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西双版纳热带雨林中榕树动物群落结构与多样性研究   总被引:24,自引:3,他引:21  
榕树是西双版纳热带雨林生态系统中的一个关键植物类群,在该类植物中,形成了以榕树果实、叶片、枝杆、枯枝落叶、土壤为食物、栖息、繁殖环境和帮助榕树授粉、传播种子的动物群落;榕树和动物之间形成了互相依赖、协同共存、互保发展的紧密关系。  相似文献   

榕树 ——滇南热带雨林生态系统中的一类关键植物   总被引:42,自引:4,他引:38  
榕树──滇南热带雨林生态系统中的一类关键植物许再富(中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园,勐仑666303)在近年的生物多样性和保护生物学的文献中出现了一个新的术语:关键种(Keystonespecies),它指那些在生态系统中具有极其重要生态意义的物种。关...  相似文献   

热带雨林片断化对榕小蜂和榕树物种的影响   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:15  
榕树是热带雨林生态系统中的一类关键物种。榕树必须依靠榕小传数值和获得有性繁殖;而榕小蜂的幼虫又必须依靠榕树瘿花为食才能生长生长和繁衍后代,因此二者间有着密切的共生关系。研究表明:在西双版纳热带雨林榕小蜂科有3属17种分布。热带十麻片断化使榕小蜂和榕树的种类呈明显下降趋势;片断热带雨林面积的大小二对二得的物种娄和个体数有明显的影响。  相似文献   

西双版纳榕树的民族植物文化   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
榕树是桑科榕属(FicusL.)乔木种类的总称,在西双版纳热带森林中有48种(不包括变种),是一个物种最多、种群较大的类群,与生活在森林中的各族人民有密切的关系,形成了独特的民族榕树文化。西双版纳各民族利用多种榕树的嫩枝叶、果子作蔬菜和水果,利用多种榕树治疗疾病,一些种类被当地民族视为“神(龙)树”和“佛树”,各族人民还在村寨附近、寺庙庭院和家庭庭园中栽培多种榕树,既供日常生活之需,又改善村社的生态环境。它不仅关系到自然生态系统的平衡,而且对人与自然的协调发展有重要意义  相似文献   

榕属植物及其传粉昆虫榕小蜂是自然界协同进化的经典模型,榕果内雌花资源如何分配一直是备受关注的问题。为验证季节变化对榕树-榕小蜂互利共生系统生长与繁殖的影响,该研究以西双版纳地区的聚果榕(Ficus racemosa)为材料,分析了季节变化对榕果大小、自然进蜂量以及榕树-榕小蜂繁殖的影响,并利用人工控制性放蜂实验和模型拟合,探讨榕果最适进蜂量及不同季节进蜂量对雌花资源分配的影响。结果表明:季节对榕果直径有显著影响,雨季的榕果直径显著小于干热季和雾凉季;不同季节的自然进蜂量也有显著差别,苞片口对调节进蜂数量有重要作用;季节对榕树-榕小蜂繁殖分配也有影响,雾凉季产生的种子数量和榕小蜂数量均最多;同时人工控制实验和二次抛物线模型拟合结果表明,母代雌蜂数量与种子及榕小蜂后代数量均呈抛物线关系,雌蜂数量过多或过少都对榕树-榕小蜂的繁殖不利,自然进蜂量与拟合的最优进蜂量基本一致。研究结果说明榕果进化出了适应西双版纳地区季节变化的繁殖策略。  相似文献   

植物花挥发物是维持昆虫-植物传粉互作的重要化学信号,其组成的多样性对于理解传粉昆虫与植物相互作用的形成、维持和进化具有重要意义。榕树与其传粉榕小蜂是一种专性的互惠共生关系,榕树为榕小蜂提供繁殖场所,榕小蜂为榕树传粉。而榕果雌花期(接收期)释放的特异性挥发物是维持双方相互作用的关键媒介。本研究以西双版纳地区同域分布的6种雌雄异株榕树为研究对象,用固相微萃取和气相色谱质谱联用仪对雌花期榕果的挥发物组成进行了分析。共发现77种化合物,包含脂肪酸类衍生物6种、单萜类化合物16种、倍半萜类衍生物50种和芳香族化合物5种,不同化合物对挥发物距离差异性的贡献率依次是:对甲基苯甲醚(4-methylanisole,2.15)、β-罗勒烯(β-Ocimene,0.84)和喜沙木烯(Prezizaene,0.73)。不同物种间挥发物组成有显著的差异,且挥发物的差异与榕树系统发育距离具有正相关性,但同一物种不同性别间的挥发物组成上没有显著的差异。本研究中发现雌雄异株榕树挥发物组成具有多样性高、种内性别间相似、种间差异大,系统发育一致性的特点,上述特点在榕树物种分化以及维持雌雄异株榕树繁殖的化学通讯机制中可能发挥着关键作用。  相似文献   

