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BoLA class I antigens were characterized in a group of British and Dutch Friesian cattle by one-dimensional isoelectric focusing (1D-IEF) and the results compared with serology using alloantisera and microcytotoxicity. For IEF analysis, non-stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBM) were metabolically labelled with 35S methionine, detergent lysates were prepared and MHC molecules precipitated with the monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) W6/32 or B1.1G6. Staphylococcus protein A precipitated antigens were separated on a vertical slab gel under denaturing conditions. The banding patterns seen for the W6/32 precipitated molecules obtained by 1D-IEF were compared with the serological specificities. Characteristic banding patterns were observed for most serological specificities as well as workshop undefined haplotypes. These patterns were seen both in families and the outbred population. In families IEF haplotypes segregated with serotypes. Additional MHC class I products were suggested by variable banding patterns for different w10 haplotypes and when using the different mAbs. A pulse chase experiment with a w12 animal also suggested more than one expressed product. The w2 and w5 specificities were not precipitated by either W6/32 or B1.1G6 and w6.2 and w6.4 were precipitated by W6/32 but not by B1.1G6. These results show that 1D-IEF is useful for BoLA typing. For the characterization of class I antigens, however, much depends on the mAbs used.  相似文献   

Ten alloantisera defining five major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II specificities of the bovine lymphocyte antigen (BoLA) complex were produced and characterized. Eight antisera defining four of the specificities were generated by immunizing cattle with class I compatible-class II incompatible lymphocytes. The alloantiserum defining the fifth class II specificity was produced by skin implant immunization. A pregnancy serum specific for one of the class II specificities was also identified. The class II antigens recognized by these antisera were designated 'Dx' antigens to indicate that they are BoLA-D region antigens encoded by one or more undetermined class II loci. The molecules identified by the alloantisera are heterodimers composed of a 34-kd alpha and a 26- to 28-kd beta chain, and are expressed on B-lymphocytes but not on resting T-lymphocytes. In family studies the BoLA-Dx antigens segregated in linkage with the BoLA-A locus alleles. Most of the BoLA-A alleles present in the Cornell Holstein herd at a high frequency were found to exist in gametic association with two or more serologically defined class II haplotypes. On the basis of a population study it was determined that three pairs of class I and class II alleles (w10-Dx4, w31-Dx5, and c3-Dx2) were present in the Cornell herd at significantly increased frequencies.  相似文献   

Summary. Forty AI bulls were tested for BoLA class I antigens by means of eight specific polyclonal reagents. By means of immobilization and sperm penetration tests these antigens were not detected on sperm cells. Isoimmunization studies with the use of sperm as antigenic stimuli and insemination of frozen spermatozoa diluted in specific reagents did not prove the presence of BoLA class I antigens on bovine spermatozoa. The cytotoxic tests used in this investigation were not reliable.  相似文献   

One-dimensional isoelectric focusing followed by immunoblotting and development of the immunoblots with the monoclonal antibody HC-10, raised against denatured HLA class I heavy chains, was used to demonstrate biochemical variation in cattle MHC (BoLA) class I molecules. The bands obtained correlated well with BoLA-A specificities. Two or three bands were identified for the specificities w7, w8, w16, w18, w21, cph43 and cph49, whereas no bands were observed for the specificity w2. Two serologically indistinguishable subtypes of specificity w18 were identified.  相似文献   

A study of BoLA class II antigens with BoT4+ T lymphocyte clones   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
It has hitherto proved difficult to phenotype cattle for class II histocompatibility antigens using standard serological techniques because of problems of reagent specificity and antigen expression on peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMs). We recently described the production of class II-specific alloreactive bovine T cell clones characterized by the BoT4+ phenotype. In this report we describe studies of the application of four such clones, derived from a single mixed leucocyte culture (MLC), for class II phenotyping in proliferation and cytotoxicity assay systems. Proliferation assays used irradiated PBM as stimulator cells and cytotoxicity assays used Theileria parva-infected lymphoblastoid cells as targets. Proliferation assays revealed three distinct specificities among the four clones indicating that they detected three different class II determinants. Furthermore, in a family study, the genes encoding the determinants recognized by the clones were found to be linked to the gene encoding the w10 class I A locus product on one of the w10-bearing haplotypes in our study population. Two of the clones were studied in cytolysis assays. Lack of cytolysis of one of the targets, which was derived from the PBM of an animal carrying a class II determinant detected in proliferation assay, was explained by the total lack of expression of class II antigens on the target cell line in question, as determined with 4 class II-specific monoclonal antibodies (mAb). We conclude that BoT4+ alloreactive clones provide a potentially useful and particularly discriminating way of detecting polymorphic class II antigens of cattle, especially when applied in assays of proliferative response to PBM.  相似文献   

