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Intracellular bacteria occur in ca. 5–10% of Gonyostomum semen Diesing cells. Bacteria are rod-shaped and are present in localized regions of the cytoplasm. This is the first report of intracellular bacteria in the Chloromonadophyceae.  相似文献   

Despite continuous efforts since the 1950s and more recent advances in culturing flagellates and nonflagellate cells of the prymnesiophyte Phaeocystis, a number of different life‐cycle models exist today that appear to apply for P. globosa Scherff. and P. antarctica G. Karst., both spherical colony formers. In one such model, this life cycle consists of three different flagellates and one nonmotile cell stage that is embedded in carbohydrate matrix‐forming colonies of different sizes and forms. Recently, noncolonial aggregates of diploid nonmotile cells attached to surfaces of diatoms were put forward as a new stage in the sexual life cycle of P. antarctica. However, it can be discussed that these “attached aggregates” (AAs) are an intermediate between motile diploid flagellates, with their well‐known tendency to adhere to surfaces, and the young spherical colony with its diploid nonmotile cells, which in nature is commonly found attached to diatoms. A life‐cycle model pertaining to both P. globosa and P. antarctica is presented.  相似文献   

Alexandrium taylori Balech is a cyst‐forming dinoflagellate species responsible for recurrent blooms in Mediterranean coastal waters. The nuclear development of the cells during the sexual cycle and the effect of different external nitrate and phosphate levels were studied. Nuclear fusion of gametes occurred 6–12 h after the complete cytoplasmic fusion. The U‐shaped nuclei fused through the end of one nucleus and the mid‐area of the other. The mobile and biflagellated zygote had a large, U‐shaped nucleus and may follow three different fates: direct division, short‐term encystment (ecdysal), and long‐term encystment (resting). Ecdysal cysts may divide in >24–96 h into two, four, six, or eight cells before germinating. Meiosis presumably occurred in three locations: in the planozygote, within the ecdysal cyst, and in the planomeiocyte (germling) liberated either from ecdysal or resting cysts. The effects of nutrients on these routes were studied in individually isolated sexual stages. (1) Direct divisions occurred mainly under replete conditions (L1), whereas no direct planozygote divisions were recorded in media with no phosphate added (L‐P). (2) Short‐term encystment was larger in media lacking phosphate (L‐P and L/30) than in medium with no nitrate added (L‐N) or under replete conditions (L1). (3) Long‐term encystment was only observed in medium with no nitrate added (L‐N). The long‐lived resting cyst, not previously described for this species, had a clear double wall, an irregular shape, a flat morphology, and a middle orange spot. No cysts germinated in 1–2 months, whereas 86% of the cysts germinated 2–3 months after being formed. A flow cytometry analysis showed that sexual induction and zygote formation were very fast and highly common processes, zygotes being nearly half of the population at days 3 and 5 after the induction of sexuality in the cultures.  相似文献   

Sexual reproduction of Gymnodinium nolleri ( Ellegaard & Moestrup 1999 ) was studied by intercrossing experiments in all combinations of six clonal strains and backcrossing of five clonal F1 offspring. The results indicated that the conjugation of G. nolleri responded to the existence of more than two sexual types (complex heterothallism) and that compatibility between progeny of one cyst (inbreeding) was the rule. Sexual fusion, planozygote formation and development, cyst formation, and germination and planomeiocyte division were followed using time‐lapse photography. This study revealed many similarities between the sexual stages and life cycle pattern of G. nolleri and the related G. catenatum and the existence under culture conditions of an alternative cycle between vegetative cells and zygotes without a hypnozygote stage. The fate of zygotes, division or encystment, was influenced by the nutritional status of the external medium. The division of G. nolleri planozygotes was promoted by high levels of external nutrients, whereas the maximum percentage of encystment was recorded when phosphates were reduced in the isolation medium. The division of zygotes might be different from both vegetative and planomeiocyte division because it resulted in two‐cell chains with the cells not oriented in parallel.  相似文献   

