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Leukocytes and mast cells of rat peritoneal exudate (PE) were fused in vitro with actively growing mouse cells. Segmented ring-shaped nuclei of granulocytes undergo drastic changes which result in dispersion of tightly condensed chromatin and gradual disappearance of the opening in the centre of the nucleus. These changes are paralleled by a resumption of RNA and DNA synthesis, as shown by autoradiography with [3H]uridine and [3H]thymidine. Solid inactive nuclei of mast cells, lymphocytes, monocytes and macrophages also resume DNA replication and high level of RNA synthesis. Fusion of thymidine kinase-deficient 3T3-4E cells with PE cells results in the incorporation of [3H]thymidine into the nuclei of heterokaryons. This may be considered evidence of the phenotypic expression of rat thymidine kinase gene in heterokaryons. A similar way in which segmented and non-segmented dormant nuclei undergo reactivation suggests that the reversibility of nuclear inactivation is a common feature of differentiated somatic cells.  相似文献   

Chinese hamster cell line K12 is temperature-sensitive for the initiation of DNA synthesis. K12 cells synchronized by serum deprivation were collected in early G1(G0). Heterokaryons were formed by fusing chick erythrocytes with serum-starved K12 cells through the use of UV-irradiated Sendai virus. At the permissive temperature (36.5 degrees C), erythrocyte nuclei in heterokaryons enlarged, the chromatin dispersed, and erythrocyte nuclei synthesized DNA at about the same time as the K12 nuclei. At the restrictive temperature (41 degrees C), erythrocyte nuclei enlarged, but neither erythrocyte nor K12 nuclei initiated DNA synthesis. When erythrocyte nuclei were fused with Wg-1A cells, the wild-type parent for ts K12 cells, both kinds of nuclei synthesized DNA at 36.5 degrees C and 41 degrees C. Activation of erythrocyte nuclei was inefficient in heterokaryons incubated in low-serum medium. The results indicate that serum factors and a cellular function defined by the K12 mutation are required for activation of chick erythrocyte nuclear DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

The concentration of adenosine 3′,5′-cyclic monophosphate (cAMP) was measured in the parotid gland of the mouse after intraperitoneal injection of a beta-adrenergic drug, isoproterenol. A marked elevation of cAMP was observed 10 min after the administration, followed by a return to the control level within 40 min. A small peak was found around 14 h, onset of the stimulated DNA synthesis being observed at 20 h. A close relationship was found between the cAMP level at 10 min and the rate of DNA synthesis at 24 h in animals given different doses of the drug. However, DNA synthesis could not be induced by adrenalin in spite of a significant increase in the cAMP concentration. Furthermore, X-irradiation or certain metabolic inhibitors (actinomycin D and cycloheximide), administered prior to isoproterenol, completely inhibited the stimulated DNA synthesis without affecting the cAMP elevation at 10 min. It is concluded that the critical step in the initiation of stimulated DNA synthesis may be located at a period later than the initial cAMP elevation.  相似文献   

The reactivation of chick erythrocyte nuclei after Sendai virus induced fusion of chick erythrocytes with intact or anucleate rat myoblasts or rat epithelial cells was studied by electron microscopy. Both in heterokaryons and in reconstituted cells formed by the fusion of chick red cells with anucleate rat L6 myoblasts the amount of highly condensed chromatin in the chick nuclei decreased with time after fusion at the same time as the proportion of dispersed chromatin increased. Nuclear organelles, typical of active nuclei but absent in the nuclei of unfused erythrocytes, appeared during reactivation. The percentage of chick nuclei containing a nucleolus was low 24 h after fusion but increased so that almost all nuclei contained one or more nucleoli 120 h after fusion. In reconstituted cells the frequency of nucleoli was much lower than in heterokaryons. In other respects, the erythrocyte nuclei introduced into anucleate rat cells underwent a normal reactivation and appeared to be well integrated with the cytoplasm. Thus, the nuclear envelope consisted of two normal leaflets in direct contact with the cytoplasm. Nuclear pores were observed in front of interchromatin channels. A normal cytoplasmic geometry appeared to be re-established since the Golgi apparatus occupied a position close to the poles of the chick nucleus.  相似文献   

Cultured mouse myocardial cells grown as monolayers fused upon treatment with HVJ (Sendai virus). The myocardial cells also fused with quail myocardial cells, neuroblastoma cells and non-excitable cells, such as KB cells. The beating activity of these heterokaryons was studied in the present work. Heterokaryons composed of myocardial cells from different species maintained spontaneous beating activity for 2 days or more. Those of one myocardial and one neuroblastoma cell maintained the activity for 22-26 h, while those of one myocardial and one non-excitable cell, such as KB cell, lost the activity within 2-4 h after addition of HVJ. Heterokaryons that had stopped spontaneous beating did not contract on application of electrical-field stimulation. The ration of non-myocardial cells in the heterokaryons increased in inverse proportion to the decrease in beating activity of the heterokaryons. Study of the rapid disappearance of beating activity in heterokaryons composed of one myocardial and one KB cell showed that both excitability of the cell membrane and myofibril organization were rapidly lost.  相似文献   

