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In dark-grown hypocotyls of the Arabidopsis procuste mutant, a mutation in the CesA6 gene encoding a cellulose synthase reduces cellulose synthesis and severely inhibits elongation growth. Previous studies had left it uncertain why growth was inhibited, because cellulose synthesis was affected before, not during, the main phase of elongation. We characterised the quantity, structure and orientation of the cellulose remaining in the walls of affected cells. Solid-state NMR spectroscopy and infrared microscopy showed that the residual cellulose did not differ in structure from that of the wild type, but the cellulose content of the prc-1 cell walls was reduced by 28%. The total mass of cell-wall polymers per hypocotyl was reduced in prc-1 by about 20%. Therefore, the fourfold inhibition of elongation growth in prc-1 does not result from aberrant cellulose structure, nor from uniform reduction in the dimensions of the cell-wall network due to reduced cellulose or cell-wall mass. Cellulose orientation was quantified by two quantitative methods. First, the orientation of newly synthesised microfibrils was measured in field-emission scanning electron micrographs of the cytoplasmic face of the inner epidermal cell wall. The ordered transverse orientation of microfibrils at the inner face of the cell wall was severely disrupted in prc-1 hypocotyls, particularly in the early growth phase. Second, cellulose orientation distributions across the whole cell-wall thickness, measured by polarised infrared microscopy, were much broader. Analysis of the microfibril orientations according to the theory of composite materials showed that during the initial growth phase, their anisotropy at the plasma membrane was sufficient to explain the anisotropy of subsequent growth.  相似文献   

In nature, angiosperm trees develop tension wood on the upper side of their leaning trunks and drooping branches. Development of tension wood is one of the straightening mechanisms by which trees counteract leaning or bending of stem and resume upward growth. Tension wood is characterized by the development of a highly crystalline cellulose-enriched gelatinous layer next to the lumen of the tension wood fibers. Thus experimental induction of tension wood provides a system to understand the process of cellulose biosynthesis in trees. Since KORRIGAN endoglucanases (KOR) appear to play an important role in cellulose biosynthesis in Arabidopsis, we cloned PtrKOR, a full-length KOR cDNA from aspen xylem. Using RT-PCR, in situ hybridization, and tissue-print assays, we show that PtrKOR gene expression is significantly elevated on the upper side of the bent aspen stem in response to tension stress while KOR expression is significantly suppressed on the opposite side experiencing compression stress. Moreover, three previously reported aspen cellulose synthase genes, namely, PtrCesA1, PtrCesA2, and PtrCesA3 that are closely associated with secondary cell wall development in the xylem cells exhibited similar tension stress-responsive behavior. Our results suggest that coexpression of these four proteins is important for the biosynthesis of highly crystalline cellulose typically present in tension wood fibers. Their simultaneous genetic manipulation may lead to industrially relevant improvement of cellulose in transgenic crops and trees.Suchita Bhandari and Takeshi Fujino contributed equally to this research.  相似文献   

The study of microbial phylogeny and evolution has emerged as an interdisciplinary synthesis, divergent in both methods and concepts from the classical evolutionary biology. The deployment of macromolecular sequencing in microbial classification has provided a deep evolutionary taxonomy hitherto deemed impossible. Microbial phylogenetics has greatly transformed the landscape of evolutionary biology, not only in revitalizing the field in the pursuit of life's history over billions of years, but also in transcending the structure of thought that has shaped evolutionary theory since the time of Darwin. A trio of primary phylogenetic lineages, along with the recognition of symbiosis and lateral gene transfer as fundamental processes of evolutionary innovation, are core principles of microbial evolutionary biology today. Their scope and significance remain contentious among evolutionists.  相似文献   

Deoxyhypusine synthase (DHS) is involved in the post-translational activation of the eukaryotic initiation factor 5A (eIF5A) and, as a side-reaction, catalyzes the formation of homospermidine if its substrate, the eIF5A precursor protein, is replaced by putrescine. Plant homospermidine synthase is assumed to be phylogenetically derived from DHS; it represents a DHS having lost its intrinsic activity. The enzyme is expressed in plants producing pyrrolizidine alkaloids where it catalyzes the formation of homospermidine the unique precursor of pyrrolizidine alkaloids. Here we show that 29 species randomly selected from 18 angiosperm families as well as a few other terrestrial plant species, all were able to produce small amounts of homospermidine. Basing on these results and in the context of literature on the occurrence of homospermidine in the organismic kingdoms, a universal occurrence of homospermidine is assumed and ubiquitous DHS is suggested to be responsible for its formation. The synthesis of homospermidine as an enzymatic by-product of an essential enzyme is discussed in respect to the evolutionary origin of homospermidine synthase and the biosynthetic pathway of pyrrolizidine alkaloids.  相似文献   

