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Myelination results in a highly segregated distribution of axonal membrane proteins at nodes of Ranvier. Here, we show the role in this process of TAG-1, a glycosyl-phosphatidyl-inositol-anchored cell adhesion molecule. In the absence of TAG-1, axonal Caspr2 did not accumulate at juxtaparanodes, and the normal enrichment of shaker-type K+ channels in these regions was severely disrupted, in the central and peripheral nervous systems. In contrast, the localization of protein 4.1B, an axoplasmic partner of Caspr2, was only moderately altered. TAG-1, which is expressed in both neurons and glia, was able to associate in cis with Caspr2 and in trans with itself. Thus, a tripartite intercellular protein complex, comprised of these two proteins, appears critical for axo-glial contacts at juxtaparanodes. This complex is analogous to that described previously at paranodes, suggesting that similar molecules are crucial for different types of axo-glial interactions.  相似文献   

Sequence homology predicts that the extracellular domain of the sodium channel beta1 subunit forms an immunoglobulin (Ig) fold and functions as a cell adhesion molecule. We show here that beta1 subunits associate with neurofascin, a neuronal cell adhesion molecule that plays a key role in the assembly of nodes of Ranvier. The first Ig-like domain and second fibronectin type III-like domain of neurofascin mediate the interaction with the extracellular Ig-like domain of beta1, confirming the proposed function of this domain as a cell adhesion molecule. beta1 subunits localize to nodes of Ranvier with neurofascin in sciatic nerve axons, and beta1 and neurofascin are associated as early as postnatal day 5, during the period that nodes of Ranvier are forming. This association of beta1 subunit extracellular domains with neurofascin in developing axons may facilitate recruitment and concentration of sodium channel complexes at nodes of Ranvier.  相似文献   

In myelinated axons, K+ channels are concealed under the myelin sheath in the juxtaparanodal region, where they are associated with Caspr2, a member of the neurexin superfamily. Deletion of Caspr2 in mice by gene targeting revealed that it is required to maintain K+ channels at this location. Furthermore, we show that the localization of Caspr2 and clustering of K+ channels at the juxtaparanodal region depends on the presence of TAG-1, an immunoglobulin-like cell adhesion molecule that binds Caspr2. These results demonstrate that Caspr2 and TAG-1 form a scaffold that is necessary to maintain K+ channels at the juxtaparanodal region, suggesting that axon-glia interactions mediated by these proteins allow myelinating glial cells to organize ion channels in the underlying axonal membrane.  相似文献   

The myelin and lymphocyte protein (MAL) is a tetraspan raft-associated proteolipid predominantly expressed by oligodendrocytes and Schwann cells. We show that genetic ablation of mal resulted in cytoplasmic inclusions within compact myelin, paranodal loops that are everted away from the axon, and disorganized transverse bands at the paranode--axon interface in the adult central nervous system. These structural changes were accompanied by a marked reduction of contactin-associated protein/paranodin, neurofascin 155 (NF155), and the potassium channel Kv1.2, whereas nodal clusters of sodium channels were unaltered. Initial formation of paranodal regions appeared normal, but abnormalities became detectable when MAL started to be expressed. Biochemical analysis revealed reduced myelin-associated glycoprotein, myelin basic protein, and NF155 protein levels in myelin and myelin-derived rafts. Our results demonstrate a critical role for MAL in the maintenance of central nervous system paranodes, likely by controlling the trafficking and/or sorting of NF155 and other membrane components in oligodendrocytes.  相似文献   

