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An issue for class‐imbalanced learning is what assessment metric should be employed. So far, precision‐recall curve (PRC) as a metric is rarely used in practice as compared with its alternative of receiver operating characteristic (ROC). This study investigates the performance of PRC as the evaluating criterion to address the class‐imbalanced data and focuses on the comparison of PRC with ROC. The advantages of PRC over ROC on assessing class‐imbalanced data are also investigated and tested on our proposed algorithm by tuning the whole model parameters in simulation studies and real data examples. The result shows that PRC is competitive with ROC as performance measurement for handling class‐imbalanced data in tuning the model parameters. PRC can be considered as an alternative but effective assessment for preprocessing (such as variable selection) skewed data and building a classifier in class‐imbalanced learning.  相似文献   

Binary classifiers are routinely evaluated with performance measures such as sensitivity and specificity, and performance is frequently illustrated with Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC) plots. Alternative measures such as positive predictive value (PPV) and the associated Precision/Recall (PRC) plots are used less frequently. Many bioinformatics studies develop and evaluate classifiers that are to be applied to strongly imbalanced datasets in which the number of negatives outweighs the number of positives significantly. While ROC plots are visually appealing and provide an overview of a classifier''s performance across a wide range of specificities, one can ask whether ROC plots could be misleading when applied in imbalanced classification scenarios. We show here that the visual interpretability of ROC plots in the context of imbalanced datasets can be deceptive with respect to conclusions about the reliability of classification performance, owing to an intuitive but wrong interpretation of specificity. PRC plots, on the other hand, can provide the viewer with an accurate prediction of future classification performance due to the fact that they evaluate the fraction of true positives among positive predictions. Our findings have potential implications for the interpretation of a large number of studies that use ROC plots on imbalanced datasets.  相似文献   

Protein-nucleotide interactions are ubiquitous in a wide variety of biological processes. Accurately identifying interaction residues solely from protein sequences is useful for both protein function annotation and drug design, especially in the post-genomic era, as large volumes of protein data have not been functionally annotated. Protein-nucleotide binding residue prediction is a typical imbalanced learning problem, where binding residues are extremely fewer in number than non-binding residues. Alleviating the severity of class imbalance has been demonstrated to be a promising means of improving the prediction performance of a machine-learning-based predictor for class imbalance problems. However, little attention has been paid to the negative impact of class imbalance on protein-nucleotide binding residue prediction. In this study, we propose a new supervised over-sampling algorithm that synthesizes additional minority class samples to address class imbalance. The experimental results from protein-nucleotide interaction datasets demonstrate that the proposed supervised over-sampling algorithm can relieve the severity of class imbalance and help to improve prediction performance. Based on the proposed over-sampling algorithm, a predictor, called TargetSOS, is implemented for protein-nucleotide binding residue prediction. Cross-validation tests and independent validation tests demonstrate the effectiveness of TargetSOS. The web-server and datasets used in this study are freely available at http://www.csbio.sjtu.edu.cn/bioinf/TargetSOS/.  相似文献   

Real-world datasets commonly have issues with data imbalance. There are several approaches such as weighting, sub-sampling, and data modeling for handling these data. Learning in the presence of data imbalances presents a great challenge to machine learning. Techniques such as support-vector machines have excellent performance for balanced data, but may fail when applied to imbalanced datasets. In this paper, we propose a new undersampling technique for selecting instances from the majority class. The performance of this approach was evaluated in the context of several real biological imbalanced data. The ratios of negative to positive samples vary from ~9:1 to ~100:1. Useful classifiers have high sensitivity and specificity. Our results demonstrate that the proposed selection technique improves the sensitivity compared to weighted support-vector machine and available results in the literature for the same datasets.  相似文献   

Stiglic G  Kocbek S  Pernek I  Kokol P 《PloS one》2012,7(3):e33812


Classification is an important and widely used machine learning technique in bioinformatics. Researchers and other end-users of machine learning software often prefer to work with comprehensible models where knowledge extraction and explanation of reasoning behind the classification model are possible.


This paper presents an extension to an existing machine learning environment and a study on visual tuning of decision tree classifiers. The motivation for this research comes from the need to build effective and easily interpretable decision tree models by so called one-button data mining approach where no parameter tuning is needed. To avoid bias in classification, no classification performance measure is used during the tuning of the model that is constrained exclusively by the dimensions of the produced decision tree.