Many gene flow barriers associated with genetic isolation during eukaryotic species divergence, are lacking in prokaryotes. In these organisms the processes associated with horizontal gene transfer (HGT) may provide both the homogenizing force needed for genetic cohesion and the genetic variation essential to speciation. This is because HGT events can broadly be grouped into genetic conversions (where endogenous genetic material are replaced with homologs acquired from external sources) and genetic introductions (where novel genetic material is acquired from external sources). HGT-based genetic conversions therefore causes homogenization, while genetic introductions drive divergence of populations upon fixation of genetic variants. The impact of HGT in different prokaryotic species may vary substantially and can range from very low levels to rampant HGT, producing chimeric groups of isolates. Combined with other evolutionary processes, these varying levels of HGT causes diversity space to be occupied by unique groups that are mostly incomparable in terms of genetic similarity, genomic cohesion and evolutionary age. As a result, the conventional, cut-off based metrics for species delineation are not adequate. Rather, a pluralistic approach to prokaryotic species recognition is required to accommodate the unique evolutionary ages and tendencies, population dynamics, and evolutionary fates of individual prokaryotic species. Following this approach, all prokaryotic species may be regarded as unique and each of their own kind (sui generis). Taxonomic decisions thus require evolutionary information that integrates vertical inheritances with all possible sources of genetic heterogeneity to ultimately produce robust and biologically meaningful classifications.  相似文献   

The cellulose synthase (CESA) gene family of seed plants comprises six clades that encode isoforms with conserved expression patterns and distinct functions in cellulose synthesis complex (CSC) formation and primary and secondary cell wall synthesis. In mosses, which have rosette CSCs like those of seed plants but lack lignified secondary cell walls, the CESA gene family diversified independently and includes no members of the six functionally distinct seed plant clades. There are seven CESA isoforms encoded in the genome of the moss Physcomitrella patens. However, only PpCESA5 has been characterised functionally, and little information is available on the expression of other PpCESA family members. We have profiled PpCESA expression through quantitative RT‐PCR, analysis of promoter‐reporter lines, and cluster analysis of public microarray data in an effort to identify expression and co‐expression patterns that could help reveal the functions of PpCESA isoforms in protein complex formation and development of specific tissues. In contrast to the tissue‐specific expression observed for seed plant CESAs, each of the PpCESAs was broadly expressed throughout most developing tissues. Although a few statistically significant differences in expression of PpCESAs were noted when some tissues and hormone treatments were compared, no strong co‐expression patterns were observed. Along with CESA phylogenies and lack of single PpCESA mutant phenotypes reported elsewhere, broad overlapping expression of the PpCESAs indicates a high degree of inter‐changeability and is consistent with a different pattern of functional specialisation in the evolution of the seed plant and moss CESA families.  相似文献   

Lateral genomics     
More than 20 complete prokaryotic genome sequences are now publicly available, each by itself an unparalleled resource for understanding organismal biology. Collectively, these data are even more powerful: they could force a dramatic reworking of the framework in which we understand biological evolution. It is possible that a single universal phylogenetic tree is not the best way to depict relationships between all living and extinct species. Instead a web- or net-like pattern, reflecting the importance of horizontal or lateral gene transfer between lineages of organisms, might provide a more appropriate visual metaphor. Here, I ask whether this way of thinking is really justified, and explore its implications.  相似文献   

Lateral genomics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
More than 20 complete prokaryotic genome sequences are now publicly available, each by itself an unparalleled resource for understanding organismal biology. Collectively, these data are even more powerful: they could force a dramatic reworking of the framework in which we understand biological evolution. It is possible that a single universal phylogenetic tree is not the best way to depict relationships between all living and extinct species. Instead a web- or net-like pattern, reflecting the importance of horizontal or lateral gene transfer between lineages of organisms, might provide a more appropriate visual metaphor. Here, I ask whether this way of thinking is really justified, and explore its implications.  相似文献   

Lateral genomics     
More than 20 complete prokaryotic genome sequences are now publicly available, each by itself an unparalleled resource for understanding organismal biology. Collectively, these data are even more powerful: they could force a dramatic reworking of the framework in which we understand biological evolution. It is possible that a single universal phylogenetic tree is not the best way to depict relationships between all living and extinct species. Instead a web- or net-like pattern, reflecting the importance of horizontal or lateral gene transfer between lineages of organisms, might provide a more appropriate visual metaphor. Here, I ask whether this way of thinking is really justified, and explore its implications.  相似文献   

