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Our finding of amitotic division of trophoblast cell nuclei in blastocysts of American mink Mustela vison, which has an obligatory period of delay in implantation (obligatory embryonic diapause) in its ontogenesis, led us to study the mechanisms and frequencies of division of trophoblast and decidua cell nuclei during the postimplantation embryogenesis of mouse Mus musculus, which does not exhibit an obligatory diapause nor amitosis in blastocysts. It has been established that the main mechanism underlying the cell nuclei division in both tissues (trophoblast and decidua) forming the placenta is amitosis. These data suggest that the occurrence of an obligate diapause in ontogenesis of certain animal species is related not only to the delay in implantation, but also to the alteration in the chronology of all processes of embryogenesis.  相似文献   

We constructed a common-AB diploid strain of Coprinus cinereus and mated this to a compatible haploid strain to construct a diploid-haploid dikaryon. We examined the positions of the diploid and haploid nuclei in the apical and subapical cells of the dikaryon by fluorescence microscopy and microfluorometry. In 60% of apical cells the leading nucleus (the nucleus proximal to the hyphal apex) was diploid and the second nucleus (the nucleus distal to the apex) was haploid, whereas in the remaining 40% of apical cells the order of the two nuclei was reversed. It was also observed that in 97% of hyphae examined the order of the diploid and haploid nuclei was reversed between the apical cell and the subapical cell. Based on these observations, we conclude that the two nuclei alternate in taking the leading and second positions in the apical cell at almost every conjugate division in the dikaryon. Copyright 1998 Academic Press.  相似文献   

MER  C. L. 《Annals of botany》1966,30(1):17-23
Cell division taking place in the nodal meristem of etiolatedoat (Avena sativa cultivar Victory) seedlings is shown to bealmost uniformly sensitive to different wavebands of light inthe visible spectrum. The significance of the observations inrelation to the identity of the photoreceptor, and to the opinionthat green light is ‘morphogenetically inactive’is discussed.  相似文献   

The replication terminus region (Ter) of the unique chromosome of most bacteria locates at mid-cell at the time of cell division. In several species, this localization participates in the necessary coordination between chromosome segregation and cell division, notably for the selection of the division site, the licensing of the division machinery assembly and the correct alignment of chromosome dimer resolution sites. The genome of Vibrio cholerae, the agent of the deadly human disease cholera, is divided into two chromosomes, chrI and chrII. Previous fluorescent microscopy observations suggested that although the Ter regions of chrI and chrII replicate at the same time, chrII sister termini separated before cell division whereas chrI sister termini were maintained together at mid-cell, which raised questions on the management of the two chromosomes during cell division. Here, we simultaneously visualized the location of the dimer resolution locus of each of the two chromosomes. Our results confirm the late and early separation of chrI and chrII Ter sisters, respectively. They further suggest that the MatP/matS macrodomain organization system specifically delays chrI Ter sister separation. However, TerI loci remain in the vicinity of the cell centre in the absence of MatP and a genetic assay specifically designed to monitor the relative frequency of sister chromatid contacts during constriction suggest that they keep colliding together until the very end of cell division. In contrast, we found that even though it is not able to impede the separation of chrII Ter sisters before septation, the MatP/matS macrodomain organization system restricts their movement within the cell and permits their frequent interaction during septum constriction.  相似文献   

Meiotic maturation is essential for the reproduction procedure of many animals. During this process an oocyte produces a large egg cell and tiny polar bodies by highly asymmetric division. In this study, to fully understand the sophisticated spatiotemporal regulation of accurate oocyte meiotic division, we focused on the global and local changes in the tension at the surface of the starfish (Asterina pectinifera) oocyte in relation to the surface actin remodeling. Before the onset of the bulge formation, the tension at the animal pole globally decreased, and started to increase after the onset of the bulge formation. Locally, at the onset of the bulge formation, tension at the top of the animal pole began to decrease, whereas that at the base of the bulge remarkably increased. As the bulge grew, the tension at the base of the bulge additionally increased. Such a change in the tension at the surface was similar to the changing pattern of actin distribution. Therefore, meiotic cell division was initiated by the bulging of the cortex, which had been weakened by actin reduction, and was followed by contraction at the base of the bulge, which had been reinforced by actin accumulation. The force generation system is assumed to allow the meiotic apparatus to move just under the membrane in the small polar body. Furthermore, a detailed comparison of the tension at the surface and the cortical actin distribution indicated another sophisticated feature, namely that the contraction at the base of the bulge was more vigorous than was presumed based on the actin distribution. These features of the force generation system will ensure the precise chromosome segregation necessary to produce a normal ovum with high accuracy in the meiotic maturation.  相似文献   

