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We present computer simulations of a membrane in which the local composition is coupled to the local membrane curvature. At high temperatures (i.e., above the temperature of macroscopic phase separation), finite-sized transient domains are observed, reminiscent of lipid rafts. The domain size is in the range of hundred nanometers, and set by the membrane elastic properties. These findings are in line with the notion of the membrane as a curvature-induced microemulsion. At low temperature, the membrane phase separates. The transition to the phase-separated regime is continuous and belongs to the two-dimensional Ising universality class when the coupling to curvature is weak, but becomes first-order for strong curvature-composition coupling.  相似文献   

The phase stability of a fluid lipid bilayer composed of a mixture of DC18PC, (DSPC), and a shorter DCns PC, with ns from 8 to 17, has been studied using a self-consistent field theory that explicitly includes molecular details and configurational properties of the lipid molecules. Phase separation between two liquid phases was found when there was a sufficient mismatch between the hydrophobic thicknesses of the two bilayers composed entirely of one component or the other. This occurs when ns ≤ 12 and there is a sufficient concentration of the shorter lipid. The mixture separates into a thin bilayer depleted of DSPC and a thick bilayer enriched in DSPC. Even when there is no phase separation, as in the cases when there is either insufficient concentration of a sufficiently short lipid or any concentration of a lipid with ns > 12, we observe that the effect of the shorter lipid is to increase the susceptibility of the system to fluctuations in the concentration. This is of interest, given that a common motif for the anchoring of proteins to the plasma membrane is via a myristoyl chain, that is, one with 14 carbons.  相似文献   

Supported lipid bilayers are widely used for sensing and deciphering biomolecular interactions with model cell membranes. In this paper, we present a method to form supported lipid bilayers from total lipid extracts of Escherichia coli by vesicle fusion. We show the validity of this method for different types of extracts including those from deuterated biomass using a combination of complementary surface sensitive techniques; quartz crystal microbalance, neutron reflection and atomic force microscopy. We find that the head group composition of the deuterated and the hydrogenated lipid extracts is similar (approximately 75% phosphatidylethanolamine, 13% phosphatidylglycerol and 12% cardiolipin) and that both samples can be used to reconstitute high-coverage supported lipid bilayers with a total thickness of 41 ± 3 Å, common for fluid membranes. The formation of supported lipid bilayers composed of natural extracts of Escherichia coli allow for following biomolecular interactions, thus advancing the field towards bacterial-specific membrane biomimics.  相似文献   

Silver-coated cloth (SCC) effectively controlled root rot that was caused by Pythium aphanidermatum in hydroponically grown cucumber plants. The presence of SCC in the hydroponic solution reduced the root rot from 100% to 10% 20 days after inoculation with zoospores of P. aphanidermatum. It was suggested that the inhibition of SCC was caused not only by the silver ion dissolved from SCC, but also by the metallic silver and silver compounds formed on the surface of the root.  相似文献   

A simple model of the line activity of a hybrid lipid (e.g., POPC) with one fully saturated chain and one partially unsaturated chain demonstrates that these lipids preferentially pack at curved interfaces between phase-separated saturated and unsaturated domains. We predict that the domain sizes typically range from tens to hundreds of nm, depending on molecular interactions and parameters such as molecular volume and area per headgroup in the bulk fluid phase. The role of cholesterol is taken into account by an effective change in the headgroup areas and the domain sizes are predicted to increase with cholesterol concentration.  相似文献   

Membrane thickness fluctuations have been associated with a variety of critical membrane phenomena, such as cellular exchange, pore formation, and protein binding, which are intimately related to cell functionality and effective pharmaceuticals. Therefore, understanding how these fluctuations are controlled can remarkably impact medical applications involving selective macromolecule binding and efficient cellular drug intake. Interestingly, previous reports on single-component bilayers show almost identical thickness fluctuation patterns for all investigated lipid tail-lengths, with similar temperature-independent membrane thickness fluctuation amplitude in the fluid phase and a rapid suppression of fluctuations upon transition to the gel phase. Presumably, in vivo functions require a tunability of these parameters, suggesting that more complex model systems are necessary. In this study, we explore lipid tail-length mismatch as a regulator for membrane fluctuations. Unilamellar vesicles of an equimolar mixture of dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine and distearoylphosphatidylcholine molecules, with different tail-lengths and melting transition temperatures, are used as a model system for this next level of complexity. Indeed, this binary system exhibits a significant response of membrane dynamics to thermal variations. The system also suggests a decoupling of the amplitude and the relaxation time of the membrane thickness fluctuations, implying a potential for independent control of these two key parameters.  相似文献   

