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DNA sequence dependence of ATP hydrolysis by RecA protein   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The DNA sequence dependence of the ATPase activity of RecA protein has been investigated for a variety of single strand octamer and hexadecamer homopolymers and alternating copolymers. Under assay conditions where the single strand DNA concentration exceeds the RecA protein concentration, significant differences in the rates of ATP hydrolysis for the various single strand DNA oligomer cofactors are observed. Under the conditions examined, the order of efficiency of the DNA cofactors in inducing RecA mediated ATPase activity is found to be: dA16 greater than dT16 greater than d(TC)16 greater than dT8 greater than dC16 greater than dA8 = dG8 greater than dG16 greater than dC8 greater than d(AG)16. These results demonstrate not only a dependence of RecA ATPase activity on the sequence composition of short single strand DNA they further reveal ATPase activity can be affected by the nearest neighbor nucleotide sequence of short DNA cofactors.  相似文献   

The DNA-dependent ATPase activity of the Escherichia coli RecA protein has been recognized for more than two decades. Yet, the role of ATP hydrolysis in the RecA-promoted strand exchange reaction remains unclear. Here, we demonstrate that ATP hydrolysis is required as part of a proofreading process during homology recognition. It enables the RecA-ssDNA complex, after determining that the strand-exchanged duplex is mismatched, to dissociate from the synaptic complex, which allows it to re-initiate the search for a "true" homologous region. Furthermore, the results suggest that when non-homologous sequences are present at the proximal end, ATP hydrolysis is required to allow ssDNA-RecA to reinitiate the strand exchange from an internal homologous region.  相似文献   

The transfer of recA protein from a fluorescently modified single-stranded DNA, containing 1,N6-ethenoadenosine and 3,N4-ethenocytosine, to polydeoxythymidylic acid (poly(dT)) was shown to occur by a complex mechanism in both the absence and presence of ADP (Menetski, J. P., and Kowalczykowski, S. C. (1987) J. Biol. Chem. 262, 2085-2092). A part of the mechanism involves the formation of a kinetic ternary intermediate. Since the binding and hydrolysis of ATP by recA protein is involved in many of the recA protein in vitro activities, we have analyzed the effect of ATP on the transfer reaction. In the presence of ATP, the transfer reaction is dependent on the concentration of the competitor single-stranded DNA, poly(dT). This result suggests that transfer does not occur by a simple dissociation mechanism. The reaction occurs via two kinetically distinct species of protein X DNA complexes with properties that are similar to those characterized for the transfer reaction in the absence of ATP. There is a complicated effect of nucleotide concentration on the rate of transfer. At low concentrations of ATP (less than 50 microM), increasing nucleotide concentration increases the rate of transfer; this is similar to the effect of ADP. However, at high concentrations of ATP (greater than 50 microM), increasing ATP concentration decreases the rate of transfer. Finally, the processivity of ATP hydrolysis during transfer was found to increase with increases in ATP concentration. Less than one ATP molecule was hydrolyzed per transfer event at low ATP concentrations (less than 20 microM) while greater than 50 molecules were hydrolyzed at high ATP concentration (greater than 250 microM). These data suggest that the rate of transfer is not directly coupled to the rate of hydrolysis.  相似文献   

In Escherichia coli, the filament of RecA formed on single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) is essential for recombinational DNA repair. Although ssDNA-binding protein (SSB) plays a complicated role in RecA reactions in vivo, much of our understanding of the mechanism is based on RecA binding directly to ssDNA. Here we investigate the role of SSB in the regulation of RecA polymerization on ssDNA, based on the differential force responses of a single 576-nucleotide-long ssDNA associated with RecA and SSB. We find that SSB outcompetes higher concentrations of RecA, resulting in inhibition of RecA nucleation. In addition, we find that pre-formed RecA filaments de-polymerize at low force in an ATP hydrolysis- and SSB-dependent manner. At higher forces, re-polymerization takes place, which displaces SSB from ssDNA. These findings provide a physical picture of the competition between RecA and SSB under tension on the scale of the entire nucleoprotein SSB array, which have broad biological implications particularly with regard to competitive molecular binding.  相似文献   

