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盐胁迫对冬小麦幼苗干物质分配和生理生态特性的影响   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15  
以冬小麦(Triticum aestivum L.)品种周麦18(Zhoumai18)和豫麦49(Yumai49)为材料,采用盆栽培养,研究100、250、350 mmol/L和450 mmol/L NaCl 浓度胁迫下,小麦幼苗干物质分配、根系特征、叶绿素含量、游离脯氨酸含量和根系活力变化规律.结果表明,随着盐分浓度的增加,两个品种小麦的叶面积、地上干重以及根的长度显著减小;根系干重、根直径、根表面积、根体积、根系活力以及叶绿素含量呈先上升后下降趋势,在250 mmol/L NaCl处理下达最大.叶绿素a/b随NaCl浓度升高而上升.随盐分浓度变化周麦18叶片游离脯氨酸含量高而变化幅度大,450mmol/L处理组的含量高于对照组1.5倍.供试品种冬小麦耐盐阈值为250~350 mmol/L.  相似文献   

NaCl胁迫对黄瓜幼苗体内K+、Na+和Cl-分布的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用营养液水培,以2个耐盐性不同的黄瓜品种为材料,研究了不同浓度NaCl处理下幼苗植株体内K 、Na 和Cl-在器官间的区域化分布及其吸收和运输特性的变化。结果表明:NaCl胁迫下,黄瓜植株体内K 含量下降,Na 和Cl-含量升高,变化幅度随NaCl浓度的升高而增大;不同器官间,茎中Na 和Cl-含量最高,上位叶中Na 和Cl-含量最低、K 含量下降幅度最小。与耐盐性较弱的“津春2号”相比,耐盐性较强的“长春密刺”根向茎运输的SK,Na值较高,根系对Na 的截留作用较强,茎向上位叶运输的SK,Na和SCl,Na值均较高,叶片中K 含量下降幅度较小,K/Na和Cl/Na比值均较高,功能叶中盐分离子尤其是Na 积累较少,植株生物量较高。说明根系对Na 的截留能力较强且向上位叶运输Na 的选择性较低,是“长春密刺”耐盐性较强的主要原因之一。  相似文献   

盐胁迫对大豆根系木质部压力和Na+吸收的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
取栽培大豆的水培幼苗为材料,用木质部压力探针和原子吸收分光光度计测定了盐胁迫条件下其根木质部压力和伤流液中Na~+含量的变化,以分析大豆抗盐吸水的机制.结果表明:在25~150 mmol/L NaCl的浓度范围内,随着盐胁迫强度的增加,大豆根木质部负压力的绝对值逐渐增大,但相对负压力和根的径向反射系数则逐渐减小;木质部伤流液中Na~+含量逐渐增加,但Na~+的相对含量则逐渐降低.同时,虽然根系吸水所需的木质部负压力(压力势)及根木质部伤流液的渗透势随着盐胁迫强度的增加都有所下降,但两者共同作用使木质部水势下降的幅度远远小于根外溶液水势(渗透势)下降的幅度,即随着根外溶液盐浓度的升高,根木质部溶液的总水势逐渐高出根外溶液的水势.上述结果说明,在盐胁迫下大豆可以利用相对小的木质部负压力逆水势梯度吸水,且通过避免对Na~+的过量吸收来适应盐胁迫环境.  相似文献   

以抗盐品种茶淀红和盐敏感品种中国春等两种小麦为实验材料,研究甜菜碱对盐分胁迫条件下小麦(TriticumaestivumL.)幼苗Na+、K+、Cl-的吸收、分配的影响。结果表明:外源甜菜碱能够在一定程度上限制幼苗对Na+、Cl-的吸收,阻滞其向地上部分运输的数量和速度,同时提高体内K+含量、向上运输效率,降低地上部分对Na+、K+的选择性(SNa+、K+),从而提高小麦幼苗抗盐性和对盐分胁迫的适应性。  相似文献   

