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In a manner similar to voltage-gated Ca(2+) channels and Ca(2+) release-activated Ca(2+) (CRAC) channels, the recently identified arachidonate-regulated Ca(2+) (ARC) channels display a large monovalent conductance upon removal of external divalent cations. Using whole-cell patch-clamp recording, we have characterized the properties of these monovalent currents in HEK293 cells stably transfected with the m3 muscarinic receptor and compared them with the corresponding currents through the endogenous store-operated Ca(2+) (SOC) channels in the same cells. Although the monovalent currents seen through these two channels displayed certain similarities, several marked differences were also apparent, including the magnitude of the monovalent current/Ca(2+) current ratio, the rate and nature of the spontaneous decline in the currents, and the effects of external monovalent cation substitutions and removal of internal Mg(2+). Moreover, monovalent ARC currents could be activated after the complete spontaneous inactivation of the corresponding SOC current in the same cell. We conclude that the non-capacitative ARC channels share, with voltage-gated Ca(2+) channels and store-operated Ca(2+) channels (e.g. SOC and CRAC the general property of monovalent ion permeation in the nominal absence of extracellular divalent ions. However, the clear differences between the properties of these currents through ARC and SOC channels in the same cell confirm that these represent distinct conductances.  相似文献   

Polycystin-L (PCL), homologous to polycystin-2 (71% similarity in protein sequence), is the third member of the polycystin family of proteins. Polycystin-1 and -2 are mutated in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease, but the physiological role of PCL has not been determined. PCL acts as a Ca-regulated non-selective cation channel permeable to mono- and divalent cations. To further understand the biophysical and pharmacological properties of PCL, we examined a series of organic cations for permeation and inhibition, using single-channel patch clamp and whole-cell two-microelectrode voltage clamp techniques in conjunction with Xenopus oocyte expression. We found that PCL is permeable to organic amines, methlyamine (MA, 3.8 A), dimethylamine (DMA, 4.6 A) and triethylamine (TriEA, 6 A), and to tetra-alkylammonium cation (TAA) tetra-methylammonium (TMA, 5.5-6.4 A). TAA compounds tetra-ethylammonium (TEA, 6.1-8.2 A) and tetra-propylammonium (TPA, 9.8 A) were impermeable through PCL and exhibited weak inhibition on PCL (IC50 values>13 mM). Larger TAA cations tetra-butylammonium (TBA, 11.6 A) and tetra-pentylammonium (TPeA, 13.2 A) were impermeable through PCL as well and showed strong inhibition (IC50 values of 2.7 mM and 1.3 microM, respectively). Inhibition by TBA was on decreasing the single-channel current amplitude and exhibited no effect on open probability (NPo) or mean open time (MOT), suggesting that it blocks the PCL permeation pathway. In contract, TEA, TPA and TPeA reduced NPo and MOT values but had no effect on the amplitude, suggesting their binding to a different site in PCL, which affects the channel gating. Taken together, our studies revealed that PCL is permeable to organic amines and TAA cation TMA, and that inhibition of PCL by large TAA cations exhibits two different mechanisms, presumably through binding either to the pore pathway to reduce permeant flux or to another site to regulate the channel gating. These data allow to estimate a channel pore size of approximately 7 A for PCL.  相似文献   

The permeation of monovalent cations through the cGMP-gated channel of catfish cone outer segments was examined by measuring permeability and conductance ratios under biionic conditions. For monovalent cations presented on the cytoplasmic side of the channel, the permeability ratios with respect to extracellular Na followed the sequence NH4 > K > Li > Rb = Na > Cs while the conductance ratios at +50 mV followed the sequence Na approximately NH4 > K > Rb > Li = Cs. These patterns are broadly similar to the amphibian rod channel. The symmetry of the channel was tested by presenting the test ion on the extracellular side and using Na as the common reference ion on the cytoplasmic side. Under these biionic conditions, the permeability ratios with respect to Na at the intracellular side followed the sequence NH4 > Li > K > Na > Rb > Cs while the conductance ratios at +50 mV followed the sequence NH4 > K approximately Na > Rb > Li > Cs. Thus, the channel is asymmetric with respect to external and internal cations. Under symmetrical 120 mM ionic conditions, the single-channel conductance at +50 mV ranged from 58 pS in NH4 to 15 pS for Cs and was in the order NH4 > Na > K > Rb > Cs. Unexpectedly, the single-channel current-voltage relation showed sufficient outward rectification to account for the rectification observed in multichannel patches without invoking voltage dependence in gating. The concentration dependence of the reversal potential for K showed that chloride was impermeant. Anomalous mole fraction behavior was not observed, nor, over a limited concentration range, were multiple dissociation constants. An Eyring rate theory model with a single binding site was sufficient to explain these observations.  相似文献   

