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Generally, sexual repertoire within a species is conserved, but frequencies of occurrence of sexual behavioral acts often vary, and wide geographic distributions may favor these variations. Aglaoctenus lagotis is distributed along South America and belongs to Sosippinae, a subfamily of wolf spiders that builds funnel webs. Previous reports, based on different populations, suggested variations in sexual behavior and life cycle. Our objective was to describe and compare the sexual behavior of two populations of A. lagotis: ‘Southern Uruguay’ (SU) and ‘Central Argentina’ (CA). We carried out intrapopulation trials, in the laboratory, with 15 female–male pair matings. The most representative courtship acts in SU were web-stretching, striding-forward and forelegs-elevating, whereas in CA they were alternate-waving, web-stretching and leg-tapping. Juddering, forelegs-elevating and striding-forward were exclusive for SU, while alternate-waving and simultaneous-waving were exclusive for CA. We also found differences in copulatory characteristics such as frequencies of insertions and ejaculations. We documented body-shaking during copulation for the first time. Some sexual acts were exclusive of each population, while the shared ones differed in pattern and frequencies of occurrence. In addition to variations in sexual periods, these differences may favor divergence processes or an exceptional high level of flexibility in the sexual behavior of A. lagotis.  相似文献   

The sexual behavior and female reproductive cycles of a captive group of stumptail macaques (Macaca arctoides)were monitored during a 12-month period. The data, consisting of 303 ad libitummounts and copulations and 125 hr of focal-female testing, were analyzed by their frequency of occurrence during the three hormonal phases of the female menstrual cycle. Regularly cycling females exhibited statistically higher frequencies of all sexual behaviors compared to the amenorrheal controls. Contrary to previous reports which indicate no variation in sexual behavior throughout the reproductive cycle in this species, our data show marked increases in copulations during the periovulatory phase. Male dominance rank is associated with sexual behavior only at midcycle.  相似文献   

Female mate choice behavior is a critical component of sexual selection, yet identifying the neural basis of this behavior is largely unresolved. Previous studies have implicated sensory processing and hypothalamic brain regions during female mate choice and there is a conserved network of brain regions (Social Behavior Network, SBN) that underlies sexual behaviors. However, we are only beginning to understand the role this network has in pre-copulatory female mate choice. Using in situ hybridization, we identify brain regions associated with mate preference in female Xiphophorus nigrensis, a swordtail species with a female choice mating system. We measure gene expression in 10 brain regions (linked to sexual behavior, reward, sensory integration or other processes) and find significant correlations between female preference behavior and gene expression in two telencephalic areas associated with reward, learning and multi-sensory processing (medial and lateral zones of the dorsal telencephalon) as well as an SBN region traditionally associated with sexual response (preoptic area). Network analysis shows that these brain regions may also be important in mate preference and that correlated patterns of neuroserpin expression between regions co-vary with differential compositions of the mate choice environment. Our results expand the emerging network for female preference from one that focused on sensory processing and midbrain sexual response centers to a more complex coordination involving forebrain areas that integrate primary sensory processing and reward.  相似文献   

Long-termed intersexual friendly relationships between males and females of the Brauner’s lizard are characterized by high levels of spatial association and high frequency of affiliative behavior between partners (see report 1). In present article we consider changes in the frequency of affiliative behavior in males (Am) and females (Af) after the first appearance of female on the male’s territory and conditions for the transition of lizard to stable residency (SR). Generally, Am becomes stable during the first days of initial period and does not change later. This fact suggests that in most instances male’s choice criteria are some peculiarities of the female’s exterior. In the initial period, Af is always low, however, gradually rises to the level of Am if Am is high. The main condition of female’s SR is high Am of the owner of the territory where female establishes her comfort areas. Hence, social partner choice in female is based on male’s behavior, and high Am triggers the formation of friendly interrelations. Significant correlation between social and sexual interrelations is absent. As can be judged by female’s reactions to male’s sexual behavior, his sexual activity is rather a factor of social disintegration. Structure of costs for social partner search is different in males and females, and these differences well harmonize with differences in gender strategies of partner choice. The social strategies are well interpreted in terms of the optimal foraging theory.  相似文献   

