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Individuals often differ in their ability to transmit disease and identifying key individuals for transmission is a major issue in epidemiology. Male hosts are often thought to be more important than females for parasite transmission and persistence. However, the role of infectious females, particularly the transient immunity provided to offspring through maternal antibodies (MatAbs), has been neglected in discussions about sex-biased infection transmission. We examined the effect of host sex upon infection dynamics of zoonotic Puumala hantavirus (PUUV) in semi-natural, experimental populations of bank vole (Myodes glareolus). Populations were founded with either females or males that were infected with PUUV, whereas the other sex was immunized against PUUV infection. The likelihood of the next generation being infected was lower when the infected founders were females, underlying the putative importance of adult males in PUUV transmission and persistence in host populations. However, we show that this effect probably results from transient immunity that infected females provide to their offspring, rather than any sex-biased transmission efficiency per se. Our study proposes a potential contrasting nature of female and male hosts in the transmission dynamics of hantaviruses.  相似文献   

1.?Habitat use can influence individual performance in a wide range of animals, either immediately or through carry-over effects in subsequent seasons. Given that many animal species also show consistent individual differences in reproductive success, it seems plausible that individuals may have consistent patterns of habitat use representing individual specializations, with concomitant fitness consequences. 2.?Stable-carbon isotope ratios from a range of tissues were used to discern individual consistency in habitat use along a terrestrial-aquatic gradient in a long-distance migrant, the Bewick's swan (Cygnus columbianus bewickii). These individual specialisations represented <15% of the isotopic breadth of the population for the majority of individuals and were seen to persist throughout autumn migration and overwintering until aquatic habitats were no longer available. 3.?Individual foraging specialisations were then used to demonstrate two consecutive carry-over effects associated with macroscale habitat segregation: consequences of breeding season processes for autumn habitat use; and consequences of autumn habitat use for future reproductive success. Adults that were successful breeders in the year of capture used terrestrial habitats significantly more than adults that were not successful, revealing a substantial cost of reproduction and extended parental care. Use of aquatic habitats during autumn was, however, associated with increased body condition prior to spring migration; and increased subsequent breeding success in adults that had been unsuccessful the year before. Yet adults that were successful breeders in the year of capture remained the most likely to be successful the following year, despite their use of terrestrial habitats. 4.?Our results uniquely demonstrate not only individual foraging specializations throughout the migration period, but also that processes during breeding and autumn migration, mediated by individual consistency, may play a fundamental role in the population dynamics of long-distance migrants. These findings, therefore, highlight the importance of long-term consistency to our understanding of habitat function, interindividual differences in fitness, population dynamics and the evolution of migratory strategies.  相似文献   

R. Moss  A. Watson 《Ibis》1984,126(2):212-220
Samples of Ptarmigan eggs were hatched in captivity. They had been taken from ground adjacent to study areas where the wild birds' breeding success by early August, and their food plants, were measured.
Almost all deaths of chicks in captivity occurred within a few days of hatching and examination postmortem showed no specific cause. The proportion of chicks which died in captivity before 15 days of age varied markedly between years and study areas. These variations occurred in parallel with variations in breeding success in the wild populations from which the eggs had been taken. It was concluded that the survival of chicks both in captivity and in the wild was determined in part before the eggs hatched.
Variations in breeding success from year to year were correlated with the number of days that the food plants had been growing before the hens finished laying. Breeding success in the wild and chick survival in captivity were better for a 'rich' area overlying some base-rich rocks than for a 'poor' one overlying granite and with less blaeberry. It was inferred that, as in Red Grouse, maternal nutrition affected breeding success through the quality of the eggs.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   Hoatzins ( Opisthocomus hoazin ) are the only member of the family Opisthocomidae and are found only in forests in the Amazon and Orinoco river basin of South America. Although locally common in riparian habitats, information about their natural history is based almost exclusively on observations from gallery forests in the "llanos" (savannahs) of Venezuela. We investigated the nesting activities of Hoatzins in a primary rainforest in Amazonian Ecuador from 1995 to 2000. At our study site, Hoatzins live and breed in the inundated forests that surround lakes and river channels. Egg laying occurred from February to July and from September to November, but always peaked in April, May, and June. The mean clutch size was 2.4 ± 1.1 eggs ( N = 291; range = 1–7), but 51% of all clutches contained two eggs. The mean duration of the incubation period was 32 ± 1.5 d ( N = 20) and, overall, 17% of Hoatzin nests fledged at least one young. The main cause of nest failure was predation, with birds and snakes being the most frequent predators. Hoatzin reproduction was closely linked to the rainy season, and such timing may be influenced by increased food availability (high water levels cause leaf fall and the subsequent growth of new leaves coincides with the beginning of the feeding period of the young) and reduced risk of nest predation by mammalian predators when water levels are high. Our results indicate that the breeding biology of Hoatzins in tropical rainforest habitat, including small clutch sizes and low annual reproductive success, is similar to that of tropical passerines and provides further support for the existence of typical life history characteristics for tropical birds.  相似文献   

