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In two mountain ecosystems at the Alptal research site in central Switzerland, pulses of 15NO3 and 15NH4 were separately applied to trace deposited inorganic N. One forested and one litter meadow catchment, each approximately 1600 m2, were delimited by trenches in the Gleysols. K15NO3 was applied weekly or fortnightly over one year with a backpack sprayer, thus labelling the atmospheric nitrate deposition. After the sampling and a one-year break, 15NH4Cl was applied as a second one-year pulse, followed by a second sampling campaign. Trees (needles, branches and bole wood), ground vegetation, litter layer and soil (LF, A and B horizon) were sampled at the end of each labelling period. Extractable inorganic N, microbial N, and immobilised soil N were analysed in the LF and A horizons. During the whole labelling period, the runoff water was sampled as well. Most of the added tracer remained in both ecosystems. More NO3 than NH4+ tracer was retained, especially in the forest. The highest recovery was in the soil, mainly in the organic horizon, and in the ground vegetation, especially in the mosses. Event-based runoff analyses showed an immediate response of 15NO3 in runoff, with sharp 15N peaks corresponding to discharge peaks. NO3 leaching showed a clear seasonal pattern, being highest in spring during snowmelt. The high capacity of N retention in these ecosystems leads to the assumption that deposited N accumulates in the soil organic matter, causing a progressive decline of its C:N ratio.  相似文献   

The limits of resolution that can be obtained in 1H–15N 2D NMR spectroscopy of isotopically enriched nanocrystalline proteins are explored. Combinations of frequency switched Lee–Goldburg (FSLG) decoupling, fast magic angle sample spinning (MAS), and isotopic dilution via deuteration are investigated as methods for narrowing the amide 1H resonances. Heteronuclear decoupling of 15N from the 1H resonances is also studied. Using human ubiquitin as a model system, the best resolution is most easily obtained with uniformly 2H and 15N enriched protein where the amides have been exchanged in normal water, MAS at 20 kHz, and WALTZ-16 decoupling of the 15N nuclei. The combination of these techniques results in average 1H lines of only 0.26 ppm full width at half maximum. Techniques for optimizing instrument stability and 15N decoupling are described for achieving the best possible performance in these experiments.  相似文献   

Ying Wu  Bing Wang  Dima Chen 《Plant and Soil》2018,431(1-2):107-117

Background and aims

Nitrogen (N) deficiency and drought are two key limiting factors for rice production worldwide, but the relationship of drought stress with N homeostasis in rice is rarely advanced. The aim of this study was to dissect the physiological effects of drought stress on rice growth that coupled unbalanced N metabolism.


Water-deficient stress (WD) limited stomatal aperture function and activity of Rubisco carboxylase to photosynthesis. The rate of total electron transport (Jt) and the electron to carboxylation (Jc) were considerably decreased, whereas the proportion of e? flow to photorespiration was stimulated by WD, especially at 1600 μmol m?2 s?1 PPFD. Concurrently, the expressions of glycolate oxidase genes (GOX1, GOX5) and glycine decarboxylase complex (GDCH, GDCP and GDCT) were significantly induced in leaves of WD treatment, which led to the accumulation of reactive oxygen species in leaves. With the photosynthetic change, nitrate uptake and reduction were suppressed. Moreover, the enhanced photorespiration generated excess NH3 accumulation in leaves and stimulated the expressions of GS1;1, GS1;2 and GS2, which were tightly coupled with the expressions of PEPC1 and PEPC2 under WD stress.


Our results suggest that the inhibited nitrate reduction associated with diminished electron transport rate, and the photorespiration-associated accumulation of hydrogen peroxide and NH3 were critical in the drought-induced rice growth inhibition.

