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Habitat loss has led to fragmentation of populations of many invertebrates, but social hymenopterans may be particularly sensitive to habitat fragmentation due to their low effective population sizes. The impacts of fragmentation depend strongly on dispersal abilities, but these are difficult to quantify. Here, we quantify and compare dispersal abilities of two bumblebee species, Bombus muscorum and Bombus jonellus , in a model island system. We use microsatellites to investigate population genetic structuring, dispersal and spatial patterns in genetic diversity. Populations of both species showed significant structuring, and isolation by distance, but this was markedly greater in B. muscorum (θ = 0.13) than in B. jonellus (θ = 0.034). This difference could reflect a higher effective population size in B. jonellus compared to B. muscorum , but this is not consistent with the observed abundance of the two species. We argue that it is more likely that B. jonellus has a higher propensity to disperse than B. muscorum . This will influence their relative susceptibility to habitat fragmentation and may in part explain differential declines of mainland populations of these and other bumblebee species.  相似文献   

In a previous study on wild populations of Pyropia, the occurrence of two possible new species (Pyropia sp. 2 and Pyropia sp. 3) which are closely related to the two commercially important Pyropia species, P. yezoensis and P. tenera, was confirmed as the result of molecular phylogenetic analyses. To characterize the morphological features of the two wild Pyropia species, we collected Pyropia blades in a natural population in which Pyropia sp. 3 was known to occur, and carried out molecular identification before detailed morphological observations. Through the molecular identification we found, unexpectedly, that Pyropia sp. 2 blades grew sympatrically in the same site. Therefore, after molecular identification, we examined in detail the external morphology and anatomy of the two wild Pyropia species using more than 10 blades each. As a result, it is concluded that all of the blades of the two species are morphologically identical to P. yezoensis, but distinct from P. tenera. It is therefore considered that both of the two wild Pyropia species are cryptic species within the P. yezoensis complex. Furthermore, this study revealed that the two cryptic species grew sympatrically, even on the same rocks within the natural habitat.  相似文献   

【目的】为了探明中国境内明亮熊蜂复合种Bombus lucorum complex的物种组成及其分布特性。【方法】利用DNA条形码技术对来源于中国境内的明亮熊蜂复合种的223个标本进行了鉴定, 并根据鉴定结果分析了各物种的分布特性。【结果】中国境内明亮熊蜂复合种包括地熊蜂B. terrestris、 隐熊蜂B. cryptarum、 明亮熊蜂B. lucorum和长翅熊蜂B. longipennis。4种熊蜂共获得160条DNA条形码序列, 包含36个单倍型, 其中B. longipennis单倍型最多, 为14个; B. terrestris最少, 为3个。B. terrestris和B. lucorum亲缘关系最远, 其遗传距离为0.077; B. lucorum和B. longipennis亲缘关系最近, 其遗传距离为0.034。系统进化分析(贝叶斯法和最大似然法)表明, 4种熊蜂的分化先后顺序为B. terrestris, B. longipennis, B. lucorum和B. cryptarum。4种熊蜂的分布格局不同, 平均分布海拔高度由高到低的顺序依次为B. longipennis, B. cryptarum, B. lucorum和B. terrestris。B. longipennis发现于高海拔的青藏高原东部及南部地区, 而B. terrestris仅发现于低海拔的新疆西北部边界地带。【结论】本研究探明了中国境内明亮熊蜂复合种的分类地位及其分布特性, 为深入研究该类群的资源保护和农业授粉利用奠定了基础。  相似文献   

  • 1 Data on worker traffic, size and concentration of nectar loads, and size and composition of pollen loads were collected for a colony of Bombus pennsylvanicus sonorus Say in the Chihuahuan Desert in Arizona, U.S.A.
  • 2 Foraging activity increased through the morning to a peak level in early afternoon and then declined steadily thereafter. Pollen collection occurred primarily in the morning, whereas nectar was harvested throughout the day. Nectar loads decreased in size but increased in sugar concentration during the day.
  • 3 Following field observations, we excavated the nest and counted the numbers of immatures and adults present and measured the honey and pollen reserves. A total of 150 workers were present, and we estimate that the colony would have produced 174 queens and 192 males. Food reserves appeared small: pollen and honey stored in the nest represented only 18% and 35%, respectively, of the daily input.
  • 4 These results are compared to ergonomic data collected for B.vosnesenskii in the only other similar study.