Cellular membranes separate distinct aqueous compartments, but can be breached by transient hydrophilic pores. A large energetic cost prevents pore formation, which is largely dependent on the composition and structure of the lipid bilayer. The softness of bilayers and the disordered structure of pores make their characterization difficult. We use molecular-dynamics simulations with atomistic detail to study the thermodynamics, kinetics, and mechanism of pore formation and closure in DLPC, DMPC, and DPPC bilayers, with pore formation free energies of 17, 45, and 78 kJ/mol, respectively. By using atomistic computer simulations, we are able to determine not only the free energy for pore formation, but also the enthalpy and entropy, which yields what is believed to be significant new insights in the molecular driving forces behind membrane defects. The free energy cost for pore formation is due to a large unfavorable entropic contribution and a favorable change in enthalpy. Changes in hydrogen bonding patterns occur, with increased lipid-water interactions, and fewer water-water hydrogen bonds, but the total number of overall hydrogen bonds is constant. Equilibrium pore formation is directly observed in the thin DLPC lipid bilayer. Multiple long timescale simulations of pore closure are used to predict pore lifetimes. Our results are important for biological applications, including the activity of antimicrobial peptides and a better understanding of membrane protein folding, and improve our understanding of the fundamental physicochemical nature of membranes.  相似文献   

Cellular membranes separate distinct aqueous compartments, but can be breached by transient hydrophilic pores. A large energetic cost prevents pore formation, which is largely dependent on the composition and structure of the lipid bilayer. The softness of bilayers and the disordered structure of pores make their characterization difficult. We use molecular-dynamics simulations with atomistic detail to study the thermodynamics, kinetics, and mechanism of pore formation and closure in DLPC, DMPC, and DPPC bilayers, with pore formation free energies of 17, 45, and 78 kJ/mol, respectively. By using atomistic computer simulations, we are able to determine not only the free energy for pore formation, but also the enthalpy and entropy, which yields what is believed to be significant new insights in the molecular driving forces behind membrane defects. The free energy cost for pore formation is due to a large unfavorable entropic contribution and a favorable change in enthalpy. Changes in hydrogen bonding patterns occur, with increased lipid-water interactions, and fewer water-water hydrogen bonds, but the total number of overall hydrogen bonds is constant. Equilibrium pore formation is directly observed in the thin DLPC lipid bilayer. Multiple long timescale simulations of pore closure are used to predict pore lifetimes. Our results are important for biological applications, including the activity of antimicrobial peptides and a better understanding of membrane protein folding, and improve our understanding of the fundamental physicochemical nature of membranes.  相似文献   

The HIV-1 Nef protein plays a critical role in viral infectivity, high-titer replication in vivo, and immune escape of HIV-infected cells. Nef lacks intrinsic biochemical activity, functioning instead through interactions with diverse host cell signaling proteins and intracellular trafficking pathways. Previous studies have established an essential role for Nef homodimer formation at the plasma membrane for most if not all its functions. Here we combined neutron reflectometry of full-length myristoylated Nef bound to model lipid bilayers with molecular simulations based on previous X-ray crystal structures of Nef homodimers. This integrated approach provides direct evidence that Nef associates with the membrane as a homodimer with its structured core region displaced from the membrane for partner protein engagement. Parallel studies of a dimerization-defective mutant, Nef-L112D, demonstrate that the helical dimerization interface present in previous crystal structures stabilizes the membrane-bound dimer. X-ray crystallography of the Nef-L112D mutant in complex with the SH3 domain of the Nef-associated host cell kinase Hck revealed a monomeric 1:1 complex instead of the 2:2 dimer complex formed with wild-type Nef. Importantly, the crystal structure of the Nef-L112D core and SH3 interface are virtually identical to the wild-type complex, indicating that this mutation does not affect the overall Nef fold. These findings support the intrinsic capacity of Nef to homodimerize at lipid bilayers using structural features present in X-ray crystal structures of dimeric complexes.  相似文献   

