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In nonhuman anthropoids, the anteroposterior (AP) diameters of the fetus are greater than the transverse (TR) diameters and the AP diameters of the pelvic planes are greater than the TR diameters: during labor, therefore, the fetus moves through the birth canal without changing position or orientation. In modern humans, the fetal head at term is encephalized and the fetal chest is flattened. The maternal pelvic inlet is flattened in an AP direction, the sacral promontory and the ischial spines are prominent. As a result, AP<TR at the inlet, but AP>TR at the midpelvis and outlet. In addition, the birth canal presents a marked sacral curvature in the AP direction. The human fetus successfully negotiates the birth canal because the three crucial fetal adaptations: (1) spheroidicity of the presenting part of the fetal head, which allows it to “roll” in the pelvis; (2) mobility of the head and chest in all directions; and (3) a capacity for cranial molding, which adapts fetal head dimensions to pelvic dimensions. The result is that the human fetal head and chest can perform multiple rotational movements in order to always present the greatest fetal diameters to the greatest pelvic diameters. Monkeys show a limited degree of encephalization and suffer from narrow TR pelvic diameters without any possibility of fetal adaptations as shown by humans. Apes also show some encephalization but, because of wider TR diameters in the pelvis, they achieve an easy delivery with no need of fetal adaptations.  相似文献   

Pelvic diameters (both anteroposterior [AP] and transverse [TR]) were investigated in a series of anthropoid primates. The ratio of diameters (AP/TR) in each of three pelvic planes (inlet, midpelvis, and outlet) was calculated. In addition to the above, the length of the iliac, pubic, and ischial axes and the angles between these axes were determined. The AP/TR ratio at the pelvic inlet is (reported in millimeters, +/- SD, unless otherwise specified) 1.81 +/- 0.27 in New World monkeys (Cebidae) and Macaca mulatta; 1.53 +/- 0.17 in hylobatids and pongids; 0.87 +/- 0.08 in Homo sapiens; and 0.58 in Australopithecus afarensis (AL 288-1). The AP/TR ratio in the midpelvis is 1.61 +/- 0.23 in nonhominid primates (Cebidae, M. mulatta, hylobatids, and pongids), 1.12 +/- 0.11 in humans, and 0.59 in AL 288-1. In monkeys (Cebidae and M. mulatta), hylobatids, pongids, H. sapiens, and AL 288-1, the ratios of the length of the pubic axis over the ischial axis were 0.84 +/- 0.06, 0.95 +/- 0.07, 1.10 +/- 0.15, and 1.46, respectively; the pubis-ilium angles were 96 +/- 11, 120 +/- 10, 131 +/- 11, and 147 degrees, respectively; and the ischium-pubis angles were 106 +/- 11, 86 +/- 8, 96 +/- 7, and 68 degrees, respectively. In none of these pelvic features was AL 288-1 "intermediate" between pongids and H. sapiens. The anatomical peculiarities of the pelvis in AL 288-1 are explained primarily as the result of early adaptation to erect posture, which resulted in the reduction of the distance between the sacroiliac joint and the hip joint. As a consequence, the sacral promontory moved toward the pubic symphysis, and this resulted in shortening of the AP diameter and widening of the TR diameter at the pelvic inlet.  相似文献   

Sacral curvature and supine posture   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sacral curvature (SC), represented by the angle between the first and the last sacral vertebrae, is a feature that differentiates the human pelvis from that of other animals. The sacral curvature was measured and studied in 14 cebids, 31 cercopithecids, 17 hylobatids, 85 pongids, 23 normal human children, 15 children with orthopedic handicaps, 49 normal adult human males, and 64 normal adult human females. Sacral curvature was minimal to nil in monkeys (mean 11.5 +/- 6 SD degrees), and moderate in apes (hylobatids, mean 16 +/- 10 SD degrees; pongids, mean 27.2 +/- 16 SD degrees). In human newborns SC is minimal, increasing progressively until adolescence, reaching a mean of 64.7 +/- 29 SD degrees in adult humans. This study investigates the different factors contributing to the formation of the sacral curvature. These factors include 1) the effect of erect posture, which tilts the upper part of the sacrum dorsally and the lower part of the sacrum ventrally, and 2) the influence of supine posture, which affects the development of the lower part of the sacrum. In addition to supine posture the levator ani, which is well developed in Homo sapiens, also affects the lower part of the sacrum and coccyx and influences its ventral orientation. Variation in SC can result from differences in onset and frequency of supine posture. This is the first time that supine posture has been shown to play a role in shaping the human pelvis, although it is as characteristic of H. sapiens as is erect posture.  相似文献   

