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The major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-linked complotype region includes alleles for B, C2, and C4 loci. These loci are closely linked to each other and to HLA-DR on chromosome 6. The duplicated C4 loci,, C4A and B, are especially polymorphic. In seven patients with renal insufficiency, we observed a C4 variant with electrophoretic mobility between C4B2 and C4B3. Four of these patients were detected during a study of MHC markers in mernbranoproliferative glomerulonephritis. Complete complotype and HLA data from families of five of the seven patients demonstrated that the variant was not inherited. The pattern was revealed by immunofixation electrophoresis and also by C4-specific hemolytic overlay. In serial plasma specimens taken from one patient, the C4 variant appeared only after the patient became uremic. However, the variant could not be produced in normal plasma after incubation with C4-depleted uremic plasma. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis under reducing conditions of immunoprecipitated C4 from these patients showed C4A and C4B chains of normal molecular mass; incompletely processed forms of C4 were not observed. We believe that this variant is probably acquired in the presence of uremia and may represent the C4B2.9 allele found by Wank and co-workers in many patients with glomerulonephritis. Family studies are mandatory to distinguish genetic variants from acquired alterations in the C4 phenotype.  相似文献   

C4d.1 and C4d.2 are serologically defined allotypes of murine complement component C4. Previous studies in Shreffler's laboratory have shown that the structural difference between the two allotypes lies within a single tryptic peptide of the C4 alpha-chain and that the sequences of this fragment from the two allotypes (determined from nucleic acid sequences of genomic clones) differ only by the substitution of arginine in C4d.2 for glutamine in C4d.1. Hence this single amino acid change apparently is responsible for the rather striking serological difference between the two allotypes. To test this conclusion, we have used site-specific mutagenesis to alter the sequence of a full-length C4 cDNA that was derived from a mouse strain expressing the C4d.2 allotype. We substituted a glutamine codon for the arginine codon at the specified site and expressed both mutant and parent recombinant C4 proteins by transient transfection of COS cells. We found that an alloantiserum specific for C4d.1 reacts with the mutant protein but not the parent whereas an alloantiserum specific for C4d.2 reacts with the parent protein, as expected, but not the mutant. These results confirm that a single amino acid difference specifies the C4d.1 and C4d.2 allotypes.  相似文献   

The genetically determined polymorphism of the fourth component of human complement was further extended with the aid of a panel of human allo-anti-C4 sera, anti-Rodgers and anti-Chido. These antisera were found previously to react with the alpha-chains of the C4 molecules controlled by the C4A and C4B loci, respectively. We analyzed a number of new and rare C4 allotypes, and found that they generally followed the expected pattern. Some interesting exceptions, however, were found. The alpha-chain of the allotype C4A1 was found to react with anti-Chido, unlike all other C4A allotypes. Also the C4B5 allotype could be subdivided into two subtypes on the basis of their reaction with anti-Rodgers. They were tentatively named B5Rg+ and B5Rg-. Moreover, the B5Rg+ subtype reacted not only with anti-Rodgers but also with some anti-Chido sera, indicating for the first time that Chido and Rodgers determinants are present on the same allotype.  相似文献   

Human C4 haplotypes with duplicated C4A or C4B   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
In the course of study of families for the sixth chromosome markers HLA-A, C, B, D/DR, BF, and C2, the two loci for C4, C4A, and C4B, and glyoxalase I, we encountered five examples of probable duplication of one or the other of the two loci for C4. In one of these, both parents and one sib expressed two different structural genes for C4B, one sib expressed one, and one sib expressed none, suggesting that two C4B alleles were carried on a single haplotype: HLA-A2, B7, DR3, BFS1, C2C, C4A2, C4B1, C4B2, GLO1. In a second case, two siblings inherited C4B*1 and C4B*2 from one parent and C4B*Q0 from the other. This duplication appeared on the chromosome as HLA-AW33, B14, DR1, BFS, C2C, C4A2, C4B1, C4B2, GLO2. In a third, very large family with 3 generations, a duplication of the C4B locus occurred which was followed in 2 generations. In one individual, there were three C4B alleles and two C4A alleles. One of the C4B alleles had a hemolytically active product with electrophoretic mobility near C4B2 and was designated C4B*22. It segregated with C4B1 in the family studied. The complete haplotype was HLA-A11, CW1, BW56, DR5, BFS, C2C, C4A3, C4B22, C4B1, GLO2. In another family with 12 siblings, one parent and eight children expressed two C4A alleles on the haplotype HLA-AW30, BW38, DR1, BFF, C2C, C4A3, C4A2, C4BQ0, GLO1.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