Onishi H  Mochizuki N  Morales MF 《Biochemistry》2004,43(13):3757-3763
Myosin is an ATP-hydrolyzing motor that is critical in muscle contraction. It is well established that in the hydrolysis that it catalyzes a water molecule attacks the gamma-phosphate of an ATP bound to its active site, but the details of these events have remained obscure. This is mainly because crystallographic search has not located an obvious catalytic base near the vulnerable phosphate. Here we suggest a means whereby this dilemma is probably overcome. It has been shown [Fisher, A. J., et al. (1995) Biochemistry 34, 8960-8972; Smith, C. A., and Rayment, I. (1996) Biochemistry 35, 5404-5417] that in an early event, Arg-247 and Glu-470 come together into a "salt-bridge". We suggest that in doing so they also position and orient two contiguous water molecules; one of these becomes the lytic water, perfectly poised to attack the bound gamma-phosphorus. Its hydroxyl moiety attacks the phosphorus, and the resulting proton transfers to the second water, converting it into a hydronium ion (as is experimentally observed). It is shown in this article how these central events of the catalysis are consistent with the behavior of several residues of the neighboring region.  相似文献   

The RecA protein forms nucleoprotein filaments on DNA, and individual monomers within the filaments hydrolyze ATP. Assembly and disassembly of filaments are both unidirectional, occurring on opposite filament ends, with disassembly requiring ATP hydrolysis. When filaments form on duplex DNA, RecA protein exhibits a functional state comparable to the state observed during active DNA strand exchange. RecA filament state was monitored with a coupled spectrophotometric assay for ATP hydrolysis, with changes fit to a mathematical model for filament disassembly. At 37 °C, monomers within the RecA-double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) filaments hydrolyze ATP with an observed kcat of 20.8 ± 1.5 min−1. Under the same conditions, the rate of end-dependent filament disassembly (koff) is 123 ± 16 monomers per minute per filament end. This rate of disassembly requires a tight coupling of the ATP hydrolytic cycles of adjacent RecA monomers. The relationship of kcat to koff infers a filament state in which waves of ATP hydrolysis move unidirectionally through RecA filaments on dsDNA, with successive waves occurring at intervals of approximately six monomers. The waves move nearly synchronously, each one transiting from one monomer to the next every 0.5 s. The results reflect an organization of the ATPase activity that is unique in filamentous systems, and could be linked to a RecA motor function.  相似文献   

RecA is essential for recombination, DNA repair and SOS induction in Escherichia coli . ATP hydrolysis is known to be important for RecA's roles in recombination and DNA repair. In vitro reactions modelling SOS induction minimally require ssDNA and non-hydrolyzable ATP analogues. This predicts that ATP hydrolysis will not be required for SOS induction in vivo . The requirement of ATP binding and hydrolysis for SOS induction in vivo is tested here through the study of recA4159 (K72A) and recA2201 (K72R). RecA4159 is thought to have reduced affinity for ATP. RecA2201 binds, but does not hydrolyse ATP. Neither mutant was able to induce SOS expression after UV irradiation. RecA2201, unlike RecA4159, could form filaments on DNA and storage structures as measured with RecA–GFP. RecA2201 was able to form hybrid filaments and storage structures and was either recessive or dominant to RecA+, depending on the ratio of the two proteins. RecA4159 was unable to enter RecA+ filaments on DNA or storage structures and was recessive to RecA+. It is concluded that ATP hydrolysis is essential for SOS induction. It is proposed that ATP binding is essential for storage structure formation and ability to interact with other RecA proteins in a filament.  相似文献   

