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在猕猴执行延缓辨别作业和单纯辨别作业时,观察了与作业无关的新异刺激对额叶神经元延缓期放电的影响。在这两种作业中,延缓期在1—4s之间随机变化。此时,动物必须高度注意信号的变化,稍不注意即导致操作错误。此外,在延缓辨别作业中,动物在延缓期还要暂时记住暗示期的信号,单纯辨别作业则无此要求。在203个与作业相关的神经元中,有70个神经元在延缓期出现放电频率变化,其中见于延缓辨别作业者41个,见于单纯辨别作业者29个。实验结果表明,在这两种作业的延缓期所出现的神经元放电增多的反应,有着许多相同的特点。与课题无关的声、光、触、痛等刺激引起分心时,神经元的延缓期反应出现明显的变化,随之出现操作错误。多数神经元的反应受到抑制,但也有出现反应增强者,而且同一神经元对不同感觉模式的无关刺激可出现不同的效应,表现出不同程度的感觉模式特异性。此外,无关刺激在延缓期和在测试间歇期可产生不同甚至相反的效应。上述在延缓期出现反应的神经元主要位于额叶弓状沟上支内侧部的一定范围内。本文对实验结果进行了讨论,认为额叶神经元的延缓期反应,可能在很大程度上与注意有关。额叶神经元感觉模式各种程度的特异性可能是注意的通道选择性的神经基础。额叶的背内侧部,包括前额叶后部和运动前区前部  相似文献   

清醒猕猴前额叶和运动前区神经元多感觉活动的观察   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本实验对清醒猕猴前额叶和运动前区神经元多感觉活动进行了观察。在动物进行课题操作中记录单神经元放电。课题中包括视、痛、热三种感觉刺激。在所记录的338个课题相关神经元中,对一种感觉刺激呈现反应者156个,对两种刺激反应者94个,对三种刺激都反应者88个。为了观察不具有信号意义的感觉刺激的作用,在课题操作的间歇期给动物以痛、热、视、听、触等自然刺激。在测试的176个课题相关神经元中,仅72个神经元对自然刺激呈现反应。其中对一种感觉刺激反应者45个,对两种刺激反应者19个,三种者5个,四种者3个。多数神经元对痛(N=33),视(N=30)和热(N=29)刺激呈现反应,仅有3个神经元对声音,9个神经元对触刺激出现反应。绝大多数神经元位于弓状沟上支内侧的颗粒和无颗粒皮层内。本实验表明,痛、热、触、视、听觉等投射到额叶皮层的相同部位,不同程度地会聚到同一神经元上。有信号意义的刺激与没有信号意义的刺激相比,前者可激活更多的神经元。  相似文献   

为了研究去甲肾上腺素在大脑认知功能中的作用,在3只猕猴进行延缓辨别作业的同时,在额叶弓状沟上支内侧部的皮层区,记录了230个作业相关神经元的电活动。对其中159个神经元观察了微量电泳去甲肾上腺素、妥拉苏林或心得安的效应。这些神经元在作业各期的分布是:开始期11个,暗示期28个,延缓期66个,反应期54个。约2/3的神经元在作业中出现兴奋反应(放电增多),1/3为抑制反应(放电减少)。在延缓期出现抑制反应的神经元,绝大多数对去甲肾上腺素敏感。在电泳去甲肾上腺素时,神经元的自发放电减少,延缓期的抑制加深。电泳妥拉苏林或心得安则出现相反的效应,即自发放电增多,延缓期的抑制减弱或不出现抑制,并可拮抗电泳去甲肾上腺素的抑制效应。实验结果提示,在额叶弓状沟上支内侧皮层神经元的注意、短时记忆等认知功能中,可能有去甲肾上腺素参与作用,主要参与神经活动的抑制过程。  相似文献   