Using data on flocks of flamingos in Britain and Ireland, the relationship between flock size and breeding in captive flamingos was examined. Breeding flamingo flocks were significantly larger than nonbreeding flocks and larger flocks bred more frequently than smaller flocks. All Chilean flocks containing more than 40 birds have bred successfully; however, one flock of only 4 Chilean Flamingos has reared at least one chick. All Caribbean flocks over 20 birds have successfully reared a chick, yet the smallest flock to rear a chick was one of 14 birds. © 1992 Wiley-Liss Inc.  相似文献   

We describe, for the first time, nest-cavities selected by the Mediterranean endemic yelkouan shearwater Puffinus yelkouan on French islands, comparing it with the sympatric Cory's shearwater Calonectris diomedea. By monitoring 179 suitable cavities during four years, we show that yelkouan shearwaters select deeper cavities and with more winding tunnels than those selected by Cory's shearwaters or unoccupied cavities. Logistic regression modelling indicates that cavities with nest-like characteristics are not limited. We show that breeding success is enhanced in deeper cavities, with winding tunnels and higher block covers. We do not find any apparent competition between the two shearwater species.  相似文献   

Epizootiological surveys on hantavirus infections in rodents were carried out in various areas of Japan, including the four major islands of Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyushu from 2000 to 2003. A total of 1,221 rodents and insectivores were captured. Seropositive animals were found in Apodemus (A.) speciosus (5/482, 1.0%), Rattus (R.) norvegicus (4/364, 1.1%), R. rattus (3/45, 6.7%), and Clethrionomys (C.) rufocanus (7/197, 3.6%). The partial S segment was amplified from one seropositive R. rattus captured at Hakodate. The nucleotide sequence showed 96% identity with the Seoul virus (SEOV) prototype strain SR-11. In addition, we conducted an epidemiological survey on human hantavirus infection in a high-risk population, the personnel of the Japan Ground Self-defense Force on Hokkaido. One out of 207 human blood samples was positive for anti-hantavirus antibody by IFA, ELISA, and WB analysis. The result of the serotype specific ELISA indicates that this individual acquired SEOV infection. This study indicates that A. speciosus, R. norvegicus, R. rattus, and C. rufocanus carry hantaviruses as the reservoir animals in Japan. Infected R. rattus and R. norvegicus in port areas could be the sources of human SEOV infection and a threat to travelers and individuals working in seaports.  相似文献   

Testosterone (T) is an important mediator of reproductive behaviours and potential target for selection. However, there are few data relating natural variation in T to fitness estimates. Here, we used the GnRH challenge (an injection of gonadotropin‐releasing hormone which stimulates maximal T release), to examine how individual differences in T relate to reproductive success and how T changes across date and breeding stage. We measured pre‐ and post‐challenge T, in captive male Gouldian finches (Erythrura gouldiae), before and after introducing females, and across breeding stage. Post‐challenge T before introducing females positively predicted breeding success. Post‐challenge T levels were unrelated to date, but strongly related to stage; T production ability was strongly attenuated in incubating males. Prechallenge T levels related only to date. Our results suggest that T production ability is an important target for selection and that when males invest heavily in parental care they reduce their sensitivity to GnRH.  相似文献   

Among cervids, maternal investment, estimated as the amount of resources and care allocated to the offspring, was expected to be related to species body size. Therefore, maternal investment in a herd of captive Chinese water deer Hydropotes inermis, a relatively small species of cervid, was investigated over 3 years. Except during the lactation period, reproductive females spent about 2-fold more time resting than feeding. During lactation, the amount of time spent feeding increased highly (25.3 min/h during lactation vs 17.3 min/h during the gestation period). Females spent less than 30% of time in communal behaviours with offspring. They did not reject alien fawns during this care period. Frequency and duration of suckling events decreased exponentially from the second week onwards. More than 10% of suckling bouts were non-filial. Prenatal investment leads to a mean litter mass (about 12% of maternal mass) higher than in most cervid species. Postnatal investment in fawns represents a daily mass gain of ca. 85 g/d during the first 2 weeks, without any sexual difference. Female production, timing and synchrony of births and survival of fawns characterized reproductive success. Seventy percent of mature females gave birth, with a mean of 1.9 offspring per female. The sex ratio was even. Births were synchronous, 80% of births occurring in 25 days. In this herd, 0.74 fawn per female was successfully weaned and 0.56 fawn per female survived through their first year. Based on these results we conclude that reproductive strategy of Chinese water deer was efficient and characterized by mother-offspring relationships typical of hiders and high levels of pre- and postnatal investments. This strategy seems typical of small species of cervids without marked sexual dimorphism.[Current Zoology 55(2):102-110,2009].  相似文献   