We studied monovalent permeability of Ca2+ release-activated Ca2+ channels (ICRAC) in Jurkat T lymphocytes following depletion of calcium stores. When external free Ca2+ ([Ca2+]o) was reduced to micromolar levels in the absence of Mg2+, the inward current transiently decreased and then increased approximately sixfold, accompanied by visibly enhanced current noise. The monovalent currents showed a characteristically slow deactivation (tau = 3.8 and 21.6 s). The extent of Na+ current deactivation correlated with the instantaneous Ca2+ current upon readdition of [Ca2+]o. No conductance increase was seen when [Ca2+]o was reduced before activation of ICRAC. With Na+ outside and Cs+ inside, the current rectified inwardly without apparent reversal below 40 mV. The sequence of conductance determined from the inward current at -80 mV was Na+ > Li+ = K+ > Rb+ >> Cs+. Unitary inward conductance of the Na+ current was 2.6 pS, estimated from the ratios delta sigma2/delta Imean at different voltages. External Ca2+ blocked the Na+ current reversibly with an IC50 value of 4 microM. Na+ currents were also blocked by 3 mM Mg2+ or 10 microM La3+. We conclude that ICRAC channels become permeable to monovalent cations at low levels of external divalent ions. In contrast to voltage-activated Ca2+ channels, the monovalent conductance is highly selective for Na+ over Cs+. Na+ currents through ICRAC channels provide a means to study channel characteristics in an amplified current model.  相似文献   

A Ca(2+)-blockable monovalent cation channel is present in the apical membrane of the ectoderm of the gastrulating chick embryo. We used the patch clamp technique to study several single-channel permeation properties of this channel. In symmetrical conditions without Ca2+, the Na+ current carried by the channel rectifies inwardly. The channel has an apparent dissociation constant for extracellular Na+ of 115 mM at 0 mV and a low density of negative surface charge (-0.03 e/nm2) at its extracellular entrance. The minimal pore diameter is approximately 5.8 A, as calculated from the relative permeabilities of 10 small organic cations. Extracellular application of six large organic cations decreased the inward Na+ current in a voltage-dependent manner, which strongly suggests an intrachannel block. The presence of at least two ion binding sites inside the pore is inferred from the Na+ dependence of the block by the organic cations. This hypothesis is strengthened by the fact that the extracellular Ca2+ block is also modified by the Na+ concentration. In particular, the rise of the unblocking rate with increased Na+ concentrations clearly suggests the presence of an interaction between Ca2+ and Na+ inside the channel. A low probability of double occupancy at physiological ionic conditions is implied from the absence of an anomalous mole fraction effect with mixtures of extracellular Li+ and K+. Finally, the absence of inward current at very strong hyperpolarizations and in the presence of 10 mM extracellular Ca2+ demonstrates the absence of significant Ca2+ current through this channel. It is argued that this embryonic epithelial Ca(2+)-blockable monovalent cation channel is related to both L-type Ca2+ channel and cyclic nucleotide-gated channels.  相似文献   

