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Lipow SR  Wyatt R 《Genetics》2000,154(2):893-907
Most individuals of Asclepias exaltata are self-sterile, but all plants lack prezygotic barriers to self-fertilization. To determine whether postzygotic rejection of self-fertilized ovules is due to late-acting self-incompatibility or to extreme, early acting inbreeding depression, we performed three diallel crosses among self-sterile plants related as full-sibs. The full-sibs segregated into four compatibility classes, suggesting that late acting self-incompatibility is controlled by a single gene (S-locus). Crosses between plants sharing one or both alleles at the S-locus are incompatible. An additional diallel cross was done among full-sib progeny from a cross of a self-sterile and a self-fertile plant. These progeny grouped into two compatibility classes, and plants within classes displayed varying levels of self-fertility. This suggests that the occasional self-fertility documented in natural pollinations is caused by pseudo-self-fertility alleles that alter the functioning of the S-locus.  相似文献   

The self-incompatibility (SI) reaction in the Solanaceae involves molecular recognition of stylar haplotypes by pollen and is mediated by the S-locus from which a stylar-localized S-RNase and several pollen-localized F-box proteins are expressed. S-RNase activity has been previously shown to be essential for the SI reaction, leading to the hypothesis that pollen rejection in incompatible crosses is due to degradation of pollen RNA. We used pollen expressing the fluorescent marker GFP, driven by the LAT52 promoter, to monitor the accumulation of mRNA and protein in pollen after compatible and incompatible pollinations. We find that GFP mRNA and protein gradually accumulate in pollen tubes until at least 18-h post-pollination and, up to this time, are only slightly more abundant in compatible compared with incompatible crosses. However, between 18- and 24-h post-pollination, pollen tube GFP mRNA and protein levels show a dramatic increase in compatible crosses and either remain constant or decrease in incompatible crosses. In contrast to these molecular correlates, the growth rates of compatible and incompatible pollen tubes begin to differ after 6-h post-pollination. We interpret the changes in growth rate at 6-h post-pollination as the previously described transition from autotrophic to heterotrophic growth. Thus, while pollen rejection is generally considered to result from the cytotoxic effects of S-RNase activity, this time course reveals that a difference in the growth rate of compatible and incompatible pollen appears prior to any marked effects on at least some types of pollen RNA.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity is unusually high at loci in the S-locus region of the self-incompatible species of the flowering plant, Arabidopsis lyrata, not just in the S loci themselves, but also at two nearby loci. In a previous study of a single natural population from Iceland, we attributed this elevated polymorphism to linkage disequilibrium (LD) between variants at loci close to the S locus and the S alleles, which are maintained in the population by balancing selection. With the four S-flanking loci whose diversity we previously studied, we could not determine the extent of the region linked to the S loci in which neutral sites are affected. We also could not exclude the possibility of a population bottleneck, or of admixture, as causes of the LD. We have now studied four more distant loci flanking the S-locus region, and more populations, and we analyze the results using a theoretical model of the effect of balancing selection on diversity at linked neutral sites within and between different functional S-allelic classes. In the model, diversity is a function of the number of selectively maintained alleles and the recombination distances from the selectively maintained sites. We use the model to estimate the number of different functional S alleles, their turnover rate, and recombination rates between the S-locus region and other loci. Our estimates suggest that there is a small region of very low recombination surrounding the S-locus region.  相似文献   

Unilateral pollen-pistil incompatibility within the Brassicaceae has been re-examined in a series of interspecific and intergeneric crosses using 13 self-compatible (SC, Sc) species and 12 self-incompatible (SI) species from ten tribes. SC x SC crosses were usually compatible, SI x SC crosses showed unilateral incompatibility, while SI x SI crosses were often incompatible or unilaterally incompatible. Unilateral incompatibility (UI) is shown to be overcome by bud pollination or treating stigmas with cycloheximide — features in common with self-incompatibility. Treating stigmas with pronase prevents pollen tubes from penetrating the stigma in normally compatible intra-and interspecific pollinations. The results presented show that the presence of an incompatibility system is important in predicting the outcome of interspecific and intergeneric crosses and, combined with the physiological similarities between UI and SI, would suggest an involvement of the S-locus in UI.  相似文献   

