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Nine temperate grass species were screened for their potential to grow in the low-light conditions typical of gaps in dense vegetation. To this end, photosynthetic photon flux densities (PFD) were simulated in a growth chamber (PFD 100, 50 or 25 μmol photons m−2 s−1). Relative and absolute growth rates (RGR and AGR, respectively) of the species were regressed on ten different ecophysiological and morphogenetic plant attributes. No significant relationships were found between plant attributes and relative growth rate, while six attributes explained a significant proportion of the interspecific variance in absolute biomass growth: net photosynthetic rate at growth PFD (P net ) (75.5%), leaf apparent quantum yield of CO2 fixation (62.5%), leaf dark respiration rate (65.2%), leaf compensation PFD (71.0%), root: shoot ratio (66.4%) and plant nitrogen content on a mass basis (42.0%). Only species with extremely low allocation to roots and very high (relatively speaking) net photosynthetic rates were able to grow fast in low light. Specific leaf area (SLA), instantaneous photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency (PNUE) and leaf nitrogen content on a mass basis as well as on an area basis were not significantly related to growth. The absence of effects of plant traits on RGR, unlike for AGR, could arise from a relationship that we observed between AGR and a fitted start value of the biomass-time course (i.e. seed mass or germination time). This suggests that interspecific differences in the very early growth stages of the plants were responsible for differences in successful development under low light, rather than differences in RGR. Based on its high explanatory power, its relative constancy with plant age and the lack of effect of growth PFD, P net would be the best candidate for characterizing potentially shade-tolerant species that are likely to establish in dense vegetation in the field.  相似文献   

Genome editing of livestock is poised to become commercial reality, yet questions remain as to appropriate regulation, potential impact on the industry sector and public acceptability of products. This paper looks at how genome editing of livestock has attempted to learn some of the lessons from commercialisation of GM crops, and takes a systemic approach to explore some of the complexity and ambiguity in incorporating genome edited animals in a food production system. Current applications of genome editing are considered, viewed from the perspective of past technological applications. The question of what is genome editing, and can it be considered natural is examined. The implications of regulation on development of different sectors of livestock production systems are studied, with a particular focus on the veterinary sector. From an EU perspective, regulation of genome edited animals, although not necessarily the same as for GM crops, is advocated from a number of different perspectives. This paper aims to open up new avenues of research on genome edited animals, extending from the current primary focus on science and regulation, to engage with a wider-range of food system actors.  相似文献   

Using surveys of natural populations, experimental crosses, and common garden trials, we tested the hypothesis that hybrid cottonwoods (Populus fremontii × P. angustifolia) from the Weber River in northern Utah would produce as many viable offspring as their parental species. We found that both F(1) generations and backcross generations can be just as fit as the parent taxa. First, F(1) hybrids produced as many viable seed as P. angustifolia (but less than P. fremontii), and backcross genotypes produced as many viable seeds as both parent taxa. Second, hybrids produced nearly two times as many ramets from root sprouts as P. angustifolia and four times as many ramets as P. fremontii. Third, the high mortality of germinated seedlings of all tree types (i.e., >90%) and very low mortality of asexually derived ramets provide hybrids with equal sexual reproduction and enhanced asexual reproduction, especially since backcross hybrids exhibit transgressive segregation in ramet production. Our findings suggest that the introgression of P. fremontii seed traits into the hybrid genome is responsible for their equivalent performance (at least to one parent) in sexual reproduction, while the contributions of asexual traits from P. angustifola results in hybrids having equal or greater fitness.  相似文献   

Aim The southern European peninsulas (Iberian, Italian and Balkan) are considered to have been refugia for many European species of plants and animals during the climatic extremes of the Pleistocene ice ages. A number of recent studies (fossil and genetic), however, have provided evidence for full‐glacial survival of some species beyond these peninsulas. Here we explore the biogeographical traits of these species, and ask whether they possessed certain characteristics that enabled them to persist in more northerly refugia. Location Europe. Methods Fossil and genetic evidence for refugial localities of species that survived in Europe during the last full‐glacial was obtained from the literature (totalling 90 species: 34 woody plants and 56 vertebrates). Forty‐seven of these species (23 woody plants and 24 vertebrates) had fossil evidence, whereas the remaining 43 species (11 woody plants and 32 vertebrates) had only genetic evidence. All species were scored according to their present geographical distribution, habitat preference and life‐history traits. The species were classified on the basis of these traits using hierarchical cluster analysis. Analysis of similarities was used to examine differences in vertebrate and woody plant species groups that survived only in southerly refugia and those that also persisted in more northerly locations. Non‐metric multi‐dimensional scaling was used to examine patterns observed between and within groups. Results Results from our analysis of species with fossil and genetic evidence for survival in refugia reveal that species that survived only in southerly refugia were large‐seeded trees or thermophilous vertebrates. In contrast, species that had a full‐glacial distribution, including more northerly locations, were wind‐dispersed, habitat‐generalist trees with the ability to reproduce vegetatively, and habitat‐generalist mammals with present‐day northerly distributions. Main conclusions Analysis of the geographical distribution, habitat preference and life‐history traits of the species studied suggests that underlying biogeographical traits may have determined their response to Pleistocene glaciation. The traits most commonly found in present populations with a northerly distribution in Europe enabled the same species to exist much farther north than the southern European peninsulas during the full‐glacial. It is possible that many of these species are now in restricted populations, within the ‘warm‐stage’ refugia of the current interglacial. The northerly full‐glacial survival of a number of woody plants and vertebrate species has significant implications for understanding migration rates of these species in response to climate change. It also has important implications for understanding current patterns of genetic diversity of European species. We suggest that both fossil and genetic evidence should be used to identify and prioritize for conservation of refugial localities in southern and northern Europe.  相似文献   