NaCl胁迫下黄瓜幼苗体内K+、Na+和Cl-分布及吸收特性的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用营养液水培法,研究了不同浓度NaCl胁迫对黄瓜幼苗不同器官K 、Na 和Cl-含量的影响。结果表明,NaCl胁迫下黄瓜植株体内K 含量下降,Na 和Cl-含量升高,变化幅度随NaCl浓度的增加而增大;NaCl处理4 d后,各器官中K 含量下降幅度剧增,叶片中Na 和Cl-含量快速升高;3种离子在器官间呈区域化分布,Na 主要积累在根和茎部,K 和Cl-主要积累在茎部,而且K 的含量下降幅度由根向叶递减。在低浓度NaCl胁迫或高浓度NaCl短期胁迫下,黄瓜植株对K 的吸收选择性以及向地上部运输的选择性提高,离子区域化分布的能力增强,有利于避免离子代谢紊乱,减轻NaCl胁迫的伤害。可见,离子在器官水平的区域化分布是黄瓜植株耐盐性的重要机理之一。  相似文献   

盐胁迫下水稻苗期Na+和K+吸收与分配规律的初步研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
选择苗期耐盐性较强的水稻(Oryza sativa)品种(株系)'AB52'、'02402'和'02435'及敏感品种'日本晴',在网室周转箱内,设置5 000和8 000 mg·L-1NaCl两种盐处理,以清水为对照,研究盐胁迫下苗期水稻植株不同部位Na+和K+的吸收和分配与品种耐盐性的关系.结果表明,盐胁迫下,株高、绿叶干重和绿叶面积下降,绿叶中的水分含量降低,但茎鞘中的水分含量有所上升.5 000 mg·L-1NaCl胁迫处理10 d,耐盐品种所受的生长影响和叶片伤害程度低于敏感品种,但8 000 mg·L-1NaCl胁迫处理下品种间差异变小.盐胁迫下,水稻植株吸收Na+和置换出K+,但不同器官部位中Na+和K+的区域化分布特征明显,各部位的Na+含量由低到高依次为绿叶、根、茎鞘和枯叶.下部老叶能优先积累较多Na+而枯黄;绿叶吸收Na+相对较少,维持较低的Na+水平,同时保持较高且稳定的K+含量;植株茎鞘通过选择性吸收大量Na+和置换出一部分K+到叶片中,保持绿叶较稳定的K+含量和相对较低的Na+含量,维持较高的K+/Na+比,从而使植株少受盐害.敏感品种'日本晴'在盐胁迫下绿叶中的Na+含量相对较高,且5 000 mg·L-1NaCl胁迫下绿叶Na+含量已接近高值,与在8 000 mg·L-1NaCl胁迫下差异不大,而耐盐品种绿叶吸收较少的Na+.另一方面,耐盐品种茎鞘的含K+相对较高,在盐胁迫下能吸收容纳较多的Na+,而绿叶中K+/Na+比较高.可以认为,绿叶的K+/Na+比可作为一个衡量耐盐性的相对指标.  相似文献   

以合欢、刺槐、国槐和皂英4种豆科树种盆栽实生幼苗为试验材料,研究了NaC1胁迫下4个树种幼苗的生长、耐盐临界浓度和Na+、K+含量的变化,并对其耐盐性进行了比较.结果表明:NaC1胁迫抑制了4个树种幼苗的生长,苗木的干物质积累量减小、根冠比增大,尤其对合欢和皂荚的影响较大;以相对干质量降至对照组50%时的NaC1浓度作为生长临界NaC1浓度(C50)指标,4个树种的耐盐强弱顺序为:刺槐(5.0‰)>国槐(4.5‰)>皂荚(3.9‰)>合欢(3.0‰);随NaC1浓度的增加,各树种幼苗根、茎、叶中Na+含量逐渐增加,K+含量先增加后减小(合欢根除外),而K+/Na+差异较大.相同浓度NaC1胁迫下,幼苗器官的Na+分布为根>茎>叶,K+因树种和NaC1浓度不同而各异,以叶片中较多,K+/Na+为叶>茎>根.NaC1胁迫下,刺槐的K+含量和K+/Na+较高,地上部分Na+含量较低,幼苗干物质量大,耐盐性较强;而合欢的K+/Na+较小,高浓度NaC1胁迫下地上部分的Na+含量较高,幼苗干物质量小,耐盐性较差.苗木地上部分对K+的积累和根部对Na+的滞留是影响豆科树种耐盐性能的主要因素.  相似文献   

