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Objective: The objective was to determine if physiological hyperglycemia induces a proatherogenic inflammatory response in mononuclear cells (MNCs) in obese reproductive‐age women. Research Methods and Procedures: Seven obese and 6 age‐matched lean women (20 to 39 years of age) underwent a 2‐hour 75‐g oral glucose tolerance test. The release of interleukin‐6 (IL‐6) and interleukin‐1β (IL‐1β) from MNCs cultured in the presence of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) was measured after isolation from blood samples drawn fasting and 2 hours after glucose ingestion. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation and intra‐nuclear nuclear factor κB (NFκB) from MNCs were quantified from the same blood samples. Insulin resistance was estimated by homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA‐IR). Total body fat and truncal fat were determined by DXA. Results: Obese women had a higher (p < 0.03) total body fat (42.2 ± 1.1 vs. 27.7 ± 2.0%), truncal fat (42.1 ± 1.2 vs. 22.3 ± 2.4%), and HOMA‐IR (3.3 ± 0.5 vs. 1.8 ± 0.2). LPS‐stimulated IL‐6 release from MNCs was suppressed during hyperglycemia in lean subjects (1884 ± 495 vs. 638 ± 435 pg/mL, p < 0.05) but not in obese women (1184 ± 387 vs. 1403 ± 498 pg/mL). There was a difference (p < 0.05) between groups in the hyperglycemia‐induced MNC‐mediated release of IL‐6 (?1196 ± 475 vs. 219 ± 175 pg/mL) and IL‐1β (?79 ± 43 vs. 17 ± 12 pg/mL). In addition, the obese group exhibited increased (p < 0.05) MNC‐derived ROS generation (39.3 ± 9.9 vs. ?1.0 ± 12.8%) and intra‐nuclear NFκB (9.4 ± 7.3 vs. ?23.5 ± 13.5%). Truncal fat was positively correlated with the MNC‐derived IL‐6 response (ρ = 0.58, p < 0.05) and intra‐nuclear NFκB (ρ = 0.64, p < 0.05). Discussion: These data suggest that obese reproductive‐age women are unable to suppress proatherogenic inflammation during physiological hyperglycemia. Increased adiposity may be a significant contributor to this pro‐inflammatory susceptibility.  相似文献   

Mouse B16 melanoma cells respond to melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH) or cholera toxin (CT) with an accumulation of cAMP. The kinetics and dose-response of MSH were examined in the B16 parent line and two cell clones derived from it that exhibited wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) resistance [1]. These WGA lectin-resistant cells, designated W4 and W5 showed a greater response to MSH and CT than the parent B16 cells. Exposure of the W4 and W5 cells to lotus lectin or ricin respectively, led to the previously described [2] selection of cell clones that were resistant to lotus lectin (W4L) and ricin (W5R). The W4L and W5R cells which were shown [2] to be as sensitive as the B16 parent to WGA (i.e., were phenotypically reverted to WGA sensitivity), were also found to respond to MSH in a manner similar to the B16 parent. Since lectin sensitivity has been directly correlated in these cell clones with the membrane's oligosaccharides and glycopeptide pattern, these data suggest that the cellular binding and/or biological response to hormones is influenced by the carbohydrate composition of the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Mouse embryonic fibroblast (MEF) cells prepared from transgenic mice overexpressing a cancer-specific and growth-related cell surface NADH oxidase with protein disulfide-thiol interchange activity grew at rates approximately twice those of wild-type embryonic fibroblast cells. Growth of transgenic MEF cells overexpressing tNOX was inhibited by low concentrations of the green tea catechin (-)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCg) or the synthetic isoflavene phenoxodiol. Both are putative tNOX-targeted inhibitors with anti-cancer activity. With both EGCg and phenoxodiol, growth inhibition was followed after about 48 h by apoptosis. Growth of wild-type mouse fibroblast cells from the same strain was unaffected by EGCg and phenoxodiol and neither compound induced apoptosis even at concentrations 100-1,000-fold higher than those that resulted in apoptotic death in the transgenic MEF cells. The findings validate earlier reports of evidence for tNOX presence as contributing to unregulated growth of cancer cells as well as the previous identification of the tNOX protein as the molecular target for the anti-cancer activities attributed to both EGCg and phenoxodiol. The expression of tNOX emerges as both necessary and sufficient to account for the cancer cell-specific growth inhibitions by both EGCg and phenoxodiol.  相似文献   