在两只已建立视觉分辨行为以及一只未经训练的猕猴上记录了前额皮层主沟区的单位放电,视觉分辨作业包括下列事件;(1)暗示信号红光(在R模式中)或蓝光(在B模式中)(1.30^s);(2)延缓期(2.10s);(3)反应期出现白光(1.88s)在R模式中动物必需在白光出现后立即拉杆以避免电击在B模式中不给予电击,要求动物不拉杆,共记录了127个前额皮层单位,其中80个单位的放电变化与视觉分辨作业的事件相关,占总数的63%,在测试间歇期内观察了前额皮尾神经元对无关的短声\闪光以及闪烁的红、蓝和白光的反应,总共对96个单位进行了短声和/或闪光刺激的测试,其中23个(24%)对上述刺激产生反应,并大部分(15个)是与行为作业中事件相关的单位,在对103个单位进行闪烁的红、蓝、白光测试中,发现只有12个(12%)单位有反应,在另一只未经训练的猕猴的前额皮层主沟区记录了100个单位,发现只有4个(4%)单位对无关的光刺激有反应,这些光刺激的物理性与上述实验中所采用的刺激相同,以上结果表明,通过学习具有行为意义的刺激能引起更多的前额叶神经元的放电活动,也就是说前额叶神经元对具有行为意义的刺激的反应是在学习过程中形成的,它们的活动是可塑的。  相似文献   

为了研究大脑皮层体感Ⅰ区与痛觉以及针刺镇痛作用的关系,以钾离子透入下肢皮肤作为痛刺激,以操作式条件反射作为痛指标,用钨丝微电极记录大脑皮层体感Ⅰ区单个神经元的电活动,在10只清醒、可以活动的猴子上进行了实验观察。在下肢的皮层代表区分离和记录了能对不同传入刺激起反应的神经元215个。28个对皮肤伤害性刺激起反应。其中25个发放增加(兴奋型神经元),3个发放减少(抑制型神经元)。对12个伤害性神经元进行了针刺效应的观察。在针刺过程中有6个神经元(4个兴奋型、2个抑制型)对伤害性刺激的反应受到抑制。其中有些神经元的抑制可伴有痛阈的升高,但两者未呈现严格的平行关系。皮层体感Ⅰ区中亦可记录到会聚性神经元,即同一神经元既可接受皮肤机械刺激,亦可接受皮肤伤害性刺激。其中有些神经元对于不同性质的刺激可以出现不同型式的反应,如对钾离子刺激皮肤出现抑制性反应而对触觉刺激出现兴奋性反应。针刺时,往往只有伤害性刺激引起的反应受到抑制,而机械刺激引起的反应没有明显变化。实验表明,针刺可以使皮层体感Ⅰ区的某些神经元对皮肤伤害性刺激的反应减弱;但是这种效应可能不是发生在皮层本身,而是续发于皮层下结构活动的变化。  相似文献   

猕猴额叶神经元视辨别机能可塑性的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
刘觐龙  宿双宁 《生理学报》1989,41(5):504-511
我们曾经提出,额叶神经元的反应,主要不是取决于刺激物的物理属性,而是与信号意义有密切的关系。为了验证这一看法,设计了两套作业,即视延缓辨别作业(作业Ⅰ)和视辨别反应作业(作业Ⅰ),对4只成年猕猴进行实验。两套作业都由1—4期组成,在第2期都有伪随机出现的红绿灯光信号,在第3期都要求动物密切注意随后的灯光信号变化。但是,作业Ⅰ要求动物对第2期出现的红绿灯光进行辨别,作业Ⅰ则要求对第4期的红绿灯光进行辨别。待动物学会作业,正确率达90%以上,在动物进行作业的同时引导额叶神经元放电。共记录作业相关神经元163个。其中作业Ⅰ98个,作业Ⅱ 65个。在作业Ⅰ中,神经元的反应多数出现在第2、3期,占该作业反应总数的70%。而在作业Ⅱ中,反应多数出现在第3、4期,也占该作业反应总数的70%。其次,作业Ⅰ第2期的神经元反应绝大多数对红、绿灯光有明显的特异性,而作业Ⅱ第2期的则没有,只有第4期的反应才有明显的特异性。本实验结果进一步支持了我们的上述看法,并且表明,额叶神经元对信号的反应主要是在学习中逐渐形成的,有很大的可塑性。  相似文献   

张竞  刘敏芝 《动物学报》1989,35(3):279-286
用微电极细胞外记录的方法,观察内脏痛、躯体痛和触觉刺激对大鼠丘脑后核(PO)中770个神经元电活动的影响,其中305(38.3%)个对伤害性刺激起反应,103(13.4%)个对触觉刺激起反应。对伤害性刺激反应的神经元中多数对躯体痛和内脏痛刺激均起反应且反应形式相同,少数反应不同或相反,对触觉刺激反应的神经元中多数也对两种伤害性刺激均起反应,只对触觉刺激反应的神经元很少。  相似文献   

