit became more pronounced with increasing mis-management of the stocks remaining available to the fishery. This model-based result is consistent with the literature of field-based research where a spillover benefit from reserves has only been detected when the fishery is highly depleted, often where traditional fisheries management controls are absent. We conclude that reserves in jurisdictions with well-managed fisheries are unlikely to provide a net spillover benefit.  相似文献   



The search for biomarkers of aging (BoAs) has been largely unsuccessful to-date and there is widespread skepticism about the prospects of finding any that satisfy the criteria developed by the American Federation of Aging Research. This may be because the criteria are too strict or because a composite measure might be more appropriate. Telomere length has attracted a great deal of attention as a candidate BoA. We investigate whether it meets the criteria to be considered as a single biomarker of aging, and whether it makes a useful contribution to a composite measure.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Using data from a large population based study, we show that telomere length is associated with age, with several measures of physical and cognitive functioning that are related to normal aging, and with three measures of overall health. In the majority of cases, telomere length adds predictive power to that of age, although it was not nearly as good a predictor overall. We used principal components analysis to form two composites from the measures of functioning, one including telomere length and the other not including it. These composite BoAs were better predictors of the health outcomes than chronological age. There was little difference between the two composites.


Telomere length does not satisfy the strict criteria for a BoA, but does add predictive power to that of chronological age. Equivocal results from previous studies might be due to lack of power or the choice of measures examined together with a focus on single biomarkers. Composite biomarkers of aging have the potential to outperform age and should be considered for future research in this area.  相似文献   

Two major glycoproteins, P0 and PASII/PMP22, are specifically expressed in peripheral myelin. Point mutations of these proteins and over or under expression of PASII/PMP22 cause various hereditary peripheral neuropathies. P0 is well characterized as a major adhesion molecule in PNS myelin, but the function of PASII/PMP22 is still unknown. Recently, an oligodendrocyte-specific protein (OSP) was identified as a member of the claudin family and as a component of tight junctions of central myelins. Since PASII/PMP22 shows similarity in structure to OSP, which is a tetraspan membrane protein, we speculated if PASII/PMP22 could be a member of claudin superfamily. The primary structure of PASII/PMP22 showed a significant homology of 48% and a 21% identity with the OSP sequence. Exogenous expression of PASII/PMP22 in C6 cells significantly inhibited BrdU incorporation to the cells. The C6 cells stably transfected with PASII/PMP22 cDNA showed no homophilic cell adhesive activity. When dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons were cocultured on PASII/PMP22 expressing cells, both neurite extension and branching of DRG neurons were significantly inhibited. These results indicate that PASII/PMP22 may play a role in a turning point of Schwann cell development from proliferation to differentiation. On the other hand, the cells expressing claudin family proteins are reported to show strong cell adhesive activity and an ability to form tight junctions with neighboring cells. For this reason, we currently do not have any functional data supporting that PASII/PMP22 is the member of claudin superfamily.  相似文献   

This study explores the relationship between several personal religion-related variables and social behaviour, using three paradigmatic economic games: the dictator (DG), ultimatum (UG), and trust (TG) games. A large carefully designed sample of the urban adult population in Granada (Spain) is employed (N = 766). From participants'' decisions in these games we obtain measures of altruism, bargaining behaviour and sense of fairness/equality, trust, and positive reciprocity. Three dimensions of religiosity are examined: (i) religious denomination; (ii) intensity of religiosity, measured by active participation at church services; and (iii) conversion out into a different denomination than the one raised in. The major results are: (i) individuals with “no religion” made decisions closer to rational selfish behaviour in the DG and the UG compared to those who affiliate with a “standard” religious denomination; (ii) among Catholics, intensity of religiosity is the key variable that affects social behaviour insofar as religiously-active individuals are generally more pro-social than non-active ones; and (iii) the religion raised in seems to have no effect on pro-sociality, beyond the effect of the current measures of religiosity. Importantly, behaviour in the TG is not predicted by any of the religion-related variables we analyse. While the results partially support the notion of religious pro-sociality, on the other hand, they also highlight the importance of closely examining the multidimensional nature of both religiosity and pro-social behaviour.  相似文献   