Sera from about 1000 cows were tested for cytotoxicity against a panel of up to 100 lymphocyte samples. Cytotoxic antibodies presumably resulting from trans-placental immunization of the cow by her calf were found in about 45% of these sera. The antibody titers of sera from parous cows rarely exceed 42, some persisted for over one year, but decreased notably at calving. Thirty-five immune sera were also produced by alloimmunization with lymphocytes. They usually reached peak titers of up to 44 at 2 or 3 weeks after the initial immunization. Subsequent immunizations produced sera with very high titers but they were much more polyspecific. High-titered antibodies were also produced by skin graft recipients. Useful cytotoxic antibodies were found in 19 of 111 colostrum whey samples. Studies on 13 dam-calf pairs showed that the newborn calf may acquire cytotoxic antibodies from its mother's colostrum, but the only cytotoxic antibodies detectable in this calf s serum are those not directed against its own lymphocyte antigens. It is concluded that efficient lymphocyte typing requires antibodies from a variety of sources.  相似文献   

Serum defined BoLA-A antigens, together with BoLA-DQB RFLP patterns, were determined in 87 almost unrelated Norwegian cattle. Statistical analysis revealed strong linkage disequilibria between these loci at the population level. A total of 13 haplotypes were found to be present at frequencies significantly greater than those predicted on the basis of their component gene frequencies. Among these, the subgroups 1A and 1B of the DQ1 haplotype were found to be closely associated with the class I antigens A11 and w16, respectively. The association between A11 and DQ1A is of particular interest, as two independent studies, one employing class I serology, and the other RFLP analysis of the class II locus DQ, have previously indicated that A11 and DQ1A confer relative susceptibility to mastitis.  相似文献   

A total of 102 cows was tested for class I antigens of the bovine major histocompatibility complex. Half of the animals (51) had completed at least four lactations without any veterinary treatment for mastitis. The distribution of BoLA-A antigens among these relative mastitis-resistant cows was compared to that in the other half of the material (51), which comprised animals with at least one recorded treatment for mastitis. There were no statistically significant differences in BoLA-A antigen frequency between cows with mastitis and cows without mastitis. The two most common antigens were A2 and w16. The frequency of these two antigens deviated from earlier estimates within the Norwegian cattle (NRF) population, the difference for w16 being statistically significant.  相似文献   

B lymphocyte alloantigens in cattle were identified by serological analysis. Alloantisera were raised by skin implant immunization or leucocyte immunization and were absorbed with platelets to reduce class I-specific antibody activity. Leucocyte absorptions were done to reduce the complexity of some antisera. A panning technique was used to prepare B-enriched and B-depleted lymphocytes. Antisera which displayed anti-B cell activity over a number of dilutions were tested against 115 Charolais cattle, and 13 antisera were used to define five B lymphocyte alloantigens. These antigens were present on B lymphocytes but did not appear to be present, at least at the same density, on the majority of T lymphocytes or platelets. Family studies suggested that these antigens are coded by one or two loci which are closely linked to the bovine class I loci. These results suggest the five antigens are class II antigens of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) of cattle.  相似文献   

For a long time, the bovine major histocompatibility complex (MHC) (BoLA) class I region was characterized, rather uniquely among mammalian species, as having one expressed locus. Recent reports have suggested otherwise. Selective immunoprecipitation and molecular characterization of products enable a decisive answer to the question of whether there is indeed more than one locus expressed. Therefore, we characterized serologically defined w10 encoding haplotypes in European and African cattle by immunoprecipitation of [35S]-methionine-labelled peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC), followed by one- and two-dimensional isoelectric focusing (1D/2D-IEF) of cell lysates. Monoclonal antibodies (mAb) used were directed against either human class I monomorphic determinants (W6/32 and B1.1G6) or bovine polymorphic determinants expressed on products encoded by serologically defined w10 encoding haplotypes of Boran and Friesian cattle. Sequential immunoprecipitations with W6/32 and B1.1G6 using lysates of PBMC of British Friesian cattle, revealed that from this haplotype W6/32 precipitated one product, whereas B1.1G6 precipitated two products. The product precipitated in addition appeared to be the one that was selectively precipitated by the mAb directed against polymorphic determinants on a product of w10 encoding haplotypes. Additionally, peptide maps of protease V8-digested precipitates showed that this particular 'w10' associated product was distinctly different from the product recognized by W6/32. Thus, we suggest that the two products are distinct gene products and that the product with higher pI is associated with the serologically defined A-locus product, whereas the product with lower pI is the putative second locus product. In the African Boran breed, variants of the serologically defined w10 specificity were found on the basis of IEF typing. These variants appeared to be associated with different second locus products. Therefore, we conclude that serologically defined w10 encoding haplotypes encode at least two independent class I locus products, expressed on normal bovine PBMC. In IEF analysis the additional use of mAb recognizing polymorphic determinants on serologically defined A-locus products highly facilitated the detection and typing of second locus products.  相似文献   