Reduction in seed set following self- vs. cross-pollination in flowering plants can result from abortion of selfed offspring owing to inbreeding depression and/or partial self-incompatibility. Previous studies on tristylous Eichhornia paniculata (Pontederiaceae) indicate that reduced seed set following self-pollination generally occurs in the short- (S), but not the long-(L) or mid-styled (M) morphs. To determine whether this pattern results from morph-specific differences in inbreeding depression owing to the sheltering of deleterious alleles at the S locus and/or partial self-incompatibility, we conducted controlled hand-pollinations of the floral morphs and measured seed set and levels of seed abortion. There were no significant differences in fertilization success and seed set following self-, illegitimate, and legitimate pollinations in the L and M morphs. In contrast, in the S morph self-, intramorph and intermorph illegitimate pollinations resulted in significant reduction in seed set in comparison with legitimate pollination. This indicates that the reduced seed set observed in self-pollination is the result of partial incompatibility rather than inbreeding depression. Significantly reduced fertilization success and low levels of ovule abortion in illegitimate pollinations of S plants also supported this conclusion. Reduced fertility in the S morph may have implications for the observed loss of this morph from natural populations and the evolutionary breakdown of tristyly.  相似文献   

Labonne JD  Hilliker AJ  Shore JS 《Heredity》2007,98(6):411-418
To explore the rate of recombination resulting from male vs female meiosis, crosses were performed using distylous Turnera subulata as well as a cross involving the introgression of genes from T. krapovickasii into T. subulata. We assayed four loci on the chromosome bearing the S-locus as well as two loci on each of two other linkage groups. Substantial and consistent dimorphism in recombination rates was found with female meiosis resulting in as much as a approximately 6-fold increase relative to male. Aberrant single locus segregation ratios occurred for some loci, particularly when the male (pollen) parent was heterozygous and the cross involved introgressed genes. The extreme trend of greater recombination resulting from female meiosis was, however, maintained in crosses where no aberrant ratios occurred, indicating that the sex dimorphism in recombination is not the result of aberrant segregation. We also exploited this distylous species and tested whether there is recombination suppression around the S-locus because of an inversion or other chromosome rearrangement(s). We found no significant evidence for recombination suppression.  相似文献   

Studies of inbreeding depression in plant populations have focused primarily on comparisons of selfing versus outcrossing in self-compatible species. Here we examine the effect of five naturally occurring levels of inbreeding (f ranging from 0 to 0.25 by pedigree) on components of lifetime fitness in a field population of the self-incompatible annual, Raphanus sativus. Pre- and postgermination survival and reproductive success were examined for offspring resulting from compatible cross-pollinations. Multiple linear regression of inbreeding level on rates of fruit and seed abortion as well as seed weight and total seed weight per fruit were not significant. Inbreeding level was not found to affect seed germination, offspring survival in the field, date of first flowering, or plant biomass (dry weight minus fruit). The effect of inbreeding on seedling viability in the greenhouse and viability to flowering was significant but small and inconsistently correlated with inbreeding level. Maternal fecundity, however, a measure of seed yield, was reduced almost 60% in offspring from full-sib crosses (f = 0.25) relative to offspring resulting from experimental outcross pollinations (f = 0). Water availability, a form of physiological stress, affected plant biomass but did not affect maternal fecundity, nor did it interact with inbreeding level to influence these characters. The delayed expression of strong inbreeding depression suggests that highly deleterious recessive alleles were not a primary cause of fitness loss with inbreeding. Highly deleterious recessives may have been purged by bottlenecks in population size associated with the introduction of Raphanus and its recent range expansions. In general, reductions in total relative fitness of greater than 50% associated with full-sib crosses should be sufficient to prohibit the evolution of self-compatibility via transmission advantage in Raphanus.  相似文献   

Homomorphic self-incompatibility (SI) evolved in many plant families to enforce selfing avoidance, and is controlled by a single multiallelic locus (the S-locus). In a fragmented landscape, strong variation in population size and in local density is expected to cause strong variation in allelic diversity at the S-locus, which could generate an Allee effect on female reproductive success by constraining compatible pollen availability. In this experimental study, we aimed at detecting this SI-specific Allee effect (or S-Allee effect) in the endangered species Biscutella neustriaca. We demonstrated the occurrence of a SI mating system in the species and determined compatibility relationships among genotypes through a large set of controlled pollinations. For the experiment, we chose three different pollen receptor genotypes, each compatible with respectively 100, 75 and 25% of four other genotypes, which constituted the pollen sources. We placed different ramets of each receptor at different distances from the pollen sources to control for pollen limitation due to low local density, and we measured the seed set on each receptor plant three times consecutively. Analyses performed with generalized linear mixed models showed that both the distance to the pollen sources and the mate availability due to SI had a significant effect on seed set, with a strong reduction observed when mate availability was limited to 25%. Our results suggest that pollen limitation due to a restriction in compatible mate availability could occur in small or scattered populations exhibiting low allelic diversity at the S-locus.  相似文献   