Three pelves and eight innominate bones belonging to the fossil species, Australopithecus africanus, Australopithecus robustus, Homo erectus, and Homo sapiens, have been studied biometrically and compared with those of recent humans and apes. A new method of logarithmic factorial analysis suppresses both the size effects and the size reference on pelvic proportions. In combination with principal component analysis it allows specializations to be dissociated from allometrical variations. Some morphological differences on the hominid pelvis prove to be mainly allometric. However, the pelvic morphology of australopithecines is clearly differentiated from that of the genus Homo (including H. erectus, OH 28, KNMER 3227). A. africanus (Sts 14, MLD 7, AL 288) is nearer the humans than is A. robustus (SK 50, SK 3155), which appears to be more specialized in the australopithecine lineage. The pelvic morphology of A. africanus, as integrated with the articular pelvic-femoral link, appears to be biometrically equivalent to that of humans.  相似文献   

Recently, interest has peaked regarding the posture of extinct hominins. Here, we present a new method of reconstructing lordosis angles of extinct hominin specimens based on pelvic morphology, more specifically the orientation of the sacrum in relation to the acetabulum (pelvic incidence). Two regression models based on the correlation between pelvic incidence and lordosis angle in living hominoids have been developed. The mean values of the calculated lordosis angles based on these models are 36°?45° for australopithecines, 45°?47° for Homo erectus, 27°?34° for the Neandertals and the Sima de los Huesos hominins, and 49°?51° for fossil H. sapiens. The newly calculated lordosis values are consistent with previously published values of extinct hominins (Been et al.: Am J Phys Anthropol 147 (2012) 64–77). If the mean values of the present nonhuman hominoids are representative of the pelvic and lumbar morphology of the last common ancestor between humans and nonhuman hominoids, then both pelvic incidence and lordosis angle dramatically increased during hominin evolution from 27° ± 5 to 22° ± 3 (respectively) in nonhuman hominoids to 54° ± 10 and 51° ± 11 in modern humans. This change to a more human‐like configuration appeared early in the hominin evolution as the pelvis and spines of both australopithecines and H. erectus show a higher pelvic incidence and lordosis angle than nonhuman hominoids. The Sima de los Huesos hominins and Neandertals show a derived configuration with a low pelvic incidence and lordosis angle. Am J Phys Anthropol 154:307–314, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The study reports a reconstruction of the sacrum in STS 14 based on extrapolation from the measurements of the first two sacral vertebrae of STS 14 and of the angle formed by the anterior surfaces of their vertebral bodies. Reconstruction is based on comparisons of, and extrapolation from, sacra of Pan troglodytes, Homo sapiens, and Australopithecus afarensis. The reconstructed sacrum has an anterior sacral curvature of 39°. The two ossa coxae were also completed by mirror imaging of one side by the other. With the pelvis completely reconstructed, the pelvic dimensions for the antero-posterior (AP) diameters of the pelvic inlet, midpelvis, and pelvic outlet are 85, 68, and 69 mm and the corresponding transverse (TR) diameters are 109, 88, and 103 mm, respectively. The posterior sagittal diameters in the three pelvic planes are small compared to the anterior sagittal diameters. This analysis indicates that the STS 14 pelvis is platypelloid in the three pelvic planes; i.e., all the AP diameters are smaller than the corresponding TR diameters. This makes the STS 14 pelvis similar to that to Al 288-1, save for a less pronounced degree of platypelloidy at the inlet in the former. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Tooth components of deciduous molars were measured from standardized radiographs of Homo sapiens sapiens and Homo sapiens neanderthalensis. Enamel height and width were greater in deciduous teeth of Homo sapiens sapiens than in Homo sapiens neanderthalensis and the differences were statistically significant (p less than 0.01). Dentin height showed no significant differences between the two groups, but enamel to floor of pulp chamber and pulp height and width dimensions were significantly greater in Homo sapiens neanderthalensis. Discriminant analysis carried out between groups, using deciduous tooth components, showed an accuracy of 98-100% for identification of Homo sapiens sapiens and 83-92% for identification of Homo sapiens neanderthalensis. The results obtained in this study on dental dimensions support the hypothesis of a distinct evolutionary line for Neanderthals.  相似文献   

