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玛姆象属是长鼻类玛姆象科这一重要类群的最终成员。虽然这一属在上新世的欧亚大陆和更新世的北美大陆广泛分布,它早期的进化历史却鲜为人知。报道了中国北方上中新统发现的斜脊玛姆象(相似种)(Mammut cf.M.obliquelophus)的新材料,包括一个几乎完整的幼年头骨,这些材料显示了玛姆象科的许多原始特征,因此很好地解释了玛姆象属形态特征的形成过程。斜脊玛姆象(相似种)具有强烈向两侧扩展的枕部,在门齿窝的基部具有收缩,这些特征与莫罗托始轭齿象(Eozygodon morotoensis)和广河豕脊齿象(Choerolophodon guangheensis)均具有相似性,后两者分别为玛姆象科与豕脊齿象科的早期代表。因此,玛姆象科与豕脊齿象科(Choerolophodontidae)具有近的亲缘关系,二者同位于象形类(Elephantimorpha)系统发育中的基部。支序分析支持了这一结论。  相似文献   

四川盆地须家河组地层已发现了两处兽脚类恐龙足迹化石点,其大小分别与实雷龙足迹(Eubrontes)和跷脚龙足迹(Grallator)相仿。其中与实雷龙足迹大小相近的足迹包括了两个连续的后足迹,并构成行迹的一部分,已被命名为磁峰彭县足迹(Pengxianpus cifengensis)。与粗壮的实雷龙足迹相比,彭县足迹有着较细长的脚趾、保存尚清晰的趾垫、较宽的趾间角,这些特征都与晚三叠世–早侏罗世的卡岩塔足迹(Kayentapus)相似。目前尚不能证明彭县足迹和卡岩塔足迹属于同物异名,彭县足迹仍然被保留。两个足迹的部分区域都保存有皮肤纹理和多边形的鳞片印痕,其中最清晰的是第二个彭县足迹第四趾的跖趾垫处。与跷脚龙足迹大小相近的、较小的兽脚类恐龙足迹也组成不甚完整的行迹。它们表现出的较宽趾间角与卡岩塔足迹和彭县足迹相似,这里暂将其归入兽脚类足迹属种未定。彭县足迹的另一特别之处在于,岩板表面还有着小的前/后足迹,可归入似哺乳四足类动物足迹,其形态类似于北美和南非三叠系–侏罗系地层产出的同类足迹。这是亚洲东南部似哺乳类足迹的首次报道。  相似文献   

玛姆象属是长鼻类玛姆象科这一重要类群的最终成员.虽然这一属在上新世的欧亚大陆和更新世的北美大陆广泛分布,它早期的进化历史却鲜为人知.报道了中国北方上中新统发现的斜脊玛姆象(相似种)(Mammut cf.M.obliquelophus)的新材料,包括一个几乎完整的幼年头骨,这些材料显示了玛姆象科的许多原始特征,因此很好地解释了玛姆象属形态特征的形成过程.斜脊玛姆象(相似种)具有强烈向两侧扩展的枕部,在门齿窝的基部具有收缩,这些特征与莫罗托始轭齿象(Eozygodon morotoensis)和广河豕脊齿象(Choerolophodon guangheensis)均具有相似性,后两者分别为玛姆象科与豕脊齿象科的早期代表.因此,玛姆象科与豕脊齿象科(Choerolophodontidae)具有近的亲缘关系,二者同位于象形类(Elephantimorpha)系统发育中的基部.支序分析支持了这一结论.  相似文献   

记述了发现于蒙古戈壁查干泰格地点的一块额骨。短的眶缘和矢状脊的存在等特征表明,该标本属于暴龙超科。查干泰格地点出露的地层被认为属于森诺曼-桑托期的巴音沙拉组,新材料的发现为上白垩统下部非常稀少的暴龙类恐龙记录增添了新的内容。  相似文献   

本文记述了云南省(虫齿)目二新种,Tapinella bannana sp.n.和Peripsocus plurimaculatus sp.n.及一新种记录种Ophiodopelma semicets Lee and Thornton,其雄虫为首次记载。  相似文献   