丹扬 《生命科学》2008,20(5):692-694
活动依赖的神经可塑性在视觉皮层信息处理过程中起着很重要的作用。该文将讲述几个关于视觉刺激引起皮层反应发生快速变化的研究工作。在体膜片钳的实验结果表明,将视觉刺激与能够诱发孽个视皮层神经元发放动作电位的电刺激相偶联可以改变神经元的感受野特性。单电极和多电极胞外记录的实验结果显示,反复地给予自然图形电影刺激,不仅能增加视皮层神经元反应的可靠性,而且能造成之后的自发活动中存在“记忆的痕迹”。最后,用电压敏感染料成像的方法对群体细胞活动进行考察,结果提示视觉活动之后的皮层回放可能是由皮层波介导的。  相似文献   

胞内记录猫体感皮层内脏伤害性感受神经元的电生理特性   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
Chen JH  Teng GX 《生理学报》1999,51(1):31-37
为了从细胞水平探讨皮层内脏伤害感受的特性及机制,本文应用细胞内电位记录技术,观察了猫体感皮层内脏大神经皮层代表区的851个神经元对电刺激内脏大神经的诱发反应及电生理特性。其中412个单位为内脏伤害性感受神经元,其自发放电有多种形式,根据诱发反应现象分为特异性和非特异性伤害感受神经元,内脏伤害性诱发反应分为兴奋性反应(517%)、抑制性反应(3131%)及混合性反应(17%)三类。在形式上具有潜伏期长、反应形式复杂等特点。实验发现85个神经元为内脏及肋间神经的会聚反应细胞。部分神经元用神经生物素进行细胞内电泳标记以显示功能细胞所在层次及形态。结果说明皮层体感神经元具有内脏伤害性感受的作用,并从细胞及突触后电反应特点上探讨了内脏痛的感受机制。  相似文献   

本实验采用慢性微电极技术,对清醒猕猴前额叶皮层神经元自发放电活动进行了观察。并结合动物行为观察了吗啡与安定对该脑区电活动的影响。在14只对伤害性刺激有反应的神经元中,观察了9只神经元对静脉注射吗啡的效应,其中8只被激活;对伤害性有反应的7只神经元,注射安定后,仅有2只神经元的活动受到抑制,其它无变化。看来吗啡与安定对前额叶皮层的活动在一定的影响。  相似文献   

猕猴执行痛,热延缓辨别作业时额叶神经元及肌电...   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘觐龙  李钢 《生理学报》1990,42(2):121-128
To study the functional implication of neuronal responses in frontal cortex to noxious and innocuous heat stimuli, experiments were carried out on two monkeys (Macaca mulatta) during performing a delayed discrimination GO/NO-GO task. The animals were trained to hold a lever for at least 3 s in the response period when an innocuous heat stimulus had been applied to the forearm in the cue period, or release it within 1 s with a noxious one. After a criterion of 90% of correct responses in 3 successive days was reached, single neuronal activity was recorded from the frontal cortex along with EMGs from six muscles in both arms. Of 142 task-related neurons recorded, 87 (66.4%) were related to heat, 34 to visual, and 21 to both visual and heat stimuli. Among the heat-related neurons, 22 were responsive to noxious heat, 18 to innocuous heat, and 47 to both. Of the neurons responding to both noxious and innocuous heat stimuli, 4 neurons showed changes in discharge rates, depending on the type of stimuli. In most cases, muscular activities just appeared at the moment of lever pressing and/or releasing in m. extensor digitorium communis, m. flexor carpi ulnaris and m. flexor carpi radialis of the performing arm. No regular muscular activities appeared in other muscles and in other periods of the task. The result showed that the neuronal responses in frontal cortex elicited by heat stimuli in the cue period were not related directly to the initiation and modulation of behaviours.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   