Animals respond to stressors by producing glucocorticoid stress hormones, such as corticosterone (CORT). CORT acts too slowly to trigger immediate behavioral responses to a threat, but can change longer-term behavior, facilitating an individual's survival to subsequent threats. To be adaptive, the nature of an animal's behavior following elevated CORT levels should be matched to the predominant threats that they face. Seeking refuge following a stressful encounter could be beneficial if the predominant predator is a visual hunter, but may prove detrimental when the predominant predator is able to enter these refuge sites. As a result, an individual's behavior when their CORT levels are high may differ among populations of a single species. Invasive species impose novel pressures on native populations, which may select for a shift in their behavior when CORT levels are high. We tested whether the presence of predatory invasive fire ants (Solenopsis invicta) at a site affects the behavioral response of native eastern fence lizards (Sceloporus undulatus) to elevated CORT levels. Lizards from an uninvaded site were more likely to hide when their CORT levels were experimentally elevated; a response that likely provides a survival advantage for lizards faced with native predatory threats (e.g. birds and snakes). Lizards from a fire ant invaded site showed the opposite response; spending more time moving and up on the basking log when their CORT levels were elevated. Use of the basking log likely reflects a refuge-seeking behavior, rather than thermoregulatory activity, as selected body temperatures were not affected by CORT. Fleeing off the ground may prove more effective than hiding for lizards that regularly encounter small, terrestrially-foraging fire ant predators. This study suggests that invasive species may alter the relationship between the physiological and behavioral stress response of native species.  相似文献   

The norepinephrine (NE) transporter (NET) regulates synaptic NE availability for noradrenergic signaling in the brain and sympathetic nervous system. Although genetic variation leading to a loss of NET expression has been implicated in psychiatric and cardiovascular disorders, complete NET deficiency has not been found in people, limiting the utility of NET knockout mice as a model for genetically driven NET dysfunction. Here, we investigate NET expression in NET heterozygous knockout male mice (NET+/?), demonstrating that they display an approximately 50% reduction in NET protein levels. Surprisingly, these mice display no significant deficit in NET activity assessed in hippocampal and cortical synaptosomes. We found that this compensation in NET activity was due to enhanced activity of surface‐resident transporters, as opposed to surface recruitment of NET protein or compensation through other transport mechanisms, including serotonin, dopamine or organic cation transporters. We hypothesize that loss of NET protein in the NET+/? mouse establishes an activated state of existing surface NET proteins. The NET+/? mice exhibit increased anxiety in the open field and light–dark box and display deficits in reversal learning in the Morris water maze. These data suggest that recovery of near basal activity in NET+/? mice appears to be insufficient to limit anxiety responses or support cognitive performance that might involve noradrenergic neurotransmission. The NET+/? mice represent a unique model to study the loss and resultant compensatory changes in NET that may be relevant to behavior and physiology in human NET deficiency disorders .  相似文献   

Vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) is a pleiotropic neuropeptide with immunomodulatory properties. The administration of this peptide has been shown to have beneficial effects in murine models of inflammatory diseases including septic shock, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis (MS) and Crohn's disease. However, the role of the endogenous peptide in inflammatory disease remains obscure because VIP-deficient mice were recently found to exhibit profound resistance in a model of MS. In the present study, we analyzed the response of female VIP deficient (KO) mice to intraperitoneal lipopolysaccharide (LPS) administration. We observed significant resistance to LPS in VIP KO mice, as evidenced by lower mortality and reduced tissue damage. The increased survival was associated with decreased levels of proinflammatory cytokines (TNFα, IL-6 and IL-12) in sera and peritoneal suspensions of these mice. Moreover, the expression of TNFα and IL-6 mRNA was reduced in peritoneal cells, spleens and lungs from LPS-treated VIP KO vs. WT mice, suggesting that the resistance might be mediated by an intrinsic defect in the responsiveness of immune cells to endotoxin. In agreement with this hypothesis, peritoneal cells isolated from VIP KO naive mice produced lower levels of proinflammatory cytokines in response to LPS in vitro. Finally, decreased NF-κB pathway activity in peritoneal cells was observed both in vivo and in vitro, as determined by assay of phosphorylated I-κB. The results demonstrate that female VIP KO mice exhibit resistance to LPS-induced shock, explainable in part by the presence of an intrinsic defect in the responsiveness of inflammatory cells to endotoxin.  相似文献   