Sexuality has been established for a culture of Gonyaulax tarnarensis Lebour (strain NEPCC–71). The addition of a thick inoculum to a nitrogen–deprived medium results in the occurrence of anisogamous sexual fusion within the first three days in the new culture. Planozygotes, large “lumpy” cells recognizable by their four flagella, may persist up to 2 wk before forming a smooth–walled, oval hypnozygote. The latter resembles cysts released asexually by ecdysis but has a slightly thicker wall. Viable cysts resembling hypnozygotes (zygotic cysts), but with reduced photosynthetic pigmentation, have been isolated from natural murine sediments in Hidden Basin, British Columbia, and a culture (strain NEPCC–254) was initiated from excysted individuals. Zygotic cysts of NEPCC–71 remained encysted in the light at 17 C for 8 wk before excysting. The presence of a ventral pen with toxicity in the latter strain indicates that the taxonomy of G. tamarensis-like organisms is still in a stale of flux and the criteria for recognition of G. excavata (Braarud) Balech as a separate species are not satisfactory as presently formulated.  相似文献   

The gonyaulacoid dinoflagellate Alexandrium taylori Balech is reported for the first time from Italian waters. In July 1997, nonmotile stages of this species, both temporary and sexual resting cysts, were found in surface Ionian coastal waters (Mediterranean Sea) producing localized brownish-yellow patches. Clonal cultures were established, and the life history of A. taylori was studied in the laboratory. Asexual reproduction took place during a motile phase and produced two daughter cells remaining temporarily attached in pairs. This species exhibited isogamy. Small gametes were produced from vegetative cells through the release of a division cyst and multiple fission of the protoplast. Isogametes from the same clonal strain fused and underwent sexual reproduction, forming planozygotes that subsequently developed storage bodies and dark pigmentation. The maturation of the planozygote into hypnozygote also involved an increase in size and final shedding of flagella and theca. Hypnozygotes germinated within 15 days of their formation, and a naked planomeiocyte emerged from the archeopyle to undergo successive divisions and reestablish a haploid motile population.  相似文献   

The toxic, chain-forming dinoflagellate Gymnodinium catenatum Graham was cultured from vegetative cells and benthic resting cysts isolated from estuarine waters in Tasmania, Australia. Rapidly dividing, log phase cultures formed long chains of up to 64 cells whereas stationary phase cultures were composed primarily of single cells (23-41 pm long, 27-36 pm wide). Vegetative growth (mean doubling time 3-4 days) was optimal at temperatures from 14.5-20° C, salinities of 23-34% and light irradiances of 50-300 μE·m?2·s?1. The sexual life cycle of G. catenatum was easily induced in a nutrient-deficient medium, provided compatible opposite mating types were combined (heterothallism). Gamete fusion produced a large (59-73 μm long, 50-59 μm wide) biconical, posteriorly biflagellate planozygote (double longitudinal flagellum) which after several days lost one longitudinal flagellum and gradually became subspherical in shape. This older planozygote stage persisted for up to two weeks before encysting into a round, brown resting cyst (42-52 μm diam; hypnozygote) with microreticulate surface ornamentation. Resting cysts germinated after a dormancy period as short as two weeks under our culture conditions, resulting in a single, posteriorly biflagellate germling cell (planomeiocyte). This divided to form a chain of two cells, which subsequently re-established a vegetative population. Implications for the bloom dynamics of this toxic dinoflagellate, a causative organism of paralytic shellfish poisoning, are discussed.  相似文献   

Sexual reproduction of the common planktonic chrysophyte Synura petersenii is described from observations made on clonal isolates grown in defined culture. Sexual fusion was isogamous and heterothallic, with cells of normal appearance from compatible clones serving as hologametes. No special culture conditions were required to induce sexual behavior; actively growing cell populations appeared to be continually receptive to mating when mixed with a sufficient number of cells from a compatible clone. A single, bipolar mating group was documented containing five of the seven clones tested. Zygotic statospores were found to be binucleate and to contain 4 chloroplasts at maturity. Production rates of zygospores were low for even the most highly compatible clones, with batch culture yields ranging from 1-20% of final cell density under the culture conditions utilized. Six of the clones tested were also capable of very low frequency (0.001-0.01%) homothallic statospore production but the reproductive significance of these cysts remains enigmatic. The dynamics of sexual encystment suggest that the process proceeds during periods of active population growth and is density dependent. Based on the characteristics of cyst induction and encystment dynamics, it is concluded that chrysophycean flagellates may have a perennation strategy quite different from that of the majority of planktonic diatoms, dinoflagellates, and green algae for which resting cyst production requires an exogenous trigger usually associated with physiological stress and periods of negative growth.  相似文献   