In Paramecium tetraurelia, a number of mutations have been shown to affect simultaneously cortical organization (attachment of trichocysts to the cortex) and nuclear division (Ruiz et al. 1976). In order to analyze the genetic and physiological basis of this correlation, we have isolated new mutations affecting the properties of the trichocysts and studied their genetic relationships with other previously known mutations. Of 24 to 28 loci controlling the biogenesis and properties of the trichocysts, mutations only in the 16 to 20 loci that control trichocyst attachment to the cortex result in nuclear defects. Cytological observations show that all of these mutants display the same set of nuclear abnormalities: in particular, rounded shape of the resting macronucleus, mispositioning and defective elongation of the dividing macronucleus and unequal repartition of the macro- and micronuclei. This common syndrome is independent of both the mutagenic origin and the mutated locus. Furthermore, by microinjection, it is possible to localize the site of action of the mutations in either the trichocyst compartment or the nontrichocyst compartment. It was found by this technique that the nuclear syndrome is also independent of the site of action of the mutation. All the genetic and physiological data support the conclusion that the nuclear defects are the consequence of the lack of trichocyst attachment to the cortex: in wild-type cells, trichocyst attachment would induce a membranar or perimembranar state necessary for correct nuclear positioning during cell division. In the absence of trichocyst attachment, the cortical control of nuclear division would be abolished. The possible involvement of cytoskeletal links between surface and nuclei is discussed.  相似文献   

Faithful segregation of genetic material during cell division requires alignment of chromosomes between two spindle poles and attachment of their kinetochores to each of the poles. Failure of these complex dynamical processes leads to chromosomal instability (CIN), a characteristic feature of several diseases including cancer. While a multitude of biological factors regulating chromosome congression and bi-orientation have been identified, it is still unclear how they are integrated so that coherent chromosome motion emerges from a large collection of random and deterministic processes. Here we address this issue by a three dimensional computational model of motor-driven chromosome congression and bi-orientation during mitosis. Our model reveals that successful cell division requires control of the total number of microtubules: if this number is too small bi-orientation fails, while if it is too large not all the chromosomes are able to congress. The optimal number of microtubules predicted by our model compares well with early observations in mammalian cell spindles. Our results shed new light on the origin of several pathological conditions related to chromosomal instability.  相似文献   

Birdsongs and the regions of their brain that control song exhibit obvious sexual differences. However, the mechanisms underlying these sexual dimorphisms remain unknown. To address this issue, we first examined apoptotic cells labeled with caspase-3 or TUNEL in Bengalese finch song control nuclei - the robust nucleus of the archopallium (RA), the lateral magnocellular nucleus of the anterior nidopallium (LMAN), the high vocal center (HVC) and Area X from post-hatch day (P) 15 to 120. Next, we investigated the expression dynamics of pro-apoptotic (Bid, Bad and Bax) and anti-apoptotic (Bcl-2 and Bcl-xL) genes in the aforementioned nuclei. Our results revealed that the female RA at P45 exhibited marked cell apoptosis, confirmed by low densities of Bcl-xL and Bcl-2. Both the male and female LMAN exhibited apoptotic peaks at P35 and P45, respectively, and the observed cell loss was more extensive in males. A corresponding sharp decrease in the density of Bcl-2 after P35 was observed in both sexes, and a greater density of Bid was noted at P45 in males. In addition, we observed that RA volume and the total number of BDNF-expressing cells decreased significantly after unilateral lesion of the LMAN or HVC (two areas that innervate the RA) and that greater numbers of RA-projecting cells were immunoreactive for BDNF in the LMAN than in the HVC. We reasoned that a decrease in the amount of BDNF transported via HVC afferent fibers might result in an increase in cell apoptosis in the female RA. Our data indicate that cell apoptosis resulting from different pro- and anti-apoptotic agents is involved in generating the differences between male and female song control nuclei.  相似文献   