We observed sexual behavior patterns in two captive groups of Cebus apella.We obtained data on intersexual solicitations and intersexual competition. The length of proceptivity cycles by females averaged 18.8 ± 1.2 days; this corresponds with published reports of physiological measures of ovulatory cycles. Females initiated sexual interactions with males significantly more than males initiated interactions with females, and female solicitations increased in frequency over the duration of displayed periods of proceptivity. In contrast, male solicitations of females were infrequent and did not change significantly throughout female proceptive phases. Each female solicited the same male throughout a given proceptive phase. We observed no evidence of male-male or female-female competition. Males seem to respond to female sexual behavior directed toward them, rather than initiating sexual interactions themselves. Even so, male sexual interactions with females followed only a small proportion of solicitations.  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphism is commonly used to directly infer or support reconstructions of social behavior in early hominins. This is often done by comparing the magnitude of sexual size dimorphism to that seen in extant primates and extrapolating a likely social behavior. Such comparisons are of limited value, though, allowing only the inference of strong male–male competition when dimorphism is strong. Recent studies have begun to focus on the selective factors that impact female body size, and thereby size dimorphism. Considerations of changes in male and female size in the fossil record potentially allow insight into the meaning of changes in sexual dimorphism through time. To illustrate, I compare estimates of body mass dimorphism for four hominin taxa to assess changes in male and female size. Assuming that early Homo represents a single taxon, sexual size dimorphism increased in early Homo through an increase in male size, but was subsequently reduced through an increase in female size in Homo erectus. This would imply a significant increase in sexual selection acting on males in early Homo. An increase in female size with a loss of dimorphism in Homo erectus would imply a simultaneous shift in female optimal body size through selection for increased female fecundity, and/or an increase in female resource abundance, coupled with a shift in selection acting on male size. Although none of these inferences are certain, the exercise illustrates the potential for considering how dimorphism changes through time, rather than simply focusing on the magnitude of size dimorphism in isolation.  相似文献   

A two-locus multi-allele sexual isolation model incorporating mutation and genetic drift which was first proposed by Nei et al. (1983) is studied here. One locus controls the male mating character, and the other controls female receptivity. All females are assumed to have equal mating success. Therefore, the frequencies of female receptivity alleles are changed by mutation, drift, and hitchhiking with male character alleles. Without hitchhiking, development of sexual isolation between allopatric populations proceeds faster in smaller populations, as expected. The hitchhiking effect, by triggering the mutual reinforcement of mating behavior of both sexes (or the runaway process, Fisher [1958]), speeds up the evolution of sexual isolation significantly. For populations with 2Nv ≤ 0.2 (N = population size, ν = mutation rate), the rates of divergence all approach the maximum possible rate. Sympatric sexual isolation develops quite frequently if two favorable conditions are met: 1) There is no selection on female phenotype (except in some limited cases), and 2) The population size is large enough to carry several female receptivity alleles. Because of stochastic factors, these alleles may lead to the formation of two discrete groups of females, each group receptive to males of different mating characters. The formation of sympatric sexually-isolated groups is also aided significantly, at the incipient stage, by the runaway process.  相似文献   

To increase individual male fitness, males of various species remain near a (potential) mating partner and repel their rivals (mate-guarding). Mate-guarding is assumed to be mediated by two different types of motivation: sexual motivation toward the opposite sex and competitive motivation toward the same sex. The genetic/molecular mechanisms underlying how mate presence affects male competitive motivation in a triadic relationship has remained largely unknown. Here we showed that male medaka fish prominently exhibit mate-guarding behavior. The presence of a female robustly triggers male-male competition for the female in a triadic relationship (2 males and 1 female). The male-male competition resulted in one male occupying a dominant position near the female while interfering with the other male''s approach of the female. Paternity testing revealed that the dominant male had a significantly higher mating success rate than the other male in a triadic relationship. We next generated medaka mutants of arginine-vasotocin (avt) and its receptors (V1a1, V1a2) and revealed that two genes, avt and V1a2, are required for normal mate-guarding behavior. In addition, behavioral analysis of courtship behaviors in a dyadic relationship and aggressive behaviors within a male group revealed that avt mutant males displayed decreased sexual motivation but showed normal aggression. In contrast, heterozygote V1a2 mutant males displayed decreased aggression, but normal mate-guarding and courtship behavior. Thus, impaired mate-guarding in avt and V1a2 homozygote mutants may be due to the loss of sexual motivation toward the opposite sex, and not to the loss of competitive motivation toward rival males. The different behavioral phenotypes between avt, V1a2 heterozygote, and V1a2 homozygote mutants suggest that there are redundant systems to activate V1a2 and that endogenous ligands activating the receptor may differ according to the social context.  相似文献   