Analysis of genetic variation can provide insights into ecological and evolutionary diversification which, for commercially harvested species, can also be relevant to the implementation of spatial management strategies and sustainability. In comparison with other marine biodiversity hot spots, there has been less genetic research on the fauna of the southwest Indian Ocean (SWIO). This is epitomized by the lack of information for lethrinid fish, which support socioeconomically important fisheries in the region. This study combines comparative phylogeographic and population genetic analyses with ecological niche modeling to investigate historical and contemporary population dynamics of two species of emperor fish (Lethrinus mahsena and Lethrinus harak) across the SWIO. Both species shared similarly shallow phylogeographic patterns and modeled historical (LGM) habitat occupancies. For both species, allele frequency and kinship analyses of microsatellite variation revealed highly significant structure with no clear geographical pattern and nonrandom genetic relatedness among individuals within samples. The genetic patterns for both species indicate recurrent processes within the region that prevent genetic mixing, at least on timescales of interest to fishery managers, and the potential roles of recruitment variability and population isolation are discussed in light of biological and environmental information. This consistency in both historical and recurrent population processes indicates that the use of model species may be valuable in management initiatives with finite resources to predict population structure, at least in cases wherein biogeographic and ecological differences between taxa are minimized. Paradoxically, mtDNA sequencing and microsatellite analysis of samples from the Seychelles revealed a potential cryptic species occurring in sympatry with, and seemingly morphologically identical to, L. mahsena. BLAST results point to the likely misidentification of species and incongruence between voucher specimens, DNA barcodes, and taxonomy within the group, which highlights the utility and necessity of genetic approaches to characterize baseline biodiversity in the region before such model‐based methods are employed.  相似文献   

外来种隐蔽入侵: 类型及影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
隐蔽入侵(cryptic invasion)是指在形态上与土著种(或早期建群种)不能或难以区分的外来种在人们未觉察的状态下成功入侵的过程。人们对这类入侵方式往往视而不觉。本文综述了外来种隐蔽入侵的类型以及生态影响。隐蔽入侵的类型主要包括外来姊妹种形式的隐蔽入侵、 不同遗传支系的隐蔽入侵、 不同地理种群的隐蔽入侵以及“返传入”。其中, “返传入”目前还是一种假说。由于这类入侵外来种更容易与土著种(或早期建群种)杂交或基因渗透, 因而可对入侵种自身或土著种产生深远的生态影响。鉴于隐蔽入侵现象的广泛性, 建议进一步加强该方面的研究。  相似文献   

Across Western Europe and North America, many bumblebee species are currently undergoing drastic declines in their abundance and ranges, primarily as a result of habitat fragmentation. In contrast, a smaller number of species are seemingly unaffected by this and remain common. The UK Biodiversity Action Plan-designated Bombus ruderatus belongs to the former group while B. hortorum belongs to the latter. These two species are sympatric and remarkably similar in morphology. There are no diagnostic characters for workers and male genitalia are illustrated with the same diagram in standard keys. Isolated records of putative B. ruderatus occur amongst a mass of records for B. hortorum. This raises two important issues: first, are B. ruderatus and B. hortorum ‘good’ species? Second, if they are, can the uncertainty over their identification be resolved? We present COII and cytochrome b mtDNA sequence data from these and other Bombus species. Molecular data and coat colour characters are in concordance and confirm that B. ruderatus and B. hortorum should be regarded as separate species (although coat colour alone is an unreliable diagnostic character for many individuals). Confirmation of the specific status of B. ruderatus allows the work on the conservation of this species to continue.  相似文献   

