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Debilitating injury is accompanied by hypercortisolemia, muscle wasting, and disruption of the normal anabolic response to food. We sought to determine whether acute hypercortisolemia alters muscle protein metabolism following ingestion of a potent anabolic stimulus: essential amino acids (EAA). A 27-h infusion (80 microg. kg(-1). h(-1)) of hydrocortisone sodium succinate mimicked cortisol (C) levels accompanying severe injury (>30 microg/dl), (C + AA; n = 6). The control group (AA) received intravenous saline (n = 6). Femoral arteriovenous blood samples and muscle biopsies were obtained during a primed (2.0 micromol/kg) constant infusion (0.05 micromol. kg(-1). min(-1)) of l-[ring-(2)H(5)]phenylalanine before and after ingestion of 15 g of EAA. Hypercortisolemia [36.5 +/- 2.1 (C + AA) vs. 9.0 +/- 1.0 microg/dl (AA)] increased postabsorptive arterial, venous, and muscle intracellular phenylalanine concentrations. Hypercortisolemia also increased postabsorptive and post-EAA insulin concentrations. Net protein balance was blunted (40% lower) following EAA ingestion but remained positive for a greater period of time (60 vs. 180 min) in the C + AA group. Thus, although differences in protein metabolism were evident, EAA ingestion improved muscle protein anabolism during acute hypercortisolemia and may help minimize muscle loss following debilitating injury.  相似文献   

The observed relation found in sheep between the flux rate of an amino acid and the proportion found in whole-body protein suggests that the major immediate fate of an amino acid is its incorporation into tissue protein. This may be true even for dispensable amino acids. In ruminants, there is substantial utilization of several amino acids (serine, glycine, threonine, histidine, and methionine) for the synthesis of methyl groups; the use of these amino acids for gluconeogenesis is limited. There is little evidence that demands of gluconeogenesis limit the availability of amino acids for protein synthesis. Most amino acids are catabolized in the liver but there may be significant catabolism of alanine, aspartate, and glutamate in peripheral tissues, especially muscle. Normally, peripheral catabolism of branched-chain amino acids is significantly less in ruminants than other species. Nevertheless, there is some oxidation of leucine by muscle and this may be substantially increased in the diabetic state. Catabolism of leucine (and perhaps isoleucine and valine) might be inversely related to use for protein synthesis, but there is no evidence of such a relation for other amino acids.  相似文献   

Loss of muscle strength is a principal factor in the development of physical frailty, a condition clinically associated with increased risk of bone fractures, impairments in the activities of daily living, and loss of independence in older humans. A primary determinant in the decline in muscle strength that occurs during aging is a loss of muscle mass, which could occur through a reduction in the rate of protein synthesis, an elevation in protein degradation, or a combination of both. In the present study, rates of protein synthesis and the relative expression and function of various biomarkers involved in the initiation of mRNA translation in skeletal muscle were examined at different times throughout the life span of the rat. It was found that between 1 and 6 mo of age, body weight increased fourfold. However, by 6 mo, gastrocnemius protein synthesis and RNA content per gram of muscle were lower than values observed in 1-mo-old rats. Moreover, the relative expression of two proteins involved in the binding of initiator methionyl-tRNA to the 40S ribosomal subunit, eukaryotic initiation factors (eIF)2 and eIF2B, as well as the 70-kDa ribosomal protein S6 kinase, S6K1, was lower at 6 mo compared with 1 mo of age. Muscle mass, protein synthesis, and the aforementioned biomarkers remained unchanged until approximately 21 mo. Between 21 and 24 mo of age, muscle mass decreased precipitously. Surprisingly, during this period protein synthesis, relative RNA content, eIF2B activity, relative eIF2 expression, and S6K1 phosphorylation all increased. The results are consistent with a model wherein protein synthesis is enhanced during aging in a futile attempt to maintain muscle mass.  相似文献   

Mammalian Genome - Maternal nutrition during pregnancy is one of the major intrauterine environmental factors that influence fetal development by significantly altering the expression of genes that...  相似文献   