We measured the ion selectivity of cGMP-dependent currents in detached membrane patches from the outer segment of cone photoreceptors isolated from the retina of striped bass. In inside-out patches excised from either single or twin cones the amplitude of these currents, under symmetric ionic solutions, changed with the concentration of cGMP with a dependence described by a Hill equation with average values, at +80 mV, of Km = 42.6 microM and n = 2.49. In the absence of divalent cations, and under symmetric ionic solutions, the I-V curves of the currents were linear over the range of -80 to +80 mV. The addition of Ca altered the form of the I-V curve to a new function well described by an empirical equation that also describes the I-V curve of the photocurrent measured in intact photoreceptors. The monovalent cation permeability sequence of the cGMP-gated channels in the absence of divalent ions was PK > PNa = PLi = PRb > PCs (1.11 > 1.0 = 0.99 = 0.96 > 0.82). The conductance selectivity sequence at +80 mV was GNa = GK > GRb > GCs > GLi (1.0 = 0.99 > 0.88 > 0.74 > 0.60). The organic cations tetramethylammonium (TMA) and arginine partially blocked the current, but the larger ion, arginine, was permeant, whereas the smaller ion, TMA, was not. The amplitude of the outward current through the channels increased with the concentration of monovalent cations on the cytoplasmic membrane surface, up to a saturating value. The increase was well described by the adsorption isotherm of a single ion binding site within the channel with average binding constants, at +80 mV, of 104 mM for Na and 37.6 mM for Li. By assuming that the ion channel contains a single ion binding site in an energy trough separated from each membrane surface by an energy barrier, and using Eyring rate theory, we simulated I-V curves that fit the experimental data measured under ionic concentration gradients. From this fit we conclude that the binding site interacts with one ion at a time and that the energy barriers are asymmetrically located within the membrane thickness. Comparison of the quantitative features of ion permeation and interaction between the cGMP-gated channels of rod and cone photoreceptors reveals that the ion binding sites are profoundly different in the two types of channels. This molecular difference may be particularly important in explaining the differences in the transduction signal of each receptor type.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of pH buffers and related compounds on the conductance of an outwardly rectifying anion channel has been studies using the patch-clamp technique. Single-channel current-voltage relationships were determined in solutions buffered by trace amounts of bicarbonate and in solutions containing N-substituted taurines (HEPES, MES, BES, TES) and glycines (glycylglycine, bicine and tricine), Tris andbis-Tris at millimolar concentrations. HEPES (pKa=7.55) reduced the conductance of the channel when present on either side of the membrane. Significant inhibition was observed with 0.6mm HEPES on the cytoplasmic side (HEPES i ) and this effect increased with [HEPES i ] so that conductance at the reversal potential was diminished 25% with 10mm HEPES i )and 70% at very high [HEPES i ]. HEPES i block was relieved by applying positive voltage but positive currents were not consistent with a Woodhulltype blocking scheme in that calculated dissociation constants and electrical distances depended on HEPES concentration. Results obtained by varying total HEPES i concentration at constant [HEPES] and vice versa suggest both the anionic and zwitterionic (protonated) forms of HEPES inhibit. Structure-activity studies with related compounds indicate the sulfonate group and heterocyclic aliphatic groups are both required for inhibition from the cytoplasmic side. TES (pKa=7.54), substituted glycine buffers (pKa=8.1–8.4) andbis-Tris (pKa=6.46) had no measurable effect on conductance and appear suitable for use with this channel.  相似文献   

Two mechanisms of passive Ca2+ transport, Na+-Ca2+ exchange and Ca2+-Ca2+ exchange, were studied using highly-purified dog heart sarcolemmal vesicles. About 80% of the Ca2+ accumulated by Na+-Ca2+ exchange or Ca2+-Ca2+ exchange could be released as free Ca2+, while up to 20% was probably bound. Na+-Ca2+ exchange was simultaneous, coupled countertransport of Na+ and Ca2+. The movement of anions during Na+-Ca2+ exchange did not limit the initial rate of Na+-Ca2+ exchange. Na+-Ca2+ exchange was electrogenic, with a reversal potential of about -105 mV. The apparent flux ratio of Na+-Ca2+ exchange was 4 Na+:1 Ca2+. Coupled cation countertransport by the Na+-Ca2+ exchange mechanism required a monovalent cation gradient with the following sequence of ion activation: Na+ much greater than Li+ greater than Cs+ greater than K+ greater than Rb+. In contrast to Na+-Ca2+ exchange, Ca2+-Ca2+ exchange did not require a monovalent cation gradient, but required the presence of Ca2+ plus a monovalent cation on both sides of the vesicle membrane. The sequence of ion activation of Ca2+-Ca2+ exchange was: K+ much greater than Rb+ greater than Na+ greater than Li+ greater than Cs+. Na+ inhibited Ca2+-Ca2+ exchange when Ca2+-Ca2+ exchange was supported by another monovalent cation. Both Na+-Ca2+ exchange and Ca2+-Ca2+ exchange were inhibited, but with different sensitivities, by external MgCl2, quinidine, or verapamil.  相似文献   