The taxonomy of muriquis, the largest extant primates in the New World, is controversial. While some specialists argue for a monotypic genus (Brachyteles arachnoides), others favor a two‐species classification, splitting northern muriquis (Brachyteles hypoxanthus) from southern muriquis (B. arachnoides). This uncertainty affects how we study the differences between these highly endangered and charismatic primates, as well as the design of more effective conservation programs. To address this issue, between 2003 and 2017 we collected over 230 muriqui fecal samples across the genus’ distribution in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest, extracted DNA from these samples, and sequenced 423 base pairs of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region. Phylogenetic and species delimitation analyses of our sequence dataset robustly support two reciprocally monophyletic groups corresponding to northern and southern muriquis separated by an average 12.7% genetic distance. The phylogeographic break between these lineages seems to be associated with the Paraíba do Sul River and coincides with the transition between the north and south Atlantic Forest biogeographic zones. Published divergence estimates from whole mitochondrial genomes and nuclear loci date the split between northern and southern muriquis to the Early Pleistocene (ca. 2.0 mya), and our new mtDNA dataset places the coalescence time for each of these two clades near the last interglacial (ca. 120–80 kya). Our results, together with both phenotypic and ecological differences, support recognizing northern and southern muriquis as sister species that should be managed as distinct evolutionarily significant units. Given that only a few thousand muriquis remain in nature, it is imperative that conservation strategies are tailored to protect both species from extinction.  相似文献   

The problem of cryptic species in Diacyclops bicuspidatus was examined using interpopulation crosses of four populations collected from a: (1) permanent flood lake in Kiev, Ukraine, (2) temporary pool in Kiev, (3) permanent pond in St. Petersburg, Russia (1200 km to north from Kiev) and (4) lake in Crimea (1100 km south of Kiev). The only interpopulation crosses to exhibit fertility were those between the St. Petersburg population and each of the two Kiev populations. The crosses between the Kiev and Crimea populations, between the St. Petersburg and Crimea populations, and between the two Kiev populations were sterile, as evidenced by either nonviable eggs, empty egg membranes or incomplete copulations. The F1 hybrids resulting from the St. Petersburg permanent pond X Kiev flood lake cross were fertile and produced mature F2 offspring. Some data on development times of parental and hybrid lines are presented. The St. Petersburg parental line showed development times almost twice as long as those of the Kiev flood lake population when reared at 10 °C and 20 °C in the laboratory. The F1 offspring of the cross between St. Petersburg females and Kiev floodlake males showed similar development times to females of the St. Petersburg parental lines at both temperatures. The F2 hybrids also showed development times that approximated those of the St. Petersburg parental line. These crossbreeding studies suggest the presence of cryptic species in the D. bicuspidatus inhabiting ecologically different populations in many parts of its large holarctic range.  相似文献   

Morphologically cryptic species act as a wild card when it comes to biodiversity assessments and conservation, with the capacity to dramatically alter our understanding of the biological landscape at the taxonomic, ecological, biogeographic, evolutionary, and conservation levels. We discuss the potential effects that cryptic species may have on biodiversity assessments and conservation, as well as some of the current issues involving the treatment of cryptic species both at taxonomic and conservation levels. In addition, using a combination of advertisement call and morphological data, we describe a new species of the Leptodactylus marmoratus group from the upper Amazon basin, and we assess how cryptic species can affect conservation assessments of species in the Leptodactylus marmoratus group by examining how recent findings affect our understanding of the distribution of what is assumed to be a widespread Amazonian species, Leptodactylus andreae.  相似文献   

In recent decades, several animal and plant species have been in regression (population size decrease and geographical distribution shrinking). This loss of biodiversity can be due to various factors such as the destruction and fragmentation of habitat, urban development, pesticides or climate change. However, some species benefit from these changes and expand their distribution. Here we report observations (in 2013 and 2014) of two Euro-Mediterranean bumblebee species: Bombus terrestris for the first time and Bombus lapidarius, north of the Arctic Circle in Fennoscandia.  相似文献   