GLYCAM06 is a generalisable biomolecular force field that is extendible to diverse molecular classes in the spirit of a small-molecule force field. Here we report parameters for lipids, lipid bilayers and glycolipids for use with GLYCAM06. Only three lipid-specific atom types have been introduced, in keeping with the general philosophy of transferable parameter development. Bond stretching, angle bending, and torsional force constants were derived by fitting to quantum mechanical data for a collection of minimal molecular fragments and related small molecules. Partial atomic charges were computed by fitting to ensemble-averaged quantum-computed molecular electrostatic potentials.In addition to reproducing quantum mechanical internal rotational energies and experimental valence geometries for an array of small molecules, condensed-phase simulations employing the new parameters are shown to reproduce the bulk physical properties of a DMPC lipid bilayer. The new parameters allow for molecular dynamics simulations of complex systems containing lipids, lipid bilayers, glycolipids, and carbohydrates, using an internally consistent force field. By combining the AMBER parameters for proteins with the GLYCAM06 parameters, it is also possible to simulate protein-lipid complexes and proteins in biologically relevant membrane-like environments.  相似文献   

Artificial lipid membranes are widely used as a model system to study single ion channel activity using electrophysiological techniques. In this study, we characterize the properties of the artificial bilayer system with respect to its dynamics of lipid phase separation using single-molecule fluorescence fluctuation and electrophysiological techniques. We determined the rotational motions of fluorescently labeled lipids on the nanosecond timescale using confocal time-resolved anisotropy to probe the microscopic viscosity of the membrane. Simultaneously, long-range mobility was investigated by the lateral diffusion of the lipids using fluorescence correlation spectroscopy. Depending on the solvent used for membrane preparation, lateral diffusion coefficients in the range Dlat = 10-25 μm2/s and rotational diffusion coefficients ranging from Drot = 2.8 − 1.4 × 107 s−1 were measured in pure liquid-disordered (Ld) membranes. In ternary mixtures containing saturated and unsaturated phospholipids and cholesterol, liquid-ordered (Lo) domains segregated from the Ld phase at 23°C. The lateral mobility of lipids in Lo domains was around eightfold lower compared to those in the Ld phase, whereas the rotational mobility decreased by a factor of 1.5. Burst-integrated steady-state anisotropy histograms, as well as anisotropy imaging, were used to visualize the rotational mobility of lipid probes in phase-separated bilayers. These experiments and fluorescence correlation spectroscopy measurements at different focal diameters indicated a heterogeneous microenvironment in the Lo phase. Finally, we demonstrate the potential of the optoelectro setup to study the influence of lipid domains on the electrophysiological properties of ion channels. We found that the electrophysiological activity of gramicidin A (gA), a well-characterized ion-channel-forming peptide, was related to lipid-domain partitioning. During liquid-liquid phase separation, gA was largely excluded from Lo domains. Simultaneously, the number of electrically active gA dimers increased due to the increased surface density of gA in the Ld phase.  相似文献   

MAL, a compact hydrophobic, four-transmembrane-domain apical protein that copurifies with detergent-resistant membranes is obligatory for the machinery that sorts glycophosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored proteins and others to the apical membrane in epithelia. The mechanism of MAL function in lipid-raft–mediated apical sorting is unknown. We report that MAL clusters formed by two independent procedures—spontaneous clustering of MAL tagged with the tandem dimer DiHcRED (DiHcRED-MAL) in the plasma membrane of COS7 cells and antibody-mediated cross-linking of FLAG-tagged MAL—laterally concentrate markers of sphingolipid rafts and exclude a fluorescent analogue of phosphatidylethanolamine. Site-directed mutagenesis and bimolecular fluorescence complementation analysis demonstrate that MAL forms oligomers via ϕxxϕ intramembrane protein–protein binding motifs. Furthermore, results from membrane modulation by using exogenously added cholesterol or ceramides support the hypothesis that MAL-mediated association with raft lipids is driven at least in part by positive hydrophobic mismatch between the lengths of the transmembrane helices of MAL and membrane lipids. These data place MAL as a key component in the organization of membrane domains that could potentially serve as membrane sorting platforms.  相似文献   

