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The Roanoke logperch (Percina rex Jordan and Evermann), an endangered fish, occurs in only six watersheds in the Roanoke and Chowan river drainages of Virginia, USA. The species’ population genetic structure is poorly known. We developed 16 microsatellite markers that were reliably scorable and polymorphic P. rex. Markers were also screened in seven other darter species of the genus Percina. Most markers exhibited successful amplification and polymorphism in several species. These markers may therefore prove useful for population genetic studies in other darters, a diverse but highly imperiled group.  相似文献   

Synopsis Fantail darters,Etheostoma flabellare, have larger eggs with greater yolk volume than johnny darters,E. nigrum, and have a longer embryo period. This longer embryo period is associated with accelerated finfold differentiation, producing a larger, better formed individual at the onset of exogenous feeding. Developmental differences among these two species and the rainbow darter,Etheostoma caeruleum, primarily in timing of ontogenetic events, are described in detail. These differences in timing are considered largely early developmental phenomena as they affect embryos, larvae, and aievins but apparently not juveniles or adults. Demographic aspects of early life history were assessed using data from studies of Ontario streams. Differences in early survival among species appear to play an important role in recruitment of mature females, but cannot be attributed to parental care or egg size differences.  相似文献   

Synopsis Riffle dwelling fantail darters (Etheostoma flabellare) selected lower temperatures in winter (19.3°C) compared to pool dwelling johnny darters (E. nigrum; 22.0°C. A similar trend was evident in summer tests (fantail darters, 20.3°C; johnny darters, 22.9°C). Summer tested animals selected higher temperatures than winter tested animals maintained at the same acclimation temperature and photoperiod. When tested together in the same gradient, both species appeared not to thermoregulate, but tended to avoid each other. Critical thermal maxima (CTMax) did not differ between seasons for either species (fantail darters, 31.1°C winter, 31.3°C summer; johnny darters, 30.9°C winter, 30.5°C summer). Differences in the thermal responses of these darters correlated with differences in their respective habitats.  相似文献   

Synopsis The ecological classification of fishes into reproductive guilds is based on the premises that (1) reproductive styles and early ontogeny are closely related, and (2) both are correlated with the ecology of a species. A comparison of early ontogenies of logperch (Percina caprodes), rainbow darter (Etheostoma caeruleum), and fantail darter (E. flabellare) confirmed these premises, and provided possible explanations for diversity within the Etheostomatini. Young logperch have limited vitelline circulation, hatch while still poorly developed, and therefore must drift from oxygen rich lotic habitats to lentic habitats where small planktonic prey are available. Young rainbow and fantail darters have extensive vitelline plexuses, are well developed at transition to first feeding, and begin feeding on aquatic insects. Thus there is no necessity for a drift interval. As a result, the latter species are adapted for stream life. Interspecific differences in reproductive styles and early ontogenies may have contributed to speciation of darters by allowing partitioning of breeding sites and food resources for young. In addition, reduced drift dispersal and small stream habitation may have indirectly contributed to speciation by reducing genetic exchange among populations.  相似文献   

Incongruence between recognized taxonomy and phylogenetic relationships between two species from a diverse clade (Percidae: Etheostomatinae) of stream fishes was found in a mitochondrial (mt) DNA gene tree. Two darters in subgenus Oligocephalus , Etheostoma uniporum current darter and Etheostoma caeruleum rainbow darter were sampled throughout their sympatric distribution in the Ozark Highlands of the central United States. Sequences from cytochrome (cyt) b and the first intron of the nuclear marker S7 were analysed separately using maximum parsimony and Bayesian methods. Cyt b recovered both species as polyphyletic; E. uniporum haplotypes were interspersed within E. caeruleum . However, both species were monophyletic and non-sister taxa based on S7. The cyt b gene tree pattern is caused by introgressive hybridization resulting in the mtDNA replacement of E. uniporum haplotypes by those of E. caeruleum . Some E. uniporum haplotypes are shared with geographically proximate E. caeruleum , and this is consistent with recent hybridization, while other E. uniporum haplotypes indicate historical sorting of introgressed lineages. The mechanism of introgression is likely asymmetric sneaking behaviour by male E. uniporum , a mating tactic observed in related species. MtDNA replacement may have occurred in E. uniporum due to drift fixation in a historically small female effective population. Additional evidence for darter hybridization will likely be discovered in future molecular genetic surveys of the nearly 200 species in eastern North America.  相似文献   