Self-incompatibility in Arabidopsis lyrata is sporophytically controlled by the multi-allelic S-locus. Self-incompatibility alleles (S-alleles) are under strong negative frequency dependent selection because pollen carrying common S-alleles have fewer mating opportunities. Population genetics theory predicts that deleterious alleles can accumulate if linked to the S-locus. This was tested by studying segregation of S-alleles in 11 large full sib families in A. lyrata. Significant segregation distortion leading to an up to fourfold difference in transmission rates was found in six families. Differences in transmission rates were not significantly different in reciprocal crosses and the distortions observed were compatible with selection acting at the gametic stage alone. The S-allele with the largest segregation advantage is also the most recessive, and is very common in natural populations concordant with its apparent segregation advantage. These results imply that frequencies of S-alleles in populations of A. lyrata cannot be predicted based on simple models of frequency-dependent selection alone.  相似文献   

Experimental self-, cross- and interspecific pollinations were carried out inBulbophyllum weddellii, B. involutum andB. ipanemense (Orchidaceae). The last two species are closely related, butB. weddellii is somewhat more distant. The three species are self-compatible, with pollination by a vector necessary for fruit formation. In all crossing types, high rates of fruit abortion and formation of seeds without embryos were observed, particularly in interspecific crosses that involvedB. weddellii. Crosses between the more closely relatedB. involutum andB. ipanemense produced fruit formation rates and seed viability similar to those obtained in intraspecific crosses. These results agree with current hypotheses that suggest that interspecific crossing rates reflect phylogenetic proximity. Examination of pollen tube growth and aborted fruits suggests that a series of factors may be involved in the high abortion rate for fruits and large proportion of seeds without embryos. The low interspecific fertility noted forB. weddellii andB. involutum is important in the maintenance of isolation between these species that are sympatric, flower in the same period and share the same pollinators.  相似文献   

Competition among pollen grains for the fertilization of ovules can play an important role in determining the male and female reproductive success of flowering plants. To examine the influence of pollen-donor genotype on male reproductive success, hand-pollinations were conducted on Clarkia unguiculata and the siring success of pollen-donor plants was compared between donors homozygous for different allelomorphs of the allozyme PGI (phosphoglucoisomerase). Donors homozygous for the B allele sired more seeds than C-allele donors. Single-donor crosses indicated that C-donor-sired seeds are aborted more often than are B-donor-sired seeds, suggesting that the B-allele donor's advantage in mixed pollinations was a result of differential abortion. A negative relationship between pollen load and the siring success of B-allele donors implies that pollen from B-allele donors has reduced performance relative to C-allele donors when pollen loads are high. These data demonstrate consistent differences in siring success between individuals homozygous for different alleles at a single locus and suggest that variation at the Pgi locus may be maintained by a post-pollination trade-off.  相似文献   

We investigated transmission ratio distortion within an Icelandic population of Arabidopsis lyrata using 16 molecular markers unlinked to the S-locus. Transmission ratio distortion was found more often than expected by chance at the gametic level, but not at the genotypic or zygotic level. The gametic effect may be due to meiotic drive or selection acting postmeiotically. At the gametic level, 10.9% of the tests were significant, which is substantially lower than earlier observed in an interpopulation cross (allowing for differences in power)-suggesting that the high level of transmission ratio distortion in the interpopulation cross is due to population divergence. It is also substantially lower than previously observed in intrapopulation crosses at the self-incompatibility locus, suggesting inherent fitness differences of the self-incompatibility alleles. We discuss the possible role of deleterious alleles accumulating at loci under balancing selection. Zygotic effects play a larger role in the interpopulation cross than in the intrapopulation crosses suggesting that Dobzhansky-Muller incompatibilities may be accumulating between the widely diverged populations.  相似文献   

In Linum pubescens Banks & Solander and L. mucronatum Bertol. two floral morphs occur, differing in style length, stamen length, size of stigmatic papillae and, in L. mucronatum , exine sculpture of pollen grains. In both species artificial self- and intramorph cross-pollinations were incom, patible. Intermorph pollinations resulted in seed production. The inhibition of pollen-tube growth in incompatible pollinations occurs within the stigma. In L. pubescens distyly seems to be governed by a single pair of alleles. In natural populations the two morphs were found to be represented by approximately equal numbers of individuals. The effectiveness of the complementary arrangement of anthers and stigmas in promoting intermorph pollinations and in preventing pollen wastage in incompatible pollinations is discussed.  相似文献   