Pea crabs, Dissodactylus primitivus, inhabit multiple echinoid (heart urchin) hosts. Male and female crabs move among hosts in search for mates, and both sexes mate multiple times, creating opportunities for post-copulatory sexual selection. For such selection to occur, only a fraction of the males who succeed in mating can also succeed in siring progeny. Jossart et al. 2014 used 4 microsatellite loci to document parentage and mating frequencies of both sexes in D. primitivus. From these data we identified the mean and variance in female offspring numbers, as well as the proportions of the female population that were gravid and not bearing offspring. We next identified the proportions of the male population who had (1) mated and sired offspring, (2) mated but failed to sire offspring, and (3) failed to mate altogether. We used these results to estimate the opportunity for selection on males and females in terms of mate numbers and offspring numbers, and estimated the sex difference in the opportunity for selection (i.e., the opportunity for sexual selection) using both forms of data. We then partitioned the total variance in male fitness into pre- and post-copulatory components and identified the fraction of the total opportunity for selection occurring in each context. Our results show that the opportunity for selection on each sex was of similar magnitude (0.69–0.98), consistent with this polyandrogynous mating system. We also found that 37% of the total opportunity for sexual selection on males occurred within the context of post-copulatory sexual selection. However, the fraction of the total opportunity for selection that was due to sexual selection, estimated using both mate numbers and offspring numbers, was 9% and 23% respectively. Thus, we further reduced our estimate of the opportunity for post-copulatory sexual selection in D. primitivus to less than 10% of the total opportunity for selection (0.37 of 0.09 and 0.23 = 0.03 and 0.09). Our results provide the first estimate of the maximum possible strength of post-copulatory sexual selection in crustaceans using this approach.  相似文献   

Mating strategies of mealybugs were investigated using two heterogeneric cosmopolitan species as case study: Planococcus citri (Risso) and Pseudococcus calceolariae (Maskell). Male mating behavior of the studied species differed in respect to mate selection, and frequency and duration of copulation. Females played an active role in mate selection, by either facilitating or resisting copulation. This is a first evidence of female sexual active behavior in scale insects. In both species, male predisposition to mate was affected by previous exposition to light. The frequency of courtship and copulation decreased with the age of females for Pl. citri but not for Ps. calceolariae. Mating frequency increased with female colony density in both species.  相似文献   

Eight sexually experienced long-term ovariectomized female rhesus monkeys were given tests of sexual behavior following treatment with 19-hydroxytestosterone (19-OH-T, 1 mg/day for 13 days), and their performance was compared with that following treatment with estradiol benzoate (EB, 10 μg/day for 13 days). Each female was tested for 10 min with each of nine adult males. Blood samples were taken on the last day of treatment with EB, at the end of the intervening 3-month period of no treatment, and on the last day of treatment with 19-OH-T. Blood levels of testosterone and estradiol were quantified by radioimmunoassay. Mean rate of presenting at a distance (proceptive behavior) was significantly higher (P < 0.05) when they were treated with 19-OH-T, but the ratio of presents to male contacts (receptive behavior) was significantly higher (P <0.05) when they were treated with EB. All other components of female sexual behavior were the same. Males displayed fewer annoyance responses (rejecting jerk, P < 0.05) when the females were treated with 19-OH-T than when they were treated with EB. All other male responses occurred with the same frequencies under the two female treatment conditions. Injection of 19-OH-T and EB both resulted in plasma testosterone and estradiol levels higher than those found in the untreated condition. Testosterone levels did not differ under the two treatments (P > 0.05), but estradiol levels were higher under EB treatment than under 19-OH-T (P < 0.05). This study suggests that both testosterone and estradiol are essential for maximum sexual performance and that various components of sexual behavior may be differentially influenced by the ratio of testosterone to estradiol in plasma.  相似文献   