The results and agreements of the 1st international BoLA workshop, held in Edinburgh, Scotland in August 1978, are reported. Most of these concern the results from a comparison test of 249 alloantisera to bovine lymphocytes, the antisera being contributed by 9 laboratories. These sera were compared directly in Edinburgh on a panel of lymphocytes from 130 cattle of 21 breeds. In the micro-lymphocytotoxicity test used 75% of the sera reacted. Sixty eight of these sera were grouped into clusters according to their reaction patterns against the lymphocyte panel. Eleven of these clusters were clearly defined and were given workshop BoLA designations. In addition 22 sera were assigned to subgroups of the agreed clusters. There was no evidence that the method of production of the sera had any effect on their specificity.
Although genetic data was not available, the phenotypes of the test panel of lymphocytes are consistent with the clusters detecting antigens controlled by multiple alleles at a single autosomal locus. It was agreed to name the genetic region where this putative locus is located BoLA (bovine lymphocyte antigen).  相似文献   

The bovine IgG1 monoclonal antibody (mAb) ILA70 was made by immunizing a calf with peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBM) from a BoLA-w10 homozygous heifer and subsequently fusing lymphocytes from the local lymph-node with the heterohybridoma 53B3. Family and population studies, antibody binding inhibition and immunoprecipitation of the target antigen all indicate that ILA70 detects a polymorphic epitope on a bovine class I major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecule. The antibody is complement fixing and so may be used in a standard cytotoxicity assay. Ascitic fluid with antibody activity many times greater than that of the tissue-culture supernatant has been prepared in nude mice. The antibody-producing heterohybridoma has been subcloned three times and appears to be stable. Such heterohybridomas may prove to be a valuable source of particularly discriminating and informative mAbs for the serological analysis of the products of the bovine MHC.  相似文献   

Major histocompatibility complex class I genes are among the most polymorphic genes characterized. The high level of polymorphism is essential for generating host immune responses. In humans, three distinct genomic loci encode human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class I genes, allowing individuals to express up to six different HLA class I molecules. In cattle, the number of distinct genomic loci are currently at least six, and the number of different bovine leukocyte antigens (BoLA) class I molecules that are expressed in individual animals are variable. The extent of allele variation within the cattle population is unknown. In this study, the number and variety of BoLA class I sequences expressed by 36 individuals were determined from full-length BoLA class I cDNA clones. Twenty distinct BoLA class I alleles were identified, with only four being previously reported. The number of expressed BoLA class I alleles in individual animals ranged between one and four, with none of the animals having an identical complement of BoLA class I molecules. Variation existed in the number of BoLA class I alleles expressed as well as the composition of expressed alleles, however, several BoLA class I alleles were found in multiple individual animals. Polymorphic amino acid sites were analyzed for positive and negative selection using the ADAPTSITE program. In the antigen recognition sites (ARS), there were eight positions that were predicted to be under positive selection and three positions that were predicted to be under negative selection from 62 positions. In contrast, for non-antigen recognition sites (non-ARS), there were three positions that were predicted to be under positive selection and 20 that were predicted to be under negative selection from 278, indicating that positive selection of amino acids occurs at a greater frequency within the antigen recognition sites.  相似文献   

Forty AI bulls were tested for BoLA class I antigens by means of eight specific polyclonal reagents. By means of immobilization and sperm penetration tests these antigens were not detected on sperm cells. Isoimmunization studies with the use of sperm as antigenic stimuli and insemination of frozen spermatozoa diluted in specific reagents did not prove the presence of BoLA class I antigens on bovine spermatozoa. The cytotoxic tests used in this investigation were not reliable.  相似文献   

The amino acid sequence of the N-terminal 12 residues of papain digested BoLA class I molecules has been determined. This sequence except for its 5th amino acid, appears largely similar to those reported in man, mouse and rat.  相似文献   