Determining the influence of horizontal gene transfer (HGT) on phylogenomic analyses and the retrieval of a tree of life is relevant for our understanding of microbial genome evolution. It is particularly difficult to differentiate between phylogenetic incongruence due to noise and that resulting from HGT. We have performed a large-scale, detailed evolutionary analysis of the different phylogenetic signals present in the genomes of Xanthomonadales, a group of Proteobacteria. We show that the presence of phylogenetic noise is not an obstacle to infer past and present HGTs during their evolution. The scenario derived from this analysis and other recently published reports reflect the confounding effects on bacterial phylogenomics of past and present HGT. Although transfers between closely related species are difficult to detect in genome-scale phylogenetic analyses, past transfers to the ancestor of extant groups appear as conflicting signals that occasionally might make impossible to determine the evolutionary origin of the whole genome.  相似文献   

The CESA gene superfamily of Arabidopsis and other seed plants comprises the CESA family, which encodes the catalytic subunits of cellulose synthase, and eight families of CESA-like (CSL) genes whose functions are largely unknown. The CSL genes have been proposed to encode processive β-glycosyl transferases that synthesize noncellulosic cell wall polysaccharides. BLAST searches of EST and shotgun genomic sequences from the moss Physcomitrella patens (Hedw.) B.S.G. were used to identify genes with high similarity to vascular plant CESAs, CSLAs, CSLCs, and CSLDs. However, searches using Arabidopsis CSLBs, CSLEs, and CSLGs or rice CSLFs or CSLHs as queries identified no additional CESA superfamily members in P. patens, indicating that this moss lacks representatives of these families. Intron insertion sites are highly conserved between Arabidopsis and P. patens in all four shared gene families. However, phylogenetic analysis strongly supports independent diversification of the shared families in mosses and vascular plants. The lack of orthologs of vascular plant CESAs in the P. patens genome indicates that the divergence of mosses and vascular plants predated divergence and specialization of CESAs for primary and secondary cell wall syntheses and for distinct roles within the rosette terminal complexes. In contrast to Arabidopsis, the CSLD family is highly represented among P. patens ESTs. This is consistent with the proposed function of CSLDs in tip growth and the central role of tip growth in the development of the moss protonema. Electronic supplementary material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at and is accessible for authorized users. Accession numbers: DQ417756, DQ417757, DQ898284–6, DQ898147–54, DQ902545–51.  相似文献   

葡萄白藜芦醇合成酶基因的克隆   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了构建白藜芦醇合成酶(RS)基因的克隆载体,用PCR技术从葡萄叶片总DNA中扩增出RS基因全长,然后将其重组到克隆载体中。通过酶切对重组质粒进行了鉴定和测序,结果表明,RS基因已经正确克隆至pUC19中,将重组质粒转入大肠杆菌里,使RS基因能够在大肠杆菌里保存并且大量扩增,为RS基因构建表达载体表达白藜芦醇合成酶奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Three sets of cellulose synthase genes were cloned from a cellulose-producing bacterium Acetobacter xylinum JCM 7664. One set of genes (bcsAI/bcsBI/bcsCI/bcsDI) were highly conserved with the well-established type I genes in other strains of A. xylinum, while the other two (bcsABII-A, bcsABII-B) were homologous to the known type II (acsAII). Unexpectedly, they were immediately followed by a gene cluster of bcsX/bcsY/bcsCII/ORF569, likely forming an operon. Western blotting demonstrated that the BcsY protein accumulated in cells. Since BcsY showed striking similarities to a number of membrane-bound transacylases, it was hypothesized that the type II cellulose synthase produces acylated cellulose, which might be anchored on the cytoplasmic membrane. An insertion sequence of IS1380-type was found just upstream of the one type II gene (bcsABII-B), suggestive of nonfunctioning.  相似文献   

细菌纤维素是一种天然的生物质高分子聚合物。相较于植物纤维素,其具有更高的纯度和优异的力学性能。有望作为一种绿色的新型高分子材料被广泛应用。细菌纤维素合酶作为合成细菌纤维素的关键酶,其主导细菌纤维素的合成过程。因此,对其合成机理的探索有助于实现细菌纤维素大量生产和广泛应用。本文从细菌纤维素合酶的基本特性出发,综述了菌种筛选、提升产量和合酶的细胞定位等内容;围绕纤维素合酶的作用机理阐述了体外合成方法的影响因素,以及利用该方法探究各亚基相关作用的现状。以此探究细菌纤维素合酶的合成机制,并提出了当前研究中存在的问题。同时,展望了该领域未来的研究方向,以期通过对合成机理的探讨为细菌纤维素的大规模应用提供理论基础。  相似文献   

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