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The Pat1 protein of Saccharomyces cerevisiae was identified during a screen for proteins that interact with topoisomerase II. Previously, we have shown that pat1Δ mutants exhibit a slow-growth phenotype and an elevated frequency of both mitotic and meiotic chromosome mis-segregation. Here, we have studied the effects of deleting the PAT1 gene on chromosomal stability, with particular reference to rates of homologous recombination within the rDNA locus. This locus was analyzed because rDNA-specific hyperrecombination is known to occur in conditional top2 mutants. We show that pat1Δ strains mimic top2 mutants in displaying an elevated rate of intrachromosomal excision recombination at the rDNA locus, but not elsewhere in the genome. The elevated rate of recombination is dependent upon Rad52p, but not upon Rad51p or Rad54p. However, pat1Δ strains display additional manifestations of more general genomic instability, in that they show mild sensitivity to UV light and an increased incidence of interchromosomal recombination between heteroalleles.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae top2 mutants deficient in topoisomerase II activity are defective in chromosome segregation during both mitotic and meiotic cell divisions. To identify proteins that act in concert with topoisomerase II during chromosome segregation in S.cerevisiae, we have used a two-hybrid cloning approach. We report the isolation of the PAT1 gene (for protein associated with topoisomerase II), which encodes a novel 90 kDa proline- and glutamine-rich protein that interacts with a highly conserved, leucine-rich region of topoisomerase II in vivo. Strains lacking Pat1p exhibit a slow growth rate and a phenotype reminiscent of conditional top2 mutants grown at the semi-permissive temperature; most notably, a reduced fidelity of chromosome segregation during both mitosis and meiosis. These findings indicate that the PAT1 gene is necessary for accurate chromosome transmission during cell division in eukaryotic cells and suggest that the interaction of Pat1p and topoisomerase II is an important component of this function.  相似文献   

A M Myers  L K Pape    A Tzagoloff 《The EMBO journal》1985,4(8):2087-2092
The genes of Saccharomyces cerevisiae coding for the mitochondrial threonine and tryptophan tRNA synthetases and for a putative mitochondrial ribosomal protein have been cloned. These, and the previously cloned gene for a mitochondrial elongation factor, were used to disrupt or partially delete the wild-type chromosomal copies of the genes in the respiratory-competent strain W303. In each case, inactivation of a gene whose product is required for mitochondrial protein synthesis causes an instability in mitochondrial DNA. Although intact mitochondrial genomes are rapidly and quantitatively eliminated in the protein synthesis defective strains, specific rho- genomes can be maintained stably over many generations. These results indicate that mitochondrial protein synthesis is required for the propagation of wild-type mitochondrial DNA in yeast.  相似文献   

Cells have evolved molecular mechanisms for the efficient transmission of organelles during cell division. Little is known about how peroxisomes are inherited. Inp1p is a peripheral membrane protein of peroxisomes of Saccharomyces cerevisiae that affects both the morphology of peroxisomes and their partitioning during cell division. In vivo 4-dimensional video microscopy showed an inability of mother cells to retain a subset of peroxisomes in dividing cells lacking the INP1 gene, whereas cells overexpressing INP1 exhibited immobilized peroxisomes that failed to be partitioned to the bud. Overproduced Inp1p localized to both peroxisomes and the cell cortex, supporting an interaction of Inp1p with specific structures lining the cell periphery. The levels of Inp1p vary with the cell cycle. Inp1p binds Pex25p, Pex30p, and Vps1p, which have been implicated in controlling peroxisome division. Our findings are consistent with Inp1p acting as a factor that retains peroxisomes in cells and controls peroxisome division. Inp1p is the first peroxisomal protein directly implicated in peroxisome inheritance.  相似文献   

The Ded1 protein (Ded1p), a member of the DEAD-box family, has recently been shown to be essential for translation initiation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Here, we show that Ded1p purified from Escherichia coli has an ATPase activity, which is stimulated by various RNA substrates. Using an RNA strand-displacement assay, we show that Ded1p has also an ATP-dependent RNA unwinding activity. Hydrolysis of ATP is required for this activity: the replacement of ATP by a nonhydrolyzable analog or a mutation in the DEAD motif abolishing ATPase activity results in loss of RNA unwinding. We find that cells harboring a Ded1 protein with this mutated DEAD motif are nonviable, suggesting that the ATPase and RNA helicase activities of this protein are essential to the cell. Finally, RNA binding measurements indicate that the presence of ATP, but not ADP, increases the affinity of Ded1p for duplex versus single-stranded RNA; we discuss how this differential effect might drive the unwinding reaction.  相似文献   