Alloimmunizations with either lymphocytes or red cells from donor cows positive for BoLA w16 and blood group M' antigens into recipients negative for these antigens produced antisera reactive in the cytotoxic test with w16-positive lymphocytes and in the haemolytic test with M'-positive erythrocytes. Similarly, alloimmunizations of blood group M1-negative recipients with either lymphocytes or red cells from donor cows possessing the M1 blood group factor produced antisera specifically reactive with lymphocytes and erythrocytes from M1-positive cattle. Absorptions with either lymphocytes or erythrocytes from individual animals of the same M antigenic type as the donor removed all haemolytic and cytotoxic reactivity. The results indicate that blood group M' and BoLA w16 share a similar antigenic structure. Likewise, blood group M1 has an antigenically similar counterpart which is also part of the BoLA system.  相似文献   

The use of the bovine allo-antisera in lymphocyte microcytotoxicity assays suggests that there is a single highly polymorphic class I product expressed by the BoLA system encoded by one locus. In contrast, biochemical techniques, such as 1D-IEF, reveal a complex pattern of bands for BoLA class I molecules from each animal. In order to understand the origins of this heterogeneity bovine allo-antisera were used in the immunoprecipitation step of 1D-IEF and the results compared with those from immunoprecipitation using the monoclonal antibody W6/32. By modifying existing protocols to include Gammabind G a range of bovine allo-antisera were used successfully to immunoprecpitate bovine MHC class I molecules. The results indicate that the bovine allo-antisera do not recognize all molecules previously assigned to BoLA class I serotypes by 1D-IEF. Furthermore, some of the allo-antisera immunoprecipitated molecules are not recognized by W6/32 and vice versa. This suggests that more than one polymorphic locus is expressed from the bovine MHC and that each allo-antiserum recognizes molecules encoded by different loci. Examination of the results also suggests the existence of linkage disequilibrium in the BoLA class I region.  相似文献   

Differential regulation of genetic resistance to infectious disease may partially be explained by variation in the binding affinity and the repertoire of pathogen-derived antigenic peptides associated with major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules. In this study, we investigated characteristics of peptides that bind to the bovine MHC allele BoLA-DRB3*2703, which is associated with occurrence of clinical mastitis in Holstein dairy cattle, and assigned a putative peptide-binding motif to this allele. This was achieved by in vitro expression of allele *2703 as well as a control allele, BoLA-DRB3*1201 which is present at high frequency in Holsteins. Transfected cell lines alone (for allele *1201) or in combination with blood mononuclear cells from an animal homozygous for allele *2703 were used as the source of naturally processed and presented peptides. Subsequent to elution of peptides from BoLA-DR+ cells, their sequences were determined by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. Eluted peptides were between 13 and 20 amino acids long and the majority were in sets of overlapping sequences. These peptides were derived from intra- and extracellular proteins, as well as foreign proteins present in the culture medium. Some peptides had originated from molecular chaperones present in the endoplasmic reticulum, such as ER-60 and GRP78, pointing to some degree of overlap and cross-sampling between MHC class I and class II antigen presentation pathways. Consistent with reports of human and mouse MHC class II-associated peptides, putative peptide-binding motifs could be assigned to alleles *2703 and *1201, comprising a hydrophobic or an aromatic residue at relative position 1, a hydrophobic residue at position 4 and a small residue at position 6 of the eluted peptides. These findings provide the foundation for future studies of molecular mechanisms of MHC-disease associations of cattle.  相似文献   

Internationally recognized allo-antisera in lymphocyte microcytotoxicity assays are thought to detect allelic products of a single highly polymorphic class I locus. A recent report suggested that two bovine lymphocyte antigen (BoLA) class I loci are expressed at the protein level. However, 1D-IEF analysis of BoLA class I molecules reveals multi-band patterns which cannot be reconciled with the reported number of loci. The aim of this study was to investigate the origins of the charge diversity of BoLA class I molecules observed using 1D-IEF. BoLA class I molecules appear to be glycosy-lated at a single N-linked position with a complex type carbohydrate moiety which has up to three terminal sialic acid residues. Class I molecules immunoprecipitated from resting bovine PBL are not phosphorylated. Neither modification is responsible for the observed charge heterogeneity. Peptide mapping reveals that different BoLA charge variants have distinct digestion patterns. Furthermore, a number of different polypeptides are associated with each serological specificity. These polypeptides appear to be encoded by different loci which exist in linkage disequilibrium. The number of charge variants with different peptide maps indicates that the BoLA system has a minimum of three class I loci expressed at the protein level.  相似文献   

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