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Lee KS  Choi WY  Ko JC  Kim TS  Gregorio GB 《Planta》2003,216(6):1043-1046
In order to identify the degree of salinity tolerance of the indica and japonica rice groups, 10 varieties were tested under saline and non-saline conditions. Twelve-day-old seedlings were grown in normal culture solution, then initially salinized at an electrical conductivity (EC) of 6 dS/m for 4 days, and finally salinized at an EC of 12 dS/m for the next 14 days. The growth parameters, and Na and K absorption in the shoot were measured to characterize the tolerance level of the two rice groups. Reduction in all growth parameters of tolerant varieties was significantly lower in indica varieties than in japonica varieties. Tolerant indica varieties were good Na excluders, absorbed high amounts of K, and maintained a low Na/K ratio in the shoot. Tolerant japonica varieties also absorbed less Na but were not as good excluders as indica varieties. Shoot K concentration alone did not show any relationship to salinity tolerance. These results indicate that, for all parameters measured, the tolerance level of indica was higher than that of japonica.  相似文献   

Cheng Y  Long M 《Biotechnology letters》2007,29(7):1129-1134
NADP-malic enzyme (NADP-ME, EC functions in many different pathways in plant and may be involved in plant defense such as wound and UV-B radiation. Here, expression of the gene encoding cytosolic NADP-ME (cytoNADP-ME, GenBank Accession No. AY444338) in rice (Oryza sativa L.) seedlings was induced by salt stress (NaCl). NADP-ME activities in leaves and roots of rice also increased in response to NaCl. Transgenic Arabidopsis plants over-expressing rice cytoNADP-ME had a greater salt tolerance at the seedling stage than wild-type plants in MS medium-supplemented with different levels of NaCl. Cytosolic NADPH/NADP+ concentration ratio of transgenic plants was higher than those of wild-type plants. These results suggest that rice cytoNADP-ME confers salt tolerance in transgenic Arabidopsis seedlings.  相似文献   

Plant height and grain shape are important traits that may affect yield in rice, and they therefore have enormous importance in breeding. A dwarf small-grain mutant (S525) was identified among progeny of the Indica rice restorer line ‘Xida 1B’ (wild type) raised from seeds treated with ethyl methanesulfonate. The dwarf and small-grain phenotypes were stably inherited after multi-generation selfing. Field-grown mutant plants showed the phenotypes of dwarfism, broad leaves, and small round grains. Genetic mapping and sequencing confirmed that S525 was a novel d1-allelic mutant. A single-base transition (G to A) in the functional dwarfism gene D1 at the conjunction site of the 11th intron caused excision or duplication of the 11th exon in the mRNA and resulted in translation of a defective Gα protein. The S525 showed enhanced salt tolerance compared with the wild type (WT), and the expression of genes associated with salt tolerance quantitatively increased in response to treatment with 200 mM NaCl. The S525 may be useful for future investigation of Gα functions and in the breeding of new dwarf rice cultivars.  相似文献   

Increasing soil salinity reduces crop yields worldwide, with rice being particularly affected. We have examined the correlation between apoplastic barrier formation in roots, Na+ uptake into shoots and plant survival for three rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivars of varying salt sensitivity: the salt-tolerant Pokkali, moderately tolerant Jaya and sensitive IR20. Rice plants grown hydroponically or in soil for 1 month were subjected to both severe and moderate salinity stress. Apoplastic barriers in roots were visualized using fluorescence microscopy and their chemical composition determined by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. Na+ content was estimated by flame photometry. Suberization of apoplastic barriers in roots of Pokkali was the most extensive of the three cultivars, while Na+ accumulation in the shoots was the least. Saline stress induced the strengthening of these barriers in both sensitive and tolerant cultivars, with increase in mRNAs encoding suberin biosynthetic enzymes being detectable within 30 min of stress. Enhanced barriers were detected after several days of moderate stress. Overall, more extensive apoplastic barriers in roots correlated with reduced Na+ uptake and enhanced survival when challenged with high salinity. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Lin Z  Griffith ME  Li X  Zhu Z  Tan L  Fu Y  Zhang W  Wang X  Xie D  Sun C 《Planta》2007,226(1):11-20

