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Characterization of a thyroid hormone-responsive gene from rat   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
We have isolated and characterized a rat gene coding for spot 14 mRNA: a hepatic product induced rapidly by thyroid hormone. This gene is present in a single copy/haploid genome, but encodes two mRNA species differing by 170 nucleotides in length. Through S1 nuclease analyses, the difference was mapped to the 3'-end of the mRNA with one species extending 170 nucleotides beyond the 3'-end of the other mRNA. The putative poly(A) addition signals AUUAAA and AAUAAA are found to precede the sites of polyadenylation in the shorter and longer mRNA, respectively. The mRNA codes for a protein of 150 amino acids with a molecular weight of 17,010. The protein-coding region is located closer to the 5'-end of the mRNA, leaving a relatively long 3'-untranslated region, which contains the only intron of 3,150 base pairs within the gene. At approximately 27 base pairs upstream from the start site of the mRNA, a sequence homologous to the TATA box, TAGAAAT , was found.  相似文献   

We report that alpha and beta type rat thyroid hormone receptors bind specifically and with high affinity to the 10-base pair sequence immediately 3' of the rat growth hormone TATA box (positions -25 to -16) in a region of the rat growth hormone promoter which can be negatively hormone responsive (nTRE). The receptors have approximately 7-fold lower affinity in vitro for the nTRE than for the thyroid hormone-responsive enhancer of the rat growth hormone gene (TRE). Proteins extracted with high salt concentration from rat pituitary cell nuclei enhance binding of the receptors to both the TRE and nTRE. A modification of the avidin-biotin complex DNA binding assay which enhances the sensitivity of the assay approximately 100-fold was used in these studies. The immediate proximity of a receptor binding site to the rat growth hormone TATA box suggests that direct interaction between receptor and TFIID (the TATA binding protein) mediates nTRE activity.  相似文献   

A panel of anti-thyroid hormone receptor (TR) antisera were generated to allow direct assay of the concentrations of the alpha 1 and beta 1 receptor isoforms in nuclear extracts from adult rat liver, kidney, brain and heart, and fetal brain. An antiserum, immunoglobulin G (IgG)-beta 1, raised against amino acid sequence 62-92 of the rat TR-beta 1 specifically precipitated only TR-beta 1 in vitro translation products. A second antiserum, IgG-alpha 1/beta, generated against a sequence that is identical in the ligand binding region of rat TR-alpha 1 and TR-beta isoforms immunoprecipitated both TR-alpha 1 and -beta 1 translation products. These IgG preparations were used to specifically immunoprecipitate thyroid hormone receptor binding activity from nuclear extracts. IgG-beta 1 cleared almost 80%, and the IgG-alpha 1/beta immunoprecipitated nearly all binding from hepatic nuclear extracts. This distribution of TR protein, 80% beta 1 and 20% alpha 1, is the same as previously reported for their respective mRNAs in liver. In heart, kidney, and brain IgG-beta 1 cleared 45, 43, and 28% of total binding, respectively, and IgG-alpha 1/beta cleared all T3 binding activity from these tissues. In agreement with an earlier study, marked variations in specific protein/mRNA ratios were noted among these tissues. Consistent with our earlier report of the presence of only very low levels of TR-beta 1 mRNA in fetal brain, IgG-beta 1 cleared just 5% of binding in this tissue. Studies using an antiserum (IgG-ch) generated against homologous segments of the hinge region in both TR-alpha 1 and -beta 1 yielded results which contrasted sharply with those of IgG-alpha 1/beta. Whereas IgG-ch could also immunoprecipitate virtually all binding from hepatic extracts it cleared only 40-50% of binding from the other tissues, including fetal brain in which TR-alpha 1 accounts for greater than 90% of binding protein. The data suggest the presence of posttranslational modification of the TR-alpha 1 protein in the hinge region, consistent with the presence in this segment of potential phosphorylation sites.  相似文献   