In a screen of nuclear genes that assist splicing of mitochondrial localized group II introns in yeast we isolated low-copy number suppressors of splicing and respiratory-deficient point mutants of intron aI5gamma, the last intron of the gene encoding cytochrome c oxidase subunit I. One of the genes found contains the open reading frame (ORF) YGL064c that has previously been proposed to encode a putative RNA helicase of the DEAD box family. Deletion of the ORF gives rise to 100% cytoplasmic petites, indicating that the protein plays an essential role in the mitochondrial RNA metabolism. Overexpression of YGL064c-GFP fusions clearly revealed a mitochondrial localization of the protein. The gene encodes the fourth putative RNA helicase of Saccharomyces cerevisiae implicated in a mitochondrial function and was therefore termed MRH4 (for mitochondrial RNA helicase).  相似文献   

Kip1p is a mitotic spindle-associated kinesin-related protein in Saccharomyces cerevisiae that participates in spindle pole separation. Here, we define the domain arrangement and polypeptide composition of the Kip1p holoenzyme. Electron microscopy of rotary shadowed Kip1p molecules revealed two globular domains 14 nm in diameter connected by a 73-nm long stalk. When the Kip1p domain homologous to the kinesin motor domain was decorated with an unrelated protein, the diameter of the globular domains at both ends of the stalk increased, indicating that Kip1p is bipolar. Soluble Kip1p isolated from S. cerevisiae cells was homomeric, based on the similarity of the sedimentation coefficients of native Kip1p from S. cerevisiae and Kip1p which was purified after expression in insect cells. The holoenzyme molecular weight was estimated using the sedimentation coefficient and Stokes radius, and was most consistent with a tetrameric composition. Kip1p exhibited an ionic strength-dependent transition in its sedimentation coefficient, revealing a potential regulatory mechanism. The position of kinesin motor-related domains at each end of the stalk may allow Kip1p to cross-link either parallel or antiparallel microtubules during mitotic spindle assembly and pole separation.  相似文献   

Protein kinases in the Cot-1/Orb6/Ndr/Warts family are important regulators of cell morphogenesis and proliferation. Cbk1p, a member of this family in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, has previously been shown to be required for normal morphogenesis in vegetatively growing cells and in haploid cells responding to mating pheromone. A mutant of PAG1, a novel gene in S. cerevisiae, displayed defects similar to those of cbk1 mutants. pag1 and cbk1 mutants share a common set of suppressors, including the disruption of SSD1, a gene encoding an RNA binding protein, and the overexpression of Sim1p, an extracellular protein. These genetic results suggest that PAG1 and CBK1 act in the same pathway. Furthermore, we found that Pag1p and Cbk1p localize to the same polarized peripheral sites and that they coimmunoprecipitate with each other. Pag1p is a conserved protein. The homologs of Pag1p in other organisms are likely to form complexes with the Cbk1p-related kinases and function with those kinases in the same biological processes.  相似文献   

We cloned the GLC7/DIS2S1 gene by complementation of the cid1-226 mutation, which relieves glucose repression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. GLC7 encodes the catalytic subunit of type 1 protein phosphatase (PP1). Genetic analysis and sequencing showed that cid1-226 is an allele of GLC7, now designated glc7-T152K, which alters threonine 152 to lysine. We also show that the glc7-1 and glc7-T152K alleles cause distinct phenotypes: glc7-1 causes a severe defect in glycogen accumulation but does not relieve glucose repression, whereas glc7-T152K does not prevent glycogen accumulation. These findings are discussed in light of evidence that interaction with different regulatory or targeting subunits directs the participation of PP1 in diverse cellular regulatory mechanisms. Finally, genetic studies suggest that PP1 functions antagonistically to the SNF1 protein kinase in the regulatory response to glucose.  相似文献   

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae WSS1 (Weak Suppressor of Smt3) gene has initially been identified as a multicopy suppressor of a mutation in SMT3 encoding the small ubiquitin-like modifier. Later, multiple functions related to DNA replication and repair have been found for WSS1. Here, we report the subcellular location of the Wss1 protein. Fluorescence microscopy of strains expressing a Wss1p-green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusion shows that the protein is present in a single sharp spot near the nuclear membrane, distinct from the spindle pole bodies and nucleolus. In dividing cells, the spot is exclusively present in the mother cell, suggesting a mother cell-specific function of WSS1.  相似文献   

