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Parthenotes as a source of embryonic stem cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract.  The derivation and study of human embryonic stem cell lines, despite their potential therapeutic usefulness, raise considerable ethical, religious, legal and political concerns because it inevitably leads to the destruction of viable embryos. In an attempt to bridge the division between ethical questions and potential scientific and medical benefits, considerable efforts have been devoted to the search for alternative sources of pluripotent cell lines. In this review we discuss the use of artificial parthenogenesis as a way to create entities, called parthenotes, that may represent an alternative ethical source for pluripotent cell lines. We describe the biological differences between parthenotes and embryos, in order to provide a rationale for the discussion on whether their use can be acceptable as a source of stem cells. We present data derived from animal models on the extent parthenogenetic stem cells are similar to biparental cell lines and discuss these aspects in the context of their extension to the human species. Finally, we present experiments recently carried out in our laboratory that allowed us to generate human parthenotes through artificial activation of human oocytes and to use them as a source for the derivation of parthenogenetic pluripotent cell lines.  相似文献   

Vascular smooth muscle (VSM) cells constitute the main structural components of tunica media. Under physiological conditions, these cells display a contractile phenotype and a low proliferative activity. However, they may also acquire a synthetic phenotype and become predominantly proliferative if stimulated under certain stress conditions. This capacity plays a major role in the inception and progression of such cardiovascular diseases as atherosclerosis, hypertension and restenosis. Porcine coronary smooth muscle (PCSM) cells exhibit a synthetic phenotype (ON cells) under standard culturing conditions, but they can be reverted to a contractile phenotype (OFF cells) in a serum-free medium. However, OFF cells can also re-acquire a synthetic phenotype (OFF/ON cells) upon serum administration. In the present study, proliferative and contractile behaviors were characterized by expression of specific differentiation markers. Taken together, these results demonstrate that porcine vascular smooth muscle cells can retain their phenotypic plasticity in culture, and thus mimic in vitro their in vivo differentiation states. OFF cells may thus provide a suitable model system in studying the mechanism(s) by which either known or unknown serum factors may trigger vascular smooth muscle activation. In the present study, this possibility was actually tested by exposing OFF cells to fetal bovine serum (FBS), PDGF-BB and IGF-I. Data show that only FBS could induce a synthetic phenotype in OFF cells, while both PDGF-BB and IGF-I failed to induce any VSM activation.  相似文献   

Over the last several decades, murine embryonic stem cells (mESCs) have been used as a model for human embryonic stem cell (hESC) research. The relevance of this approach has not yet been proven. There is a great deal of evidence that is indicative of substantial differences between these two cell types. An analysis of the literature shows that the differences concern ESC proliferation, self-renewal, and differentiation. Consequently, mESC may be considered as a model object for hESC studies only for some aspects of their biology. The alternative model objects, such as primate ESC, are also discussed briefly in this review.  相似文献   

Muscular dystrophies (MDs) are a heterogeneous group of inherited disorders characterized by progressive muscle wasting and weakness likely associated with exhaustion of muscle regeneration potential. At present, no cures or efficacious treatments are available for these diseases, but cell transplantation could be a potential therapeutic strategy. Transplantation of myoblasts using satellite cells or other myogenic cell populations has been attempted to promote muscle regeneration, based on the hypothesis that the donor cells repopulate the muscle and contribute to its regeneration. Embryonic stem cells (ESCs) and more recently induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) could generate an unlimited source of differentiated cell types, including myogenic cells. Here we review the literature regarding the generation of myogenic cells considering the main techniques employed to date to elicit efficient differentiation of human and murine ESCs or iPSCs into skeletal muscle. We also critically analyse the possibility of using these cellular populations as an alternative source of myogenic cells for cell therapy of MDs.  相似文献   

Electrogenesis of embryonic chick skeletal muscle cells differentiated in monolayer cultures was investigated. Muscle fibers in vitro generate spike potentials similar to those of fibers in vivo. However, other responses, plateaux resembling those in heart muscle, are also elicited. These results suggest that a functional differentiation exists in cultured muscle fibers.  相似文献   