The proposed visual tuning of decision trees was evaluated on 40 datasets containing classical machine learning problems and 31 datasets from the field of bioinformatics. Although we did not expected significant differences in classification performance, the results demonstrate a significant increase of accuracy in less complex visually tuned decision trees. In contrast to classical machine learning benchmarking datasets, we observe higher accuracy gains in bioinformatics datasets. Additionally, a user study was carried out to confirm the assumption that the tree tuning times are significantly lower for the proposed method in comparison to manual tuning of the decision tree.


The empirical results demonstrate that by building simple models constrained by predefined visual boundaries, one not only achieves good comprehensibility, but also very good classification performance that does not differ from usually more complex models built using default settings of the classical decision tree algorithm. In addition, our study demonstrates the suitability of visually tuned decision trees for datasets with binary class attributes and a high number of possibly redundant attributes that are very common in bioinformatics.  相似文献   



Predicting disease causative genes (or simply, disease genes) has played critical roles in understanding the genetic basis of human diseases and further providing disease treatment guidelines. While various computational methods have been proposed for disease gene prediction, with the recent increasing availability of biological information for genes, it is highly motivated to leverage these valuable data sources and extract useful information for accurately predicting disease genes.


We present an integrative framework called N2VKO to predict disease genes. Firstly, we learn the node embeddings from protein-protein interaction (PPI) network for genes by adapting the well-known representation learning method node2vec. Secondly, we combine the learned node embeddings with various biological annotations as rich feature representation for genes, and subsequently build binary classification models for disease gene prediction. Finally, as the data for disease gene prediction is usually imbalanced (i.e. the number of the causative genes for a specific disease is much less than that of its non-causative genes), we further address this serious data imbalance issue by applying oversampling techniques for imbalance data correction to improve the prediction performance. Comprehensive experiments demonstrate that our proposed N2VKO significantly outperforms four state-of-the-art methods for disease gene prediction across seven diseases.


In this study, we show that node embeddings learned from PPI networks work well for disease gene prediction, while integrating node embeddings with other biological annotations further improves the performance of classification models. Moreover, oversampling techniques for imbalance correction further enhances the prediction performance. In addition, the literature search of predicted disease genes also shows the effectiveness of our proposed N2VKO framework for disease gene prediction.



Imbalanced data classification is an inevitable problem in medical intelligent diagnosis. Most of real-world biomedical datasets are usually along with limited samples and high-dimensional feature. This seriously affects the classification performance of the model and causes erroneous guidance for the diagnosis of diseases. Exploring an effective classification method for imbalanced and limited biomedical dataset is a challenging task.


In this paper, we propose a novel multilayer extreme learning machine (ELM) classification model combined with dynamic generative adversarial net (GAN) to tackle limited and imbalanced biomedical data. Firstly, principal component analysis is utilized to remove irrelevant and redundant features. Meanwhile, more meaningful pathological features are extracted. After that, dynamic GAN is designed to generate the realistic-looking minority class samples, thereby balancing the class distribution and avoiding overfitting effectively. Finally, a self-adaptive multilayer ELM is proposed to classify the balanced dataset. The analytic expression for the numbers of hidden layer and node is determined by quantitatively establishing the relationship between the change of imbalance ratio and the hyper-parameters of the model. Reducing interactive parameters adjustment makes the classification model more robust.


To evaluate the classification performance of the proposed method, numerical experiments are conducted on four real-world biomedical datasets. The proposed method can generate authentic minority class samples and self-adaptively select the optimal parameters of learning model. By comparing with W-ELM, SMOTE-ELM, and H-ELM methods, the quantitative experimental results demonstrate that our method can achieve better classification performance and higher computational efficiency in terms of ROC, AUC, G-mean, and F-measure metrics.


Our study provides an effective solution for imbalanced biomedical data classification under the condition of limited samples and high-dimensional feature. The proposed method could offer a theoretical basis for computer-aided diagnosis. It has the potential to be applied in biomedical clinical practice.