描述了在内蒙古二连盆地新采集的保存较完好的冠齿兽类化石。基于牙齿特征的比较认为:Eudinoceras kholobolchiensis Osborn&Granger,1931、E.obailiensis Gabunia,1961、Metacoryphodon luminis Chow&Qi,1982和M.?minorQi,1987的个体大小、上前臼齿前尖V形脊角度、原尖前后棱发育程度、上下臼齿脊形化程度和尖脊形状及位置等特征与E.mongoliensisOsborn,1924一致,应视为后者的次主观异名;M.xintaiensisChow&Qi,1982应归入Eudinoceras属,变更为E.xintaiensis;Metacoryphodon为无效命名,应予废除。厘定后的Eudinoceras属共含有6个有效种:E.zhichengensis Lei etal., 1987、E.youngiXu,1980、E.xintaiensis Chow&Qi,1982、E.mongoliensis Osborn,1924、E.crassum Tong&Tang,1977和E.sishuiensis Wang,1994。修订了Eudinoceras属和E.mongoliensis种的齿列特征。将二连盆地冠齿兽类化石的产出层位对应至该盆地重新厘定的地层框架中,E.mongoliensis集中在阿山头组,能确定的最早出现层位为阿山头组底部的AS-1层,最晚出现层位为阿山头组上部的AS-5层,其时代为早始新世中期,约为53~49Ma。  相似文献   

本文对2010—2015年全国口岸从美国进境松木中截获的齿小蠹进行了分析,分别对美云杉齿小蠹Ips borealis、美雕齿小蠹I.calligraphus、混点齿小蠹I.confusus、重齿小蠹I.duplicatus、南部松齿小蠹I.grandicollis、蒙大拿齿小蠹I.montanus、似混齿小蠹I.paraconfusus、白云杉齿小蠹I.perturbatus、美松齿小蠹I.pini、平额重齿小蠹I.plastographus、十二齿小蠹I.sexdentatus、云杉八齿小蠹I.typographus 12种昆虫的进境寄主进行统计,对截获频次进行分析对其成虫的主要形态特征进行了描述,编制了分种检索表,对检疫鉴定工作具有指导意义。  相似文献   

记述采自四川王朗国家级自然保护区横皱叶蝉属Oncopsis 1新种,即王朗横皱叶蝉Oncopsis wanglangensis sp. nov.,其与大明山横皱叶蝉Oncopsis damingshenensis Dai, LiLi, 2018近似,区别特征为:体淡黄色;阳茎干细长;背连索骨化程度高,结构更发达,上支近端部背缘和腹缘锯齿状;对齿突横皱叶蝉Oncopsis odontoidea DaiLi, 2013进行了补充描述,亦为四川省分布的首次记录。同时,给出了中国横皱叶蝉属Oncopsis的物种名录、分布信息,并依据雄虫外生殖器特征编制了分种检索表。  相似文献   

手盗龙类郝氏中鸟(Zhongornis haoae)的标本只有一件,并且为幼年个体,其最初被归入鸟类。然而对其解剖学的重新研究显示,郝氏中鸟与窃蛋龙下目(Oviraptorosauria)和擅攀鸟龙科(Scansoriopterygidae)具有很多相似的形态特征。中鸟的尾部虽然有所退化,但仍然很长,本文认为其约有20枚尾椎,其尾部的形态和比例都与尾羽龙(Caudipteryx)和耀龙(Epidexipteryx)相似。中鸟与基干窃蛋龙类的相似之处还包括:头骨短而高,小手指退化。在小翼掌骨的大小、手指的比例、坐骨不发育背侧和腹侧突起方面,中鸟与擅攀鸟龙类相似,而明显区别于中生代的鸟类。基于上述相似的形态特征以及基干窃蛋龙类和擅攀鸟龙类共有的其他特征,提出了窃蛋龙类和擅攀鸟龙类之间具有较近亲缘关系的假说。分支系统学的研究表明,相比于窃蛋龙类,中鸟与擅攀鸟龙科之间的亲缘关系更近,中鸟和擅攀鸟龙类都具有伸长的前肢和脚爪。有关中鸟的分类位置及其与擅攀鸟龙科之间确切关系的研究,还需要新标本的发现;本文对中鸟分类位置的讨论,也说明了基于幼年个体进行新种命名时所存在的问题。  相似文献   

Abstract:  In the 1970s the Upper Triassic strata of the Argana Basin yielded archosaurian remains that were tentatively attributed to the rauisuchian Ticinosuchus . Restudy of this material together with new remains reveal new anatomical data and show that it in fact belongs to a new taxon, Arganasuchus dutuiti gen. et sp. nov. The systematics of the Rauisuchia are still unresolved; nevertheless, a monophyletic suprageneric group can be defined within the probable non-monophyletic rauisuchians. Arganasuchus dutuiti differs from all adequately known rauisuchians in three autapomorphies: acetabular rim on pubis runs anteroventrally parallel to pubic shift rather than being terminal and perpendicular to it; large contribution of pubis to acetabular depression; palatal process of maxillary low and confluent with interdental crest, rather than separated from it by a large area. The maxilla of Arganasuchus resembles those of Batrachotomus and Fasolasuchus in having a Y-shaped rather than a U-shaped form. As in rauisuchids, Arganasuchus dutuiti has short cervical vertebrae and a dorsal border of the proximal extremity of the pubis that is convex in lateral view. It shares one derived character state with Batrachotomus and Postosuchus (a tear-shaped and anteriorly orientated rugosity on the lateral side of the pubis, lying on a deep, longitudinal depression) and one more derived character state with Batrachotomus (narrow ante-acetabular part of the pubis; hence, the anterior border of the proximal extremity of the pubis is almost contiguous with the actabular rim).  相似文献   