Since 1956, when exogenous uridine and cytidine were found to be necessary for the maintenance of perfused rat brain function, the co-existence of de novo synthesis, salvage pathways and removal of pyrimidine bases in the CNS has been a controversial subject. Here, we review studies on metabolites and enzymes of pyrimidine metabolism through more than 60 years. In view of known and newly-described inherited pyrimidine and purine disorders - some with complex clinical profiles of neurological impairments - we underline the necessity to investigate how the different pathways work together in the developing brain and then sustain plasticity, regeneration and neuro-transmission in the adult CNS. Experimentally, early incorporation studies in animal brain slices and homogenates with radio-labelled nucleosides or precursors demonstrated salvage activity or de novo synthesis. Later, the nucleoside transporters and organic anionic transporters underlying uptake of metabolites and anti-pyrimidine drugs in the CNS were identified. Recently, the expression of de novo enzymes in glial cells and neurons was verified using (immuno) histochemical and in-situ-hybridization techniques. Adult brain was shown to take up or produce all pyrimidine (deoxy) ribonucleosides or, after uptake and phosphorolysis of nucleosides, to make use of ribose for different purposes, including energy. More recently, non-canonical pyrimidine bases (5mC, 5hmC) have been found most notably in brain, pointing to considerable postreplicative DNA metabolism, with the need for pyrimidine-specific enzymes. Even more perspectives are emerging, with advances in genome analysis and in the manipulation of expression from the gene.  相似文献   

The basic concept, that specialized extracellular matrices rich in hyaluronan, chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans (aggrecan, versican, neurocan, brevican, phosphacan), link proteins and tenascins (Tn-R, Tn-C) can regulate cellular migration and axonal growth and thus, actively participate in the development and maturation of the nervous system, has in recent years gained rapidly expanding experimental support. The swift assembly and remodeling of these matrices have been associated with axonal guidance functions in the periphery and with the structural stabilization of myelinated fiber tracts and synaptic contacts in the maturating central nervous system. Particular interest has been focused on the putative role of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans in suppressing central nervous system regeneration after lesions. The axon growth inhibitory properties of several of these chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans in vitro, and the partial recovery of structural plasticity in lesioned animals treated with chondroitin sulfate degrading enzymes in vivo have significantly contributed to the increased awareness of this long time neglected structure.  相似文献   

Summary The localization and distribution of prolactinlike-immunoreactive perikarya and nerve fibers in the rat central nervous system have been studied by a preembedding immunoperoxidase method using well-characterized specific immunsera to rat prolactin. Although the localization of labeled neuronal structures in a number of brain areas correlates with the data of previous immunocytochemical studies, we found prolactin-immunoreactive neurons in various regions not previously reported. In untreated animals, the highest concentrations of prolactinfibers were observed: (i) in the external layers of the median eminence where they exhibited close contact with blood vessels, and (ii) in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis and in the central nucleus of the amygdala where they closely surrounded unlabeled perikarya. Dense networks of finely varicose prolactin fibers were also observed in the organum vasculosum of the lamina terminalis, in the subfornical organ, and in the dorsolateral regions of the medulla oblongata and the spinal cord. Lastly, a number of large, varicose, intensely immunoreactive fibers were found in the olfactory bulb, the cingulum, and the periventricular regions of the hypothalamus and central gray, whereas isolated fibers could be detected in the caudate nucleus and in the cerebral cortex. In animals treated with colchicine, prolactin-immunoreactive perikarya were essentially located within the periventricular and perifornical regions of the hypothalamus, and within the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis. Although corticotropin (ACTH 17-39)-immunoreactive fibers could be detected in several regions found to contain prolactin fibers, the distribution and organization of both fiber types clearly differed in numerous brain regions, and the regions containing the corresponding perikarya did not overlap. The ultrastructural organization of the prolactin-immunoreactive fibers revealed by electronmicroscopic immunocytochernistry in various brain regions, allowed the characterization of two main types of prolactinergic neurons including: (i) endocrine neurons, whose axons terminated in close vicinity to portal blood vessels in the external median eminence, and (ii) neurons projecting to extrahypothalamic regions, whose axons formed typical synaptic connections with unidentified neuronal units.  相似文献   

Microglia constitute as much as 10–15% of all cells in the mammalian central nervous system (CNS) and are the only glial cells that do not arise from the neuroectoderm. As the principal CNS immune cells, microglial cells represent the first line of defence in response to exogenous threats. Past studies have largely been dedicated to defining the complex immune functions of microglial cells. However, our understanding of the roles of microglia has expanded radically over the past years. It is now clear that microglia are critically involved in shaping neural circuits in both the developing and adult CNS, and in modulating synaptic transmission in the adult brain. Intriguingly, microglial cells appear to use the same sets of tools, including cytokine and chemokine release as well as phagocytosis, whether modulating neural function or mediating the brain''s innate immune responses. This review will discuss recent developments that have broadened our views of neuro-glial signalling to include the contribution of microglial cells.  相似文献   

Tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha)-converting enzyme (TACE/ADAM17) is a membrane protein belonging to the ADAM (a disintegrin and a metalloprotease) family able to cleave various membrane proteins, including the transmembrane form of TNF-alpha at its physiological processing site. Being an ADAM, TACE may mediate not only proteolysis but also adhesive interactions; however, the role of the disintegrin domain of TACE has not been studied. In the central nervous system (CNS), little is known about the physiological role of TACE, but some important pathophysiological functions have been reported recently, with both neurotoxic and neuroprotective repercussions. This article discusses and reviews the main contributions to this field of investigation addressing the expression and function of TACE in the CNS.  相似文献   

The development of new, adult-specific axonal pathways in the central nervous system (CNS) of insects during metamorphosis is still largely uncharacterized. Here we used axonal labeling with DiI to describe the timing and pattern of growth of sensory axons originating in the wing of Drosophila as they establish their adult projection pattern in the CNS during pupal life. The wing of Drosophila carries a small number of readily identifiable sensory organs (sensilla) whose neurons are located in the periphery and whose axons travel along specific routes within the adult CNS. The neurons are born and undergo axonogenesis in a characteristic order. The order of axon arrival in the CNS appears to be the same as that of their development in the periphery. Within the CNS, the formation of four prominent axon bundles leading to distant termination sites is followed by the formation of a compact axon termination site near the point of wing nerve entry into the CNS. This sensillum-specific pattern persists into adulthood without discernible modification. We also find a small number of axons filled with DiI prior to the formation of the four permanent bundles. We have only been able to fill them for a few hours in early pupal life and therefore consider them to be transient. The bundles of wing sensory axons travel within tracts that contain other axons as well. Using immunocytochemistry, the tracts start to be histologically identifiable at around 12 h after pupariation (AP), and grow substantially as metamorphosis proceeds. Wing sensory neurons are found in the tracts by 18–20 h AP and the full adult pattern is established by 48 h AP. When sensory axons first enter the CNS, they fan out in the region where their appropriate tracts are located, but they do not wander extensively. They quickly form bundles that become increasingly compact over time. Calculations show that the rate of axon extension within the CNS varies from bundle to bundle and is equal to or greater than that of the same axons growing through wing tissue. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The retinoblastoma tumor suppressor (RB) plays an important role in the regulation of cell cycle progression and terminal differentiation of many cell types. Rb(-/-) mouse embryos die at midgestation with defects in cell cycle regulation, control of apoptosis and terminal differentiation. However, chimeric mice composed of wild-type and Rb-deficient cells are viable and show minor abnormalities. To determine the role of Rb in development more precisely, we analyzed chimeric embryos and adults made with marked Rb(-/-) cells. Like their germline Rb(-/-) counterparts, brains of midgestation chimeric embryos exhibited extensive ectopic S-phase entry. In Rb-mutants, this is accompanied by widespread apoptosis. However, in chimeras, the majority of Rb-deficient cells survived and differentiated into neuronal fates. Rescue of Rb(-/-) neurons in the presence of wild-type cells occurred after induction of the p53 pathway and led to accumulation of cells with 4n DNA content. Therefore, the role of Rb during development can be divided into a cell-autonomous function in exit from the cell cycle and a non-cell-autonomous role in the suppression of apoptosis and induction of differentiation.  相似文献   

Summary The early appearance of catecholaminergic neurons, as revealed by fluorescence histochemistry, has been determined in the central nervous system of quail, pheasant, and pigeon embryos. The first neuronal assemblies displaying specific fluorescence are the locus coeruleus and the nucleus subcoeruleus ventralis. Taking into account the differences in the length of the prehatching period of these three avian species, the first catecholamine-containing neurons appear earlier in the precocial quail and pheasant than in the altricial pigeon.Investigation supported by grants from the Italian National Research Council (CNR) No 83.02058.04 (R.G.) and No 83.00492.04 (G.C.P.).  相似文献   