In a longitudinal study we examined by immunoblotting (IB) the development and the evolution of the humoral immune response against individual cytomegalovirus (CMV) structural polypeptides in a total of 80 serum samples from 13 renal transplant recipients showing serological evidence of CMV infection and five renal transplant recipients with an anti-CMV antibody level unchanged over the observation period. The results showed that the IB reactivity at the time of transplantation may be a good index of the host's humoral immune status against CMV; by using this procedure it is possible to identify a seroconversion by the detection of antibodies reacting with some intermediate molecular weight proteins in sera examined at high dilution. Furthermore, IB is a very sensitive procedure also for IgM detection as it anticipates the positivity of the enzyme immune assay for IgM.  相似文献   

Synopsis The patterns of mate size and parental care of a monogamous cichlid fish,Cichlasoma maculicauda, were studied in Gatun Lake, Panama. Males defend territories which serve as courtship and nest sites. Within a population most mates in pairs are of equal size rank. In each pair the male is larger than the female, probably because most mature males are larger than most mature females. Clutch size increases with female body size. Male size affects breeding success in two ways. First, larger males provide nest sites less susceptible to destructive wave action. Second, young of larger males grow faster than young of smaller males. Large males defeat small males in contests for position in feeding areas, and this may provide their young with better feeding conditions. In the laboratory young growth rates increase with food abundance, and at high levels of food surpass those observed in nature. Fast growth of young reduces their vulnerability to predators and should allow parents to breed more often. Young survival rates improve with the size of the parents, so that larger fish raise more offspring at each breeding attempt. These observations suggest why preference for large mates should occur.  相似文献   

Competition between females is particularly intense in cooperatively breeding mammals, where one female monopolises reproduction in each group. Chronic competition often affects stress and may therefore have long-term consequences for fitness, but no studies have yet investigated whether intrasexual competition has effects of this kind and, in particular, whether it affects rates of reproductive senescence. Here, we use long-term data from a wild population of meerkats to test whether reproductive success and senescence in dominant females are affected by the degree of intrasexual competition experienced prior to dominance acquisition. Females that experienced greater competition had lower breeding success and higher rates of reproductive senescence. Furthermore, females that were evicted from the group more frequently as subordinates had lower breeding success when dominant. We conclude that the intense intrasexual competition between females in cooperatively breeding groups may carry fitness costs over a longer period than is usually recognised.  相似文献   

M Cheal 《Laboratory animals》1983,17(3):240-245
An analysis was made of demographic data collected from a colony of Mongolian gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus). The data on births of over 3800 gerbils provide evidence on several aspects of development and fecundity. Approximately 4% more females than males survived to weaning. Mean number of pups per dam per year was estimated to be 48.3, greater reproductive success than reported previously. The shortest period of gestation resulting in viable pups was 25 days. Implantation was delayed by the presence of suckling pups. When gestation was prolonged, there was a direct relationship between the number of pups being suckled concurrently and the length of the delay. Length of gestation did not affect the size of the subsequent litter. Female gerbils gave birth as early as 72 days of age. Gerbils continued to reproduce until after 2 years of age in some cases. There were fewer pups per litter born to older females, fewer pups per litter with increasing parity, and longer intervals between litters with increasing age.  相似文献   