 榕树(Ficus)及其传粉榕小蜂(Agaonidae)构成了高度专一的互惠共生体系。榕树的果实(以下简称榕果)内也寄生着一些非传粉小蜂。 绝大多数非传粉小蜂在榕果外把产卵器刺入果壁产卵到果腔内, 只有极少数种类能够进入果腔内产卵。在西双版纳地区, 钝叶榕(Ficus curtipes)上的杨氏榕树金小蜂(Diaziella yangi)类似于传粉者钝叶榕小蜂(Eupristina sp.), 它也是进入榕果内产卵繁殖后代的, 这就为比 较研究榕果内产卵小蜂与寄主榕树间的关系提供了材料。该文从形态学、行为学和生态学角度比较研究了这两种进入榕果内产卵的小蜂与寄主 钝叶榕之间的作用关系, 研究结果显示: 1)杨氏榕树金小蜂与钝叶榕小蜂的雌蜂头部形状存在趋同进化; 2)两种小蜂的产卵器的平均长度都比 雌花花柱长, 因而能把卵产在子房里; 3)钝叶榕小蜂从瘿花出来需要3~5 h, 交配需要17~19 min, 杨氏榕树金小蜂从瘿花出来只需18~20 min, 交配时间为20~30 s; 4)在自然群落中, 大约90%的雌花期榕果里都只进一只杨氏榕树金小蜂和一只钝叶榕小蜂, 杨氏榕树金小蜂能通过传粉来 增加榕树种子数量, 但对钝叶榕小蜂种群的繁衍造成了极显著的负面影响; 5)两种小蜂于同一时期进入榕果内繁殖, 子代同期成熟羽化, 发育 期与榕树雄花的发育期同步。研究表明: 进入榕果内繁殖的两种小蜂与寄主榕树之间存在着协同进化关系, 杨氏榕树金小蜂为榕树有效地传粉, 这可能是一个由寄生者向互惠方向进化的实例。  相似文献   

中国兰科植物属的界定:现状与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
<正>兰科植物是被子植物的最大科之一,全世界约有736属28,000种(Chase et al.,2015,Dressler,1993),广泛分布于大部分的陆地生态系统中,尤其以热带地区最为丰富。兰科植物是生物学研究的热点类群之一,也是生物多样性保护中的"旗舰"类群,全世界所有的野生兰科植物均被列为《野生动植物濒危物种国际贸易公约》(CITES)的保护范围,占该公约保护植物种类的90%以上。中国是野生兰科植物最为丰富的国家之一,  相似文献   

<正>西双版纳位于中国云南省南部,毗邻老挝和缅甸,年平均温度在20~25℃之间,年降水1500毫米左右。这种湿润的气候为热带雨林的发育和物种生存提供了良好的条件,是我国重要的热带雨林区之一。该地区的热带雨林被誉为地球上生物多样性最丰富的地区之一,拥有丰富的动植物资源和壮丽的自然景观。在西双版纳热带雨林中,植被茂密多样,包括遮天蔽日的高大乔木、密集丛生的草本和灌木、随处可见的藤蔓植物,以及众多附生在树干上的兰花和蕨类植物。这些植被形成了热带雨林的独特景观,  相似文献   

海南与西双版纳龙脑香热带雨林比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以海南龙脑香热带雨林和西双版纳龙脑香热带雨林为研究对象,比较分析了这两种森林类型在树种多样性与组成、群落外貌及群落动态等方面的特征.结果表明:(1)在树种多样性和物种组成上,西双版纳龙脑香热带雨林的树种多样性高于海南龙脑香热带雨林;西双版纳龙脑香热带雨林的优势种为假海桐和望天树,与海南龙脑香热带雨林的优势种截然不同.(2)在群落外貌上,西双版纳龙脑香热带雨林的全缘叶和常绿植物的比例较低,而纸质叶植物和小型叶植物的比例较高,反映出西双版纳龙脑香热带雨林具有旱生的特点.(3)在群落动态上,树种频率分布和直径分布表明西双版纳龙脑香热带雨林是较为稳定的森林群落,而海南龙脑香热带雨林建群种单一,物种分布很不均匀,群落处于演替的初期阶段.  相似文献   

