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We critically examined methods for recognizing species in the model filamentous fungal genus Neurospora by comparing traditional biological species recognition (BSR) with more comprehensive applications of both BSR and phylogenetic species recognition (PSR). Comprehensive BSR was applied to a set of 73 individuals by performing extensive crossing experiments and delineating biological species based on patterns of reproductive success. Within what were originally considered two species, N. crassa and N. intermedia, we recognized four reproductively isolated biological species. In a concurrent study (Dettman et al. 2003), we used genealogical concordance of four independent nuclear loci to recognize phylogenetic species in Neurospora. Overall, the groups of individuals identified as species were similar whether recognized by reproductive success or by phylogenetic criteria, and increased genetic distance between parents was associated with decreased reproductive success of crosses, suggesting that PSR using genealogical concordance can be used to reliably recognize species in organisms that are not candidates for BSR. In one case, two phylogenetic species were recognized as a single biological species, indicating that significant phylogenetic divergence preceded the development of reproductive isolation. However, multiple biological species were never recognized as a single phylogenetic species. Each of the putative N. crassa x N. intermedia hybrids included in this study was confidently assigned to a single species, using both PSR and BSR. As such, no evidence for a history of hybridization in nature among Neurospora species was observed. By performing reciprocal mating tests, we found that mating type, parental role, and species identity of parental individuals could all influence the reproductive success of matings. We also observed sympatry-associated sexual dysfunction in interspecific crosses, which was consistent with the existence of reinforcement mechanisms.  相似文献   

The development and screening of microsatellite markers have been accelerated by next‐generation sequencing (NGS) technology and in particular GS‐FLX pyro‐sequencing (454). More recent platforms such as the PGM semiconductor sequencer (Ion Torrent) offer potential benefits such as dramatic reductions in cost, but to date have not been well utilized. Here, we critically compare the advantages and disadvantages of microsatellite development using PGM semiconductor sequencing and GS‐FLX pyro‐sequencing for two gymnosperm (a conifer and a cycad) and one angiosperm species. We show that these NGS platforms differ in the quantity of returned sequence data, unique microsatellite data and primer design opportunities, mostly consistent with the differences in read length. The strength of the PGM lies in the large amount of data generated at a comparatively lower cost and time. The strength of GS‐FLX lies in the return of longer average length sequences and therefore greater flexibility in producing markers with variable product length, due to longer flanking regions, which is ideal for capillary multiplexing. These differences need to be considered when choosing a NGS method for microsatellite discovery. However, the ongoing improvement in read lengths of the NGS platforms will reduce the disadvantage of the current short read lengths, particularly for the PGM platform, allowing greater flexibility in primer design coupled with the power of a larger number of sequences.  相似文献   

To critically examine the relationship between species recognized by phylogenetic and reproductive compatibility criteria, we applied phylogenetic species recognition (PSR) to the fungus in which biological species recognition (BSR) has been most comprehensively applied, the well-studied genus Neurospora. Four independent anonymous nuclear loci were characterized and sequenced from 147 individuals that were representative of all described outbreeding species of Neurospora. We developed a consensus-tree approach that identified monophyletic genealogical groups that were concordantly supported by the majority of the loci, or were well supported by at least one locus but not contradicted by any other locus. We recognized a total of eight phylogenetic species, five of which corresponded with the five traditional biological species, and three of which were newly discovered. Not only were phylogenetic criteria superior to traditional reproductive compatibility criteria in revealing the full species diversity of Neurospora, but also significant phylogenetic subdivisions were detected within some species. Despite previous suggestions of hybridization between N. crassa and N. intermedia in nature, and the fact that several putative hybrid individuals were included in this study, no molecular evidence in support of recent interspecific gene flow or the existence of true hybrids was observed. The sequence data from the four loci were combined and used to clarify how the species discovered by PSR were related. Although species-level clades were strongly supported, the phylogenetic relationships among species remained difficult to resolve, perhaps due to conflicting signals resulting from differential lineage sorting.  相似文献   

