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Summary Fermentation of maltose by Saccharomyces strains depends on the presence of any one of five unlinked MAL loci (MAL1, MAL2, MAL3, MAL4 or MAL6). Earlier mutational analyses of MAL2 and MAL6 containing strains have identified a single complementation group at each of these two loci. However complementation analysis between naturally occurring Mal Saccharomyces strains isolated from the wild demonstrated the presence of two complementation groups (designated MALp and MALg) at the MAL1, MAL3 and MAL6 loci. The available evidence suggests that the MALp gene is functionally equivalent to the complementation group identified by mutational analysis at the MAL6 locus and that this gene encodes a protein involved in the regulation of the coordinate induction of both maltase and maltose permease synthesis.In this paper we report the isolation, in a well characterized MAL1 strain, of 47 mutants unable to ferment maltose. All the mutants, with one exception, map at the MAL1 locus. These mal1 mutants, except for one, are recessive to MAL1 and fall into two major complementation groups. Evidence is presented that these two classes of mutants identify both a gene involved in the regulation of maltose fermentation (MAL1R) and a gene involved in maltose transport (MAL1T). We also report here the isolation of a temperature sensitive maltose nonfermenting mutant mapping at the MAL1 locus identifying a third gene (MAL1S) at this locus. The maltase synthesized by this mutant, when assayed in cell-free extracts, is significantly more thermolabile than the wild type enzyme. Our findings demonstrate that MAL1 is a complex locus comprising at least three genes: MAL1R, a gene involved in the coordinate regulation of the synthesis of maltase and maltose transport; MAL1T, a gene encoding a component of the maltose transport system; and MAL1S, a likely candidate for the structural gene for maltase.  相似文献   

Summary Multigene families are a ubiquitous feature of eukaryotes; however, their presence in Saccharomyces is more limited. The MAL multigene family is comprised of five unlined loci, MAL1, MAL2, MAL3, MAL4 and MAL6, any one of which is sufficient for yeast to metabolize maltose. A cloned MAL6 locus was used as a probe to facilitate the cloning of the other four functional loci as well as two partially active alleles of MAL1. Each locus could be characterized as a cluster of three genes, MALR (regulatory), MALT (maltose transport or permease) and MALS (structural or maltase), encoded by a total of about 7 kb of DNA; however, homologous sequences at each locus extend beyond the coding regions. Our results indicate that there is extensive homology among the MAL loci, especially within their maltase genes. The greatest sequence diversity occurs in their regulatory gene regions. Southern cross analyses of the cloned MAL loci indicate a single duplication of the MAL6R-homologous sequences upstream of the MAL6R gene as well as an extensive duplication of more than 10 kb at the MAL3 locus. The large repeat at the MAL3 locus results in the presence of four copies of MAL3R-homologous sequences and two copies of MAL3T-homologous sequences at that locus. Two naturally occurring inactive alleles of MAL1 show a deletion or divergence of their MALR sequences. The significance of these repeats in the evolution of the MAL multigene family is discussed.  相似文献   

The two membrane-bound respiratory nitrate reductases of Escherichia coli are encoded by distinct operons at two different loci, chlC and chlZ, on the chromosome. The chlZ locus includes a narK homologue, narU, encoding a nitrite extrusion protein, and narZYWV encoding nitrate reductase Z. No apparent homologue to the narXL operon has been found. Homology between narU and narK on the one hand and narZYWV and narGHJI on the other hand is limited to the coding regions.  相似文献   

The MAL1 locus of Saccharomyces cerevisiae comprises three genes necessary for maltose utilization. They include regulatory, maltose transport and maltase genes designated MAL1R, MAL1T and MAL1S respectively. Using a MAL1 strain transformed with an episomal, multicopy plasmid carrying the MAL2 locus, five recessive and one dominant mutant unable to grow on maltose, but still retaining a functional MAL1 locus were isolated. All the mutants could use glycerol, ethanol, raffinose and sucrose as a sole carbon source; expression of the maltase and maltose permease genes was severely and coordinately reduced. Only the dominant mutant failed to accumulate the MAL1R mRNA.  相似文献   

Soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptors (SNAREs) are central components of the machinery mediating membrane fusion and key factors for vesicular trafficking in all eukaryotic cells. Taking advantage of the available whole genome sequence of the oomycete plant pathogen Phytophthora sojae, 35 genes encoding putative SNARE proteins were identified in the genome of this organism. PsYKT6, one of the most conserved SNARE proteins, was functionally characterized by homology-dependent gene silencing. The phenotype analysis showed that PsYKT6 is important for proper asexual development, sexual reproduction, and pathogenesis on host soybean cultivars.  相似文献   

Small (100-260 kb), nested deletions were characterized in DNA from two unrelated patients with familial adenomatous polyposis coli (APC). Three candidate genes located within the deleted region were ascertained and a previous candidate gene, MCC, was shown to be located outside the deleted region. One of the new genes contained sequence identical to SRP19, the gene coding for the 19 kd component of the ribosomal signal recognition particle. The second, provisionally designated DP1 (deleted in polyposis 1), was found to be transcribed in the same orientation as MCC. Two other cDNAs, DP2 and DP3, were found to overlap, forming a single gene, DP2.5, that is transcribed in the same orientation as SRP19.  相似文献   

We have investigated the transport of maltose in a genetically defined maltose-fermenting strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae carrying the MAL1 locus. Two kinetically different systems were identified: a high-affinity transporter with a Km of 4 mM and a low-affinity transporter with a Km of 70 to 80 mM. The high-affinity maltose transporter is maltose inducible and is encoded by the MAL11 (and/or MAL61) gene of the MAL1 (and/or MAL6) locus. The low-affinity maltose transporter is expressed constitutively and is not related to MAL11 and/or MAL61. Both maltose transporters are subject to glucose-induced inactivation.  相似文献   

Genetic and biochemical evidence implicates chromatin structure in the silencing of the two quiescent mating-type loci near the telomeres of chromosome III in yeast. With high-resolution micrococcal nuclease mapping, we show that the HMRa locus has 12 precisely positioned nucleosomes spanning the distance between the E and I silencer elements. The nucleosomes are arranged in pairs with very short linkers; the pairs are separated from one another by longer linkers of approximately 20 bp. Both the basic amino-terminal region of histone H4 and the silent information regulator protein Sir3p are necessary for the organized repressive chromatin structure of the silent locus. Compared to HMRa, only small differences in the availability of the TATA box are present for the promoter in the cassette at the active MATa locus. Features of the chromatin structure of this silent locus compared to the previously studied HMLalpha locus suggest differences in the mechanisms of silencing and may relate to donor selection during mating-type interconversion.  相似文献   

The technique of allozyme electrophoresis was applied to species of Onchocerca from cattle to increase the number of enzyme loci established and therefore provide a genetic basis for a rational species-level taxonomy. Twenty-three enzyme loci were established and provided unequivocal genetic evidence for the taxonomic validity of Onchocerca gibsoni, O. gutturosa and O. lienalis. Furthermore, the diagnostic enzyme markers detected form the basis for identification of life-cycle stages, individuals and species and population structure analyses.  相似文献   

A clone from Brucella abortus 19 complemented an Escherichia coli strain deficient in phosphorylation of glucose. Open reading frames similar to E. coli mepA, glk, and genes encoding ATP-coupled exporters were found in the sequence. A fourth affected growth on minimal media of the ptsI glk strain with various carbon sources.  相似文献   

Human metallothionein genes: structure of the functional locus at 16q13   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
The functional human metallothionein (MT) genes are located on chromosome 16q13. We have physically mapped the functional human MT locus by isolation and restriction digest mapping of cloned DNA. The mapped region contains all sequences on chromosome 16 that hybridize to metallothionein gene probes and comprises 14 tightly linked MT genes, 6 of which have not been previously described. This analysis defines the genetic limits of metallothionein functional diversity in the human genome.  相似文献   

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