Transgenic Research - An intended generalized ban on the “introduction and use of transgenic seeds” has been announced by the Mexican government, which, unlike the other agricultural...  相似文献   

The majority of coral reef goby species are short-lived, with some highly abundant species living less than 100 d. To understand the role and consequences of this extreme life history in shaping coral reef fish populations, we quantitatively documented the structure of small reef fish populations over a 26-month period (>14 short-lived fish generations) at an inshore reef on the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Most species with life spans >1 yr, such as pomacentrids, exhibited a peak in recruitment during the austral summer, driving seasonal changes in the small fish community composition. In contrast, there were no clear changes in goby community composition, despite the abundance of short-lived, high turnover species. Species of Eviota, the most abundant gobiid genus observed, showed remarkably similar demographic profiles year-round, with consistent densities of adults as well as recently recruited juveniles. Our results demonstrate ongoing recruitment of these small cryptic fishes, which appears to compensate for an exceptionally short life span on the reef. Our results suggest that gobiid populations are able to overcome demographic limitations, and by maintaining reproduction, larval survival and recruitment throughout the year, they may avoid population bottlenecks. These findings also underline the potential trophodynamic importance of these small species; because of this constant turnover, Eviota species and other short-lived fishes may be particularly valuable contributors to the flow of energy on coral reefs, underpinning the year-round trophic structure.  相似文献   

Much has been published on the application of genetically modified (GM) crops in Africa, but agricultural performance has hardly been addressed. This paper discusses the main consequences of GM crops on agricultural performance in Ethiopia. Three main criteria of performance - productivity, equitability and sustainability - are evaluated in the context of the Ethiopian agricultural sector. We conclude that the application of GM crops can improve the agricultural productivity and sustainability, whereas equitability cannot be stimulated and might even exacerbate the gap between socioeconomic classes. Before introducing GM crops to Ethiopian agriculture, regulatory issues should be addressed, public research should be fostered, and more ex ante values and socioeconomic studies should be included.  相似文献   

Divergent natural selection is considered an important force in plant evolution leading to phenotypic differentiation between populations exploiting different environments. Extending an earlier greenhouse study of population differentiation in the selfing annual plant Senecio vulgaris, we estimated the degree of population divergence in several quantitative traits related to growth and life history and compared these estimates with those based on presumably neutral molecular markers (amplified fragment length polymorphisms; AFLPs). This approach allowed us to disentangle the effects of divergent selection from that of other evolutionary forces (e.g. genetic drift). Five populations were examined from each of two habitat types (ruderal and agricultural habitats). We found a high proportion of total genetic variance to be among populations, both for AFLP markers (phiST = 0.49) and for quantitative traits (range of QST: 0.26-0.77). There was a strong correlation between molecular and quantitative genetic differentiation between pairs of populations (Mantel's r = 0.59). However, estimates of population differentiation in several quantitative traits exceeded the neutral expectation (estimated from AFLP data), suggesting that divergent selection contributed to phenotypic differentiation, especially between populations from ruderal and agricultural habitats. Estimates of within-population variation in AFLP markers and quantitative genetic were poorly correlated, indicating that molecular marker data may be of limited value to predict the evolutionary potential of populations of S. vulgaris.  相似文献   