西双版纳聚果榕隐头果内小蜂群落结构及种间关系   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:10  
聚果榕Ficus racemosa Linn.是雌雄同株榕树,它是西双版纳热带雨林生态系统中的一个常见种群。聚果榕必须依靠聚果榕小蜂Ceratosolen fusciceps Mayr传粉才能获得有性繁殖,而聚果榕小蜂又必须依靠聚果榕隐头果内短柱花繁衍后代,两者间形成了种间专一的互惠共生体系。同时,在其隐头果内还存在一个复杂的非传粉小蜂功能群,它们主要是榕树种子和传粉榕小蜂的寄生者。在云南省西双版纳自治州勐腊县勐仑镇选取了5个样地,对聚果榕单果内小蜂群落组成和种间相互关系进行研究。在不同时间段采集聚果榕单果242个,共收集小蜂366660头。聚果榕隐头果内有6种小蜂,隶属小蜂总科Chalcidoidae中的榕小蜂科Agaonidae、长尾小蜂科Caliimomidae、金小蜂科Pteromalidae,其中榕小蜂科中的C.fusciceps是聚果榕唯一的传粉者。金小蜂科中的Apocryta westwoodi Grandi和Apocryta sp.两个种是榕小蜂的寄生者,它们的寄生是传粉榕小蜂的种群数量减少因素之一。长尾小蜂科中Platyneura agraensis Joseph,Platyneura mayri Rasplus和Platyneura testacea Motschulsky3个种是寄生榕树种子或与榕小蜂争夺食物(瘿花)资源的小蜂类群,它们的出现与发生,致使聚果榕正在发育成种子的长柱小花形成瘿花,同时一部分种类把卵寄生在已被榕小蜂产卵的短柱小花子房中与榕小蜂争夺食物资源,致使榕小蜂食物资源的匮乏而死亡,对传粉小蜂种群有明显的影响。传粉小蜂从花托口钻入隐头果内,在隐头果内的长柱小花传粉和短柱小花子房中产卵,5种非传粉小蜂从隐头果外部把产卵器刺穿果肉把卵产在小花子房上。通过对5块样地隐头果内小蜂群落的综合分析发现,传粉榕小蜂为优势种群,而Apocryta sp.种的数量最少。在传粉及非传粉小蜂自然群体中各种类性比明显具有偏雌现象。小蜂群落表现异常的是聚果榕孤立株的样地,该样地传粉小蜂个体数量明显下降,非传粉小蜂个体数量则增加,各小蜂种群之间竞争激烈,出现C.fusciceps和P.mayri两个优势种。  相似文献   

Abstract  Fig trees are important components of tropical forests, because their fruits are eaten by so many vertebrates, but they depend on pollinating fig wasps to produce mature fruits. Disturbance to habitat structure can have a major impact on insect diversity and composition, potentially reducing fruit yields. We investigated the impact of habitat disturbance on the fig wasp community associated with male figs of Ficus tinctoria in Xishuangbanna, China. The community comprised one pollinator species Liporrhopalum gibbosae and six non-pollinating wasp species: Sycoscapter sp.1, Philotrypesis ravii , Philotrypesis sp.1, Neosycophila omeomorpha , Sycophila sp.1, and Walkerella sp.1. More disturbed areas were characterized by higher temperatures, less shade, and more vehicle noise. The response of the fig wasp community was complex, with no simple relationship between intensity of disturbance and pollinator abundance. However, the sex ratios (proportion of male progeny) of pollinators increased significantly in more disturbed areas. We conclude that potential changes in fig wasp community composition brought about by disturbance, are unpredictable, with unclear consequences for tropical rainforest biodiversity.  相似文献   

