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Seasonal development was investigated in the pigeon tick, Argas reflexus (F.) over a 5-year period. The ticks were kept in desiccators at two deposition sites with different temperature conditions: a warmer attic and a cooler outdoor aviary. The life cycle of A. reflexus consists of the egg, larva, a variable number of two to four nymphal instars and the adult stage. In the cooler aviary, the ticks passed, on average, fewer nymphal instars than in the attic. At both locations, ecdysis of the nymphs and adults occurred only during the summer months, with peak numbers of ticks finishing the moult in August. This consistent pattern was evident irrespective of the feeding date of the preceding developmental stage or the year of observation. The results strongly suggest that nymphs II, nymphs I and larvae fed later than in mid-July, August or September, respectively, entered a state of diapause and, thus, overwintered in the engorged state. Argas reflexus nymphs II from a laboratory stock that were deposited inside the attic showed a remarkably different seasonal pattern of development, even more than 1 year after their deposition. This suggests that a circannual rhythm may be involved in the ticks' seasonal timing. Mortality of the engorged ticks (from repletion to ecdysis of the following stage/instar) was below 1.5% in most cases, irrespective of the season and the location. Unfed larvae survived for a maximum of one year inside the attic, whereas the median survival period of unfed nymphs was at least 3 years at the same location. Based on the present results, the generation time from (F1) egg deposition to oviposition in the F2 generation might be 3-11 years in Central European A. reflexus, depending on the course of development (two or three nymphal instars) and the number of gonotrophic cycles (probably up to six) of the F1. The life span of a single tick might take approximately 7-11 years or even longer.  相似文献   

The process of oviposition in A. walkerae was observed and found to be a sequence of exactly coordinated, interlocking events independent of the age of ticks. Egg-laying always commenced with numerous dorso-ventral movements of the capitulum. The pedipalps were spread during the last dorso-ventral movement and lowered to the ventral body wall embracing the genital aperture on both sides. Simultaneously, the cuticular sac of Gene's organ emerged and immediately everted maximally. Immediately afterwards the vestibulum vaginae prolapsed from the genital aperture touching the cuticular sac. The vestibulum vaginae handed over an egg to the cuticular sac after a brief contact. Then the vestibulum vaginae invaginated, the pedipalps closed and the cuticular sac was retracted. Finally, the capitulum very frequently moved up and down and the free egg was pushed in front of the ticks. The total time of laying an egg averaged 27min in both 4-week-old and 12-month-old ticks. In 4-week and 12-month-old ticks, egg-laying was preceded by a mean preoviposition period of 6.1 days and 7.5 days, respectively, while the mean oviposition was completed in 14 and 10 days and the average egg totals were 119 and 103.  相似文献   

The soft tick Argas japonicus mainly infests birds and can cause human dermatitis; however, no pathogen has been identified from this tick species in China. In the present study, the microbiota in A. japonicus collected from an epidemic community was explored, and some putative Rickettsia pathogens were further characterized. The results obtained indicated that bacteria in A. japonicus were mainly ascribed to the phyla Proteobacteria, Firmicutes and Actinobacteria. At the genus level, the male A. japonicus harboured more diverse bacteria than the females and nymphs. The bacteria Alcaligenes, Pseudomonas, Rickettsia and Staphylococcus were common in nymphs and adults. The abundance of bacteria belonging to the Rickettsia genus in females and males was 7.27% and 10.42%, respectively. Furthermore, the 16S rRNA gene of Rickettsia was amplified and sequenced, and phylogenetic analysis revealed that 13 sequences were clustered with the spotted fever group rickettsiae (Rickettsia heilongjiangensis and Rickettsia japonica) and three were clustered with Rickettsia limoniae, which suggested that the characterized Rickettsia in A. japonicus were novel putative pathogens and also that the residents were at considerable risk for infection by tick‐borne pathogens.  相似文献   

