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A recent study published by Sjoblom and colleagues [T. Sjoblom, S. Jones, L.D. Wood, D.W. Parsons, J. Lin, T.D. Barber, D. Mandelker, R.J. Leary, J. Ptak, N. Silliman, S. Szabo, P. Buckhaults, C. Farrell, P. Meeh, S.D. Markowitz, J. Willis, D. Dawson, J.K. Willson, A.F. Gazdar, J. Hartigan, L. Wu, C. Liu, G. Parmigiani, B.H. Park, K.E. Bachman, N. Papadopoulos, B. Vogelstein, K.W. Kinzler, V.E. Velculescu, The consensus coding sequences of human breast and colorectal cancers. Science 314 (2006) 268-274.] performed comprehensive sequencing of 13,023 human genes and identified mutations in genes specific to breast and colorectal tumors, providing insight into organ-specific tumor biology. Here we present a systematic analysis of the functional classifications of Sjoblom's “CAN” genes, a subset of these validated mutant genes, that identifies novel organ-specific biological themes and molecular pathways associated with disease-specific etiology. This analysis links four somatically mutated genes associated with diverse oncological types to colorectal and breast cancers through established TGF-β1-regulated interactions, revealing mechanistic differences in these cancers and providing potential diagnostic and therapeutic targets.  相似文献   

Exposure to elevated temperatures has a strong effect on cell functions, and is used in clinical practice. Hyperthermia may affect multiple regulatory mechanisms in cells. To understand better the response to hyperthermia of immortalized primary human breast epithelial cells, we performed a proteomics study of these cells cultured at 34°C or 39°C. Twenty-four proteins were shown to be differentially expressed due to hyperthermia. Analysis of these proteins showed the potential involvement of various biological processes in response to hyperthermia, e.g., cell adhesion, cell communication, and cell cycle. Transforming growth factor-β2 (TGF-β2) and heat shock protein 27 (HSP27) were found to be upregulated at 39°C. TGF-β2 was found to affect expression of HSP27, and to have a protective role in hyperthermia-induced cell death. Thus, the dataset described here of hyperthermia-related proteins in human primary breast epithelial cells predicts a number of cellular activities affected by exposure to high temperatures and provides a set of proteins for further studies.  相似文献   

Carcinogenesis is a long process that results in the accumulation of genetic alterations primarily in genes involved in the regulation of signalling pathways relevant for the regulation of cell growth and the cell cycle. Alteration of additional genes regulating cell adhesion and migration, angiogenesis, apoptosis, and drug resistance confers to the cancer cells a more malignant phenotype. Genes that participate in the regulation of some critical metabolic pathways are also altered during this process. Choline kinase (ChoK) has been reported to belong to the latter family of cancer-related genes. Recently, we have reported that increased activity of ChoK is observed in human breast carcinomas. Here, we provide further evidence that ChoK dysregulation is a frequent event found in a variety of human tumors such as lung, colorectal, and prostate tumors. Furthermore, a large panel of human tumor-derived cell lines also show increased ChoK activity when compared to appropriate non-tumorigenic or primary cells. These findings strongly support the role of ChoK alterations in the carcinogenic process in human tumors, suggesting that ChoK could be used as a tumor marker.  相似文献   

Despite major improvements on the knowledge and clinical management, cancer is still a deadly disease. Novel biomarkers for better cancer detection, diagnosis and treatment prediction are urgently needed. Proteins secreted, shed or leaking from the cancer cell, collectively termed the cancer secretome, are promising biomarkers since they might be detectable in blood or other biofluids. Furthermore, the cancer secretome in part represents the tumor microenvironment that plays a key role in tumor promoting processes such as angiogenesis and invasion. The cancer secretome, sampled as conditioned medium from cell lines, tumor/tissue interstitial fluid or tumor proximal body fluids, can be studied comprehensively by nanoLC-MS/MS-based approaches. Here, we outline the importance of current cancer secretome research and describe the mass spectrometry-based analysis of the secretome. Further, we provide an overview of cancer secretome research with a focus on the three most common cancer types: lung, breast and colorectal cancer. We conclude that the cancer secretome research field is a young, but rapidly evolving research field. Up to now, the focus has mainly been on the discovery of novel promising secreted cancer biomarker proteins. An interesting finding that merits attention is that in cancer unconventional secretion, e.g. via vesicles, seems increased. Refinement of current approaches and methods and progress in clinical validation of the current findings are vital in order to move towards applications in cancer management. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: An Updated Secretome.  相似文献   



Complex molecular events lead to development and progression of liver cirrhosis to HCC. Differentially expressed nuclear membrane associated proteins are responsible for the functional and structural alteration during the progression from cirrhosis to carcinoma. Although alterations/ post translational modifications in protein expression have been extensively quantified, complementary analysis of nuclear membrane proteome changes have been limited. Deciphering the molecular mechanism that differentiate between normal and disease state may lead to identification of biomarkers for carcinoma.