NaCl胁迫对阿月浑子各器官Na+、K+吸收的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
在温室盆栽条件下,用NaCl处理新疆长果阿月浑子与美国品种Kerman,处理浓度为50、150、250和500 mmol·L-1,盐处理后5、10、20 d分别取叶、茎和根,测定各器官中Na+、K+含量及Na+/K+变化规律.研究结果表明,随着土壤盐浓度的增加,长果阿月浑子和Kerman的叶、茎和根中Na+离子含量在盐处理5、10、20 d后每个处理都表现出升高趋势;而两个品种的叶、根和茎中的K+含量在盐处理后其变化规律都不稳定.长果阿月浑子叶片、茎和根系中Na+/K+的比值在盐处理5 d和10 d都升高.Kerman的叶和根系中Na+/K+比值在处理5、10、20 d后升高;茎中Na+/K+处理10 d后升高,但20 d后没有明显变化.实验结果表明NaCl胁迫后,长果阿月浑子的叶片中Na+含量增加幅度均大于Kerman,Kerman根和茎中的Na+含量增加幅度大于长果阿月浑子;NaCl胁迫5 d和10 d后,长果阿月浑子叶片中的Na+/K+的比值高于Kerman,Kerman茎和根部中的Na+/K+的比值高于长果阿月浑子,表明了长果阿月浑子和Kerman都具有一定的耐盐性,但Kerman的耐盐性强于长果阿月浑子.由于叶片和根中Na+和Na+/K+比值的变化很稳定,可以确定为阿月浑子主要抗盐指标,茎中Na+/K+的变化规律较稳定,可以作为抗盐性参考指标.  相似文献   

钾离子对盐诱导菠菜甜菜碱累积的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
无钾条件下盐胁迫处理菠菜幼苗所诱导的甜菜碱积累量及甜菜碱醛脱氢酶活性均比含钾条件下盐处理时低。无K^+2离体叶片可引起组织甜菜碱含量下降;用无K^+培养或K^+通道抑制剂TEA处理菠菜幼苗,BADH活性随处理时间延长出现下降。  相似文献   

干旱、盐和低温胁迫对水稻幼苗脯氨酸含量的影响   总被引:79,自引:1,他引:79  
以三叶期的水稻幼苗为材料,研究了干旱(-0.6MPa PEG模拟)、盐(0.15ml/L NaCl)和低温(6℃)胁迫下,不同水稻品种脯氨酸积累的变化。结果表明,干旱、盐和低温胁迫下稻苗均可积累脯氨酸,且随着胁迫时间的处长而加剧。在同一胁迫条件下,耐性强的品种脯氨酸积累较少,而敏感品种脯氨酸积累则较多。脯氨酸的积累不宜作为稻苗抗逆性的筛选指标。  相似文献   

Summary To clarify the dependency of the Na/K coupling of the Na,K-pump on internal Na and external K concentrations in skeletal muscle, the ouabain-induced change in membrane potential, the ouabain-induced change in Na efflux and the membrane resistance were measured at various internal Na and external K concentrations in bullfrog sartorius muscle.Upon raising the internal Na concentration from 6 mmol/kg muscle water to 20 mmol/kg muscle water, the magnitude of the ouabain-induced change in membrane potential increased about eightfold and the magnitude of the ouabain-induced change in Na efflux increased about fivefold while the membrane resistance was not significantly changed. As the external K concentration increased from 1 to 10mm, the magnitude of the ouabain-induced change in membrane potential decreased (1/5.5 fold), while the magnitude of the ouabain-induced change in Na efflux increased (about 1.5-fold). The membrane resistance decreased upon raising the external K concentration from 1 to 10mm (1/2-fold). These observations imply that the values of the Na/K coupling of the Na,K-pump increases upon raising the internal Na concentration and decreases upon raising the external K concentration.  相似文献   

  • Accumulation of NaCl in soil causes osmotic stress in plants, and sodium (Na+) and chloride (Cl?) cause ion toxicity, but also reduce the potassium (K+) uptake by plant roots and stimulate the K+ efflux through the cell membrane. Thus, decreased K+/Na+ ratio in plant tissue lead us to hypothesise that elevated levels of K+ in nutrient medium enhance this ratio in plant tissue and cytosol to improve enzyme activation, osmoregulation and charge balance.
  • In this study, wheat was cultivated at different concentrations of K+ (2.2, 4.4 or 8.8 mm ) with or without salinity (1, 60 or 120 mm NaCl) and the effects on growth, root and shoot Na+ and K+ distribution and grain yield were determined. Also, the cytosolic Na+ concentration was investigated, as well as photosynthesis rate and water potential.
  • Salinity reduced fresh weight of both shoots and roots and dry weight of roots. The grain yield was significantly reduced under Na+ stress and improved with elevated K+ fertilisation. Elevated K+ level during cultivation prevented the accumulation of Na+ into the cytosol of both shoot and root protoplasts. Wheat growth at vegetative stage was transiently reduced at the highest K+ concentration, perhaps due to plants' efforts to overcome a high solute concentration in the plant tissue, nevertheless grain yield was increased at both K+ levels.
  • In conclusion, a moderately elevated K+ application to wheat seedlings reduces tissue as well as cytosolic Na+ concentration and enhances wheat growth and grain yield by mitigating the deleterious effects of Na+ toxicity.