The process of knowledge discovery from big and high dimensional datasets has become a popular research topic. The classification problem is a key task in bioinformatics, business intelligence, decision science, astronomy, physics, etc. Building associative classifiers has been a notable research interest in recent years because of their superior accuracy. In associative classifiers, using under-sampling or over-sampling methods for imbalanced big datasets reduces accuracy or increases running time, respectively. Hence, there is a significant need to create efficient associative classifiers for imbalanced big data problems. These classifiers should be able to handle challenges such as memory usage, running time and efficiently exploring the search space. To this end, efficient calculation of measures is a primary objective for associative classifiers. In this paper, we propose a new efficient associative classifier for big imbalanced datasets. The proposed method is based on Rare-PEARs (a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm that efficiently discovers rare and reliable association rules) and is able to evaluate rules in a distributed manner by using a new storing data format. This format simplifies measures calculation and is fully compatible with the MapReduce programming model. We have applied the proposed method (RPII) on a well-known big dataset (ECBDL’14) and have compared our results with seven other learning methods. The experimental results show that RPII outperform other methods in sensitivity and final score measures (the values of sensitivity and final score measures were approximately 0.74 and 0.54 respectively). The results demonstrate that the proposed method is a good candidate for large-scale classification problems; furthermore, it achieves reasonable execution time when the target platform is a typical computer clusters.  相似文献   

One of the major research directions in bioinformatics is that of predicting the protein superfamily in large databases and classifying a given set of protein domains into superfamilies. The classification reflects the structural, evolutionary and functional relatedness. These relationships are embodied in hierarchical classification such as Structural Classification of Protein (SCOP), which is manually curated. Such classification is essential for the structural and functional analysis of proteins. Yet, a large number of proteins remain unclassified. We have proposed an unsupervised machine-learning FuzzyART neural network algorithm to classify a given set of proteins into SCOP superfamilies. The proposed method is fast learning and uses an atypical non-linear pattern recognition technique. In this approach, we have constructed a similarity matrix from p-values of BLAST all-against-all, trained the network with FuzzyART unsupervised learning algorithm using the similarity matrix as input vectors and finally the trained network offers SCOP superfamily level classification. In this experiment, we have evaluated the performance of our method with existing techniques on six different datasets. We have shown that the trained network is able to classify a given similarity matrix of a set of sequences into SCOP superfamilies at high classification accuracy.  相似文献   

Tumor classification is a well-studied problem in the field of bioinformatics. Developments in the field of DNA chip design have now made it possible to measure the expression levels of thousands of genes in sample tissue from healthy cell lines or tumors. A number of studies have examined the problems of tumor classification: class discovery, the problem of defining a number of classes of tumors using the data from a DNA chip, and class prediction, the problem of accurately classifying an unknown tumor, given expression data from the unknown tumor and from a learning set. The current work has applied phylogenetic methods to both problems. To solve the class discovery problem, we impose a metric on a set of tumors as a function of their gene expression levels, and impose a tree structure on this metric, using standard tree fitting methods borrowed from the field of phylogenetics. Phylogenetic methods provide a simple way of imposing a clear hierarchical relationship on the data, with branch lengths in the classification tree representing the degree of separation witnessed. We tested our method for class discovery on two data sets: a data set of 87 tissues, comprised mostly of small, round, blue-cell tumors (SRBCTs), and a data set of 22 breast tumors. We fit the 87 samples of the first set to a classification tree, which neatly separated into four major clusters corresponding exactly to the four groups of tumors, namely neuroblastomas, rhabdomyosarcomas, Burkitt's lymphomas, and the Ewing's family of tumors. The classification tree built using the breast cancer data separated tumors with BRCA1 mutations from those with BRCA2 mutations, with sporadic tumors separated from both groups and from each other. We also demonstrate the flexibility of the class discovery method with regard to standard resampling methodology such as jackknifing and noise perturbation. To solve the class prediction problem, we built a classification tree on the learning set, and then sought the optimal placement of each test sample within the classification tree. We tested this method on the SRBCT data set, and classified each tumor successfully.  相似文献   