We show that the vacuolar protein sorting gene VPS44 is identical to NHX1, a gene that encodes a sodium/proton exchanger. The Saccharomyces cerevisiae protein Nhx1p shows high homology to mammalian sodium/proton exchangers of the NHE family. Nhx1p is thought to transport sodium ions into the prevacuole compartment in exchange for protons. Pulse-chase experiments show that approximately 35% of the newly synthesized soluble vacuolar protein carboxypeptidase Y is missorted in nhx1 delta cells, and is secreted from the cell. nhx1 delta cells accumulate late Golgi, prevacuole, and lysosome markers in an aberrant structure next to the vacuole, and late Golgi proteins are proteolytically cleaved more rapidly than in wild-type cells. Our results show that efficient transport out of the prevacuolar compartment requires Nhx1p, and that nhx1 delta cells exhibit phenotypes characteristic of the "class E" group of vps mutants. In addition, we show that Nhx1p is required for protein trafficking even in the absence of the vacuolar ATPase. Our analysis of Nhx1p provides the first evidence that a sodium/proton exchange protein is important for correct protein sorting, and that intraorganellar ion balance may be important for endosomal function in yeast.  相似文献   

A synthetic cruciform DNA (X-DNA) was used for screening cellular extracts of Saccharomyces cerevisiae for X-DNA-binding activity. Three X-DNA-binding proteins with apparent molecular mass of 28kDa, 26kDa and 24kDa, estimated by SDS-PAGE, were partially purified. They were identified as N-terminal fragments originating from the same putative protein, encoded by the open reading frame YHR146W, which we named CRP1 (cruciform DNA-recognising protein 1). Expression of CRP1 in Escherichia coli showed that Crp1p is subject to efficient proteolysis at one specific site. Cleavage leads to an N-terminal subpeptide of approximately 160 amino acid residues that is capable of binding specifically X-DNA with an estimated dissociation constant (K(d)) of 800nM, and a C-terminal subpeptide of approximately 305 residues without intrinsic X-DNA-binding activity. The N-terminal subpeptide is of a size similarly to that of the fragments identified in yeast, suggesting that the same cleavage process occurs in the yeast and the E.coli background. This makes the action of a site-specific protease unlikely and favours the possibility of an autoproteolytic activity of Crp1p. The DNA-binding domain of Crp1p was mapped to positions 120-141. This domain can act autonomously as an X-DNA-binding peptide and provides a new, lysine-rich DNA-binding domain different from those of known cruciform DNA-binding proteins (CBPs). As reported earlier for several other CBPs, Crp1p exerts an enhancing effect on the cleavage of X-DNA by endonuclease VII from bacteriophage T4.  相似文献   

To explore the function of VIG-1 in Caenorhabditis elegans, we analyzed the phenotypes of two vig-1 deletion mutants: vig-1(tm3383) and vig-1(ok2536). Both vig-1 mutants exhibited phenotypes associated with genome instability, such as a high incidence of males (Him) and increased embryonic lethality. These phenotypes became more evident in succeeding generations, implying that the germline of vig-1 accumulates DNA damage over generations. To examine whether vig-1 causes a defect in the DNA damage response, we treated worms with UV or camptothecin, a specific topoisomerase I inhibitor. We observed that the embryonic survival of the vig-1 mutants was reduced compared with that of the wild-type worms. Our results thus suggest that VIG-1 is required for maintaining genome stability in response to endogenous and exogenous genotoxic stresses.  相似文献   

Normal cell growth in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae involves the selection of genetically determined bud sites where most growth is localized. Previous studies have shown that BEM2, which encodes a GTPase-activating protein (GAP) that is specific for the Rho-type GTPase Rho1p in vitro, is required for proper bud site selection and bud emergence. We show here that DBM1, which encodes another putative Rho-type GAP with two tandemly arranged cysteine-rich LIM domains, also is needed for proper bud site selection, as haploid cells lacking Dbm1p bud predominantly in a bipolar, rather than the normal axial, manner. Furthermore, yeast cells lacking both Bem2p and Dbm1p are inviable. The nonaxial budding defect of dbm1 mutants can be rescued partially by overproduction of Bem3p and is exacerbated by its absence. Since Bem3p has previously been shown to function as a GAP for Cdc42p, and also less efficiently for Rho1p, our results suggest that Dbm1p, like Bem2p and Bem3p, may function in vivo as a GAP for Cdc42p and/or Rho1p. Both LIM domains of Dbm1p are essential for its normal function. Point mutations that alter single conserved cysteine residues within either LIM domain result in mutant forms of Dbm1p that can no longer function in bud site selection but instead are capable of rescuing the inviability of bem2 mutants at 35 degrees C.  相似文献   