《Experimental mycology》1993,17(4):338-344
Kamada, T., Hirai, K., and Fujii, M. 1993. The role of the cytoskeleton in the pairing and positioning of the two nuclei in the apical cell of the dikaryon of the basidiomycete Coprinus cinereus. Experimental Mycology 17, 338-344. We examined the effects of tubulin mutations, the anti-microtubule agent benomyl, and the anti-microfilament agents cytochalasin B and E on the pairing and positioning of the two nuclei in the dikaryotic apical cell of the basidiomycete Coprinus cinereus. In the parental wild-type dikaryon, the two nuclei maintain an average separation of 19 μm and an average distance of about 76 μm from the growing hyphal apex; there was a weak tendency that the apex to nucleus distance decreases as cell length decreases. Examination of eight dikaryons homozygous for either one α- or one of seven β-tubulin mutations revealed that all the tubulin mutations disturbed the pairing of the two nuclei without changing the positioning of the leading nucleus. The anti-microtubule agent benomyl disturbed the nuclear pairing without changing the positioning of the leading nucleus. Neither cytochalasin B nor E affected either the pairing or the positioning. These results demonstrate that microtubules participate in the pairing of the two nuclei in the apical cell of the dikaryon and provide evidence against a direct involvement of either microtubules or microfilaments in the mechanism of their positioning relative to the hyphal apex.  相似文献   

Leaf mesophyll of Medicago sativa (L.) was investigated to determinethe roles of cell division and cell expansion in tissue growth.Samples of leaf tissue were macerated, stained, and squashed.The slides were studied under a phase microscope to determinethe percentage of recently divided cells and the average celldiameter for leaflets of varying lengths. Cell division wasgreatest in young leaflets and virtually ceased as a leaf lengthof 12 mm was attained. For leaflets less than 12 mm in length,the rate of increase in cell size appeared to be inversely associatedto the degree of cell division. For alfalfa leaflets greaterthan 12 mm in length, the mean cell size increased in proportionto leaf length since cell division had virtually ceased.  相似文献   

Baker BS  Carpenter AT  Ripoll P 《Genetics》1978,90(3):531-578
To inquire whether the loci identified by recombination-defective and disjunction-defective meiotic mutants in Drosophila are also utilized during mitotic cell division, the effects of 18 meiotic mutants (representing 13 loci) on mitotic chromosome stability have been examined genetically. To do this, meiotic-mutant-bearing flies heterozygous for recessive somatic cell markers were examined for the frequencies and types of spontaneous clones expressing the cell markers. In such flies, marked clones can arise via mitotic recombination, mutation, chromosome breakage, nondisjunction or chromosome loss, and clones from these different origins can be distinguished. In addition, meiotic mutants at nine loci have been examined for their effects on sensitivity to killing by UV and X rays.—Mutants at six of the seven recombination-defective loci examined (mei-9, mei-41, c(3)G, mei-W68, mei-S282, mei-352, mei-218) cause mitotic chromosome instability in both sexes, whereas mutants at one locus (mei-218) do not affect mitotic chromosome stability. Thus many of the loci utilized during meiotic recombination also function in the chromosomal economy of mitotic cells.—The chromosome instability produced by mei-41 alleles is the consequence of chromosome breakage, that of mei-9 alleles is primarily due to chromosome breakage and, to a lesser extent, to an elevated frequency of mitotic recombination, whereas no predominant mechanism responsible for the instability caused by c(3)G alleles is discernible. Since these three loci are defective in their responses to mutagen damage, their effects on chromosome stability in nonmutagenized cells are interpreted as resulting from an inability to repair spontaneous lesions. Both mei-W68 and mei-S282 increase mitotic recombination (and in mei-W68, to a lesser extent, chromosome loss) in the abdomen but not the wing. In the abdomen, the primary effect on chromosome stability occurs during the larval period when the abdominal histoblasts are in a nondividing (G2) state.—Mitotic recombination is at or above control levels in the presence of each of the recombination-defective meiotic mutants examined, suggesting that meiotic and mitotic recombination are under separate genetic control in Drosophila.—Of the six mutants examined that are defective in processes required for regular meiotic chromosome segregation, four (l(1)TW-6cs, cand, mei-S332, ord) affect mitotic chromosome behavior. At semi-restrictive temperatures, the cold sensitive lethal l(1)TW-6cs causes very frequent somatic spots, a substantial proportion of which are attributable to nondisjunction or loss. Thus, this locus specifies a function essential for chromosome segregation at mitosis as well as at the first meiotic division in females. The patterns of mitotic effects caused by cand, mei-S332, and ord suggest that they may be leaky alleles at essential loci that specify functions common to meiosis and mitosis. Mutants at the two remaining loci (nod, pal) do not affect mitotic chromosome stability.  相似文献   

