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Intermolecular duplexes among large nuclear RNAs, and between small nuclear RNA and heterogeneous nuclear RNA, were studied after isolation by a procedure that yielded protein-free RNA without the use of phenol or high salt. The bulk of the pulse-labeled RNA had a sedimentation coefficient greater than 45 S. After heating in 50% (v/v) formamide, it sedimented between the 18 S and 28 S regions of the sucrose gradient. Proof of the existence of interstrand duplexes prior to deproteinization was obtained by the introduction of interstrand cross-links using 4'-aminomethyl-4,5',8-trimethylpsoralen and u.v. irradiation. Thermal denaturation did not reduce the sedimentation coefficient of pulse-labeled RNA obtained from nuclei treated with this reagent and u.v. irradiated. Interstrand duplexes were observed among the non-polyadenylated RNA species as well as between polyadenylated and non-polyadenylated RNAs. beta-Globin mRNA but not beta-globin pre-mRNA also contained interstrand duplex regions. In this study, we were able to identify two distinct classes of polyadenylated nuclear RNA, which were differentiated with respect to whether or not they were associated with other RNA molecules. The first class was composed of poly(A)+ molecules that were free of interactions with other RNAs. beta-Globin pre-mRNA belongs to this class. The second class included poly(A)+ molecules that contained interstrand duplexes. beta-Globin mRNA is involved in this kind of interaction. In addition, hybrids between small nuclear RNAs and heterogeneous nuclear RNA were isolated. These hybrids were formed with all the U-rich species, 4.5 S, 4.5 SI and a novel species designated W. Approximately equal numbers of hybrids were formed by species U1a, U1b, U2, U6 and W; however, species U4 and U5 were significantly under-represented. Most of these hybrids were found to be associated stably with non-polyadenylated RNA. These observations demonstrated for the first time that small nuclear RNA-heterogeneous nuclear RNA hybrids can be isolated without crosslinking, and that proteins are not necessary to stabilize the complexes. However, not all molecules of a given small nuclear RNA species are involved in the formation of these hybrids. The distribution of a given small nuclear RNA species between the free and bound state does not reflect the stability of the complex in vitro but rather the abundance of complementary sequences in the heterogeneous nuclear RNA.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Nuclear RNA from immature duck erythrocytes was fractionated into polyadenylated and nonpolyadenylated fractions, and globin mRNA sequences were determined by hybridization to DNA complementary to globin mRNA.80–90% of labeled nuclear RNA is found to be nonpolyadenylated, and 70–80% of the globin mRNA sequences present in the nucleus are found in nonpolyadenylated molecules. These data suggest that polyadenylation does not specifically select for globin mRNA sequences.The nonpolyadenylated globin mRNA sequences present in the nucleus are found mostly in molecules of small size, close to the size of polyribosomal globin mRNA, suggesting that polyadenylation is a later event in globin mRNA formation.  相似文献   

Nuclear and polysomal polyadenylated RNA populations of normal and 16 hour regenerating rat liver have been compared by mRNA-cDNA hybridisations and by unique DNA saturation experiments. It was found that nuclear polyadenylated RNA hybridises to 6.8% of unique DNA in both normal and 16 hour regenerating rat liver. However, cross-hybridisation experiments using cDNA have shown that 10-15% by weight of nuclear polyadenylated RNA sequences are specific to 16 hour regenerating rat-liver. Since both unique DNA and cDNA hybridisation have shown that normal and 16 hour regenerating rat-liver polysomal polyadenylated RNA populations are qualitatively very similar sequences specific to 16 hour regenerating rat-liver nuclear polyadenylated RNA are nucleus confined. Polysomal RNA sequences which were abundant in normal rat-liver have become less abundant in regenerating rat liver.  相似文献   

Steady state concentrations of individual RNA sequences in poly(A) nuclear and cytoplasmic RNA populations of Drosophila Kc cells were determined using cloned cDNA fragments. These cDNAs represent poly(A) RNA sequences of different abundance in the cytoplasm of Kc cells, but their steady state concentrations in poly(A) hnRNA was always lower. Of ten different sequences analysed, eight showed some four-fold lower concentration in hnRNA mRNA, two were underrepresented in hnRNA relative to the others. The obvious clustering of mRNA/hnRNA ratios is discussed in relation to sequence complexity and turnover rates of these RNA populations.  相似文献   

Complementary DNA was synthesized using polyadenylated nuclear RNA of cultured Drosophila cells as template. The kinetics of hybridization of this cDNA with nuclear RNA indicated that the complexity of this RNA population is five to ten times greater than that of cytoplasmic mRNA. The same difference in the fraction of DNA represented was obtained when nuclear and cytoplasmic RNA were hybridized with labeled unique sequence DNA. The fraction of the DNA sequences represented in total number of polyadenylated nuclear RNA is much higher than that represented in cytoplasmic RNA.  相似文献   