Optimal integration of next-generation sequencing into mainstream research requires re-evaluation of how problems can be reasonably overcome and what questions can be asked. One potential application is the rapid acquisition of genomic information to identify microsatellite loci for evolutionary, population genetic and chromosome linkage mapping research on non-model and not previously sequenced organisms. Here, we report on results using high-throughput sequencing to obtain a large number of microsatellite loci from the venomous snake Agkistrodon contortrix, the copperhead. We used the 454 Genome Sequencer FLX next-generation sequencing platform to sample randomly ∼27 Mbp (128 773 reads) of the copperhead genome, thus sampling about 2% of the genome of this species. We identified microsatellite loci in 11.3% of all reads obtained, with 14 612 microsatellite loci identified in total, 4564 of which had flanking sequences suitable for polymerase chain reaction primer design. The random sequencing-based approach to identify microsatellites was rapid, cost-effective and identified thousands of useful microsatellite loci in a previously unstudied species.  相似文献   

Microsatellite or simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers are routinely used for tagging genes and assessing genetic diversity. In spite of their importance, there are limited numbers of SSR markers available for Brassica crops. A total of 627 new SSR markers (designated BnGMS) were developed based on publicly available genome survey sequences and used to survey polymorphisms among six B. napus cultivars that serve as parents for established populations. Among these SSR markers, 591 (94.3%) successfully amplified at least one fragment and 434 (73.4%) detected polymorphism among the six B. napus cultivars. No correlation was observed between SSR motifs, repeat number or repeat length with polymorphism levels. A linkage map was constructed using 163 newly developed BnGMS marker loci and anchored with 164 public SSRs in a doubled haploid population. These new markers are evenly distributed over all linkage groups (LGs). Given that the majority of these SSRs are derived from bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) end sequences, they will be useful in the assignment of their cognate BACs to LGs and facilitate the integration of physical maps with genetic maps for genome sequencing in B. napus. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Microsatellites or simple sequence repeats (SSRs) are among the genetic markers most widely utilized in research. This includes applications in numerous fields such as genetic conservation, paternity testing, and molecular breeding. Though ordered draft genome assemblies of camels have been announced, including for the Arabian camel, systemic analysis of camel SSRs is still limited. The identification and development of informative and robust molecular SSR markers are essential for marker assisted breeding programs and paternity testing. Here we searched and compared perfect SSRs with 1–6 bp nucleotide motifs to characterize microsatellites for draft genome sequences of the Camelidae. We analyzed and compared the occurrence, relative abundance, relative density, and guanine-cytosine (GC) content in four taxonomically different camelid species: Camelus dromedarius, C. bactrianus, C. ferus, and Vicugna pacos. A total of 546762, 544494, 547974, and 437815 SSRs were mined, respectively. Mononucleotide SSRs were the most frequent in the four genomes, followed in descending order by di-, tetra-, tri-, penta-, and hexanucleotide SSRs. GC content was highest in dinucleotide SSRs and lowest in mononucleotide SSRs. Our results provide further evidence that SSRs are more abundant in noncoding regions than in coding regions. Similar distributions of microsatellites were found in all four species, which indicates that the pattern of microsatellites is conserved in family Camelidae.  相似文献   

Twenty polymorphic microsatellite markers were developed for the Neotropical fish Leporinus obtusidens using a next generation sequencing approach and tested in two other characifomes species, Schizodon platae and Prochilodus lineatus. Microsatellite loci alleles in L. obtusidens ranged between 2 and 20 alleles per locus (mean = 5·7), with expected heterozygosity values ranging from 0·097 to 0·956 (mean = 0·578) and observed heterozygosity values ranging from 0·000 to 0·800 (mean = 0·400) in a sample of 20 specimens from the lower Paraná River (Argentina). Most of these markers will be a valuable tool for captive breeding and stocking programmes, as well as for analyses of population connectivity and genetic structure in this broadly distributed Neotropical migratory fish.  相似文献   