Content of the immunoproteasome, the inducible form of the standard proteasome, increases in atrophic muscle suggesting it may be associated with skeletal muscle remodeling. However, it remains unknown if the immunoproteasome responds to stressful situations that do not promote large perturbations in skeletal muscle proteolysis. The purpose of this study was to determine how an acute bout of muscular stress influences immunoproteasome content. To accomplish this, wild-type (WT) and immunoproteasome knockout lmp7 ?/? /mecl1 ?/? (L7M1) mice were run downhill on a motorized treadmill. Soleus muscles were excised 1 and 3 days post-exercise and compared to unexercised muscle (control). Ex vivo physiology, histology and biochemical analyses were used to assess the effects of immunoproteasome knockout and unaccustomed exercise. Besides L7M1 muscle being LMP7/MECL1 deficient, no other major biochemical, histological or functional differences were observed between the control muscles. In both strains, the downhill run shifted the force-frequency curve to the right and reduced twitch force; however, it did not alter tetanic force or inflammatory markers. In the days post-exercise, several of the proteasome’s catalytic subunits were upregulated. Specifically, WT muscle increased LMP7 while L7M1 muscle instead increased β5. These findings indicate that running mice downhill results in subtle contractile characteristics that correspond to skeletal muscle injury, yet it does not appear to induce a significant inflammatory response. Interestingly, this minor stress activated the production of specific immunoproteasome subunits that if knocked out were replaced by components of the standard proteasome. These data suggest that the immunoproteasome may be involved in maintaining cellular homeostasis.  相似文献   

Chronic sepsis promotes a stable increase in pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase (PDHK) activity in skeletal muscle. PDHK is found tightly bound to the pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) complex and as free kinase. We investigated the ability of sepsis to modify the activity of the PDHK intrinsic to the PDH and free PDHK. Sepsis was induced by the intraabdominal introduction of a fecal-agar pellet infected with E. coli and B. fragilis. Five days later, mitochondria were isolated from skeletal muscle and PDHK measured in mitochondrial extracts. Sepsis caused an approximate 2-fold stimulation of PDHK. The mitochondrial extracts from control and septic rats were fractionated by gel chromatography on Sephacryl S-300 to separate PDHK intrinsic to PDH complex and free PDHK. PDH complex eluted at void volume and was assayed for PDHK intrinsic to the complex. The activity of PDHK intrinsic to PDH complex was a significantly increased 3 fold during sepsis. Free PDHK activity eluted after the PDH complex and its activity was enhanced by 70% during sepsis. Incubation of PDHK intrinsic to PDH with dichloroactate, an uncompetitive inhibitor of PDHK, showed the PDHK from septic rats relatively less sensitive to inhibition than controls. These results indicate that sepsis induces stable changes in PDHK in skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

Skeletal muscle is a highly adaptable tissue. It responds to environmental and physiological challenges by changes in size, fibre type and metabolism. All of these responses are underpinned by our genes and it is therefore generally assumed that genetic variation between individuals may account for the differences in musculature and athletic capabilities between people. Research into the genetic influences of our muscle is at an embryonic stage, but some early insight into potential regulators has recently emerged, which is reflected in this review. Broad heritability, which appears to affect muscle size and strength more than metabolism has been assessed in twin and sibling studies. It appears to account for more inter-individual variation in the young as opposed to older people. However, the studies reported to date do demonstrate a large degree of diversity, which is probably predominantly due to different methodological approaches being adopted as well as distinct populations being studied. At a molecular level, there has been enormous progress in identifying regulators of atrophy and hypertrophy though the study of knock-out and transgenic animals and also through the utilisation of cell culture models. Among others, the insulin-like growth factors, calcineurin, desmin, myf5, mrf4, MyoD and myogenin have been identified as positive regulators of muscle size, while TNF-alpha, myostatin and components of the ubiquitin pathway have been recognized as regulators of muscle wasting. However, given the ethical and mechanistic constraints of performing similar studies in humans, difficulties have arisen when attempting to translate the animal and cell culture findings to humans. However, the current search for target "exercise genes" in humans has yielded the first successful results. Variations in the genes encoding for: the angiotensin converting enzyme, alpha-actinin 3, bradykinin, ciliary neurotrophic factor, interleukin-15, insulin-like growth factor II, myostatin and the vitamin D-receptor have all been found to account for some of the inter-subject variability in muscle strength or size. However, the influences of these genetic variations are somewhat weak, and not always reproducible and furthermore they are predominantly based in young healthy people. Hence, a key topic, namely the molecular mechanisms of muscle frailty in the elderly still remains to be elucidated.  相似文献   

AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) is a key regulator of cellular energy balance and of the effects of leptin on food intake and fatty acid oxidation. Obesity is usually associated with resistance to the effects of leptin on food intake and body weight. To determine whether diet-induced obesity (DIO) impairs the AMPK response to leptin in muscle and/or hypothalamus, we fed FVB mice a high fat (55%) diet for 10-12 weeks. Leptin acutely decreased food intake by approximately 30% in chow-fed mice. DIO mice tended to eat less, and leptin had no effect on food intake. Leptin decreased respiratory exchange ratio in chow-fed mice indicating increased fatty acid oxidation. Respiratory exchange ratio was low basally in high fat-fed mice, and leptin had no further effect. Leptin (3 mg/kg intraperitoneally) increased alpha2-AMPK activity 2-fold in muscle in chow-fed mice but not in DIO mice. Leptin decreased acetyl-CoA carboxylase activity 40% in muscle from chow-fed mice. In muscle from DIO mice, acetyl-CoA carboxylase activity was basally low, and leptin had no further effect. In paraventricular, arcuate, and medial hypothalamus of chow-fed mice, leptin inhibited alpha2-AMPK activity but not in DIO mice. In addition, leptin increased STAT3 phosphorylation 2-fold in arcuate of chow-fed mice, but this effect was attenuated because of elevated basal STAT3 phosphorylation in DIO mice. Thus, DIO in FVB mice alters alpha2-AMPK in muscle and hypothalamus and STAT3 in hypothalamus and impairs further effects of leptin on these signaling pathways. Defective responses of AMPK to leptin may contribute to resistance to leptin action on food intake and energy expenditure in obese states.  相似文献   

In this study, we tested the hypothesis that skeletal muscle from pigeons would display age-related alterations in isometric force and contractile parameters as well as a shift of the single muscle fiber cross-sectional area (CSA) distribution toward smaller fiber sizes. Maximal force output, twitch contraction durations and the force–frequency relationship were determined in tensor propatagialis pars biceps muscle from young 3-year-old pigeons, middle-aged 18-year-old pigeons, and aged 30-year-old pigeons. The fiber CSA distribution was determined by planimetry from muscle sections stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Maximal force output of twitch and tetanic contractions was greatest in muscles from young pigeons, while the time to peak force of twitch contractions was longest in muscles from aged pigeons. There were no changes in the force–frequency relationship between the age groups. Interestingly, the fiber CSA distribution in aged muscles revealed a greater number of larger sized muscle fibers, which was verified visually in histological images. Middle-aged and aged muscles also displayed a greater amount of slow myosin containing muscle fibers. These data demonstrate that muscles from middle-aged and aged pigeons are susceptible to alterations in contractile properties that are consistent with aging, including lower force production and longer contraction durations. These functional changes were supported by the appearance of slow myosin containing muscle fibers in muscles from middle-aged and aged pigeons. Therefore, the pigeon may represent an appropriate animal model for the study of aging-related alterations in skeletal muscle function and structure.  相似文献   

Little is known about the contribution of plasma free fatty acid (FFA) and intramuscular triacylglycerol (TG) as substrates for energy production during prolonged electrical stimulation of skeletal muscle. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of continuous and intermittent electrical stimulation protocols of different intensities on exogenous FFA oxidation, exogenous FFA incorporation into intracellular TG, and intracellular TG content in the isolated in vitro rat flexor digitorum brevis muscle preparation. Muscles were electrically stimulated for 0.5 h continuously at 0.2 Hz or intermittently (30 s on, 60 s off) at 0.2, 0.4, 0.8, and 5.0 Hz while incubated at 37 degrees C in 0.5 mM palmitate-3% bovine serum albumin medium (pH 7.4) in the presence of insulin (100 microU/ml) and glucose (11 mM). Control muscles were frozen immediately after excision or incubated for 0.5 h. At similar frequencies, less exogenous FFA esterification and more exogenous FFA oxidation occurred during continuous than during intermittent stimulation. As the frequency of intermittent stimulation increased, the amount of exogenous FFA esterified decreased and the amount of exogenous FFA oxidized increased. The data also indicate that at least a portion of TG was constantly being hydrolyzed during electrical stimulation. Under stimulation conditions in which exogenous FFA esterification was below the control (resting muscle) level, intramuscular TG content was significantly decreased compared with control TG content values. Thus both plasma FFA and intramuscular TG are substrates for energy production during electrical stimulation. However, the stimulation parameters employed affect the quantities utilized.  相似文献   