The fine structure of the hemocytes and nephrocytes in Argas (Persicargas) arboreus is described and compared with that of similar cells in other tick species and insects. The hemocytes are of three types: prohemocytes, with a relatively undifferentiated cytoplasm lacking granular inclusions and probably serving as progenitors of the other hemolymph cell types; plasmatocytes, containing abundant mitochondria, cisternae of rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER), and free ribosomes, as well as some small granular inclusions; granulocytes, the predominant cell type in the hemolymph, containing numerous granules of variable electron density and maturity, and pseudopodia-like processes on the cell surface. Plasmatocytes and granulocytes are phagocytic and possibly also have other functions in the tick body. Cells with intermediate features appear to be in a stage of transition from plasmatocyte to granulocyte. Nephrocytes contain vacuoles enclosing fibrillar material, some electrondense granules, and moderate amounts of the active organelles—mitochondria, RER, and ribosomes. The nephrocyte is surrounded by a basal lamina and its plasma membrane infolds to form many deep invaginations coated by a fine fibrillar material. Openings to these invaginations are closed by membranous diaphragms. Coated tubular elements connect the surface invaginations with large coated vesicles, which appear to be specialized for internalization of proteins from the hemolymph. The dense granules may represent an advanced stage of condensation of ingested protein and thus may be lysosomal residual bodies, or they may develop by accumulation of secretory products.  相似文献   

We present a review of our own and literature data on reparative regeneration in ixodoid ticks (chelicerate arthropods). Ticks have a high potential for reparative regeneration and a close relationship between regeneration and development determined by similar hormonal regulatory mechanisms. These mechanisms depend on ecdysteroid hormones, which participate in the initiation of both processes, and juvenile hormones, which direct these processes either to the maintenance of larval features or to the development of nymphal and adult features. We present a detailed analysis of the regeneration of Haller's sensory organs in ixodid ticks and propose an hypothesis about the role of juvenile hormones in the modification of morphogenetic processes in this group. Furthermore, we present data on the effects of insect juvenile hormone analogs (methoprene and fenoxycarb) on the regeneration of Haller's organ, which support this hypothesis. Studies on reparative regeneration in arthropods provide a broader view of the problem of repair morphogenesis in animals.  相似文献   

Ticks (Acari: Ixodoidea: Argasidae, Ixodidae) of Chile   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The tick species recorded from Chile can be listed under the following headings: (1) endemic or established: Argas keiransi Estrada-Peña, Venzal and Gonzalez-Acuña, A. neghmei Kohls and Hoogstraal; Ornithodoros amblus Chamberlin; Otobius megnini (Dugès); Amblyomma parvitarsum Neumann; A. tigrinum Koch; Ixodes auritulus Neumann; I. chilensis Kohls; I. cornuae Arthur, I. sigelos Keirans, Clifford and Corwin; I. stilesi Neumann; I. uriae White; Rhipicephalus sanguineus Koch. (2) Probably established or endemic: Argas miniatus Koch; Ornithodoros spheniscus Hoogstraal, Wassef, Hays and Keirans; Ixodes abrocomae Lahille; I. neuquenensis Ringuelet; I. pararicinus Keirans and Clifford. (3) Doubtfully established: Argas reflexus Fabricius; Ornithodoros talaje (Guérin-Méneville). (4) Exotic: Amblyomma argentinae Neumann; A. latum Koch, Rhipicephalus (=Boophilus) microplus (Canestrini). (5) Erroneously identified as present in Chile: Amblyomma americanum (Linnaeus); A. maculatum Koch; A. varium Koch; Ixodes conepati Cooley and Kohls; I. frontalis (Panzer); I. ricinus (Linnaeus); Margaropus winthemi Karsch. (6) Nomina nuda: Argas reticulatus Gervais; Amblyomma inflatum Neumann; Ixodes lagotis Gervais. Hosts and localities (including new records) are presented. Argas neghmei, O. amblus, O. megnini, I. uriae and R. sanguineus may cause severe injury to their hosts, including humans. The Chilean Ixodes fauna is unique to the Neotropical Zoogeographic Region, and additional research is needed in order to understand the biological importance of these species.This revised version was published online in May 2005 with a corrected cover date.  相似文献   