Transglutaminase (TGase) activities were measured in rat tissues 1-7 days after intraperitoneal injection of saline or lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and in the cells and media from pre-confluent human fibroblasts cultured for two days in the presence or absence of LPS. (-glutamyl)lysine and [3H]putrescine-labelled -glutamyl derivatives in extracellular and cellular fibroblast proteins were also measured. Three effects of LPS were observed. Firstly, total TGase activity is greater in the tissues from the LPS-injected animals, with the maximum increase occurring at 1 day in dermis, epidermis and liver, at 5 days in the aorta and, after a decrease at 2-5 days, at 7 days in the panniculus muscle. Secondly, the fraction of the total activity which is buffer-extractable is greater on days 1 and/or 2 in all the tissues from the LPS-injected rats. Thirdly, in cultures of human fibroblasts, LPS increases that fraction of bound [3H]putrescine and of TGase and its -glutamylamine products which occurs in the extracellular medium. In addition, a higher concentration of TGase-derived crosslinks was found in extracellular as opposed to intracellular proteins. In conjunction with previous findings in skin wound healing and in atherosclerosis these results support the concept of an extracellular function for tissue TGase and indicate that there is a widespread association of increases in TGase and its extracellular products with inflammation and the healing or fibrotic processes which follow it.  相似文献   

Serotonin (5-HT) can act presynaptically at 5-HT1B receptors on retinal terminals in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) to inhibit glutamate release, thereby modulating the effects of light on circadian behavior. 5-HT1B receptor agonists (1) inhibit light-induced phase shifts of circadian activity rhythms, (2) attenuate light-induced Fos expression in the SCN, and (3) reduce the amplitude of optic nerve-evoked excitatory postsynaptic currents in SCN neurons in vitro. To determine whether functional disruption of the 5-HT1B presynaptic receptors would result in an amplified response of the SCN to light, the period (tau) of the circadian rhythm of wheel-running activity was estimated under several different conditions in 5-HT1B receptor knockout (KO) mice and genetically matched wild-type animals. Under constant light (LL) conditions, the tau of 5-HT1B receptor KO mice was significantly greater than the tau of wild-type mice. A quantitative analysis of the wheel-running activity revealed no differences between wild-type and KO mice in either total activity or the temporal distribution of activity under LL conditions, suggesting that the observed increase in tau was not a function of reduced activity. Under constant dark conditions, the period of the circadian rhythm of wheel-running activity of wild-type and 5-HT1B receptor KO mice was similar. In addition, no differences were noted between wild-type and 5-HT1B receptor KO mice in the rate of reentrainment to a 6 h phase advance in the 12:12 light:dark cycle or in phase shifts in response to a 10 min light pulse presented at circadian time 16. The enhanced response of the SCN circadian clock of the 5-HT1B receptor KO mice to LL conditions is consistent with the hypothesis that the endogenous activation of 5-HT1B presynaptic receptors modulates circadian behavior by attenuating photic input to the SCN.  相似文献   

