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Identifying the ichthyoplankton of a coral reef using DNA barcodes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Marine fishes exhibit spectacular phenotypic changes during their ontogeny, and the identification of their early stages is challenging due to the paucity of diagnostic morphological characters at the species level. Meanwhile, the importance of early life stages in dispersal and connectivity has recently experienced an increasing interest in conservation programmes for coral reef fishes. This study aims at assessing the effectiveness of DNA barcoding for the automated identification of coral reef fish larvae through large‐scale ecosystemic sampling. Fish larvae were mainly collected using bongo nets and light traps around Moorea between September 2008 and August 2010 in 10 sites distributed in open waters. Fish larvae ranged from 2 to 100 mm of total length, with the most abundant individuals being <5 mm. Among the 505 individuals DNA barcoded, 373 larvae (i.e. 75%) were identified to the species level. A total of 106 species were detected, among which 11 corresponded to pelagic and bathypelagic species, while 95 corresponded to species observed at the adult stage on neighbouring reefs. This study highlights the benefits and pitfalls of using standardized molecular systems for species identification and illustrates the new possibilities enabled by DNA barcoding for future work on coral reef fish larval ecology.  相似文献   

In recent years, research has shown that geographical variation in mitochondrial DNA of commensal rats provides a strong signal of human dispersal and migration. However, interpretation of genetic variation is complicated by the presence of multiple species of Rattus especially in Island Southeast Asia, by the occurrence of some of these Rattus sp. as subfossils in archaeological and natural sites, and by the difficulty of osteological identification of these remains. Amplification of DNA from ancient sources usually yields only small fragments (~200 bp). We assessed whether we could identify Rattus sp. reliably with DNA barcoding using cytochrome oxidase I (COI) sequences, or tree‐based methods using D‐loop, cytochrome b and COI sequences. Species forming well‐differentiated clades in a molecular phylogeny were accurately identified by both methods, even when we used short DNA fragments. Identification was less accurate for paraphyletic and polyphyletic species. We suggest that taxonomic revisions that recognize cryptic or polytypic species will lead to even greater accuracy of DNA‐based identification methods.  相似文献   

A well‐covered reference library is crucial for successful identification of species by DNA barcoding. The biggest difficulty in building such a reference library is the lack of materials of organisms. Herbarium collections are potentially an enormous resource of materials. In this study, we demonstrate that it is likely to build such reference libraries using the reconstructed (self‐primed PCR amplified) DNA from the herbarium specimens. We used 179 rosaceous specimens to test the effects of DNA reconstruction, 420 randomly sampled specimens to estimate the usable percentage and another 223 specimens of true cherries (Cerasus, Rosaceae) to test the coverage of usable specimens to the species. The barcode rbcLb (the central four‐sevenths of rbcL gene) and matK was each amplified in two halves and sequenced on Roche GS 454 FLX+. DNA from the herbarium specimens was typically shorter than 300 bp. DNA reconstruction enabled amplification fragments of 400–500 bp without bringing or inducing any sequence errors. About one‐third of specimens in the national herbarium of China (PE) were proven usable after DNA reconstruction. The specimens in PE cover all Chinese true cherry species and 91.5% of vascular species listed in Flora of China. It is very possible to build well‐covered reference libraries for DNA barcoding of vascular species in China. As exemplified in this study, DNA reconstruction and DNA‐labelled next‐generation sequencing can accelerate the construction of local reference libraries. By putting the local reference libraries together, a global library for DNA barcoding becomes closer to reality.  相似文献   

Biodiversity studies require species level analyses for the accurate assessment of community structures. However, while specialized taxonomic knowledge is only rarely available for routine identifications, DNA taxonomy and DNA barcoding could provide the taxonomic basis for ecological inferences. In this study, we assessed the community structure of sediment dwelling, morphologically cryptic Chironomus larvae in the Rhine-valley plain/Germany, comparing larval type classification, cytotaxonomy, DNA taxonomy and barcoding. While larval type classification performed poorly, cytotaxonomy and DNA-based methods yielded comparable results: detrended correspondence analysis and permutation analyses indicated that the assemblages are not randomly but competitively structured. However, DNA taxonomy identified an additional species that could not be resolved by the traditional method. We argue that DNA-based identification methods such as DNA barcoding can be a valuable tool to increase accuracy, objectivity and comparability of the taxonomic assessment in biodiversity and community ecology studies.  相似文献   