Programmed cell death (PCD) is a fundamental component of development in virtually all animals. Despite the ubiquity of this phenomenon, little is known about what tells a cell to die, and less still about the physiological and molecular mechanisms that bring about death. One system that has proven to be very amenable for the study of PCD is the intersegmental muscle (ISM) of the tobacco hawkmoth Manduca sexta. These giant muscle cells are used during the eclosion (emergence) behavior of the adult moth, and then die during the subsequent 30 h. This review uses the ISMs as a model system to address questions that are basic to any cell death system, including the following: (1) how do cells know when to die; (2) what physiological changes accompany death; (3) what are the molecular mechanisms that mediate death; and (4) do all cells die by the same process? For the ISMs, the trigger for PCD is a decline in the circulating titer of the insect molting hormone, 20-hydroxyecdysone (20-HE). During cell death there are rapid decreases in both the myofibrillar sensitivity to intracellular calcium and the resulting force of fiber contraction. The ability of the ISMs to under go PCD requires the repression and activation of specific genes. Two of the repressed genes encode actin and myosin. One of the upregulated presumptive cell-death genes encodes polyubiquitin, which appears to play a critical role in the rapid proteolysis that accompanies ISM death. One curious aspect of ISM death is that these cells display none of the features that are characteristic of apoptosis, suggesting that they may die by a fundamentally different mechanism. © 1992 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Attempts to repair muscle damage in Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) by transplanting skeletal myoblasts directly into muscles are faced with the problem of the limited migration of these cells in the muscles. The delivery of myogenic stem cells to the sites of muscle lesions via the systemic circulation is a potential alternative approach to treat this disease. Muscle-derived stem cells (MDSCs) were obtained by a MACS(R) multisort method. Clones of MDSCs, which were Sca-1+/CD34-/L-selectin+, were found to adhere firmly to the endothelium of mdx dystrophic muscles after i.v. or i.m. injections. The subpopulation of Sca-1+/CD34- MDSCs expressing L-selectin was called homing MDSCs (HMDSCs). Treatment of HMDSCs with antibodies against L-selectin prevented adhesion to the muscle endothelium. Importantly, we found that vascular endothelium from striate muscle of young mdx mice expresses mucosal addressin cell adhesion molecule-1 (MAdCAM-1), a ligand for L-selectin. Our results showed for the first time that the expression of the adhesion molecule L-selectin is important for muscle homing of MDSCs. This discovery will aid in the improvement of a potential therapy for muscular dystrophy based on the systemic delivery of MDSCs.  相似文献   

Programmed cell death (PCD) is a fundamental component of development in virtually all animals. Despite the ubiquity of this phenomenon, little is known about what tells a cell to die, and less still about the physiological and molecular mechanisms that bring about death. One system that has proven to be very amenable for the study of PCD is the intersegmental muscle (ISM) of the tobacco hawkmoth Manduca sexta. These giant muscle cells are used during the eclosion (emergence) behavior of the adult moth, and then die during the subsequent 30 h. This review uses the ISMs as a model system to address questions that are basic to any cell death system, including the following: (1) how do cells know when to die; (2) what physiological changes accompany death; (3) what are the molecular mechanisms that mediate death; and (4) do all cells die by the same process? For the ISMs, the trigger for PCD is a decline in the circulating titer of the insect molting hormone, 20-hydroxyecdysone (20-HE). During cell death there are rapid decreases in both the myofibrillar sensitivity to intracellular calcium and the resulting force of fiber contraction. The ability of the ISMs to undergo PCD requires the repression and activation of specific genes. Two of the repressed genes encode actin and myosin. One of the upregulated presumptive cell-death genes encodes polyubiquitin, which appears to play a critical role in the rapid proteolysis that accompanies ISM death.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The developmental origins of health and diseases (DOHaD) is a concept stating that adverse intrauterine environments contribute to the health risks of offspring. Since the theory emerged more than 30 years ago, many epidemiological and animal studies have confirmed that in utero exposure to environmental insults, including hyperglycemia and chemicals, increased the risk of developing noncommunicable diseases (NCDs). These NCDs include metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, and complications such as diabetic cardiomyopathy. Studying the effects of different environmental insults on early embryo development would aid in understanding the underlying mechanisms by which these insults promote NCD development. Embryonic stem cells (ESCs) have also been utilized by researchers to study the DOHaD. ESCs have pluripotent characteristics and can be differentiated into almost every cell lineage; therefore, they are excellent in vitro models for studying early developmental events. More importantly, human ESCs (hESCs) are the best alternative to human embryos for research because of ethical concerns. In this review, we will discuss different maternal conditions associated with DOHaD, focusing on the complications of maternal diabetes. Next, we will review the differentiation protocols developed to generate different cell lineages from hESCs. Additionally, we will review how hESCs are utilized as a model for research into the DOHaD. The effects of environmental insults on hESC differentiation and the possible involvement of epigenetic regulation will be discussed.  相似文献   