Footpad swelling developing in mice after local injection of LPS (S. marcescens) was found to consist of two phases with peaks occurring on days 2 to 3 and 6 to 8, respectively. Histopathologically, the reaction was characterized by edema and mononuclear cell infiltration; the second peak was associated with intravascular thrombosis as is typically described for the Shwartzman reaction to LPS. Recombinant DNA-derived IFN-gamma, administered by i.p. injection, had a suppressive effect on the development of the reaction. The same effect was seen with recombinant DNA-derived IFN-alpha 1 and with the natural mixture of IFN-alpha and -beta. In mice pretreated with neutralizing monoclonal antibodies to IFN-gamma, the footpad response to LPS was modified in that a delayed monophasic rather than a biphasic response occurred. These data indicate that LPS induces local production of IFN-gamma, which acts as a trigger or positive regulator of the reaction. The effect of a single pretreatment with neutralizing anti-IFN-gamma antibody was found to last for as long as 6 wk. Experiments in which antibody administration was delayed till after LPS challenge indicated that endogenous IFN-gamma was also involved in the late phases of the inflammation. The results show that regulation of inflammation by interferons is complex in that local IFN-gamma acts as a positive factor, whereas systemic IFN-alpha 1 and -gamma, probably through indirect mechanisms, downregulate inflammation.  相似文献   



Numerous neurological and psychiatric disorders show sex differences in incidence, age of onset, symptomatology or outcome. Astrocytes, one of the glial cell types of the brain, show sex differences in number, differentiation and function. Since astrocytes are involved in the response of neural tissue to injury and inflammation, these cells may participate in the generation of sex differences in the response of the brain to pathological insults. To explore this hypothesis, we have examined whether male and female astrocytes show a different response to an inflammatory challenge and whether perinatal testosterone influences this response.


Cortical astrocyte cultures were prepared from postnatal day 1 (one day after birth) male or female CD1 mice pups. In addition, cortical astrocyte cultures were also prepared from female pups that were injected at birth with 100 μg of testosterone propionate or vehicle. Cultures were treated for 5 hours with medium containing lipopolysaccharide (LPS) or with control medium. The mRNA levels of IL6, interferon-inducible protein 10 (IP10), TNFα, IL1β, Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4), steroidogenic acute regulatory protein and translocator protein were assessed by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction. Statistical significance was assessed by unpaired t-test or by one-way analysis of variance followed by the Tukey post hoc test.


The mRNA levels of IL6, TNFα and IL1β after LPS treatment were significantly higher in astrocytes derived from male or androgenized females compared to astrocytes derived from control or vehicle-injected females. In contrast, IP10 mRNA levels after LPS treatment were higher in astrocytes derived from control or vehicle-injected females than in those obtained from males or androgenized females. The different response of male and female astrocytes to LPS was due neither to differences in the basal expression of the inflammatory molecules nor to differences in the expression of the LPS receptor TLR4. In contrast, the different inflammatory response was associated with increased mRNA levels of translocator protein, a key steroidogenic regulator, in female astrocytes that were treated with LPS.


Male and female cortical astrocytes respond differentially to an inflammatory challenge and this may be predetermined by perinatal testosterone exposure.

We investigated the morphology and biochemistry of the amyloid-beta (Abeta) peptides produced in TgCRND8 Tg mice carrying combined amyloid precursor protein (APP) Swedish (K670M/N671L) and Indiana (V717F) mutations. Histological analyses employing amyloid-specific staining and electron microscopy revealed that the TgCRND8 Tg mice produce an aggressive pathology, evident as early as 3 months of age, that is a composite of core plaques and peculiar floccular diffuse parenchymal deposits. The Abeta peptides were purified using combined FPLC-HPLC, Western blots, and immunoprecipitation methods and characterized by MALDI-TOF/SELDI-TOF mass spectrometry. The C-terminal APP peptides, assessed by Western blot experiments and mass spectrometry, suggested an alteration in the order of secretase processing, yielding a C-terminal fragment pattern that is substantially different from that observed in sporadic Alzheimer's disease (AD). This modified processing pattern generated longer Abeta peptides, as well as those ending at residues 40/42/43, which may partially explain the early onset and destructive nature of familial AD caused by APP mutations. Despite an aggressive pathology that extended to the cerebellum and white matter, these animals tolerated the presence of an imposing amount of Abeta load. Abeta immunization resulted in an impressive 7-fold reduction in the number of amyloid core plaques and, as previously demonstrated, a significant memory recovery. However, given the phylogenetic distance and the differences in APP processing and Abeta chemistry between Tg mice and AD, caution should be applied in projecting mouse therapeutic interventions onto human subjects.  相似文献   