This paper presents results of an investigation and listing of tick species found in China during a survey in all 28 provinces. This will be a step towards a definitive list of tick species and their distribution. To date, the tick fauna of this area consists of 117 species in the following families: Argasidae-Argas (7 species), Carios (4 species) and Ornithodoros (2 species); Ixodidae-Amblyomma (8 species), Anomalohimalaya (2 species), Dermacentor (12 species), Haemaphysalis (44 species), Hyalomma (6 species), Ixodes (24 species) and Rhipicephalus (8 species). Some well known ticks carrying and transmitting many infectious agents to man and domestic animals are also found in China. These include Ixodes persulcatus, Haemaphysalis longicornis, Rhipicephalus sanguineus, R. (Boophilus) microplus and Hyalomma asiaticum. It is worth mentioning that Ixodes rangtangensis Teng and Haemaphysalis xinjiangensis Teng should be relegated to a synonym of I. moschiferi and Hae. danieli, respectively. The distribution of ticks over the provinces of China is also discussed. The information on ticks in some areas such as Henan is not exhaustive.  相似文献   

The blood-meal is essential to complete ova development by supplying nutrients and by stimulating hormone production in mated female Argas (Persicargas) arboreus. Within 3 days after feeding, the hormone is synthesized in the nerve ganglion and afterward is released into the hemolymph. Isolating the ovaries by ligation from the nerve ganglion during the hormone synthesis period interfered with ova development. Injecting an extract of nerve ganglia from 3-day-fed, mated females and of hemolymph from 4-day-fed, mated females into mated, recently fed females induced the same degree of ova development in their isolated ovaries as in fed, mated control females. Injecting nerve ganglion extract from 3-day-fed, mated females into mated, unfed females did not induce ova development.  相似文献   

Specific gravity (sp. gr.) of cell-free hemolymph and gut and coxal fluids was determined at different states of the gonotrophic cycle (unfed + 15 days, engorgement day before and after coxal fluid emission, engorgement + 1 day, oviposition day, and oviposition completion + 1 day) of female Argas (Persicargas) persicus and A. (P.) aboreus (Argasidae). The patterns of hemolymph and gut fluid sp. gr. change differed from each other during the gonotrophic cycle, but both patterns were similar in the 2 Argas species. Hemolymph sp. gr. decreased to a minimum one day after feeding (1.0085 and 1.0081 for persicus and arboreus, respectively), and increased through oviposition to a maximum on oviposition + 1 day (1.0187 and 1.0221). Minimum gut fluid sp. gr. occurred on engorgement day before coxal fluid emission (1.0565 and 1.0697). Afterward, gut fluid sp. gr. increased to a maximum on engorgement day + 1 for persicus (1.1089) and on oviposition day for arboreus (1.0973), and then decreased during oviposition in both species. In each tested state of each species, the sp. gr. was consistently higher in gut fluid than in hemolymph. In each species, coxal fluid and hemolymph sp. gr. were the same on engorgement day.  相似文献   

Ticks are obligate blood‐sucking ectoparasites, which not only directly damage through bites but also transmit many pathogens. China has a high diversity of tick species, 125 species have been reported, including 111 hard tick and 14 soft tick species. Many of the ticks are important vectors of pathogens, resulting in zoonoses. The dynamics of ticks are affected by both the host and habitat environment. However, systematic studies on the geographical distribution, host diversity, and specificity of ticks are limited in China. To achieve this goal, the relevant available data were summarized and analyzed in this study. Ticks are distributed in all parts of China and Xinjiang has the most records of ticks. The distribution of ticks in adjacent areas is similar, indicating that the habitat environment affects their distribution. Most ticks are widely distributed, whereas some species are endemic to their distributed regions. Ticks are parasitic on mammals, birds, and reptiles, of which mammals are the main host species. Overall, most ticks parasitize different hosts, only a few ticks have strict host specificity, such as ticks that are specifically parasitic on reptiles and bats. In addition, environmental changes and control efforts also influence the dynamics of ticks. These results can better reveal tick biological traits and are valuable for tick control.  相似文献   

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