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The Sir2 protein mediates gene silencing and repression of recombination at the rDNA repeats in budding yeast. Here we show that Sir2 executes these functions as a component of a nucleolar complex designated RENT (regulator of nucleolar silencing and telophase exit). Net1, a core subunit of this complex, preferentially cross-links to the rDNA repeats, but not to silent DNA regions near telomeres or to active genes, and tethers the RENT complex to rDNA. Net1 is furthermore required for rDNA silencing and nucleolar integrity. During interphase, Net1 and Sir2 colocalize to a subdomain within the nucleous, but at the end of mitosis a fraction of Sir2 leaves the nucleolus and disperses as foci throughout the nucleus, suggesting that the structure of rDNA silent chromatin changes during the cell cycle. Our findings suggest that a protein complex shown to regulate exit from mitosis is also involved in gene silencing.  相似文献   

Hypoacetylated histones are a hallmark of heterochromatin in organisms ranging from yeast to humans. Histone deacetylation is carried out by both NAD(+)-dependent and NAD(+)-independent enzymes. In the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, deacetylation of histones in heterochromatic chromosomal domains requires Sir2, a phylogenetically conserved NAD(+)-dependent deacetylase. In the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, NAD(+)-independent histone deacetylases are required for the formation of heterochromatin, but the role of Sir2-like deacetylases in this process has not been evaluated. Here, we show that spSir2, the S. pombe Sir2-like protein that is the most closely related to the S. cerevisiae Sir2, is an NAD(+)-dependent deacetylase that efficiently deacetylates histone H3 lysine 9 (K9) and histone H4 lysine 16 (K16) in vitro. In sir2 Delta cells, silencing at the donor mating-type loci, telomeres, and the inner centromeric repeats (imr) is abolished, while silencing at the outer centromeric repeats (otr) and rDNA is weakly reduced. Furthermore, Sir2 is required for hypoacetylation and methylation of H3-K9 and for the association of Swi6 with the above loci in vivo. Our findings suggest that the NAD(+)-dependent deacetylase Sir2 plays an important and conserved role in heterochromatin assembly in eukaryotes.  相似文献   

Gunjan A  Verreault A 《Cell》2003,115(5):537-549
Rad53 and Mec1 are protein kinases required for DNA replication and recovery from DNA damage in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Here, we show that rad53, but not mec1 mutants, are extremely sensitive to histone overexpression, as Rad53 is required for degradation of excess histones. Consequently, excess histones accumulate in rad53 mutants, resulting in slow growth, DNA damage sensitivity, and chromosome loss phenotypes that are significantly suppressed by a reduction in histone gene dosage. Rad53 monitors excess histones by associating with them in a dynamic complex that is modulated by its kinase activity. Our results argue that Rad53 contributes to genome stability independently of Mec1 by preventing the damaging effects of excess histones both during normal cell cycle progression and in response to DNA damage.  相似文献   

Dot1 is a non-SET domain protein that methylates histone H3 at lysine 79, a surface-exposed residue that lies within the globular domain. In the context of a nucleosome, H3 lysine 79 is located in close proximity with lysine 123 of histone H2B, a major site for ubiquitination by Rad6. Here we show that Rad6-mediated ubiquitination of H2B lysine 123 is important for efficient methylation of lysine 79, but not lysine 36, of histone H3. In contrast, lysine 79 methylation of H3 is not required for ubiquitination of H2B. Our study provides a new example of trans-histone regulation between modifications on different histones. In addition, it suggests that Rad6 affects telomeric silencing, at least in part, by influencing methylation of histone H3.  相似文献   

Fourteen novel single-amino-acid substitution mutations in histone H3 that disrupt telomeric silencing in Saccharomyces cerevisiae were identified, 10 of which are clustered within the alpha1 helix and L1 loop of the essential histone fold. Several of these mutations cause derepression of silent mating locus HML, and an additional subset cause partial loss of basal repression at the GAL1 promoter. Our results identify a new domain within the essential core of histone H3 that is required for heterochromatin-mediated silencing.  相似文献   

Aging is associated with increased production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and oxidation-induced damage to intracellular structures and membranes. Caloric restriction (CR) has been demonstrated to delay aging in a variety of species. Although the mechanisms of CR remain to be clearly elucidated, reductions in oxidative damage have been shown to increase lifespan in several model systems. Contrary to the general belief that ROS production is reduced in CR, this article provides evidence that not only oxygen consumption but ROS production is enhanced in the calorie restricted condition. To understand the biological mechanism underlying the anti aging action of CR, the role of scavenging enzymes was studied. It was found that super oxide dismutase (SOD1 and SOD2), catalase and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) all are over expressed in CR. We further investigated the role of Sir2, a potential effector of CR response in the activation of scavenging enzymes. No marked difference was found in CR mediated activation of SOD and catalase in the absence of Sir2. Our results suggest that in CR scavenging enzymes are activated by a Sir2 independent manner.  相似文献   

In this work, we used antibodies against histone H3 trimethylated at lysine 9 (H3K9m3); against histone H4 acetylated at lysines 5, 8, 12, and 16 (H4ac); and against DNA methylated at 5C cytosine (m5C) to study the presence and distribution of these markers in the genome of the isopod crustacean Asellus aquaticus. The use of these 3 antibodies to immunolabel spermatogonial metaphases yields reproducible patterns on the chromosomes of this crustacean. The X and Y chromosomes present an identical banding pattern with each of the antibodies. The heterochromatic telomeric regions and the centromeric regions are rich in H3K9m3, but depleted in m5C and H4ac. Thus, m5C does not seem to be required to stabilize the silence of these regions in this organism.  相似文献   

The expression of genes residing near telomeres is attenuated through telomere position-effect variegation (TPEV). By using a URA3 reporter located at TEL-VII-L of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, it was proposed that the disruptor of telomeric silencing-1 (Dot1) regulates TPEV by catalyzing H3K79 methylation. URA3 reporter assays also indicated that H3K79 methylation is required for HM silencing. Surprisingly, a genome-wide expression analysis of H3K79 methylation-defective mutants identified only a few telomeric genes, such as COS12 at TEL-VII-L, to be subject to H3K79 methylation-dependent natural silencing. Consistently, loss of Dot1 did not globally alter Sir2 or Sir3 occupancy in subtelomeric regions, but only led to some telomere-specific changes. Furthermore, H3K79 methylation by Dot1 did not play a role in the maintenance of natural HML silencing. Therefore, commonly used URA3 reporter assays may not report on natural PEV, and therefore, studies concerning the epigenetic mechanism of silencing in yeast should also employ assays reporting on natural gene expression patterns.  相似文献   

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