Oncogenic signaling in melanocytes results in oncogene-induced senescence (OIS), a stable cell-cycle arrest frequently characterized by a bi- or multinuclear phenotype that is considered as a barrier to cancer progression. However, the long-sustained conviction that senescence is a truly irreversible process has recently been challenged. Still, it is not known whether cells driven into OIS can progress to cancer and thereby pose a potential threat. Here, we show that prolonged expression of the melanoma oncogene N-RAS61K in pigment cells overcomes OIS by triggering the emergence of tumor-initiating mononucleated stem-like cells from senescent cells. This progeny is dedifferentiated, highly proliferative, anoikis-resistant and induces fast growing, metastatic tumors. Our data describe that differentiated cells, which are driven into senescence by an oncogene, use this senescence state as trigger for tumor transformation, giving rise to highly aggressive tumor-initiating cells. These observations provide the first experimental in vitro evidence for the evasion of OIS on the cellular level and ensuing transformation.Cellular senescence is characterized by cell-cycle arrest and alterations in cell shape and metabolism, and can be triggered either by the sequential loss of telomeres or by numerous forms of cellular stress, for example, UV irradiation, oxidative stress or aberrant oncogenic signaling (premature senescence). In particular, oncogene-induced senescence (OIS), driven for example by activated RAS or BRAF, is an anti-cancer protection mechanism that prevents tumor generation despite the presence of oncogenic mutations. For instance, human nevi exhibit enhanced MAPK signaling caused by activating mutations in B-RAF or N-RAS. They display classical characteristics of senescence,1 and remain benign in the large majority of cases. However, nevi are also supposed to give rise to a quarter of all melanomas.2Along the same lines, oncogenic RAS clearly triggers OIS in different cell types in vivo,3, 4, 5, 6 but activated RAS is detected in up to 30% of human cancers.7, 8 This indicates that senescence bypass is a key feature of cancer development. The fact that many premalignant tissues with tumorigenic potential display features of senescence has led to the concept that OIS precedes transformation, and tumors arise from senescent tissue.1, 5, 6, 9 However, as OIS was long considered to be irreversible, it was not clear how this transformation process can take place. Recently, there has been accumulating evidence that OIS can be reversed under certain circumstances on the cellular level. Specifically, H-RAS12V induces senescence in fibroblasts, which is caused by ribonucleotide reductase (RRM2) suppression and accompanying dNTP reduction.10 Interestingly, the forced re-expression of RRM2 is able to overcome senescence. Still, is not known whether a senescent primary cell might give rise to cancer. While the later steps of tumor progression are fairly well understood, early events in tumorigenesis such as the transition of a benign senescent lesion to a tumor are still enigmatic.Here, we reveal that long-term NRAS61K activation in melanocytes triggers a strong senescent phenotype characterized by multinucleation, which then is followed by the post-senescence generation of tumor-initiating cells with stem cell-like properties. The results demonstrate that senescence in melanocytes can be overcome on the cellular level and can also be a source for malignant cancer cells.  相似文献   

Cell replacement and restorative therapies show great promise for the treatment of various diseases and traumas. Various types of stem cells that are rather different in terms of biological properties are evaluated as potential sources for cell therapy. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) display relatively high proliferative activity and high level of plasticity and can be differentiated not only into cells of mesenchymal lineage, but also neurons. Among the MSC populations, the population of endometrial stem cells, including that present in the menstrual blood, is readily available. In the current review, we analyze the biological properties of the menstrual blood stem cells and the possibilities of using them as a potential source for cell therapy.  相似文献   

The in vitro cell fusion of embryonic chick muscle without DNA synthesis   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
A system has been developed for the in vitro development of chick skeletal muscle monolayers, in which a burst of synchronous fusion occurs, such that some 40% of the spindle-shaped cells fuse in a 10-hr period. Cells inhibited from synthesizing DNA by ara-C do fuse, but at a later time than the normal burst. If ara-C is added to cultures 6 hr or more before the normal fusion time, fusion is delayed, but no delay results when the drug is added after this time. A medium change will delay the fusion if done 4 hr or more before fusion, but gives no delay if done later. Cells grown in conditioned medium fuse some 10 hr earlier than controls, even in the presence of ara-C, as do cultures prepared at higher than normal cell densities. The data suggest that muscle cell fusion is independent of DNA synthesis in vitro, but depends upon a modification of the culture medium to a sufficient degree required for initiating the synthetic program for fusion.  相似文献   

After 3-7 days in culture, chicken myotubes possess five types of K+ channel: two high-conductance channels of 195 and 105 pS which are sensitive to tetraethylammonium (TEA), an ATP-sensitive channel of 64 pS and two low-conductance channels of 40 and 15 pS which are insensitive to TEA and ATP. The same population of channels is to be found in EGTA-treated muscle cells with blocked fusion and, with the exception of the ATP-sensitive channel, also in 1-day-old myoblasts. There are differences between myoblasts and myotubes in the percentage of incidence of individual channel types. High-conductance K+ channels are most frequently to be observed in myotubes, but they are rare in myoblasts and EGTA-treated cells where low-conductance K+ channels predominate.  相似文献   