Training and testing of conventional machine learning models on binary classification problems depend on the proportions of the two outcomes in the relevant data sets. This may be especially important in practical terms when real-world applications of the classifier are either highly imbalanced or occur in unknown proportions. Intuitively, it may seem sensible to train machine learning models on data similar to the target data in terms of proportions of the two binary outcomes. However, we show that this is not the case using the example of prediction of deleterious and neutral phenotypes of human missense mutations in human genome data, for which the proportion of the binary outcome is unknown. Our results indicate that using balanced training data (50% neutral and 50% deleterious) results in the highest balanced accuracy (the average of True Positive Rate and True Negative Rate), Matthews correlation coefficient, and area under ROC curves, no matter what the proportions of the two phenotypes are in the testing data. Besides balancing the data by undersampling the majority class, other techniques in machine learning include oversampling the minority class, interpolating minority-class data points and various penalties for misclassifying the minority class. However, these techniques are not commonly used in either the missense phenotype prediction problem or in the prediction of disordered residues in proteins, where the imbalance problem is substantial. The appropriate approach depends on the amount of available data and the specific problem at hand.  相似文献   



Multiple computational methods for predicting drug-target interactions have been developed to facilitate the drug discovery process. These methods use available data on known drug-target interactions to train classifiers with the purpose of predicting new undiscovered interactions. However, a key challenge regarding this data that has not yet been addressed by these methods, namely class imbalance, is potentially degrading the prediction performance. Class imbalance can be divided into two sub-problems. Firstly, the number of known interacting drug-target pairs is much smaller than that of non-interacting drug-target pairs. This imbalance ratio between interacting and non-interacting drug-target pairs is referred to as the between-class imbalance. Between-class imbalance degrades prediction performance due to the bias in prediction results towards the majority class (i.e. the non-interacting pairs), leading to more prediction errors in the minority class (i.e. the interacting pairs). Secondly, there are multiple types of drug-target interactions in the data with some types having relatively fewer members (or are less represented) than others. This variation in representation of the different interaction types leads to another kind of imbalance referred to as the within-class imbalance. In within-class imbalance, prediction results are biased towards the better represented interaction types, leading to more prediction errors in the less represented interaction types.


We propose an ensemble learning method that incorporates techniques to address the issues of between-class imbalance and within-class imbalance. Experiments show that the proposed method improves results over 4 state-of-the-art methods. In addition, we simulated cases for new drugs and targets to see how our method would perform in predicting their interactions. New drugs and targets are those for which no prior interactions are known. Our method displayed satisfactory prediction performance and was able to predict many of the interactions successfully.


Our proposed method has improved the prediction performance over the existing work, thus proving the importance of addressing problems pertaining to class imbalance in the data.

Computer algorithms that match human performance in recognizing written text or spoken conversation remain elusive. The reasons why the human brain far exceeds any existing recognition scheme to date in the ability to generalize and to extract invariant characteristics relevant to category matching are not clear. However, it has been postulated that the dynamic distribution of brain activity (spatiotemporal activation patterns) is the mechanism by which stimuli are encoded and matched to categories. This research focuses on supervised learning using a trajectory based distance metric for category discrimination in an oscillatory neural network model. Classification is accomplished using a trajectory based distance metric. Since the distance metric is differentiable, a supervised learning algorithm based on gradient descent is demonstrated. Classification of spatiotemporal frequency transitions and their relation to a priori assessed categories is shown along with the improved classification results after supervised training. The results indicate that this spatiotemporal representation of stimuli and the associated distance metric is useful for simple pattern recognition tasks and that supervised learning improves classification results.  相似文献   

Deep learning based retinopathy classification with optical coherence tomography (OCT) images has recently attracted great attention. However, existing deep learning methods fail to work well when training and testing datasets are different due to the general issue of domain shift between datasets caused by different collection devices, subjects, imaging parameters, etc. To address this practical and challenging issue, we propose a novel deep domain adaptation (DDA) method to train a model on a labeled dataset and adapt it to an unlabelled dataset (collected under different conditions). It consists of two modules for domain alignment, that is, adversarial learning and entropy minimization. We conduct extensive experiments on three public datasets to evaluate the performance of the proposed method. The results indicate that there are large domain shifts between datasets, resulting a poor performance for conventional deep learning methods. The proposed DDA method can significantly outperform existing methods for retinopathy classification with OCT images. It achieves retinopathy classification accuracies of 0.915, 0.959 and 0.990 under three cross-domain (cross-dataset) scenarios. Moreover, it obtains a comparable performance with human experts on a dataset where no labeled data in this dataset have been used to train the proposed DDA method. We have also visualized the learnt features by using the t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding (t-SNE) technique. The results demonstrate that the proposed method can learn discriminative features for retinopathy classification.  相似文献   