Many proteins displayed differential expression when nuclear membrane proteome of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), fibrotic liver, and HepG2 cell line were assessed using 2-DE and ESI-Q-TOF MS/MS. From the down regulated set in HCC, we have identified for the first time a 15 KDa cytochrome b5A (CYB5A), ATP synthase subunit delta (ATPD) and Hemoglobin subunit beta (HBB) with 11, 5 and 22 peptide matches respectively. Furthermore, nitrosylation studies with S-nitrosocysteine followed by immunoblotting with anti SNO-cysteine demonstrated a novel and biologically relevant post translational modification of thiols of CYB5A in HCC specimens only. Immunofluorescence images demonstrated increased protein S-nitrosylation signals in the tumor cells and fibrotic region of HCC tissues. The two other nuclear membrane proteins which were only found to be nitrosylated in case of HCC were up regulated ATP synthase subunit beta (ATPB) and down regulated HBB. The decrease in expression of CYB5A in HCC suggests their possible role in disease progression. Further insight of the functional association of the identified proteins was obtained through KEGG/ REACTOME pathway analysis databases. String 8.3 interaction network shows strong interactions with proteins at high confidence score, which is helpful in characterization of functional abnormalities that may be a causative factor of liver pathology.


These findings may have broader implications for understanding the mechanism of development of carcinoma. However, large scale studies will be required for further verification of their critical role in development and progression of HCC.  相似文献   

Estrogens along with progesterone/progestins, and other hormones, are important determinants of cancer in the breast, endometrium and ovary. Estrogens may increase the risk of breast cancer through various mechanisms and at various phases of life, with a possible synergistic effect of progesterone/progestins. Exposure to high doses of placental hormones, such as estrogens and/or progesterone, during pregnancy may play a pivotal role in reducing subsequent breast cancer susceptibility. Estrogens cause endometrial cancer, an effect that can be reduced, prevented or reversed by progesterone/progestin — if allowed to act for a sufficiently long period of each cycle. The role of sex hormones seems important for ovarian carcinogenesis. Intake of combined oral contraceptives has a substantial and well-documented protective effect on endometrial and ovarian cancer risks. Epidemiological observations and experimental data from an animal model indicate that estrogens may have an adverse effect, while progesterone/progestins have a risk reducing effect directly on the ovarian epithelium. Thus, estrogens and other sex hormones have potential effects on the three most important female cancers. Research has yet to define how some of the risk factors can be modified or treatment regimens can be improved to reduce these cancer risks.  相似文献   

Gene expression profiling in human esophageal cancers using cDNA microarray   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Human esophageal cancer cell lines and human esophageal cancer tissues were profiled on cDNA microarrays. In esophageal cancer cell lines, KYAE and OE-33 (adenocarcinomas) were distinguished from KYSE series (squamous cell carcinomas). Although SK-GT-4 and TE7 were derived from adenocarcinomas, they had a comparatively similar expression profile to the KYSE series. A set of genes whose expression commonly either increased or decreased in cancer cell lines was identified. Genes that were characteristically expressed in KYAE and OE-33 were also identified. The gene expression profiles of cancer tissues (CTs) were remarkably different from those of the cancer cell lines (CCLs). Notable differences between CCLs and CTs were observed in matrix metalloproteinases, plasminogen activator, collagens, paxillin, and thrombospondin 2, etc., whose expression was not increased in CCLs but increased in CTs. Twenty-three genes were extracted to categorize patients according to their prognoses, and clustering analyses, using these genes, were performed successfully.  相似文献   

Aromatase and COX-2 expression in human breast cancers   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
We have investigated aromatase and the inducible cyclooxygenase COX-2 expression using immunocytochemistry in tumors of a series of patients with advanced breast cancer treated with aromatase inhibitors. Aromatase was expressed in 58/102 breast cancers. This is similar to the percentage previously reported for aromatase activity. Interestingly, aromatase was expressed in a variety of cell types, including tumor, stromal, adipose, and endothelial cells. Since prostaglandin E2 is known to regulate aromatase gene expression and is the product of COX-2, an enzyme frequently overexpressed in tumors, immunocytochemistry was performed on the tissue sections using a polyclonal antibody to COX-2. Aromatase was strongly correlated (P<0.001) with COX-2 expression. These results suggest that PGE2 produced by COX-2 in the tumor may be important in stimulating estrogen synthesis in the tumor and surrounding tissue. No correlation was observed between aromatase or COX-2 expression and the response of the patients to aromatase inhibitor treatment. However, only 13 patients responded. Nine of these patients were aromatase positive. Although similar to responses in other studies, this low response rate to second line treatment suggests that tumors of most patients were no longer sensitive to the effects of estrogen. Recent clinical studies suggest that greater responses occur when aromatase inhibitors are used as first line treatment. In the intratumoral aromatase mouse model, expression of aromatase in tumors is highly correlated with increased tumor growth. First line treatment with letrozole was effective in all animals treated and was more effective than tamoxifen in suppressing tumor growth. Letrozole was also effective in tumors failing to respond to tamoxifen, consistent with clinical findings. In addition, the duration of response was significantly longer with the aromatase inhibitor than with tamoxifen, suggesting that aromatase inhibitors may offer better control of tumor growth than this antiestrogen.  相似文献   