记陕北子长晚三叠世一新的古鳕类   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
记述了陕北子长晚三叠世古鳕科(Palaeoniscidae)一新属新种──子长瓦窑堡鳕(Wayaobulepis zichangensis gen. et sp. nov.)。其一般形态特征如身体长纺锤形、背鳍基长,后部对着腹鳍和臀鳍之间的空隙、鳍条粗壮、饰缘棘鳞细小、悬挂骨倾斜、鳃盖骨很高大、鳞片小及横列鳞数目多等,与澳大利亚中至晚三叠世的Myriolopis很相似,但新属具有吻较尖、背鳍鳍条数目较少、鳞片具有众多的斜嵴、后缘成梳齿状以及具有背嵴鳞等显著特征区别于Myriolopis。瓦窑堡鳕在体形、鳍的位置、鳃盖骨高大及鳞片的纹饰等方面也与欧洲中至晚三叠世的 Gyrolepis相似,但新属以背鳍基较长、臀鳍基较短、背峪鳞发达及鳍条粗壮等特征区别于Gyrolepis。根据瓦窑堡鳕的性质和化石层位的情况,将合鱼化石地层的时代定为晚三叠世。  相似文献   

Abstract: We document here a new taxon of sphenodontian, Whitakersaurus bermani gen. et sp. nov., that is also the most complete sphenodontian fossil from the Upper Triassic Chinle Group in the south‐western USA and the first Chinle sphenodontian represented by more than a single fragmentary dentulous element. The holotype was recovered during preparation of block C‐8‐82 from the famous Coelophysis (Whitaker) quarry at Ghost Ranch, New Mexico, and is the most complete small vertebrate recovered from the quarry. Detailed lithostratigraphy and geologic mapping demonstrate that the Whitaker quarry is in the Rock Point Formation of the Chinle Group, so Whitakersaurus is the first sphenodontian reported from this unit. Records of the phytosaur Redondasaurus at the quarry and elsewhere in the Chinle Group demonstrate that the quarry, and thus Whitakersaurus, is of Apachean (late Norian–Rhaetian) age. The sphenodontian specimen consists of incomplete left and right dentaries, a partial left? maxilla?, and impressions of a probable palatal element, all of which preserve multiple teeth. Whitakersaurus is distinct from other sphenodontians in possessing a unique combination of the following features: marginal dentition pleurodont anteriorly and posteriorly acrodont; pronounced heterodonty in dentary, with as many as 15 smaller, peg‐like teeth anteriorly and several larger, posterior teeth that are conical and striated; faint radial ornamentation of posterior tooth crowns; presence of c. 19 dentary teeth; and absence of a distinct flange on posterior teeth. Numerous other details distinguish it from both more primitive and more derived taxa. Whitakersaurus, therefore, helps to document further mosaic evolution and an extensive diversification event of sphenodontians during Triassic time. Although sphenodontian taxa are relatively easily recognized, widely distributed, and common small‐ or microvertebrate fossils, the long stratigraphic ranges of taxa known from multiple specimens hinders their utility as index fossils with which to correlate strata across Pangaea.  相似文献   

Abstract: The first abundant, well‐preserved fossils of the unusual archosauromorph reptile Trilophosaurus jacobsi Murry are from an Upper Triassic bonebed in the lowermost Trujillo Formation of the Chinle Group in Borden County, Texas. A nearly complete left side of the skull and incomplete but articulated mandible of a juvenile individual demonstrate that Trilophosaurus jacobsi Murry is referable to Trilophosaurus, so the putative procolophonid genus Chinleogomphius is a junior objective synonym of Trilophosaurus. Features of T. jacobsi that diagnose it from T. buettneri include asymmetrical, tricuspate teeth in which the central cusp is taller than the marginal cusp, polygonal in cross‐section and displaced slightly lingually; the lingual cusp is low, transversely broadened and anteroposteriorly compressed; teeth with prominent cingula along the mesial and distal margins; and paired sagittal (parasagittal) crests composed of portions of the postfrontals and the parietals, as well as a relatively broad skull roof between the supratemporal fenestrae. We also re‐illustrate and re‐describe the holotypes of both Trilophosaurus buettneri Case and T. jacobsi Murry. T. jacobsi is primarily Adamanian in age, and the lowest occurrence of T. jacobsi is stratigraphically above that of T. buettneri. Therefore, T. buettneri is an Otischalkian–Adamanian index taxon, and T. jacobsi is an Adamanian–?earliest Revueltian index taxon. Trilophosaurus teeth are readily identifiable to species and therefore identifiable as isolated fossils.  相似文献   

