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Using parametric models that describe the increase in mortality rates with age, we demonstrate that environmentally induced heterogeneity among genetically identical individuals is sufficient to generate biased estimates of age-specific genetic variance. Although the magnitude of the bias may change with age, one general trend emerges: the true genetic variance at the oldest ages is likely to be dramatically underestimated. Our results are robust to different manifestations of heterogeneity and suggest that such a bias is a general feature of these models. We note that age-dependent estimates of genetic variance for characters that are correlated with mortality (either genetically or environmentally) can be expected to be similarly affected. The results are independent of sample size and suggest that the bias may be more widespread in the literature than is currently appreciated. Our results are discussed with reference to existing data on mortality variance in Drosophila melanogaster.  相似文献   

In some situations, it is worthwhile to change not only the mean, but also the variability of traits by selection. Genetic variation in residual variance may be utilised to improve uniformity in livestock populations by selection. The objective was to investigate the effects of genetic parameters, breeding goal, number of progeny per sire and breeding scheme on selection responses in mean and variance when applying index selection. Genetic parameters were obtained from the literature. Economic values for the mean and variance were derived for some standard non-linear profit equations, e.g. for traits with an intermediate optimum. The economic value of variance was in most situations negative, indicating that selection for reduced variance increases profit. Predicted responses in residual variance after one generation of selection were large, in some cases when the number of progeny per sire was at least 50, by more than 10% of the current residual variance. Progeny testing schemes were more efficient than sib-testing schemes in decreasing residual variance. With optimum traits, selection pressure shifts gradually from the mean to the variance when approaching the optimum. Genetic improvement of uniformity is particularly interesting for traits where the current population mean is near an intermediate optimum.  相似文献   

Carlborg O  Andersson L  Kinghorn B 《Genetics》2000,155(4):2003-2010
Here we describe a general method for improving computational efficiency in simultaneous mapping of multiple interacting quantitative trait loci (QTL). The method uses a genetic algorithm to search for QTL in the genome instead of an exhaustive enumerative ("step-by-step") search. It can be used together with any method of QTL mapping based on a genomic search, since it only provides a more efficient way to search the genome for QTL. The computational demand decreases by a factor of approximately 130 when using genetic algorithm-based mapping instead of an exhaustive enumerative search for two QTL in a genome size of 2000 cM using a resolution of 1 cM. The advantage of using a genetic algorithm increases further for larger genomes, higher resolutions, and searches for more QTL. We show that a genetic algorithm-based search has efficiency higher than or equal to a search method conditioned on previously identified QTL for all epistatic models tested and that this efficiency is comparable to that of an exhaustive search for multiple QTL. The genetic algorithm is thus a powerful and computationally tractable alternative to the exhaustive enumerative search for simultaneous mapping of multiple interacting QTL. The use of genetic algorithms for simultaneous mapping of more than two QTL and for determining empirical significance thresholds using permutation tests is also discussed.  相似文献   

In the prediction of genetic values and quantitative trait loci (QTLs) mapping via the mixed model method incorporating marker information in animal populations, it is important to model the genetic variance for individuals with an arbitrary pedigree structure. In this study, for a crossed population originated from different genetic groups such as breeds or outbred strains, the variance of additive genetic values for multiple linked QTLs that are contained in a chromosome segment, especially the segregation variance, is investigated assuming the use of marker data. The variance for a finite number of QTLs in one chromosomal segment is first examined for the crossed population with the general pedigree. Then, applying the concept of the expectation of identity-by-descent proportion, an approximation to the mean of the conditional probabilities for the linked QTLs over all loci is obtained, and using it an expression for the variance in the case of an infinite number of linked QTLs marked by flanking markers is derived. It appears that the approach presented can be useful in the segment mapping using, and in the genetic evaluation of, crosses with general pedigrees in the population of concern. The calculation of the segregation variance through the current approach is illustrated numerically, using a small data-set.  相似文献   

Mulder HA  Bijma P  Hill WG 《Genetics》2007,175(4):1895-1910
There is empirical evidence that genotypes differ not only in mean, but also in environmental variance of the traits they affect. Genetic heterogeneity of environmental variance may indicate genetic differences in environmental sensitivity. The aim of this study was to develop a general framework for prediction of breeding values and selection responses in mean and environmental variance with genetic heterogeneity of environmental variance. Both means and environmental variances were treated as heritable traits. Breeding values and selection responses were predicted with little bias using linear, quadratic, and cubic regression on individual phenotype or using linear regression on the mean and within-family variance of a group of relatives. A measure of heritability was proposed for environmental variance to standardize results in the literature and to facilitate comparisons to "conventional" traits. Genetic heterogeneity of environmental variance can be considered as a trait with a low heritability. Although a large amount of information is necessary to accurately estimate breeding values for environmental variance, response in environmental variance can be substantial, even with mass selection. The methods developed allow use of the well-known selection index framework to evaluate breeding strategies and effects of natural selection that simultaneously change the mean and the variance.  相似文献   