In this study, we analysed the processes resulting in the origin of two endemic sister species of bumblebees in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. We studied the historical distribution pattern of Bombus bahiensis, which is restricted to small fragments in eastern Brazil and the phylogeographic pattern and historical demography of B. brasiliensis, which is widely distributed in southern and south-eastern Brazil and neighbouring regions of Uruguay, Paraguay, and Argentina. We used ecological niche models, niche analyses, and genetic and distribution data (i) to test the role of niche differentiation on the divergence between the two species, (ii) to find potential distribution areas for the most restricted B. bahiensis, and (iii) to evaluate the conservation status of both species. Our results showed that B. brasiliensis populations are able to disperse across mosaics of anthropogenic and preserved areas and exhibit low levels of spatial genetic structure. Otherwise, B. bahiensis presented a restricted distribution range and likely a lower diversity, where it is suffering with an increasing habitat loss. The climatic oscillations of the Pleistocene influenced the population structure of both species in different ways, probably due to differences in their effective population sizes, physiology and past demographic fluctuations. Specifically, while B. brasiliensis expanded its distribution range in the last 500,?000?years throughout most of the Atlantic Forest, B. bahiensis remained restricted to a small rainforest area between southern Bahia and northern Espírito Santo states in Brazil. In its southern distribution, in the state of Espírito Santo, B. bahiensis is currently very rare or extinct. Currently, the adjacent ranges of Bombus brasiliensis and B. bahiensis do not overlap and our results indicate that these species may have further diversified through a reinforcement process associated to niche specialization and differentiation.  相似文献   

Mathews LM 《Molecular ecology》2006,15(13):4049-4063
Recent investigations suggest that marine biodiversity may be much higher than earlier estimates, and an important hidden source of diversity in marine systems is the phenomenon of cryptic species complexes. Such complexes are informative models for research into the evolutionary processes that govern species compositions of marine fauna. The snapping shrimp genera Alpheus and Synalpheus are known to harbour large numbers of cryptic species; here, I characterize the genetic structure of the Alpheus armillatus species complex in the northern Caribbean, west Atlantic, and Gulf of Mexico using mitochondrial and nuclear sequence data. Over this geographical region, the complex harbours at least three lineages that are probable reproductively isolated species; all major lineages diverged subsequent to the close of the Isthmus of Panama. Only one lineage was present in the Gulf of Mexico, whereas outside the Gulf of Mexico there was no clear tendency for lineage dominance by geographical region, as most sites were populated by shrimp from at least two lineages. However, within each lineage, there was strong evidence of population genetic differentiation between geographical regions. All lineages showed strong signals of demographic expansion, and one lineage showed sharply reduced genetic diversity, suggestive of past population bottlenecks or recently founded populations with low gene flow from other sites. These results show that evolutionary processes leading to divergence and speciation have been common and recent in the snapping shrimp, and suggest that connectivity among shrimp populations may be limited.  相似文献   

Habitat fragmentation may severely affect survival of social insect populations as the number of nests per population, not the number of individuals, represents population size, hence they may be particularly prone to loss of genetic diversity. Erosion of genetic diversity may be particularly significant among social Hymenoptera such as bumblebees (Bombus spp.), as this group may be susceptible to diploid male production, a suggested direct cost of inbreeding. Here, for the first time, we assess genetic diversity and population structuring of a threatened bumblebee species (Bombus sylvarum) which exists in highly fragmented habitat (rather than oceanic) islands. Effective population sizes, estimated from identified sisterhoods, were very low (range 21-72) suggesting that isolated populations will be vulnerable to loss of genetic variation through drift. Evidence of significant genetic structuring between populations (theta = 0.084) was found, but evidence of a bottleneck was detected in only one population. Comparison across highly fragmented UK populations and a continental population (where this species is more widespread) revealed significant differences in allelic richness attributable to a high degree of genetic diversity in the continental population. While not directly related to population size, this is perhaps explained by the high degree of isolation between UK populations relative to continental populations. We suggest that populations now existing on isolated habitat islands were probably linked by stepping-stone populations prior to recent habitat loss.  相似文献   