Hand pollinations experiments with distylous Amsinckia douglasiana A. DC. (Boraginaceae) revealed that legitimate (intermorph) crosses produce more seed than self-pollinations and that self-pollinations yield more seed than illegitimate (intramorph) crosses. We tested the occurrence of cryptic incompatibility in both style-length morphs by pollinating them with a mixture of legitimate and illegitimate pollen, each homozygous for a different electrophoretically distinguishable allele of phosphoglucose isomerase. The success of intramorph pollen was greatly reduced in mixture; only about 4% of the offspring of both pins and thrums were sired by illegitimate pollen. One pin and one thrum had sufficiently high seed set that the results cannot be attributed to selective abortion of embryos. In those individuals, discrimination against illegitimate pollen must have occurred on the stigma or in the style. Based on our findings, it appears that illegitimate matings are rare in natural populations. The progeny of legitimate crosses was biased toward pins, which suggests some regulation of morph ratios independent of the style-length locus. Prezygotic discrimination against the thrum genotype or selective abortion of embryos with the thrum genotype are both possible, but selective mortality of seedlings with the thrum genotype cannot be ruled out for some families.  相似文献   

  • Mixed cross and self‐pollen load on the stigma (mixed pollination) of species with late‐acting self‐incompatibility system (LSI) can lead to self‐fertilized seed production. This “cryptic self‐fertility” may allow selfed seedling development in species otherwise largely self‐sterile. Our aims were to check if mixed pollinations would lead to fruit set in LSI Adenocalymma peregrinum, and test for evidence of early‐acting inbreeding depression in putative selfed seeds from mixed pollinations.
  • Experimental pollinations were carried out in a natural population. Fruit and seed set from self‐, cross and mixed pollinations were analysed. Further germination tests were carried out for the seeds obtained from treatments.
  • Our results confirm self‐incompatibility, and fruit set from cross‐pollinations was three‐fold that from mixed pollinations. This low fruit set in mixed pollinations is most likely due to a greater number of self‐ than cross‐fertilized ovules, which promotes LSI action and pistil abortion. Likewise, higher percentage of empty seeds in surviving fruits from mixed pollinations compared with cross‐pollinations is probably due to ovule discounting caused by self‐fertilization. Moreover, germinability of seeds with developed embryos was lower in fruits from mixed than from cross‐pollinations, and the non‐viable seeds from mixed pollinations showed one‐third of the mass of those from cross‐pollinations.
  • The great number of empty seeds, lower germinability, lower mass of non‐viable seeds, and higher variation in seed mass distribution in mixed pollinations, strongly suggests early‐acing inbreeding depression in putative selfed seeds. In this sense, LSI and inbreeding depression acting together probably constrain self‐fertilized seedling establishment in A. peregrinum.

Harbord RM  Napoli CA  Robbins TP 《Genetics》2000,154(3):1323-1333
In plants with a gametophytic self-incompatibility system the specificity of the pollen is determined by the haploid genotype at the self-incompatibility (S) locus. In certain crosses this can lead to the exclusion of half the gametes from the male parent carrying a particular S-allele. This leads to pronounced segregation distortion for any genetic markers that are linked to the S-locus. We have used this approach to identify T-DNA insertions carrying a maize transposable element that are linked to the S-locus of Petunia hybrida. A total of 83 T-DNA insertions were tested for segregation distortion of the selectable marker used during transformation with Agrobacterium. Segregation distortion was observed for 12 T-DNA insertions and at least 8 of these were shown to be in the same linkage group by intercrossing. This indicates that differential transmission of a single locus (S) is probably responsible for all of these examples of T-DNA segregation distortion. The identification of selectable markers in coupling with a functional S-allele will allow the preselection of recombination events around the S-locus in petunia. Our approach provides a general method for identifying transgenes that are linked to gametophytic self-incompatibility loci and provides an opportunity for transposon tagging of the petunia S-locus.  相似文献   