The postpharyngeal gland (PPG) was thought to be restricted to ants where it serves a crucial function in the generation of the colony odour. Recently, head glands that closely resemble the PPG of ants were discovered in females of a solitary digger wasp, the European beewolf. The function of this gland necessarily differs from ants: beewolf females apply the secretion of their PPG onto the bodies of paralysed honeybees that serve as larval provisions in order to delay fungus growth. Since ants and digger wasps are not closely related, the occurrence of this gland in these two taxa might either be due to convergent evolution or it is a homologous organ inherited from a common ancestor. Here we test the hypothesis that the PPGs of both taxa are homologous by comparing characteristics of chemical composition and physiology of the PPG of beewolves and ants. Based on reported characteristics of the PPG content of ants, we tested three predictions that were all met. First, the PPG of beewolves contained mainly long-chain hydrocarbons and very few compounds with functional groups. Second, the composition of hydrocarbons in the beewolf PPG was similar to that of the hemolymph. Taking the structure of the gland epithelium and the huge requirements of beewolf females for gland secretion into account this result suggests that the content of the PPG is also sequestered from the hemolymph in beewolves. Third, the chemical composition of the PPG and the cuticle was similar in beewolves since cuticular hydrocarbons derive either from the hemolymph or the PPG. Taking the considerable morphological similarities into account, our results support the hypothesis of a homologous origin of the PPG in beewolves and ants.  相似文献   



Toxoplasma gondii (T. gondii) is a protozoan parasite present in around a third of the human population. Infected individuals are commonly asymptomatic, though recent reports have suggested that infection might influence aspects of the host’s behavior. In particular, Toxoplasma infection has been linked to schizophrenia, suicide attempt, differences in aspects of personality and poorer neurocognitive performance. However, these studies are often conducted in clinical samples or convenience samples.


In a population-representative birth-cohort of individuals tested for presence of antibodies to T. gondii (N = 837) we investigated the association between infection and four facets of human behavior: neuropsychiatric disorder (schizophrenia and major depression), poor impulse control (suicidal behavior and criminality), personality, and neurocognitive performance. Suicide attempt was marginally more frequent among individuals with T. gondii seropositivity (p = .06). Seropositive individuals also performed worse on one out of 14 measures of neuropsychological function.


On the whole, there was little evidence that T. gondii was related to increased risk of psychiatric disorder, poor impulse control, personality aberrations or neurocognitive impairment.  相似文献   

Species abundance data are critical for testing ecological theory, but obtaining accurate empirical estimates for many taxa is challenging. Proxies for species abundance can help researchers circumvent time and cost constraints that are prohibitive for long‐term sampling. Under simple demographic models, genetic diversity is expected to correlate with census size, such that genome‐wide heterozygosity may provide a surrogate measure of species abundance. We tested whether nucleotide diversity is correlated with long‐term estimates of abundance, occupancy and degree of ecological specialization in a diverse lizard community from arid Australia. Using targeted sequence capture, we obtained estimates of genomic diversity from 30 species of lizards, recovering an average of 5,066 loci covering 3.6 Mb of DNA sequence per individual. We compared measures of individual heterozygosity to a metric of habitat specialization to investigate whether ecological preference exerts a measurable effect on genetic diversity. We find that heterozygosity is significantly correlated with species abundance and occupancy, but not habitat specialization. Demonstrating the power of genomic sampling, the correlation between heterozygosity and abundance/occupancy emerged from considering just one or two individuals per species. However, genetic diversity does no better at predicting abundance than a single day of traditional sampling in this community. We conclude that genetic diversity is a useful proxy for regional‐scale species abundance and occupancy, but a large amount of unexplained variation in heterozygosity suggests additional constraints or a failure of ecological sampling to adequately capture variation in true population size.  相似文献   