Sexual conflict in poeciliid fishes is well-documented, particularly male sexual harassment and its effects on females. For instance, male attempts to force copulations influence female feeding, energy allocation, and preference for shoaling partners. However, there has been little research conducted to determine how the social environment shapes the occurrence and intensity of sexual harassment. In this study we ask whether an audience male influences the sexual behaviors of a focal male, the correlated feeding time reduction of female Poecilia latipinna, and if the size of the audience male (larger or smaller than the focal male) influences these behaviors. We presented a video of a male, either smaller or larger than the focal male, or an empty tank (control) to a female interacting with a male or female partner and measured feeding times and sexual behaviors. We found that male sexual behaviors increased in the presence of an audience male, especially if the audience male was larger than the focal male. Females fed more in the presence of a partner female than in the presence of a male, which was independent of the audience (i.e., video treatment). Focal female aggression towards the partner female increased with the size of the audience male. The present study shows that an audience male has multiple interacting influences on both male and female behavior.  相似文献   

These experiments utilized the estrogen antagonists CI-628, nafoxidine, and tamoxifen as tools to investigate potential molecular mechanisms of estrogen activation of female rat sexual behavior. Adult female rats, ovariectomized 4–7 days previously and matched for body weight, were administered single sc injections of one of the three antiestrogens, and the ability of the antagonists to block estrogen-induced sexual behavior, to deplete and replenish hypothalamic estrogen receptors, and to inhibit the binding of estradiol by hypothalamic nuclei 2 hr, or 1, 2, 4, or 7 days later was assessed. All three compounds produced a dose- and time-dependent inhibition of estrogen-activated lordosis, with tamoxifen being the most potent inhibitor. The three antiestrogens also caused prolonged depletion of hypothalamic estrogen receptors, but there was no correlation between receptor levels and the degree of inhibition of lordosis behavior at any time point following antiestrogen treatment. Rats showed high levels of sexual receptivity when antiestrogens were injected 2, 4, or 7 days before estrogen; however, hypothalamic estrogen receptors were still markedly (up to 70%) reduced at some of these time points. In contrast, there was a large (r = 0.67), significant correlation between the ability of all three agents to reduce [3H]estradiol binding by brain cell nuclei and their ability to reduce the display of estrogen-induced female sexual behavior. Antiestrogen injections which inhibited lordosis always decreased the level of specific estradiol binding by hypothalamic nuclei. These data indicate that delayed receptor replenishment does not adequately explain the antagonism of lordosis behavior by antiestrogens. The results presented here strongly point to the cell nucleus as the critical locus of receptor-mediated interactions which underlie estrogen and antiestrogen regulation of female sexual behavior.  相似文献   

High predation risk and food depletion lead to sexual reproduction in cyclically parthenogenetic Daphnia. Mating, the core of sexual reproduction, also occurs under these conditions. Assessment of the environmental conditions and alteration of mating efforts may aid in determining the success of sexual reproduction. Here, we evaluated the impacts of predation risk, food quantity, and reproductive phase of females on the mating behavior of Daphnia obtusa males including contact frequency and duration using video analysis. Mating–related behavior involved male–female contact (mating) as well as male–male contact (fighting). Mating frequency increased while unnecessary fighting decreased in the presence of predation risk. In addition, low food concentration reduced fighting between males. Males attempted to attach to sexual females more than asexual females, and fighting occurred more frequently in the presence of sexual females. Duration of mating was relatively long; however, males separated shortly after contact in terms of fighting behavior. Thus, assessment of environmental factors and primary sexing of mates were performed before actual contact, possibly mechanically, and precise sex discrimination was conducted after contact. These results suggest that mating in Daphnia is not a random process but rather a balance between predation risk and energetic cost that results in changes in mating and fighting strategies.  相似文献   

Our understanding on the role of chemical signals in parasite-mediated sexual selection is still limited, and only some existing studies have focused on fish. Furthermore, published studies on the effect of parasite infection on behavioral sexual competition of the male hosts have yielded contradictory results. Here, we examined whether the infection of the body cavity-dwelling parasitic nematode Philometra ovata influences odor-based female choice and behavioral sexual competition (dominance and courtship behavior) between males in the European minnow (Phoxinus phoxinus), the cyprinid fish host. In contrast to our predictions, we found that naïve females showed no preference between the odors of infected and non-infected males, thus indicating that P. ovata infection may not affect odor-based female choice. Moreover, P. ovata did not impair sexual competitiveness of their hosts either. Our results indicate that despite its relatively large size, P. ovata may not alter sexual cues and the success of the male hosts in sexual selection.  相似文献   

