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Terumi Mukai 《Genetics》1970,65(2):335-348

Two hundred and ninety second chromosomes extracted from a natural population of Drosophila melanogaster were analyzed to estimate the genetic variance of viability and its components by means of a partial diallel cross (Design II of Comstock and Robinson 1952). The additive and dominance variances are estimated to be 0.009 and 0.0012. Using the dominance variance and the inbreeding depression, the effective number of overdominant loci contributing to the variance in viability is estimated to be very small, a dozen or less. Either the actual number of loci is small, or the distribution of viabilities is strongly skewed with a large majority of very weakly selected loci. The additive variance in viability appears to be too large to be accounted for by recurrent harmful mutants or by overdominant loci at equilibrium with various genetic parameters estimated independently. The excess might be due to frequency-dependent selection, to negative correlations between viability and fertility, or possibly to the presence of a mutator. The selection for viability and fertility, or possibly to the presence of a mutator. The selection for viability at the average polymorphic locus must be very slight, of the order of 10(-3) or less.  相似文献   

Relative viabilities of individuals homozygous or randomly heterozygous for wild O chromosomes derived from a marginal (Norwegian) and a central (Greek) population of D. subobscura were obtained by means of a newly prepared marker strain. In the central and marginal populations 20.8 and 28.8 percent of all chromosomes proved lethal or semilethal in homozygous condition. Mean viability was higher for +/+ random heterozygotes than for +/+ homozygotes. This remained the case for the marginal, but not for the central populations, after exclusion of the detrimental chromosomes from the calculations. The variances of viabilities were higher for homozygotes than for heterozygotes, but the test crosses with chromosomes from the marginal population had generally higher variances than those with chromosomes from the central population. No correlation was found in either populations between the action of a chromosome in homozygous condition with its action in heterozygous condition. This is interpreted as complete recessiveness of genetic load. The results are discussed in terms of the observed reduction of the inversion polymorphism which is not paralleled by a reduction in enzyme and, as shown here, by reduction in viability variation. It is thought that the heterotic effect of inversions is due to their homeostatic action, which depends less on structural genes than on higher orders of organization due to gene interaction or regulation. Whatever the causes, it is very likely that marginal populations differ from central populations with respect to their genetic system.  相似文献   

The nature of fitness interactions is an important, yet unsolved, question in population genetics. We compare the egg-to-adult viability of individuals homozygous for either a second or a third chromosome with the viability of individuals homozygous for both chromosomes simultaneously. On the average, the viability of the two-chromosome homozygotes is somewhat greater than expected assuming that the fitnesses of the single-chromosome homozygotes interact in a multiplicative fashion. This result differs from previous observations that indicate either no significant deviations from the expectation or lower-than-expected average fitnesses for the double homozygotes.  相似文献   

The viability of cells made homozygous for different deficiencies by induced mitotic recombination was examined. The deficiencies varied in length from two to 30 polytene chromosome bands and were distributed over the five major chromosome arms. Among a sample of 30, ten deficiencies were cell viable. Our results show that 12% of the genome is necessary for cell survival, supporting previous estimates of about 5,000 genes in the genome of Drosophila.  相似文献   

Temin RG 《Genetics》1978,89(2):315-340
More than 700 EMS-treated second chromosomes marked with either cn (cinnabar) or bw (brown), and derived from long-inbred stocks, were measured for their heterozygous effects on viability in both isogenic (homozygous) and nonisogenic (heterozygous) backgrounds. Each test was replicated five times. When the background was homozygous, flies heterozygous for a treated chromosome were an average of 2.1% less viable, per 0.005 m EMS, than flies heterozygous for an untreated chromosome. Classified according to their homogous effect in an accompanying series of crosses, the lethal-bearing chromosomes (L), which carry genes of less drastic effects as well, reduced the viability of their heterozygous carriers by 3.3%, severe detrimentals (D(s)) by 2.2%, and mild detrimentals (D(m)) by 1.2% at this dose. In the heterozygous background, the mean heterozygous disadvantage for the entire group was 1%, or about half as large.--When computed separately for each count from a single mating, the heterozygous disadvantage was consistently greatest for the earliest counts (4.8%), next highest for the middle count (0.8%), and lowest in the latest count (0.5%), in the homozygous background, indicating that mutant heterozygotes were delayed in time of emergence. The figures in the heterozygous background were, again, reduced, but in the same direction.-The relative viability disadvantage of the cn marker was about 2(1/2) times greater in the homozygous than in the heterozygous background, further supporting the conclusion that the homozygous background can accentuate differences. The enhancement of treatment and marker effects could be a direct result of the level of background heterozygosity per se or attributable to the reduced vigor of the inbred strain.-Dominance, a measure of the heterozygous effect of a mutant relative to its homozygous effect, is greater for genes with small homozygous disadvantage than for more drastic genes. In the homozygous background the average dominance for lethals was 0.019 in contrast to 0.183 for mild detrimentals, supporting other published results suggesting that genes with milder effect, because they occur more frequently, have a greater impact on a population.-The homozygous D:L ratio of EMS mutations was 0.266 and the D(m): L ratio, 0.092, which are lower than comparable load ratios for spontaneous mutations, but greater than for X-ray induced mutations.  相似文献   