Changes in pelvic shape in human ontogeny and hominid phylogeny suggest that the heterochronic processes involved differ greatly from the neotenic process traditionally described in the evolution of the skull. The morphology of 150 juvenile and adult pelves of African apes, 60 juvenile and adult pelves of modern humans, two adult pelves and a juvenile hip bone of australopithecines (Sts 14, AL 288, MLD 7) was studied. Multivariate results, ontogenetic allometries, and growth curves confirm that the pelvic growth pattern in humans differs markedly from those of the African apes. The results permit the following conclusions. First, the appearance of a new feature (acetabulo-cristal buttress and cristal tubercle) at the time of human birth allows the addition of traits, such as the attainment of a proportionally narrower pelvis, with more sagittally positioned iliac blades. Pelvic proportions and orientation change progressively in early childhood as bipedalism is practiced. Other changes in pelvic proportions occur later with the adolescent growth spurt. Second, comparison of juvenile and adult australopithecines to modern humans indicates that 1) some pelvic traits of adult Australopithecus resemble those of neonate Homo; 2) the pelvic growth of Australopithecus was probably closer to that of apes, than to that of humans; and 3) prolonged growth in length of hindlimb and pelvis after sexual maturity seems to be a unique feature of Homo. The position of the acetabulo-cristal buttress and of the cristal tubercle on the ilium are similar in adult Australopithecus and neonate Homo suggesting that this feature may have been displaced later during hominid evolution. Progressive displacement of the acetabulo-cristal buttress on the ilium occurs both during hominid evolution (from Australopithecus to Homo sapiens) and human growth (from neonate to adult). This suggests peramorphic evolution of the pelvic morphology of hominids combining three processes of recapitulation (pre-displacement, acceleration and time hypermorphosis). The results lend credence to the hypothesis that no single heterochronic process accounts for all human evolutionary change; rather this reflects a combination of relative changes in growth rhythm and duration, including other perturbations, such as the appearance of new morphological features. Am J Phys Anthropol 105:441–459, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The renewed excavations at the Kebara Cave revealed a Neanderthal skeleton dated at about 50-55,000 years B.P. The pelvis of this individual is the most intact Neanderthal pelvis yet discovered, presenting for the first time a complete inlet. Although the superior pubic ramus is extremely long, as typically seen in the Neanderthals, the size of the pelvic inlet is comparable to that of modern Homo sapiens. The length of the superior pubic ramus is found to stem from a more externally rotated innominate bone and not, as generally assumed, from the larger pelvic inlet. It is suggested that the uniqueness of the Neanderthal pelvis may be attributable to locomotion and posture-related biomechanics rather than to obstetric requirements.  相似文献   

摘要 目的:探讨实时三维盆底超声对产后压力性尿失禁(SUI)患者疗效评估作用及与尿动力学的相关性。方法:选择2020年4月至2022年12月石家庄市人民医院收治的139例产后SUI患者,均接受盆底生物反馈电刺激联合盆底肌锻炼治疗。治疗前后分别进行实时三维盆底超声检查和尿动力学检查。比较治疗前后实时三维盆底超声参数、尿动力学指标差异。Pearson法分析实时三维盆底超声参数与尿动力学指标的相关性。结果:实时三维盆底超声图像特征显示:治疗前盆膈裂孔内的结构疏松,回声变弱,盆腔器官结缔组织疏松,间隙增宽,盆膈裂孔面积、尿道旋转角、膀胱尿道后角以及膀胱颈移动度较大;治疗后盆膈裂孔两侧耻骨直肠肌对称,耻骨内脏肌呈带状高回声,盆膈裂孔面积、尿道旋转角、膀胱尿道后角以及膀胱颈移动度较治疗前降低。产后SUI患者治疗后静息状态和Valsalva状态下盆膈裂孔面积、尿道旋转角、膀胱尿道后角、膀胱颈移动度均较治疗前降低(P<0.05),腹压漏尿点压、最大逼尿肌压力均较治疗前增加(P<0.05)。产后SUI患者静息状态和Valsalva状态下盆膈裂孔面积、尿道旋转角、膀胱尿道后角、膀胱颈移动度与最大逼尿肌压力、腹压漏尿点压呈负相关(P<0.05),与最大膀胱容量和残余尿量无关(P>0.05)。结论:产后SUI患者经盆底生物反馈电刺激联合盆底肌锻炼治疗后实时三维盆底超声参数较治疗前降低,与尿动力学改善有关。临床可通过实时三维盆底超声检查,对产后SUI患者进行临床疗效评价,以指导临床治疗。  相似文献   