Ecological interaction networks, such as those describing the mutualistic interactions between plants and their pollinators or between plants and their frugivores, exhibit non‐random structural properties that cannot be explained by simple models of network formation. One factor affecting the formation and eventual structure of such a network is its evolutionary history. We argue that this, in many cases, is closely linked to the evolutionary histories of the species involved in the interactions. Indeed, empirical studies of interaction networks along with the phylogenies of the interacting species have demonstrated significant associations between phylogeny and network structure. To date, however, no generative model explaining the way in which the evolution of individual species affects the evolution of interaction networks has been proposed. We present a model describing the evolution of pairwise interactions as a branching Markov process, drawing on phylogenetic models of molecular evolution. Using knowledge of the phylogenies of the interacting species, our model yielded a significantly better fit to 21% of a set of plant–pollinator and plant–frugivore mutualistic networks. This highlights the importance, in a substantial minority of cases, of inheritance of interaction patterns without excluding the potential role of ecological novelties in forming the current network architecture. We suggest that our model can be used as a null model for controlling evolutionary signals when evaluating the role of other factors in shaping the emergence of ecological networks.  相似文献   

A glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchor is a common but complex C-terminal post-translational modification of extracellular proteins in eukaryotes. Here we investigate the problem of correctly annotating GPI-anchored proteins for the growing number of sequences in public databases. We developed a computational system, called FragAnchor, based on the tandem use of a neural network (NN) and a hidden Markov model (HMM). Firstly, NN selects potential GPI-anchored proteins in a dataset, then HMM parses these potential GPI signals and refines the prediction by qualitative scoring. FragAnchor correctly predicted 91% of all the GPI-anchored proteins annotated in the Swiss-Prot database. In a large-scale analysis of 29 eukaryote proteomes, FragAnchor predicted that the percentage of highly probable GPI-anchored proteins is between 0.21% and 2.01%. The distinctive feature of FragAnchor, compared with other systems, is that it targets only the C-terminus of a protein, making it less sensitive to the background noise found in databases and possible incomplete protein sequences. Moreover, FragAnchor can be used to predict GPI-anchored proteins in all eukaryotes. Finally, by using qualitative scoring, the predictions combine both sensitivity and information content. The predictor is publicly available at http://navet .ics.hawaii.edu/- fraganchor/NNHMM/NNHMM.ht ml.  相似文献   

《Insect Biochemistry》1991,21(6):689-696
The voltage-sensitive sodium channel is the site of action of two important classes of insecticides, DDT and pyrethroids. We recently used the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to amplify sodium channel gene sequences in the house fly genome and showed the direct use of the amplification product as a conspecific hybridization probe. This report describes the use of this method to isolate sodium channel gene sequences from seven insect species (representing four orders) and an arachnid, thereby demonstrating its general utility for quickly and efficaciously isolating homologous sequences from distantly related species. DNA sequence analysis of the amplified products revealed that all but a few were homologous to the IS5-6 region of the para gene of Drosophila melanogaster, the region upon which the design of the target primers was based. Although unique nucleotide sequences were obtained for each species (with some species having more than one sequence variant), the inferred amino acid sequences of the 15 residue stretch between the amino acid target sequences were found to be completely conserved or to contain a single conservative replacement of serine with threonine. We suggest that this methodology now permits specific knowledge obtained from molecular genetic analysis of D. melanogaster to be applied straightforwardly to the characterization of many genes and the primary products of their expression in other insect specs.  相似文献   