The eukaryotic translational initiation factor 4G (eIF4G) interacts with the cap-binding protein eIF4E through a consensus binding motif, Y(X)4LΦ (where X is any amino acid and Φ is a hydrophobic residue). 4E binding proteins (4E-BPs), which also contain a Y(X)4LΦ motif, regulate the eIF4E/eIF4G interaction. The non- or minimally-phosphorylated form of 4E-BP1 binds eIF4E, preventing eIF4E from interacting with eIF4G, thus inhibiting translation initiation. 4EGI-1, a small molecule inhibitor of the eIF4E/eIF4G interaction that is under investigation as a novel anti-cancer drug, has a dual activity; it disrupts the eIF4E/eIF4G interaction and stabilizes the binding of 4E-BP1 to eIF4E. Here, we report the complete backbone NMR resonance assignment of an unliganded 4E-BP1 fragment (4E-BP144–87). We also report the near complete backbone assignment of the same fragment in complex to eIF4E/m7GTP (excluding the assignment of the last C-terminus residue, D87). The chemical shift data constitute a prerequisite to understanding the mechanism of action of translation initiation inhibitors, including 4EGI-1, that modulate the eIF4E/4E-BP1 interaction.  相似文献   

γS-crystallin is a major structural component of the human eye lens, which maintains its stability over the lifetime of an organism with negligible turnover. The G57W mutant of human γS-crystallin (abbreviated hereafter as γS-G57W) is associated with dominant congenital cataracts. In order to provide a structural basis for the ability of γS-G57W causing cataract, we have cloned, overexpressed, isolated and purified the protein. The 2D [15N–1H]-HSQC spectrum recorded with uniformly 13C/15N-labelled γS-G57W was highly dispersed indicating the protein to adopt an ordered conformation. In this paper, we report almost complete sequence-specific 1H, 13C and 15N resonance assignments of γS-G57W using a suite of heteronuclear 3D NMR experiments.  相似文献   

The widespread use of β-lactam antibiotics has given rise to a dramatic increase in clinically-relevant β-lactamases. Understanding the structure/function relation in these variants is essential to better address the ever-growing incidence of antibiotic resistance. We previously reported the backbone resonance assignments of a chimeric protein constituted of segments of the class A β-lactamases TEM-1 and PSE-4 (Morin et al. in Biomol NMR Assign 4:127–130, 2010. doi: 10.1007/s12104-010-9227-8). That chimera, cTEM17m, held 17 amino acid substitutions relative to TEM-1 β-lactamase, resulting in a well-folded and fully functional protein with increased dynamics. Here we report the 1H, 13C and 15N backbone resonance assignments of chimera cTEM-19m, which includes 19 substitutions and exhibits increased active-site perturbation, as well as one of its deconvoluted variants, as the first step in the analysis of their dynamic behaviours.  相似文献   

Two novel HSQC-IPAP approaches are proposed to achieve α/β spin-state editing simultaneously for 13C and 15N in a single NMR experiment. The pulse schemes are based on a time-shared (TS) 2D 1H,13C/1H,15N-HSQC correlation experiment that combines concatenated echo elements for simultaneous J(CH) and J(NH) coupling constants evolution, TS evolution of 13C and 15N chemical shifts in the indirect dimension and heteronuclear α/β-spin-state selection by means of the IPAP principle. Heteronuclear α/β-editing for all CH n (n = 1–3) and NH n (1–2) multiplicities can be achieved in the detected F2 dimension of a single TS-HSQC-F2-IPAP experiment. On the other hand, an alternative TS-HSQC-F1-IPAP experiment is also proposed to achieve α/β-editing in the indirect F1 dimension. Experimental and simulated data is provided to evaluate these principles in terms of sensitivity and performance simultaneously on backbone and side-chain CH, CH2, CH3, NH, and NH2 spin systems in uniformly 13C/15N-labeled proteins and in small natural-abundance peptides.  相似文献   