We have compared the C5-convertase-forming ability of different C4 allotypes, including the C4A6 allotype, which has low haemolytic activity and which has previously been shown to be defective in C5-convertase formation. Recent studies suggest that C4 plays two roles in the formation of the C5 convertase from the C3 convertase. Firstly, C4b acts as the binding site for C3 which, upon cleavage by C2, forms a covalent linkage with the C4b. Secondly, C4b with covalently attached C3b serves to form a high-affinity binding site for C5. Purified allotypes C4A3, C4B1 and C4A6 were used to compare these two activities of C4. Covalently linked C4b-C3b complexes were formed on sheep erythrocytes with similar efficiency by using C4A3 and C4B1, indicating that the two isotypes behave similarly as acceptors for covalent attachment of C3b. C4A6 showed normal efficiency in this function. However, cells bearing C4b-C3b complexes made from C4A6 contained only a small number of high-affinity binding sites for C5. Therefore a lack of binding of C5 to the C4b C3b complexes is the reason for the inefficient formation of C5 convertase by C4A6. The small number of high-affinity binding sites created, when C4A6 was used, were tested for inhibition by anti-C3 and anti-C4. Anti-C4 did not inhibit C5 binding, whereas anti-C3 did. This suggests that the sites created when C4A6 is used to make C3 convertase may be C3b-C3b dimers, and hence the low haemolytic activity of C4A6 results from the creation of low numbers of alternative-pathway C5-convertase sites.  相似文献   

The disease course of a complete C4-deficient patient in the U.S. was followed for 18 years. The patient experienced multiple episodes of infection, and he was diagnosed with systemic lupus erythematosus at age 9 years. The disease progressed to WHO class III mild lupus nephritis and to fatal CNS vasculitis at age 23 years. Immunochemical experiments showed that the patient and his sibling had complete absence of C4A and C4B proteins and were negative for the Rodgers and Chido blood group Ags. Segregation and definitive RFLP analyses demonstrated that the patient and his sibling inherited two identical haplotypes, HLA A2 B12 DR6, each of which carries a defective long C4A gene and a defective short C4B gene. PCR and DNA sequencing revealed that the mutant C4A contained a 2-bp insertion in exon 29 at the sequence for codon 1213. The identical mutation was absent in the mutant C4B. The C4B mutant gene was selectively amplified by long range PCR, and its 41 exons were completely sequenced. The C4B mutant had a novel single C nucleotide deletion at the sequence for codon 522 in exon 13, leading to frame-shift mutation and premature termination. Thus, a multiplex PCR is designed by which known mutations in C4A and C4B can be elucidated conveniently. Among the 28 individuals reported with complete C4 deficiency, 75-96% of the subjects (dependent on the inclusion criteria) were afflicted with autoimmune or immune complex disorders. Hence, complete C4 deficiency is one of the most penetrant genetic risk factors for human systemic lupus erythematosus.  相似文献   

Chronic infection with hepatitis C virus (HCV) is associated with disturbances of B lymphocyte activation and function: autoantibody production, mixed cryoglobulinemia, and B cell lymphomas. It has been proposed that these abnormalities reflect chronic antigenic stimulation or aberrant signaling through the B cell coreceptor, the latter mediated by binding of the HCV E2 glycoprotein to CD81. To test this hypothesis, we measured expression of activation and differentiation markers on peripheral blood B cells from patients with chronic HCV infection. Thirty-six HCV patients with and without mixed cryoglobulinemia were compared with 18 healthy control volunteers and 17 sustained virologic responders who had cleared HCV infection. Ten of the 36 HCV patient samples showed increased B cell frequencies; B cell frequency was higher in patients with more severe hepatic fibrosis. However, these samples lacked evidence of Ag-driven activation or proliferation. The expanded cells were low in the activation markers CD25, CD69, CD71, CD80, and CD86. Proliferation of circulating B cells was unchanged in HCV patients. These cells did not express the differentiation marker CD27, suggesting that they were not enriched in memory B cells. Furthermore, the expanded B cells expressed both IgD and IgM, suggesting that they were antigenically naive. Together, these results indicate that B cell expansion in the peripheral blood of HCV patients is not associated with Ag-mediated activation and differentiation. Instead, factors other than antigenic stimulation may promote the accumulation of peripheral blood B cells with a naive phenotype in a subset of HCV patients.  相似文献   

A C intermediate, LAC14, was prepared from TNP-aminocaproyl liposomes sensitized with anti-TNP antibody (Ab) and purified human C1 and C4. LAC14, containing radiolabeled C4, was analyzed by SDS-PAGE followed by autoradiography, and yielded a 210-kDa band and a predominant 400-kDa band. The 210-kDa band consisted of monomeric C4b bound to low molecular mass acceptors. The 400-kDa band was comprised of a 200-kDa moiety, as well as beta- and gamma-chains of C4. The 200-kDa moiety contained neither C1 nor sensitizing Ab, but it was largely decreased by treatment with NH2OH to the 90-kDa moiety with the mobility corresponding to the alpha'-chain of C4b. A covalent dimer of C4b, therefore, is the predominant form of C4b deposited on liposomes sensitized with antibody. The C4b-C4b dimer formed rapidly (within 5 min) followed by slow dissociation into monomers. The LAC14 bearing the C4b dimer but not the monomer was lysed, although with relatively low efficiency, by the addition of oxyC2 and EDTA-supplemented C3-deficient serum (C3DS), and, furthermore, LAC142 possessed the ability to convert C5 into C5a and C5b. Moreover, lysis was inhibited not by anti-C3 Ab but by anti-C4 Ab. In other experiments, the dimer served as an element of C3 convertase, as well. These findings imply that the C4b dimer, when complexed with C2, expresses C3/C5 convertase activity without participation of C3, and may provide a molecular mechanism whereby sera from patients with complete C3 deficiency retain the ability to induce C-mediated cytolysis.  相似文献   

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