Close to 100% encystment efficiency and a yield above 105 cysts·mL ? 1 were routinely achieved in full strength f/2 medium‐based batch cultures (883 μM NO3 ? and 36 μM PO4 ? 3) of the marine dinoflagellate Scrippsiella cf. lachrymosa Lewis. Increases in cell density led to nutrient depletion in this enriched medium, which was the most likely cause for initiation of cyst formation. Lowering the concentration of either nutrient to 1/10 the initial levels decreased the encystment efficiency, whereas use of ammonium as the N source resulted in both low cell yield and low encystment efficiency. The mandatory dormancy period was ca. 60 days and was not affected by cold dark storage of the cysts. Cysts produced in the initial phase of sexual reproduction were relatively large (length 47 μm, width 31 μm) with a heavy calcareous cover. Cysts produced thereafter lacked apparent calcareous cover and were smaller (length 29 μm, width 19 μm). The decrease of cyst volume (by a factor of 0.24–0.4) suggested strong resource limitation during the course of encystment. However, after the mandatory dormancy period, germination success of the smaller cysts was higher (80%), compared with the larger cysts that had been produced initially (50%). Germling survival (74%) was independent of cyst type but was enhanced by higher nutrient concentration during incubation. The ratio of initial nutrient concentration in the medium to the cyst yield was used as a proxy to estimate the cellular nutrient quota. The conservative estimates of 9 pmol N·cyst ? 1 and 0.4 pmol P·cyst ? 1 obtained in this manner are at the low end of the range of previous published estimates for other dinoflagellate cysts. Given the high encystment observed in laboratory experiments, we have no reason to assume an inherently lower encystment success in dinoflagellate field populations. Our results do not challenge the low nutrient paradigm for dinoflagellate sexuality. We believe that the high encystment success and cyst yield of this particular species is at least partly due to its ability to achieve very high cell densities in cultures, which evidently leads to nutrient depletion even in f/2 medium.  相似文献   

Effects of temperature, irradiance, and nitrogen availability on the encystment and growth of the freshwater dinoflagellates Peridinium cinctum Ehrenberg and Peridinium willei Huitfeld-Kaas were studied in culture. Lack of nitrogen was the main trigger of encystment in both species. Irradiance had a secondary effect on the percentage of the population of each species that encysted. Temperature did not significantly affect encystment in either species. In both species, only a small percentage of the population underwent encystment. Low light had an inhibitory effect on the growth of P. willei growing in nitrogen-sufficient medium.  相似文献   

Despite use of excellent molecular techniques, Litaker et al. (2002) cannot provide insights about the life history of toxic Pfiesteria piscicida because they showed no data in support of having used toxic strains; rather they presented evidence that they used non‐inducible strains. Litaker et al. did not find amoeboid stages or a chrysophyte‐like cyst stage in several cultures and unequivocally concluded that the stages do not exist in all P. piscicida strains. Thus, they did not consider the tenet that absence of evidence does not constitute proof of absence. Apparent discrepancies between the research by Litaker et al. and previous research on Pfiesteria can be resolved as follows: First, Litaker et al. did not use toxic strains. We have reported findings (similar to Litaker et al.) showing few amoeboid transformations in non‐inducible strains, which manifest some but not all of the forms that have been documented in some toxic strains. We, and others, have documented active toxicity to fish, transformations to amoebae, and chrysophyte‐like cysts in some clonal toxic strains. Second, the data from several recent publications, which were available but not mentioned by Litaker et al. or by Coats (2002) in accompanying commentary, have verified P. piscicida amoebae, chrysophyte‐like cysts, and other stages in some toxic strains through a combination of approaches including PCR data from clonal cultures.  相似文献   