Experiments with somatic cell hybrids and stable heterokaryons have demonstrated that differentiated cells exhibit a remarkable capacity to change. Heterokaryons have been particularly useful in determining the extent to which the differentiated state of a cell is plastic. Cell fate can be altered by a change in the balance of positive and negative trans-acting regulators. Although a single regulator may be sufficient in certain environments to trigger a change in cell fate, that regulator may be ineffective in other cell contexts where it encounters a different composition of regulators.  相似文献   

Lethal effect of heterologous nuclei in amoeba heterokaryons   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

A method for the isolation of reactivated chick erythrocyte nuclei from heterokaryons was developed. The heterokaryons were produced by fusing chick erythrocytes with HeLa or L cells in the presence of inactivated Sendai virus. At various time intervals after fusion nuclei were isolated directly from the monolayer by treatment with an acidic detergent solution. Chick erythrocyte nuclei were then separated from other nuclei (HeLa or L cell) by centrifugation on sucrose gradients. The purified preparation of reactivated chick erythrocyte nuclei was shown to be free from other nuclei and cytoplasmic contamination. By using L cells which had been labelled with 3H-leucine before fusion or heterokaryons labelled after fusion it was demonstrated that labelled mouse proteins migrate from the cytoplasm of the heterokaryons into the reactivating chick erythrocyte nuclei. 3H-uridine labelling of heterokaryons made by fusing UV-irradiated chick erythrocytes with L cells failed to reveal any significant migration of mouse RNA into the chick erythrocyte nuclei.  相似文献   

Resident peritoneal mouse macrophages (non-dividing differentiated cells) were fused with mouse embryo fibroblasts (cells with a limited lifespan), NIH 3T3 and C3H 10T 1/2 cells ('immortal' cell lines) and SV 3T3 cells (a malignant cell line). DNA synthesis was investigated in the resultant heterokaryons. No inhibitory effect upon the transition of NIH 3T3 and mouse embryo fibroblasts nuclei to the S-phase was observed. C3H 10T 1/2, NIH 3T3 and SV 3T3 cells induced the reactivation of DNA synthesis in the macrophage nuclei in the heterokaryons. At the same time, no replication was detected in the macrophage nuclei after fusion with mouse embryo fibroblasts.  相似文献   

It was shown that the duration of stay of macrophages in the peritoneal cavity of mice and method of their isolation did not affect markedly their capacity for resumption of DNA synthesis in heterokaryons. This means that mouse macrophage undergo such changes during differentiation that reactivation of DNA synthesis in their nuclei is only possible after interaction of telomeres with telomerase, since it was already shown that telomerase was involved in reactivation of DNA synthesis in the macrophage nuclei. The results of experiments did not reveal differences in the length of telomeres in mouse macrophages and other somatic cells. This could depend on the significant length of mouse telomeres and, as a result, their shortening, sufficient for the inhibition of proliferation, is beyond the limits of sensitivity of the current methods. It is also possible that changes in DNA properties in the macrophages occurring during their differentiation depend on changes in the conformation of the telomere complex in these cells. Testing of this suggestion is relevant with respect to recent data that cell hybridization, specifically in the form of heterokaryons, may be essential in realization of the therapeutic effect caused by the introduction of cells during cell therapy.  相似文献   

The reactivation of the nuclei of erythrocytes, reticulocytes and bone marrow cells has been studied by means of hybridization of the pigeon erythroid cells with the human embryonic cells A1. The process of reactivation of the erythroid nucleus was shown to depend on the stage of erythroid cell differentiation. The nuclei of cells at the earlier stages of differentiation give a higher percentage of heterocaryons (40%, 70%) than those of more mature cells (9%). The activated nuclei of immatur cells formed nucleoli already 24 hrs, whereas those of mature erythrocytes only 3-5 days after the cell fusion.  相似文献   

Collagen fiber formation in vitro was morphologically investigated on 22 epithelial-like cell lines originating from normal rat livers mainly by using specific histochemical stainings. All the cell lines, eight of which were cloned formed typical “collagenous” and/or “reticulin” fibers in the histological sense when they had been left as a full sheet for more than 3 weeks without subculture. Only one of five fibroblastic cell lines serving as control formed fibers to a lesser degree. Different patterns were recognized in fibers appearing between the liver cell cultures and the fibroblast cultures.  相似文献   

Several types of culture cells with limited life span (rat embryo fibroblasts, rat chondrocytes and mouse premacrophages) were found to be unable to induce the reactivation of DNA synthesis in the nuclei of non-dividing differentiated cells (mouse peritoneal resident macrophages) in heterokaryons. By contrast, malignant HeLa cells have this ability. In heterokaryons formed by fusion of mouse macrophages with HE239 cells (Syrian hamster fibroblasts transformed with a ts mutant of the SV40 virus), DNA synthesis in macrophage nuclei is reactivated only at the permissive temperature (33° C), at which viral T antigen is stable. Immortalization of rat chondrocytes by transfection with p53 gene enables to induce DNA synthesis in macrophage nuclei upon fusion. All the evidence indicates that the function of immortalizing oncogenes is necessary for the resumption of the DNA synthesis in macrophage nuclei in heterokaryons.  相似文献   

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