Mouse NIH 3T6 cells were coinfected with two strains of polyomavirus that differ only in the sequences of their 5' noncoding late leader exons. Polysomes were isolated at late times after infection and probed with oligonucleotides specific for each strain. Results indicate that the sequence of the late leader does not play a role in the translational efficiency of late polyomavirus messages.  相似文献   

Hybridisation of cDNA probes for abundant and rare polysomal polyadenylated RNAs with polyadenylated and non-polyadenylated nuclear RNA from Friend cells indicated that the abundant polysomal polyadenylated RNA sequences were present at a higher concentration in the nucleus than rare polysomal sequences, but at a reduced range of concentrations. The ratio of the concentrations of abundant and rare sequences was about 3 in non-polyadenylated nuclear RNA, 9 in polyadenylated nuclear RNA and 13 in polysomal polyadenylated RNA. This suggests that polyadenylation may play a role in the quantitative selection of sequences for transport to the cytoplasm. Polyadenylation cannot be the only signal for transport, since a highly complex population of nucleus-confined polyadenylated molecules exists, each of which is present on average at less than one copy per cell.  相似文献   

Methylation of adenovirus 2 (Ad 2) late RNA was studied. RNA was double-labeled with [3H-methyl]-methionine and [14C]-uridine 15–20 h postinfection. Nuclear RNA (rRNA) and cytoplasmic RNA (mRNA) was extracted, and fractionated into polyA(+) and (?) molecules using poly(U)-Sepharose. Ad 2 specific RNA was purified by 2 cycles of hybridization to and elution from Ad 2 DNA immobilized on filters. The Ad 2 polyA(+) and (?) nRNA and mRNA fractions had the same 3H14C ratios, and were estimated to contain a minimum of 1.4 methylated nucleotides per 1000 bases. Viral RNA was digested with RNase T2 and chromatographed on DEAE-Sephadex in 7 M urea at pH 7.6. All four Ad RNA fractions contained methylated constituents consistent with: (1) two classes of methylated “capped” 5′-termini with general structures m7 GpppNmpNp and m7 GpppNmpNmpNp; (2) internal base methylations; (3) minor amounts of internal ribose 2′-0-methylations. Two classes of 5′-termini have previously been reported for animal cell mRNA, but not for mRNA from a variety of viruses. Internal methylations may be unique to RNA molecules transcribed in the nucleus, since they have not been found in RNA from cytoplasmic viruses. No gross differences were observed in the DEAE-Sephadex elution profiles of the methylated constituents of the four types of Ad 2 RNA. These results suggest that the majority of methylation events occur in the nucleus, and raise the possibility that Ad 2 methylated late nRNA may differ significantly from SV40 late nRNA (Lavi, S., and Shatkin, A.J. (1975) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 72, 2012–2016).  相似文献   

Structure of late adenovirus 2 heterogeneous nuclear RNA.   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  

Chloroplast development involves changes in the stability of specific plastid mRNAs. To understand how the half-lives of these mRNAs are modified, several laboratories are investigating how plastid mRNAs are degraded. This has led to the isolation of a high-molecular-weight complex that contains an endoribonuclease and a 3'-5' exoribonuclease, and the discovery that efficient mRNA degradation requires polyadenylation. These findings are similar to recent discoveries in Escherichia coli. However, an important difference between the two systems is that chloroplast mRNA degradation involves nuclear-encoded proteins. Modification of these proteins could provide the mechanism for altering plastid-mRNA half-lives in response to developmental stimuli.  相似文献   

The total RNA content of mouse oocytes, as measured by ethidium bromide fluorescence, was found to decrease by 19% during meiotic maturation (ovulated eggs contain 19% less RNA than full-grown oocytes). Consistent with these results, prelabeled stable RNA of full-grown oocytes decreased by about 20% during in vitro maturation. Polyadenylated RNA represented 19% of total prelabeled RNA in full-grown oocytes and 10% in oocytes matured in vitro, confirming previous results on in vivo prepared material. To distinguish between deadenylation and degradation for one mRNA, the amount and state of adenylation of actin mRNA was examined using Northern blots of oocyte RNA probed with a nick-translated beta-actin cloned chicken cDNA. The results showed that the amount of actin mRNA remained similar during maturation, but its molecular weight decreased slightly. Experiments in which RNA was treated with oligo(dT) and RNase H demonstrated that the actin mRNA was deadenylated during maturation, when actin synthesis is known to decline. These results indicate that the previously defined loss of bulk RNA and changes in the state of adenylation of mRNA during the first 11/2 days of embryogenesis actually begin during the 12 hr of meiotic maturation preceding fertilization.  相似文献   

Using 3 overlapping cDNA clones we have determined the nucleotide sequence of chicken histone H5 mRNA. The mRNA does not contain the 23 base conserved sequence element that is present at the 3' end of cell-cycle regulated histone mRNAs. Although the RNA is polyadenylated it lacks the 3' AAUAAA sequence.  相似文献   

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