Heterogeneous environments are typically expected to maintain more genetic variation in fitness within populations than homogeneous environments. However, the accuracy of this claim depends on the form of heterogeneity as well as the genetic basis of fitness traits and how similar the assay environment is to the environment of past selection. Here, we measure quantitative genetic (QG) variance for three traits important for fitness using replicated experimental populations of Drosophila melanogaster evolving under four selective regimes: constant salt‐enriched medium (Salt), constant cadmium‐enriched medium (Cad), and two heterogeneous regimes that vary either temporally (Temp) or spatially (Spatial). As theory predicts, we found that Spatial populations tend to harbor more genetic variation than Temp populations or those maintained in a constant environment that is the same as the assay environment. Contrary to expectation, Salt populations tend to have more genetic variation than Cad populations in both assay environments. We discuss the patterns for QG variances across regimes in relation to previously reported data on genome‐wide sequence diversity. For some traits, the QG patterns are similar to the diversity patterns of ecological selected SNPs, whereas the QG patterns for some other traits resembled that of neutral SNPs.  相似文献   

The application and underlying assumptions of formulae used to estimate the variance of variance components and ratios of variance components are fully described for (1) variance components estimated using Henderson's Method 3 (HM3) and Restricted Maximum Likelihood (REML) and (2) ratios of variance components commonly used in genetic tests — biased and unbiased heritabilities. A first-order Taylor series approximation is often used to estimate the variance of a ratio of two random variables (e.g., heritability), however the formula is complicated, thus making calculations prone to errors. Dickerson's approximation is considerably simpler, though relatively rarely used. In case studies using data from 148 slash pine full-sib progeny tests, Dickerson's method was found to be slightly more conservative than the Taylor series approximation when estimating the variance of heritability estimates, regardless of test size, age, or the trait (volume, which is a continuous trait, and rust resistance, which is a bernoulli trait). Both the Taylor series and Dickerson approximations compared favorably with an empirical estimate of the variance of heritability estimates, however there is some evidence of small-sample bias associated with the use of the asymptotic variance-covariances from REML variance component estimation.This is Florida Agricultural Experiment Station Journal Series No. R-03964 of the Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611, USA  相似文献   

Existing inference methods for estimating the strength of balancing selection in multi-locus genotypes rely on the assumption that there are no epistatic interactions between loci. Complex systems in which balancing selection is prevalent, such as sets of human immune system genes, are known to contain components that interact epistatically. Therefore, current methods may not produce reliable inference on the strength of selection at these loci. In this paper, we address this problem by presenting statistical methods that can account for epistatic interactions in making inference about balancing selection. A theoretical result due to Fearnhead (2006) is used to build a multi-locus Wright-Fisher model of balancing selection, allowing for epistatic interactions among loci. Antagonistic and synergistic types of interactions are examined. The joint posterior distribution of the selection and mutation parameters is sampled by Markov chain Monte Carlo methods, and the plausibility of models is assessed via Bayes factors. As a component of the inference process, an algorithm to generate multi-locus allele frequencies under balancing selection models with epistasis is also presented. Recent evidence on interactions among a set of human immune system genes is introduced as a motivating biological system for the epistatic model, and data on these genes are used to demonstrate the methods.  相似文献   

The use of score tests for inference on variance components   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Whenever inference for variance components is required, the choice between one-sided and two-sided tests is crucial. This choice is usually driven by whether or not negative variance components are permitted. For two-sided tests, classical inferential procedures can be followed, based on likelihood ratios, score statistics, or Wald statistics. For one-sided tests, however, one-sided test statistics need to be developed, and their null distribution derived. While this has received considerable attention in the context of the likelihood ratio test, there appears to be much confusion about the related problem for the score test. The aim of this paper is to illustrate that classical (two-sided) score test statistics, frequently advocated in practice, cannot be used in this context, but that well-chosen one-sided counterparts could be used instead. The relation with likelihood ratio tests will be established, and all results are illustrated in an analysis of continuous longitudinal data using linear mixed models.  相似文献   

Provisional quantitative trait loci (QTL) for circadian locomotor period and wheel-running period have been identified in recombinant inbred (RI) mouse strains. To confirm those QTL and identify new ones, the genetic component of variance of the circadian period was partitioned among an F2 intercross of RI mouse strains (BXD19 and CXB07). First, a genomic survey using 108 SSLP markers with an average spacing of 15 cM was carried out in a population of 259 (BXD19 x CXB07)F2 animals. The genome-wide survey identified two significant QTL for period of locomotor activity measured by infrared photobeam crossings on mouse chromosomes 1 (lod score 5.66) and 14 (lod score 4.33). The QTL on distal chromosome 1 confirmed a previous report based on congenic B6.D2-Mtv7a/Ty mice. Lod scores greater than 2.0 were found on chromosomes 1, 2, 6, 12, 13, and 14. In a targeted extension study, additional genotyping was performed on these chromosomes in the full sample of 341 F2 progeny. The 6 chromosome-wide surveys identified 3 additional QTL on mouse chromosomes 6, 12, and 13. The QTL on chromosome 12 overlaps with circadian period QTL identified in several prior studies. For wheel-running period, the chromosome-wide surveys identified QTL on chromosomes 2 and 13 and one highly suggestive QTL on proximal chromosome 1. The results are compared to other published studies of QTL of circadian period.  相似文献   

