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考虑了垂直传染和预防接种因素对传染病流行影响的SEIRS模型,主要研究了系统的平衡点及其稳定性,得出当预防接种水平超过某一个阈值时疾病可以根除,若接种水平低于阈值时疾病将流行.  相似文献   

本文研究一类与环境有关的SVIBR的传染病模型,得到了基本再生数0R证明了当0R1时无病平衡点全局渐近稳定。  相似文献   

研究了一类具有隔离仓室和潜伏仓室的非线性高维自治微分系统SEQIJR传染病模型,得到疾病绝灭与否的阀值一基本再生数R0.证明了当R0≤1时,模型仅存在无病平衡点,且无病平衡点是全局渐近稳定的,疾病最终绝灭;当R0〉1时,模型存在两个平衡点,无病平衡点不稳定,地方病平衡点全局渐近稳定,疾病将持续.隔离措施影响着基本再生数,进而推得结论:适当地增大隔离强度,将有益于有效地控制疾病的蔓延.这就从理论上揭示了隔离对疾病控制的积极作用.  相似文献   

研究了一类具有非线性发生率的急慢性阶段传染病模型,得到了确定模型全局动力性的阀值参数-基本再生数R_0,证明了R_01时,无病平衡点是全局渐近稳定的,疾病消失;若R_01,则存在地方病平衡点且是稳定结点,并证明了一定条件下地方病平衡点是全局渐近稳定的,疾病将蔓延.  相似文献   

研究了一类预防接种下疫苗具有有效期的SIRS传染病模型,得到了决定疾病绝灭与否的闽值,给出了无病平衡点和地方病平衡点的全局稳定性的充分条件,最后借助Matlab软件进行了数值模拟.  相似文献   

一类具饱和传染力和常数输入的SIRS脉冲接种模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用Floquet乘子理论,研究了一类具饱和传染力和常数输入的SIRS脉冲接种模型,得到了无病周期解全局渐近稳定和系统持久的充分条件.  相似文献   

一类具有垂直传染的SIR传染病模型   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
讨论了一类具有垂直传染的SIR传染病模型:(dS)/(dt)=6(1-m)(S R) (1- m)pb′I-βSI,(dI)/(dt)=βSI qb′I-d′I-rI,(dR)/(dt)=rI mb(S R) mpb′I-dR获得了无病平衡点与地方病平衡点的全局稳定性.  相似文献   

讨论一类具有常数迁入率,染病类有病死且有效接触率依赖于总人数的SIRI传染病模型.给出了基本再生数σ的表达式.如果σ≤1,则疾病消除平衡点是全局稳定的;如果σ>1,则存在唯一的传染病平衡点且是局部渐近稳定的.对具有双线性传染率和标准传染率的相应模型,进一步证明了当σ>1时传染病平衡点的全局稳定性.  相似文献   

研究了一类潜伏期和感染期均有传染力的SEIQR模型,借助于轨道稳定性,Jacobian矩阵等方法,得到了疾病消亡的阈值——基本再生数R_0,通过构造Lyapunov函数,证明了无病平衡点及地方病平衡点的存在性及全局稳定性.  相似文献   

具有比例和脉冲接种的乙肝流行病模型   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
研究具有连续预防接种和脉冲预防接种的SIR乙肝传染病模型,获得了再生数σ0和σ1.在连续模型中,当σ0<1时仅有无病平衡点存在,全局渐近稳定;σ0>1时无病平衡点不稳定,地方病平衡点存在,全局渐近稳定.在脉冲模型中,当σ1<1时无病周期解存在稳定;σ1>1时无病周期解不稳定,且在接种率充分小时,地方病周期解存在稳定.  相似文献   

In this paper, an SIS patch model with non-constant transmission coefficients is formulated to investigate the effect of media coverage and human movement on the spread of infectious diseases among patches. The basic reproduction number R0 is determined. It is shown that the disease-free equilibrium is globally asymptotically stable if R0?1, and the disease is uniformly persistent and there exists at least one endemic equilibrium if R0>1. In particular, when the disease is non-fatal and the travel rates of susceptible and infectious individuals in each patch are the same, the endemic equilibrium is unique and is globally asymptotically stable as R0>1. Numerical calculations are performed to illustrate some results for the case with two patches.  相似文献   

考虑了脉冲出生、脉冲接种、垂直传染、因病死亡等因素,建立了脉冲出生和脉冲接种同时进行的SIR传染病模型,通过分析无病周期解的存在性以及稳定性,得出疾病灭绝的条件.  相似文献   

Mathematical Study of a Staged-Progression HIV Model with Imperfect Vaccine   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A staged-progression HIV model is formulated and used to investigate the potential impact of an imperfect vaccine. The vaccine is assumed to have several desirable characteristics such as protecting against infection, causing bypass of the primary infection stage, and offering a disease-altering therapeutic effect (so that the vaccine induces reversal from the full blown AIDS stage to the asymptomatic stage). The model, which incorporates HIV transmission by individuals in the AIDS stage, is rigorously analyzed to gain insight into its qualitative features. Using a comparison theorem, the model with mass action incidence is shown to have a globally-asymptotically stable disease-free equilibrium whenever a certain threshold, known as the vaccination reproduction number, is less than unity. Furthermore, the model with mass action incidence has a unique endemic equilibrium whenever this threshold exceeds unity. Using the Li-Muldowney techniques for a reduced version of the mass action model, this endemic equilibrium is shown to be globally-asymptotically stable, under certain parameter restrictions. The epidemiological implications of these results are that an imperfect vaccine can eliminate HIV in a given community if it can reduce the reproduction number to a value less than unity, but the disease will persist otherwise. Furthermore, a future HIV vaccine that induces the bypass of primary infection amongst vaccinated individuals (who become infected) would decrease HIV prevalence, whereas a vaccine with therapeutic effect could have a positive or negative effect at the community level.  相似文献   

两种群相互竞争的SIRS传染病模型的稳定性   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:8  
研究了一类两种群相互竞争的SIRS传染病模型,得到了一些平衡点稳定与否的阈值条件。揭示了两种群共存时,交叉传染对疾病传播的本质影响,即在无交叉传染疾病绝灭的情况下(一定条件时),若引入交叉传染,在相同的条件下,疾病就可能流行起来。  相似文献   

人口流动性对感染性疾病扩散与传播的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
研究人口流动性对具有斑快结构的感染性疾病传播与扩散的影响,讨论了具有斑块结构感染性疾病SIS模型的全局稳定性,得到了该模型基本再生数的倍增效应.  相似文献   

超级传播者(super spreaders)是在短时期内感染10人以上的传染病患者,受感染的多为患者的家属、医务工作者或其他密切接触者。大多数传染病暴发流行中都存在超级传播者,他们能特别高效地将病原传染给其他未曾暴露的个体并使其建立感染。因此,早期发现、及时诊断和严格管理超级传播者对于传染病的防控非常重要。本文就认识超级传播者的重要性、超级传播者的形成及对其的鉴定和干预作简要综述。  相似文献   

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