Synopsis A field study was undertaken to describe the territorial behaviour of male johnny darters (Etheostoma nigrum) over the reproductive cycle. While defending eggs, males performed fewer Lateral Displays and lost fewer encounters with conspecific males than in the pre-egg phase. As the reproductive cycle progressed males were less responsive to females and performed relatively fewer courtship and more aggressive displays. Nesting males apparently shifted from a sexual to a parental phase shortly after acquiring eggs.Frequency of response, responsiveness (number of responses/number of intrusions x 100) and maximum distance of response (MDR) of male johnny darters were highest early in the reproductive cycle and decreased over the egg-guarding phase. The patterns of territorial defence exhibited by male johnny darters over the reproductive cycle were similar to those of other species of fish with paternal care.  相似文献   

The greenside darter Etheostoma blennioides is a small-bodied benthic stream fish that occurs in multiple drainages of the eastern USA. Previous studies have revealed some morphological differentiations among greensides from isolated drainage systems but growth relationships among functional morphological characteristics have not been examined within and between populations. Specifically, we tested for differences in functional morphology and allometric distinctions in morphological growth trajectories between greenside populations from two drainages, the Osage River and White River. Morphological differences between individuals of the two drainages included more dorso-ventrally compressed bodies, longer snouts and larger jaw features in White River darters. Furthermore, body depth, snout length and jaw width grow at significantly different trajectories in individuals of the two drainages. Individuals of the White River drainage (generally a higher gradient stream system) become comparatively more streamlined and develop proportionately larger feeding related traits during growth. These results suggest that individuals of both drainages share a similar morphology during early life but deviate during continued development and this may be partially due to environmentally induced plastic response. This study represents a novel approach for comparing morphological development among fish populations and presents environmental factors (e.g., stream gradient and elevation) that potentially influence functional characteristics.  相似文献   

Opercular beat rates of rainbow darters Etheostoma caeruleum were used as a measure of a physiological response to chemical stimulation. Rainbow darters responded significantly to some chemical cues (active and ambush predators, competitors, novel stimuli and to conspecific and heterospecific alarm cues) with increases in opercular movements; neutral cues and novel alarm cues did not elicit significant changes. Changes in opercular movements may be a good bioassay for determining detection of chemical stimuli by rainbow darters.  相似文献   

Synopsis Aggression by nest-guarding male johnny darters, Etheostoma nigrum, against intruding crayfish was investigated in laboratoy experiments and field observations. In the laboratory, darter success in chasing crayfish, Orconectes rusticus, from the nest site was inversely related to crayfish size. Small crayfish (less than 15 mm carapace length) were routinely evicted from the nest area by nips directed at the posterior end of the abdomen. Although such aggressive behavior was less successful against larger crayfish, even the largest crayfish tested (carapace length 30–32 mm) were chased from the nest area in 33% of the trials. Those large crayfish that entered nests often remained despite repeated attacks by the male johnny darter and egg predation was observed. In a small Ohio stream, openings to johnny darter nests were generally between 7 and 13 mm. Thus crayfish with a carapace height greater than 13 mm (corresponding to a carapace length greater than 29 mm) would not be able to enter johnny darter nests. In field observations, male Johnny darters successfully defended nests against another crayfish species (Orconectes sanborni, carapace length 12–29 mm). Together, aggressive behavior and small size of nest entrances allow the johnny darter to successfully reproduce in areas with abundant crayfish. The Unit is sponsored jointly by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, The Ohio Department of NaturalResources, and The Ohio State University.  相似文献   

Synopsis Etheostoma swaini, the gulf darter, was collected from the Black Creek drainage in southern Mississippi (February 1978 – April 1979). The gulf darter generally inhabits small- to moderate-size creeks and occurs over a sand or sandy mud bottom, often in association with aquatic vegetation or a layer of organic debris. Larval dipterans were the most important food items, both numerically and volumetrically. Chironomids were found in 71–100% of the stomachs in all except the unusual March 16 collection. The length frequency distribution and the scale annuli analysis indicated there were three year-classes present in the population at any one time. Fifty-one percent of the specimens taken were less than 12 months old. During the mid-February to late March spawning season gulf darters were most often collected over clean gravel or gravelsand substrates. Laboratory observations suggest that the female burrows into the gravel where the demersal, adhesive eggs are deposited. Female gulf darters significantly outnumbered males at a ratio of 59:41.  相似文献   