Type specimens have high scientific importance because they provide the only certain connection between the application of a Linnean name and a physical specimen. Many other individuals may have been identified as a particular species, but their linkage to the taxon concept is inferential. Because type specimens are often more than a century old and have experienced conditions unfavourable for DNA preservation, success in sequence recovery has been uncertain. This study addresses this challenge by employing next‐generation sequencing (NGS) to recover sequences for the barcode region of the cytochrome c oxidase 1 gene from small amounts of template DNA. DNA quality was first screened in more than 1800 century‐old type specimens of Lepidoptera by attempting to recover 164‐bp and 94‐bp reads via Sanger sequencing. This analysis permitted the assignment of each specimen to one of three DNA quality categories – high (164‐bp sequence), medium (94‐bp sequence) or low (no sequence). Ten specimens from each category were subsequently analysed via a PCR‐based NGS protocol requiring very little template DNA. It recovered sequence information from all specimens with average read lengths ranging from 458 bp to 610 bp for the three DNA categories. By sequencing ten specimens in each NGS run, costs were similar to Sanger analysis. Future increases in the number of specimens processed in each run promise substantial reductions in cost, making it possible to anticipate a future where barcode sequences are available from most type specimens.  相似文献   

Land plants have had the reputation of being problematic for DNA barcoding for two general reasons: (i) the standard DNA regions used in algae, animals and fungi have exceedingly low levels of variability and (ii) the typically used land plant plastid phylogenetic markers (e.g. rbcL, trnL-F, etc.) appear to have too little variation. However, no one has assessed how well current phylogenetic resources might work in the context of identification (versus phylogeny reconstruction). In this paper, we make such an assessment, particularly with two of the markers commonly sequenced in land plant phylogenetic studies, plastid rbcL and internal transcribed spacers of the large subunits of nuclear ribosomal DNA (ITS), and find that both of these DNA regions perform well even though the data currently available in GenBank/EBI were not produced to be used as barcodes and BLAST searches are not an ideal tool for this purpose. These results bode well for the use of even more variable regions of plastid DNA (such as, for example, psbA-trnH) as barcodes, once they have been widely sequenced. In the short term, efforts to bring land plant barcoding up to the standards being used now in other organisms should make swift progress. There are two categories of DNA barcode users, scientists in fields other than taxonomy and taxonomists. For the former, the use of mitochondrial and plastid DNA, the two most easily assessed genomes, is at least in the short term a useful tool that permits them to get on with their studies, which depend on knowing roughly which species or species groups they are dealing with, but these same DNA regions have important drawbacks for use in taxonomic studies (i.e. studies designed to elucidate species limits). For these purposes, DNA markers from uniparentally (usually maternally) inherited genomes can only provide half of the story required to improve taxonomic standards being used in DNA barcoding. In the long term, we will need to develop more sophisticated barcoding tools, which would be multiple, low-copy nuclear markers with sufficient genetic variability and PCR-reliability; these would permit the detection of hybrids and permit researchers to identify the 'genetic gaps' that are useful in assessing species limits.  相似文献   

DNA barcodes are useful for species discovery and species identification, but obtaining barcodes currently requires a well‐equipped molecular laboratory and is time‐consuming, and/or expensive. We here address these issues by developing a barcoding pipeline for Oxford Nanopore MinION? and demonstrating that one flow cell can generate barcodes for ~500 specimens despite the high basecall error rates of MinION? reads. The pipeline overcomes these errors by first summarizing all reads for the same tagged amplicon as a consensus barcode. Consensus barcodes are overall mismatch‐free but retain indel errors that are concentrated in homopolymeric regions. They are addressed with an optional error correction pipeline that is based on conserved amino acid motifs from publicly available barcodes. The effectiveness of this pipeline is documented by analysing reads from three MinION? runs that represent three different stages of MinION? development. They generated data for (i) 511 specimens of a mixed Diptera sample, (ii) 575 specimens of ants and (iii) 50 specimens of Chironomidae. The run based on the latest chemistry yielded MinION? barcodes for 490 of the 511 specimens which were assessed against reference Sanger barcodes (N = 471). Overall, the MinION? barcodes have an accuracy of 99.3%–100% with the number of ambiguous bases after correction ranging from <0.01% to 1.5% depending on which correction pipeline is used. We demonstrate that it requires ~2 hr of sequencing to gather all information needed for obtaining reliable barcodes for most specimens (>90%). We estimate that up to 1,000 barcodes can be generated in one flow cell and that the cost per barcode can be 相似文献   

