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The localisation of tyrosine-hydroxylase immunoreactive neurones in retinas of a variety of animals were examined. Immunoreactivity was associated with specific populations of amacrine neurones in all species examined, viz; rabbit, guinea pig, monkey, cow, frog, pigeon and goldfish. Only in the goldfish was immunoreactivity also associated with processes situated in the outer plexiform layer showing that in this species catecholamine interplexiform cells exist. The development of tyrosine-hydroxylase immunoreactive neurones in the rabbit retina was also analysed. The first immunoreactive positive cells were observed by the third postnatal day. The immunoreactive positive neurones at this stage are weak and lack processes. The intensity of the immunoreactivity increases with development, but processes are lacking, until the 10th postnatal day. The immunoreactive neurones only appear fully developed by the 22nd to 28th postnatal day. Autoradiographical analysis of 3H-dopamine uptake strongly suggests that neurones containing tyrosine-hydroxylase immunoreactivity in the different retinas have the capacity to take up exogenous dopamine. It is therefore concluded that localisation of either 3H-dopamine uptake or tyrosine-hydroxylase provides a means of locating catecholamine neurones.  相似文献   

Summary The localisation of GABA immunoreactive neurones in retinas of a variety of animals was examined. Immunoreactivity was associated with specific populations of amacrine neurones in all species examined, viz. rat, rabbit, goldfish, frog, pigeon and guinea-pig. All species, with the exception of the frog, possessed immunoreactive perikarya in their retinal ganglion cell layers. These perikarya are probably displaced amacrine cells because GABA immunoreactivity was absent from the optic nerves and destruction of the rat optic nerve did not result in degeneration of these cells. GABA immunoreactivity was also associated with the outer plexiform layers of all the retinas studied; these processes are derived from GABA-positive horizontal cells in rat, rabbit, frog, pigeon and goldfish retinas, from bipolar-like cells in the frog, and probably from interplexiform cells in the guinea-pig retina.The development of GABA-positive neurones in the rabbit retina was also analysed. Immunoreactivity was clearly associated with subpopulations of amacrine and horizontal cells on the second postnatal day. The immunoreactivity at this stage is strong, and fairly well developed processes are apparent. The intensity of the immunoreactivity increases with development in the case of the amacrine cells. The immunoreactive neurones appear fully developed at about the 8th postnatal day, although the immunoreactivity in the inner plexiform layer becomes more dispersed as development proceeds. The immunoreactive horizontal cells become less apparent as development proceeds, but they can still be seen in the adult retina.The GABA immunoreactive cells in rabbit retinas can be maintained in culture. Cultures of retinal cells derived from 2-day-old animals can be maintained for up to 20 days and show the presence of GABA-positive cells at all stages. In one-day-old cultures the GABA immunoreactive cells lacked processes but within three days had clearly defined processes. After maintenance for 10 days a meshwork of GABA-positive fibres could also be seen in the cultures.  相似文献   

M T Perez  A Bruun 《Histochemistry》1987,87(5):413-417
Using combined autoradiography and immunohistochemistry, we have compared (3H)-adenosine accumulation and GABA immunoreactivity in the chicken and rabbit retinas. Colocalization of the two markers was observed in a subset of amacrine cells and in certain cell bodies in the ganglion cell layer in both species and in a few horizontal cells in the chicken retina. Cells that contained only (3H)-adenosine or GABA were also seen. The degree of colocalization differed greatly between the two species. The results demonstrate a morphological relationship between the adenosine and GABA systems and provides information on the possible anatomical substrates underlying at least some types of functional interactions.  相似文献   

Summary Using combined autoradiography and immunohistochemistry, we have compared (3H)-adenosine accumulation and GABA immunoreactivity in the chicken and rabbit retinas. Colocalization of the two markers was observed in a subset of amacrine cells and in certain cell bodies in the ganglion cell layer in both species and in a few horizontal cells in the chicken retina. Cells that contained only (3H)-adenosine or GABA were also seen. The degree of colocalization differed greatly between the two species. The results demonstrate a morphological relationship between the adenosine and GABA systems and provides information of the possible anatomical substrates underlying at teast some types of functional interactions.  相似文献   

The development of small intestinal enzymes (lactase, acid- and hetero beta-galactosidases, cellobiase, maltase, trehalase, and sucrase) was studied from 18 days after conception until birth in 24 rabbit fetuses, and during the postnatal period in 15 newborn, juvenile, and adult rabbits. Lactase, acid- and hetero beta-galactosidases, cellobiase, and trehalase activities increased significantly during the fetal stage, while changes in sucrase and maltase activities were not substantial. In the postnatal period, lactase and cellobiase activities decreased significantly whereas maltase, sucrase, and trehalase activities increased significantly to reach adult values by 30 days of age. The acid- and hetero beta-galactosidases remained unchanged.  相似文献   