Ruminococcus gnavus belongs to the 57 most common species present in 90% of individuals. Previously, we identified an α-galactosidase (Aga1) belonging to glycoside hydrolase (GH) family 36 from R. gnavus E1 (M. Aguilera, H. Rakotoarivonina, A. Brutus, T. Giardina, G. Simon, and M. Fons, Res. Microbiol. 163:14–21, 2012). Here, we identified a novel GH36-encoding gene from the same strain and termed it aga2. Although aga1 showed a very simple genetic organization, aga2 is part of an operon of unique structure, including genes putatively encoding a regulator, a GH13, two phosphotransferase system (PTS) sequences, and a GH32, probably involved in extracellular and intracellular sucrose assimilation. The 727-amino-acid (aa) deduced Aga2 protein shares approximately 45% identity with Aga1. Both Aga1 and Aga2 expressed in Escherichia coli showed strict specificity for α-linked galactose. Both enzymes were active on natural substrates such as melibiose, raffinose, and stachyose. Aga1 and Aga2 occurred as homotetramers in solution, as shown by analytical ultracentrifugation. Modeling of Aga1 and Aga2 identified key amino acids which may be involved in substrate specificity and stabilization of the α-linked galactoside substrates within the active site. Furthermore, Aga1 and Aga2 were both able to perform transglycosylation reactions with α-(1,6) regioselectivity, leading to the formation of product structures up to [Hex]12 and [Hex]8, respectively. We suggest that Aga1 and Aga2 play essential roles in the metabolism of dietary oligosaccharides and could be used for the design of galacto-oligosaccharide (GOS) prebiotics, known to selectively modulate the beneficial gut microbiota.  相似文献   

Physical contact between organelles are widespread, in part to facilitate the shuttling of protein and lipid cargoes for cellular homeostasis. How do protein‐protein and protein‐lipid interactions shape organelle subdomains that constitute contact sites? The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) forms extensive contacts with multiple organelles, including lipid droplets (LDs) that are central to cellular fat storage and mobilization. Here, we focus on ER‐LD contacts that are highlighted by the conserved protein seipin, which promotes LD biogenesis and expansion. Seipin is enriched in ER tubules that form cage‐like structures around a subset of LDs. Such enrichment is strongly dependent on polyunsaturated and cyclopropane fatty acids. Based on these findings, we speculate on molecular events that lead to the formation of seipin‐positive peri‐LD cages in which protein movement is restricted. We hypothesize that asymmetric distribution of specific phospholipids distinguishes cage membrane tubules from the bulk ER.  相似文献   

Data from the District Level Household Survey (2002) conducted by the Reproductive and Child Health Project in India has been used to examine the impact of utilization of antenatal care services on improvement in maternal health in rural areas of Uttar Pradesh, India. Multilevel analysis shows that after controlling for other socioeconomic and demographic factors, utilization of antenatal care services may lead to the utilization of other maternal health related services such as institutional delivery, delivery assisted by trained professionals, seeking advice for pregnancy complications, and seeking advice for post-delivery complications. There is strong clustering of utilization of services within the primary sampling units (i.e. villages) and districts.  相似文献   

The cytochrome P450s (CYPs) are the major enzymatic detoxification and drug metabolism system. Recently, it has become clear that several CYP isoforms exhibit positive and negative homotropic cooperativity. However, the toxicological implications of allosteric kinetics have not been considered, nor understood. The allosteric kinetics are particularly enigmatic in several respects. In many cases, CYPs bioactivate substrates to more toxic products, thus making it difficult to rationalize a functional advantage for positive cooperativity. Also, CYPs exhibit cooperativity with many structurally diverse ligands, in marked contrast to the specificity observed with other allosteric systems. Here, kinetic simulations are used to compare the probabilistic time- and concentration-dependent integrated toxicity function during conversion of substrate to product for CYP models exhibiting Michaelis-Menten (non-cooperative) kinetics, positive cooperativity, or negative cooperativity. The results demonstrate that, at low substrate concentrations, the slower substrate turnover afforded by cooperative CYPs compared with Michaelis-Menten enzymes can be a significant toxicological advantage, when toxic thresholds exist. When present, the advantage results from enhanced "distribution" of toxin in two pools, substrate and product, for an extended period, thus minimizing the chance that either exceeds its toxic threshold. At intermediate concentrations, the allosteric kinetics can be a modest advantage or modest disadvantage, depending on the kinetic parameters. However, at high substrate concentrations associated with a high probability of toxicity, fast turnover is desirable, and this advantage is provided also by the cooperative enzymes. For the positive homotropic cooperativity, the allosteric kinetics minimize the probability of toxicity over the widest range of system parameters. Furthermore, this apparent functional cooperativity is achieved without specific molecular recognition that is the hallmark of "traditional" allostery.  相似文献   

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