Extracellular acidic pH-activated chloride channel ICl, acid, has been characterized in HEK 293 cells and mammalian cardiac myocytes. This study was designed to characterize ICl,acid in human umbilical vein endothelial cells(HUVECs). The activation and deactivation of the current rapidly and repeatedly follows the change of the extracellular solution at pH 4.3, with the threshold pH 5.3. In addition, at very positive potentials, the current displays a time-dependent facilitation. pH-response relationship for ICl,acid revealed that EC50 is pH 4.764 with a threshold pH value of pH 5.3 and nH of 14.545. The current can be blocked by the Cl channel inhibitor DIDS (100 μM). In summary, for the first time we report the presence of proton-activated, outwardly rectifying chloride channel in HUVECs. Because an acidic environment can develop in local myocardium under pathological conditions such as myocardial ischemia, ICl,acid would play a role in regulation of EC function under these pathological conditions.  相似文献   

A chloromethyl ketone derivative of pyroglutamic acid was newly synthesized and its reactivity with bacterial pyroglutamyl aminopeptidase (L-pyroglutamyl-peptide hydrolas, EC as an affinity labelling reagent was examined. The compound was found to inactivate the enzyme markedly and rapidly at very low concentrations, though the enzyme was resistant to N-tosyl-phenylalanyl chloromethyl ketone. The rate of the enzyme inactivation by pyroglutamyl chloromethyl ketone was retarded in the presence of a poor substrate, pyroglutamyl valine. The enzyme inactivated by treating with p-chloromercuribenzoate failed to react with pyroglutamyl chloromethyl ketone. These results strongly suggest an active site-directed mechanism for the enzyme inactivation by pyroglutamyl chloromethyl ketone. This compound was shown to be useful as a titrant for the catalytically active protein of pyroglutamyl aminopeptidase.  相似文献   

《Plant Science Letters》1984,33(1):103-114
The effects of monovalent cations, inhibitors of metabolism dinitrophenol (DNP), carbonyl cyanide-p-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone (FCCP), and KCN and temperature variations upon Ca2+ fluxes in intact roots of barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Fergus and Herta) seedlings were investigated. 45Ca2+ influx was depressed in CaSO4-grown (low-salt) plants by the presence of NH4+, K+, or Na+ in the uptake medium. In contrast Ca2+ influx was slightly increased by Li+. In low-salt roots pretreated with KCN and in roots preloaded with K+ (high-K+ plants), the presence of K+ in the medium had no significant effect on Ca2+ influx, while in roots preloaded with Na+, the presence of K+ in the medium depressed Ca2+ influx. In absolute terms, Ca2+ influx was significantly greater in high-salt (both K+ or Na+ preloaded) than in low-salt roots.Patterns of 45Ca2+ efflux in the absence and in the presence of K+, NH4+, or Li+ in the external medium showed that these monovalent cations caused stimulation of 45Ca2+ efflux both from the cytoplasmic and vacuolar phases.It was noted that these modifications of Ca2+ fluxes by monovalent cations are transient and characteristic of a transitional stage of cation uptake by low-salt roots. We conclude that, together with stimulated active H+ efflux (another characteristic of this transitional stage), modifications of Ca2+ fluxes during monovalent cation uptake by low-salt roots is a response directed towards the maintenance of electrical neutrality.Determination of net fluxes revealed that the plants were close to Ca2+ flux equilibrium in the growth medium (0.5 mM CaSO4). Transfer of these plants to 0.5 mM CaSO4 + 0.25 mM K2SO4 caused a net release of CA2+ into the external medium.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to determine the effect of U50488, a kappa-opioid receptor agonist, on outwardly rectifying potassium channel (Ik) in undifferentiated PC12 cells. Using whole-cell and on-cell patch-clamp techniques, we found that U50488 decreased Ik amplitude in a time-dependent manner and Ik activation was delayed. Single-channel kinetic analysis provided a two-stage model for us to illuminate the blockage effect induced by U50488. To identify whether U50488 mediates the effect through opioid receptor and G-protein, several specific blockers and activators were used. Not only naloxone but also PTX and GDPbetaS abolished U50488-induced suppression; however, such effect was not observed when cAMP or other adenylyl cyclase activators were used. It is postulated that kappa-opioid receptor and Gi/o protein, but not cAMP, are involved in U50488-induced suppression of Ik.  相似文献   