Using DNA barcoding and stable isotope analysis, we identified adult dragonfly prey items from the fecal pellets of five dragonfly species—Nannophya pygmaea, Ischnura asiatica, Sympetrum eroticum, Orthetrum albistylum, and Anax parthenope—collected from a mountain bog located in south‐eastern South Korea. Twelve operational taxonomic units (OTUs) belonging to four orders, Coleoptera, Diptera, Hemiptera, and Lepidoptera, were identified as prey items of adult dragonflies using DNA barcoding. Among prey items, Dipterans were the most common, comprising seven of the 10 OTUs. Based on stable isotope analysis, adult dragonflies and their nymphs were among the most numerous predators in both aquatic and terrestrial habitats. Additionally, dragonfly species with smaller adult sizes had different isotopic compositions to those reaching larger adult sizes. Both δ15N and δ13C values were significantly lower in smaller species than in larger species, indicating differences in their trophic levels and carbon sources.  相似文献   

DNA条形码与动植物分类学的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
DNA条形码在动植物分类学中的研究最近几年非常火热。这项技术在国外研究的比较多,国内的许多方面的研究还没达到国际水平。我国的动植物种类比较繁多,地区差异也较大,怎样能将这些物种准确,快速的进行分类,是众多动植物学家一直在研究的难题。针对DNA条形码研究的现状和他在动植物学中应用以及它存在的争议来进一步认识DNA条形码。  相似文献   

中国鸟类的DNA分类及系统发育研究概述   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
鸟类分类是鸟类学其他研究领域的基础,近年来分子技术的发展,以及计算机技术的应用为鸟类分类学和鸟类系统演化研究提供了新的研究手段,给传统的系统分类研究带来了新的机遇.Tautz等于2002年首先提出运用DNA序列作为生物分类系统的主要平台,即DNA分类学(DNA Taxonomy).而Hebert等于2003年则首次提出了DNA条形码(DNA Barcoding)的概念,并对其物种分类和鉴定意义予以肯定,建议利用线粒体细胞色素C氧化酶亚单位Ⅰ(COI)的特定区段来做DNA条形编码的基础.在鸟类DNA分类方面,国内学者应用线粒体基因Cut b,COI,c-mos,c-myc,12s rRNA,16s rRNA,ND2,ND3,CR,RAG-1以及核基因myoglobin introⅡ等不同片段对很多类群进行了分类探讨和系统发育研究.但是主要集中在鸡形目及雀形目鸟类.中国是鸟类多样性极其丰富的国家,近年来很多亚种、种及以上分类阶元依然存在问题,因此,中国鸟类物种的分类地位、系统发育与演化关系等依然有很多问题等待深入研究.目前国内基于COI的鸟类分类及系统发育研究有了一些报道,但是真正的DNA条形码工作尚需继续、深入地开展.  相似文献   

Using a standard cytochrome c oxidase I sequence, DNA barcoding has been shown to be effective to distinguish known species and to discover cryptic species. Here we assessed the efficiency of DNA barcoding for the amphipod genus Gammarus from China. The maximum intraspecific divergence for widespread species, Gammarus lacustris, was 3.5%, and mean interspecific divergence reached 21.9%. We presented a conservative benchmark for determining provisional species using maximum intraspecific divergence of Gammarus lacustris. Thirty-one species possessed distinct barcode clusters. Two species were comprised of highly divergent clades with strong neighbor-joining bootstrap values, and likely indicated the presence of cryptic species. Although DNA barcoding is effective, future identification of species of Gammarus should incorporate DNA barcoding and morphological detection[Current Zoology 55(2):158-164,2009].  相似文献   


Background and Aims

The gametophyte phase of ferns plays an important role in habitat selection, dispersal, adaptation and evolution. However, ecological studies on fern gametophytes have been impeded due to the difficulty of species identification of free-living gametophytes. DNA barcoding provides an alternative approach to identifying fern gametophytes but is rarely applied to field studies. In this study, an example of field vittarioid gametophyte identification using DNA barcoding, which has not been done before, is given.


A combination of distance-based and tree-based approaches was performed to evaluate the discriminating power of three candidate barcodes (matK, rbcL and trnL-F) on 16 vittarioid sporophytes. Sequences of the trnL-F region were generated from 15 fern gametophyte populations by tissue-direct PCR and were compared against the sporophyte dataset, using BLAST.

Key Results trnL-F

earns highest primer universality and discriminatory ability scores, whereas PCR success rates were very low for matK and rbcL regions (10·8 % and 41·3 %, respectively). BLAST analyses showed that all the sampled field gametophytes could be successfully identified to species level. Three gametophyte populations were also discovered to be living beyond the known occurrence of their sporophyte counterparts.