The factors regulating dinoflagellate life‐cycle transitions are poorly understood. However, their identification is essential to unravel the causes promoting the outbreaks of harmful algal blooms (HABs) because these blooms are often associated with the formation and germination of sexual cysts. Nevertheless, there is a lack of knowledge on the factors regulating planozygote‐cyst transitions in dinoflagellates due to the difficulties of differentiating planozygotes from vegetative stages. In the present study, two different approaches were used to clarify the relevance of environmental factors on planozygote and cyst formation of the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium minutum Halim. First, the effects of changes in initial phosphate (P) and nitrate (N) concentrations in the medium on the percentage of planozygotes formed were examined using flow cytometry. Second, two factorial designs were used to determine how salinity (S), temperature (T), and the density of the initial cell inoculum (I) affect planozygote and resting‐cyst formation. These experiments led to the following conclusions: 1. Low P/N ratios seem to induce gamete expression because the percentage of planozygotes recorded in the absence of added phosphate (‐P) was significantly higher than that obtained in the absence of added nitrogen (‐N), or when the concentrations of both nitrogen and phosphate were 20 times lower (N/20 + P/20). 2. Salinity (S) and temperature (T) strongly affected both planozygote and cyst formation, as sexuality in the population increased significantly as salinity decreased and temperatures increased. S, T combinations that resulted in no significant cyst formation were, however, favorable for vegetative growth, ruling out the possibility of negative effects on cell physiology. 3. The initial cell density is thought to be important for sexual cyst formation by determining the chances of gamete contact. However, the inoculum concentrations tested did not explain either planozygote formation or the appearance of resting cysts.  相似文献   

Ulva compressa L. is a heterothallic macroalga considered to be in the early evolutionary stage between isogamy and anisogamy. Two genetic lines of this species, each consisting of gametophytes with opposite mating types, were collected on the coasts of Ehime and Iwate prefectures: MGEC‐1 (mt+) and MGEC‐2 (mt?) from Ehime, and MGEC‐5 (mt+) and MGEC‐6 (mt?) from Iwate. Their relative gamete sizes (i.e., cell volumes) do not correspond to their mating types: MGEC‐6 (19.8 μm3) > MGEC‐1 (18.6 μm3) > MGEC‐5 (17.0 μm3) > MGEC‐2 (10.1 μm3). The pattern of organelle inheritance is an important sexual characteristic in many eukaryotes. We therefore investigated the relationship between gamete size and the inheritance of chloroplast DNA (cpDNA). Polymorphisms between the cpDNA of the two lines were used as markers. We found a 24 bp insertion between psbF and psbL, and the substitution of a StyI site (from C CAAGG to T CAAGG) in the intergenic region between petD and accD. Two interline crosses (MGEC‐1 × MGEC‐6 and MGEC‐2 × MGEC‐5) produced 42 and 38 zygotes, respectively. PCR and PCR–RFLP analyses showed that the cpDNA of the mt+ gametes was consistently inherited in both crosses. The cpDNA is inherited from one parent only, and it depends not on gamete size but on being mt+. The cpDNA was observed during crossing and in the zygotes 6 h after mating. In 6% of the zygotes, the cpDNA derived from the mt? gametes disappeared 3–4 h after mating. Preferential digestion of the cpDNA in the zygote’s mt? gamete may form the basis for uniparental inheritance of cpDNA.  相似文献   

Gymnodinium catenatum Graham is an unarmored, cyst‐forming dinoflagellate species responsible for outbreaks of paralytic shellfish poisoning. The nuclear development of the cells during the sexual cycle and the effect of different nitrate and phosphate external levels on sexual stages were studied. Nuclear fusion of gametes occurred before or at the same time as cytoplasmic fusion. During this process, either both nuclei migrated to a central area in the sulcal region, or only one of them migrated to the other nucleus. The motile and longitudinally biflagellated zygote presented a large, pear‐shaped nucleus, and either divided or encysted. Planozygotes and germlings underwent similar division processes, which suggested an uncoordinated meiosis in both encysting and non‐encysting zygotes. Encystment in culture was greater under low nitrate and phosphate limitation (L/15) than when only one or neither of these nutrients were added (L‐N, L‐P, and ‐N‐P). However, planozygotes individually monitored achieved the maximum encystment (40%) in a medium with no phosphate or nitrate added (‐N‐P), while most of them divided (70%–90%) in replete (L1) or half‐replete (L‐N and L‐P) media. Low levels of nitrate in the medium of cyst formation promoted a deficient development of the cyst wall. On the other hand, low phosphate levels in the medium of germination prevented both planozygote and germling division and lowered the final germination frequencies of cysts. The minimum dormancy, with an average value of 13.7±5.5 days, was not affected by any of the nutritional conditions studied.  相似文献   