目的:对日立H7180、奥林帕斯Au640全自动生化分析仪校准周期的对比分析。方法:相同条件下,两生化分析仪进行定标校准后,每隔2小时测定高、中、低3种浓度的质控血清各一次直到24 h,后每间隔24 h测定一次,共测定30 d,检测项目均重复测定4次取平均值。从校准完成后开始计时到累积变异系数(CV)大于1/6 CLIA'88允许误差时终止,确定该项目的校准周期。通过绘制校准周期图获得两种全自动生化分析仪不同检测项目的校准周期,并对结果进行对比分析。结果:以碱性磷酸酶(ALP)为例绘制校准周期图,进行对比分析。各检测项目在日立H7180中,低水平质控CV最先达到校准要求,高水平质控CV最后达到校准要求;而在奥林帕斯Au640中,中水平质控CV最先达到校准要求,高水平质控CV最后达到校准要求。结论:日立H7180和奥林帕斯Au640全自动生化分析仪,其校准周期基本一致,个别项目存在差异。  相似文献   

Structural protein 4.1, first identified as a crucial 80-kD protein in the mature red cell membrane skeleton, is now known to be a diverse family of protein isoforms generated by complex alternative mRNA splicing, variable usage of translation initiation sites, and posttranslational modification. Protein 4.1 epitopes are detected at multiple intracellular sites in nucleated mammalian cells. We report here investigations of protein 4.1 in the nucleus. Reconstructions of optical sections of human diploid fibroblast nuclei using antibodies specific for 80-kD red cell 4.1 and for 4.1 peptides showed 4.1 immunofluorescent signals were intranuclear and distributed throughout the volume of the nucleus. After sequential extractions of cells in situ, 4.1 epitopes were detected in nuclear matrix both by immunofluorescence light microscopy and resinless section immunoelectron microscopy. Western blot analysis of fibroblast nuclear matrix protein fractions, isolated under identical extraction conditions as those for microscopy, revealed several polypeptide bands reactive to multiple 4.1 antibodies against different domains. Epitope-tagged protein 4.1 was detected in fibroblast nuclei after transient transfections using a construct encoding red cell 80-kD 4.1 fused to an epitope tag. Endogenous protein 4.1 epitopes were detected throughout the cell cycle but underwent dynamic spatial rearrangements during cell division. Protein 4.1 was observed in nucleoplasm and centrosomes at interphase, in the mitotic spindle during mitosis, in perichromatin during telophase, as well as in the midbody during cytokinesis. These results suggest that multiple protein 4.1 isoforms may contribute significantly to nuclear architecture and ultimately to nuclear function.  相似文献   

The duration of pairing in crosses of the micronuclearly defective strain A*V and the amicronuclear strain BI3840 of Tetrahymena thermophila is shorter than that in normal conjugation. In controls, pairing takes about 620 min at 30°C and 60 min more at 28°C. In contrast pairing of crosses of the A*strain took 470 min at 30°C and 490 min at 28°C, and that of crosses of BI3840 strain took 440 min at 30°C. The course of nuclear development in the tester strain crossed with the A*strain was similar to that in the control until the 3rd prezygotic division. Unilateral transfer of the pronuclei occurred later than on reciprocal transfer in control crosses; posttransfer divisions in hemikarya was completely blocked in over 90% of the cases examined. Defective cell contact in crosses of the A*V strain and an amicronuclear BI3840 strain may be correlated with block in nuclear division and in macronuclear development, since unfertilized cells from triplet conjugation remain haploid and develop normally.  相似文献   

The calyptra influences the plane of division in guard cellmother cells of Funaria and Physcomitrium. Normally, capsulesexpand while sheathed by the calyptra and the axes of the stomataare parallel to the axis of the capsule in both genera. Removalof the calyptra from an elongating sporophyte leads to setathickening prior to capsule expansion and an essentially randomorientation of stomata. If the calyptra is removed from a sporophyteof Funaria at the time the division of the guard cell mothercells is expected, guard cells of abnormal shape and undividedguard cell mother cells are found in unusually high frequency.  相似文献   

When stratified sugar maple seeds were germinated at 5C, celldivision did not contribute to radicle emergence or to earlygrowth of the embryonic axis. Putrescine, spermidine and sperminecontents remained low throughout stratification, but followinggermination their levels rose gradually for several days andthen entered a phase of rapid accumulation concurrent with initiationof rapid cell division. When inhibitors of putrescine and polyaminebiosynthesis were applied to newly germinated seeds, levelsof the amines and cell division were markedly reduced, but cellelongation, as evidenced by growth of hypocotyls, was not affected. 1 Present address: Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry,University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada N1G 2W1.  相似文献   