Reaction of a dog kidney (Na + K)-ATPase with pyridoxal phosphate, followed by borohydride reduction, reduced the catalytic activity when measured subsequently. The time course of inactivation did not follow a first-order process, and certain characteristics of the residual enzymatic activity were modified. Moreover, various catalytic activities were diminished differently: Na-ATPase activity was largely spared, K-phosphatase activity was diminished only by half that of the (Na + K)-ATPase, whereas (Na + K)-CTPase and Na-CTPase activities were diminished more. ATP, ADP, CTP, nitrophenyl phosphate, and Pi all protected against inactivation. Increasing salt concentrations increased inactivation, but KCl slowed and NaCl hastened inactivation when compared with choline chloride. Occupancy of certain substrate or cation sites seemed more crucial than selection of conformational states. For the residual (Na + K)-ATPase activity theK 0.5 for K+ was lower and theK 0.5 for Na+ higher, while the sensitivities to ouabain, oligomycin, and dimethylsulfoxide were diminished; for the residual K-phosphatase activity theK 0.5 for K+ was unchanged, the sensitivity to ouabain and oligomycin diminished, but the stimulation by dimethylsulfoxide increased. These properties cannot be wholly accommodated by assuming merely shifts toward either of the two major enzyme conformations.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to determine the effect of water stress on nutritional changes in tolerant (DS-4 and Chakwal-86) and susceptible (DS-17 and Pavon) genotypes in lysimeters. The stress was imposed at different growth stages (pre-anthesis, post-anthesis, terminal drought). The biomass (dry weight) and Ca, Mg and P concentration decreased with water stress in all the wheat genotypes. However, the tolerant genotypes had less reduction than susceptible at all the treatments. Potassium increased in all wheat genotypes due to water stress and was higher in tolerant than susceptible genotypes. Sodium content was not affected by water stress.  相似文献   

盐胁迫对4树种叶片中K^+和Na^+的影响及其耐盐能力的评价   总被引:39,自引:0,他引:39  
通过盆栽试验,对我国南方银杏(Ginkgo biloba L.)、侧柏[Patycladus orentalis(L.)Franco]、火炬松(Pinus taeda L.)和剌槐(Robinia Pseudoacacia L.)4造林树种苗木叶片中K^ 、N^ 浓度浓度和N^ /K^ 比进行测定,盐处理水平为0.0%(CK)、0.1%、0.3%和0.5%。随着盐浓度的提高,各树种叶片中Na^ 浓度和N^ /K^ 有逐渐升高的趋势,但K^ 浓度变化较小;随着盐胁迫时间的推移,各树种叶片中Na^ 、K^ 浓度和Na^ /K^ 比都没有明显的变化规律。方差分析和多层比较表明,侧柏、火炬松和剌槐叶片中Na^ 、K^ 浓度和N^ /K^ 比在4组处理间的差异均达显著或极显著水平。4树种中剌槐和侧柏的耐盐能力最强,银杏次之,火炬松最弱。  相似文献   