A confined aquifer in the Malm Karst of the Franconian Alb, South Germany was investigated in order to understand the role of the vadose zone in denitrifiaction processes. The concentrations of chemical tracers Sr2+ and Cl and concentrations of stable isotope 18O were measured in spring water and precipitation during storm events. Based on these measurements a conceptual model for runoff was constructed. The results indicate that pre-event water, already stored in the system at the beginning of the event, flows downslope on vertical and lateral preferential flow paths. Chemical tracers used in a mixing model for hydrograph separation have shown that the pre-event water contribution is up to 30%. Applying this information to a conceptual runoff generation model, the values of 15N and 18O in nitrate could be calculated. Field observations showed the occurence of significant microbial denitrification processes above the soil/bedrock interface before nitrate percolates through to the deeper horizon of the vadose zone. The source of nitrate could be determined and denitrification processes were calculated. Assuming that the nitrate reduction follows a Rayleigh process one could approximate a nitrate input concentration of about 170 mg/l and a residual nitrate concentration of only about 15%. The results of the chemical and isotopic tracers postulate fertilizers as nitrate source with some influence of atmospheric nitrate. The combined application of hydrograph separation and determination of isotope values in 15N and 18O of nitrate lead to an improved understanding of microbial processes (nitrification, denitrification) in dynamic systems.  相似文献   

Interleukin-36α (IL-36α) is a recently characterised member of the interleukin-1 superfamily. It is involved in the pathogenesis of inflammatory arthritis in one third of psoriasis patients. By binding of IL-36α to its receptor IL-36R via the NF-κB pathway other cytokines involved in inflammatory and apoptotic cascade are activated. The efficacy of complex formation is controlled by N-terminal processing. To obtain a more detailed view on the structure function relationship we performed a heteronuclear multidimensional NMR investigation and here report the 1H, 13C, and 15N resonance assignments for the backbone and side chain nuclei of the pro-inflammatory cytokine interleukin-36α.  相似文献   

Seasonal oscillations in the carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) isotope signatures of aquatic algae can cause seasonal enrichment–depletion cycles in the isotopic composition of planktonic invertebrates (e.g., copepods). Yet, there is growing evidence that seasonal enrichment–depletion cycles also occur in the isotope signatures of larger invertebrate consumers, taxa used to define reference points in isotope-based trophic models (e.g., trophic baselines). To evaluate the general assumption of temporal stability in non-zooplankton aquatic invertebrates, δ13C and δ15N time series data from the literature were analyzed for seasonality and the influence of biotic (feeding group) and abiotic (trophic state, climate regime) factors on isotope temporal patterns. The amplitude of δ13C and δ15N enrichment–depletion cycles was negatively related to body size, although all size-classes of invertebrates displayed a winter-to-summer enrichment in δ13C and depletion in δ15N. Among feeding groups, periphytic grazers were more variable and displayed larger temporal changes in δ13C than detritivores. For nitrogen, temporal variability and magnitude of directional change of δ15N was most strongly related to ecosystem trophic state (eutrophic > mesotrophic, oligotrophic). This study provides evidence of seasonality in the isotopic composition of aquatic invertebrates across very broad geographical and ecological gradients as well as identifying factors that are likely to modulate the strength and variability of seasonality. These results emphasize the need for researchers to recognize the likelihood of temporal changes in non-zooplankton aquatic invertebrate consumers at time scales relevant to seasonal studies and, if present, to account for temporal dynamics in isotope trophic models.  相似文献   

Cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) inhibitor p21WAF1/CIP1(-/-)-null mice have an increased incidence of tumor formation. Here, we demonstrate that p21WAF1/CIP1 is unstable in HeLa cells treated with siRNA duplexes that target PKCδ. PKCδ phosphorylates p21WAF1/CIP1 at a serine residue (146Ser) located in its C-terminal domain. In cells treated with 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate, the levels of both p21WAF1/CIP1 and its 146Ser-phosphorylated form increased significantly. We also show that a substitution, resulting from a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) at 149Asp found in certain cancer patients, strongly compromises PKCδ-mediated phosphorylation at 146Ser and results in cells that are relatively resistant to TNFα-induced apoptosis. Thus, post-translational phosphorylation of p21WAF1/CIP1 is important from an apoptotic cell death, and may also have patho-physiological relevance for the development of human cancer.  相似文献   