Integrins are cell adhesion molecules that mediate numerous developmental processes in addition to a variety of acute physiological events. Two reports implicate a Drosophila beta integrin, betaPS, in olfactory behavior. To further investigate the role of integrins in Drosophila olfaction, we used Gal4-driven expression of RNA interference (RNAi) transgenes to knock down expression of myospheroid (mys), the gene that encodes betaPS. Expression of mys-RNAi transgenes in the wing reduced betaPS immunostaining and produced morphological defects associated with loss-of-function mutations in mys, demonstrating that this strategy knocked down mys function. Expression of mys-RNAi transgenes in the antennae, antennal lobes, and mushroom bodies via two Gal4 lines, H24 and MT14, disrupted olfactory behavior but did not alter locomotor abilities or central nervous system structure. Olfactory behavior was normal in flies that expressed mys-RNAi transgenes via other Gal4 lines that specifically targeted the antennae, the projection neurons, the mushroom bodies, bitter and sweet gustatory neurons, or Pox neuro neurons. Our studies confirm that mys is important for the development or function of the Drosophila olfactory system. Additionally, our studies demonstrate that mys is required for normal behavioral responses to both aversive and attractive odorants. Our results are consistent with a model in which betaPS mediates events within the antennal lobes that influence odorant sensitivity.  相似文献   

Interleukin (IL)-1 is a multifunctional cytokine that plays a key role in mediating inflammation in the brain. Many different cell types in the brain express the IL-1 receptor and respond to this cytokine by activating cell-type-specific signaling pathways leading to distinct functional responses, which collectively comprise the inflammatory response in the brain. One key effect of IL-1 in the brain is the induction of trophic factor production by glial cells, which has traditionally been considered a neuroprotective response to injury or disease. However, recent studies have shown that nerve growth factor, which is regulated by IL-1, can induce neuronal survival or apoptosis via different receptors. This article examines the interaction of IL-1 with different trophic factors in the brain.  相似文献   

Octopod (Octo) is a mutation of the moth Manduca sexta, which transforms the first abdominal segment (A1) in the anterior direction. Mutant animals are characterized by the appearance of homeotic thoracic-like legs on A1. We exploited this mutation to determine what rules might be used in specifying the fates of sensory neurons located on the body surface of larval Manduca. Mechanical stimulation of homeotic leg sensilla did not cause reflexive movements of the homeotic legs, but elicited responses similar to those observed following stimulation of ventral A1 body wall hairs. Intracellular recordings demonstrated that several of the motoneurons in the A1 ganglion received inputs from the homeotic sensory hairs. The responses of these motoneurons to stimulation of homeotic sensilla resembled their responses to stimulation of ventral body wall sensilla. Cobalt fills revealed that the mutation transformed the segmental projection pattern of only the sensory neurons located on the ventral surface of A1, resulting in a greater number with intersegmental projection patterns typical of sensory neurons found on the thoracic body wall. Many of the sensory neurons on the homeotic legs had intersegmental projection patterns typical of abdominal sensory neurons: an anteriorly directed projection terminating in the third thoracic ganglion (T3). Once this projection reached T3, however, it mimicked the projections of the thoracic leg sensory neurons. These results demonstrate that the same rules are not used in the establishment of the intersegmental and leg-specific projection patterns. Segmental identity influences the intersegmental projection pattern of the sensory neurons of Manduca, whereas the leg-specific projections are consistent with a role for positional information in determining their pattern. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Jia Luo 《生物学前沿》2012,7(3):212-220
Glycogen synthase kinase 3β (GSK3β) is a multifunctional serine/threonine kinase.It is particularly abundant in the developing central nervous system (CNS).Since GSK3β has diverse substrates ranging fr...  相似文献   