Since articular cartilage possesses only a weak capac-ity for repair, its regeneration potential is considered one of the most important challenges for orthopedic surgeons. The treatment options, such as marrow stimulation techniques, fail to induce a repair tissue with the same functional and mechanical properties of native hyaline cartilage. Osteochondral transplantation is considered an effective treatment option but is as-sociated with some disadvantages, including donor-site morbidity, tissue supply limitation, unsuitable mechani-cal properties and thickness of the obtained tissue. Although autologous chondrocyte implantation results in reasonable repair, it requires a two-step surgical pro-cedure. Moreover, chondrocytes expanded in culture gradually undergo dedifferentiation, so lose morpho-logical features and specialized functions. In the search for alternative cells, scientists have found mesenchymal stem cells(MSCs) to be an appropriate cellular mate-rial for articular cartilage repair. These cells were origi-nally isolated from bone marrow samples and further investigations have revealed the presence of the cells in many other tissues. Furthermore, chondrogenic dif-ferentiation is an inherent property of MSCs noticedat the time of the cell discovery. MSCs are known to exhibit homing potential to the damaged site at which they differentiate into the tissue cells or secrete a wide spectrum of bioactive factors with regenerative proper-ties. Moreover, these cells possess a considerable im-munomodulatory potential that make them the general donor for therapeutic applications. All of these topics will be discussed in this review.  相似文献   

Most work on embryonic stem cell differentiation uses mammalian cells derived from the blastocyst stage and some of the most widely used protocols to induce differentiation involve growing these cells in monolayer culture. Equivalent stem cells can be obtained from embryos of non-mammalian vertebrates, but to date this has only been successful in birds. These cells can contribute to all somatic lineages in chimaeras and can be induced to differentiate into a variety of cell types in vitro via embryoid body formation. However to date there are no reliable methods for differentiating them into descendants from each of the germ layers in monolayer culture, comparable to the protocols used in mammals. Here we describe three simple and reproducible protocols for differentiation of chick embryonic stem cells into mesoderm (bone), endoderm and neuroectoderm (neurons and glia) in monolayer culture. These methods open the way for more direct comparisons of the properties of mammalian and avian embryonic stem cells that may highlight similarities and differences.  相似文献   

The traditional strength of chicken embryos for studying development is that they are readily manipulated. This has led to some major discoveries in developmental biology such as the demonstration that the neural crest gives rise to almost the entire peripheral nervous system and the identification of signalling centres that specify the pattern of structures in the central nervous system and limb. More recently with the burgeoning discovery of developmentally important genes, chicken embryos have provided useful models for testing function. Uncovering the molecular basis of development provides direct links with clinical genetics. In addition, since many genes that have crucial roles in development are also expressed in tumours, basic research on chickens has implications for understanding human health and disease. Now that the chicken genome has been sequenced and genomic resources for chicken are becoming increasingly available, this opens up opportunities for combining these new technologies with the manipulability of chicken embryos and also exploiting comparative genomics.  相似文献   

This study was intended to determine the feasibility of using frozen mitotic mammalian cells as a source of synchronous cultures to determine the cell cycle phase specificity of cytotoxic agents. We first found that the relative effectiveness of different additives in protecting cells during freezing was DMSO > glycerol of polyvinyl pyrolidone > sucrose > 50% serum. We also found that mitotic cells frozen in glycerol did not progress synchronously through the cell cycle when thawed. However, mitotic cells frozen in DMSO had approximately the same cell cycle time as non-frozen mitotic cells and therefore could be thawed and cultured to determine phase specific cytotoxicity of compounds. However, better results were obtained when cells frozen in different phases were used to determine phase specific toxicity of compounds. The pattern of sensitivity to cytotoxic agents of cells frozen in different phases was the same as that of the non-frozen controls.  相似文献   

A two step method to obtain mesenchymal free 3.5 day old chick embryonic notochordsin vitro is presented. 1.) Notochords are isolated by mechanical microdissection from the embryos below the head and above the leg-buds. 2.) The dissected notochords are trypsinized to eliminate contaminating mesenchymal cells, while the perinotochordal sheath (PNS) is retained. After isolation and trypsinization, notochords are cut in standard 8mm lengths, explantedin vitro and incubated at 37°C. Immediately before incubation and after 3 and 6 daysin vitro, notochords are fixed and stained to follow the morphological changes. The total DNA content of notochords is measured before and during maintenancein vitro to evaluate their metabolic activities. Results show that during thein vitro period, the isolated mesenchymal free notochordal fragments can conserve their characteristic architecture. The total DNA content measurements indicate proliferative activity and a high viability of the notochords in ourin vitro system. In the present study, an isolation andin vitro method is offered which might be an effective tool to study the metabolic activities of chick embryonic notochordsin vitro in comparison toin vivo behaviour, in order to study the underlying mechanism of notochord regression.  相似文献   

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