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A disposable and inexpensive corer is described that offers a versatile method for sampling soft soils with a large organic content. The cans are suitable for the immediate collection of soil and for field incubations. Fine roots are sliced easily during insertion of corers by the sharp bottom edge, and the thin walls and the high thermal conductivity of steel aid transfer of heat energy between the bulk soil and the sample. If desired the cylinders may be perforated, have the upper cap removed and also can be used as an indicator of anaerobic soil conditions. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

A handy impact corer for sampling of surface sediment (< 50 cm) in lakes is described. The coring apparatus consists of a sample tube, tube holder, stopper, stopper holder, shaft with wing, shaft holder, hammer, and pushing rod. The total weights are 3.8 kg (Type I: 2.3 cm inside diameter of the tube) and 6.7 kg (Type II: 5.5 cm inside diameter of the tube). The system enables confirmation of the vertical landing of the corer onto the lake bottom and effective entering of sediment into the sample tube using hammer, and prevention of falling out of the core using stopper and pushing rod.  相似文献   

The zinc and lead concentrations were compared in several pairs of sediment cores obtained with a modified K-B corer and by Scuba diver from Coon Lake, Canada. A slow approach to and penetration of the sediments (ca. 0.1 m s-1) was employed for both coring devices. The modified K-B corer gave similar lead and zinc profiles to the diver cores. The divers observed that the K-B corer caused no disturbance of the surface sediment layers as it approached and entered the sediments. These results suggest that the K-B corer is suitable for use in lake studies requiring short, undisturbed cores from fine-grained sediments.  相似文献   

A new corer, the tom-tom, is a modification of the basic Kajak design. New modifications increase the efficiency of the corer in soft muds and increase the stability of the corer during ascent and descent. A stepped release trigger mechanism allows the corer to trip easily in even the softest muds, and a Phleger “bomb’ weight adds stability to the device. The corer can be deployed in a slow, controlled descent from small as well as large boats to reduce bow-wave. Four cores (4.50 cm inner diameter) are taken simultaneously in a fixed spatial pattern. Limited comparative sampling revealed that the tom-tom collected more meiofauna than a Van Veen grab and attained numbers statistically indistinguishable from diver-collected cores (only small sample sizes were available however). The corer will be most efficient in sediments without an extremely well-developed, suspendable layer, and most practical for smaller vessels in environments where diver collected cores are precluded by depth, strong currents or poor visibility. Although used in meiofauna collection, the corer should be appropriate for any sampling needs requiring a relatively undisturbed core.  相似文献   

Wang  R. L.  Williams  W. D. 《Hydrobiologia》2001,457(1-3):17-24
Biogeochemical studies were undertaken of a 65-cm long sediment core from Lake Cantara South, South Australia. 14C determinations indicated that the sediments had been deposited over 2000 years. Changes with sediment depth in the concentration or ratio of the following were determined: (i) total organic carbon, total carbonate (inorganic) carbon, total sulfur, total carbon, total inorganic and organic sulfur, atomic C/N, and sulfate/chloride; (ii) n-alkanes; (iii) a highly branched isoprenoid alkane, and (iv) steroids. Interpretation of the changes with sediment depth indicated the nature of changes that took place when the system changed from a protected marine lagoon to an isolated (athalassic) saline lake. This change took place about 1000 years ago.  相似文献   

采用GC/MS对南淝河沉积物中半挥发性有机污染物进行了分析,共检测出包括多环芳烃和酞酸酯在内的有机化合物有54种,沉积物中有机污染物种类多。对EPA优先控制污染物中的16种多环芳烃(PAHs)进行了定量监测,结果表明多环芳烃的总量已达到30.61mg/Kg。与国外生态风险评价标准对比表明有多种多环芳烃化合物的含量超过风险评价指标的低值,有的甚至超过高值,已有可能对生态环境产生了影响,为较高生态风险区,PAHs污染比较严重。  相似文献   