Salinity is the main abiotic stress that limits rice (Oryza sativa L.) production worldwide. An association mapping project was designed to validate quantitative trait loci (QTLs) in rice associated with Na+, K+ and Ca++ accumulation traits identified in our previous study of linkage mapping. Twenty four varieties/lines of rice were phenotyped for biochemical and yield traits. Among these varieties/lines, two mapping parents, Pokkali and IR-36, of our previous linkage mapping study were also included. For marker-trait assessments, both general linear model (GLM) and mixed linear model (MLM) analyses were performed. Thirteen significant marker-trait associations at P ≤ 0.001 were identified. Associated markers for these marker-trait associations were RM503, RM225, RM152, and RM254 located on chromosomes 3, 6, 8, and 11, respectively. Previously identified QTLs in linkage mapping study for Na+ uptake, Ca++ uptake, total cations uptake, Ca++ uptake ratio, K+ uptake ratio, and Na+/K+ uptake were validated in this study. Heritability values for these traits ranged from 1.00e-05 to 1. Linked markers for these validated QTLs were RM140, RM243, RM203, RM480, RM137, and RM254 located on chromosomes 1, 1, 3, 5, 8, and 11, respectively. These markers will be a valuable resource for marker-assisted breeding (MAB) approach to develop elite salt tolerant rice cultivars. This study demonstrates the potential of association mapping approach to validate previously identified QTLs.  相似文献   

The recent cloning of several agronomically important genes has facilitated the development of functional markers. These markers reside within the target genes themselves and can be used with great reliability and efficiency to identify favorable alleles in a breeding program. Bacterial blight (BB) is a severe rice disease throughout the world that is controlled primarily through use of resistant cultivars. xa5 is a race-specific, recessive gene mediating resistance to BB. It is widely used in rice breeding programs throughout the tropics. Due to its recessive nature, phenotypic selection for xa5-mediated resistance is both slow and costly. Previously, marker assisted selection (MAS) for this resistance gene was not efficient because it involved markers that were only indirectly linked to xa5 and ran the risk of being separated from the trait by recombination. Recently, the cloning of the gene underlying this trait made it possible to develop functional markers. Here we present a set of CAPS markers for easy, quick and direct identification of cultivars or progeny carrying xa5-mediated resistance and provide evidence that these markers are 100% predictive of the presence of the xa5 allele. These markers are expected to enhance the reliability and cost-effectiveness of MAS for xa5-mediated resistance.  相似文献   

Transposable elements (TEs) have a significant impact on the evolution of gene function and genome structures. An endogenous nonautonomous transposable element nDart was discovered in an albino mutant that had an insertion in the Mg-protoporphyrin IX methyltransferase gene in rice. In this study, we elucidated the transposition behavior of nDart, the frequency of nDart transposition and characterized the footprint of nDart. Novel independent nDart insertions in backcrossed progenies were detected by DNA blotting analysis. In addition, germinal excision of nDart occurred at very low frequency compared with that of somatic excision, 0–13.3%, in the nDart1-4(3-2) and nDart1-A loci by a locus-specific PCR strategy. A total of 253 clones from somatic excision at five nDart loci in 10 varieties were determined. nDart rarely caused deletions beyond target site duplication (TSD). The footprint of nDart contained few transversions of nucleotides flanking to both sides of the TSD. The predominant footprint of nDart was an 8-bp addition. Precise excision of nDart was detected at a rate of only 2.2%, which occurred at two loci among the five loci examined. Furthermore, the results in this study revealed that a highly conserved mechanism of transposition is involved between maize Ac/Ds and rice Dart/nDart, which are two-component transposon systems of the hAT superfamily transposons in plant species.  相似文献   

The whitebacked planthopper (WBPH), Sogatella furcifera Horvath, is one of the most destructive pests in rice (Oryza sativa L.) production. Host-plant resistance has been considered as an efficient and eco-friendly strategy to reduce yield losses caused by WBPH. In this study, we found that an indica rice cultivar IR54751-2-44-15-24-2 (IR54751) displayed high resistance to WBPH at both seedling and tillering stages. The resistance of IR54751 was mainly contributed by antixenosis and tolerance rather than antibiosis. An F2 population derived from a cross between IR54751 and a susceptible japonica cultivar 02428 was constructed to detect the quantitative trait loci (QTLs) conferring the resistance to WBPH. In total, four QTLs including qWBPH3.1, qWBPH3.2, qWBPH11, and qWBPH12 were identified and distributed on three different chromosomes. The four QTLs had LOD scores of 3.8, 8.2, 5.8, and 3.9, accounting for 8.2, 21.5, 13.9, and 10.4% of the phenotypic variation, respectively. Except for qWBPH3.1, the resistance alleles of the other three QTLs were all from IR54751. Further, a secondary population harboring only single qWBPH11 locus was developed from the F2 population by marker-assisted selection. Finally, qWBPH11 was delimited in a 450-kb region between markers DJ53973 and SNP56. The identification of WBPH resistance QTLs and the fine mapping of qWBPH11 will be helpful for cloning resistance genes and breeding resistant rice cultivars.  相似文献   