The articular facet of a superior articular process of the sacrum is directed backward, inward, and upward with marked variations. 4 angles characterize the orientation of this facet: a) The relative angle of tilt: i.e. the angle between the articular facet and the upper end-plate of the sacrum, measured in a sagittal plane. b) The absolute angle of tilt: i.e. the angle between the articular facet and the horizontal plane, measured in a sagittal plane. c) The tilted part-angle of opening: i.e. the angle between the articular facet and the sagittal plane, measured in a plane parallel to the upper end-plate of the sacrum. d) The horizontal part-angle of opening: i.e. the angle between the articular facet and the sagittal plane, measured in a horizontal plane. These 4 angles are determined by characteristic straights within the articular facet and certain reference planes (upper end-plate of the sacrum, horizontal plane, sagittal plane). Only 2 intersecting straights suffice for an adequate determination of a geometrical plane; therefore, if we know the relative angle of tilt and the tilted part-angle of opening, we are able to construct or to calculate the absolute angle of tilt as well as the horizontal part-angle of opening by using the range of inclination of the sacrum. The shape as well as the orientation of the articular facets at the superior articular processes of the sacrum do not depend on the inclination of the pelvis nor on the inclination of the sacrum nor on the range of the lumbosacral angle. Only the absolute angle of tilt shows a reference to the inclination of the sacrum because the relative angle of tilt shows a certain constancy. The orientation of the articular facets is slightly influenced by static moments, but considerably determined by dynamical requirements. At spines with irregular numbers of praesacral vertebrae, the orientation of the lumbosacral articular facets do not differ from the orientation of these facets at spines with the regular number of 24 praesacral vertebrae. This, however, does not prove right at spines, that have a lumbosacral "transitional vertebra". Such lumbosacral transitional vertebrae detract much from the stability of the lumbosacral region of the spine.  相似文献   

It is argued that Homo sapiens is a habitual rather than a facultative meat eater. Quantitative similarity of human gut morphology to guts of carnivorous mammals, preferential absorption of haem rather than iron of plant origin, and the exclusive use of humans as the definitive host by Taenia saginata and the almost complete human specificity of T. solium are used to support the argument.  相似文献   

Upper Pleistocene human fossil and archeological evidence from the Levant and western Asia indicates continuity over the Middle/Upper Paleolithic transition and the transition from archaic to modern Homo sapiens. It also indicates that these transitions did not coincide with each other in time. Both data sets are examined in light of recent claims from molecular biology invoked by replacement advocates in support of the position that morphologically modern humans develop (or arrive) first in the Levant, coexist with archaic Homo sapiens, and then displace or extirpate archaic Homo sapiens. Replacement models that assume no admixture are not supported by the archeological or the human paleontological evidence. Those who would argue for replacement without gene flow must show how it could have occurred without leaving traces of disjunction in the typological and technological aspects of Levantine archeological assemblages, in those aspects of the archeofaunal record that monitor subsistence, and in the evidence from settlement pattern studies.  相似文献   