Oncogenic mutation or misregulation of small GTPases in the Ras and Rho families can promote unregulated cell cycle progression in cancer. Post-translational modification by prenylation of these GTPases allows them to signal at the cell membrane. Splice variants of SmgGDS, named SmgGDS-607 and SmgGDS-558, promote the prenylation and membrane trafficking of multiple Ras and Rho family members, which makes SmgGDS a potentially important regulator of the cell cycle. Surprisingly little is known about how SmgGDS-607 and SmgGDS-558 affect cell cycle-regulatory proteins in cancer, even though SmgGDS is overexpressed in multiple types of cancer. To examine the roles of SmgGDS splice variants in the cell cycle, we compared the effects of the RNAi-mediated depletion of SmgGDS-558 vs. SmgGDS-607 on cell cycle progression and the expression of cyclin D1, p27, and p21 in pancreatic, lung, and breast cancer cell lines. We show for the first time that SmgGDS promotes proliferation of pancreatic cancer cells, and we demonstrate that SmgGDS-558 plays a greater role than SmgGDS-607 in cell cycle progression as well as promoting cyclin D1 and suppressing p27 expression in multiple types of cancer. Silencing both splice variants of SmgGDS in the cancer cell lines produces an alternative signaling profile compared with silencing SmgGDS-558 alone. We also show that loss of both SmgGDS-607 and SmgGDS-558 simultaneously decreases tumorigenesis of NCI-H1703 non-small cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC) xenografts in mice. These findings indicate that SmgGDS promotes cell cycle progression in multiple types of cancer, making SmgGDS a valuable target for cancer therapeutics.  相似文献   

The quest for biomarkers has seen a renaissance due to the application of newly developed separation methodologies and advances in biomolecular mass spectrometry. It can be argued that each disease influences the physiology of an organism and that these changes should be measurable. Many diagnostic and therapeutic decisions are supported by measurable biochemical or cellular changes in plasma, serum or urine but it is unquestionable that there is a great lack in better markers for early disease detection and prevention. In this review we cover recent developments in the areas of separation science, sample preparation and mass spectrometry as applied to biomarker discovery. We focus, in particular, on the use of LC-MS and SELDI-TOF-MS as two approaches that have seen an upswing in recent years. While validation of newly discovered biomarkers or biomarker patterns and their introduction into diagnostic practice will be a long process, it is our believe that many future diagnostic tests will be based on markers discovered through novel profiling technologies as those outlined in this article.  相似文献   

Adenoviral vector mediated gene delivery has been applied in clinical trials and mechanistic studies to explore new treatment approaches for lung cancers. The expression of coxsackievirus adenovirus receptor (CAR), the primary receptor for the most commonly used adenovirus serotype 5 (Ad5)-based vectors, predominantly determines the permissiveness of lung cancer cells. CAR expression is also suggested to modulate tumor cell proliferation capacity. Here, we studied CAR expression in archival lung cancer specimens by using well-characterized CAR 72 antibodies. High levels of CAR expression were observed in most of the 32 cases of squamous cell carcinoma lung cancers and in all the five cases of small cell lung cancers investigated. In contrast, high levels of CAR expression were detected only in 6 of 22 adenocarcinoma lung cancers. The relative levels of CAR expression did not correlate with the pathologic grade in lung cancers, and was thus inconsistent with a role of modulating cancer cell proliferation. Of note, CAR expression was not detected in non-malignant alveolar cells. Our data suggest a preferred utility of Ad5 vector mediated gene delivery to squamous cell carcinoma lung cancers, small cell lung cancers, but not to the majority of adenocarcinoma lung cancers.  相似文献   