Rice seedlings are sensitive to low temperatures (≤15°C) and under prolonged or repeated exposure, yellowing and stunting are commonly observed. Damage to seedlings results in poor stand establishment and delayed maturation, which can cause significant reductions in yield. In general, japonica rice varieties exhibit more cold tolerance than indica varieties. Earlier genetic analysis of the California rice variety M202 revealed several quantitative trait loci (QTL) that contribute to its tolerance to low temperatures in comparison to the indica rice variety IR50. Among these QTL, qCTS4 is associated with tolerance to yellowing and stunting of rice seedlings and accounts for 40% of the phenotypic variation. Here we report on the fine mapping of qCTS4 to a 128 kb region of chromosome 4, which is highly suppressed for recombination in our mapping populations. Our results provide the necessary foundation for identifying the gene(s) underlying qCTS4 and the markers developed here may be used to introgress this region into indica varieties to improve seedling tolerance to low temperatures. The mention of trade names or commercial products in this publication is solely for the purpose of providing specific information and does not imply recommendation or endorsement by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.  相似文献   

Eight Saltol quantitative trait locus (QTL) linked simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers of rice (Oryza sativa L.) were used to study the polymorphism of this QTL in 142 diverse rice genotypes that comprised salt tolerant as well as sensitive genotypes. The SSR profiles of the eight markers generated 99 alleles including 20rare alleles and 16 null alleles. RM8094 showed the highest number (13) of alleles followed by RM3412 (12), RM562 (11), RM493 (9) and RM1287 (8) while as, RM10764 and RM10745 showed the lowest number (6) of alleles. Based on the highest number of alleles and PIC value (0.991), we identified RM8094 as suitable marker for discerning salt tolerant genotypes from the sensitive ones. Based upon the haplotype analysis using FL478 as a reference (salt tolerant genotypes containing Saltol QTL), we short listed 68 rice genotypes that may have at least one allele of FL478 haplotype. Further study may confirm that some of these genotypes might have Saltol QTL and can be used as alternative donors in salt tolerant rice breeding programmes.  相似文献   

Iron homeostasis was studied in two tropical indica rice cultivars viz. Sharbati (high Fe) and Lalat (low Fe) having contrasting grain Fe concentration. Plants were hydroponically grown with 5 concentrations of Fe (0.05, 2, 5, 15, 50 mg L?1) till maturity. The effect of incremental Fe treatment on the plant was followed by analyzing accumulation of ferritin protein, activities of aconitase enzyme, enzymes of anti-oxidative defense and accumulation of hydrogen peroxide and ascorbic acid. Plant growth was adversely affected beyond 15 mg L?1 of Fe supplementation and effects of Fe stress (both deficiency and excess) were more apparent on the high Fe containing cultivar Sharbati than the low Fe containing Lalat. Level of ferritin protein and aconitase activity increased up to 5 mg L?1 of Fe concentration. Lalat continued to synthesize ferritin protein at much higher Fe level than Sharbati and the cultivar also had higher activities of peroxidase, superoxide dismutase and glutathione reductase. It was concluded that the tolerance of Lalat to Fe stress was because of its higher intrinsic ability to scavenge free radicals of oxidative stress for possessing higher activity of antioxidative enzymes. This, together with its capacity to sequester the excess Fe in ferritin protein over a wider range of Fe concentrations made it more tolerant to Fe stress.  相似文献   

Ryoo N  Yu C  Park CS  Baik MY  Park IM  Cho MH  Bhoo SH  An G  Hahn TR  Jeon JS 《Plant cell reports》2007,26(7):1083-1095
To elucidate the role of SSIIIa during starch synthesis in rice (Oryza sativa L.) endosperm, we characterized null mutants of this gene, generated by T-DNA insertions. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) analysis revealed that the starch granules in these mutants are smaller and rounder compared with the wild type controls, and that the mutant endosperm is characterized by a loosely packed central portion exhibiting a floury-like phenotype. Hence, the OsSSIIIa (Oryza sativa SSIIIa) mutations are referred to as white-core floury endosperm 5-1 (flo5-1) and flo5-2. Based upon their X-ray diffraction patterns, the crystallinity of the starch in the flo5 mutant endosperm is decreased compared with wild type. Through determination of the chain-length distribution of the mutant endosperm starch, we found that flo5-1 and flo5-2 mutants have reduced the content of long chains with degree of polymerization (DP) 30 or greater compared with the controls. This suggests that OsSSIIIa/Flo5 plays an important role in generating relatively long chains in rice endosperm. In addition, DP 6 to 8 and DP 16 to 20 appeared to be reduced in endosperm starch of flo5-1 and flo5-2, whereas DP 9 to 15 and DP 22 to 29 were increased in these mutants. By the use of differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), the gelatinization temperatures of endosperm starch were found to be 1–5°C lower than those of the control. We propose a distinct role for OsSSIIIa/Flo5 and the coordinated action of other SS isoforms during starch synthesis in the seed endosperm of rice.  相似文献   