We describe an algorithm, ReAS, to recover ancestral sequences for transposable elements (TEs) from the unassembled reads of a whole genome shotgun. The main assumptions are that these TEs must exist at high copy numbers across the genome and must not be so old that they are no longer recognizable in comparison to their ancestral sequences. Tested on the japonica rice genome, ReAS was able to reconstruct all of the high copy sequences in the Repbase repository of known TEs, and increase the effectiveness of RepeatMasker in identifying TEs from genome sequences.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Sequence databases represent an enormous resource of phylogenetic information, but there is a lack of tools for accessing that information in order to assess the amount of evolutionary information in these databases that may be suitable for phylogenetic reconstruction and for identifying areas of the taxonomy that are under-represented for specific gene sequences. RESULTS: We have developed TreeGeneBrowser which allows inspection and evaluation of gene sequence data for phylogenetic reconstruction. This program improves the efficiency of identification of genes that may be useful for particular phylogenetic studies and identifies taxa and taxonomic branches that are under-represented in sequence databases.  相似文献   

Microsatellites are tandem repetitions of short (1-6 bp) motifs. It is widely assumed that microsatellites degenerate through the accumulation of base substitutions in the repeat array. Using a phylogenetic framework, we studied the evolutionary dynamics of interruptions in three Drosophila microsatellite loci. For all three loci, we show that the interruptions in a microsatellite can be lost, resulting in a longer uninterrupted microsatellite stretch. These results indicate that mutations in the microsatellite array do not necessarily lead to decay but may represent only a transition state during the evolution of a microsatellite. Most likely, this purification of interrupted microsatellites is caused by DNA replication slippage.  相似文献   

Microsatellite sequences were cloned and sequenced from Cicer reticulatum, the wild annual progenitor of chickpea (C. arietinum L.). Based on the flanking sequences of the microsatellite motifs, 11 sequence-tagged microsatellite site (STMS) markers were developed. These markers were used for phylogenetic analysis of 29 accessions representing all the nine annual Cicer species. The 11 primer pairs amplified distinct fragments in all the annual species demonstrating high levels of sequence conservation at these loci. Efficient marker transferability (97%) of the C. reticulatum STMS markers across other species of the genus was observed as compared to microsatellite markers from the cultivated species. Variability in the size and number of alleles was obtained with an average of 5.8 alleles per locus. Sequence analysis at three homologous microsatellite loci revealed that the microsatellite allele variation was mainly due to differences in the copy number of the tandem repeats. However, other factors such as (1) point mutations, (2) insertion/deletion events in the flanking region, (3) expansion of closely spaced microsatellites and (4) repeat conversion in the amplified microsatellite loci were also responsible for allelic variation. An unweighted pairgroup method with arithmetic averages (UPGMA)-based dendrogram was obtained, which clearly distinguished all the accessions (except two C. judaicum accessions) from one another and revealed intra- as well as inter-species variability in the genus. An annual Cicer phylogeny was depicted which established the higher similarity between C. arietinum and C. reticulatum. The placement of C. pinnatifidum in the second crossability group and its closeness to C. bijugum was supported. Two species, C. yamashitae and C. chorassanicum, were grouped distinctly and seemed to be genetically diverse from members of the first crossability group. Our data support the distinct placement of C. cuneatum as well as a revised classification regarding its placement.  相似文献   

Eight humpless cattle breeds from the Near East, three from Europe, one from West Africa and two zebu breeds from India were screened with 20 microsatellite loci. Breeds from the Near East revealed considerable levels of introgression from zebu cattle, which was apparent most in populations from the East and which declined in populations further West. This nonrandom pattern is suggestive of the introduction of zebu cattle from the East. Notwithstanding the overlay of zebu alleles, it was possible to demonstrate that Near Eastern cattle exhibited significantly higher levels of allelic diversity than breeds from other regions, which is consistent with the view that this region represents a primary domestication centre for Bos taurus cattle. The hypothesis that B. taurus and B. indicus cattle have separate domestic origins is also supported by the survey, a large genetic divergence being apparent between the nonhybrid taurine and zebu groups.  相似文献   

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