Hyvönen  Terho  Nummi  Petri 《Hydrobiologia》2000,432(1-3):121-125
We compared the picture of aquatic invertebrate fauna given by three types of sampling methods: the corer as well as bottom and mid-water activity traps. The corer mainly caught benthic animals (89%), the most numerous groups of which were chironomids and sphaerids. Nekton was more abundant in activity traps (77% in bottom and 63% in mid-water), the most numerous groups were Cladocera and water mites. The size distributions in catch of the corer and the activity traps differed but there was no difference between the two types of activity traps. In activity traps, individuals of the smallest size class were most abundant, wheras animals of the second smallest size class were most numerous in the corer. We suggest that activity traps and the corer could be used as complementary methods to sample aquatic invertebrate communities.  相似文献   

Four grain size correction procedures were tested for their applicability for comparing concentrations of heavy metals and organic micropollutants (PCBs, PAHs) in sediments. A simple and straightforward procedure proved best: wet sieving of fresh sediment, isolating and analysing the < 63 m grain size fraction and expressing the pollutant concentration as a proportion of the fraction's dry weight. The total analytical errors, expressed as the variation coefficient of the average concentrations, were 3.8–7.6% for heavy metals, 12–24% for PCBs and 5.3–9.9% for PAHs.  相似文献   

The rates of the processes of bacterial sulfate reduction (SR) and total destruction of organic matter (Dtotal) were studied in the bottom sediments (BS) of 14 lakes in Lithuanian national and regional parks in the summers of 1998–2002. Anaerobic processes accounted for an average of 92% of Dtotal in the depressions of deep-water lakes; for the sediments of shallow lakes, high rates of oxygen uptake were noted. The SR rate in different lakes varied from 0.09 to 2.60 mg S2?/(dm3 day). At low sulfate concentrations (13.3–70.6 mg S-SO 4 2? /dm3), characteristic of the BS of freshwater ecosystems, the main factor that affected the SR rate in the BS of the lakes studied was the content of readily available organic matter; only in special cases, was it affected by a change in the sulfate ion concentration. In shallow lakes, temperature-dependent activation of sulfate-reducing bacteria and their inhibition by acidification of the environment were recorded. The contribution of SR to Dtotal was 0.2 to 11.0%.  相似文献   

N. N. Smirnov 《Hydrobiologia》1986,141(1-2):143-144
The remains of all the groups of invertebrates in a 131 cm long sediment core taken from the main basin of the lake and corresponding to about 600 years have been examined and counted. The middle horizons (90–40 cm) are dominated by Testacida. Deeper layers and those closer to the surface are dominated by Cladocera. Among the Cladocera, planktonic forms dominate at all depths of the sediment. The present zoocenosis has existed for about 400 years. A 50 cm core from the lake bay has also been studied. Cladocera dominate at 50–40 cm and near the surface. Porifera spicules are abundant at 20–10 cm while Protozoa are numerous at 30 cm. Among the Cladocera, planktonic forms are less important than in the main lake basin.  相似文献   

[目的]红树林沉积物中有机物丰富,通过研究认识参与难降解天然有机多聚物的微生物降解过程及其环境作用,并获得新颖的难培养厌氧微生物.[方法]对漳州九龙江河口红树林沉积物中降解纤维素、几丁质和木质素的厌氧细菌定向富集和平板分离纯化,并对其多样性进行分析.[结果]共筛选分离获得202株厌氧细菌(82株专性厌氧细菌,120株兼...  相似文献   

Several sediment parameters were examined in a 40 ha lake with a maximum depth of 9 m and in a 950 ha lake, 26 m deep, from May through October, 1977. Particle size was finer at the deeper stations than at the shallower stations in both lakes. Sediments of the shallow stations generally had a more even grain size distribution. Variation in percent organic carbon and phosphorus among stations of different depths was not significant. However, temporal variation of phosphorus was significant as values increased during summer. Kaolinite was the dominant clay particle in both lakes, but the sediments also included quartz, mica, montmorillonite, and a montmorillonite-vermiculite interlayer. Sedimentation rate was inversely related to depth in the larger lake, while variation among stations in the smaller lake was slight.Research supported with funds from the Office of Water Research and Technology and the Bureau of Reclamation  相似文献   