The chromogen gene C is critical for anthocyanin regulation in rice, and apiculus color is an important agronomic trait in selective breeding and variety purification. Mapbased cloning and in-depth functional analysis of the C gene will be useful for understanding the molecular mechanism of anthocyanin biosynthesis and for rice breeding. Japonica landrace Lijiangxintuanheigu (LTH) has red apiculi and purple stigmas. Genetic analysis showed that red apiculus and purple stigma in LTH co-segregated indicating control by a single dominant gene, or by two completely linked genes. Using 1,851 recessive individuals from two F2 populations, the target gene OsC was delimited to a 70.8 kb interval on chromosome 6 that contains the rice homologue of the maize anthocyanin regulatory gene C1. When the entire OsC gene and its full-length cDNA cloned from LTH were transformed into japonica cultivar Kitaake with colorless apiculi and stigmas all positive transformants had red apiculi but non-colored stigmas, validating that OsC alone was responsible for the apiculus color and represented the functional C gene. OsC was constitutively expressed in all tissues examined, with strongest expression in leaf blades. These results set a foundation to clarify the regulatory mechanisms of OsC in the anthocyanin biosynthetic pathway.  相似文献   

Plant height is one of the most important agronomic traits of plant architecture, and also affects grain yield in rice. In this study, we obtained a novel dwarf rice mutant of japonica variety Shennong9816, designated Shennong9816d. Compared with wild-type, the Shennong9816d plant height was significantly reduced, and the tiller number significantly increased. Additionally, the mutant yield component, and the number of large and small vascular bundles were significantly decreased compared with wild-type. Genetic analysis indicated that the Shennong9816d dwarf phenotype was controlled by a recessive nuclear gene, while the plant was shown to be sensitive to gibberellic acid. Using a large F2 population derived from a cross between Shennong9816d and the indica rice variety Habataki, the osh15(t) gene was fine mapped between RM20891 and RM20898, within a physical distance of 73.78 kb. Sequencing analysis showed that Shennong9816d carries a 1 bp mutation and a 30 bp insertion in the OSH15 region. These results suggest that osh15(t) is a novel allelic mutant originally derived from japonica variety Shennong9816, which may be useful for introducing the semi-dwarf phenotype to improve plant architecture in rice breeding practice.  相似文献   


Key message

The split-hull phenotype caused by reduced lemma width and low lignin content is under control of SPH encoding a type-2 13-lipoxygenase and contributes to high dehulling efficiency.


Rice hulls consist of two bract-like structures, the lemma and palea. The hull is an important organ that helps to protect seeds from environmental stress, determines seed shape, and ensures grain filling. Achieving optimal hull size and morphology is beneficial for seed development. We characterized the split-hull (sph) mutant in rice, which exhibits hull splitting in the interlocking part between lemma and palea and/or the folded part of the lemma during the grain filling stage. Morphological and chemical analysis revealed that reduction in the width of the lemma and lignin content of the hull in the sph mutant might be the cause of hull splitting. Genetic analysis indicated that the mutant phenotype was controlled by a single recessive gene, sph (Os04g0447100), which encodes a type-2 13-lipoxygenase. SPH knockout and knockdown transgenic plants displayed the same split-hull phenotype as in the mutant. The sph mutant showed significantly higher linoleic and linolenic acid (substrates of lipoxygenase) contents in spikelets compared to the wild type. It is probably due to the genetic defect of SPH and subsequent decrease in lipoxygenase activity. In dehulling experiment, the sph mutant showed high dehulling efficiency even by a weak tearing force in a dehulling machine. Collectively, the results provide a basis for understanding of the functional role of lipoxygenase in structure and maintenance of hulls, and would facilitate breeding of easy-dehulling rice.

Tocopherols synthesized exclusively by photosynthetic organisms are major antioxidants in biomembranes. In plants, tocopherol cyclase (TC/VTE1) catalyzes the conversion of 2,3-dimethyl-5-phytyl-1,4-benzoquinone (DMPBQ) to γ-tocopherol. In the present study, OsVTE1, which encodes a rice tocopherol cyclase ortholog, was cloned and characterized. OsVTE1 was induced significantly by abiotic stresses such as high salt, H2O2, drought, cold and by the plant hormones ABA and salicylic acid. The tissue-specific expression pattern and OsVTE1-promoter GUS activity assay showed that OsVTE1 was mainly expressed in the leaf, and also could be detected in the root, stem and panicle. Compared with control plants, transgenic plants with Os-VTE1 RNA interference (OsVTE1-RNAi) were more sensitive to salt stress whereas, in contrast, transgenic plants overexpressing OsVTE1 (OsVTE1-OX) showed higher tolerance to salt stress. The DAB in vivo staining showed that OsVTE1-OX plants accumulated less H2O2 than did control plants.  相似文献   

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