Two large experiments were conducted in order to evaluate the heterozygous effects of irradiated chromosomes on viability. Mutations were accumulated on several hundred second chromosomes by delivering doses of 2,500r over either two or four generations for total X-ray exposures of 5,000r or 10,000r. Chromosomes treated with 5,000r were screened for lethals after the first treatment, and surviving nonlethals were used to generate families of fully treated chromosomes. The members of these families shared the effects of the first irradiation, but differed with respect to those of the second. The chromosomes treated with 10,000r were not grouped into families since mutations were accumulated independently on each chromosome in that experiment. Heterozygous effects on viability of the irradiated chromosomes were tested in both isogenic (homozygous) and nonisogenic (heterozygous) genetic backgrounds. In conjunction with these tests, homozygous viabilities were determined by the marked-inversion technique. This permitted a separation of the irradiated chromosomes into those which were drastic when made homozygous and those which were not. The results indicate that drastic chromosomes have deleterious effects in heterozygous condition, since viability was reduced by 2–4% in tests performed with the 10,000r chromosomes, and by 1% in those involving the 5,000r material. Within a series of tests, the effects were more pronounced when the genetic background was homozygous. Nondrastic irradiated chromosomes did not show detectable heterozygous effects. They also showed no homozygous effects when compared to a sample of untreated controls. In addition, there was no evidence for an induced genetic component of variance with respect to viability in these chromosomes. These results suggest that the mutants induced by high doses of X-rays are principally drastic ones which show deleterious effects on viability in heterozygous condition.  相似文献   

Ray Moree 《Genetics》1972,70(4):595-610
The viability effects of chromosomes from an old and from a new laboratory strain of D. melanogaster were studied in eight factorial combinations and at two heterozygosity levels. The combinations were so constructed that heterozygosity level could be varied in the third chromosomes of the carriers of a homozygous lethal marker, in the third chromosomes of their wild-type segregants, and in the genetic backgrounds of both. Excluding the effect of the marker and the exceptional outcomes of two of the combinations, and taking into account both large and small deviations from theoretical expectation, the following summary is given as the simplest consistent explanation of the results: 1) If total heterozygosities of two segregant types tend toward equality their viabilities tend toward equality also, whether background heterozygosity is high or low; if background heterozygosities is higher the tendency toward equality is slightly greater. 2) If total heterozygosity of two segregant types are unequal the less heterozygous type has the lower viability; the difference is more pronounced when background heterozygosity is low, less when it is high. 3) Differences between segregant viabilities are correlated with differences between the total heterozygosities of the two segregants; genetic background is effective to the extent, and only to the extent, that it contributes to the magnitude of this difference. This in turn appears to underlie, at least partly, the expression of a pronounced interchromosomal epistasis. Thus in this study viability is seen to depend upon both the quantity and distribution of heterozygosity, not only among the chromosomes of an individual but among the individuals of a given combination as well.  相似文献   