We present a simple method, ARTSY, for extracting 1JNH couplings and 1H–15N RDCs from an interleaved set of two-dimensional 1H–15N TROSY-HSQC spectra, based on the principle of quantitative J correlation. The primary advantage of the ARTSY method over other methods is the ability to measure couplings without scaling peak positions or altering the narrow line widths characteristic of TROSY spectra. Accuracy of the method is demonstrated for the model system GB3. Application to the catalytic core domain of HIV integrase, a 36 kDa homodimer with unfavorable spectral characteristics, demonstrates its practical utility. Precision of the RDC measurement is limited by the signal-to-noise ratio, S/N, achievable in the 2D TROSY-HSQC spectrum, and is approximately given by 30/(S/N) Hz.  相似文献   

We present a highly sensitive pulse sequence, carbonyl carbon label selective 1H–15N HSQC (CCLS-HSQC) for the detection of signals from 1H–15N units involved in 13C′–15N linkages. The CCLS-HSQC pulse sequence utilizes a modified 15N CT evolution period equal to 1/( ) (∼33 ms) to select for 13C′–15N pairs. By collecting CCLS-HSQC and HNCO data for two proteins (8 kDa ubiquitin and 20 kDa HscB) at various temperatures (5–40°C) in order to vary correlation times, we demonstrate the superiority of the CCLS-HSQC pulse sequence for proteins with long correlation times (i.e. higher molecular weight). We then show that the CCLS-HSQC experiment yields assignments in the case of a 41 kDa protein incorporating pairs of 15N- and 13C′-labeled amino acids, where a TROSY 2D-HN(CO) had failed. Although the approach requires that the 1H–15N HSQC cross peaks be observable, it does not require deuteration of the protein. The method is suitable for larger proteins and is less affected by conformational exchange than HNCO experiments, which require a longer period of transverse 15N magnetization. The method also is tolerant to the partial loss of signal from isotopic dilution (scrambling). This approach will be applicable to families of proteins that have been resistant to NMR structural and dynamic analysis, such as large enzymes, and partially folded or unfolded proteins.  相似文献   

A TROSY-based NMR experiment is described for simultaneous measurement of the 15N longitudinal relaxation rate constant R1 and the {1H}–15N nuclear Overhauser enhancement. The experiment is based on the observation that the TROSY mixing pulse sequence element symmetrically exchanges 1H and 15N magnetizations. The accuracy of the proposed technique is validated by comparison to independent measurements of both relaxation parameters for the protein ubiquitin. The simultaneous experiment is approximately 20–33% shorter than conventional sequential measurements.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of mineral nitrogen forms on transfer of nitrogen (N) and zinc (Zn) from attached compartments to rhodes grass (Chloris gayana) colonised with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF). After being pre-cultivated in substrates with adequate nutrient supply and either AMF inoculated (+AM) or left non-inoculated (?AM), rhodes grass was positioned adjacent to an outer compartment holding a similar substrate but applied with labelled nitrogen (15N) either as ammonium (NH4 +) or nitrate (NO3 ?), and a high supply of Zn (150 mg kg?1 DS). Plant roots together with fungal mycelium were either allowed to explore the outer compartment (with root access) or only mycorrhizal hyphae were allowed (without root access). Within each access treatment, biomasses of rhodes grass were not significantly affected by AMF inoculation or N form. AMF contribution to plant 15N uptake was about double in NH4 + compared with NO3 ?-supplied treatments while the mycorrhizal influence on plant Zn uptake was insignificant. Without root access, the shoot 15N/Zn concentration ratio was up to ten-fold higher in +AM than –AM treatments and this ratio increase was clearly more pronounced in NH4 + than NO3 ?-supplied treatments. In conclusion, rhodes grass in symbiosis with the tested AMF acquired more N when supplied with ammonium. Moreover, there is clear indication that although the AMF have transported both nutrients (N and Zn), N was preferentially transferred as compared to Zn. We confirmed that, while rhodes grass is not able to prevent excessive Zn uptake via roots under conditions of high Zn, mycorrhiza is able to avoid excessive Zn supply to the host plant when the fungus alone has access to contaminated patches.  相似文献   

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