SKENE  D. S. 《Annals of botany》1966,30(3):493-512
An apple fruit may be treated as approximately spherical, butallometric analysis shows that its growth is far from uniformlydistributed throughout its tissues. Along the fruit axis, longitudinal(i.e. lengthwise) growth is most rapid at the eye end and slowestat the stalk end, and in each region is slower than transversegrowth in the equatorial zone (i.e. growth in diameter). Onthe surface of the fruit cheek longitudinal growth is most rapidin the equatorial region and slower at the stalk and eye ends;growth at the eye end is slightly slower than at the stalk end.Near the equator, longitudinal growth of the cheek is also fasterthan latitudinal growth, despite the slower growth in over-allfruit length. In the transverse plane at the equator, growthis initially much faster in the cortex (the outer tissues) thanin the pith (the inner tissues). Later, about one month afterblossom, there is practically no difference in the growth-ratesof the cortex and pith. The change in the relative transverse growth-rates of the cortexand pith occurs at about the same time as cell division in thecortex stops, and at this time also there is an increase inthe rate of expansion of the air-spaces, relative to growthin fruit diameter. Other aspects of growth, such as growth inover-all length or weight, both relative to fruit diameter,do not appear to change in any way when cell division stops. Cell division in the epidermis continues for a longer time thanin the cortex, and accounts for a greater proportion of tissuegrowth. Allometric analysis of growth in cell size shows thatcell division in the epidermis stops when the fruit is about45 mm in diameter, or about 65–70 days after blossom.The same data show that in the stalk and eye cavities, longitudinalgrowth of the cheek is substantially faster than latitudinalgrowth.  相似文献   

Aspartate aminotransferase (AAT), a key enzyme in the biosynthesis of aspartate and asparagine, occurs as two forms in alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.), AAT-1 and AAT-2. Both forms were purified to near homogeneity, and high titer polyclonal antibodies produced to the native proteins. Alfalfa AAT-1 was purified from root suspension culture cells, while AAT-2 was purified from effective root nodules. Antibodies prepared to AAT-1 and used as probes for western blots readily recognized native and SDS forms of AAT-1 but did not recognize either native or SDS forms of AAT-2. Conversely, antibodies to AAT-2 readily recognized native and SDS forms of AAT-2 but did not recognize AAT-1. Immunotitrations further confirmed the immunological distinction between AAT-1 and AAT-2. AAT-1 antibodies immunotitrated 100% of the in vitro activity of purified AAT-1 but had no effect on AAT-2 in vitro activity. Likewise, AAT-2 antibodies removed 100% of the in vitro activity of purified AAT-2 but did not affect AAT-1 in vitro activity. Sequential titration of total AAT activity from roots and nodules showed that AAT-1 comprised the major form (62%) of AAT in roots, while AAT-2 was the predominant form (90%) in nodules. Last, SDS-PAGE western blots showed that the molecular masses of AAT-1 and AAT-2 were 42 and 40 kilodaltons, respectively. These data indicate that AAT is under the control of at least two distinct genes in alfalfa.  相似文献   

Male meiosis in higher organisms features synchronous cell divisions in a large number of cells. It is not clear how this synchrony is achieved, nor is it known whether the synchrony is linked to the regulation of cell cycle progression. Here, we describe an Arabidopsis mutant, named tardy asynchronous meiosis (tam), that exhibits a phenotype of delayed and asynchronous cell divisions during male meiosis. In Arabidopsis, two nuclear divisions occur before simultaneous cytokinesis yields a tetrad of haploid cells. In tam, cell divisions are delayed, resulting in the formation of abnormal intermediates, most frequently dyad meiotic products, or in rare cases, dyad pollen (two gametophytes within one exine wall). Temperature-shift experiments showed that the percentage of the abnormal intermediates increased at 27 degrees C. Analysis of tam and the tam/quartet1 double mutant showed that most of these abnormal intermediates could continue through the normal rounds of cell divisions and form functional pollen, though at a slower than normal pace. The asynchrony of cell division started at the G2/M transition, with cells entering metaphase at different time points, during both meiosis I and II. In addition, chromosome condensation defects and mis-segregation were sometimes observed in tam. These observations suggest that the TAM protein positively regulates cell cycle progression, perhaps by promoting the G2/M transition. We speculate that there is a signal, perhaps TAM, that couples the normal pace of cell cycle progression with the synchrony of cell division during male meiosis.  相似文献   

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