Adaptation to large‐scale spatial heterogeneity in the environment accounts for a major proportion of genetic diversity within species. Theory predicts the erosion of adaptive genetic variation on a within‐population level, but considerable genetic diversity is often found locally. Genetic diversity could be expected to be maintained within populations in temporally or spatially variable conditions if genotypic rank orders vary across contrasting microenvironmental settings. Taking advantage of fine‐resolution environmental data, we tested the hypothesis that temperature heterogeneity among years could be one factor maintaining quantitative genetic diversity within a natural and genetically diverse plant population. We sampled maternal families of Boechera stricta, an Arabidopsis thaliana relative, at one location in the central Rocky Mountains and grew them in three treatments that, based on records from an adjacent weather station, simulated hourly temperature changes at the native site during three summers with differing mean temperatures. Treatment had a significant effect on all traits, with 2–3‐fold increase in above‐ and belowground biomass and the highest allocation to roots observed in the treatment simulating the warmest summer on record at the site. Treatment affected bivariate associations between traits, with the weakest correlation between above‐ and belowground biomass in the warmest treatment. The magnitude of quantitative genetic variation for all traits differed across treatments: Genetic variance of biomass was 0 in the warmest treatment, while highly significant diversity was found in average conditions, resulting in broad‐sense heritability of 0.31. Significant genotype × environment interactions across all treatments were found only in root‐to‐shoot ratio. Therefore, temperature variation among summers appears unlikely to account for the observed levels of local genetic variation in size in this perennial species, but may influence family rank order in growth allocation. Our results indicate that natural environmental fluctuations can have a large impact on the magnitude of within‐population quantitative genetic variance.  相似文献   

Abstract We investigated the role of the number of loci coding for a neutral trait on the release of additive variance for this trait after population bottlenecks. Different bottleneck sizes and durations were tested for various matrices of genotypic values, with initial conditions covering the allele frequency space. We used three different types of matrices. First, we extended Cheverud and Routman's model by defining matrices of "pure" epistasis for three and four independent loci; second, we used genotypic values drawn randomly from uniform, normal, and exponential distributions; and third we used two models of simple metabolic pathways leading to physiological epistasis. For all these matrices of genotypic values except the dominant metabolic pathway, we find that, as the number of loci increases from two to three and four, an increase in the release of additive variance is occurring. The amount of additive variance released for a given set of genotypic values is a function of the inbreeding coefficient, independently of the size and duration of the bottleneck. The level of inbreeding necessary to achieve maximum release in additive variance increases with the number of loci. We find that additive-by-additive epistasis is the type of epistasis most easily converted into additive variance. For a wide range of models, our results show that epistasis, rather than dominance, plays a significant role in the increase of additive variance following bottlenecks.  相似文献   

Aims were to estimate the extent of genetic heterogeneity in environmental variance. Data comprised 99 535 records of 35-day body weights from broiler chickens reared in a controlled environment. Residual variance within dam families was estimated using ASREML, after fitting fixed effects such as genetic groups and hatches, for each of 377 genetically contemporary sires with a large number of progeny (> 100 males or females each). Residual variance was computed separately for male and female offspring, and after correction for sampling, strong evidence for heterogeneity was found, the standard deviation between sires in within variance amounting to 15–18% of its mean. Reanalysis using log-transformed data gave similar results, and elimination of 2–3% of outlier data reduced the heterogeneity but it was still over 10%. The correlation between estimates for males and females was low, however. The correlation between sire effects on progeny mean and residual variance for body weight was small and negative (-0.1). Using a data set bigger than any yet presented and on a trait measurable in both sexes, this study has shown evidence for heterogeneity in the residual variance, which could not be explained by segregation of major genes unless very few determined the trait.  相似文献   

Yi N  Banerjee S  Pomp D  Yandell BS 《Genetics》2007,176(3):1855-1864
Development of statistical methods and software for mapping interacting QTL has been the focus of much recent research. We previously developed a Bayesian model selection framework, based on the composite model space approach, for mapping multiple epistatic QTL affecting continuous traits. In this study we extend the composite model space approach to complex ordinal traits in experimental crosses. We jointly model main and epistatic effects of QTL and environmental factors on the basis of the ordinal probit model (also called threshold model) that assumes a latent continuous trait underlies the generation of the ordinal phenotypes through a set of unknown thresholds. A data augmentation approach is developed to jointly generate the latent data and the thresholds. The proposed ordinal probit model, combined with the composite model space framework for continuous traits, offers a convenient way for genomewide interacting QTL analysis of ordinal traits. We illustrate the proposed method by detecting new QTL and epistatic effects for an ordinal trait, dead fetuses, in a F(2) intercross of mice. Utility and flexibility of the method are also demonstrated using a simulated data set. Our method has been implemented in the freely available package R/qtlbim, which greatly facilitates the general usage of the Bayesian methodology for genomewide interacting QTL analysis for continuous, binary, and ordinal traits in experimental crosses.  相似文献   

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