Gamper HB  Hou YM  Kmiec EB 《Biochemistry》2000,39(49):15272-15281
Strand exchange between two duplexes is usually initiated as a three-strand event that requires the presence of a single-stranded overhang or gap in one of the two molecules. Here we show that the RecA protein can catalyze a four-strand exchange. Specifically, it can recombine short hairpin substrates with homologous stems provided that one of the hairpins possesses a chimeric DNA/RNA backbone. This four-strand exchange reaction goes to completion in the presence of ATPgammaS and releases a stable heteroduplex upon removal of the RecA protein. Under identical conditions, strand exchange between two DNA hairpins is incomplete and generates a nascent heteroduplex that rapidly dissociates when the RecA protein is denatured. Since presynaptic filament formation does not appear to melt either type of hairpin, we propose that exchange occurs between homologously aligned duplexes that are extended and unwound within a RecA filament. The first reaction provides a mechanism for gene targeting by chimeric double-hairpin oligonucleotides while the second reaction explains the ability of the RecA protein to transiently align double-stranded DNA molecules.  相似文献   

The time course of the intracellular ATP concentration in several UV-irradiated RecA protease constitutive (Cptc) mutants of E. coli has been studied. All Cptc mutants harboring a mutation in region 3 of the RecA protein (including amino acid residues 298-301) increased ATP after UV damage but without any subsequent decrease. Nevertheless, these mutants induced the SOS response after UV irradiation. Likewise, truncated RecA proteins lacking region 3 are also unable to carry out massive ATP hydrolysis in UV-irradiated cells. On the other hand, mutants in region 1 (including amino acids 25-39) or 2 (amino acids 157-184) of the RecA protein showed an increase in ATP concentration during the first 20 min following UV irradiation, which dropped afterwards to the basal level. All these data indicate that region 3 of the RecA protein must be involved in the ATP hydrolysis process. Furthermore, a relationship between the quantity of the UV-mediated ATP produced and the strength of the different RecA Cptc mutants has also been found. Accordingly, both lexA71::Tn5 and null lexA mutants of E. coli only show a cellular ATP increase after UV irradiation when containing a multicopy plasmid carrying either a wild-type lexA or a lexA (Ind-) gene.  相似文献   

K L Menge  F R Bryant 《Biochemistry》1988,27(7):2635-2640
The cooperativity of the single-stranded DNA dependent nucleoside triphosphatase activity of the recA protein was investigated by examining the influence of a good substrate (ATP) on the hydrolysis of a poor substrate (GTP). At pH 7.5 and 37 degrees C, both ATP and GTP are hydrolyzed with a turnover number of 17.5 min-1. The S0.5 for GTP (750 microM), however, is nearly 20-fold higher than the S0.5 for ATP (45 microM). Low concentrations of ATP activate the GTPase activity of the recA protein by lowering the S0.5 for GTP; in the presence of 50 microM ATP, the S0.5 for GTP is reduced from 750 microM to 200 microM. Concentrations of ATP greater than 50 microM result in competitive inhibition of the ATP-activated GTPase activity. Although GTP is a substrate for hydrolysis, it will not substitute for ATP as a high-energy cofactor in the standard recA protein promoted three-strand exchange reaction. To account for these results, a minimal kinetic model is presented in which ATP binding induces specific conformational changes in the recA protein that do not occur with GTP binding.  相似文献   

High molar mass random poly(butylene succinate-co-butylene sebacate), P(BS-co-BSe), and poly(butylene succinate-co-butylene adipate), P(BS-co-BA), with different composition, were synthesized and subjected to enzymatic hydrolysis by Lipase from Mucor miehei or from Rhizopus arrhizus. The enzymatic hydrolysis of P(BS-co-BSe)s and P(BS-co-BA)s films produced a mixture of water-soluble monomers and co-oligomers that were separated and identified by on-line high performance liquid chromatography/electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (HPLC/ESI-MS). Optimization of the HPLC analysis allowed the separation of isobar co-oligomers, differing only for the co-monomers sequence. Oligomers with the same monomer composition and molar mass but different sequence were identified by HPLC/ESI-MS-MS on-line analysis. The results obtained show a preferential hydrolytic cleavage induced by the lipases used. In particular, these enzymes prefer cleaving sebacic ester bonds in P(BS-co-BSe) copolymers, whereas succinic ester bonds appear to be hydrolyzed faster than adipic ester bonds in P(BS-co-BA) copolyesters. 1H NMR analysis further substantiates these findings. The primary products generated by lipase hydrolysis of polyester films underwent further degradation at longer reaction times. The HPLC/ESI-MS analysis of these mixtures at various times provided the first evidence that lipase catalysis is active also in water solution, a hydrophobic effect induced by the aliphatic units of these polyesters.  相似文献   