Chu MH  Liu KL  Wu HY  Yeh KW  Cheng YS 《Planta》2011,234(2):243-254
Tarocystatin (CeCPI) from taro (Colocasia esculenta cv. Kaohsiung no. 1), a group-2 phytocystatin, shares a conserved N-terminal cystatin domain (NtD) with other phytocystatins but contains a C-terminal cystatin-like extension (CtE). The structure of the tarocystatin–papain complex and the domain interaction between NtD and CtE in tarocystatin have not been determined. We resolved the crystal structure of the phytocystatin–papain complex at resolution 2.03 Å. Surprisingly, the structure of the NtD–papain complex in a stoichiometry of 1:1 could be built, with no CtE observed. Only two remnant residues of CtE could be built in the structure of the CtE–papain complex. Therefore, CtE is easily digested by papain. To further characterize the interaction between NtD and CtE, three segments of tarocystatin, including the full-length (FL), NtD and CtE, were used to analyze the domain–domain interaction and the inhibition ability. The results from glutaraldehyde cross-linking and yeast two-hybrid assay indicated the existence of an intrinsic flexibility in the region linking NtD and CtE for most tarocystatin molecules. In the inhibition activity assay, the glutathione-S-transferase (GST)-fused FL showed the highest inhibition ability without residual peptidase activity, and GST-NtD and FL showed almost the same inhibition ability, which was higher than with NtD alone. On the basis of the structures, the linker flexibility and inhibition activity of tarocystatins, we propose that the overhangs from the cystatin domain may enhance the inhibition ability of the cystatin domain against papain.  相似文献   

This paper presents results from a research which analyzed the reporting on genetically modified crops and food in the Hungarian tabloids and political papers with the highest circulation from 1 May 2007 to 31 October 2009. Both quantitative and qualitative media analysis was conducted. It was found that in contrast to some Western countries the issue had low salience in the investigated period; it featured especially marginally in the tabloids. Two distinct valenced frames could be differentiated: a dominant ANTI-GM (Threat) frame – which was particularly frequent compared to what has been found for some other countries, and a minority PRO-GM (Advancement and Benefits) frame. Despite a range of similarities with what had been reported by previous research from some other countries, argumentation on the GMO topic in the Hungarian press had several distinct characteristics, one of which was the relative prominence of economic arguments against the technology.  相似文献   

The debate concerning genetically modified crops illustrates confusion between the role of scientists and that of wider society in regulatory decision making. We identify two fundamental misunderstandings, which, if rectified, would allow progress with confidence. First, scientific risk assessment needs to test well-defined hypotheses, not simply collect data. Second, risk assessments need to be placed in the wider context of risk analysis to enable the wider 'non-scientific' questions to be considered in regulatory decision making. Such integration and understanding is urgently required because the challenges to regulation will escalate as scientific progress advances.  相似文献   

Pathogens and parasites can be strong agents of selection, and often exhibit some degree of genetic specificity for individual host strains. Here we show that this host–pathogen specificity can affect the evolution of host life history traits. All else equal, evolution should select for genes that increase individuals' reproduction rates or lifespans (and thus total reproduction per individual). Using a simple host–pathogen model, we show that when the genetic specificity of pathogen infection is low, host strains with higher reproduction rates or longer lifespans drive slower-reproducing or shorter-lived host strains to extinction, as one would expect. However, when pathogens exhibit specificity for host strains with different life history traits, the evolutionary advantages of these traits can be greatly diminished by pathogen-mediated selection. Given sufficient host–pathogen specificity, pathogen-mediated selection can maintain polymorphism in host traits that are correlated with pathogen resistance traits, despite large intrinsic fitness differences among host strains. These results have two important implications. First, selection on host life history traits will be weaker than expected, whenever host fitness is significantly affected by genotype-specific pathogen attack. Second, where polymorphism in host traits is maintained by pathogen-mediated selection, preserving the genetic diversity of host species may require preserving their pathogens as well. This revised version was published online in November 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

In Part 2 we discuss application of several different types of UV–Vis spectroscopy, such as normal, difference, and second-derivative UV absorption spectroscopy, fluorescence spectroscopy, linear and circular dichroism spectroscopy, and Raman spectroscopy, of the side-chain of tyrosine residues in different molecular environments. We review the ways these spectroscopies can be used to probe complex protein structures.  相似文献   


The public debate about GM crops that took place in Britain in 2002–03 was an unprecedented experiment for the UK in public engagement. The Government, which sponsored the exercise, made a pledge: to take into account lay perspectives, as well as the views of its expert advisers, when making a decision about the possible commercialisation of this controversial technology. As officially accredited but independent evaluators of the debate, we were given unique behind-the-scenes access to the organisation and execution of the debate process. In this paper we report on our findings, which reveal a debate process that, whilst innovative, suffered from a number of important flaws: in terms of both design and implementation. These shortcomings in part reflect constraints on time and budget, and the context of political pressure in which the debate took place. However, they also demonstrated a lack of design knowledge and availability of appropriate expertise: matters with an important bearing on future plans for such initiatives.  相似文献   

A series of N-8 substituted analogs based upon the spiropiperidine core of the original lead compound 1 was synthesized. This lead has been elaborated to compounds to give compounds 2 and 3 (R = H) that exhibited high NOP binding affinity as well as selectivity against other known opioid receptors. These two series have been further functionalized at the amido nitrogen. The synthesis and structure–activity relationship (SAR) of these and related compounds are discussed.  相似文献   

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