Catabolism is tightly coupled to anabolism in substrate-limited cultures. However, the dissolved organic carbon (DOC) distribution between catabolism and anabolism has been hardly studied. Based on a balanced DOC reaction, the DOC distribution between catabolism and anabolism was defined using a ratio of the DOC channeled into CO2 ( ) to that DOC converted to biomass (S g). A /S g-dependent growth yield model was proposed for substrate-limited cultures and was verified using the literature data obtained in the oxidative assimilation processes of different types of organic substrates. The model showed that the growth yield (Y s) was proportional to anabolic activity, but was inversely related to catabolic activity. Results indicated that both Y s and /S g varied markedly with the free energy of oxidation of the organic substrate. Further, the observed phenomena were closely associated with maintenance metabolism under substrate-limited conditions.  相似文献   

Transportation of cattle is necessary but negatively impacts animal health and production efficiency. To gain a better understanding of the physiological responses to long-distance road transit, 36 crossbred beef steers (324 ± 36 kg) were randomly assigned to treatments (n = 12 steers/treatment): no transit and ad libitum access to feed and water (CON), no transit but deprived of feed and water for 18 h (DEPR), or road transit and no access to feed or water for 18 h (1 790 km; TRANS). Blood, liver, and muscle (longissimus dorsi) samples were collected pre- and post-treatment for analysis of blood metabolites, blood leukocyte profiles, blood markers of oxidative stress, and tissue antioxidant enzyme activity. Additionally, discovery-based metabolomics and proteomics analyses were performed on tissue samples collected immediately post-treatment (d 1). Data (except for omics) were analyzed using ProcMixed of SAS 9.4 with the fixed effect of treatment and steer as the experimental unit. Omics data were analyzed using MetaboAnalyst; metabolites and proteins of interest were identified based on a fold change threshold of 1.20 and t-test P-value of 0.10. On d 1, percent of pretreatment BW and DM intake were least for TRANS steers (P ≤ 0.06). Percent of pretreatment BW remained lesser for TRANS steers on d 8 (P = 0.05). Serum haptoglobin was greatest for TRANS steers immediately post-treatment (P = 0.02). Additionally, TRANS steers exhibited the greatest increase in the neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio and serum non-esterified fatty acids during the treatment period (P < 0.01), indicating TRANS steers experienced a more robust inflammatory and neuroendocrine response. Immediately post-treatment, liver superoxide dismutase activity tended to be greatest for both DEPR and TRANS (P = 0.07) while muscle superoxide dismutase activity was only greatest for TRANS (P = 0.02), suggesting TRANS steers may have experienced more oxidative stress due to the additional physical effort required to stand and maintain balance during transit. The abundance of several proteins (alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein) and metabolites (lactate, citrate, tri-hydroxybutyric acid, and leucine) associated with energy metabolism were altered in the liver and muscle of TRANS. The differential responses for DEPR versus TRANS steers indicate muscle plays an important role in how cattle respond to and recover from transportation stress.  相似文献   

Transgenic overexpression of neurotrophin-3 (NT-3) in mice increases the number of surviving proprioceptive sensory components, including primary sensory neurons, gamma motoneurons and muscle spindles. The numbers of surviving alpha motoneurons are not affected by NT-3 overexpression (Wright et al., Neuron 19: 503- 517, 1997). We have assessed the consequences NT-3-stimulated increase in the proprioceptive sensory system by measuring locomotive abilities of mice that overexpress NT-3 in all skeletal muscles ( myo/NT-3 mice). In adulthood, one myo/NT-3 transgenic line continues to express NT-3 at high levels in muscle and maintains a hypertrophied proprioceptive system (high-OE myo/NT-3 mice). Compared to wildtypes, high-OE myo/NT-3 mice have nine times the amount of NT-3 protein in the medial gastrocnemius at six weeks of age. Although appearing normal during ordinary activity, high-OE myo/NT-3 mice display a distinct clasping phenotype when lifted by the tail. High-OE myo/NT-3 mice show severe locomotor deficits when performing beam walking and rotorod testing. These mice also demonstrate aberrant foot positioning during normal walking. However, following sciatic nerve crush, overexpression of NT-3 prevents further abnormalities in paw positioning, suggesting NT-3 may attenuate sensorimotor deficits that occur in response to sciatic nerve injury. Our results suggest that increases in proprioceptive sensory neurons, spindles and gamma motoneurons, along with continued postnatal NT-3 overexpression in muscle significantly disrupt normal locomotor control. Importantly, however, NT-3 may lessen initial deficits and thus improve functional recovery after peripheral nerve injury, suggesting these mice may serve as a good model to study NT-3's role in neuroprotection of proprioceptive afferents.  相似文献   