A particulate (Na + K)-ATPase preparation from dog kidney bound [48V]-ortho-vanadate rapidly at 37°C through a divalent cation-dependent process. In the presence of 3 mM MgCl2 theK d was 96 nM; substituting MnCl2 decreased theK d to 12 nM but the maximal binding remained the same, 2.8 nmol per mg protein, consistent with 1 mol vanadate per functional enzyme complex. Adding KCl in the presence of MgCl2 increased binding, with aK 0.5 for KCl near 0.5 mM; the increased binding was associated with a drop inK d for vanadate to 11 nM but with no change in maximal binding. Adding NaCl in the presence of MgCl2 decreased binding markedly, with anI 50 for NaCl of 7 mM. However, in the presence of MnCl2 neither KCl nor NaCl affected vanadate binding appreciably. Both the nonhydrolyzable, ,-imido analog of ATP and nitrophenyl phosphate, a substrate for the K-phosphatase reaction that this enzyme also catalyzes, decreased vanadate binding at concentrations consistent with their acting at the low-affinity substrate site of the enzyme; the presence of KCl increased the concentration of each required to decrease vanadate binding. Oligomycin decreased vanadate binding in the presence of MgCl2, whereas dimethyl sulfoxide and ouabain increased it. With inside-out membrane vesicles from red blood cells vanadate inhibited both the K-phosphatase and (Na + K)-ATPase reactions; however, with the K-phosphatase reaction extravesicular K+ (corresponding to intracellular K+) both stimulated catalysis and augmented vanadate inhibition, whereas with the (Na + K)-ATPase reaction intravesicular K+ (corresponding to extracellular K+) both stimulated catalysis and augmented vanadate binding.  相似文献   

More substances leaked from a higher-vigor seed sample than from a lower-vigor sample. This indicates that, in some cases, electric conductivity does not represent seed vigor level very well, especially for high-vigor seeds. Results from germination, germination index, leachate conductivity, and the ratio of K /Na from three-seed lots of Chinese cabbage (Brassica pekinensis (Louv.) Rupr) showed that K /Na correlated well with germination and germination index. The ability of K /Na to indicate well changes in vigor was further supported by investigation in soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) seeds and another cultivar of Chinese cabbage seeds. Thus, seed leakage of K /Na can accurately indicate seed vigor, whereas the conductivity test failed to do so. Furthermore, K /Na showed up bigger quantitative differences in vigor level than did the conductivity test. This findings provide a more sensitive and accurate index for the assessment of seed vigor. The mechanisms of Na and K ion transport are also discussed.  相似文献   

盐碱胁迫下燕麦生长及阳离子吸收特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Fan Y  Ren CZ  Li PF  Ren TS 《应用生态学报》2011,22(11):2875-2882
在吉林白城地区盐碱土上监测了3个盐分胁迫水平下燕麦的生长动态及对土壤阳离子的吸收特征.结果表明:在低度、中度和高度3个胁迫水平下燕麦地上部生长和产量构成因素没有显著差异,但根部干质量和根冠比随盐碱胁迫程度的加重而显著降低,在成熟期,中度和高度胁迫下的根冠比分别是低度胁迫下的77.2%和64.5%.3个胁迫水平下燕麦的K+/Na+和Ca2+/Na+在三叶期差异最大,而在抽穗期无显著差异.随着盐分胁迫程度的加重,燕麦的离子吸收选择性系数在灌浆期显著降低,而运输选择性系数无显著变化.因此,燕麦能够在一定程度上适应苏打碱土的盐碱胁迫,适应能力随着胁迫水平的增加而降低;燕麦根部生物量的减少和抽穗期较强的离子选择吸收能力可能有利于地上部的生长和产量构成.  相似文献   

Renal (Na + K)-ATPase was studied to ascertain whether it follows the pattern of adaptation of membrane-bound enzymes that are inhibited by acute ethanol exposure and develop greater activity after chronic ethanol treatment. A colony of rats was given 20 per cent (v/v) ethanol as sole drinking solution throughout gestation, lactation and following weaning. (Na + K)-ATPase and ouabain-insensitive Ca(2+)-ATPase activities were determined; regional distribution of these enzymes was assessed in renal cortex and outer medulla. Control rats drank tap water. (Na + K)-ATPase in whole homogenate of kidney increased with age in controls and ethanol-fed rats, but the latter showed higher values at every age studied. Between 15 and 60 days of age, the control group showed 2-fold increases in cortex and 5-fold in outer medulla, whereas ethanol-fed rats reached a 3-fold increase in the enzyme activity in both renal regions. Ca(2+)-ATPase showed the same time course in developing kidney of both groups. Chronic ethanol treatment of adult rats resulted in an increase of (Na + K)-ATPase activity in cortex and outer medulla, but no change in other ATPases. Since an earlier maturational development of renal (Na + K)-ATPase was displayed by ethanol-fed rats, underlying mechanisms that may account for these results are discussed.  相似文献   

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