Levels of tPCB and organic matter content were determined in surface sediments from Sado and Tagus estuaries and Ria Formosa lagoon, and in particles collected in sediment traps in Ria Formosa. Significant relationships (p<0.001) between concentrations of tPCB and organic matter content were obtained when the most contaminated samples and the less contaminated organic-rich sediments were excluded. The excluded samples originated from nearby PCB and organic matter sources. Organic matter appears, thus, the most important indicator of a sediment's sorptive capacity in these estuarine systems, except near the sources where the organic seeking effect is masked. On the basis of the relationship slopes one may conclude that Tagus and Sado estuaries are more contaminated than Alcacer channel (upper Sado estuary) and Ria Formosa.  相似文献   

Paleolimnological study of plant and animal microfossils is based on either relative abundances or net accumulation rates of various taxa. Interpretation of the latter is difficult because ecological factors that influence accumulation rates have been unknown. I use a novel method of 210Pb assay to estimate net accumulation rates of bosminids and chydorids at the sediment-water interface of 15 Florida (U.S.A.) lakes which represent a wide range of trophic state, water chemistry, and morphometry. Thirty-two species of Chydoridae, and two genera of Bosminidae were recovered from the lake sediments. Accumulation rates of 6 of the 11 more abundant chydorid species and both bosminid taxa were positively correlated with trophic state as measured by chlorophyll a concentration. Lake size was positively correlated with accumulation rates of 4 chydorid species and both bosminids. Weedbed area was positively correlated with accumulation rates of 2 chydorids, but neither bosminid. Lakewater pH was positively correlated with only one chydorid species accumulation rate. Multiple regression models explain statistically nearly all of the variance in each of the limnological variables, and can be used as transfer functions for paleolimnological inference.  相似文献   

The yield of organic C or total organic matter from a standard carbonate-free marine sediment containing 23.04% N-acetyl glucosamine (10% organic C) was determined using 1) a CHN analyzer on untreated sediment, 2) CHN analysis of acidified and filtered sediment, 3) CHN analysis of acidified centrifuged sediment, 4) wet oxidation by the Walkley and Black method, and 5) loss on ignition at 475–500°C. 100% of the organic C added was recovered by CHN analysis of untreated sediment, but after treatment with acid (necessary to remove carbonates from most sediments) only 0.19% and 1.32% of the C added could be recovered. Wet oxidation yielded only 76.6% organic C. Loss on weight after combustion in a muffle furnace yielded 100% of the total organic matter. It is very difficult to avoid carbonate interference if simple techniques of analysis are used. For most work by marine ecologists organic carbon and nitrogen may be measured by a combination of CHN analysis and loss of weight on ignition of sediments freed of organic matter by precombustion below 500°C.  相似文献   

Sutherland  Ross A. 《Hydrobiologia》1998,389(1-3):153-167
Fluvial bed sediments represent an important sink and source for a variety of organic and inorganic compounds. Their most important constituent is organic matter (OM) and its primary component organic carbon (OC). Few studies have been conducted in fluvial environments examining bed-associated OM or OC. This is surprising given the recent interest in global carbon cycling and the importance of bed-associated organics as ecosystem energy sources. The objective of this study was to examine the relationship between OM, determined by loss-on-ignition (LOI), and OC in fluvial bed sediments determined by a dry combustion analyzer. The wide adoption of the LOI method in soil science reflects its ease of use, it is inexpensive, it is rapid, requires no specialized training, and strong statistical relationships commonly exist between OM and OC estimated by standard dry combustion procedures. Regression models were developed between OC and OM for six bed sediment size fractions (≤2.0 mm) for 113 sample sites in a tropical stream on Oahu, Hawaii. All models were highly significant (p < 0.0001), with coefficients of determination ranging from 35 to 79%. Measurement of LOI explained 64% of the variation in OC for all grouped data. The black-box LOI approach may be useful for rapid reconnaissance surveys of drainage systems. Examination of OM to OC conversion factors for Manoa bed sediments indicates that values typically observed in the soils literature (1.7–2.2) are far too low. Values of OM/OC were found to increase with increasing grain size, and decrease with increasing LOI percentage. Conversion factors obtained for grouped data had a mean of 14.9, a coefficient of variation of 21%, and a range of values between 6.2 and 27.4. It is suggested that these high conversion factors reflect significant water loss by dehydration of Fe, Al, and Mn oxides at a muffle furnace temperature of 450 °C. Therefore, the blind application of conversion factors developed from soils should be avoided when converting from OM to OC for fluvial bed sediments. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