Summary The whole-cell patch-clamp method has been used to measure Ca2+ influx through otherwise K+-selective channels in the plasma membrane surrounding protoplasts from guard cells of Vicia faba. These channels are activated by membrane hyperpolarization. The resulting K+ influx contributes to the increase in guard cell turgor which causes stomatal opening during the regulation of leaf-air gas exchange. We find that after opening the K+ channels by hyperpolarization, depolarization of the membrane results in tail current at voltages where there is no electrochemical force to drive K+ inward through the channels. Tail current remains when the reversal potential for permeant ions other than Ca2+ is more negative than or equal to the K+ equilibrium potential (–47 mV), indicating that the current is due to Ca2+ influx through the K+ channels prior to their closure. Decreasing internal [Ca2+] (Ca i ) from 200 to 2 nm or increasing the external [Ca2+] (Ca o ) from 1 to 10 mm increases the amplitude of tail current and shifts the observed reversal potential to more positive values. Such increases in the electrochemical force driving Ca2+ influx also decrease the amplitude of time-activated current, indicating that Ca2+ permeation is slower than K+ permeation, and so causes a partial block. Increasing Ca o also (i) causes a positive shift in the voltage dependence of current, presumably by decreasing the membrane surface potential, and (ii) results in a U-shaped current-voltage relationship with peak inward current ca. –160 mV, indicating that the Ca2– block is voltage dependent and suggesting that the cation binding site is within the electric field of the membrane. K+ channels in Zea mays guard cells also appear to have a Ca i -, and Ca o -dependent ability to mediate Ca2+ influx. We suggest that the inwardly rectiying K+ channels are part of a regulatory mechanism for Ca i . Changes in Ca o and (associated) changes in Ca i regulate a variety of intracellular processes and ion fluxes, including the K+ and anion fluxes associated with stomatal aperture change.This work was supported by grants to S.M.A. from NSF (DCB-8904041) and from the McKnight Foundation. K.F.-G. is a Charles Gilbert Heydon Travelling Fellow. The authors thank Dr. R. MacKinnon (Harvard Medical School) and two anonymous reviewers for helpful comments.  相似文献   

In whole-cell patch clamp recordings from chick dorsal root ganglion neurons, removal of intracellular K+ resulted in the appearance of a large, voltage-dependent inward tail current (Icat). Icat was not Ca2+ dependent and was not blocked by Cd2+, but was blocked by Ba2+. The reversal potential for Icat shifted with the Nernst potential for [Na+]. The channel responsible for Icat had a cation permeability sequence of Na+ >> Li+ >> TMA+ > NMG+ (PX/PNa = 1:0.33:0.1:0) and was impermeable to Cl-. Addition of high intracellular concentrations of K+, Cs+, or Rb+ prevented the occurrence of Icat. Inhibition of Icat by intracellular K+ was voltage dependent, with an IC50 that ranged from 3.0-8.9 mM at membrane potentials between -50 and -110 mV. This voltage- dependent shift in IC50 (e-fold per 52 mV) is consistent with a single cation binding site approximately 50% of the distance into the membrane field. Icat displayed anomolous mole fraction behavior with respect to Na+ and K+; Icat was inhibited by 5 mM extracellular K+ in the presence of 160 mM Na+ and potentiated by equimolar substitution of 80 mM K+ for Na+. The percent inhibition produced by both extracellular and intracellular K+ at 5 mM was identical. Reversal potential measurements revealed that K+ was 65-105 times more permeant than Na+ through the Icat channel. Icat exhibited the same voltage and time dependence of inactivation, the same voltage dependence of activation, and the same macroscopic conductance as the delayed rectifier K+ current in these neurons. We conclude that Icat is a Na+ current that passes through a delayed rectifier K+ channel when intracellular K+ is reduced to below 30 mM. At intracellular K+ concentrations between 1 and 30 mM, PK/PNa remained constant while the conductance at -50 mV varied from 80 to 0% of maximum. These data suggest that the high selectivity of these channels for K+ over Na+ is due to the inability of Na+ to compete with K+ for an intracellular binding site, rather than a barrier that excludes Na+ from entry into the channel or a barrier such as a selectivity filter that prevents Na+ ions from passing through the channel.  相似文献   