We compared visual survey and seining methods for estimating abundance of endangered Okaloosa darters, Etheostoma okaloosae, in 12 replicate stream reaches during August 2001. For each 20-m stream reach, two divers systematically located and marked the position of darters and then a second crew of three to five people came through with a small-mesh seine and exhaustively sampled the same area. Visual surveys required little extra time to complete. Visual counts (24.2 ± 12.0; mean ± one SD) considerably exceeded seine captures (7.4 ± 4.8), and counts from the two methods were uncorrelated. Visual surveys, but not seines, detected the presence of Okaloosa darters at one site with low population densities. In 2003, we performed a depletion removal study in 10 replicate stream reaches to assess the accuracy of the visual survey method. Visual surveys detected 59% of Okaloosa darters present, and visual counts and removal estimates were positively correlated. Taken together, our comparisons indicate that visual surveys more accurately and precisely estimate abundance of Okaloosa darters than seining and more reliably detect presence at low population densities. We recommend evaluation of visual survey methods when designing programs to monitor abundance of benthic fishes in clear streams, especially for threatened and endangered species that may be sensitive to handling and habitat disturbance.  相似文献   

Synopsis The tolerance of fantail, rainbow, and greenside darters to low oxygen was determined by exposing fish to conditions of progressively decreasing oxygen levels and recording the oxygen concentration at which loss of equilibrium occurred. The greenside darter was least tolerant to low oxygen levels in summer, with loss of equilibrium occurring at a mean O2 concentration of 3.39 mg l−1. Tolerances then increased through spring. A similar trend was observed for the fantail darter, with the lowest tolerance occurring in summer (2.36 mg −1). and greatest tolerance in spring (2.03 mg l−1). The rainbow darter exhibited its greatest tolerance to low oxygen in summer and spring (1.64 and 1.93 mg l−1, respectively). Interspecific differences were greatest in summer, with greenside darters being the least tolerant to low oxygen levels and the rainbow darter being the most tolerant. No differences in tolerance among the species were noted in winter. The low oxygen tolerance exhibited in summer by the greenside darter may be due to a higher metabolic cost and a higher critical oxygen tension at maximal stream temperatures (>25° C). The observed differences in oxygen tolerance may influence the longitudinal distribution and habitat selection of darters, especially in the summer months.  相似文献   

Freshwater darters belonging to the orangethroat darter species complex, or Ceasia, are widely distributed in the Central and Southern United States, with ranges that span both glaciated and unglaciated regions. Up to 15 species have been recognized in the complex, with one, Etheostoma spectabile, having a widespread northern distribution and another, Etheostoma pulchellum, having a sizeable southern distribution. The other species in the complex have much more restricted distributions in unglaciated regions of the Central Highlands. We sampled 384 darters from 52 sites covering much of the range of Ceasia and evaluated patterns of genetic diversity, genetic structure, and pre- and post-glacial patterns of range contraction and expansion. We anticipated finding much stronger signals of genetic differentiation and diversification in unglaciated regions, given the higher species diversity and levels of endemism reported there. Surprisingly, microsatellite genotyping revealed two well-differentiated genetic clusters of E. spectabile in samples from glaciated regions, one confined to the Illinois River basin and another found in the Wabash drainage and Great Lakes tributaries. This suggests that there was expansion from two isolated glacial refugia, with little subsequent post-glacial gene flow. Fish collected from throughout the unglaciated region were less genetically differentiated. Fish assigned to Etheostoma burri and Etheostoma uniporum based on collection sites and morphological characters were not genetically differentiated from E. spectabile samples from the region. Hybridization and introgression occurring in the Central Highlands may confound genetic delineation of species in this region of high endemism and diversity.  相似文献   

We determined seasonal foraging modes of four sympatric darter species, Etheostoma lynceum, E. stigmaeum, E. swaini and Percina nigrofasciata, from Beaverdam Creek, Mississippi (USA) at two scales of taxonomic resolution: (1) chironomid prey identified to family and (2) chironomid prey identified to genus/species. When chironomids were identified to family, high proportional similarity (PS) and low niche breadth (NB) values suggested the darters fed opportunistically on a relatively small number of available prey taxa. In contrast, when chironomids were identified to genus/species, concordant low PS and NB values suggested the darters fed like classic specialists, selecting a small number of prey taxa relative to prey availability in the resource base. The darters selected just one to four chironomid taxa from 52 available taxa across seasons. Our study shows that the scale of taxonomic resolution used to identify darter prey may influence the characterization of darter foraging modes.  相似文献   