An orphan receptor of ligand-gated ion-channel type (L2, also termed ZAC according to the presence of zinc ion for channel activation) was identified by computer-assisted search programs on human genome database. The L2 protein shares partial homology with serotonin receptors 5HT3A and 5HT3B. We have cloned L2 cDNA derived from human caudate nucleus and characterized the exon-intron structure as follows: (1) The L2 protein has four transmembrane regions (M1-M4) and a long cytoplasmic loop between M3 and M4. (2) The sequence is conserved in species including chimpanzee, dog, cow, and opossum. (3) Nine exons form its protein-coding region and especially exon 5 corresponds to a disulfide bond region on the amino-terminal side. Our analysis using multiple tissue cDNA panels revealed that at least two splicing variants of L2 mRNA are present. The cDNA PCR amplification study revealed that L2 mRNA is expressed in tissues including brain, pancreas, liver, lung, heart, kidney, and skeletal muscle while 5HT3A mRNA could be detected in brain, heart, placenta, lung, kidney, pancreas, and skeletal muscle, and 5HT3B mRNA in brain, kidney, and skeletal muscle, suggesting different significance in tissue expression of these receptors. Regional expression of L2 mRNA and protein was examined in brain. The RT-PCR studies confirmed L2 mRNA expression in hippocampus, striatum, amygdala, and thalamus in adult brain. The L2 protein was immunolocalized by using antipeptide antibodies. Immunostained tissue sections revealed that L2-like immunoreactivity was dominantly expressed in the hippocampal CA3 pyramidal cells and in the polymorphic layer of the dentate gyrus. We analyzed the expression of L2 protein in HEK293 cells using GFP fusion protein reporter system. Western blots revealed that L2 protein confers sugar chains on the extracellular side. In transfected HEK293 cells, cellular membranes and intracellular puncta were densely labeled with GFP, suggesting selective dispatch to the final destination.  相似文献   

C57/B1 mice were exposed during pregnancy (gestation days 0–19) to a 20 kHz magnetic field (MF). The asymmetric sawtooth-wave form magnetic field in the exposed racks had a flux density of 15 μT (peak to peak). After 19 days, the exposure was terminated, and the mice were housed individually under normal laboratory conditions. On postnatal day (PD) 1, PD21, and PD308, various neurochemical markers in the brains of the offspring were investigated and the brains weighed. No significant difference was found in the whole brain weight at PD1 or PD21 between exposed offspring and control animals. However, on PD308, a significant decrease in weight of the whole brain was detected in exposed animals. No significant differences were found in the weight of cortex, hippocampus, septum, or cerebellum on any of the sampling occasions, nor were any significant differences detected in protein-, DNA-level, nerve growth factor (NGF), acetylcholine esterase- (AChE), or 2′,3′-cyclic nucle-otide 3′-phosphodiesterase- (CNP; marker for oligodendrocytes) activities on PD21 in cerebellum. Cortex showed a more complex pattern of response to MF: MF treatment resulted in a decrease in DNA level and increases in the activities of CNP, AChE, and NGF protein. On PD308, the amount of DNA was significantly reduced in MF-treated cerebellum and CNP activity was still enhanced in MF-treated cortex compared to controls. Most of the effects of MF treatment during the embryonic period were similar to those induced by ionizing radiation but much weaker. However, the duration of the exposure required to elucidate the response of different markers to MF seems to be greater and effects appear later during development compared to responses to ionizing radiation. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Understanding the control of myelin formation by oligodendrocytes is essential for treating demyelinating diseases. Neuregulin-1 (NRG1) type III, an EGF-like growth factor, is essential for myelination in the PNS. It is thus thought that NRG1/ErbB signaling also regulates CNS myelination, a view suggested by in vitro studies and the overexpression of dominant-negative ErbB receptors. To directly test this hypothesis, we generated a series of conditional null mutants that completely lack NRG1 beginning at different stages of neural development. Unexpectedly, these mice assemble normal amounts of myelin. In addition, double mutants lacking oligodendroglial ErbB3 and ErbB4 become myelinated in the absence of any stimulation by neuregulins. In contrast, a significant hypermyelination is achieved by transgenic overexpression of NRG1 type I or NRG1 type III. Thus, NRG1/ErbB signaling is markedly different between Schwann cells and oligodendrocytes that have evolved an NRG/ErbB-independent mechanism of myelination control.  相似文献   

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