The position, in a pelvis-embedded anatomical coordinate system, of skin points located over the following anatomical landmarks (AL) was determined while the hip assumed different spatial postures: right and left anterior superior and posterior superior iliac spines, and the sacrum. Postures were selected as occurring during walking and during a flexion–extension and circumduction movement, as used to determine the hip joint centre position (star-arc movement). Five volunteers, characterised by a wide range of body mass indices (22–37), were investigated. Subject-specific MRI pelvis digital bone models were obtained. For each posture, the pose of the pelvis-embedded anatomical coordinate system was determined by registering this bone model with points digitised over bony prominences of the pelvis, using a wand carrying a marker-cluster and stereophotogrammetry. The knowledge of how the position of the skin points varies as a function of the hip posture provided information regarding the soft tissue artefact (STA) that would affect skin markers located over those points during stereophotogrammetric movement analysis. The STA was described in terms of amplitude (relative to the position of the AL during an orthostatic posture), diameter (distance between the positions of the AL which were farthest away from each other), and pelvis orientation. The STA amplitude, exhibited, over all postures, a median [inter-quartile] value of 9[6] and 16[11] mm, for normal and overweight volunteers, respectively. STA diameters were larger for the star-arc than for the walking postures, and the direction was predominantly upwards. Consequent errors in pelvic orientation were in the range 1–9 and 4–11 degrees, for the two groups respectively.  相似文献   

This study uses the two developmental fields of dental maturation and femoral growth to determine if the pattern of growth and development in Neandertals (archaic Homo sapiens) was intermediate between that of Homo erectus and recent modern humans. Specimens used in the analysis included Neandertals and Upper Palaeolithic early modern Homo sapiens from Europe and individuals from two recent modern human populations. Ontogenetic data for the H. erectus adolescent KNM-WT 15000 and for Gorilla gorilla were included for comparison. Previous reports have indicated that H. erectus demonstrates a pattern of ontogeny characterized by earlier and more rapid linear growth than in modern humans. Results reported here demonstrate that Upper Paleolithic early modern Homo sapiens display a growth trajectory indistinguishable from that of recent modern humans. The pattern of Neandertal ontogeny is not intermediate between the pattern displayed in H. erectus and the derived pattern seen in the modern reference samples and the early modern H. sapiens sample. The Neandertal growth trajectory is consistent with either slow linear growth or advanced dental development.  相似文献   

Although the anuran pelvis is thought to be adapted for jumping, the function of the iliosacral joint has seen little direct study. Previous work has contrasted the basal “ lateral‐bender ” pelvis from the “ rod‐like ” pelvis of crown taxa hypothesized to function as a sagittal hinge to align the trunk with take‐off forces. We compared iliosacral movements and pelvic motor patterns during jumping in the two pelvic types. Pelvic muscle activity patterns, iliosacral anteroposterior (AP) movements and sagittal bending of the pelvis during the take‐off and landing phases were quantified in lateral bender taxa Ascaphus (Leiopelmatidae) and Rhinella (Bufonidae) and the rod‐like Lithobates (Ranidae). All three species exhibit sagittal extension during take‐off, therefore, both pelvic types employ a sagittal hinge. However, trunk elevation occurs significantly earlier in the anuran rod‐like pelvis. Motor patterns confirm that the piriformis muscles depress the urostyle while the longissimus dorsi muscles elevate the trunk during take‐off. However, the coccygeoiliacus muscles also produce anterior translation of the sacrum on the ilia. A new model illustrates how AP translation facilitates trunk extension in the lateral‐bender anurans that have long been thought to have limited sagittal bending. During landing, AP translation patterns are similar because impact forces slide the sacrum from its posterior to anterior limits. Sagittal flexion during landing differs among the three taxa depending on the way the species land. AP translation during landing may dampen impact forces especially in Rhinella in which pelvic function is tuned to forelimb‐landing dynamics. The flexibility of the lateral‐bender pelvis to function in sagittal bending and AP translation helps to explain the retention of this basal configuration in many anurans. The novel function of the rod‐like pelvis may be to increase the rate of trunk elevation relative to faster rates of energy release from the hindlimbs enabling them to jump farther. J. Morphol. 277:1539–1558, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