Pain is difficult to assess due to the subjective nature of self-reporting. The lack of objective measures of pain has hampered the development of new treatments as well as the evaluation of current ones. Functional MRI studies of pain have begun to delineate potential brain response signatures that could be used as objective read-outs of pain. Using Diffuse Optical Tomography (DOT), we have shown in the past a distinct DOT signal over the somatosensory cortex to a noxious heat stimulus that could be distinguished from the signal elicited by innocuous mechanical stimuli. Here we further our findings by studying the response to thermal innocuous and noxious stimuli.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Innocuous and noxious thermal stimuli were applied to the skin of the face of the first division (ophthalmic) of the trigeminal nerve in healthy volunteers (N = 6). Stimuli temperatures were adjusted for each subject to evoke warm (equivalent to a 3/10) and painful hot (7/10) sensations in a verbal rating scale (0/10 = no/max pain). A set of 26 stimuli (5 sec each) was applied for each temperature with inter-stimulus intervals varied between 8 and 15 sec using a Peltier thermode. A DOT system was used to capture cortical responses on both sides of the head over the primary somatosensory cortical region (S1). For the innocuous stimuli, group results indicated mainly activation on the contralateral side with a weak ipsilateral response. For the noxious stimuli, bilateral activation was observed with comparable amplitudes on both sides. Furthermore, noxious stimuli produced a temporal biphasic response while innocuous stimuli produced a monophasic response.


These results are in accordance with fMRI and our other DOT studies of innocuous mechanical and noxious heat stimuli. The data indicate the differentiation of DOT cortical responses for pain vs. innocuous stimuli that may be useful in assessing objectively acute pain.  相似文献   

Extracellular recordings were used to characterize responses to cutaneous mechanical stimulation of 78 neurons in the rat nucleus submedius (SM). Thirty-nine of these units were activated by some type of cutaneous mechanical stimulation. Eighteen cells were activated exclusively by noxious stimuli. In 13 of these cells, responses were of swift onset and relatively rapid termination following stimulus application. In contrast, in three neurons responses were delayed both in onset and termination, and in two the response was immediate, but the markedly increased evoked activity outlasted stimulus application by 13 min. Receptive fields (RFs) of these nociceptive neurons were generally large, although none were bilateral. Four SM neurons were activated by innocuous stimuli, but their maximal response was obtained only after noxious stimulation. Responses of all of these neurons were of immediate onset and recovery, and their RFs were large (two were bilateral). Twelve SM neurons were activated maximally by innocuous stimuli. Responses of seven of these cells were immediate in onset and termination, while that of three were delayed in both onset and termination. Two of the 12 innocuous-only neurons quickly became unresponsive to repeated stimulus applications, and could be reactivated only after a rest period during which no stimuli were applied. RFs of these units were also generally large, and in three cases were bilateral. Five SM neurons responded by decreasing, or completely ceasing, their firing subsequent to noxious-only (n = 2), or innocuous-only (n = 3) stimulation. Four of these units had large RFs (two were bilateral). The remaining 39 SM neurons could not be activated by any type of mechanical cutaneous stimulation we tried.

Electrical stimulation of the ventrolateral orbital cortex (VLO) was employed to examine frontal cortical projections of 21 SM neurons. Ten of these units were activated, although all of them synaptically rather than antidromically, and two were inhibited. There was no clear-cut relationship between neuronal location, physiological type, RF site, or VLO stimulation effects among the 39 SM neurons.

These results provide further support for the involvement of SM neurons in nociceptive information signaling, and suggest additionally that the role of the nucleus is not limited to nociception but encompasses a wider range of cutaneous sensations.  相似文献   

Extracellular recordings were used to characterize responses to cutaneous mechanical stimulation of 78 neurons in the rat nucleus submedius (SM). Thirty-nine of these units were activated by some type of cutaneous mechanical stimulation. Eighteen cells were activated exclusively by noxious stimuli. In 13 of these cells, responses were of swift onset and relatively rapid termination following stimulus application. In contrast, in three neurons responses were delayed both in onset and termination, and in two the response was immediate, but the markedly increased evoked activity outlasted stimulus application by 13 min. Receptive fields (RFs) of these nociceptive neurons were generally large, although none were bilateral. Four SM neurons were activated by innocuous stimuli, but their maximal response was obtained only after noxious stimulation. Responses of all of these neurons were of immediate onset and recovery, and their RFs were large (two were bilateral). Twelve SM neurons were activated maximally by innocuous stimuli. Responses of seven of these cells were immediate in onset and termination, while that of three were delayed in both onset and termination. Two of the 12 innocuous-only neurons quickly became unresponsive to repeated stimulus applications, and could be reactivated only after a rest period during which no stimuli were applied. RFs of these units were also generally large, and in three cases were bilateral. Five SM neurons responded by decreasing, or completely ceasing, their firing subsequent to noxious-only (n = 2), or innocuous-only (n = 3) stimulation. Four of these units had large RFs (two were bilateral). The remaining 39 SM neurons could not be activated by any type of mechanical cutaneous stimulation we tried. Electrical stimulation of the ventrolateral orbital cortex (VLO) was employed to examine frontal cortical projections of 21 SM neurons. Ten of these units were activated, although all of them synaptically rather than antidromically, and two were inhibited. There was no clear-cut relationship between neuronal location, physiological type, RF site, or VLO stimulation effects among the 39 SM neurons. These results provide further support for the involvement of SM neurons in nociceptive information signaling, and suggest additionally that the role of the nucleus is not limited to nociception but encompasses a wider range of cutaneous sensations.  相似文献   