RecA protein promotes a substantial DNA strand exchange reaction in the presence of adenosine 5'-O-3-(thio)triphosphate (ATP gamma S) (Menetski, J.P., Bear, D.G., and Kowalczykowski, S.C. (1990) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 87, 21-25), calling into question the role of ATP hydrolysis in the strand exchange reaction. Here, we demonstrate that the ATP gamma S-mediated reaction can go to completion when the duplex DNA substrate is only 1.3 kilobase pairs in length. The ATP gamma S-mediated reaction, however, is completely blocked by a 52-base pair heterologous insertion in either DNA substrate. This same barrier is readily bypassed when ATP replaces ATP gamma S. This indicates that at least one function of recA-mediated ATP hydrolysis is to bypass structural barriers in one or both DNA substrates during strand exchange. This suggests that ATP hydrolysis is directly coupled to the branch migration phase of strand exchange, not to promote strand exchange between homologous DNA substrates during recombination, but instead to facilitate the bypass of structural barriers likely to be encountered during recombinational DNA repair.  相似文献   

RecA protein promotes a substantial DNA strand exchange reaction in the presence of adenosine 5'-O-3-(thio)triphosphate (ATP gamma S) (Menetski et al., 1990), calling into question the role of ATP hydrolysis in this reaction. We demonstrate here that the ATP gamma S-mediated process is restricted to homologous strand exchange reactions involving three strands. In four-strand exchanges between a gapped duplex circle and a second linear duplex, joint molecules are formed in the gap but are not extended into the four-strand region when ATP gamma S is present. This result provides evidence that one function of ATP hydrolysis in the recA system is to facilitate reciprocal DNA strand exchange involving four strands. Implications with respect to the role of four-stranded pairing intermediates and the mechanistic relationship between three- and four-strand exchange reactions are discussed.  相似文献   

The ATP-dependent three-strand exchange activity of the Streptococcus pneumoniae RecA protein (RecA(Sp)), like that of the Escherichia coli RecA protein (RecA(Ec)), is strongly stimulated by the single-stranded DNA-binding protein (SSB) from either E. coli (SSB(Ec)) or S. pneumoniae (SSB(Sp)). The RecA(Sp) protein differs from the RecA(Ec) protein, however, in that its ssDNA-dependent ATP hydrolysis activity is completely inhibited by SSB(Ec) or SSB(Sp) protein, apparently because these proteins displace RecA(Sp) protein from ssDNA. These results indicate that in contrast to the mechanism that has been established for the RecA(Ec) protein, SSB protein does not stimulate the RecA(Sp) protein-promoted strand exchange reaction by facilitating the formation of a presynaptic complex between the RecA(Sp) protein and the ssDNA substrate. In addition to acting presynaptically, however, it has been proposed that SSB(Ec) protein also stimulates the RecA(Ec) protein strand exchange reaction postsynaptically, by binding to the displaced single strand that is generated when the ssDNA substrate invades the homologous linear dsDNA. In the RecA(Sp) protein-promoted reaction, the stimulatory effect of SSB protein may be due entirely to this postsynaptic mechanism. The competing displacement of RecA(Sp) protein from the ssDNA substrate by SSB protein, however, appears to limit the efficiency of the strand exchange reaction (especially at high SSB protein concentrations or when SSB protein is added to the ssDNA before RecA(Sp) protein) relative to that observed under the same conditions with the RecA(Ec) protein.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli RecF protein possesses a weak ATP hydrolytic activity. ATP hydrolysis leads to RecF dissociation from double-stranded (ds)DNA. The RecF protein is subject to precipitation and an accompanying inactivation in vitro when not bound to DNA. A mutant RecF protein that can bind but cannot hydrolyze ATP (RecF K36R) does not readily dissociate from dsDNA in the presence of ATP. This is in contrast to the limited dsDNA binding observed for wild-type RecF protein in the presence of ATP but is similar to dsDNA binding by wild-type RecF binding in the presence of the nonhydrolyzable ATP analog, adenosine 5'-O-(3-thio)triphosphate (ATPgammaS). In addition, wild-type RecF protein binds tightly to dsDNA in the presence of ATP at low pH where its ATPase activity is blocked. A transfer of RecF protein from labeled to unlabeled dsDNA is observed in the presence of ATP but not ATPgammaS. The transfer is slowed considerably when the RecR protein is also present. In competition experiments, RecF protein appears to bind at random locations on dsDNA and exhibits no special affinity for single strand/double strand junctions when bound to gapped DNA. Possible roles for the ATPase activity of RecF in the regulation of recombinational DNA repair are discussed.  相似文献   