Thelytokous (all-female producing) parthenogenesis, in some cases, involves reproductive advantages against obligate sexual reproduction. However, the completion of parthenogenesis takes multiple steps without the help of males, and thus preadaptation that meets those requirements will be an important factor for the evolution of parthenogenesis. The Japanese subterranean termite, Reticulitermes speratus, is known to have the ability of parthenogenetic colony foundation, where females that failed to mate with males found colonies cooperatively with partner females and reproduce by parthenogenesis. In this study, we compared the parthenogenetic ability and the colony initiation behavior among six Reticulitermes species in Japan. All species other than R. speratus were not able to reproduce parthenogenetically. Nevertheless, females of these species without the parthenogenetic ability performed homosexual female–female colony initiation and produced eggs without fertilization. In addition, in one species without parthenogenetic reproduction, R. kanmonensis, female–female pair initiated founding behavior as quickly as a heterosexual pair. These results suggest that female–female colony initiation and virgin egg-laying are predominant characters among the genus Reticulitermes and provide a preadaptive condition for parthenogenetic colony foundation in R. speratus.  相似文献   

Male rats received Silastic implants of the aromatase inhibitor, 1,4,6-androstatriene-3, 17-dione (ATD), on days 2–10 of life. Controls received blank implants. There were no differences in the masculine sexual behavior of ATD and control males when they were tested as gonadally intact adults. In contrast, even without exogenous hormone treatment, nine of 14 ATD males exhibited lordosis behavior, whereas only one of 12 controls did so. In addition, during a sexual preference test in which access was provided to both a sexually receptive female and to a stud male, there was no difference in the proportions of ATD (1114) and control (712) males that copulated with the stimulus female; however, seven of the ATD males also exhibited feminine sexual behavior including some instances of solicitation. Only one of the control males showed any lordosis behavior. In general, all animals spent more time with the stimulus female than with the stud male. At the termination of preference testing, all animals were castrated and then tested twice for feminine sexual behavior under exogenous estradiol benzoate and progesterone. All of the ATD males showed lordosis behavior with a mean lordosis quotient (LQ) of 85; and 11 of the 14 also showed solicitation behavior. Only five of 12 control males exhibited lordosis (X?LQ = 59) and only one showed solicitation behavior. These results indicate that the propensity of males to show feminine sexual behavior can be manipulated independently of the capacity for masculine sexual behavior. Moreover, our results suggest that the process of defeminization may occur primarily postnatally in rats since treatment during that period results in substantial increments in later feminine sexual behavior including solicitation behaviors.  相似文献   

Precopulatory courtship plays an essential role in the insemination process and influences postcopulatory behavior between males and females. Male precopulatory oral stimulation of female genitals is rare for invertebrates. Here, we describe an intriguing oral sexual courtship in a cryptic desert beetle Platyope mongolica Faldermann. The males repeatedly contact the female''s genitals using their mouths to gain consent to mate. Furthermore, the rate at which males contact the female''s genitals relates to the copulation success in a series of observations. However, interference in oral sexual contacts decreased the proportion of successful copulation. Further no‐choice tests found homosexual behavior between males with antenna removed. We report the precopulatory oral sexual behavior and its important role for copulation success in P. mongolica for the first time. These findings highlight the significance of oral sexual courtship in sexual selection.  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphism is often derived from sexual selection. In sexually dimorphic Drosophila species, exaggerated male structures are used for specific behaviors in male-to-male competition or courtship toward females. In Drosophila prolongata, a member of the melanogaster species group, males have enlarged forelegs whereas females do not. However, the adaptive role of the enlarged forelegs is unclear because little is known about the behavior of D. prolongata. In this study, the courtship behavior of D. prolongata was investigated in comparison with closely related species. Males of D. prolongata use their forelegs in a specific behavior, “leg vibration”, in which the male vigorously vibrates the female’s abdomen by extending his forelegs from in front of her. Leg vibration was observed immediately before “attempting copulation”, indicating that it has an adaptive role in the mating process. In contrast, leg vibration was not observed in closely related species. Because the large forelegs are necessary to accomplish leg vibration, it was suggested that the sexual dimorphism of D. prolongata forelegs is currently under the influence of sexual selection in courtship behavior.  相似文献   

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