Sexual processes in the life cycle of the dinoflagellate Gyrodinium uncatenum Hulburt were investigated in isolated field populations. Morphological and morphogenetic aspects of gamete production, planozygote formation, encystment, excystment, and planomeiocyte division are described from observations of living specimens, Protargol silver impregnated material and scanning electron microscope preparations. The sexual cycle was initiated by gamete formation which involved two asexual divisions of the vegetative organism. Gametes were fully differentiated following the second division and immediately capable of forming pairs. Either isogamous or anisogamous pairs were formed by the mid-ventral union of gametes. Gametes invariably joined with flagellar bases in close juxtaposition. Complete fusion of gametes required ca. 1 h, involved plasmogamy followed by karyogamy and resulted in a quadriflagellated planozygote. Planozygotes encysted in 24–48 h to yield a hypnozygote capable of overwintering in estuarine sediments. Hypnozygotes collected from sediment in late winter readily excysted upon exposure to temperatures above 15°C. A single quadriflagellated planomeiocyte emerged from the cyst and under culture conditions divided one to two days later. The four flagella were not evenly distributed at the first division and both bi- and tri-flagellated daughter cells were formed.  相似文献   

Recruitment of Anabaena and Aphanizomenon from the sediments to the water column was investigated in shallow (1–2 m) and deep (6–7 m) areas of Lake Limmaren, central Sweden. Recruitment traps attached to the bottom were sampled weekly throughout the summer season (June through September). A comparison between the two sites shows that the largest part of the recruited cells originated from the shallow site, although recruitment occurred at all depths in the lake. There were also differences between the species, regarding the site as well as the timing of the recruitment. The contribution of the inoculum to the pelagic population was calculated to vary between 0.003% and 0.05% for the different species. From these results we conclude that shallow sediments are more important than deep ones for the recruitment and that the inoculum in Lake Limmaren is small but may still be an important factor in the population dynamics.  相似文献   

Because of the small size of A. crista and its scarce distribution,very little information is available concerning its life cycle.The occurrence of an unusual dense population in an experimentalpool allowed regular sampling during 3 years. A. crista displaysan annual life cycle with 3 different breeding seasons. Bothsummer and autumn generations overwinter and disappear afterspawning in the next spring. Some biological and ecologicalfeatures of this species are provided. (Received 21 October 1983;  相似文献   

The diplobiontic–haplodiplontic life cycle with alternating isomorphic generations in Stigeoclonium tenue (C. Agardh) Kütz. is described for the first time. Sporophytes (2n = 10) arise from tetraflagellate zoospores that are produced by meiosis. Sporic meiosis might be inferred from the cruciform divisions formed during zoosporogenesis and is confirmed through observations of prophase I substages. Zoospores do not germinate directly but produce a haploid cyst that germinates to give rise to a gametophyte (n = 5). Gametophytes produce biflagellate isogametes, which fuse to produce zygotes that germinate by mitosis into the sporophytic stage. Gametophytes and sporophytes reproduce asexually both via mitotic tetraflagellate zoospores and by thallus fragmentation. Results from this study indicate that both the cosmopolitan distribution and dominance of S. tenue in many periphytic communities might be due to its multiple reproductive strategies.  相似文献   

The holozoic dinoflagellate, Gymnodinium fungiforme Anissimova, has been observed in both asexually and sexually reproducing cultures. Asexual reproduction is characterized by zoosporangium formation and subsequent new cell release. Sexuality is gametic, and planozygotes and hypnozygotes are present. The life cycle is highly dependent on feeding, and in food-depleted cultures the swimming cells rapidly disappear. These are replaced with resistant long-term resting cysts. Despite its small size (8.5–19 μm), G. fungiforme can feed on prey as large as the ciliated protozoan, Condylostoma magnum Spiegel (600–1000 μm in length), or small injured metazoans, and has been cultured phagotrophically with the chlorophyte, Dunaliella salina Teodoresco as a food source. Eleven additional species of algae including 1 chlorophyte, 7 chrysophytes and 3 rhodophytes, however, were not suitable as food sources. Feeding is characterized by the formation of ‘dynamic aggregations’ of hundreds of dinoflagellates that attach to the surface of a prey organism by a peduncle. G. fungiforme ingests the cytoplasm or body fluids of its prey and a feeding aggregation can ingest a C. magnum in 20–30 minutes.  相似文献   

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