P-glycoprotein (Pgp), the ATP-binding cassette multidrug transporter, exhibits a drug (substrate)-stimulatable ATPase activity, and vanadate (Vi) inhibits this activity by stably trapping the nucleoside diphosphate in the Pgp.ADP.Vi conformation. We recently demonstrated that Vi-induced 8-azido-[alpha-(32)P]ADP trapping into Pgp in the absence of substrate occurs both in the presence of 8-azido-[alpha-(32)P]ATP (following 8-azido-ATP hydrolysis) or 8-azido-[alpha-(32)P]ADP (without hydrolysis) and, the transition state intermediates generated under either condition are functionally indistinguishable. In this study, we compare the effect of substrates on Vi-induced 8-azido-[alpha-(32)P]ADP trapping into Pgp under both non-hydrolysis and hydrolysis conditions. We demonstrate that whereas substrates stimulate the Vi-induced trapping of 8-azido-[alpha-(32)P]ADP under hydrolysis conditions, they strongly inhibit Vi-induced trapping under non-hydrolysis conditions. This inhibition is concentration-dependent, follows first order kinetics, and is effected by drastically decreasing the affinity of nucleoside diphosphate for Pgp during trapping. However, substrates do not affect the binding of nucleoside diphosphate in the absence of Vi, indicating that the substrate-induced conformation exerts its effect at a step distinct from nucleoside diphosphate-binding. Our results demonstrate that during the catalytic cycle of Pgp, although the transition state, Pgp x ADP x P(i) (Vi), can be generated both via the hydrolysis of ATP or by directly providing ADP to the system, in the presence of substrate the reaction is driven in the forward direction, i.e. hydrolysis of ATP. These data suggest that substrate-stimulated ATP hydrolysis by Pgp is a vectorial process.  相似文献   

The role of Tyr264 in nucleotide binding and hydrolysis catalyzed by the RecA protein of Escherichia coli was investigated by constructing Gly, Ser, and Phe substitution mutations using oligonucleotide-directed mutagenesis. The corresponding mutant recA genes neither restored resistance to killing by ultraviolet irradiation nor increased homologous recombination in a recA strain. The purified RecA(Gly264) protein was unable to bind nucleotide, hydrolyze ATP, or form stable ternary complexes with adenosine 5'-O-thiotriphosphate and DNA although the mutant protein bound DNA normally in the absence of nucleotide. The RecA (Phe264) and RecA(Ser264) proteins hydrolyzed ATP poorly and the rates were reduced approximately 8- and 18-fold, respectively. Although capable of low levels of ATP hydrolysis, neither the RecA(Phe264) nor the RecA(Ser264) protein promoted DNA pairing or strand exchange reactions in vitro. Furthermore, these mutant RecA proteins were impaired in their ability to form salt-resistant ternary complexes with adenosine 5'-O-thiotriphosphate) and DNA as judged by filter binding. Nevertheless, nucleoprotein complexes formed with either RecA(Phe264) or RecA(Ser264) protein directed efficient cleavage of LexA repressor in vitro. These results demonstrate that Tyr264 is required for efficient ATP hydrolysis and for homologous pairing of DNA but does not participate in activating RecA protein for LexA repressor autodigestion.  相似文献   