贵州关岭晚三叠世一大型鱼龙类头骨   总被引:20,自引:2,他引:20  
记述了产自贵州关岭上三叠统杯椎鱼龙属一新种——亚洲杯椎鱼龙(Cymbospondylusasiaticus sp. nov)。标本为两件几乎完整的头骨,产于法朗组瓦窑段的泥质灰岩中,这是目前已知惟一的晚三叠世(Cymbospondylus属的标本,也是该属时代最晚的一个种。亚洲杯椎鱼龙头部最明显的特征是下颌牙齿仅分布于齿骨的前半部分。此外,新种的吻部极长,超过头骨全长之半,上颌骨非常发达,并且具有已知鱼龙类中最小的眼眶。亚洲杯椎鱼龙是这一大型鱼龙类在北美和欧洲以外地区的首次记录。  相似文献   

Abstract: Diverse freshwater aquatic palynomorphs are present among rich terrestrial palynofloras from the upper part of the Potrerillos and Cacheuta formations outcropping in the Cuyana Basin at the southern extremity of the Precordillera of Argentina. The Potrerillos/Cacheuta sequence includes fluvial, deltaic and lacustrine facies deposited in the early Late Triassic fault‐bounded syn‐rift Cacheuta hemigraben. The phytoplankton described and illustrated consist of representatives of colonial chlorococcalean algae belonging to the Hydrodictyaceae (Plaesiodictyon) and Botryococcaceae (Botryococcus), a diverse group of Zygnemataceae zygospores, a freshwater dinoflagellate cyst (Bosedinia) and acritarchs (sphaeromorphs). Zygnematacean zygospores are represented by species of Gelasinicysta?, Lecaniella, Mougeotia, Ovoidites, Peltacystia and Schizocystia. Of these, Gelasinicysta? cuyanensis sp. nov. is newly described. Quantitative analysis of the palynofloras permits interpretation of changes in the local vegetation and phytoplankton communities controlled by changes in environmental setting. Two algal associations are recognized as belonging to different stages in the evolution of the basin. Diverse zygnematacean assemblages along with hydrodictyacean, botryococcacean and leiosphere/sphaeromorph algae are common in fluvial–deltaic environments of the upper part of the Potrerillos Formation and the lowermost part of the Cacheuta Formation. Higher in the sections (in the Cacheuta Formation) Botryococcus dominates, in association with amorphous kerogen, representing deposition in a relatively deep, quiet‐water, lacustrine environment where anoxic conditions prevailed. In the Cacheuta hemigraben the lacustrine shales have average TOC values of 4 per cent (locally reaching 20 per cent), with some terrigenous components (Type II/III kerogen), but dominant amorphous, algal‐like, organic matter (Type I/II kerogen). Oils derived from these source rocks are predominantly waxy.  相似文献   

Giffordia onslowensis sp. nov. is described from the North Carolina continental shelf. This alga is distinct in having upper filaments which are profusely branched, with branches borne at the tops of cells at narrow angles, and lower filaments which are sparsely branched, with branches borne at the middle of cells at wide angles. It is somewhat intermediate between Acinetospora and Giffordia because of the morphology of the lower branches. Morphological variability of Giffordia in culture is numerically documented and similarities between Giffordia spp. and Acinetospora in culture are interpreted as artifacts of altered or incomplete development. It is concluded that Acinetospora, Giffordia, and Ectocarpus should be retained as separate genera.  相似文献   

The life history of Callithamnion byssoides Arnott ex Harv. in Hook. from North Carolina is shown to be of the Polysiphonia-type. Cross-gradient light-temperature culture in 8:16 and 14:10 LD cycles was utilized to investigate the effects of light intensity, temperature and day-length on growth and reproduction. Carposporophyte and tetrasporangium development were controlled by total light energy rather than photoperiod. Results of these studies explain the observed seasonal periodicity of growth and reproduction on the North Carolina coast. Variations between these results and previously published data for this species in Texas are explained in terms of ecotypic differentiation.  相似文献   

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