In order to investigate a potential hybrid zone between the candy darter, Etheostoma osburni, and variegate darter, Etheostoma variatum, and examine population variation within E. osburni, a suite of primers for 15 polymorphic microsatellite loci were developed. The average number of alleles per locus was 5.5 in E. osburni and 7.6 in E. variatum, and the average observed heterozygosities were 62.5% and 71.4%, respectively. There were no deviations from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium and no observed linkage disequilibrium after Bonferroni correction. The utility of these primers was also tested in 11 species of darters representing all four genera of darters. Success of cross-species amplification was largely consistent with phylogenetic relationships of darters.  相似文献   

  1. Mechanisms driving patterns of occurrence and co-occurrence among North American freshwater fishes are poorly understood. In particular, the influence of biotic interactions on coexistence among stream reaches and their effects on regional species distribution patterns is not well understood for congeneric headwater fishes.
  2. Occupancy models provide a useful framework for examining patterns of co-occurrence while also accounting for imperfect detection. Occupancy models may be extended to test for evidence that a dominant species influences the occurrence of a subordinate species and thus evaluate support for the hypothesis that species interactions drive patterns of coexistence.
  3. We examined patterns of occurrence and co-occurrence at the stream-reach scale among three species of darters (Percidae: Etheostomatinae) that occupy headwater streams within a Gulf Coastal Plain drainage in the south-eastern U.S.A. We assessed species occurrences at 97 sites in first- to third-order streams on one occasion each and used data from four sub-reaches sampled with equal effort at each site to estimate species-specific detection probabilities. Following sampling, a suite of habitat variables was collected at three equidistant points along each of the three transects established within a sub-reach. Coarse (stream-segment, catchment, network) scale variables were also incorporated using geospatial data. Single-species and two-species occupancy models were used to examine patterns of occupancy and coexistence.
  4. The occupancy of each species was influenced by distinct habitat variables. Goldstripe darters (Etheostoma parvipinne) were constrained by a stream size gradient, groundwater input appeared to influence the occurrence of Yazoo darters (Etheostoma raneyi), and local habitat heterogeneity (e.g. variation in depth and current velocity) appeared to influence the occupancy of redspot darters (Etheostoma artesiae).
  5. We found no evidence that the presence of one species influenced the occurrence of another within a stream-reach based on two-species occupancy models. Rather, species co-occurrences were best explained as independent occurrences within a stream-reach according to species-specific habitat associations.
  6. Occupancy modelling may provide a suitable framework for evaluating the influence of biotic interactions among congeneric stream fishes along species-specific habitat gradients at the stream reach scale. Our study offers insight into how habitat variation can influence coexistence of potential competitors across a large river system.

Where orangethroat darters (Etheostoma: Ceasia) and rainbow darters (Etheostoma caeruleum) co-occur, males prefer conspecific over heterospecific females. The cues males use to identify conspecific females remain unclear. We conducted behavioral trials to ask whether chemical cues function in conspecific recognition. We found that males from three orangethroat darter species preferentially associate with female scent over a control. Our results support the use of olfaction in conspecific identification in the orangethroat clade and contribute to our understanding of signals that may facilitate species recognition and underlie the evolution of behavioral isolation.  相似文献   

The foraging and anti‐predator behaviour of captive‐reared rainbow darters (Etheostoma caeruleum) was compared to their wild‐caught counterparts. Wild‐caught darters responded with appropriate anti‐predator behaviour (reduced foraging activity) when exposed to alarm cues (e.g. stimuli from damaged skin) from both wild‐caught and captive‐reared darters, indicating that the diet in captivity did not inhibit the production of alarm cues. Captive‐reared individuals did not change their level of activity when exposed to alarm cues; however, their significantly lower baseline activity (movement and prey consumption) makes it unclear as to whether they actually failed to recognize risk. Regardless, captive‐reared darters showed little motivation to feed when food became available (i.e. they made few movements to obtain food) and appeared impervious to chemical cues indicating risk. Exposing captive‐reared individuals to both semi‐natural foraging opportunities and predator‐recognition training before their release is recommended.  相似文献   

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