AimsTo examine the effects of global lack of proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin 2 (PCSK2) in mouse on intestinal motility, post-fast refeeding response and levels of several PCSK-generated peptides known to regulate food intake and processing.Main methodsUsing male and female PCSK2 knockout (KO) and wild-type (WT) mice, intestinal motility was assessed by determining the percent of intestinal length travelled by a charcoal-dyed meal following an oral gavage; the refeeding response by measuring the amount of meal consumed following an overnight fast; the levels of the regulatory peptides by enzyme immunoassays or immunoblotting.Key findingsRelative to same-gender WT mice, KO mice exhibited delayed intestinal transit (P < 0.001 in females; P < 0.05 in males). Their post-fast feeding response was reduced in females during the first hour of refeeding (P < 0.05). The circulating level of substance P (SP) was lower (P < 0.001 in females; P < 0.05 in males); it was higher for somatostatin (SS) (P < 0.001 in females; P < 0.05 in males) and GLP-1 (P < 0.001 in females; P < 0.01 in males) and GLP-2 (P < 0.001 in both genders); it was higher for peptide YY (PYY) in female mice only (P < 0.01). Processing of brain proneuropeptide Y was impaired in both genders.SignificanceThe alterations in intestinal motility and post-fast refeeding response observed in PCSK2-KO mice correlate with changes in the circulating and tissue levels of the regulatory peptides tested, suggesting that PCSK2 is needed for normal food intake and processing.  相似文献   

4-Nitrophenyl phosphatase domain and non-neuronal SNAP25-like protein homolog1 (NIPSNAP1) is an evolutionarily conserved protein found in a variety of species ranging from C. elegans to human. NIPSNAP1 protein is localized in mitochondria and is highly expressed in liver, brain and kidney. The molecular and cellular roles of NIPSNAP1 are still unknown. To gain insights into the function of NIPSNAP1, we generated a mouse model with a disruption of Nipsnap1 gene and performed metabolomic analysis on their liver tissues. Liver samples from 13 to 15 month old NIPSNAP1 deficient (n = 7) and wild-type (n = 8) mice were extracted and processed for analysis using liquid/gas chromatography followed by mass spectrometry (LC/MS and GC/MS). We examined a total of 291 compounds in liver samples and found 45 compounds whose levels were significantly altered (p < 0.05, Welch’s t test) in NIPSNAP1 deficient mice compared to controls. These compounds were associated with a variety of processes, including metabolism of nucleotides, amino acids and lipids. In addition, we found a significant reduction in reduced glutathione (GSH) (0.63-fold change, p < 0.05) and elevation in cysteine–glutathione disulfide (2.77-fold change, p < 0.05). Our results suggest that NIPSNAP1 deficiency affects multiple processes in intermediate metabolism and results in oxidative stress in the liver.  相似文献   

Dackor R  Caron K 《Peptides》2007,28(11):2164-2170
Adrenomedullin (AM) is a highly conserved peptide that can act as a potent vasodilator, anti-microbial factor and anti-inflammatory factor. Several studies have implicated diverse roles for AM in regulating the inflammatory and hemodynamic responses to septic shock. Moreover, during sepsis the receptors that mediate AM signaling [calcitonin receptor-like receptor (calcrl) and receptor activity modifying proteins (RAMP) 2 and 3] undergo dynamic and robust changes in their expression. Although numerous studies have used animal models to study the role of administered or increased AM in septic animals, genetic studies to determine the consequences of reduced AM during septic shock have not yet been performed. Here, we used a murine model of lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced septic shock to assess the inflammatory response in mice heterozygous for the AM gene. Following LPS challenge, AM(+/-) mice had higher expression of TNF-alpha and IL-1beta than LPS-treated wild-type (WT) controls. Consequently, serum TNF-alpha was also significantly elevated in LPS-treated AM(+/-) mice compared to WT LPS-treated mice. We also observed higher serum levels of liver enzymes, suggesting more advanced end-organ damage in mice with genetically reduced AM. Finally, we found that RAMP2 and calcrl expression levels were markedly reduced in LPS-treated mice, whereas RAMP3 expression was significantly elevated. Importantly, these changes in receptor gene expression were conserved in AM(+/-) mice, demonstrating that AM peptide itself does not impact directly on the expression of the genes encoding its receptors. We, therefore, conclude that during septic shock the dynamic modulation of AM and its receptors primarily functions to dampen the inflammatory response.  相似文献   