Retina explants are widely used as a model of neural development. To define the molecular basis of differences between the development of retina in vivo and in vitro during the early postnatal period, we carried out a series of microarray comparisons using mouse retinas. About 75% of 8,880 expressed genes from retina explants kept the same expression volume and pattern as the retina in vivo. Fewer than 6% of the total gene population was changed at two consecutive time points, and only about 1% genes showed more than a threefold change at any time point studied. Functional Gene Ontology (GO) mapping for both changed and unchanged genes showed similar distribution patterns, except that more genes were changed in the GO clusters of response to stimuli and carbohydrate metabolism. Three distinct expression patterns of genes preferentially expressed in rod photoreceptors were observed in the retina explants. Some genes showed a lag in increased expression, some showed no change, and some continued to have a reduced level of expression. An early downregulation of cyclin D1 in the explanted retina might explain the reduction in numbers of precursors in explanted retina and suggests that external factors are required for maintenance of cyclin D1. The global view of gene profiles presented in this study will help define the molecular changes in retina explants over time and will provide criteria to define future changes that improve this model system.  相似文献   

Summary GABA immunoreactivity was studied and compared with GAD immunoreactivity in the retinae of baboon, cynomolgus monkey and man. The central and peripheral parts of the retinae were investigated separately in cynomolgus monkey and in man. The same kinds of structures were stained with both antisera. Cells with a position corresponding to amacrine cells were stained, as well as processes in the inner plexiform layer and some cells in the ganglion cell layer. The outer plexiform layer and some cells with the position and configuration of horizontal cells also appeared immunoreactive. Staining was also observed in bipolar-like cells, in man most clearly when using the GABA antiserum in sections from the central parts of the retina. It is possible that horizontal cells, as well as bipolar-like cells, may play a previously unsuspected role in GABAergic transmission in the primate retina.  相似文献   

GABA and GAD-like immunoreactivity in the primate retina   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
E Agardh  B Ehinger  J Y Wu 《Histochemistry》1987,86(5):485-490
GABA immunoreactivity was studied and compared with GAD immunoreactivity in the retinae of baboon, cynomolgus monkey and man. The central and peripheral parts of the retinae were investigated separately in cynomolgus monkey and in man. The same kinds of structures were stained with both antisera. Cells with a position corresponding to amacrine cells were stained, as well as processes in the inner plexiform layer and some cells in the ganglion cell layer. The outer plexiform layer and some cells with the position and configuration of horizontal cells also appeared immunoreactive. Staining was also observed in bipolar-like cells, in man most clearly when using the GABA antiserum in sections from the central parts of the retina. It is possible that horizontal cells, as well as bipolar-like cells, may play a previously unsuspected role in GABAergic transmission in the primate retina.  相似文献   

Catalytic activity and immunoreactivity of glycogen phosphorylase were studied in pre- and postnatal rat brain. The catalytic activity was assayed in brain homogenates; immunoreactivity was investigated by immunoblot analysis using a monoclonal anti-bovine brain glycogen phosphorylase antibody. The cellular localization and intensity of immunoreactivity were analysed on paraffin-embedded sections utilizing the same monoclonal antibody. The catalytic activity increased 10-fold from embryonic day 16 to adult; immunoreactivity became detectable on embryonic day 16 and increased in intensity as the enzyme activity rose to adult values. The first cellular elements to be stained immunohistochemically were ependymal cells lining the ventricles, ependymal cells of the choroid plexus, meningeal cells and a selected population of neurons in the brain stem. The immunoreactivity of plexus cells and meningeal cells was reduced or absent in the adult rat brain. The earliest appearance of glycogen phosphorylase immunoreactivity in astroglial cells was seen at postnatal day 9 in the hippocampus. The staining pattern of the adult brain was reached at day 22 post partum. The developmental changes in glycogen deposition and in glycogen phophorylase activity and immunoreactivity may indicate a variable physiological role of glycogen metabolism for different cell types in the pre- and postnatal periods.Dedicated to Professor Helmut Leonhardt on the occasion of his 75th birthday  相似文献   

Summary Immunoreactivity for calretinin, a calcium-binding protein, was studied in neurones in the guinea-pig small intestine. 26±1% of myenteric neurones and 12±3% of submucous neurones were immunoreactive for calretinin. All calretinin-immunoreactive neurones were also immunoreactive for choline acetyltransferase and hence are likely to be cholinergic. In the myenteric plexus, two subtypes of Dogiel type-I calretinin-immunoreactive neurones could be distinguished from their projections and neurochemical coding. Some calretinin-immunoreactive myenteric neurones had short projections to the tertiary plexus, and hence are likely to be cholinergic motor neurones to the longitudinal muscle. Some of these cells were also immunoreactive for substance P. The remaining myenteric neurones, immunoreactive for calretinin, enkephalin, neurofilament protein triplet and substance P, are likely to be orad-projecting, cholinergic interneurones. Calretinin immunoreactivity was also found in cholinergic neurones in the submucosa, which project to the submucosal vasculature and mucosal glands, and which are likely to mediate vasodilation. Thus, calretinin immunoreactivity in the guinea-pig small intestine is confined to three functional classes of cholinergic neurones. It is possible, for the first time, to distinguish these classes of cells from other enteric neurones.  相似文献   