Many biophysical processes such as insertion of proteins into membranes and membrane fusion are governed by bilayer electrostatic potential. At the time of this writing, the arsenal of biophysical methods for such measurements is limited to a few techniques. Here we describe a, to our knowledge, new spin-probe electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) approach for assessing the electrostatic surface potential of lipid bilayers that is based on a recently synthesized EPR probe (IMTSL-PTE) containing a reversibly ionizable nitroxide tag attached to the lipids’ polar headgroup. EPR spectra of the probe directly report on its ionization state and, therefore, on electrostatic potential through changes in nitroxide magnetic parameters and the degree of rotational averaging. Further, the lipid nature of the probe provides its full integration into lipid bilayers. Tethering the nitroxide moiety directly to the lipid polar headgroup defines the location of the measured potential with respect to the lipid bilayer interface. Electrostatic surface potentials measured by EPR of IMTSL-PTE show a remarkable (within ±2%) agreement with the Gouy-Chapman theory for anionic DMPG bilayers in fluid (48°C) phase at low electrolyte concentration (50 mM) and in gel (17°C) phase at 150-mM electrolyte concentration. This agreement begins to diminish for DMPG vesicles in gel phase (17°C) upon varying electrolyte concentration and fluid phase bilayers formed from DMPG/DMPC and POPG/POPC mixtures. Possible reasons for such deviations, as well as the proper choice of an electrostatically neutral reference interface, have been discussed. Described EPR method is expected to be fully applicable to more-complex models of cellular membranes.  相似文献   

We present a theory of inhomogeneities in the plasma membrane, or rafts, that can exist in both leaves of the plasma membrane. We note that although neither of the major phospholipid components of the outer leaf, sphingomyelin (SM) nor phosphatidylcholine (PC), evinces a tendency to form phases characterized by nonzero curvature, one of the major components of the inner leaf, phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), displays a strong tendency to do so whereas the other, phosphatidylserine (PS), does not. Therefore, we posit that the concentration difference of PS and PE couples to height fluctuations of the plasma membrane bilayer. This brings about a microemulsion in the inner leaf. Coupling of the concentration difference between PS and PE in the inner leaf and SM and PC in the outer leaf propagates the microemulsion to that leaf as well. The characteristic size of the inhomogeneities is equal to the square-root of the ratio of the bending modulus of the bilayer to its surface tension, a size which is ∼100 nm for the plasma membrane. If the coupling between leaves were to be provided by the interchange of cholesterol, then our model raft would consist of SM and cholesterol in the outer leaf and PS and cholesterol in the inner leaf floating in a sea of PC and PE in both leaves.  相似文献   

We present a theory of inhomogeneities in the plasma membrane, or rafts, that can exist in both leaves of the plasma membrane. We note that although neither of the major phospholipid components of the outer leaf, sphingomyelin (SM) nor phosphatidylcholine (PC), evinces a tendency to form phases characterized by nonzero curvature, one of the major components of the inner leaf, phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), displays a strong tendency to do so whereas the other, phosphatidylserine (PS), does not. Therefore, we posit that the concentration difference of PS and PE couples to height fluctuations of the plasma membrane bilayer. This brings about a microemulsion in the inner leaf. Coupling of the concentration difference between PS and PE in the inner leaf and SM and PC in the outer leaf propagates the microemulsion to that leaf as well. The characteristic size of the inhomogeneities is equal to the square-root of the ratio of the bending modulus of the bilayer to its surface tension, a size which is ∼100 nm for the plasma membrane. If the coupling between leaves were to be provided by the interchange of cholesterol, then our model raft would consist of SM and cholesterol in the outer leaf and PS and cholesterol in the inner leaf floating in a sea of PC and PE in both leaves.  相似文献   