Plasminogen activator inhibitor type-1 (PAI-1) is a major inhibitor of fibrinolysis by virtue of its capacity to inhibit urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA) and tissue-type plasminogen activator (tPA). Systemic inflammation is invariably associated with elevated circulating levels of PAI-1, and during human sepsis plasma PAI-1 concentrations predict an unfavorable outcome. Knowledge about the functional role of PAI-1 in a systemic inflammatory response syndrome is highly limited. In this study, we determined the role of endogenous PAI-1 in cytokine release induced by administration of LPS or staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB). Both LPS and SEB elicited secretion of PAI-1 into the circulation of normal wild-type (Wt) mice. Relative to Wt mice, PAI-1 gene-deficient (PAI-1(-/-)) mice demonstrated strongly elevated plasma IFN-gamma concentrations after injection of either LPS or SEB. In addition, PAI-1(-/-) splenocytes released more IFN-gamma after incubation with LPS or SEB than Wt splenocytes. Both PAI-1(-/-) CD4+ and CD8+ T cells produced more IFN-gamma upon stimulation with SEB. LPS-induced IFN-gamma release in mice deficient for uPA, the uPA receptor, or tPA was not different from IFN-gamma release in LPS-treated Wt mice. These results identify a novel function of PAI-1 during systemic inflammation, where endogenous PAI-1 serves to inhibit IFN-gamma release by a mechanism that does not depend on its interaction with uPA/uPA receptor or tPA.  相似文献   

11beta-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 (11betaHSD1) performs end-organ metabolism of glucocorticoids (GCs) by catalyzing the conversion of C(11)-keto-GCs to C(11)-hydroxy-GCs, thereby generating activating ligands for the GC receptor. In this study, we report that 11betaHSD1(-/-) mice are more susceptible to endotoxemia, evidenced by increased weight loss and serum TNF-alpha, IL-6, and IL-12p40 levels following LPS challenge in vivo. Peritoneal and splenic macrophage (splnMphi) from these genetically altered mice overproduce inflammatory cytokines following LPS stimulation in vitro. Inflammatory cytokine overexpression by 11betaHSD1(-/-) splnMphi results from an increased activation of NF-kappaB- and MAPK-signaling cascades and an attenuated PI3K-dependent Akt activation. The expression of SHIP1 is augmented in 11betaHSD1(-/-) Mphi and contributes to inflammatory cytokine production because overexpression of SHIP1 in primary bone marrow Mphi (BMMphi) leads to a similar type of hyperresponsiveness to subsequent LPS stimulation. 11betaHSD1(+/+) and 11betaHSD1(-/-) BMMphi responded to LPS similarly. However, 11betaHSD1(-/-) BMMphi derived in the presence of elevated GC levels up-regulated SHIP1 expression and increased their capacity to produce inflammatory cytokines following their activation with LPS. These observations suggest the hyperresponsiveness of 11betaHSD1(-/-) splnMphi results from myeloid cell differentiation in the presence of moderately elevated GC levels found within 11betaHSD1(-/-) mice. GC-conditioning of BMMphi enhanced SHIP1 expression via up-regulation of bioactive TGF-beta. Consistently, TGF-beta protein expression was increased in unstimulated CD11b(-) cells residing in the BM and spleen of 11betaHSD1(-/-) mice. Our results suggest that modest elevations in plasma GC levels can modify the LPS responsiveness of Mphi by augmenting SHIP1 expression through a TGF-beta-dependent mechanism.  相似文献   

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