J W Lee  M M Cox 《Biochemistry》1990,29(33):7677-7683
There are at least two major conformations of recA nucleoprotein filaments formed on poly-(deoxythymidylic acid) [poly(dT)], one stabilized by ATP [or adenosine 5'-O-(3-thiotriphosphate) (ATP gamma S)] and one stabilized by ADP. Assembly of filaments in the ATP conformation is much faster than assembly in the ADP conformation. A third conformation may be present in the absence of nucleotides. The ATP and ADP conformations are mutually exclusive. When a mixture of ATP and ADP is present, recA protein binding is a function of the ADP/ATP ratio. Complete dissociation is observed when the ratio becomes 1.0-1.5. When a mixture of ATP and ADP is present at the beginning of a reaction, a transient phase lasting several minutes is observed in which the system approaches the state characteristic of the new ADP/ATP ratio. This phase is manifested by a lag in ATP hydrolysis when ATP is added to preformed ADP filaments, and by a burst in ATP hydrolysis in all other cases. More than 15 ATPs are hydrolyzed per bound recA monomer during the burst phase. The transient phase reflects an end-dependent disassembly process propagated longitudinally through the filament, rather than a slow conformation change in individual recA monomers or a slow exchange of one nucleotide for the other. The hysteresis exhibited by the system provides a number of insights relevant to the mechanism of recA-mediated DNA strand exchange.  相似文献   

ATPase activity of multidrug-resistance protein (P-glycoprotein, Pgp) from Chinese hamster ovary cells was studied. Catalytic characteristics were established for Pgp both in its natural plasma membrane environment and in purified reconstituted protein. Generally the two preparations of Pgp behaved similarly, and demonstrated low affinity for MgATP, low nucleotide specificity, preference for Mg-nucleotide, and pH optimum near 7.5. A high-affinity binding site involved in catalysis was not apparent. Effective covalent inactivators were NBD-C1, NEM, 8-azido-ATP, and 2-azido-ATP. DCCD, FITC, and pyridoxal phosphate were only weakly inhibitory. Lipid composition was found to affect the degree of drug stimulation of ATPase in purified reconstituted Pgp, suggesting that the lipid environment affects coupling between drug-binding and catalytic sites, and that Pgp expressed in different tissues could show different functional characteristics.  相似文献   

Dielectric spectroscopy with microwaves in the frequency range between 0.2 and 20 GHz was used to study the hydration of myosin subfragment 1 (S1). The data were analyzed by a method recently devised, which can resolve the total amount of water restrained by proteins into two components, one with a rotational relaxation frequency (fc) in the gigahertz region (weakly restrained water) and the other with lower fc (strongly restrained water). The weight ratio of total restrained water to S1 protein thus obtained (0.35), equivalent to 2100 water molecules per S1 molecule, is not much different from the values (0.3-0.4) for other proteins. The weakly restrained component accounts for about two-thirds of the total restrained water, which is in accord with the number of water molecules estimated from the solvent-accessible surface area of alkyl groups on the surface of the atomic model of S1. The number of strongly restrained water molecules coincides with the number of solvent-accessible charged or polar atoms. The dynamic behavior of the S1-restrained water during the ATP hydrolysis was also examined in a time-resolved mode. The result indicates that when S1 changes from the S1.ADP state into the S1.ADP.P1 state (ADP release followed by ATP binding and cleavage), about 9% of the weakly restrained waters are released, which are restrained again on slow P1 release. By contrast, there is no net mobilization of strongly restrained component. The observed changes in S1 hydration are quantitatively consistent with the accompanying large entropy and heat capacity changes estimated by calorimetry (Kodama, 1985), indicating that the protein surface hydrophobicity change plays a crucial role in the enthalpy-entropy compensation effects observed in the steps of S1 ATP hydrolysis.  相似文献   

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