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中英两国有着完全不同的历史。在英国,工业发展始于18世纪,随着财富的积累,迅速席卷了英伦三岛。由于对因此而造成的环境破坏没有得到重视,污染物不可避免地沉积下来,当时流行的一句话是“哪有烟尘,哪就有金钱”。尽管在某种程度上也曾提出过早期的  相似文献   

音召 《植物生态学报》1984,8(3):253-253
中国生态学学会第二届大会暨学术讨论会于1984年3月27日至4月1日在广西桂林召开。到会代表187人,列席代表30人,其中植物生态学方面的代表110人,会议收到学术论文128篇。会议就生态学有关的学科发展动态和长远规划问题,草原生态系统的研究和合理利用,开发大西北,黄淮海平原旱涝盐碱综合治理,热带亚热带的生态学问题,黄土高原的水土保持问题,卫星遥感在制图和资源考查上的应用,大米草生态研究的进展,桂林市漓江环境建设和生态规划问题,以及人口生态等方面进行了学术报告。会议还邀请了中国社会  相似文献   

The Society for Ecological Restoration (SER) published the second edition of its International Principles and Standards for the Practice of Ecological Restoration in 2019. We conducted a pan-Canadian study using semi-structured interviews with restoration professionals to explore the extent to which restoration practitioners are aware of the document and use it. Overall, we found that direct uptake of the document by practitioners was lower than expected, with approximately 37.7% of all participants that were both aware of and consulting the publication for guidance in their practice of ecological restoration. This is due in part to low awareness of the document itself, with only a small majority (56.5%) of interviewees being aware of it. Other reasons listed by practitioners such as the structure of the publication, its added value, and its suitability for on-the-ground work revealed why some individuals aware of the existence of the document still failed to consult it. Here, we present a more nuanced assessment of these observations and share our findings with the ecological restoration community to address this disconnection. With intensifying pressures to achieve restoration success internationally, SER's guidance is critical. We analyze why it seems guidance from SER is not being taken up as fully as it might, and ways in which future versions may be improved.  相似文献   

祁栋灵  陶忠良  孙瑞  谢贵水  吴志祥 《生态学报》2016,36(10):3123-3125
为探讨生态学最新前沿和进展,加强青年生态学科技工作者之间的交流与合作。 2015年11月28-30日在海南大学举行了以“加强合作研究,服务地方发展”为主题的2015年海南省生态学会青年科技工作者学术研讨会,有22位生态学领域的科技工作者做了大会报告,内容涵盖了森林生态系统固碳功能、热带云雾林群落生态学、动物寄生行为生态、道路生态、热带植物的分布与进化、生物多样性、生态恢复、环境生态承载力、生态友好行社区建设模式、生态系统生理学、海洋生态风险评估等。  相似文献   

The primary goal of the 60th anniversary symposium of the Ecological Society of Japan (ESJ) was to re-examine the role of the Society. The first of five lectures, “Development of Long-term Ecological Research in Japan,” discussed the increasingly important role of long-term and networked research studies. Ecological research in Asia faces many challenges, because Asia features natural and anthropogenic landscapes with highly diverse ecosystems. “Developing Strategies of the Ecological Society of Japan for Worldwide Societies of Ecology with Special Reference to Strategies for Asia” emphasized the role of ESJ in promoting ecological research and outreach in Asia. Ecosystem sustainability is a key issue in both the theory and practice of ecosystem management. A framework concept of an environmental and biodiversity cycle was proposed in the session “Linking Community and Ecosystem Dynamics” for understanding the mechanisms driving the sustainability of ecosystems. Ecosystem services are essential aspects of land use and conservation planning and management. “Integrating Models of Ecosystem Services and Land Use Changes” reviewed recently-developed models that simulate patterns of land-use change and analyze its effects on ecosystem services and also recommended future directions for collaboration among researchers. “Disaster Resilience and Coastal Ecology” highlighted the contributions of ecologists to evaluating the resilience of damaged coastal ecosystems and provided sound proposals to local communities and governments for rehabilitation plans. The past achievements and future directions of ESJ were discussed by the panelists and the audience in “Past and Future of the Ecological Society of Japan.”  相似文献   

资源限制与发展停滞:传统社会的生态学分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
资源限制与发展停滞:传统社会的生态学分析王建革(复旦大学历史地理研究所,上海200433)ResourcesLimitationandSlowDevelopment:AnEcologicalAnalysisofTraditionalSociety.W...  相似文献   

Between 1917 and 1945, the Ecological Society of America (ESA) housed a Committee for the Preservation of Natural Conditions specifically charged with identifying and taking political action toward the preservation of wilderness sites for scientific study. While several historians have analyzed the social and political contexts of the Preservation Committee, none has addressed the scientific context that gave rise to the Committee and to political activism by ESA members. Among the Preservation Committee's lobbying efforts, the naming of Glacier Bay, Alaska, as a national monument in 1925 stands out as a unique success. I argue that the campaign for the preservation of Glacier Bay reveals the methodological ambitions ecologists had for their science in the 1920s and 1930s and demonstrates how ecologists understood the role of place in biological field studies. It represented preservation for science. Most of the political activities undertaken by the ESA in the interwar years, however, turned out to be science for conservation, which rarely involved lobbying for the protection of active research sites. In conjunction with changes in ecological methodology in the 1940s, the Committee's unclear scientific mission contributed to its being disbanded in 1945.  相似文献   

