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Highly polymorphic genetic markers provide a useful tool for estimating important genetic parameters in studies of the evolution of sociality in insects. Here we report 14 polymorphic microsatellite markers developed in the ant Formica exsecta. The number of alleles found ranged between 3 and 18 per locus. These markers were developed for studying genetic population structure and mating structure in F. exsecta populations with varying social organizations (monogyne and polygyne types of societies). Cross‐species amplification indicated that some of the markers might be usable even in species belonging to different subfamilies.  相似文献   

Various intrinsic factors connected to the special features of sociality influence the persistence of social insect populations, including low effective population size, reduced amount of genetic variation easily leading to inbreeding depression, and spatially structured populations. In this work, we studied an isolated, small and fragmented population system of the red wood ant Formica lugubris, and evaluated the impact of social and genetic population structure on the persistence and conservation of the populations. The effective population size was large in our study population because all nests were polygynous. As a result, and despite the apparent isolation, the amount of nuclear genetic variability was similar to that in a nonisolated population system. Lack of inbreeding, as well as a high level of variability, indirectly suggests that this population does not suffer from inbreeding depression. The spatial distribution of genetic variation between local populations suggests intensive, but strongly male-biased, nuclear gene flow. Thus, the persistence of this population system does not seem to be threatened by any immediate social or genetic factor, but colonization of new habitat patches may be difficult because of restricted female dispersal.  相似文献   

Ants are interesting subjects for studies of evolution of altruism. We developed 13 microsatellite loci in a red wood ant Formica (s. str.) yessensis from random amplified polymorphic DNA fragments to study genetic structure within populations and colonies. Five loci bore two to five alleles in both F. (s. str.) yessensis and F. (s. str.) truncorum and two were also polymorphic in a related species, Polyergus samurai. Results suggest that the loci will be useful in evolutionary studies on Formica and Polyergus species.  相似文献   

The phylogeography and demographic history of two closely related species of the red wood ant (Formica pratensis and F. lugubris) were examined across Eurasia. The phylogeny based on a 1.5-kilobase mitochondrial DNA fragment, including the cytochrome b gene and part of the ND6 gene, showed one phylogeographical division in F. pratensis. This division (0.7% of nucleotide divergence) suggests postglacial colonization of western Europe and of a wide area ranging from Sweden on the west to Lake Baikal on the east from separate forest refugia. In two localities, mitochondrial DNA has been transferred from F. lugubris to F. pratensis and all the individuals of F. pratensis sampled from the Pyrenees had haplotypes clustering in the lugubris clade. No phylogeographical divisions were detected in F. lugubris. Comparison of species-wide phylogeography between the two sympatrically distributed species of ant demonstrates a difference in phylogeographical structure that implies different vicariant histories. However, over most of the species' distribution ranges, similar signs of demographic expansion predating the last glaciation and the lack of phylogeographical structure were found in both the eastern phylogroup of F. pratensis and F. lugubris. This finding is highly consistent with the results reported for all other boreal forest animal species studied to date in Eurasia. Contraction of the distribution range of each species to a single refugial area at different times during the late Pleistocene and a subsequent population expansion seem to be an explanation for the lack of phylogeographical structure across most of Eurasia in species that are ecologically associated with the boreal forest.  相似文献   

Five polymorphic microsatellite loci were developed for the ant Myrmica scabrinodis using a magnetic bead hybridization selection protocol. The number of alleles per locus varied between three and six. Cross‐species amplification of four of the loci yielded positive amplification products in four Myrmica species, suggesting their general suitability for microsatellite analysis within this taxonomic group.  相似文献   

Highly polymorphic genetic markers provide a useful tool for estimating genetic parameters in studies of the evolution of sociality in insects. We isolated and characterized 12 polymorphic microsatellite loci in the invasive ant, Wasmannia auropunctata, and described experimental conditions for PCR (polymerase chain reaction) multiplexing and simultaneously genotyping these loci in two sets of five and seven markers. The number of alleles per locus ranged from two to 14 and the observed heterozygosity ranged from 0.233 to 0.967. Moreover, results of cross‐species amplification tests are reported in three other species of Wasmannia and in two species of the genus Allomerus.  相似文献   

We describe the isolation and characterization of 11 microsatellite loci in the sociobiologically enigmatic ant Lasius austriacus. The polymerase chain reaction primers were tested on a population in East Austria. The number of alleles ranged from four to 19 and the observed heterozygosity from 0.200 to 0.900. Cross‐species amplification tests were performed, with some loci polymorphic in all species tested, for the closely related invasive species Lasius neglectus, three further Lasius species, another formicine, Formica polyctena, and the invasive myrmicine species Tetramorium tsushimae.  相似文献   

The ant Formica exsecta has two types of colonies that exist in sympatry but usually as separate subpopulations: colonies with simple social organization and single queens (M type) or colonial networks with multiple queens (P type). We used both nuclear (DNA microsatellites) and mitochondrial markers to study the transition between the social types, and the contribution of males and females in gene flow within and between the types. Our results showed that the social types had different spatial genetic structures. The M subpopulations formed a fairly uniform population, whereas the P subpopulations were, on average, more differentiated from each other than from the nearby M subpopulations and could have been locally established from the M-type colonies, followed by philopatric behavior and restricted emigration of females. Thus, the relationship between the two social types resembles that of source (M type) and sink (P type) populations. The comparison of mitochondrial (phiST) and nuclear (FST) differentiation indicates that the dispersal rate of males is four to five times larger than that of females both among the P-type subpopulations and between the social types. Our results suggest that evolution toward complex social organization can have an important effect on genetic population structure through changes in dispersal behavior associated with different sociogenetic organizations.  相似文献   

Diacamma ceylonense is a queenless, ponerine ant whose colonies are headed by a single, mated, egg‐laying worker referred to as the gamergate. Thus, new colonies are a result of dispersal by wingless gamergates. This is expected to influence patterns of colony dispersal and spatial distribution of genetic variablity. In order to facilitate the study of population genetic structure we have identified six unique, polymorphic, microsatellite loci. We have used fluorescence tagged primers to detect polymorphism at these loci.  相似文献   

We describe the isolation and development of 12 polymorphic tetranucleotide microsatellite loci for Arctic grayling (Thymallus arcticus). In a sample of 46 fish, we observed between three and 20 alleles per locus. All 12 of these loci were also polymorphic in at least one of the following Thymallus species and subspecies: T. burejensis, T. amurensis, T. thymallus, T. brevirostris, T. grubii, T. arcticus baicalensis and T. arcticus pallasi. These loci will aid in our understanding of the population genetics, behaviour and conservation of grayling species throughout the northern hemisphere.  相似文献   

The orchid genus Caladenia is species rich with many threatened and endangered taxa. We report on the isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci in the rare Caladenia huegelii for molecular evaluation of this and the closely related C. thinicola as part of the development of conservation initiatives. Eight di‐ and trinucleotide loci were screened using 30 samples from each species. All loci were highly variable, with similar levels of heterozygosity and number of alleles across both species. These markers will be highly informative for population studies in both species.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Individual worker ants isolated in an actograph exhibit circadian rhythms of locomotor activity. Entrainment occurs more readily in LD 18:6 h than in LD 12:12 h. The ants are either light-active or dark-active. Phase angle and duration of activity is influenced by photoperiod.  相似文献   

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