Zhu Y  Li T  Li D  Zhang Y  Xiong W  Sun J  Tang Z  Chen G 《Amino acids》2012,42(5):1749-1755
Numerous methods for predicting γ-turns in proteins have been developed. However, the results they generally provided are not very good, with a Matthews correlation coefficient (MCC) ≤0.18. Here, an attempt has been made to develop a method to improve the accuracy of γ-turn prediction. First, we employ the geometric mean metric as optimal criterion to evaluate the performance of support vector machine for the highly imbalanced γ-turn dataset. This metric tries to maximize both the sensitivity and the specificity while keeping them balanced. Second, a predictor to generate protein shape string by structure alignment against the protein structure database has been designed and the predicted shape string is introduced as new variable for γ-turn prediction. Based on this perception, we have developed a new method for γ-turn prediction. After training and testing the benchmark dataset of 320 non-homologous protein chains using a fivefold cross-validation technique, the present method achieves excellent performance. The overall prediction accuracy Q total can achieve 92.2% and the MCC is 0.38, which outperform the existing γ-turn prediction methods. Our results indicate that the protein shape string is useful for predicting protein tight turns and it is reasonable to use the dihedral angle information as a variable for machine learning to predict protein folding. The dataset used in this work and the software to generate predicted shape string from structure database can be obtained from anonymous ftp site freely.  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether Chomsky-like grammar representations are useful for learning cost-effective, comprehensible predictors of members of biological sequence families. The Inductive Logic Programming (ILP) Bayesian approach to learning from positive examples is used to generate a grammar for recognising a class of proteins known as human neuropeptide precursors (NPPs). Collectively, five of the co-authors of this paper, have extensive expertise on NPPs and general bioinformatics methods. Their motivation for generating a NPP grammar was that none of the existing bioinformatics methods could provide sufficient cost-savings during the search for new NPPs. Prior to this project experienced specialists at SmithKline Beecham had tried for many months to hand-code such a grammar but without success. Our best predictor makes the search for novel NPPs more than 100 times more efficient than randomly selecting proteins for synthesis and testing them for biological activity. As far as these authors are aware, this is both the first biological grammar learnt using ILP and the first real-world scientific application of the ILP Bayesian approach to learning from positive examples. A group of features is derived from this grammar. Other groups of features of NPPs are derived using other learning strategies. Amalgams of these groups are formed. A recognition model is generated for each amalgam using C4.5 and C4.5rules and its performance is measured using both predictive accuracy and a new cost function, Relative Advantage (RA). The highest RA was achieved by a model which includes grammar-derived features. This RA is significantly higher than the best RA achieved without the use of the grammar-derived features. Predictive accuracy is not a good measure of performance for this domain because it does not discriminate well between NPP recognition models: despite covering varying numbers of (the rare) positives, all the models are awarded a similar (high) score by predictive accuracy because they all exclude most of the abundant negatives.  相似文献   

This paper presents a machine learning system for supporting the first task of the biological literature manual curation process, called triage. We compare the performance of various classification models, by experimenting with dataset sampling factors and a set of features, as well as three different machine learning algorithms (Naive Bayes, Support Vector Machine and Logistic Model Trees). The results show that the most fitting model to handle the imbalanced datasets of the triage classification task is obtained by using domain relevant features, an under-sampling technique, and the Logistic Model Trees algorithm.  相似文献   



We investigate automated and generic alphabet reduction techniques for protein structure prediction datasets. Reducing alphabet cardinality without losing key biochemical information opens the door to potentially faster machine learning, data mining and optimization applications in structural bioinformatics. Furthermore, reduced but informative alphabets often result in, e.g., more compact and human-friendly classification/clustering rules. In this paper we propose a robust and sophisticated alphabet reduction protocol based on mutual information and state-of-the-art optimization techniques.  相似文献   

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