Polyunsaturated phospholipids are common in biological membranes and affect the lateral structure of bilayers. We have examined how saturated sphingomyelin (SM; palmitoyl and stearoyl SM (PSM and SSM, respectively)) and phosphatidylcholine (PC; dipalmitoyl PC and 1-palmitoyl-2-stearoyl PC (DPPC and PSPC, respectively)) segregate laterally to form ordered gel phases in increasingly unsaturated PC bilayers (sn-1: 16:0 and sn-2: 18:1...22:6; or sn-1 and sn-2: 18:1…22:6). The formation of gel phases was determined from the lifetime analysis of trans-parinaric acid. Using calorimetry, we also determined gel phase formation by PSM and DPPC in unsaturated PC mixed bilayers. Comparing PSM with DPPC, we observed that PSM formed a gel phase with less order than DPPC at comparable bilayer concentrations. The same was true when SSM was compared with PSPC. Furthermore, we observed that at equal saturated phospholipid concentration, the gel phases formed were less ordered in unsaturated PCs having 16:0 in sn-1, as compared to PCs having unsaturated acyl chains in both sn-1 and sn-2. The gel phases formed by the saturated phospholipids in unsaturated PC bilayers did not appear to achieve properties similar to pure saturated phospholipid bilayers, suggesting that complete lateral phase separation did not occur. Based on scanning calorimetry analysis, the melting of the gel phases formed by PSM and DPPC in unsaturated PC mixed bilayers (at 45 mol % saturated phospholipid) had low cooperativity and hence most likely were of mixed composition, in good agreement with trans-parinaric acid lifetime data. We conclude that both interfacial properties of the saturated phospholipids and their chain length, as well as the presence of 16:0 in sn-1 of the unsaturated PCs and the total number of cis unsaturations and acyl chain length (18 to 22) of the unsaturated PCs, all affected the formation of gel phases enriched in saturated phospholipids, under the conditions used.  相似文献   

Anaerobic long-chain fatty acid (LCFA)-degrading bacteria were identified by combining selective enrichment studies with molecular approaches. Two distinct enrichment cultures growing on unsaturated and saturated LCFAs were obtained by successive transfers in medium containing oleate and palmitate, respectively, as the sole carbon and energy sources. Changes in the microbial composition during enrichment were analyzed by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) profiling of PCR-amplified 16S rRNA gene fragments. Prominent DGGE bands of the enrichment cultures were identified by 16S rRNA gene sequencing. A significant part of the retrieved 16S rRNA gene sequences was most similar to those of uncultured bacteria. Bacteria corresponding to predominant DGGE bands in oleate and palmitate enrichment cultures clustered with fatty acid-oxidizing bacteria within Syntrophomonadaceae and Syntrophobacteraceae families. A low methane yield, corresponding to 9 to 18% of the theoretical value, was observed in the oleate enrichment, and acetate, produced according to the expected stoichiometry, was not further converted to methane. In the palmitate enrichment culture, the acetate produced was completely mineralized and a methane yield of 48 to 70% was achieved from palmitate degradation. Furthermore, the oleate enrichment culture was able to use palmitate without detectable changes in the DGGE profile. However, the palmitate-specialized consortia degraded oleate only after a lag phase of 3 months, after which the DGGE profile had changed. Two predominant bands appeared, and sequence analysis showed affiliation with the Syntrophomonas genus. These bands were also present in the oleate enrichment culture, suggesting that these bacteria are directly involved in oleate degradation, emphasizing possible differences between the degradation of unsaturated and saturated LCFAs.  相似文献   

Lipid bilayers composed of non-hydroxy sphingosine ceramide (CER NS), cholesterol (CHOL), and free fatty acids (FFAs), which are components of the human skin barrier, are studied via molecular dynamics simulations. Since mixtures of these lipids exist in dense gel phases with little molecular mobility at physiological conditions, care must be taken to ensure that the simulations become decorrelated from the initial conditions. Thus, we propose and validate an equilibration protocol based on simulated tempering, in which the simulation takes a random walk through temperature space, allowing the system to break out of metastable configurations and hence become decorrelated from its initial configuration. After validating the equilibration protocol, which we refer to as random-walk molecular dynamics, the effects of the lipid composition and ceramide tail length on bilayer properties are studied. Systems containing pure CER NS, CER NS + CHOL, and CER NS + CHOL + FFA, with the CER NS fatty acid tail length varied within each CER NS-CHOL-FFA composition, are simulated. The bilayer thickness is found to depend on the structure of the center of the bilayer, which arises as a result of the tail-length asymmetry between the lipids studied. The hydrogen bonding between the lipid headgroups and with water is found to change with the overall lipid composition, but is mostly independent of the CER fatty acid tail length. Subtle differences in the lateral packing of the lipid tails are also found as a function of CER tail length. Overall, these results provide insight into the experimentally observed trend of altered barrier properties in skin systems where there are more CERs with shorter tails present.  相似文献   

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