Horizontal cells are among the first to mature in the neonatal mammalian retina and they are the first to establish the position of the outer synaptic layer which is subsequently formed by invading terminals of both rod and cone photoreceptors (1–5). During the period of cone synaptogenesis, horizontal cells transiently express the full complement of GABAergic properties (uptake, release, synthesis and storage of GABA); later during development of rod terminals, these properties are down-regulated (1,6–9_. Given the reports of GABA's role in other developing neuronal systems (for review: 10), we have examined the effect that GABA, produced from horizontal cells, might have on photoreceptor maturation in rabbit retina. Results from our previous studies show that lesioning the horizontal cell with kainic acid in vivo leads to a displacement of cone photoreceptor cells and a disappearance of their synaptic terminals, while rod cells maintain their normal position and produce an overabundance of terminals (11). Similar effects are seen with the GABA-A receptor antagonists, picrotoxin and bicucculine (11,12). New evidence from3H-thymidine studies suggests that the effects of kainic acid are specific and that cell division, migration and differentiation in other cell types do not appear to be affected. This body of work is summarized and possible mechanisms of action are suggested which could account for the apparent ability of GABA to help maintain the normal position of cone cell bodies and regulate cone synaptogenesis.Special issue dedicated to Dr. Claude Baxter  相似文献   

The presence of nerve growth factor (NGF) was investigated in the rat cochlea from birth to the adult stage, using immunohistochemical techniques NGF-like protein could be detected in the organ of Corti from birth up to day 8 and located within the hair cells, above the nuclei. No NGF-like immunoreactivity could be detected in the spiral ganglion. These results suggest that NGF may have a neurotropic action in the developing rat cochlea.  相似文献   

In this paper we analysed the presence and localisation of thyrotropin during retinal development in Gallus domesticus. Specific thyrotropin-like immunohistochemical staining was observed from the beginning of the second incubation week to one day post-hatching in chicken retina. Thyrotropin is a 28.3 KDa glycoprotein, synthesised by the anterior pituitary gland, and it is implicated in the stimulation of the synthesis and release of thyroid hormones. Until now, the action of thyrotropin has been established exclusively in hormonal terms. Recently, this glycoprotein has been localised in synaptic processes in the human retina by using a specific antiserum (Fdez-Trujillo et al., 1995). To the best of our knowledge this report is the first time that thyrotropin has been immunocytochemically demonstrated in the chicken retina. The pattern of thyrotropin-like immunoreactivity suggests that this glycoprotein could act as modulator of synaptic transmission, but it may also play a much broader role in regulating trophic functions.  相似文献   

Protein phosphatases play a major role in the regulation of L-type calcium current (ICa) in heart cells. We previously showed developmental differences in the effects of inhibitors of protein phosphatases (PP's) on the modulation of ICa, with greater stimulatory effects on ICa observed in newborn than in adult ventricular cells. We hypothesized that this developmental difference might be due to greater expression and levels of PP 1 and PP 2A in newborn than in adult ventricular cells. We thus determined the mRNA expression of and subunits of PP 1 and the subunit of PP 2A in adult and newborn rabbit ventricles and levels of PP 1 and PP 2A in total homogenates, particulate membranes, and in soluble fraction prepared from isolated ventricular myocytes from adult and newborn rabbits. RT-PCR analysis demonstrated the presence of mRNA of these subunits of PP's in both newborn and adult ventricles. Northern blot analysis using 32P labeled cDNA probes specific for PP 1, PP 1 and PP 2A showed that the expression of steady state mRNA levels for PP 1, PP 1 and PP 2A were much higher in newborn compared to adult rabbit ventricles. mRNA for glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) and for sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase (SERCA) in rabbit ventricles were measured as controls. GAPDH did not show significant developmental changes while mRNA for SERCA was higher in adult compared to newborns. Western blot analysis showed that PP 1 and PP 2A protein levels were also much higher in newborn compared to adult rabbit ventricular cells. Immunoblot analysis in particulate membranes and soluble fraction showed that PP1 was mainly membrane bound while PP 2 was present only in soluble fraction. These findings suggest that the two major protein phosphatases (PP 1 and PP 2A) in heart are expressed at much higher levels in newborn and decline to lower levels in adult ventricular myocytes. The presence of high levels of PP's and particularly PP 1 in newborn cells may be responsible for the greater dependence of newborn cells on the inhibition of PP as a mechanism of action of -agonist isoproterenol on ICa.  相似文献   

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