中国古人类牙齿尺寸演化特点及东亚直立人的系统地位   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:4  
刘武  杨茂有 《人类学学报》1999,18(3):176-192
对中国境内不同时代人类牙齿测量数据的发析显示,中国古人类牙齿尺寸的总体演化趋势与世界其它地区人类一致,呈缩小变化,其中一个表现特点是中国直立人与早期智人在牙齿尺寸上不差别不大,但作者根据对中国古人类化石形态特征,生存年代等方面的综合分析认为中国直立人在化石形态,生存年代等方面均与智人有明显的不同,取消直立人,将其并入智人意见的证据还是不够充分的,目前仍宜将直立人与智人作为人属内两个不同的种来看待,  相似文献   

We obtained electromyographic recordings from the supinator, biceps brachii, pronator quadratus, and pronator teres muscles of a chimpanzee and a gorilla and from the supinator, pronator quadratus, and biceps brachii muscles of an orangutan as they stood and walked quadrupedally on horizontal and inclined surfaces, engaged in suspensory behavior, reached overhead, and manipulated a variety of foods and artifacts. In Pan troglodytes and Pan gorilla, as in Homo sapiens, the supinator muscle is the prime supinator, with the biceps brachii muscle serving to augment speed or force of supination. Primary of the pronator quadratus muscle over the pronator teres muscle during pronation is less clear in the African apes than in humans. Possibly, pongid radial curvature or forelimb elongation or both factors are related to the somewhat different patterns of activity that we observed in the pronator muscles of Pan versus those reported for Homo sapiens. In Pongo pygmaeus, as in P. troglodytes and P. gorilla, the pronator quadratus muscle acts as a pronator and the supinator muscle acts to supinate the hand at the radioulnar joints. The biceps brachii muscle is active at low levels as the orangutan supinates its hand with the elbow flexed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to propose a new reconstruction of the australopithecine Sts 14 pelvis from original fossils. Digital models created from CT images allow us to perform mirroring operations, select valid regions after digital interposition, and reassemble parts. The key-element of the reconstruction is the sacroiliac joint, restored from right and left articular surfaces, which places of the pubic symphysis close to the sagittal plane. The complete pelvis is obtained by 3D model mirroring of hip-bone and sacrum. The present reconstruction of the Sts 14 pelvis is consistent with Schmid's (1983) [Folia Primatol. 40, 283-306, 1983] and Häusler and Schmid's A.L. 288-1 [J. Hum. Evol. 29, 363-383, 1995] pelvic reconstructions by illustrating a relatively platypelloid shape of the pelvic cavity and laterally inclined iliac blades. The pelvic morphology suggests that australopithecines had a less posteriorly tilted sacrum in erect posture than modern humans. As compared with Lovejoy's [Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. Suppl. 50, 460, 1979] A.L. 288-1 pelvic reconstruction, the less transversely flattened shape of the Sts 14 pelvic cavity led to obstetrical mechanics characterized as in humans by ante-ischiatic birth and a curved trajectory. We deduce a human-like movement of rotation and flexion of the fetal skull in the Sts 14 pelvic cavity.  相似文献   

Although the Neandertal locomotor system has been shown to differ from Homo sapiens, characteristics of Neandertal entheses, the skeletal attachments for muscles, tendons, ligaments and joint capsules, have never been specifically investigated. Here, we analyse lower limb entheses of the Krapina Neandertal bones (Croatia, 130,000 BP) with the aim of determining how they compare with modern humans, using a standard developed by our research group for describing modern human entheseal variability. The entheses examined are those of the gluteus maximus, iliopsoas and vastus medialis on the femur, the quadriceps tendon on the patella, and soleus on the tibia. For the entheses showing a different morphological pattern from H. sapiens, we discuss the possibility of recognising genetic versus environmental causes. Our results indicate that only the gluteus maximus enthesis (the gluteal tuberosity), falls out of the modern human range of variation. It displays morphological features that could imply histological differences from modern humans, in particular the presence of fibrocartilage. In both H. sapiens and the Krapina Neandertals, the morphological pattern of this enthesis is the same in adult and immature femurs. These results can be interpreted in light of genetic differences between the two hominins. The possibility of functional adaptations to higher levels of mechanical load during life in the Neandertals seems less likely. The particular morphology and large dimensions of the Krapina enthesis, and perhaps its fibrocartilaginous nature, could have been selected for in association with other pelvic and lower limb characteristics, even if genetic drift cannot be ruled out.  相似文献   

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