Aims Most pollinator fig wasps are host plant specific, with each species only breeding in the figs of one fig tree species, but increasing numbers of species are known to be pollinated by more than one fig wasp, and in rare instances host switching can result in Ficus species sharing pollinators. In this study, we examined factors facilitating observed host switching at Xishuangbanna in Southwestern (SW) China, where Ficus squamosa is at the northern edge of its range and lacks the fig wasps that pollinate it elsewhere, and its figs are colonized by a Ceratosolen pollinator that routinely breeds in figs of F. heterostyla .Methods We recorded the habitat preferences of F. squamosa and F. heterostyla at Xishuangbanna, and compared characteristics such as fig size, location and colour at receptive phase. Furthermore, the vegetative and reproductive phenologies in the populations of F. squamosa and F. heterostyla were recorded weekly at Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden for 1 year.Important findings Ficus squamosa is a shrub found near fast-flowing rivers, F. heterostyla is a small tree of disturbed forest edges. Although preferring different habitats, they can be found growing close together. Both species have figs located at or near ground level, but they differ in size when pollinated. Fig production in F. squamosa was concentrated in the colder months. F. heterostyla produced more figs in summer but had some throughout the year. The absence of its normal pollinators, in combination with similarly located figs and partially complementary fruiting patterns appear to have facilitated colonization of F. squamosa by the routine pollinator of F. heterostyla. The figs probably also share similar attractant volatiles. This host switching suggests one mechanism whereby fig trees can acquire new pollinators and emphasizes the likely significance of edges of ranges in the genesis of novel fig tree–fig wasp relationships.  相似文献   

西双版纳鸡嗉果榕小蜂繁殖和传粉行为   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:11  
鸡嗉果榕 Ficus semicordata Buch.-Ham.ex J. E. Sm.是西双版纳地区常见的榕属植物,它是热带雨林生态系统中的一类先锋树种,当热带雨林被破坏后,它最先在林缘、沟谷和路边迅速生长起来,是热带和亚热带地区森林生态系统恢复初期一类重要物种。在西双版纳通过不同样地定树、定期生态学观察和室内剖查不同生长时期的鸡嗉果榕隐头果的方法,对榕小蜂繁殖和传粉行为进行了研究,结果表明,鸡嗉果榕雌雄异株,在西双版纳一年结2~3次隐头果,雌株隐头果内小花由榕小蜂传粉后产生种子。雄株则产生雄花和中性小花,中性小花专门供给传粉小蜂产卵繁殖后代。鸡嗉果榕小蜂Ceratosolen gravelyi Grandi是鸡嗉果榕唯一的传粉昆虫。传粉小蜂的雄蜂比雌蜂早羽化30~90 min,一部分雄虫羽化后,在虫瘿上爬动寻找雌蜂寄生的瘿花,一找到雌蜂寄生的瘿花,就咬破虫瘿的一个小口,把生殖器伸进瘿花与雌蜂交配,一部分雄蜂则在果肉上咬出蜂口。雌蜂交配后,顶大交配孔出蜂爬到雄花区采集花粉,然后,飞出寻找鸡嗉果榕雌花期的嫩隐头果传粉和繁殖后代。到鸡嗉果榕雌株传粉的小蜂能飞翔300~500 m,进果腔传粉行为长达5~27 h,传完粉3~5 h在果腔内死亡。到雄株上繁殖的小蜂一般飞翔在20~100 m左右近距离寻找嫩隐头果,进果腔产卵,每只小蜂在无干扰的情况下可产400多粒卵。除传粉榕小蜂外,在鸡嗉果榕雄株隐头果上还有4种植食、造瘿和复寄生等非传粉小蜂,它们对传粉小蜂的种群繁衍影响很大,常使传粉小蜂的种群数量降低25~70%。每个隐头果内进传粉小蜂量多少对鸡嗉果榕和榕小蜂繁殖有关,最佳进蜂量为3只,高或低于最佳进蜂量对鸡嗉果榕树和它的传粉小蜂繁殖均不利。  相似文献   

西双版纳热带雨林聚果榕小蜂的传粉生态学   总被引:33,自引:3,他引:30  
对聚果榕小蜂(Ceratosolen sp.)传粉生态学进行了首次研究。结果表明,聚果榕小蜂的雄蜂比雄蜂早羽化数小时;雄蜂羽化不能自行打开瘿花和果肉出蜂口,两个出蜂口均需雄蜂开凿,而聚果榕的成熟花粉,不能自行地从开裂处散发出来,必须经榕小蜂的繁殖性雌蜂采集才能散到表面,羽化后的雌蜂的开裂的雄花中不停地用触角柄节,口器上颚和足推动和采集花粉,雄蜂飞出熟榕果寻找嫩隐头花果,一般在外飞5-80min,雌蜂进入嫩聚果榕的隐头花果内后,立即把粘附在足,头触角和身上的花粉不停地推动到长柱头雌花中,授粉行为长达4-9h,然后,才把卵产在短柱头雌花中。  相似文献   