This study demonstrates that DNA barcoding (i.e. reference databasing, tissue-direct PCR and molecular analysis), especially the trnL-F region, is an efficient tool to identify field gametophytes, and has considerable potential in exploring the ecology of fern gametophytes.  相似文献   

One nuclear and three chloroplast DNA regions (ITS, rbcL, matK and trnH-psbA) were used to identify the species of Alnus (Betulaceae). The results showed that 23 out of all 26 Alnus species in the world, represented by 131 samples, had their own specific molecular character states, especially for three morphologically confused species (Alnus formosana, Alnus japonica and Alnus maritima). The discriminating power of the four markers at the species level was 10% (rbcL), 31.25% (matK), 63.6% (trnH-psbA) and 76.9% (ITS). For ITS, the mean value of genetic distance between species was more than 10 times the intraspecific distance (0.009%), and 13 species had unique character states that differentiated them from other species of Alnus. The trnH-psbA region had higher mean values of genetic distance between and within species (2.1% and 0.68% respectively) than any other region tested. Using the trnH-psbA region, 13 species are distinguished from 22 species, and seven species have a single diagnostic site. The combination of two regions, ITS and trnH-psbA, is the best choice for DNA identification of Alnus species, as an improvement and supplement for morphologically based taxonomy. This study illustrates the potential for certain DNA regions to be used as novel internet biological information carrier through combining DNA sequences with existing morphological character and suggests a relatively reliable and open taxonomic system based on the linked DNA and morphological data.  相似文献   

DNA barcoding of stylommatophoran land snails: a test of existing sequences   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
DNA barcoding has attracted attention because it is a potentially simple and universal method for taxonomic assignment. One anticipated problem in applying the method to stylommatophoran land snails is that they frequently exhibit extreme divergence of mitochondrial DNA sequences, sometimes reaching 30% within species. We therefore trialled the utility of barcodes in identifying land snails, by analysing the stylommatophoran cytochrome oxidase subunit I sequences from GenBank. Two alignments of 381 and 228 base pairs were used to determine potential error rates among a test data set of 97 or 127 species, respectively. Identification success rates using neighbour‐joining phylogenies were 92% for the longer sequence and 82% for the shorter sequence, indicating that a high degree of mitochondrial variation may actually be an advantage when using phylogeny‐based methods for barcoding. There was, however, a large overlap between intra‐ and interspecific variation, with assignment failure (per cent of samples not placed with correct species) particularly associated with a low degree of mitochondrial variation (Kimura 2‐parameter distance < 0.05) and a small GenBank sample size (< 25 per species). Thus, while the optimum intra/interspecific threshold value was 4%, this was associated with an overall error of 32% for the longer sequences and 44% for the shorter sequences. The high error rate necessitates that barcoding of land snails is a potentially useful method to discriminate species of land snail, but only when a baseline has first been established using conventional taxonomy and sample DNA sequences. There is no evidence for a barcoding gap, ruling out species discovery based on a threshold value alone.  相似文献   


We present a morphological feature-based key for the genus Otostephanos and describe two new species, O. jolantae sp. nov. and O. ukrainicus sp. nov. For O. jolantae sp. nov. we analysed the intraspecific morphological variability and provided the barcodes of mtCOX1 mitochondrial gene. Further, we developed a method to standardize measurements for the Philodina type of corona and trophi measurements of bdelloids. Otostephanos jolantae sp. nov. is a large rotifer with a smooth cuticle and bright red-orange gut; it can be distinguished from the known species by a high triangular upper lip with a tongue-like tip not divided into lobes, spade-shaped swollen rump, and 6/6 dental formula. It is found in Sphagnum collected in Poland, Ukraine and the Czech Republic. Otostephanos ukrainicus sp. nov. has a long body covered with coarse-grained cuticle on the last two neck segments, trunk and rump; it is distinguished by long narrow head and neck, saccular-like swollen trunk, spade-like rump, and a tiny foot. Unlike the other species of this genus, it has band-like upper lip with two narrow, sharp protrusions separated by an interspace, unusually small spurs and trophi with 5/5 major teeth. Thus far, it is only found in Ukraine, in pine and oak forest litter. http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:9FC484E3-67F5-43A9-8478-A7BE14FBE5E33  相似文献   

DNA barcodes, like traditional sources of taxonomic information, are potentially powerful heuristics in the identification of described species but require mindful analytical interpretation. The role of DNA barcoding in generating hypotheses of new taxa in need of formal taxonomic treatment is discussed, and it is emphasized that the recursive process of character evaluation is both necessary and best served by understanding the empirical mechanics of the discovery process. These undertakings carry enormous ramifications not only for the translation of DNA sequence data into taxonomic information but also for our comprehension of the magnitude of species diversity and its disappearance. This paper examines the potential strengths and pitfalls of integrating DNA sequence data, specifically in the form of DNA barcodes as they are currently generated and analyzed, with taxonomic practice.  相似文献   

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