Restriction analysis detected two types of bigeye tuna (α and β); the α type was in the majority in the Atlantic but nearly absent in the Indo-Pacific. The β type shared a larger number of restriction sites with other species than the conspecific β type, but bigeye-specific nucleotide substitutions with a novel diagnostic restriction profile were found. Although the nucleotide sequence difference between Atlantic and Pacific sub-species of the northern bluefin tuna was nearly the largest among species, individuals possessing the Atlantic type of mtDNA were found at very low frequency in the Pacific and vice versa. Previous RFLP markers were found to be diagnostic for the other five species (albacore, blackfin, longtail, southern bluefin and yellowfin tunas). Genetic information is provided to discriminate all Thunnus species regardless of their origin and to identify the ocean of capture in the northern bluefin and bigeye tunas.  相似文献   

We describe a new, electronic, apparatus for measuring the activity of bumblebees as they fly from and to their nests. The bee activity recorder (BAR) works on the principle that bees leaving and returning to their nest crawl through a tube equipped with infrared emitters and detectors so that when the beam is interrupted by the passage of a bee, the event is recorded as either an exit or an entry. Tests of BARs indicate that they are highly accurate, BAR counts and visual counts highly correlated with an almost one‐to‐one correspondence. We suggest that BARs can be used for recording the foraging activities of bumblebees through nest exit and entry counts in many practical and research applications.  相似文献   

Genetic structure among disjunct population groups of Pultenaea pauciflora was assessed to determine the evolutionary history of this species as a basis for conservation management strategies. Analysis of individuals from all extant populations using 1737 amplified length polymorphism markers revealed two highly divergent genetic entities with strong geographical structuring. Populations located at Narrogin and Brookton clustered together in Bayesian assignment analysis with every individual optimally placed in a single cluster with complete membership. Genetic differentiation between populations in these two areas was very low. Populations at Boddington were highly divergent from those located at Narrogin and Brookton. All individuals from Boddington populations were optimally placed into a second cluster with complete membership. Populations located at Boddington maintain lower levels of allelic diversity, yet greater levels of mean heterozygosity than populations located at Narrogin and Brookton. The degree of genetic differentiation and different patterns of genetic diversity strongly suggest historical divergence and separate evolutionary influences on the two lineages that occur in different ecological habitat. These Evolutionary Significant Units are likely to represent two cryptic sister taxa in the extant populations currently recognized as P. pauciflora, and the reassessment of taxonomic and conservation status of both lineages is required. © 2013 State of Western Australia. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society © 2013 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

Accurate species delimitation of sampled biological material is critical for a range of studies. Although the DNA barcodes developed in recent years are useful for identifying numerous well differentiated species that have not experienced frequent gene flow, they fail to delimit recently diverged species, especially those with extensive introgressions. Here we use five Rhododendron species growing together on the same mountain as a model system to compare the species delimitation effectiveness of the DNA barcodes (internal transcribed spacer, matK, psbA‐trnH, and rbcL) previously proposed versus 15 pairs of microsatellite markers. Using these markers, we genotyped 129 individuals, which were members of five species according to morphological identification. We identified five simple sequence repeat genetic clusters (independently evolving lineages) corresponding to the morphological identification. However, we found that numerous individuals contained cryptic hybrid introgressions from the other species. The four DNA barcodes could not delimit three out of four closely related species that showed clear morphological differentiation and cryptic introgressions. Even after excluding all cryptic hybrids, two closely related species could not be successfully identified. The low discrimination ability of the DNA barcodes for closely related Rhododendron species could result from two, not mutually exclusive factors: introgressive hybridization and incomplete lineage sorting. Our results highlight the importance of simple sequence repeat markers in delimiting closely related species and identifying cryptic introgressions in the absence of morphological changes.  相似文献   

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