Fig trees (Ficus) are a species-rich group of mainly tropical and subtropical plants that are of ecological importance because of the large numbers of vertebrates that utilise their figs for food. Factors limiting their distributions to warmer regions are still poorly understood, but are likely to include factors linked to their specialised pollination biology, because each Ficus species is dependent on one or a small number of host-specific fig wasps (Agaonidae) for pollination. Adult fig wasps are short-lived, but some species are capable of dispersing extremely long distances to pollinate their hosts. Close to its northern range limit we investigated the phenology of Ficus virens, the monoecious fig tree that reaches furthest north in China. Relatively few trees produced any figs, and very few retained figs throughout the winter. Despite this, new crops produced in spring were pollinated, with seasonally migrant pollinators from plants growing further south the most likely pollen vectors. An inability to initiate new crops at low temperatures may limit the distribution of monoecious fig trees to warmer areas.  相似文献   

 榕树-传粉者共生体系是目前植物与昆虫协同进化研究中的典型模式之一。国内外已经开展了大量的相关研究,从不同方面探讨了其特殊的一一对应的共生关系。榕树-传粉者的专一性互惠共生关系中蕴含了与系统发育有关的多因子协同进化的机理,因此,进行系统发育研究将有助于更好地揭示榕树-传粉者的协同进化历史和理解二者的专一性互惠共生关系。本文简单地介绍了目前榕树及其传粉者共生体系的研究状况之后,论述了榕树-传粉者协同进化的系统发育分子生物学研究成果。同时针对国际上在榕属植物的传统的系统与分类研究中存在的一些分歧及榕树传粉者亚科分类不匹配等问题,回顾了榕属的分类研究进展及其与传粉者的关系。最后,结合我国榕树与传粉者共生体系的研究状况对我国榕属的重新分类和系统发育研究作了展望。  相似文献   

Fig-eating by vertebrate frugivores: a global review   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The consumption of figs (the fruit of Ficus spp.: Moraceae) by vertebrates is reviewed using data from the literature, unpublished accounts and new field data from Borneo and Hong Kong. Records of frugivory from over 75 countries are presented for 260 Ficus species (approximately 30% of described species). Explanations are presented for geographical and taxonomic gaps in the otherwise extensive literature. In addition to a small number of reptiles and fishes, 1274 bird and mammal species in 523 genera and 92 families are known to eat figs. In terms of the number of species and genera of fig-eaters and the number of fig species eaten we identify the avian families interacting most with Ficus to be Columbidae, Psittacidae, Pycnonotidae, Bucerotidae, Sturnidae and Lybiidae. Among mammals, the major fig-eating families are Pteropodidae, Cercopithecidae, Sciuridae, Phyllostomidae and Cebidae. We assess the role these and other frugivores play in Ficus seed dispersal and identify fig-specialists. In most, but not all, cases fig specialists provide effective seed dispersal services to the Ficus species on which they feed. The diversity of fig-eaters is explained with respect to fig design and nutrient content, phenology of fig ripening and the diversity of fig presentation. Whilst at a gross level there exists considerable overlap between birds, arboreal mammals and fruit bats with regard to the fig species they consume, closer analysis, based on evidence from across the tropics, suggests that discrete guilds of Ficus species differentially attract subsets of sympatric frugivore communities. This dispersal guild structure is determined by interspecific differences in fig design and presentation. Throughout our examination of the fig-frugivore interaction we consider phylogenetic factors and make comparisons between large-scale biogeographical regions. Our dataset supports previous claims that Ficus is the most important plant genus for tropical frugivores. We explore the concept of figs as keystone resources and suggest criteria for future investigations of their dietary importance. Finally, fully referenced lists of frugivores recorded at each Ficus species and of Ficus species in the diet of each frugivore are presented as online appendices. In situations where ecological information is incomplete or its retrieval is impractical, this valuable resource will assist conservationists in evaluating the role of figs or their frugivores in tropical forest sites.  相似文献   

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