Recent work at several central South Island sites has shown that the bird-pollinated mistletoe Peraxilla tetrapetala (Loranthaceae) is extensively pollen-limited. We studied the diet, time-budget, and densities of its principal pollinator, bellbirds (Anthornis melanura, Meliphagidae), at Craigieburn to find out what aspect of bellbird ecology may be limiting pollination. Direct observations of bellbird diets showed that they are annual generalists on invertebrates (diet range 22-85% of food items) and honeydew (diet range 2-45%), and concentrate seasonally on mistletoe fruit (18-60%) and mistletoe nectar (27-58%) when available. The bellbirds at Craigieburn are more insectivorous than New Zealand's other two honeyeaters (tui and stitchbirds). In general, bellbirds are most similar to the short-billed guild of Australian honeyeaters in their beak morphology, foraging behaviour, and diet choice, but with a greater importance of fruit in the bellbird diet. The annual mean number of bellbirds recorded per 5-minute count (1.05) at Craigieburn was relatively low, even compared to other eastern South Island sites, which have lower counts of bellbirds than the western South Island and offshore islands. As mistletoe fruit and nectar were preferred foods when in season, and bellbird counts were low at Craigieburn, we conclude that it is the probable low number of bellbirds in the area, and not their choice of diet, which limits mistletoe pollination and dispersal. The bellbird population at Craigieburn did not appear to be food limited as bellbirds spent less than 20% of their time feeding, and the number of hours per day bellbirds spent feeding and foraging did not change significantly from winter to summer while food resources became more plentiful. Other pressures that limit the bellbird population size, particularly predation from introduced mammals, would appear more likely explanations for poor pollination and disperser services to mistletoes at Craigieburn.  相似文献   

I discuss ecological and cultural restoration within the broader context of the critical transition period from the fossil fuel age to the post-industrial global information age. In this cultural evolutionary process, the restoration of natural and cultural landscapes should play a vital role. For this purpose, it has to be guided by a holistic and transdisciplinary systems approach, aiming not only at the organismic but also at the functional and structural restoration of ecological and cultural diversity as total landscape ecodiversity. For the development of suitable restoration strategies, a clear distinction has to be made between different functional classes of natural and cultural solar-powered biosphere and fossil-powered technosphere landscapes, according to their inputs and throughputs of energy and materials, their organisms, their control by natural or human information, their internal self-organization and their regenerative capacities. Not only technosphere landscapes but also intensive agro-industrial landscapes have lost these capacities and are heavily subsidized by fossil energy and chemicals, to the detriment of the environment and human health. They therefore have to be rehabilitated by more sustainable but not less productive agricultural systems based on organic farming. But their natural regenerative capacities can be restored only by regenerative systems, with the help of cultural "neotechnic" information. The promise for an urgently required evolutionary symbiosis between human society and nature in a sustainable post-industrial total human ecosystem lies in the functional integration of such innovative regenerative systems and all natural and cultural biosphere landscapes with healthier and more livable technosphere landscapes. To this goal, ecological and cultural landscape restoration can make an important contribution.  相似文献   

Developing and strengthening a more mutualistic relationship between the science of restoration ecology and the practice of ecological restoration has been a central but elusive goal of SERI since its inaugural meeting in 1989. We surveyed the delegates to the 2009 SERI World Conference to learn more about their perceptions of and ideas for improving restoration science, practice, and scientist/practitioner relationships. The respondents' assessments of restoration practice were less optimistic than their assessments of restoration science. Only 26% believed that scientist/practitioner relationships were “generally mutually beneficial and supportive of each other,” and the “science–practice gap” was the second and third most frequently cited category of factors limiting the science and practice of restoration, respectively (“insufficient funding” was first in both cases). Although few faulted practitioners for ignoring available science, many criticized scientists for ignoring the pressing needs of practitioners and/or failing to effectively communicate their work to nonscientists. Most of the suggestions for bridging the gap between restoration science and practice focused on (1) developing the necessary political support for more funding of restoration science, practice, and outreach; and (2) creating alternative research paradigms to both facilitate on‐the‐ground projects and promote more mutualistic exchanges between scientists and practitioners. We suggest that one way to implement these recommendations is to create a “Restoration Extension Service” modeled after the United States Department of Agriculture's Cooperative Extension Service. We also recommend more events that bring together a fuller spectrum of restoration scientists, practitioners, and relevant stakeholders.  相似文献   

综述了2016年8月25日至27日在兰州大学举行的第十五届中国生态学大会的8场特邀报告,29个主题会场和“全国生态学研究生论坛”的多个报告,内容包括全球变化生态学、景观生态学、保护与恢复生态学、生态系统管理、动植物行为与生态功能、人文与农业生态学等6个分支领域。内容从微生物到动植物,从微观尺度到宏观尺度,从自然生态到人文生态均有涉及。报告内容表明,单纯的基础研究比例在减少,应用型基础研究和应用研究的比重较前几届有增高,多学科交叉研究报告显著增加,未来生态学的发展不断贴近生产实践、朝向“多学科交叉的应用型研究”方向发展,可持续性和绿色发展趋势明显。另外,本文还结合现代生态学100个关键科学问题进行了探讨和总结。会议围绕“创新生态科学,建设美丽中国”的主题,旨在探讨生态文明建设的新途径,绿色发展的新道路,为我国生态学领域各类成果搭建了充分的展示平台,为生态学及其相关领域的交流和合作提供了重要渠道,其中华东地区和华北地区(含北京)的报告和参会人数一直维持较高比例。总之,此次会议不仅促进了我国生态学领域专家、学者的交流与合作,也充分展现了我国生态学的研究水平,扩大了我国生态学的影响,对促进我国生态学发展起到了积极作用。  相似文献   

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