The thyroid hormone-responsive protein (THRP) is expressed in rat cerebral tissue and has 83% overall sequence homology with c-Abl interactor protein, Abi-2, which is a substrate for the tyrosine kinase activity of c-Abl. Within the core region of the two proteins, the sequence similarity approaches 99%. To determine whether THRP is a rat homologue of Abi-2 or is a distinct protein with unique properties, the tissue distribution of THRP and Abi-2 mRNA's was examined using a sensitive ribonuclease protection assay and probes specific for THRP and Abi-2, respectively. The THRP mRNA content of cerebral tissue (1340.0 +/- 126.5 arbitrary units) was 2.3-fold higher than Abi-2 mRNA (581.3 +/- 73.7), while the ratio of hepatic content of THRP mRNA (209.0 +/- 49.1) to hepatic Abi-2 mRNA (2923.0 +/- 378.7) was only 0.07 (P < 0.004). Very low levels of Abi-2 mRNA, but not THRP mRNA, were also found in the heart and small intestine. Experiments with PC12 cells transfected with the full-length THRP cDNA and grown in the presence or absence of a tyrosine kinase inhibitor, along with experiments where PC12 cells were cotransfected with the THRP cDNA with or without the wild-type or mutant (tyrosine kinase deficient) c-Abl cDNA, showed that THRP is tyrosine phosphorylated; however, it is not a substrate for c-Abl. These studies demonstrate that THRP and Abi-2 have distinct tissue distribution and distinct biological properties.  相似文献   

We have perfused isolated rat livers with hypocalcemic (4.4 mg 100 ml) Krebs-Ringer bicarbonate albumin buffer. After 15 min of perfusion, a substance appeared in the perfusate which decreased rat renal adenylate cyclase activation by parathyroid hormone (PTH). The material in the perfusate was purified greater than 50,000-fold by Bio-Gel P-10 chromatography. The purified antagonist decreased the activation of rat renal cortical adenylate cyclase by PTH, glucagon, and epinephrine 75 to 100%. Concentration response curves for each of the hormones indicated a noncompetitive interaction of the inhibitor with the hormone. The inhibition was not species-specific, as the activation of the parathyroid hormone-responsive adenylate cyclase in cat renal cortex was also abolished by the inhibitor from the perfused rat liver. The inhibitor is a peptide, Mr equal to similar to 1000, which is heat-stable, acid-stable, alkai-labile, and is destroyed by trypsin, leucine aminopeptidase, and elastase. It is not destroyed by phosphodiesterase, 5'-nucleotidase, alkaline phosphatase, neuraminidase, RNase, or phospholipase A. The inhibitor is not produced by isolated rat livers perfused with normocalcemic perfusion media. It is unclear whether the peptide is synthesized by the liver or whether it is a breakdown product of a larger peptide or protein in the liver. This is the first reported peptide inhibitor of adenylate cyclase.  相似文献   

Kuschak TI  Kuschak BC  Smith GM  Wright JA  Mai S 《BioTechniques》2001,30(5):1064-8, 1070-2
Here, we describe a gentle and effective method for the rapid and reproducible isolation of histone-bound extrachromosomal DNA molecules called extrachromosomal elements (EEs). This method facilitates the harvest of a specific population of EEs following their isolation from cultured cells, primary tissues, and tumor cells. Active EEs are bound to histone proteins, and these histone-bound EEs carry actively transcribing genes such as c-myc. Our method exploits the presence of histones on EEs and serves as a first-step purification procedure, allowing for the cloning or multivariant analysis of an immunopurified sample of EEs. We isolated EEs from 4-hydroxytamoxifen (4-HT)-activated Myc-ER-regulatable Pre-B ABM cells. Following one round of immunoprecipitation, we demonstrate the purification of histone-bound EEs. We confirmed that our purification enriched for EEs that carry genes by fluorescent in situ hybridization of EEs (FISH-EEs), and we probed non-enriched and immunopurified EEs with a dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) cDNA probe that is known to detect extrachromosomal amplification in Myc-activated cells. We demonstrate the enrichment of immunoprecipitated DHFR-containing extrachromosomal DNA molecules.  相似文献   