Since maximum anabolism occurs postprandially, we developed a simulated fed state with clamped hyperinsulinemia, physiological hyperglycemia, and hyperaminoacidemia (Hyper-3) and explored muscle cellular mechanisms. Whole body [1-(13)C]leucine and [3-(3)H]glucose kinetics in healthy men were compared between hyperinsulinemic, euglycemic, isoaminoacidemic (Hyper-1, n = 10) and Hyper-3 (n = 9) clamps. In Hyper-3 vs. Hyper-1, nonoxidative leucine R(d) [rate of disappearance (synthesis)] was stimulated more (45 +/- 4 vs. 24 +/- 4 micromol/min, P < 0.01) and endogenous R(a) [rate of appearance (breakdown)] was inhibited similarly; hence net balance increased more (86 +/- 6 vs. 49 +/- 2 micromol/min, P < 0.001). Glucose R(d) was similar; thus Hyper-3 metabolic clearance rate (331 +/- 23 vs. 557 +/- 41 ml/min, P < 0.0005) and R(d)/insulin (M, 0.65 +/- 0.10 vs. 1.25 +/- 0.10 mg.min(-1).pmol(-1).l, P < 0.001) were less, despite higher insulin (798 +/- 74 vs. 450 +/- 24 pmol/l, P < 0.005). In vastus lateralis muscle biopsies, phosphorylation of Akt (P = 0.025), mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), ribosomal protein S6 kinase (p70(S6K1); P = 0.008), S6 (P = 0.049), and 4E-binding protein 1 (4E-BP1; P = 0.001) increased. With decreased eukaryotic initiation factor-4E (eIF4E).4E-BP1 complex (P = 0.01), these are consistent with increased mTOR complex 1 (mTORC1) signaling and translation initiation of protein synthesis. Although mRNA expression of ubiquitin, MAFbx 1, and MuRF-1 was unchanged, total ubiquitinated proteins decreased 20% (P < 0.01), consistent with proteolysis suppression. The Hyper-3 clamp increases whole body protein synthesis, net anabolism, and muscle protein translation initiation pathways and decreases protein ubiquitination. The main contribution of hyperaminoacidemia is stimulation of synthesis rather than inhibition of proteolysis, and it attenuates the expected increment of glucose disposal.  相似文献   

Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) are nuclear receptors primarily involved in lipid homeostasis. PPARdelta displays strong expression in tissues with high lipid metabolism, such as adipose, intestine and muscle. Its role in skeletal muscle remains largely unknown. After a 24-h starvation period, PPARdelta mRNA levels are dramatically up-regulated in gastrocnemius muscle of mice and restored to control level upon refeeding. The rise of PPARdelta is accompanied by parallel up-regulations of fatty acid translocase/CD36 (FAT/CD36) and heart fatty acid binding protein (H-FABP), while refeeding promotes down-regulation of both genes. To directly access the role of PPARdelta in muscle cells, we forced its expression and that of a dominant-negative PPARdelta mutant in C2C12 myogenic cells. Differentiated C2C12 cells responds to 2-bromopalmitate or synthetic PPARdelta agonist by induction of genes involved in lipid metabolism and increment of fatty acid oxidation. Overexpression of PPARdelta enhanced these cellular responses, whereas expression of the dominant-negative mutant exerts opposite effects. These data strongly support a role for PPARdelta in the regulation of fatty acid oxidation in skeletal muscle and in adaptive response of this tissue to lipid catabolism.  相似文献   

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