Spontaneous mutations were allowed to accumulate in a second chromosome that was transmitted only through heterozygous males for 40 generations. At 10-generation intervals the chromosomes were assayed for homozygous effects of the accumulated mutants. From the regression of homozygous viability on the number of generations of mutant accumulation and from the increase in genetic variance between replicate chromosomes it is possible to estimate the mutation rate and average effect of the individual mutants. Lethal mutations arose at a rate of 0.0060 per chromosome per generation. The mutants having small effects on viability are estimated to arise with a frequency at least 10 times as high as lethals, more likely 20 times as high, and possibly many more times as high if there is a large class of very nearly neutral mutations.-The dominance of such mutants was measured for chromosomes extracted from a natural population. This was determined from the regression of heterozygous viability on that of the sum of the two constituent homozygotes. The average dominance for minor viability genes in an equilibrium population was estimated to be 0.21. This is lower than the value for new mutants, as expected since those with the greatest heterozygous effect are most quickly eliminated from the population. That these mutants have a disproportionately large heterozygous effect on total fitness (as well as on the viability component thereof) is shown by the low ratio of the genetic load in equilibrium homozygotes to that of new mutant homozygotes.  相似文献   

Tachida H  Mukai T 《Genetics》1985,111(1):43-55
To investigate whether or not an excess of additive genetic variance for viability detected in southern natural populations of Drosophila melanogaster was created by diversifying selection, genotype-environment interaction was tested as follows. (1) Two karyotype chromosomes were used: 61 second chromosomes with the standard karyotype and 63 second chromosomes carrying In(2L)t. Their homozygote viabilities were larger than 50% of the average viability of random heterozygotes. (2) The effects of two factors (culture media and yeasts) were examined at three levels (the culture media: tomato, corn and banana; and the yeasts: sake, brewer's and baker's). The results of 16 three by three factorial experiments by the Cy method in the same karyotype groups for relative viabilities of homozygotes and heterozygotes elucidated the following findings: (1) there was no significant difference between the two karyotype groups, (2) the variance components of genotype-environment interaction were highly significant, (3) the variance component of heterozygotes was significantly smaller than that of homozygotes. From the experimental findings and previous results, diversifying selection in natural populations acting on viability polygenes to increase the additive genetic variance was suggested. The relation of the present result to protein polymorphism is also discussed.  相似文献   

Pedro Ripoll 《Genetics》1980,94(1):135-152
In Drosophila melanogaster, individuals heterozygous for translocations between chromosomes Y and 3 can generate, by means of mitotic recombination, somatic cells bearing duplications and deletions. Using translocations with different breakpoints, I have studied the behavior of clones of cells with increasing degrees of aneuploidy in the abdominal cuticle. Both hyper- and hypoploid cells can survive being duplicated or deficient even for large chromosome 3 fragments. While hyperploidy does not severely affect cell viability, the recovery of hypoploid clones decreases linearly as a function of the size of the deleted fragment. In this report, the quantitative and qualitative aspects of this effect are discussed.  相似文献   

Temperature-sensitive (ts) autonomous cell-lethal mutations have been used extensively to study important developmental phenomena, such as pattern formation, in Drosophila. Their utility would be enhanced considerably if it were possible to establish which cell type is primarily affected by each lesion. To facilitate such an approach we have isolated and characterized 21 EMS- induced X-linked adult-lethal (adl) mutants, 16 of which are ts. Most of these lesions also elicit ts lethal effects during preimaginal development. They represent 19 different loci distributed randomly along the X chromosome. The general properties of these mutations are described. In addition, results of an in-depth analysis (focus mapping and, in some cases, temperature shift and heat-pulse studies) of four strains, adl-1ts1, sesE, adl-2ts 1 and rex are reported. Two major temperature-sensitive periods (TSPs) of adl-1 lethality were resolved: one during the second half of embryogenesis and the other coinciding with pupariation. Mosaic analysis revealed separate mesodermal foci for leg paralysis. Developmental analysis of adl-1 embryos suggest that the adl-1 product may be required for maintenance of muscle tissue. Two discrete TSPs of sesE lethality exist: one during the second instar and the other extending from late third instar to early pupation. Mosaic analysis of sesE lethality resolved a pair of neural foci, each of which appears to incorporate three separate foci for leg paralysis. Mosaic analysis of adl-2ts 1 revealed the existence of paired lethal foci that appear to map to the vicinity of the subesophageal ganglion. Analysis of rex mosaics resolved separate mesodermal foci for leg paralysis.  相似文献   

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