Gametophytic self-incompatibility (SI) in plants is a widespread mechanism preventing self-fertilization and the ensuing inbreeding depression, but it often evolves to self-compatibility. We analyze genetic mechanisms for the breakdown of gametophytic SI, incorporating a dynamic model for the evolution of inbreeding depression allowing for partial purging of nearly recessive lethal mutations by selfing, and accounting for pollen limitation and sheltered load linked to the S-locus. We consider two mechanisms for the breakdown of gametophytic SI: a nonfunctional S-allele and an unlinked modifier locus that inactivates the S-locus. We show that, under a wide range of conditions, self-compatible alleles can invade a self-incompatible population. Conditions for invasion are always less stringent for a nonfunctional S-allele than for a modifier locus. The spread of self-compatible genotypes is favored by extremely high or low selfing rates, a small number of S-alleles, and pollen limitation. Observed parameter values suggest that the maintenance of gametophytic SI is caused by a combination of high inbreeding depression in self-incompatible populations coupled with intermediate selfing rates of the self-compatible genotypes and sheltered load linked to the S-locus.  相似文献   

The prevalence of nonrandom fertilization due to postpollination events has rarely been studied in natural populations, despite important implications for outcrossing rates, mate choice, and plant fitness. Nonrandom paternity within fruits can be caused by both unequal fertilization and unequal embryo abortion. Using self-compatible Hibiscus moscheutos, we studied the potential for nonrandom fertilization by comparing growth rates of pollen-tubes from different donors. The branched style of Hibiscus allowed within-flower comparisons between pollen donors. Relative pollen-tube growth rates were determined by applying pollen from pairs of donors to different stigmas on adjacent stylar branches. We then measured the number of callose plugs per tube in cross-sectional transects across the style after 3 hr. We demonstrate that rates of callose plug formation can be used as a sensitive indicator of relative pollen-tube growth rate. Differences between pollen donors were common and repeatable. Self-pollen-tubes grew slower than outcross pollen-tubes in some crosses and faster in others. Allozyme variation in glucose phosphate isomerase was used to show that individuals with fast-growing pollen-tubes sired a disproportionate number of seeds following mixed pollinations (up to 72%). Since seed abortion was negligible, we conclude that variation in pollen-tube growth rates leads to nonrandom paternity within fruits.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Late-acting self-incompatibility (LSI), in which selfed flowers fail to form fruits despite apparently successful growth of the pollen tubes to the ovules, is a contentious and still poorly understood phenomenon. Some studies have indicated pollen tube-pistil interactions, and major gene control. Others favour an early acting inbreeding depression explanation. METHODS: Experimental pollinations, including selfs (in a subsample of which the style was cut before pollen tubes reached the ovary), chase self/cross-pollinations, crosses, and mixed self/cross-pollinations were used to study floral/pistil longevity and effect on fruit set and seed yield in two Ceiba species known to have LSI. RESULTS: Self-pollinations, including those with a cut style, had extended floral longevity compared with unpollinated flowers. Chase pollinations in which cross-pollen was applied up to 3 h after selfing set fruits, but with reduced seed set compared with crosses. Those with cross-pollen applied at 4 and 8 h after self-pollination all failed to set fruits. Flowers subjected to 1 : 1 and 2 : 1 self/cross-pollinations all produced fruits but again with a significantly lower seed set compared with crosses. CONCLUSIONS: Extended floral longevity initiated with self-pollen tubes growing in the style indicates some kind of pollen tube-pistil interaction. Fruit set only in chase pollinations up to 3 h implies that self-pollen tubes either grow more slowly in the style or penetrate ovules more slowly on arrival at the ovary compared with cross-tubes. This agrees with previous observations indicating that the incidence of penetrated ovules is initially lower in selfed compared with crossed pistils. However, the low seed yield from mixed pollinations indicates that self- and cross-pollen tubes arrive at the ovary and penetrate ovules more or less simultaneously. Possible explanations for these discordant results are discussed.  相似文献   

The self-incompatibility (S-) locus region of plants in the Brassica family is a small genome region. In Arabidopsis lyrata, the S-genes, SRK and SCR, encode the functional female and pollen recognition proteins, which must be coadapted to maintain correct associations between the two component genes, and thus self-incompatibility (SI). Recombinants would be self-compatible and thus probably disadvantageous in self-incompatible species. Therefore, tight linkage between the two genes in incompatibility systems is predicted to evolve to avoid producing such recombinant haplotypes. The evolution of low recombination in S-locus regions has not been rigorously tested. To test whether these regions' per-nucleotide recombination rates differ from those elsewhere in the genome, and to investigate whether the A. lyrata S-loci have the predicted effect on diversity in their immediate genome region, we studied diversity in genes that are linked to the S-loci but are not involved in incompatibility and are not under balancing selection. Compared with other A. lyrata loci, genes linked to the S-loci have extraordinarily high polymorphism. Our estimated recombination in this region, from fitting a model of the effects of S-allele polymorphism on linked neutral sites, supports the hypothesis of locally suppressed recombination around the S-locus.  相似文献   

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