The effect of several monovalent cations on the Ca2+-induced aggregation and fusion of sonicated phosphatidylserine (PS) vesicles is studied by monitoring the mixing of internal compartments of the fusing vesicles using the Tb/dipicolinic acid assay. The dissociation of the fluorescent Tb-dipicolinate complex which accompanies Ca2+-induced vesicle fusion is determined directly and is due to leakage of contents and entry of medium into vesicles. PS vesicles do not fuse when the medium contains only monovalent cations (at pH 7.4), regardless of the cation concentration or whether there is aggregation of the vesicles. A mass-action kinetic analysis of the data provides estimates for the rate of aggregation, C11, and for the rate of fusion per se, f11. Values of f11 increase dramatically with reduction in monovalent cation concentration and are primarily determined by binding ratios of Ca2+ or Mg2+ per PS. With 300 mM of monovalent cations, the fusion per se is essentially rate-limiting to the overall fusion process and values of f11 are significantly larger with the monovalent cations which bind the least, i.e., according to the sequence tetramethylammonium greater than K+ greater than Na+ greater than Li+. With monovalent cations in concentrations of 100 mM or less, the aggregation is rate-limiting to the fusion and the overall initial fusion rates are determined by an interplay between aggregation and fusion rates. Under conditions of fast aggregation, the Ca2+-induced fusion of small PS vesicles can occur within milliseconds or less.  相似文献   

Polycystin-L (PCL), homologous to polycystin-2 (71% similarity in protein sequence), is the third member of the polycystin family of proteins. Polycystin-1 and -2 are mutated in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease, but the physiological role of PCL has not been determined. PCL acts as a Ca-regulated non-selective cation channel permeable to mono- and divalent cations. To further understand the biophysical and pharmacological properties of PCL, we examined a series of organic cations for permeation and inhibition, using single-channel patch clamp and whole-cell two-microelectrode voltage clamp techniques in conjunction with Xenopus oocyte expression. We found that PCL is permeable to organic amines, methlyamine (MA, 3.8 Å), dimethylamine (DMA, 4.6 Å) and triethylamine (TriEA, 6 Å), and to tetra-alkylammonium cation (TAA) tetra-methylammonium (TMA, 5.5-6.4 Å). TAA compounds tetra-ethylammonium (TEA, 6.1-8.2 Å) and tetra-propylammonium (TPA, 9.8 Å) were impermeable through PCL and exhibited weak inhibition on PCL (IC50 values>13 mM). Larger TAA cations tetra-butylammonium (TBA, 11.6 Å) and tetra-pentylammonium (TPeA, 13.2 Å) were impermeable through PCL as well and showed strong inhibition (IC50 values of 2.7 mM and 1.3 μM, respectively). Inhibition by TBA was on decreasing the single-channel current amplitude and exhibited no effect on open probability (NPo) or mean open time (MOT), suggesting that it blocks the PCL permeation pathway. In contract, TEA, TPA and TPeA reduced NPo and MOT values but had no effect on the amplitude, suggesting their binding to a different site in PCL, which affects the channel gating. Taken together, our studies revealed that PCL is permeable to organic amines and TAA cation TMA, and that inhibition of PCL by large TAA cations exhibits two different mechanisms, presumably through binding either to the pore pathway to reduce permeant flux or to another site to regulate the channel gating. These data allow to estimate a channel pore size of ∼7 Å for PCL.  相似文献   

The initial rate of passive Ca2+ influx into "heavy" and "light" fractions of sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) vesicles increases in the presence of univalent cation chlorides. Stimulation of passive Ca2+ influx decreases in the following order: KCl + valinomycin-KSCN- + valinomycin greater than KSI = NaCl greater than choline chloride. K-gluconate + valinomycin and K-gluconate have no effect on the passive Ca2+ influx into SR vesicles. It is supposed that KCl-stimulation of passive Ca2+ influx into SR vesicles under conditions used may be caused by depolarization of the SR membrane.  相似文献   

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