To develop a non-invasive and sensitive diagnostic test for cancer using peripheral blood, we evaluated gene expression profiling of blood obtained from patients with cancer of the digestive system and normal subjects. The expression profiles of blood-derived total RNA obtained from 39 cancer patients (11 colon cancer, 14 gastric cancer, and 14 pancreatic cancer) was clearly different from those obtained from 15 normal subjects. By comparing the gene expression profiles of cancer patients and normal subjects, 25 cancer-differentiating genes (p < 5.0 × 10−6 and fold differences >3) were identified and an “expression index” deduced from the expression values of these genes differentiated the validation cohort (11 colon cancer, 8 gastric cancer, 18 pancreatic cancer, and 15 normal subjects) into cancer patients and normal subjects with 100% (37/37) and 87% (13/15) accuracy, respectively. Although, the expression profiles were not clearly different between the cancer patients, some characteristic genes were identified according to the stage and species of the cancer. Interestingly, many immune-related genes such as antigen presenting, cell cycle accelerating, and apoptosis- and stress-inducing genes were up-regulated in cancer patients, reflecting the active turnover of immune regulatory cells in cancer patients. These results showed the potential relevance of peripheral blood gene expression profiling for the development of new diagnostic examination tools for cancer patients.  相似文献   

Pre-clinical studies provide compelling evidence that members of the Eph family of receptor tyrosine kinases and their ephrin ligands promote tumor growth, invasion and metastasis, and neovascularization. Tumor suppressive roles have also been reported for the receptors, and ligand-dependent versus ligand-independent signaling has emerged as one key mechanism underlying tumor suppressive function as opposed to oncogenic effects. Determining how these observations relate to clinical outcome is a crucial step for translating the biological and mechanistic data into new molecularly targeted therapies. Expression profiling in human patient samples bridges this gap and provides valuable clinical relevance to laboratory observations. In addition to analyses performed using privately assembled patient tumor samples, publically available microarray datasets and tissue microarrays linked to clinical data have emerged as tractable tools for addressing the clinical relevance of specific molecules and families of related molecules. This review summarizes the clinical relevance of specific Eph and ephrin molecules in human breast, colorectal, and lung cancers.  相似文献   

Susceptibility to lung diseases, such as lung cancer and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, is largely influenced by the metabolic capacity of lung tissues. This capacity is partly determined by the expression profile of the cytochromes P450 (CYPs), a superfamily of enzymes that have relevant catalytic properties toward exogenous and endogenous compounds. Using quantitative real-time RT-PCR, we conducted a comprehensive analysis of the expression profile of the 57 human CYP genes in non-tumoral (bronchial mucosa and pulmonary parenchyma) and tumoral lung tissues of 18 patients with non-small cell lung cancer. This study highlights (i) inter-individual variations in lung expression for some CYPs, (ii) different CYP expression patterns between bronchial mucosa and pulmonary parenchyma, that indicate distinctive susceptibility of these tissues toward the deleterious effects of inhaled chemical toxicants and carcinogens, (iii) high intertumoral variability, that could have major implications on lung tumor response to anti-cancer drugs.  相似文献   

Peto''s paradox is the lack of the expected trend in cancer incidence as a function of body size and lifespan across species. The leading hypothesis to explain this pattern is natural selection for differential cancer prevention in larger, longer lived species. We evaluate whether a similar effect exists within species, specifically humans. We begin by reanalysing a recently published dataset to separate the effects of stem cell number and replication rate, and show that each has an independent effect on cancer risk. When considering the lifetime number of stem cell divisions in an extended dataset, and removing cases associated with other diseases or carcinogens, we find that lifetime cancer risk per tissue saturates at approximately 0.3–1.3% for the types considered. We further demonstrate that grouping by anatomical site explains most of the remaining variation. Our results indicate that cancer risk depends not only on the number of stem cell divisions but varies enormously (approx. 10 000 times) depending on anatomical site. We conclude that variation in risk of human cancer types is analogous to the paradoxical lack of variation in cancer incidence among animal species and may likewise be understood as a result of evolution by natural selection.  相似文献   

The high mobility group box 1 (HMGB1) is a potential biomarker and therapeutic target in various human diseases. However, a systematic, comprehensive pan‐cancer analysis of HMGB1 in human cancers remains to be reported. This study analysed the genetic alteration, RNA expression profiling and DNA methylation of HMGB1 in more than 30 types of tumours. It is worth noting that HMGB1 is overexpressed in malignant tissues, including lymphoid neoplasm diffuse large B‐cell lymphoma (DLBC), pancreatic adenocarcinoma (PAAD) and thymoma (THYM). Interestingly, there is a positive correlation between the high expression of HMGB1 and the high survival prognosis of THYM. Finally, this study comprehensively evaluates the genetic variation of HMGB1 in human malignant tumours. As a prospective biomarker of COVID‐19, the role that HMGB1 plays in THYM is highlighted.  相似文献   

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