The hands of 14 normal humans were used to determine the somatotopic organization of the modulation of warmth sensation and heat pain by different forms of cutaneous stimuli. Test stimuli were 5-sec heat pulses ranging from 36° to 51°C, delivered to the fingerpads of digits 1, 2, 4, and 5 with a contact thermode. Conditioning stimuli (15 sec) bracketed the test stimuli and included vibration, noxious and innocuous heat, cold, and electrical pulses delivered to the fingerpads of digits that were adjacent or nonadjacent to the tested digits. Noxious (48° ± 1.3°C), but not innocuous (43°C), heat stimuli increased the perceived magnitude estimation of innocuous test stimuli (36–43°C) by 20–37% when delivered to adjacent, but not to nonadjacent, digits. No other conditioning stimuli had any effect on the intensity of warmth perception. In contrast, both noxious and innocuous heat or electrical conditioning reduced the magnitude estimation of noxious (50–5°C), but not innocuous, test pulses by 12–22% when delivered to adjacent digits. Conditioning of nonadjacent digits was significantly less effective. The analgesic effects of noxious and innocuous conditioning were approximately equal. Vibratory (120 Hz, 3.5 μm) and cold (15°C) conditioning stimuli were ineffective. The results are consistent with a dermatomal somatotopic organization of tactile and heat modulatory influences on warmth sensation and heat pain. The results further suggest that the neural mechanisms subserving warmth mediate a negative feedback influence on heat pain intensity.  相似文献   

J. Davies  A. Dray 《Life sciences》1980,26(22):1851-1856
The effects of systemically administered substance P were examined on the responses induced by noxious (radiant heat) and non-noxious (air jets) peripheral stimuli in dorsal horn neurons of the feline spinal cord. Substance P produced a significant fall in arterial blood pressure and selectively enhanced responses to noxious heat stimulation. Other vasoactive substances administered systemically caused either selective increases or decreases in noxious heat induced responses which coincided with decreases or increases in systemic arterial blood pressure respectively. It was concluded that the selective neuronal effects of substance P were secondary to changes in vascular perfusion in the area stimulated by the radiant heat source.  相似文献   

猫脊髓背角双投射神经元的外周传入特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
电刺激猫颈髓背索和背外侧索可双重地逆向激动同侧腰骶髓背角神经元。该神经元对非伤害性和伤害性皮肤刺激发生反应;对电刺激其感受野的反应具有单突触性、低阈值和传导快等特征;该神经元的突触前和突触后纤维的传导速度相似,但不具正变关系。结果表明,SCT-DCPS神经元具有低阈机械感受型和广动力范围型两种生理学模型;从A_β传人接受输入并与之构成单突触联系;其突触前纤维直径与突触后纤维直径之间不具匹配关系。  相似文献   

The response pattern of reticulo-spinal (RS) neurons in two reticulo-spinal structures (n. reticularus pontis caudalis and n. reticularis gigantocellularis) to both electrical (somatic) nerve stimulation and natural mechanical innocuous (tapping with varying force) and noxious (pinch and prick) stimulation were investigated in chloralose-anesthetized cats. Bulbar and pontine neurons were found to vary considerably in their sensory characteristics: of the former 43% were activated only by high-threshold electrical nerve stimulation and noxious stimuli, while the remainder responded to innocuous stimuli as well. In the case of pontine neurons 81% produced a response to stimulation of low-threshold nerve fibers, and to innocuous as well as noxious stimuli. A relationship was found between the sensory characteristics of reticulo-spinal neurons and their axon conductance velocities. Various aspects and the likely functional significance of specialization in brainstem neurons of the pontine and bulbar reticular formation come under discussion.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 18, No. 4, pp. 461–469, July–August, 1986.  相似文献   

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