We have isolated and characterized a cDNA encoding a chicken beta homolog of c-erbA, or thyroid hormone receptor (TR). Chicken liver cDNA libraries were screened with a rat TR beta-1 cDNA probe, and several cDNA inserts were isolated and characterized. The sequence of one cDNA predicts a 369-amino-acid open reading frame (ORF), with a protein sequence that possesses 96% identity with that of rat TR beta-1, but only 88% identity with chicken TR alpha. These data indicate that the cDNA likely encodes a beta form of TR that has the expected putative DNA and T3 binding domains. The chicken TR beta (chTR beta) in vitro translated protein binds T3 with high affinity, and binds both the thyroid hormone response element (TRE) from the rat growth hormone gene and the Xenopus vitellogenin A2 gene estrogen response element (ERE), similarly to that of the rat TR beta-1. Northern blot analysis revealed the expression of a 7.0-kb RNA in several tissues including cerebellum, pituitary, kidney, and liver. This chicken liver TR beta cDNA sequence varies in both the 5' and 3' untranslated regions from the chicken kidney TR beta cDNA sequence recently reported (Forrest et al., 1990). The 5' untranslated cDNA sequence divergence occurs near a potential splice site junction of the human TR beta gene, suggesting that this chicken liver cDNA may represent an alternatively spliced RNA product of the chicken TR beta gene.  相似文献   

Alphavirus replication complexes that are located in the mitochondrial fraction of infected cells which pellets at 15,000 x g (P15 fraction) were used for the in vitro synthesis of viral 49S genome RNA, subgenomic 26S mRNA, and replicative intermediates (RIs). Comparison of the polymerase activity in P15 fractions from Sindbis virus (SIN)- and Semliki Forest virus (SFV)-infected cells indicated that both had similar kinetics of viral RNA synthesis in vitro but the SFV fraction was twice as active and produced more labeled RIs than SIN. When assayed in vitro under conditions of high specific activity, which limits incorporation into RIs, at least 70% of the polymerase activity was recovered after detergent treatment. Treatment with Triton X-100 or with Triton X-100 plus deoxycholate (DOC) solubilized some prelabeled SFV RIs but little if any SFV or SIN RNA polymerase activity from large structures that also contained cytoskeletal components. Treatment with concentrations of DOC greater than 0.25% or with 1% Triton X-100-0.5% DOC in the presence of 0.5 M NaCl released the polymerase activity in a soluble form, i.e., it no longer pelleted at 15,000 x g. The DOC-solubilized replication complexes, identified by their polymerase activity in vitro and by the presence of prelabeled RI RNA, had a density of 1.25 g/ml, were 20S to 100S in size, and contained viral nsP1, nsP2, phosphorylated nsP3, nsP4, and possibly nsP34 proteins. Immunoprecipitation of the solubilized structures indicated that the nonstructural proteins were complexed together and that a presumed cellular protein of approximately 120 kDa may be part of the complex. Antibodies specific for nsP3, and to a lesser extent antibodies to nsP1, precipitated native replication complexes that retained prelabeled RIs and were active in vitro in viral RNA synthesis. Thus, antibodies to nsP3 bound but did not disrupt or inhibit the polymerase activity of replication complexes in vitro.  相似文献   

Regulation of gene expression by the thyroid hormone receptor   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  

To understand the regulation by thyroid hormone, 3,3',5-triiodo-L-thyronine (T3), of the synthesis of a cytosolic thyroid hormone binding protein (p58-M2) during liver regeneration, the synthesis of p58-M2 was evaluated. The synthesis of p58-M2 was measured by metabolic labeling of primary cultures derived from the regenerating liver of euthyroid, hypo- or hyperthyroid rats. During regeneration, the increase in the liver/body weight ratio is approximately 25% higher in hyper- than in hypothyroid rats. However, T3 has no effect on the rate of overall liver regeneration observed in four days. In mature liver, T3 increased the synthesis of p58-M2 by approximately 2.5-fold. During regeneration, however, the change in the synthesis of p58-M2 varied with the thyroid status. In euthyroid rats, the synthesis of p58-M2 continued to increase up to 2-fold during liver regeneration. In hyperthyroid rats, after an initial increase by 1.5-fold on day 1, the synthesis of p58-M2 subsequently declined during regeneration. In hypothyroid rats, the synthesis of p58-M2 remained virtually unchanged during regeneration. These results indicate that T3 regulates the synthesis of p58-M2 in mature and regenerating liver.  相似文献   

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