Rsp5p is a conserved HECT-domain ubiquitin ligase with diverse roles in cellular physiology. Here we report a previously unknown role of Rsp5p in facilitating the stability of the cytoplasmic ribosome pool in budding yeast. Yeast strains carrying temperature-sensitive mutations in RSP5 showed a progressive decline in levels of 18S and 25S rRNAs and accumulation of rRNA decay fragments when cells grown in rich medium were shifted to restrictive temperature. This was accompanied by a decreased number of translating ribosomes and the appearance of ribosomal subunits with an abnormally low sedimentation rate in polysome analysis. Abrogating Rsp5p function affected stability of other tested noncoding RNA species (tRNA and snoRNA), but to a lower extent than that of rRNA, and also inhibited processing of rRNA and tRNA precursors, in agreement with previous studies. The breakdown of cellular ribosomes was not affected by deletion of key genes involved in autophagy, previously implicated in ribosome turnover upon starvation. Our results suggest that functional Rsp5p is required to maintain the integrity of cytoplasmic ribosomes under rich nutrient conditions.  相似文献   

The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) has a mechanism to block the exit of misfolded or unassembled proteins from the ER for the downstream organelles in the secretory pathway. Misfolded proteins retained in the ER are subjected to proteasome-dependent degradation in the cytosol when they cannot achieve correct folding and/or assembly within an appropriate time window. Although specific mannose trimming of the protein-bound oligosaccharide is essential for the degradation of misfolded glycoproteins, the precise mechanism for this recognition remains obscure. Here we report a new alpha-mannosidase-like protein, Mnl1p (mannosidase-like protein), in the yeast ER. Mnl1p is unlikely to exhibit alpha1,2-mannosidase activity, because it lacks cysteine residues that are essential for alpha1,2-mannosidase. However deletion of the MNL1 gene causes retardation of the degradation of misfolded carboxypeptidase Y, but not of the unglycosylated mutant form of the yeast alpha-mating pheromone. Possible roles of Mnl1p in the degradation and in the ER-retention of misfolded glycoproteins are discussed.  相似文献   

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutant strains blocked in the protein secretion pathway are not able to induce sexual aggregation. We have utilized the defect of aggregation to concentrate the secretion-deficient cells and identified a new gene which functions in the process of intracellular protein transport. The new mutant, uso1, is temperature sensitive for growth and protein secretion. At the restrictive temperature (37 degrees C), uso1 mutant accumulated the core-glycosylated precursor form of the exported protein invertase in the cells. Ultrastructural study of the mutant fixed by the freeze-substitution method revealed expansion of the nuclear envelope lumen and accumulation of the ER at the restrictive temperature. Abnormally oriented bundles of microtubules were often found in the nucleus. The USO1 gene was cloned by complementation of the uso1 temperature-sensitive growth defect. DNA sequence analysis revealed a hydrophilic protein of 1790 amino acids with a COOH-terminal 1,100-amino acid-long alpha-helical structure characteristic of the coiled-coil rod region of the cytoskeleton-related proteins. These observations suggest that Uso1 protein plays a role as a cytoskeletal component in the protein transport from the ER to the later secretory compartments.  相似文献   

We have identified two Saccharomyces cerevisiae genes that, in high copy, confer resistance to Kluyveromyces lactis zymocin, an inhibitor that blocks cells in the G(1) phase of the cell cycle prior to budding and DNA replication. One gene (GRX3) encodes a glutaredoxin and is likely to act at the level of zymocin entry into sensitive cells, while the other encodes Sap155p, one of a family of four related proteins that function positively and interdependently with the Sit4p protein phosphatase. Increased SAP155 dosage protects cells by influencing the sensitivity of the intracellular target and is unique among the four SAP genes in conferring zymocin resistance in high copy, but is antagonized by high-copy SAP185 or SAP190. Since cells lacking SIT4 or deleted for both SAP185 and SAP190 are also zymocin resistant, our data support a model whereby high-copy SAP155 promotes resistance by competition with the endogenous levels of SAP185 and SAP190 expression. Zymocin sensitivity therefore requires a Sap185p/Sap190p-dependent function of Sit4p protein phosphatase. Mutations affecting the RNA polymerase II Elongator complex also confer K. lactis zymocin resistance. Since sit4Delta and SAP-deficient strains share in common several other phenotypes associated with Elongator mutants, Elongator function may be a Sit4p-dependent process.  相似文献   

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