Environmental variability can destabilize communities by causing correlated interspecific fluctuations that weaken the portfolio effect, yet evidence of such a mechanism is rare in natural systems. Here, we ask whether the population dynamics of similar sympatric species of a seabird breeding community are synchronized, and if these species have similar exceptional responses to environmental variation. We used a 24‐year time series of the breeding success and population growth rate of a marine top predator species group to assess the degree of synchrony between species demography. We then developed a novel method to examine the species group – all species combined – response to environmental variability, in particular, whether multiple species experience similar, pronounced fluctuations in their demography. Multiple species were positively correlated in breeding success and growth rate. Evidence of “exceptional” years was found, where the species group experienced pronounced fluctuations in their demography. The synchronous response of the species group was negatively correlated with winter sea surface temperature of the preceding year for both growth rate and breeding success. We present evidence for synchronous, exceptional responses of a species group that are driven by environmental variation. Such species covariation destabilizes communities by reducing the portfolio effect, and such exceptional responses may increase the risk of a state change in this community. Our understanding of the future responses to environmental change requires an increased focus on the short‐term fluctuations in demography that are driven by extreme environmental variability.  相似文献   

MARC BOSCH  DANIEL SOL 《Ibis》1998,140(3):415-421
The habitat selection and breeding performance of Yellow-legged Gulls Larus cachinnans were studied in the Medes Islands colony, northeastern Spain, during 1995 and 1996. Of the three main habitats on the islands (shrubs, grass and bare areas), gulls first occupied those with the highest percentage of tall vegetation. Gulls tended to select nest sites with 20–75% cover despite great differences in the cover in the habitats and territories, suggesting that the presence of a suitable nest site may play a major role in the choice of breeding habitat. Nest-site tenacity did not influence the preferences of gulls at any level since the same pattern of choice was observed in an area subjected to annual culls (i.e. where most of the breeding pairs were culled annually and replaced by naive birds). In spite of great differences in the physical characteristics of the habitats, little difference was found in breeding performance of the gulls between habitats. Gulls nesting in the least preferred habitat (i.e. mainly bare) had smaller clutches than those nesting in the other two habitats, possibly as a result of their later seasonal laying. Despite the similar breeding success in different habitats, gulls did not seem to distribute according to the ideal free model reported for Herring Gulls Larus argentatus since the density in the preferred habitat (i.e. shrubs) was never higher than in the other two. We suggest that the habitat selection by Yellow-legged Gulls within the colony could follow an ideal despotic distribution.  相似文献   

Nest-site fidelity and breeding success in White Stork Ciconia ciconia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Nest-site fidelity is a life-history trait of birds that may produce benefits in terms of fitness. We studied the relationship between breeding success and nest fidelity in the White Stork Ciconia ciconia . We also studied how other factors such as age, sex, habitat, colony size and productivity in previous breeding attempts might interfere with this relationship. Our results showed that pairs with higher fidelity rates also have lower failure rates, and that breeding failure and productivity in the previous season influenced the frequency of nest change in the following season. In addition, a curvilinear relationship was found between age and nest fidelity. These results suggest that age is a major factor related to nest fidelity and therefore individual experience could explain this behaviour in the White Stork. Changing the nest involves a reproductive cost for which nest fidelity can be considered as an adaptive strategy to increase fitness.  相似文献   

1. Fish and ducks often belong to the same local food web, and several studies indicate that there is a general negative effect of fish on breeding ducks. This pattern has so far been addressed mainly within the framework of competition for common invertebrate prey, while predation by large fish as a force behind settlement and abundance patterns in ducks remains largely unknown. This is the first study to address the effect of fish predation on breeding ducks, isolated from that of competition, and the first experiment to explore the ability of ducks to identify and avoid lakes with high risk of fish predation. 2. We used a before–after control–impact design and 11 naturally fishless lakes. Waterfowl on the lakes were surveyed during the breeding season of 2005. Large adult pike (Esox lucius) were added to two lakes in early spring 2008, and waterfowl surveys were repeated on all 11 lakes. 3. Pike introduction did not affect the number of pairs on lakes during the nesting season in any of three focal duck species (mallard Anas platyrhynchos, teal Anas crecca, and goldeneye Bucephala clangula). During the brood‐rearing season, however, there was a decrease in duck days in teal and goldeneye in lakes with pike, with similar trends observed in mallard. The number of goldeneye ducklings was also significantly lower in lakes with pike. We were unable to determine whether the response was attributable to direct pike predation or to broods leaving experimental lakes, but in either case, our study demonstrates high fitness costs for ducks breeding on lakes with pike. 4. The apparent inability of nesting ducks to detect pike and the clear fitness implications may influence the annual recruitment of ducks on a larger scale as pike are both common and widespread. Vegetation complexity and food abundance are likely to be of overriding importance when breeding ducks are choosing a nesting site. As pike have a strong influence on breeding birds, relying on vegetation and cues of food abundance, while ignoring indicators of predation risk from fish, could lead to lakes with pike acting as an ecological trap.  相似文献   

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