An investigation was conducted in winter of 1997/1998 in the Skagerrak off southern Norway to collect data on the influence of sedimentation and resuspension on the transport of organic contaminants. Data from the water column and sediments, as well as on sedimentation and current regime near the sea floor, indicated that the deposition of contaminants is a continual process. Deposition is subject not only to seasonal biological processes such as growth and sedimentation of the spring phytoplankton bloom, but also to hydrographic events such as surges in near-bottom currents causing sediment resuspension. Contaminants at the sea floor may be transported considerable distances. It is suggested that in simplest terms, this transport can be envisaged as a conveyor belt skipping along the seabed. The dominant iterative processes regulating this near-bottom transport are sedimentation, resuspension and advection. In this way, particles and associated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, as well as other hydrophobic contaminants, may be transported over hundreds of kilometers.  相似文献   

Birch  Gavin F.  Taylor  Stuart E. 《Hydrobiologia》2000,431(2-3):129-133
Sediments are being used increasingly for monitoring the aquatic environment because of their ability to integrate contaminants over time, and because they provide valuable information on source, dispersion and accumulation of toxicants. However, as the majority of contaminants are usually associated with the fine fraction of the sediment, interpretation of spatial distributions is often confounded by variable grain size. The confounding effects of variable grain size can be reduced by separating the fine fraction of the sediment and analysing the contaminant concentration of this material. This approach is commonly used in heavy metal studies, but it is rare in the analysis of organochlorine compounds because of an absence on information on possible contaminant loss to the sieve water during the separating process, and possible removal of contaminants with the coarse fraction. Results from the current study indicate such losses to be minimal and examples are presented to illustrate the superiority of size-normalised data in the identification of source and in the determination of dispersion and accumulation of contaminants.  相似文献   

J. M. Parada 《Hydrobiologia》2008,610(1):351-354
This paper presents a new device to collect quantitative samples of sediment and benthic organisms. The device is specially designed for sampling with the advantages of box-corer or Eckman dredges in submerged areas that are accessible on foot. The pedal corer is a simple, lightweight, user-friendly device that does not disturb the sediment structure and provides easy access to the sample contained inside the core. With this device, sampling in shallow water zones that are constantly submerged is made easy and sampling time is extended in intertidal zones. Handling editor: J. Saros  相似文献   

Skei  Jens M. 《Hydrobiologia》1992,(1):629-638
Sediments at the extreme end of the scale of contamination, designated as hot spot sediments, are considered. The characterization of such hot spots, and an approach for the quantitative assessments of the behaviour and fate of pollutants in such sediments are covered. Experiments with sediments containing extreme levels of heavy metals showed release rates of 56 mg m–2 d–1 of dissolved zinc and 0.004 mg m–2 d–1 of dissolved mercury. When these sediments were resuspended, the dissolved fluxes were increased by a factor of 2.2 and 128 for zinc and mercury, respectively. The biological implications of hot spot sediments are dealt with, since sediments are an important habitat for many organisms. Various alternatives for clean-up operations including dredging and capping are discussed.  相似文献   

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